Panther Award - Lecanto Middle School

April 20, 2016
Panther Award
Written by Sophia Macaisa
LMS has amazing stuWrittensobywhy
not reward
them with an award. That
is why at LMS students
are eligible to receive the
Panther Award. The Panther Award is so those
students can be role models for their peers. But
how is one eligible for the
To be named as an
Academic Panther, students must demonstrate
outstanding qualities in
service, citizenship, and
scholarship. To meet the
criteria, students should
participate in at least one
extracurricular school or
community activity, have
no disciplinary referrals,
no U or N on their report
card for behavior, positive
character references from
all teachers, and have high
academic achievements
with no C's. Also, one
must have been at LMS
for three grading periods.
In each grade level, students are allowed to be
chosen if they meet this
Teachers at each grade
level choose 10 students
by completing a nomination form. The nomination
forms then get chosen
from during a meeting
with all teachers. To see if
you were chosen for the
award, you will receive an
invitation to come to the
Academic awards night on
May 10, 2016 at Curtis
Peterson Auditorium.
To the right, is an
example of what last
years Panther Award
looked like.
happen to you, you have to study your butt
off, pay attention in class, and do extra
Written by Davis Bryson
practice. If extra credit is an option, don’t
Going to high school for anyone can be opt out of it, but do it for the extra points.
tough, but if you have an idea of what it
Jesse’s biggest fear is “Getting kicked out
will actually be like and a support system
of IB because sports will interfere with my
to help you with possible problems, your
grades.” Using the tips above and sticking
transition will be a lot easier. I asked three to a plan will ensure you do great things in
Grade 8 students the following questions: high school. Everyone should try to look
1) What is your biggest fear of going to
forward to this transition and place the
high school?, 2) What are you most excited positives higher than the negatives.
about?, and 3) What one thing will miss
Responding to the second question,
the most about middle school? I interMikal said “I am going to miss all of the
viewed Jesse Thomas, Colton Dodd, and
extra help teachers gave me and the time
Mikal Sorel, who all had common answers that they took out of their day.” If you are
between the three of them. I will also give a good student and don’t get on the bad
some advice for “techniques” on how to
side of a teacher, hopefully they will give
conquer their fears.
you attention and help you to succeed. ColFirst off, Colton stated that his biggest ton stated something similar to Mikal. He
fear is “My peers, and even teachers, not
said “I will miss all of the bonds I made
accepting me for who I am and judging me with teachers.” Jesse will “miss the great
without even getting to know me.” This is teachers I had that led me to success.” Just
something that you will have to block out know that there will be new teachers waitfrom your mind and do your best to know ing to help everyone out, but you might
who your real friends are. Mikal said, “I
have to put more effort in order to get the
am scared that I will not be able to keep
help you need.
my grades up with all of the extra clubs
Finally, according to Jesse, “I can’t wait
and activities.” To make sure this does not to finally play baseball with my friends
and for my school.” Mikal is excited and
“glad that we will now have the opportunity to do many more sports, both individual
and team sports.” Lastly, Colton stated
“I’m looking forward to making new
friends in new sports, plus a lot of new
students will be joining me at Lecanto this
August.” Always remember that we are all
in the same boat of being new and not
knowing everything about the school. To
get the most out of your school experience
and not be as lost, go to the orientations,
go to sporting events and make the most of
new opportunities.
Jesse Thomas, Colton Dodd, and Mikal
Sorel all pose together for a quick pic!
10 Student Life Hacks
Written by Giovanna Cross
Are you a student that is unmotivated to do your homework or
study for exams? As students, we
are always busy studying for tests
or worrying our assignments that
we forgot were due. The 10 life
hacks listed below are sure to
make your life a lot easier and
help you ace your exams.
Gummy Bear Studying- if you
have to read a load of pages for
homework, this life hack is sure to
help you and motivate you to read.
You wan to place a gummy bear
or a piece of your favorite piece of
candy at the end of each section,
or every couple sections, and eat
them as you go on!
Binder Keyboard Hack- if you
have a broken keyboard feet, use
binder clips to hold them up.
Alarm Clock Hack- place your
phone an open glass jar to amplify
the sound to help you wake up!
few ice cubes in your dryer with
the clothes you want to take the
wrinkles out of for a few minutes!
