Program Sunday, July 12 7 PM – 9 PM Opening Session & Reception Room: Julio Romero Welcome by the Most Reverend Demetrio Fernández González, Catholic Bishop of Cordoba Welcome by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Cordoba, Prof. Dr. Eulalio Fernández Sánchez Presidential Address by Prof. Dr. Reimund Bieringer, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, EABS President 2013-‐2015, Friendship and the Gift of Self: John 15:13 in Historical and Literary Perspective Presentation of the 2015 EABS Student Prizes Reception All EABS members registered for the conference are welcome to attend the reception. July 13, Morning Sessions Regular Sessions: 8:30 – 11:30 AM, Break 9:45 – 10:15 AM Sessions A: 8:30 – 10 AM Sessions B: 10:15 – 11:30 AM Israel in the Ancient Near East 1 Session 1.1.1 Room: Manolete Chair: Anna Elise Zernecke, University of Mainz Phoenicians in Spain, Phoenicians Everywhere: Some Thoughts on the Phoenician Literary Legacy Carolina Lopez-‐Ruiz, Ohio State University (20min) Discussion (5 min) Melqart and the Tyrian Diaspora Manuel Álvarez Martí-‐Aguilar, Universidad de Málaga (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Phoenicians, or Were They? Julia Fridman, Tel Aviv University Katia Charbit Nataf, Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-‐Sorbonne (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Break On Children and Dogs Eckart Schmidt, University of Mainz (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Phoenician Influence in Transjordan Margreet Steiner, Independent Scholar (20 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (25 min) Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah 1 Session 1.1.2 Room: Seneca Chair: Tirzah Yoreh Meachan, University of Toronto Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah: a Programmatic Introduction Jack N. Lightstone, Brock University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Social Science and the Mishnah: Family Themes Calvin Goldscheider, Brown University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (15 min) Break Charity in the Mishnah and Tosefta: An Economic Analysis Michael Satlow, Brown University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The Case of the Gentile in Mishnah Simcha Fishbane, Touro College (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (15 min) Prophets and Prophecy 1 Session 1.1.3 Room: Abderraman Chair: Yisca Zimran, Bar Ilan University Intertextuality in the Book of the Twelve: Examples and Theological Implications Donatella Scaiola, Pontificial University Urbaniana (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The High and Lofty One Dwelling in the High and With His Servants. Intertextual Connections of Theological Significance Between Isaiah 6:53 and 6:57 Jaap Dekker, Apeldoorn Theological University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Break Universalism of Deutero-‐Isaiah: An Intertextual Study of אל מסתתר in Isaiah 45:15 with the Background of אלראי in Genesis 16:13 Yesudasan Remias, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Scriptural References in Jeremiah 26 Klaas Smelik, Ghent University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Textual Criticism of the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Qu’ran 1 Session 1.1.4 Room: 429 Chair: Theodora Panella, University of Birmingham The Edition of the Latin Talmud: Textual and Historical Problems Alexander Fidora, Autonomous University of Barcelona (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Latin and Hebrew Bible in the Translation of Sanhedrin Ulisse Cecini, Autonomous University of Barcelona (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Toponymy, Anthroponomy and Hebrew Loanwords of the Hebrew Bible in the Latin Talmud Eulalia Vernet, Autonomous University of Barcelona (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Break Textual Variants or Pauline Modifications? Tracing the Origin of Paul’s Quotations Despite Textual Plurality Katja Helinä Kujanpää, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Text of Romans in the Writings of Origen Matthew R. Steinfeld, University of Birmingham (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Reconstruction of Large (Sc)rolls from Fragmentary Remains: Reflections on the Dead Sea Scrolls Containing Exodus Drew Longacre, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Walking through Intolerance and Tolerance 