“Love Actually” Giving Blood - Deer Creek

Tiny Town
Giving Blood
“You don’t have to be a doctor to help save lives.” The
OBI Blood Mobile arrived at
DCLA on February second at
around eight o’clock in the
morning. One of DCLA’s
finest high-school history
teachers, Mrs. Braden, has
needed to receive blood
twice in her adulthood.
“Donating blood is a great
way to help somebody else in need,” Mrs. Braden
stated. Cole, Colby, Kaci, Reed, Ryan, and Kayden are
just some of the many that donated. There was a
competition between the freshman through senior
classes, seeing who could get the most to donate and
sponsor their class for a pizza party. With the
sophomores having the biggest class of 21, they won
the pizza. Mrs. Braden claimed that she does not get
nervous while giving blood because
she has good veins and that she
encourages anybody able, to
donate. Other than not being old
enough, there are some ways that
can stop you from donating, such as
having low-iron, traveling out of the
United States, taking certain
medicines or having medical issues,
high or low blood pressure, how much you weigh, and
if you have had or have a disease.
Donating blood is a good cause, and it will
make you feel good to know that you have helped
someone in need.
“Love Actually”
What is love? What does it mean? How
do you experience it? Thank goodness
for actors, books, and over-dramatized
cartoons. One of the best love movies is
the movie “The Best of Me”. It is a love
story about what were once high-school
sweethearts. They have a bittersweet
reunion when they return to their
hometown for the funeral of a mutual,
beloved friend. Seeing each other again after twenty
years apart reignites the love they’ve never forgotten.
According to some DCLA students “the best movie they
have seen that is related to love” were The Notebook
and Fault in Our Stars. Reed, a junior at DCLA stated that
The Notebook is the best love related movie he has seen.
He claimed “it had me on the edge of my seat”, and that
it kept his attention. Knowing the fact that it is based on
a true story made the movie even better. It did not
make him cry. But because it is romantic, he would use it
as a date night movie.
Tanya, a DCLA sophomore, claimed that the best love
related movie she has ever seen would be The Fault in
Our Stars. Tanya claimed that she is a “single pringle that
is too awkward to mingle.” She rated the
movie a three on the dramatic scale
because it was not dramatic until the end.
Tanya stated that the movie was “made up
love”, but it kept her attention as well. It
brought tears to her eyes as the movie
came to the dramatic end. She stated that
the movie is more for a girls night, so that
you all can cry together and eat a lot of
food during it, in your pajamas.
If you have not experienced what love is, these movies
would give you the idea. So take that special someone
out on Valentine’s to one of these romantic movies.
By: Alison Ramsey
Unusual Valentine’s Gifts
Valentine’s Day. One of the most stressful holidays of the year. People are forced to find the perfect
gift for their significant other, because let’s be honest, the cliché
flowers and chocolate thing, ain’t gonna cut it. However, these thoughtful gifts are
sometimes quite unusual. Taylor has never actually received an usual gift, but if she were to give
one, it would be a huge lump of chocolate shaped like the other person’s face. Braden says he would give
his significant other a rabbit foot necklace for Valentine’s Day; “It doesn’t really symbolize love,” he said,
“But it still shows you care.” According to the web, here is a list of some of the worst/unusual Valentine’s
Day gifts: a gym membership, a self-help book, a ring made from one of your own teeth, a salami bouquet,
and low fat /sugar free candy. Now that you know what not to give someone for Valentines day, you’ll
definitely find a gift that will be sure to bring your partner to tears (good tears I hope).
Senior Night / Homecoming
The night of the DCLA Homecoming game against
Covington did not go as planned, a junior, Kayden
stated that there is many things that the team
could’ve done to change the outcome of the game,
but it was a tough battle that night. Kayden explains
that if the team would’ve stepped up, worked harder, played with a good attitude, and play to their
potential they would've had a better outcome. She
stated “We should of encouraged each other to fix
our mistakes and to work hard”. That’s the goal of a
team. You must work hard and work TOGETHER to
be great.
Without one of the seniors, Abby, it is difficult to play. Kayden explains how devastating it is.
She says it’s sad knowing Abby is a great player and a great leader, but being out with an injury is just hard on everyone.