Blue Ink Hack- write with blue
ink instead of black ink because
studies have shown that you are
more likely to remember the
things you are writing down.
Music Life Hack- if you tend to
listen to music while you study,
listen to classical music or music
without lyrics because you are
more likely to focus because instead of singing along with the
lyrics, you are focused on your
Google Scholar- if you are writing a research paper, instead of
using google chrome, use Google
Scholar because it will give you
schools resulted articles that will
give you more relevant and accurate information.
Lock Screen Life Hack- write
down your homework, take a picture of it, and set it your lock
screen because we
all tend to go on
our phone, so
when you turn it
on, the first thing
you see is your
homework so you
don't forget to do
Studying NotesAlways study your
notes the day you
took them because
you retention rates
are much higher.
These clever
tips should help
you with your
schoolwork and
This is a thumbnail made from Youtuber
achieve your grade
goals. I have seen
many people try
Reading out Loud- if you want to
these student life hacks, and from
memorize facts, it is best to read
the results, they have proven that
the material because you are 50%
they actually work. Some of these
more likely to remember it belife hacks have also been proven
cause you are hearing yourself
to work from experts and scienread it, so your brain is processing
tists. Who would have ever known
it better.
that binder clips could be used as
Wrinkle Free Clothes- if you
keyboard feet, or you could use
have wrinkly clothes and are alice cubes to take the wrinkles out
ready in a time crunch, just place a
of your clothes?
Top Five Must Reads
Written by Kylee Siner
Summer is approaching and students will be out and about
so, why not choose some good books to read while you are
on a plane or on a long car ride? There are some great books
that students in your school read. A child called it was the
most popular book to read with 22 people recommending it.
The Percy Jackson series wasn’t too far off with 15 recommendations. The rest off the books got close calls and there
was even a tie for a while
between the mortal instruments and maze runner with
12 for both.
1.A Child Called It
2.The Percy Jackson series
3.Hunger Games
4.The Mortal Instruments
5.The Maze Runner
This is the cover of ‘A
Child Called It’. The
book is about a child
who was abused and
how he had courage.
These are the covers of The
Percy Jackson series. The
books are about a demi god
named Percy and his adventures. He makes friends
named Annabeth and Grover
This is the cover of
the Hunger Games,
it is about a girl
who willingly
chose to save her
sister from being
killed in a horrible
This is the cover of
The Mortal Instruments. The Mortal
Instruments series
is about a young girl
named Clary who
figures out that she
is a shadowhunter
The maze runner is
about a boy
named Thomas
who is trying with
other teenagers to
escape an always
changing labyrinth.
Volleyball Intramurals 2k16
Written by Angela Ayson
This 2016, the sport of volleyball is over 120 years old!
Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of in six players
are separated by a net. One team hits the ball over the net and
into the other team's court, the other team must then hit the ball
back over the net and in bounds within three tries without letting the ball touch the ground.
There are two main kinds of competitive volleyball played in
the world right now. They are team volleyball and beach volleyball. Team volleyball is played indoors on a hard court with six
people per team. Beach volleyball is played outdoors on the
sand with two players per team. Lecanto Middle School held a
one week intramural volleyball. Volleyball intramurals is a recreational volleyball organized within the school only. This gives
the opportunity to most 6th graders and players that haven't
played volleyball before to see what volleyball is like without
the pressure during try outs and get to know drills that they can
practice over summer, it as well gives all the information they
need when they show up for day 1 of tryouts next year. During
the intramural, the students learned some basic skills like passing, serving and hitting the ball.
Volleyball can be a lot of fun to play. You can play it with
all your friends without any limit on the number of players who
can play. To be a competitive player takes lot of practice, you
need a good height and jumping abilities.
Volleyball girls
learning that
proper way of
passing a ball.
period are creating a new version
of a basketball game. Instead of
wasting important materials that
are non-recyclable, they are making it with a twist. They used their
brains to come up with the idea to
Written by Saanvi Kamat
use cardboard boxes to hold the
Who knew recycling could be game up, braided string for the
fun? Currently, Ms. Taylor’s and net, and styrofoam for the ball.
