N E W Z E ALAND ADVER TI SI N G A UDI O V I SUA L GA MI NG & MOB I LE A P P S P RO D UCTION MUSIC R A TE C A R D 201 4 Production Music Enquiries 0800 69 2772 [email protected] www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm APRA AMCOS New Zealand Office Unit 113, Zone 23, 21-23 Edwin St, MT Eden Auckland 1024 PO BOX 6315, Wellesley St, Auckland 1141 A UDI O MUSI C ON HOLD T V PER EPIS O D E FL A T FEES TV & RADIO PROGRAMMES FIL MS & T R A IL ER S A DVERTISING AUDI O VI SUAL GAM I NG & MOB I LE A P P S A UDI O MUSI C ON HOLD TV P E R E P I SODE FLAT FEES T V & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES A DVERTI S ING FIL MS & T R A IL ER S PM S U PPL IER S RATES AVAILABLE F O R: •International Broadcast Territories e.g. USA All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. •In-flight & infomercials •Combined territories eg AU + NZ LICENCE CODE REG I ONA L M ET L OW M ET H I G H N A T IO N A L Free to Air Television Transmission ATF $58.00 $122.00 $183.00 $319.00 Pay Television Transmission ATP $55.00 $111.00 $166.00 $288.00 All Television Transmission (Free to Air and Pay) ATA $87.00 $187.00 $279.00 $485.00 Free to Air Radio ARF $31.00 $60.00 $94.00 $157.00 Outdoor (e.g. played at a football stadium) AOPE $58.00 $122.00 $183.00 $319.00 Instore (e.g. played on an instore display) AOPI $31.00 $60.00 $94.00 $157.00 Cinema Advertisements AOC $31.00 $60.00 $94.00 $157.00 Advertisements on digital platforms only AD L IC E N C E C A T E GOR Y T E LE V IS IO N RA DIO P U B LIC LO CA T IO N CINE MA O NLINE Branded/Sponsorship content ABD UN I T R A T E UN I T R A T E UN I T R A T E $154.00 for all territories $78.00 per track/per production Campaign/Series capped at $715.00 • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity D I S COUNTS C A M PA I G N D I S C OU N T S Apply if you are producing a series as part of one advertising campaign, across all broadcast mediums and territories, provided they are all licenced at the same time. 20% - 4-6 Ads in the campaign 25% - 7-9 Ads in the campaign 30% - 10+ Ads in the campaign 50% TA G EN D I N G C H A N G E All rates include online and digital platforms. • All figures are excluding GST UNIT RATE Please see page 7 for defined terms and territory definitions. DID YOU KNOW? There is up to 800,000 production music tracks available across all styles & genres. Please see Page 8 or our suppliers list. Where a series of advertisements are produced and the only variation is the end line “tag ending” (e.g. “starts Monday, starts tomorrow”), the licence may be charged at 50% of the applicable rate, multiplied by the number of versions. This concession will only be granted for tag changes on ads licensed for the same broadcast area, and approved by the Production Music Department. •‘CUT DOWN’ discounts available. Please contact the PM department for further information NE W ZE ALAND For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 2 A U D IO VIS U A L ADVERTISING GAMI NG & MOB I LE A P P S A UDI O MUSI C ON HOLD TV P E R E P I SODE FLA T FEES AU D I O V I S U A L Looping Production Music ‘Infinitely Looped’ music is charged at FOUR TIMES the relevant royalty rate. All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production. Audio Visual Rates are cleared for World all Territories. ONL I NE S TREA M I NG CO R PO R A T E N O N PRO MO T IO NAL Licence Code P R O MO T IO NAL Licence Code R E T A IL SA L E ADVERTISING AUDI O VI SUAL UN I T R A T E VND H A RD COPY / FL A T FEE - H A RD COPY D OWNL OA D / D OWNL OA D UN I T R A T E VNH VNF $20.00 $27.00 $398.00 VPD VPH VPF $26.00 $34.00 $505.00 Licence Code Please see page 7 for defined terms and territory definitions. 