As Kayden watched the boys play against Covington, she noticed that they definitely came out ready to play and
worked very hard to come out with the win. Aside the basketball games, she stated that the
homecoming coronation went well. Everyone and everything looked beautiful. Lastly, Kayden believes that if we all work
hard, have our heads on straight and to be focused, the teams will have an easy road to the gold ball.
Abby, a senior, explained what is to be expected when the girls play Garber this Tuesday night. “Garber is a
highly competitive team. We know that they play at a high intensity, so our goal as a team is to match their intensity and
leave it all on the court”, she stated. To keep the game alive and exciting, Abby explains how and what the team should
be looking to do. Going into the game, you must have a positive mindset. Abby gave an example as “Okay, we’re going to
give them everything we’ve got”, because if you go into the game feeling defeated, you’ve already lost the game. Being
one of the seniors on the court, she explains her thoughts about this being her last seasonal game as a high school player. “Since I’m injured and won’t really play the game I’m used to, my goal is to play to the best I can and to help keep my
teammates energy up during the game. Win or lose we need to improve as a team. I’m sad the season is coming to an end,
but excited to start the “Road toe the Gold Ball”, she stated.
Dylan, a senior, explains that the team is going to focus on themselves. They plan to just make themselves better as a team. You always are wanting to improve on the court and playing Garber will help make the team better. Dylan
explains his thoughts as this is his last seasonal game as a high school player. He stated, “ It’s crazy. You don’t realize
how fast it goes until it’s here. I’ll miss it, the sport, our coach, and all my teammates”.
Adryan, Abby, Dylan, and Molly are your 2017 graduates. They all will be at the game supporting and playing for
their teams. These are each seniors “thank you” notes that will be said during senior night. Adryan - “I’d like to thank all
the fans for coming out and supporting us. I’d also like to thank my teammates for taking on my last year with me, my
outstanding coaches for always taking their time to push me to be the I can on AND off the court, and my parents for
always being there for me”. Abby - ”Thank you to my coaches for your help and for making me a better player. Of
course, thank you to my parents for your endless support and always believing in me, I love you guys”. Dylan - ”I’d like to
thank my teammates for all the good times, my coaches for always pushing me to be the best I could, and my parents
for everything they’ve done for me”. Molly - “Thank you to the girls and boys basketball teams for making me apart of
the team. And Coach Collins for not telling at me for missed turnovers and shots!”
Kaden Rhea-DCLA
Junior Basketball
Valentine’s Day is another day where happy couples
celebrate their love for each other. It’s good to let
your partner know how much you care about them,
even though you tell them how much you love them
everyday anyways. Even though there are anniversaries for certain dates, Valentine’s Day takes you
back and lets you feel the love all over again.
Mario, a senior at DCLA, explains how he would give
the best Valentine’s Day proposal. “Fourteen days
before Valentine’s Day I would give her a Valentine
card each day and tell her how much I love her, and
how much she means to me. On the 14th day, I
would take her to her favorite restaurant and give her the last Valentine’s Day card. I would tell her that she is the one I want to
spend the rest of my life with and finally give my proposal”. How sweet is he? Mario explains what he hopes her reaction would be.
He hopes that she gets pretty happy and accepts to be with him for the rest of their lives. He also explains how much thought should
go into planning a Valentine’s Day proposal. Mario believes you should put a lot of planning into a Valentines proposal, because you
have to make sure that you make her feel special. You also have to think about the place you’re wanting to propose at and it has to
have meaning to it. Now, Mario explains what the worst way to be proposed to. He says it would be horrible to propose on the day
her and her ex broke up, because it would be kind of awkward.
Now this is Amanda Compala story about her Valentine's proposal. She says that she’s never really been proposed to. Her and her
husband had a little different approach to their marriage. She explained how they didn’t plan on marriage. It just happened to come
up one day between the two. Her husband had asked her if she wanted to go and get rings, so she agreed and they did exactly that.
So not every great marriage needs a nice, lovely proposal especially if you both are already committed to be with each other for the
rest of your lives. Amanda did talk about her idea of a bad proposal. She stated that she would not want to be proposed to in front of
a crowd. She would rather it be more personal at a romantic location with just the two lovely couple. Amanda gave her opinion on
how long engagements should last. She thought that it depended on how long the two have known each other. “If you didn’t know
them well before dating, you should have a longer engagement just to make sure you really know who are you marrying”, she stated.