Ms. Clymer’s 7th grade science
Everyone is enthusiastic about the
classes are making exciting and
prospect of helping the planet and
unique arcade games completely
having fun at the same time. As
out of recyclable items. The stuKristina Clayton said, “I love the
dents have been working on this
idea of helping the environment
for about two weeks and the pro- while enjoying the process of
jects will be completed by this
making the project.”
week. When the students are finThis project teaches us that
ished, they should be able to put
every little bit of plastic, cardthe whole project into the recyboard, and paper can create an
cling bin. Not only is this assign- everlasting effect on the world.
ment interesting, it also encourJust remember that anyone can
ages students to reuse, reduce, and make a difference in the world. If
recycle, which will help our future they can do it, why can't you?
generations and the Earth.
These students are in groups of
five or six and work together to
come up with an idea that will
capture people’s attentions. Some
students are confident in the classic, well-known arcade games.
Therefore, there is a range of
games from air-hockey and claw
machines to coin slots and mazes.
One group with students Kristina
Photo taken by Anjli Deven
Clayton, Victoria Lantzy, SeptemSeptember Boyer and her group
ber Boyer, Madison Fortenberry,
are putting the finishing touchAutumn Capasso, and Angela
es on their arcade game.
Chadwick in Ms. Clymer’s sixth
The Fun Behind
What Clubs should you Choose?
Written by Nabila Kabir
The school year is almost over and eighth
graders will soon be freshman. High school is
not like middle school. New school, new people, new teachers, and most importantly new
clubs! Along with sports, clubs are a great
thing to look forward to in high school. But
what club should you join?
To begin with, if you are interested in the
arts you might consider joining Colors for
Casa. This is a club that shows awarness and
raises money for the Citrus County abuse
shelter. They do this buy making tie-dye tshirts and then selling them at school wide
events. If performing arts fits you more then
drama, musical theatre, or band may be best
for you. Drama is where you will be performing in shows and possibly competing in completions. Musical theatre is very similar except singing will be involved. Band is where
you will be playing an instrument, performing create numerous inventions that could beat school events like parades, and possibly
come a success.
competing in competition of chosen.
It's never too early to think ahead and be
Furthermore, if helping the community or ready when it's time to decide.
helping in general is what you are looking for
you might want to join key club. This club is
all about helping others and providing service. SWAT club is best known for educating
younger kids to say no to bad decision especially dealing with drugs and alcohol. Lecanto High School also has a medshare club that
provides medical supplies to poor countries.
Ultimately, academics are many peoples
favorite. If winning is your thing then consider joining the academic team and competing
in rigorous competitions. There's also the
basic book club that many students join to
enjoy reading more with side discussions. If
This is what the logo for Key Club
you have a talent in engineering then the rolooks like throughout the world.
botics club would be a perfect fit. You could
Game on!
low are some of the most popular App Store and Google Play
games, and some person favorites.
1.) Hay Day
Have you ever dreamed of running a farm? If the answer is
yes, than this is the game for you! When playing this game,
you get to build, grow, and maintain your own virtual farm.
Growing and selling crops, making cool items, and taking care
of livestock are just a few tasks to perform. (Free app)
2.) Minecraft: Pocket Edition
Calling all Minecraft fans! This game is exactly what it says; a
pocket edition of the vastly popular game Minecraft. If you
ever find yourself away from your gaming console and in need
of playing, no worries! (Paid app; $6.99 on App Store)
3.) SongPop 2
If you know a lot about music trivia, then you’d probably be
good at this game. Choose your own playlists and play against
your friends.
4.) Whale Trial
Fly as Willow the Whale and collect bubbles to fill his rainbow
trial. But watch out for clouds, they take away your trail. UnWritten by: Morgan Knipp
lock cool characters and power-ups.
What’s a great way to kill time? Games! Most of us already
5.) Clash Royale
have gaming apps installed to our phones, iPads, etc… They’re Upgrade, unlock, and experiment with cards and battle against
familiarly known as your go-to way of entertaining yourself.
others for trophies and chests. Join or make a clan with your
Games are great, but what do you do when you grow tired of
friends to play each other.
the same old apps? The answer is simple: read this article! Be-
Lecanto High School Sports
Written by Ryan Rogers
Even though Lecanto
coming up . We will be having a
High school has a lot of clubs that couple of camps over the summer
you can join there is also a ton of
and we start our work outs at the
sports you will be able to particiend of July to get ready for tryouts
pate in. There is a total of 11
August 3rd. As with all seasons,
sports you can do. Girls have the
the plan is to improve every game
options of basketball, golf, swim- and win.”. The volley ball season
ming, soft ball ,cross-country, soc- starts in the fall and tryouts or on
cer, track and field, volley ball and the first day of school. There is a
a flag football team. All the girls
lot of other sports to participate in
sports have a Varsity and Junior
so get ready to play.
