What is Test Anxiety? - Clackamas Community College

What is Test Anxiety?
Test anxiety is excessive stress that
hinders a person’s ability to
perform well before or during a
~ Essential Study Skills, 6th ed., Linda Wong, 2009.
Presented by: John Lewis, PE
Chair, Engineering Department
Clackamas C. College
Physical Symptoms of Test Anxiety
 Rapid
 Upset stomach
 Tight/tense muscles
 Headache
 Clammy palms
 Shakiness
Emotional Symptoms of Test
 Anger
 Frustration
 Irritable
 Fatigue
 Depression
Feelings of hopelessness or lack of control
 “Fight or flight”
 Anxious, nervous,
Cognitive Symptoms of Test
 Confusion,
 Poor
 Inaccurate or
limited recall
 Impulsive
 Negative selftalk
 “Going blank”
Behavioral Symptoms of Test
 Crying
 Procrastination
 Shaky
 Aggressive behavior
Dealing with Test Anxiety
Test anxiety is a learned behavior.
As such, it can be unlearned.
If you experience test anxiety,
begin by asking yourself, “What is
the source of my anxiety?”
Sources of Test Anxiety
 Cramming
the night before
 Ineffective study habits
 Procrastination
 Poor test taking skills
Sources of Test Anxiety
Worrying about:
 Past
performance on exams
 How friends and other students
are doing
Strategies to Use Before a Test
During the 5-10 days leading up to the
test, take at least 10-15 minutes per day
to study. “Study Daily !”
Use mnemonics—memory tricks--to help
you remember key information.
When you study, rewrite and reorganize
the information you need to know.
Strategies to Use
Before a Test
Quiz yourself on the
information or have a
study partner quiz you.
Visualize yourself taking
the exam in the actual
room in which you will be
taking it.
Better yet, visit the place
where you will be taking
your State Exam.
H & R Block Portland
H & R Block Eugene
H & R Block Klamath Falls
H & R Block Medford
H & R Block Salem
Sylvan Learning Center Bend
Kennewick, Vancouver, WA
Boise, ID
Strategies to Use During a Test
 Use
relaxation techniques to calm
yourself down.
 Use positive self-talk.
 Use “data dumping”
Write down everything you can remember that relates
to this test question.
Strategies to Use During a Test
 Read
through the entire test and
answer the hardest questions first.
This may not be possible on the
Computer Administered Exam.
 Read directions carefully.
 Highlight key words in questions.
Test Anxiety: When to get help!
When you’ve already tried a variety of
techniques to calm your mind and body and
they don’t work, get help.
If you become withdrawn, have frequent
thoughts about death or suicide, get
depressed and stay depressed for more than
a few days, or have prolonged feelings of
hopelessness, talk with your spouse, see a
counselor or even your doctor.