No matter how you propose, I am sure it is special and you will always remember that special day whether it is on Valentine’s or not.
So even if you are not ready to propose it is a great idea to let them know how much you care.
Amanda excited
about the ring...
Mario would give 14 cards during his proposal!
Page by:
Willis Vieux
The dairy judging team consists of Willis, Mario, Sierra, Aaron, and Joe. This is the first year
that DCLA has had a dairy judging team in a long while and there start was not a very good
one, due to some “unforeseen circumstances”. They were hit with a curve ball of questions of
is this dairy or is it not dairy (it all looked like milk). They didn't do that bad for a first time,
but they believe that with some more hard practice they will be able to make a comeback
and do really at their next event. Their hope is that they will be able to get placed in at least
one event and maybe even go for the gold.
The process they go through for the contest is the team members go to a big room and wait
for the announcer to give them instructions on where to go and what to do. Then they are
sent into four different rooms and are given a test to take that consisted of about thirty questions. After that they take the cheese judging test where they smell, see, and eat cheese to
tell what kind they are, but at the end of the test there was the dairy —non dairy that was
not practiced by the DCLA team. This was very hard to figure out and stumped the team a bit.
Finally, they returned to the big room and wait for all others to finish, and announce the winners. DCLA did not place but is looking forward to next time, now that they have an idea of
what they have to do. The team will be
getting some practice in and finding out all
the taste of all the different dairy and non
dairy products—good or bad!
After the contest the team went to El Patio
and enjoyed a nice all you can eat buffet
with their team and teacher, Mrs.
Schmidt. It was a great experience. The
team tasted some great dairy products and
some that we hope not to ever taste again.
Taking the Opportunity
Best Ways to spend your Valentine’s Day
There has been many dates throughout that one special day in February,
and that is Valentine’s Day! Full of love, joy, and happiness. A peaceful
and fun loving day! Not unless you can’t find a date and have to spend it
all by yourself, having to struggle alone because you have no date!
Overall, it’s just another crazy holiday.
Valentines can be the best day ever, just by spending a day with your date
in an amazing restaurant or even just going on a picnic, but here in Deer
Creek-Lamont things are a little different, well not really, it’s actually very
different! Two of the students here had two different things going on
this spectacular day.
Cassie, a student of Deer Creek-Lamont, had different plans on Valentine’s Day.
She bought herself a giant teddy bear. That bear may have made her happy but problem
was, she had to spend her day at a hog and goat livestock show. In the end though, she
spent her time enjoying some delicious chocolate! Chocolate makes any day better!
Here’s another student from Deer Creek-Lamont, Austin. Instead of spending the
day with a date, why not just be with yourself. As Austin said, “Who dates on
Valentines?”, yet he did have a great Valentine’s Day, by doing the thing he loves most,
eating a well-deserved pizza and a peaceful long nap. Now that’s two ways you can spend
your day on Valentines, even though you’re alone, there is always pizza!
The 100th Day in Elementary
Every year there is 100th day of school in Deer Creek-Lamont. On that special
day the children get to enjoy fun activities. It’s not just about having fun, it’s also
about how the students improving their skills. Mrs. Tingley, teacher of the 2nd
graders, on the 100th day had her class dress up as the elderly, make Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 pieces, eat
Trail Mix with 10 different kinds of goodies, and write 100 rhyming words. Mrs. McVeigh and her class had a
wonderful time as well. She hopes her students acquire her love for learning. Their motto is “Knowledge is
Power.” Both teachers improve their students every day with their teaching. They challenge them so they can
accomplish any task ahead of them. Mrs. McVeigh saw no weakness within her class as a whole, but
everybody has their own individual weaknesses and strengths. In her class they work on their weaknesses and
improve on their strengths.