Varsity teams. For the boys there is
The boys Lecanto high
football, basketball, baseball, cross- school football team had a great
country, soccer, golf, swimming, season with coach Greg Harper.
track and field and last but not least Most of the seniors are leaving and
wrestling. And weight lifting.
going to play division 1 ball across
There is also Varsity and Junior
the country. There will be summer
varsity for all sports.
football training with the high
Girls volleyball team also had a school team over summer vacation.
great season with Coach Alice
The work out session will begin as
Christian. Her volley ball team is a soon as school ends on may 23rd.
force to reckoned with. There is
The practices will be Monday to
also a JV team led by the assistant Thursday, eight in the morning to
coach Brittany Szunko. I asked the eleven o'clock. After the football
head coach allice Christian about
season ends, spring practice begins
their plans and she said “ we have a but it is unavailable to freshman.
lot of young enthusiastic players
Quick Clever Class Quips
By Gary Umandap
During the week here at
school, it can get pretty boring. All you ever do here is
study, memorize, and occasionally slack off. To help
brighten up your day, here are
a few academic jokes.
 At gym, I usually wonder
why that soccer ball is getting bigger. Then it hits
Fitness? I’d rather fitness whole pizza in my mouth!
If you're ever feeling chilly, go stand in the corner.
They usually are around 90 degrees.
I'm fed up with my math teacher! She has too many
M.A.T.H. (Mental Abuse To Humans)
Math: the only class that claims that some random
guy bought 50 bananas without anyone wondering
I told my science class a joke once. There was no
In science class, I learned that I should never trust
atoms. They make up everything!
Solids, liquids, and gas. They all matter!
How do you throw a party of astronomers? You
Why are chemists good at solving problems? They
have all of the solutions.
What do you do with a dead chemist? You Barium.
I could add more Chemistry jokes, but all the good
ones Argon.
Paper Mâché Madness
Written By Anjli Deven
Mrs. Hewit’s art classes are doing an exciting activity that
involves thinking creatively and working diligently. 1st, 2nd,
periods are creating paper mâché masks. 4th period advanced art
are making paper mâché models of whatever represents or interests them. This project has been going on since the beginning of
April and will end this week.
Although many students are not in art, they still love to create
things. One thing that anybody can create with the right materials
is a paper mâché model. The first step to make this is to create an
armature (skeleton). The use for this is to simply build a mold
that will be easy to function with so it is possible to add features
to your sculpture. To keep a sturdy shape, you would use tape
and wheat paste. Next, tear strips of newspaper and cover it with
wheat paste. You want to make sure that your model is covered
with three layers of paper mâché. Then, cover it with paper and
wait for the model to dry. After it dries, you can start to paint it.
Depending on what your model looks like, you can choose to do
whatever design you want.
Madison Winningham is one of the school’s most popular
artist. She says, “I like art because it allows me to be creative and
open to new ideas. Art allows people explore what they can do
and express themselves.” Madison has done many art projects
that is shown around the school. She has done art for as long as
she could remember.
Even if you're not in art, you can still create an awesome paper
mâché model using the instructions above. Art is something that
can be found everywhere, whether it is in a museum or on the
side of a building. Art is also a tool that many people use to alleviate boredom. So next time you have nothing to do, pick a pencil
and paper and explore what you are capable of!
Ashlee Frye is painting her paper mâché model of a pig.
She is putting the finishing touches on it to add detail. This
project is a fun activity that allows students to be creative
and explore new possibilities.
The Pros and Cons of The iPhone SE!
Written by Colby Damron
The iPhone SE, it may seem great but
really what is it? Apple says
that "at the core of iPhone SE is the A9,
the same advanced chip
that’s in iPhone 6s." The iPhone SE is definitely smaller than the new
iPhone 6s, but it has the core of a newer
brand iPhone. So here are
the pros and cons of the new iPhone SE.