1 Session 1.1.5 Biblical Examples Room: Averroes Chair: Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta The New Beginning of Jerusalem by YHWH According to Ezra-‐Nehemiah in the Argument with Samaria Raik Heckl, University of Leipzig/University of Münster (25 min) “Demolish their altars, smash their sacred pillars ...!” (Deuteronomy 7:6) Reflections on the Origins of Biblical Intolerance Reinhard Müller, University of Münster (25 min) Discussion (25 min) Break Incident at Antioch and the History of Intolerance in Philosophy and Religion Fatima Tofighi, University of Religions (25 min) “(…) enslaved to beings that by nature are not gods (Gal 4:8 NRSV)?”: An Investigation of the Apostle Paul’s Depiction of Idols vs. God in the Context of the Debate on Religious Tolerance Reimund Bieringer, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Final discussion (25 min) Law and Narrative 1 Session 1.1.6 Room: Gongora Violations of Deuteronomy’s Laws in the Former Prophets I: Joshua, Judges, and 1 Samuel Chair: Christoph Berner, University of Göttingen Any link? Murder, Blood Revenge and Asylum in Deuteronomy and the Former Prophets Christian Frevel, Ruhr-‐University Bochum (25 min) P/H and D in Joshua 22:9-‐34 Pekka Pitkänen, University of Gloucestershire (25 min) The Silent Moses in Leviticus 10:16-‐20 Edgar Kellenberger, Independent Scholar (25 min) Break “They set up for themselves Micah’s ‘pesel’ which he made.” Violations of Deuteronomy’s Law in Judges 17f. Sarah Schulz, Friedrich-‐Alexander-‐University Erlangen-‐Nürnberg (25 min) Saul and the Law Hannes Bezzel, Friedrich-‐Schiller-‐University of Jena (25 min) Discussion (25 min) The Biblical World and its Reception 1 Session 1.1.7 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Matthew A. Collins, University of Chester The Bible in Question: Islamic Spain and the Unsettling of Scripture Hugh Pyper, University of Sheffield (30 min) Ibn Gabirol: The Secrecy of Love and the Secrets of Shushan Shari L Lowin, Stonehill College (30 min) Break The Question “Who are you?” Addressed to a Demonic Being: From the Mesopotamian, Biblical, Qumran and Apocryphal Texts to Western Literature Pablo A. Torijano, Complutense University of Madrid Julio Trebolle, Complutense University of Madrid (30 min) The Reception of the Hebrew Bible in Medieval Jewish Philosophy – The Case of Moses Maimonides Meir Seidler, Ariel University/Bar-‐Ilan University (30 min) Colour in the Bible Session 1.1.8A Room: Maimonides Chair: Adela Yarbro Collins, Yale University The Biblical Dyes: Scientific Facts, Popular Fiction C. Koren Zvi, Shenkar College of Engineering and Design (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Chromatic Sensibility of John from Patmos: the Red Colour in the Book of Revelation Lourdes García Ureña, University San Pablo–CEU (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Three Colors for The End Jesús Francisco Iriepar, European University of Madrid (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Biblical Masculinities: A Panel Discussion Session 1.1.8B Room: Maimonides Chair: Jorunn Okland, University of Oslo Panelists: Peter-‐Ben Smit, University of Utrecht Karin Neutel, University of Groningen Jacob Meiring, University of Pretoria South Africa Jason Ripley, St. Olaf College Dead Sea Scrolls 1 Session 1.1.9 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Mika Pajunen, University of Helsinki Keynote: The Reception of Non-‐sectarian Prayers at Qumran Esther Chazon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (45 min) On the Way to the Canon: 11QPsa and the Question of Canon Redux Corrado Martone, University of Turin (30 min) Break A Short Original Version of Psalm 8 in 5/6 Hev? A Gloss interrupting the Metric Cohesion of an Old Hymn Matthias Brütsch, University of Bern (25 min) Psalms, Songs, Incantations. Liturgical Compositions from Qumran Against their Functional Background Ida Fröhlich, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (25 min) The Book of Judges in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Other Second Temple Literature Ariel Feldman, Brite Divinity School (25 min) July 13, Plenary Session 11:40 AM– 12:30 PM Plenary Session #1 – 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM Room: Julio Romero Between Conflict and Cooperation: Jews and Muslims among their Christian Neighbours in the Iberian Peninsula The Iberian Peninsula is known for its history as a place