Technology is playing a huge role in everyday lives, and it is no different in Mrs. McVeigh’s class. She
uses technology to help her students to learn better. She has access to Reading Eggs and Success Maker to
enhance her student’s strengths and weaknesses in Math and Reading skills. She also uses computers for
research, as well as access to the SmartBoard for her to write down notes for her students to copy down. Both
Mrs. Tingley and Mrs. McVeigh use AR/Star Reading program, which assists in testing and strengthening the
class’s comprehension and reading skills while tracking their performance.
Mrs. McVeigh and Mrs. Tingley and their students both enjoyed a fantastic 100th day. They all look
forward for the next. May the next 100th day of school be as amazing as the this one.
Lights! Cameras! Peas..?
Worst Ways to Break-Up with Someone
Valentine’s Day a day full of love, right? Wrong!
For some people, this is the worst day of the year, so for all
of you against the whole meaning of Valentine’s Day, this
one’s for you! When looking on the internet for the worst
possible ways to break-up with your significant other, there
was a lengthy list including: leaving a voicemail, over a text
message, while on vacation, while at the alter (uh...you
waited this long to tell them?), on your anniversary, and of
course, on Valentine’s day. These were just a few of the
frequent answer, but the list went on and on, but was limited
to absolutely nothing. People really let them have it! After
seeing responses like this on the internet, we asked a boy and
a girl from DCLA High School what they thought was the
worst way to break-up with someone. We started off with a
junior, Taylor, and her response was nothing short of
“Alright, so first off, you’ve gotta set the “mood” for the
break-up. You take ‘em out to a real nice meal, tell them
how much you love them, and then BAM! Lay it on them!
You simply say, ‘My cat just doesn’t like you.’ Then you
stand up, throw a picture of your cat at them, and never call
or text them again! If you happen to see them again, go up
and be like, ‘Do I know you? You look familiar.’ Then
proceed to show them a picture of your cat.”
When asked if she would do this to someone and what
would happen if it happened to her, the reply was equally as
entertaining, if not more!
“Yes, I would! Jim is very good at reading people. I trust in
her ability! Now if it happened to me, oh I would be
heartbroken! Not because they ended things, but because
their cat didn’t love me as much as I love them!
Now, when we asked Colby, a senior, his response was just
a little bit different.
“I’d have to say telling your best friend that you don’t want
to be with your significant other anymore and then
proceeding to ask them to break-up with your
S/O for you! I wouldn’t ever do this to anyone or for
anyone! If this were to happen to me? Oh, man...I would go
up to my girlfriend, shove a pie in her face and break-up
with her!”
They’ve endured the stage set up, the grueling hours of
practice, and they’ve mastered their lines! The DCLA Junior
and Senior High Schools are performing “The Princess and the
Pea” and have been putting in the time and effort to make sure
the show goes on! Deciding to
get an “insiders view” of the
play, Madison, currently an 8th
grader, tells all!
“This play is very outgoing,
regal, and the emphasis is on
anything beginning with ’P,’
which is definitely fitting since
it is ‘The Princess and the
Pea!’ I play a princess named Prudelea, she is very...sassy! My
character is actually a twin and my other half is actually my
sister so that has been really fun! We say most of our lines at
the same time and that has for sure been the hardest part of the
play was getting the timing right on that!”
Madison is doing very well in this play and the drama
department is really taking off over at DCLA!
“I’m really hoping that we’ll do another play next year! If the
students get any pull in what we perform, I’m definitely putting
my vote towards ‘GREASE.’ I really think it’d be fun to dress
up like they did in the ‘old days’ and do all their crazy ‘jukes
and jives!’”
As well as the play, the drama
class is putting on a short skit
for the community and school as
well! Mrs. Gibbons, the drama
teacher is very excited about
both, “This will be a revised
version of the classic, ‘Romeo
and Juliet.’ It will be the
opening feature of the evening
actually! The casting fit the class perfectly as it relates to
characters and facilities, as well as technical challenges. Plus,
the script is very humorous! My favorite part has been
watching it develop. To seeing the stage transform to watching
the students develop their own personality for the script. The
most difficult part is fitting practices into these kids schedule!”
As you can tell, these students and the director have been hard
at work to make thinks precise and perfect! This play will
definitely be
painstakingly pleasant!
Worst Way to Break-Up
with Someone:
Read the article on the left
to find out what this crazy
picture is all about!!