The first problems with the iPhone SE
is that the new phone is only 4
inches. This is down grading from the
newest generation of phones.
Many people are used to the larger and
bigger phones. With the small
iPhone SE, it may be hard to maneuver
without getting used to it for a
while. The iPhone SE is also a mid cycle
phone. What a mid cycle is ,
is where the iPhone SE is a phone in between the iPhone 6 and the new
iPhone 7 soon. Also the front facing camera is only 1.2 megapixels so
you won't have the best quality taking
selfies or face timing friends.
Some of the good things about the iPhone SE is that the iPhone SE has
a way better battery life that blows the
iPhone 5s and 6s out of the
instead of the new iPhone 7
water! The brand new iPhone SE takes
then it should be a good purchase!
conserving battery to the next
level. While using the iPhone SE surfing
the web for 14 hours
continuously the battery power lasted. The
new iPhone SE also has the
new colors that come with the iPhone 6s.
The iPhone SE colors are
space grey, gold, rose gold, and silver. The
iPhone SE had a way
better flash illuminating your pictures from high flash to a lower
flash. The iPhone SE provides a custom
chip to allow your phone to
light up your pictures with a bright flash.
The iPhone SE had faster
wifi and faster data , it has up to 19 LTE
bands, it has up to 150
Mpbs of LTE, and it has 433 Mpbs of wifi.
This is all expanded from
the iPhone 6 to provide you a better cellular experience.
There are many good and bad things
about the iPhone SE. The iPhone SE
is a mid cycle phone so there will be a new
iPhone 7 in a few months.
Here is the brand new iPhone SE in
So if you definitely want the iPhone SE
its many colors
7th Grade FSA Feels
Written by Tytus Simmons
Have you ever felt anxious, nervous or even scared about the
FSA’s? Well some people may feel
the same way.
Bryan Williams, Nicholas
Moskes, Ishan Patel, and Connor
Williams are some people that
have those very feelings. And these
may either be good or horrible.
You can range emotions from happy and excited to sad and worried.
Don't get me wrong you can feel all
these feelings too. But sometimes
being too worried is not good for
you. I personally have met some
people that just want to get it over
with. And that's also good. But you
have to have a mentality state in
which you will do good or the exact
opposite will occur. And the exact
opposite is not the best option.
Think about it, having the thought
in your head that you won't do
good will probably make you not
do well. Or having the thought
where you do very well and then
you do well.
If you have a
positive attitude, the test
will be a
breeze, and
vice versa.
Don't make it
harder than it -two-weeks-new-year/
normally is.
Nicholas Moskes states “There was
too much time and I wanted to get
it over with.” See? Nick, thinks it
will be a good idea to just get it
over with. FSA’s, as you already
know, determine most of your
placement for the next year,
whether you're going into 6th, 7th,
8th, or even high school. And this
thought can make some people
more nervous than ever. Ishan Patel states that “The FSA’s were
nerve wrecking.” This is an example of somebody who worries
about the FSA’s and gets nervous.
You see? The FSA’s help us in
many ways and it can make us feel
happy, sad, anxious, and even
scared. FSA’s influence us and
make us better at testing.
How to Keep Organized
Genius Hour Spotlight
Written by Abby Estes ating the toys they will
As most of you know, ship them off to local
both eighth grade and
shelters for the dogs to
seventh grade students
enjoy. Chelsea said that
are participating in geni- they will ask if the shelus hour projects. This is ters wouldn't mind sendwhere students are given ing them pictures of the
a day out of the week to dogs playing with their
complete a project of
new toys as well!
their choice. Two stuOverall Abby and
dents in particular, Abby
Chelsea are trying to
Dutton and Chelsea
make the world a better
Hodges are making dog
place. "It doesn't matter
toys for their project!
how you get there, or
Abby and Chelsea
what steps you take, as
said they got inspired
long as you're doing
when watching docugood for your surroundmentaries on the life of
ings" says Abby.
many dogs in the
U.S., also by their
own dogs at home.
They wanted to help
these dogs out so
they decided to start
creating dog toys. To
make these toys they
are reusing old Tshirts and cutting
them into strips,
braiding them together, then knitting
them at the end, they
are also considMikal Sorel and Casey Tompering adding
tennis balls to the kins helping by braiding tobraid. After cre- gether the strips of T-shirt.