1/2 Hour 1 Hour 90 Minutes $41.00 $500.00 $900.00 $1,300.00 G A M I N G & M O B I L E A PPS A UDI O All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production. Gaming & Mobile App Rates are cleared for World all Territories. LICENCE CODE UNI T RA TE FL A T FEE Online & Apps VGD $51.00 $550.00 Video (Console) Games VGH $200.00** $10,000.00 FIL MS & T R A IL ER S PM S U PPL IER S RATES AVAILABLE F O R: •In-flight programming •Advertisements on videos & DVD •Premium content DID YOU KNOW? Rates allow unlimited copies manufactured per production. • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All figures are excluding GST RVH UNIT RATE NE W ZE ALAND ‘Finitely Looped’ production music is charged at 50% of the standard rate. FL A T FEE MUSIC ON HOLD GA MI N G & M OB ILE A PPS L IC E N C E C A TE GOR Y T V & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity All rates include online and digital platforms. TV PER EPISODE FLAT FEES TV & RADIO PROGRAMMES FIL MS & T R A IL ER S PM S U PPL IER S • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All figures are excluding GST • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity All rates include online and digital platforms. ** Rate is per finished minute. For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 3 ADVE RTISING AU DI O VI SUAL GAM I N G & M OBI LE AP P S AUD I O TV P E R E P I SODE FLA T FE E S ONL I NE S TREA M I NG H A RD COPY / D OWNL OA D UND UNH UNF $12.00 $15.00 $230.00 UPD UPH UPF $15.00 $19.00 $291.00 UN I T R A T E Licence Category Licence Category P RO MO T IO NAL MUSI C ON HOLD T V & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production. Audio Rates are cleared for World all Territories. N O N - R E T A IL N ON PRO MO T IO NAL AU DI O To be licensed under these rates, audio productions containing production music must consist mostly of spoken words. The use of the production music must be strictly incidental to the overall content of the production eg. a comedy album where the production music is background to skits. UN I T R A T E FIL MS & T R A IL ER S PM S U PPL IER S RA TES A RE AVA I L A B L E FOR: FL A T FEE - H A RD COPY / D OWNL OA D • Audio Premium Content • Podcast / Vodcast • DID YOU KNOW? RVH licence code (page 3) includes audio productions for retail sale. Please see page 7 for defined terms and territory definitions. Audio productions for retail sale, and are streamed or available for download on a digital platform, primarily for the commercial exploitation of the music, are specifically excluded and cannot be cleared under these rates. Please contact the Production Music department if you have any questions regarding this use. • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All figures are excluding GST • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity All rates include online and digital platforms. ADVE RTISING AU DI O VI SUAL GAM I N G & M OBI LE AP P S A UDI O M USIC ON HOLD MU S I C ON HOLD All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. Music On Hold Rates are cleared for World all Territories. LIC E N C E C AT E GOR Y Music On Hold LICENCE CODE UNI T RA TE H $12.00 NE W Z E ALAND TV P E R E P I SODE FL A T FEES T V & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES FIL MS & T R A IL ER S PM S U PPL IER S Users of APRA AMCOS controlled Production Music will also need an OneMusic, Music on Hold Licence for the communication of those works on their telephone system. Call 0800 69 2772 or visit www.onemusicnz.com for more information. • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All figures are excluding GST • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 4 ADVERTISING AUDIO VISUAL GAMING & MOBILE APPS AUDIO MUSIC ON HOLD TV PER EPISODE FLAT FEES T V P ER EP ISODE FLA T FEES FLAT FEES clear unlimited use of Production Music, per episode C LE A R A N C E L ENG TH OF P ROG RA M M E N EW Z E ALAND CLE AR AN CES A D DIT IO NA L A LL ME DIA 30 Min 60 Min 90 Min Free to Air Television Transmission $475.00 $725.00 $1,025.00 Pay Television