Best Practices When Taking an Online Test-PDF

Center for Teaching and Learning
Best Practice Series:
Taking a Test in Blackboard
Table of Contents
Before Your Test ......................................................................................................................... 1
While taking the Exam- Do’s and Don’ts .................................................................................... 2
Once Exam is Submitted ............................................................................................................. 3
Before Your Test
Prior to taking your exam, there are a few steps you should always do first
1) Reboot your computer- This will make sure to terminate all background processes.
2) Verify your Network Connection- Make sure that you are taking the test with the best
possible internet connection you have. If possible use a wired connection.
3) Close all other software programs on your computer. This includes everything from other
internet browsers to email to instant messengers. The only window open should be your
4) Open Mozilla Firefox- This browser is the most reliable browser to using when doing
anything in Blackboard. Please use this browser when taking all exams.
5) Disable your pop-up blockera) Mozilla Firefoxi) Go to <Tools>
ii) Select <Options>
iii) Go to <Content>
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iv) Uncheck the “Block Pop-up Windows”
6) Maximize your browser window- DO NOT resize your browser window once your started
the exam. Make your adjustments prior to clicking begin.
7) Make sure your computers “Sleep Mode” is turned off. On longer exams, periods of
inactivity may allow your “Hibernate” mode to kick in. Be aware of this and turn this
function off prior to your exam.
While taking the Exam- Do’s and Don’ts
DO’s and Don’ts
1) Click Begin only ONCE- Double clicking begin may cause more than one version of the test
to launch.
2) Give yourself enough time to finish the exam. Some exams are only available in between
specific times. Make sure you allow yourself ample time before the final closing time of the
exam in cause anything does go wrong.
3) Allow your exam to fully load before you begin answering questions. Even if it takes some
time, be patient. Your instructor has the option to show you the entire exam at once or one
question at a time. If you have questions regarding your exam please email your professor.
4) Single click “Save Answer”. Don’t double click this button, as this may cause the exam to
freeze and all answers input may not save. You can click save answer again if your make
changes to your answer.
5) Click a “Save Answer” button at least once every 10 minutes. On longer exams this will
help keep your browser from timing out and exiting you from your exam without your
6) Blackboard does not save your answers as you type them. Clicking “Save Answer” will, at a
minimum, save what you’re done to that point, if something were to happen and you get
logged out of your exam.
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7) NEVER COPY/PASTE FROM MS WORD. Type Essay questions into Notepad, Wordpad, or
Textpad rather than MS Word. MS Word contains ‘Hidden Formatting’ that may interfere
with how your answers come through on Blackboard.
8) ALWAYS SAVE COPIES OF YOUR ESSAY QUESTIONS. This is a good fail safe incase anything
happens and your answers are not saved.
9) DO NOT use the scroll on your mouse. This may cause answers to change in your multiple
choice questions.
10) Don’t use the “Back” or “Forward” buttons on your browser. This may cause you to log
out of your exam.
11) Do Not hit ENTER to go on to the next questions. This may inadvertently submit your
12) When finished with the exam click <Save and Submit> ONCE! Multiple clicks may crash the
Once Exam is Submitted
1) Confirm your Submission. If you’ve do everything correctly, you will be prompted with a
screen that says ’Test Submission confirmation’ Click Ok to Submit your exam or Cancel to
go back and edit your exam.
2) When finished you will be taken to a screen that says ‘Test saved and submitted’. It will list
your name, the test name, the course, time and date started and submitted, as well as time
used. You can then click ok to view your results.
a) If your exam is graded via pre-selected answers you will be able to review your exam
and see instructor feedback by going to ‘My Grades’ and finding the exam
b) If your exam needs to be graded by your instructor you will see a small exclamation
point. This will remain until your instructor has graded your exam.
c) If you see a small icon with a pad and pencil, this means that your exam is still in
progress and you will need to contact your instructor immediately.
Center for Teaching and Learning
For any questions specific to your exam please contact your
If you have any additional questions regarding best test taking
practices via Blackboard please contact the Joseph Henle at
[email protected] (805-493-3713).