Written by Julia Javier
Another thing that you can do to keep organized is to make
Towards the end of the year most students put off
sure you have spare pencils and pens just in case you run out.
homework and finishing the year with all their work complet- Make sure you’re fully prepared for each class you enter beed. When you’re organized it will be easier to know which
cause towards the end of the year teachers are still going to
assignment you need to finish. Here are some tips and tricks
give work. Also testing is still going on so you don’t want to
on how to stay organized.
stress yourself even more with work. If you have class proKeeping organized is very important especially since jects not due until several weeks later try and get it done
the year is almost over. One major tip on keeping organized is sooner when you
to always keep up in your school planner. You can use you
have free time so
planner to keep track of how much schoolwork you have to
you don't have to
do. Try and make an agenda so you can get every assignment worry about it later.
done. Due to the fact that the school year is almost done you Make sure you’re
really need to keep your binder, locker, and pencil pouch or- organized and stay
ganized. To keep your binder clean, first take out all lose pa- on task so you can
pers and any trash and clean it out. The reason why this is
finish off the year
helpful is because you can find all your assignments and
notes in an orderly fashion. Cleaning your locker is helpful Ara Lim poses after
because you can turn in any lost books to the library and
her interview on
find any lost papers. Ara Lim stated that “once you get paorganization tips
pers for your class put them directly in you binder. This
and tricks.
helps me know exactly where my homework is.”
Designed By Kiah Frink
The LMS Morning Show
Panther Memories
By September Boyer
At the beginning of every school day, we’re
Written by Brianna Wenrich
greeted with the sound of an annoying bell and then
because it was really exiting seeFrom
The Pledge Of Allegiance. After we sit back down, the
ing who from Lecanto was repreGoogle
LMS Morning Show commences with our morning ansenting and the feeling oh winnouncements. When and where is the morning show
ning for the panthers.
filmed? What is its purpose? To us, it may just seem like a
Girls basketball was an eventway to remind us about an upcoming event, and while it is
ful season their favorite memojust that, it is also much more and is a bit more complicatries was getting to be together as
ed than us students may think it is.
a team and getting to play so
Every morning at 8:05 AM the five students film
much in games. Practice was
the Morning Show in the “Panther Production Studios,”
always fun and everyone was in a
which is another name for the office in Mrs. Wolfertz’s
good fun mood. For our fun footroom. Tucker Kennedy, Jacob Issacs, Kassidy Headlee,
Lecanto Middle School’s logo ball season their favorite part was
Haney Liu and Tanner Permenter are the five 8th Grade
doing scrimmages against each
REACH students that help film the morning show. Kassidy
This year was filled with other and making touchdowns
and Jacob anchor, or sit in front of the camera and provide
many wins and losses for the
during actual games. For our unthe information, while the other three help with the campanther students. This years
defeated panthers in volleyball
era, getting the announcements together, running the
sports were on fire. We had
their favorite memory apart of the
soundboard, and making sure everything goes smoothly.
cheerleading, track, girls basket- season was being able to play for
Mr. Fisher, the 8th/7th grade gifted teacher as
ball, boys basketball, football,
a team that encourages each other
well as 6th grade ELA teacher who supervises the morning
volley ball and tennis. The
during games and the ending the
show, says, “Panther Production Studios exists to provide
Lecanto middle school students
end of the season undefeated.
Lecanto Middle School with an upbeat and informative
had a great year. For the cheerTennis players favorite
start to each school day
leaders their favorite part of this part of the year was it always
and showcase the various
year was during the boys basket- being a fun way to stay active.
talents of some of our stuball season right when we were
Boys basketball had fun during
dents.” According to the
about to win against Inverness
practices and drills and coach
students, the morning
middle. Both A and B team were always made it as fun as it could
show is a fun and unique
really exciting. For the track stu- be. Our Lecanto Panthers had a
experience that are happy
dents their favorite part of track
great and memorable year!
to be a part of.
was the county championship
Tucker Kennedy, Jacob Issacs, Kassidy Headlee, and
Haney Liu, 4 out of the 5 8th grade students that run
our morning show.