Transmission $390.00 $600.00 $800.00 All Television Transmission (Free to Air and Pay) $675.00 $1,000.00 $1,350.00 + Australia $400.00 $600.00 $800.00 + World $1,500.00 $2,250.00 $3,000.00 World $2,650.00 $3,650.00 $4,650.00 T V & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES FIL MS & T R A IL ER S NEGOTIABLE RATES AVAILABLE FOR A SERIES. CONTACT THE PM DEPT FOR MORE INFORMATION. PM S U PPL IER S RA TES A RE AVA I L A B L E FOR: •Specific international territories available •Web series rates available Please see page 7 for territory definitions and TV defined terms. DID YOU KNOW? There is up to 800,000 production music tracks available across all styles & genres. Please see Page 8 for our suppliers list. All rates include online and digital platforms. ADVERTISING AUDIO VISUAL GAMING & MOBILE APPS AUDIO MUSIC ON HOLD TV PER EPISODE FLAT FEES TV & RADIO PROGRAMMES UNIT FEES FILMS & TRAILERS PM S U PPL IER S T V & RAD IO PROGRA MMES U NIT FE E S All rates are per 30 seconds (unit) unless otherwise specified. L IC E N C E C A T E GOR Y T ELE V IS IO N LICENCE CODE REG I ONA L M ET L OW M E T H IG H N A T IO N A L Free to Air Television Transmission PTF $17.00 $27.00 $28.00 $30.00 • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) Pay Television Transmission PTP $16.00 $24.00 $25.00 $27.00 • All figures are excluding GST All Television Transmission (Free to Air and Pay) PTA $24.00 $40.00 $41.00 $44.00 • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity PRF $11.00 $14.00 $15.00 $18.00 LIC E N C E C A TE GOR Y R ADIO Free to Air Radio Transmission All rates include online and digital platforms. NE W Z E ALAND For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 5 ADVE RTISING AU DI O VI SUAL GAM I N G & M OBI LE A P P S F I L MS A UDI O MUSI C ON HOLD TV P E R E P I SODE FLA T FE E S TV & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES PER UNIT - Per 30 secs or part thereof. FLAT FEE - Clears the unlimited use of PM - per production. FILM S PM S U PPL IER S Please see page 7 for defined terms and territory definitions. RA TE FOR A L L TERRI TORI ES L I C E N C E C A T E GOR Y F EAT U RE F ILM S HO RT F ILMS L I CENCE COD E P ER UNI T FL A T FEE Budget up to $250,000.00 FC1 $250.00 $2,500.00 Budget up to $750,000.00 FC2 $400.00 $4,500.00 Budget $1 Million + FC3 $500.00 $6,000.00 Film Festivals Only FF $200.00 $2,000.00 Film Festivals - All Media FSA $150.00 $800.00 Film Festivals Only FSF $38.00 Online Only FD $28.00 • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) • All figures are excluding GST • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity $250.00 All rates include online and digital platforms. ADVE RTISING AU DI O VI SUAL GAM I N G & M OBI LE A P P S T RA I L ERS L IC E N C E C A T E GOR Y F ILM T RA ILE R A UDI O MUSI C ON HOLD TV P E R E P I SODE FLA T FE E S TV & R A D IO PR O G R A MMES • All figures are excluding GST NEW ZEA L A ND NZ & A US WO R LD AAT $1,052.00 $1,578.00 $3,157.00 Cinema Only AOT $316.00 $421.00 $1,052.00 Online Only AOTD • All licences issued are cleared in perpetuity $215.00 All rates include online and digital platforms. NE W Z E ALAND PM S U PPL IER S • All productions are subject to an $11.00 processing fee (per territory, per licence category) Trailer rates per track (not per unit) LICENCE CODE All Media TRA ILERS For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 6 D EF I N E D T E RMS & T E RR ITOR Y DEFIN ITION S D E F I N E D T E RMS Flat Fee: Clears unlimited use of production music per production. All Media: All media refers collectively to mass media technologies: Television, film, radio, the Internet, digital platforms & storage media formats (DVD, USB, etc.). Digital: Encompasses online streaming and downloading of media in all formats. Download: To transfer data or programs from a server or host computer to one’s own computer or