tween the 1st and 4th period Journalism classes. 8th
grade Journalist Staff member, Kiah Frink was asked a
few questions on the subject. She elaborated on the what
and why of this Yourbook. When asked about what is the
final result of the project, she responded with, “To have a
book and learn more about each other, because it shows
Written by Kirsten Davis
our lives.” When asked “Why are we making a Yourbook?” She said, “We finished the yearbook, and we
Starting on April 8th, 2016, Mrs. Martin introduced the decided to start another project to keep us busy.” She also reYourbook project, where the yearbook staff must collaborate in plied to, “What is the planned result to the competition aspect
order to make the best yearbook all about themselves. Though
between 1st and 4th period?” Her response was a grin, with,
saying it like that may seem conceited, this project was made in “4th period is going to win.” Themes are to be kept confidential,
order to let each other get to know each other a bit more, express as so neither can copy off of the other, and the groups can keep
our abilities and keep the staff busy and on their toes. Also, to
their ideas fresh and individual.
spice up the project, it is being considered a competition be-
Journalism’s Yourbook
Your April Horoscope
Written by Kaylie Coatney
it is a path you’ve never taken before.
at you but you will use your creative side
Aries (March 21-April 19): April will be Leo(July 23-August 22): This is the
to tackle the task. Try to do things you’ve
a relatively good month for you. Your
month for you to enjoy life. Stop worrynever done before and blaze a new path.
competitive side will come out this month ing about everything and take time to try You will find it can lead to good things,
and may lead you to success. Just make
new things. You will take in new inforbut only if you try.
sure not to get too absorbed in beating
mation and cultures if you explore the
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):
your competitors and make sure to enjoy world around you instead of staying in
You’ve had spectacular success in your
this month. You may experience good
familiar places. Feel free to be brave and school life recently. That will not stop if
luck and
you take a
a boost of
little break
confior vacation
dence so
this month
take risks.
and you
Your luck
will conwill fade
tinue to
have sucthe end of
cess afterthe month
ward. This
so make
month you
sure to
will easily
get any
be able to
come up
with creaor work
tive ideas
done toand leisure
wards the
time will
only help
of the
(April 2022-January
May 20):
19): You
Make sure to rest this month.
A representation of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology will have a greater emphasis on
You’ve been quickly finishing your
home and family this month. You
day to day tasks and you need to get the
do more exciting and new things.
will get good news at some point early in
necessary rest to maintain your health.
Virgo (August 23-September 22): Your
the month and that will keep your attitude
Though you may have been putting it off, luck can go either way this month. How- positive for the remainder of May. Some
you need to begin planning your future
ever, risk-taking is not a good idea beplans may become definite this month.
soon. Think about the necessary steps you cause your luck will turn out bad more
Aquarius (January 20-February 18): This
must take to get where you want to be a
often than it will turn out good. Don’t be will be a positive month for you. You
year from now.
scared though because the people around may get to travel or at least leave the town
Gemini (May 21-June 20): This month
you will be positive and helpful this
at some point this month, if only for a
will be all about your social life. Recent- month and you will attract optimistic peo- short amount of time. Athletic events may
ly, you’ve been focused on school or
ple to you.
be a good idea for you this month but
work and now is the time let go and have Libra (September 23-October 22): This
make sure to follow safety instructions
fun with your friends. Don’t be afraid to
month you may feel as if you have less
because this will be a month of accidents
have fun or you will miss good times.
control over the situations around you.
for you, both good and bad.
You will have a positive surprise in your You might find that you have to try hard- Pisces (February 19-March 20): While
social life that may last for a while.
er to get along with the people around
you are one of the least materialistic
Cancer (June 21-July 22): You will have you. However, it is important that you
signs, you will think of money quite often
a positive buildup in school of awards or collaborate with others because partnerthis month. Your faith in your abilities
some other form of recognition during the ship will be key to accomplishing anyand your strong intuition will continue to
month of May. You may take a new path thing this month.
lead to your success. If you believe in
this month that may lead you to more
Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Your yourself, you have the ability to become
achievements. This experience may be
work or school life will be very busy this extremely successful so don’t get insecure
very exciting and full of surprises because month. Some new projects will be thrown and stay confident.
Simple Ways to Save Our World
By Arianna Ramirez
You can save the
world. You may not be
able to fly, shoot lasers
from your eyes, or have
superhuman strength, but
you can make a difference. You, the average
person, generates 4.6
pounds of trash per day.