digital device. Online Streaming: Also referred to as Internet streaming. It is multimedia constantly received by an end-user and delivered by a streaming provider. This is delivered by an audio-visual or audio production public announcement designed or intended to promote or encourage the purchase, use or support of goods and services. This includes programme promos or station identification. A DVE R T I S I N G : PAGE 2 Advertisement (i.e. AD, ATA, ATF, ATP,ARF, AOPE, AOPI, AOC): An audio-visual or audio production as a public announcement designed or intended to promote or encourage the purchase, use or support of goods and services. This includes programme promos or station identification. Branded/Sponsorship Content (i.e. ABD): Branded/Sponsorship Content is highly branded and distributed as entertainment content. Primarily designed for online/digital platforms, this is also known as Long Form Advertising. Long form advertisements can range from two to ten minutes. It is also substantive and rich in information about the product and/or service being promoted. Digital (i.e. VND, VPD, UND, UPD): Encompasses both online streaming and downloading of media in all formats. Campaign: A coordinated series of linked advertisements with a single idea or theme. An advertising campaign is typically broadcast through several media channels. It usually focuses on common themes and one or several brands or products. It mainly is directed at a particular segment of the population. Download (i.e. VNH, VPH, UNH, UPH): To transfer data or programs from a server or host computer to one’s own computer or digital device. Community Service Announcement (CSA): An audio-visual or audio production designed or intended to inform the public of matters of public interest. It is transmitted to the public for no fee or other consideration. It does not promote the use of particular goods or services or solicit the sponsorship of any organisation. Rates for bona fide CSA’s are available on application and are subject to the completion of a signed warranty. Contact the Production Music Department. Infomercial (i.e. ATI): Segments within or an entire programme which a broadcaster receives payment or other valuable consideration and which directly promotes goods or services offered to viewers for sale during the segment or programme. AUDIO VISUAL/AUDIO: PAGE 3 & 4 Audio Visual Production: A disc, tape or other device in which sounds and images or text are embedded. This includes audio productions containing electronic signals designed to control or trigger the representation of images, such as slides, computer graphics and images contained on a CD-ROM. NE W ZE ALAND Audio Production: A disc, tape or other storage device in which sounds are embedded. Flat Fee (VNF, VPF) : Clears unlimited use of production music, per production. constantly received by an end-user delivered by a streaming provider over a network connection. This media can be in the form of audio or video. E.g YouTube or Vimeo. TV & R A D I O P R O GR A M M E S: P A GE 5 Programme: A television/radio programme also called television/radio show, are segments of content intended for broadcast on television/radio. It may be a one-time production or part of a periodically recurring series. F I L M & TR A I L E R S: P A GE 6 For Sale and/or Rental: Means a fee is charged to the audience or individual to whom the production is directed or distributed, specifically to view or listen to the production. Film: Film encompasses individual motion pictures, and the motion picture industry. Films are produced by recording images with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or special effects. Looping: Where a piece of music (the initial reproduction) is reproduced repeatedly in a non-stop, continuous fashion for a predetermined or indeterminate number of times. Trailer: A trailer or