Lets just say most of that
trash is paper. 500 people recycling 4 pounds
of paper in one day will
save 17 trees, 3 cubic
yards of landfill space,
7000 gallons of water,
4,200 kilowatts( which,
according to is
enough to power your
house for half a year)
390 gallons of oil, and
prevents 60 pounds of
air pollutants. That
Styrofoam cup you
drank out of today will
be in the landfill for 500
years, so leave it there
for future generations to
deal with. They might
appreciate the trashed
world we left them to
clean up.
Surprisingly enough,
the main reason people
don’t recycle isn’t that
they don’t care about the
environment, It’s that
they find recycling
‘inconvenient.’ People
just don’t want to put in
the extra effort. Why
recycle when throwing
things away is much
easier? “It's just too hard
to do...for
some people,” states a
survey by
Most people feel they
just don’t have enough
time, but is that really a
good reason not to be
helping our earth? Peo-
ple can have a large negative impact on our
earth; adding to landfills,
air and water pollution,
deforestation and more.
If people can have
such a big negative impact on the environment,
there must be some positive ways we can impact
it too. Three words: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Here are some simple,
yet effective, ways you
might not have thought
of to repurpose unused
items and help save our
world: 1,.Repurpose an
old ladder and some
planks of wood for a
cool book shelf
2. Cut the tips of plastic
spoons and glue them
together to make a
3. Cut an empty water
bottle in half to make a
planter. If you're feeling
creative, cut the top into
ears and paint the bottle
to turn it into an animal
or use your imagination
and some paint to make
it decorative.
4. Fill an empty water
bottle with bird seeds
and stick small pencils in
it to make a bird feeder.
Screw the cap on tight
and put a string through
it and hang it from a tree
branch to make a hanging bird feeder.
These are just a few of
the many ways you can
recycle old items and
make something new!
So, believe it or not,
every single day you
make that much of a
difference. Everyday,
people who think they
can't make a difference
are adding to landfills
Seventh Grade REACH vs
End of Term By Chloe Baxter
As the end of the year approaches the seventh grade REACH students of Lecanto Middle are presented with the biggest challenge
of the school year...their EOT (End of Term)
project. This project is worth at least twentyfive percent of their final grade, and if failed
can result in the disaster of the century.
Thankfully, the REACH students of Lecanto
Use water bottles to make
Middle seem to have gotten this under control. From venturing into the fantasy world of
a creative cat planter
movies to training Lecanto’s very own
vice animal, these future geniuses have produced quite a few rather... interesting ideas.
To begin with let's deal with the movie
lover of the seventh grade REACH class,
Arianna Ramirez. From delving into the
deepest secrets of our entertainment industry,
to watching the downright hilarious advertisements she’s all in. “I find it fascinating,”
she says while peering at her iPad “they can
produce millions just from one movie!” CurA water bottle , string and
rently, her main topic is the new movie in the
some pencils or kitchen
Star Wars saga. “Star Wars the Force Awakutensils become a bird feed- ens has managed to produce more than 6.3
million since December,” she says gleefully
er with a bit of creativity.
“it's practically breaking box office records!”
However, one of her fellow peers has delved
into a rather challenging assignment…
“I’m going to teach it CPR!” Michael Cisneros says as he gestures towards his pet
“He’ll be the first Service Chicken!” Yes,
you’ve heard that correctly, a Service Chicken. Eggo is just your regular, everyday domesticated chicken; yet, he is training to become something as impossible as the world’s
very first Service Chicken. When asked for
Create a bookshelf out of
his inspiration, Michael replied “Mike the
two ladders and a few
Headless Chicken, he managed to survive 18
planks of wood.
months after being decapitated! Which can
otherwise be known as doing the impossible,
such as training a service chicken.” Yet, Michael has bypassed all of the milestones that
deemed this project impossible, “It was hard
at first, that is training a chicken, but I’ve
managed.” he says proudly. He is currently
teaching Eggo the Heimlich maneuver, and
his project is proving to be successful.
In conclusion, the seventh grade REACH
classroom is practically bursting with ideas,
All it takes is some creativi- and bustling with creative thinkers. These
ty and glue to turn a punch few projects just barely cover the vast quantity, as well as variety of End of Term projects
of plastic spoons into a lamp
these students produce year after year, so all
in all these students are definitely up to the