preview is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future. Premium: An audio-visual or audio production produced as a promotion or incentive provided free of charge. TERRITORY DEFINITIONS Production: An audio-visual or audio production identified by a unique title and/or number applicable only to those audio-visual or audio productions with identical content. Regional: Covers all of New Zealand, but excludes Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. Promotional: Drawing the attention of the public or a targeted audience, to a product, service, person, organisation or line of conduct, in a manner which intends to promote or oppose it for the intended audience. Met High (Metropolitan High): Covers Auckland Only. Online Streaming: Often referred to as Internet streaming. It is multimedia Met Low (Metropolitan Low): Covers ONE of Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin. National: All of New Zealand. World: Covers all territories worldwide. If you require clearance for a specific territory, please contact us directly on 0800 69 2772 or [email protected] For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 7 AMCO S CO N TR O LL ED PR ODUCTION MUS IC S UPP LIE R S Adrenalin Sounds Pty Ltd Beatbox Music Pty Ltd Big Bang & Fuzz Pty Ltd 32 Foord Ave Hurlstone Park NSW 2193 Ph: 02 8021 4430 Fx: 02 9559 4959 [email protected] www.adrenalinsounds.com PO Box 669 Pennant Hills NSW 2120 Ph: 02 9484 2321 Fx: 02 9484 7316 [email protected] www.beatboxmusic.com Suite 902, 2 - 14 Kings Cross Road Potts Point NSW 2011 Ph: 02 9326 9122 Fx: 02 9326 9166 [email protected] www.bigbangfuzz.com EMI Music Publishing Aust Pty Ltd Erwin Pitsch Publishing Locked Bag 7300 Darlinghurst NSW 1300 Ph: +61 2 9324 9661 Fx: +61 2 9324 9606 [email protected] www.emiproductionmusic.com.au PO BOX 1061 Macleay Island QLD 4184 www.ton.cc Fire Dragon Music Publishing Pty Ltd Fable Music Pty Ltd PO Box 1881 North Sydney NSW 2060 Ph: 0424 963 456 [email protected] www.firedragonmusic.com Suite 38, Level 1 Fawkner Towers, 431 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Ph: 03 9820 3111, Fx 03 9820 8711 [email protected] www.fablemusic.com.au Jingle Punks Music Pty Ltd Level 3, 655 New South Head Road Rose Bay, NSW 2029 Ph: 02 9388 3520 [email protected] www.jinglepunks.com/ facebook.com/jinglepunks, twitter.com/jinglepunks SHOUT! Music Publishing Ph: +61 2 8853 5373 Fx: +61 2 8846 4625 [email protected] www.shoutpublishing.com.au Sonic Dojo 247 Beaumont S Hamilton South NSW 2303 Ph: 02 4962 5242 [email protected] www.sonicdojo.com NE W Z E ALAND Extreme Music Suite 6.16, 55 Miller Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Ph: 02 9660 900 [email protected] www.extrememusic.com JL Music Group Pty Ltd 8 Windsor Avenue Magill SA 5072 Ph: 0411022516 [email protected] www.jlpublishing.com.au Motion Focus Music Music for Media Pty Ltd 10 Kennedy Terrace Paddington QLD 4064 Ph: 0409 614 621 [email protected] www.motionfocusmusic.com Level 4, 30-32 Carrington St Sydney NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9299 8877 Fx: 02 9299 6564 [email protected] Off the Shelf Music PO Box 87-550 Meadowbank Auckland 1130 New Zealand Ph: +64 9 268 0992 Fx: + 64 9 268 0994 [email protected] www.otsm.co.uk Universal Publishing Production Music Woodcut Productions Ltd Level 2, 3 Munn Reserve Millers Point, NSW 2000 Ph: 02 9207 0564 Fx: 02 9252 0503 [email protected] www.unippm.com.au, twitter.com/unippmanz 8 Ruru St Eden Terrace, 1021 PO Box 68885, Newton, 1010 Auckland, New Zealand Ph: +64 9 374 4542, Fx: +64 9 373 3210 [email protected] www.woodcut.co.nz PMF Media Pty Ltd 6 The Boulevard, Bellevue Heights Adelaide SA 5050 Ph: 0413 562 560 [email protected] For more information contact us on 0800 69 2772 | [email protected] | www.apra-amcos.co.nz/pm 20 1 4 8
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