where people of different creeds have had to co-‐exist over the centuries. The relationship between Christians, Jews and Muslims has lived moments of tension and peace. This panel explores this Iberian characteristic from the perspective of Jews and Muslims, and investigates how such a need to co-‐exist in the same geographic space has led to the formation of a particular Iberian identity. Chair: Ana Valdez, EABS Executive Officer Panelists: Alisa M. Ginio, Tel Aviv University Filomena Barros, University of Évora July 13, Early Afternoon Sessions 2:00 – 4:30PM Israel and the Production and Reception of Authoritative Books in the Persian and Hellenistic Period Session 1.2.1 Room: Seneca Prayers: Remembering and Constructing Israelite identity Chair: Susanne Gillmayr-‐Bucher, Catholic Private University Linz Reconsidering the Contribution of Psalm 37 to a Post-‐Exilic Theology of the Poor Scott C. Jones, Covenant College (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Ps 132 as a Prayer to Authorize the Significance of Jerusalem, the Chronicler’s Account of the Past, and the Power of Prayer in the Persian Period Melody Knowles, Virginia Theological Seminary (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Tehilla leDavid -‐ Dynamics of Remembering and Constructing in Psalm 145 and its History Nancy Rahn, University of Bern (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Prayers in Jonah: Reflections on a Growing ‘Israelite’ Identity Dirk Johannes Human, University of Pretoria (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Remembering and Constructing Israelite Identity in Post-‐exilic Yehud: Some Remarks on the Penitential Prayer of Nehemiah 9:6-‐37 Ndikho Mtshiselwa, University of South Africa (20 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (25 min) The Study of Historical Jesus Session 1.2.2 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Adela Yarbro Collins, Yale University Jesus' Literacy: status quaestionis Pieter Botha, University of South Africa (25 min) Eric Voegelin's Civilizational Critique of the Quest for the Historical Jesus: a Critical Review Thomas Heilke, University of British Columbia (25 min) The King of the Jews from Galilee or the Christ from Heaven Christos Theodorou, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen (25 min) A Reconstruction of Jesus' "Our Father" Prayer through its Aramaic Background Jaroslav Broz, Charles University in Prague (25 min) 'The Quest for Jesus is a Quest to Avoid him'. Why an Anti-‐Roman Outlook was not Alien to Jesus' Project and Why most Scholars Say the Opposite Fernando Bermejo-‐Rubio, National University of Distance Education (25 min) General Discussion (25 min) Science Fiction and the Bible Session 1.2.3 Room: Averroes Chair: Frauke Uhlenbruch, Independent Scholar Jewish Apocalyptic in Japanese Pop Culture: Neon Genesis Evangelion and Shin Megami Tensei Carlos Santos, University of Salamanca (30 min) Local Apocalypses: The Wicked City and Human Abundance in the Hebrew Bible and in Science Fiction and Popular Science of the 1960s-‐1970s Eva Rose Miller, University of Oxford (30 min) “Let Us Go into the Field:” Genesis 4 in “Dexter” and “The Walking Dead” Eliza Rosenberg, McGill University (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Textual Criticism of the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Qu’ran 2 Session 1.2.4 Room: Abderraman Chair: Drew Longacre, University of Helsinki Textual Criticism of the Greek New Testament: The Pericope of the Adulteress and the Manuscripts from Albania Didier Lafleur, Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Codex Z: Galatians Jordan Almanzar, University of Göttingen (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Pauline Catena Manuscripts and their Eponymous Compilers Theodora Panella, University of Birmingham (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Who was Esther’s Father? The Literary Significance of LXX and OL Esther 2:15 and 9:29 David Rothstein, Ariel University (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Criticism and Colours: Writing and Annotating Qur’ānic Manuscript Texts in Early Abbasid Script (9th Century) Alba Fedeli, University of Birmingham (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Law and Narrative 2 Session 1.2.5 Room: Gongora Violations of Deuteronomy’s Laws in the Former Prophets II: Kings and Chronicles Chair: Harald Samuel, Georg-‐August-‐Universität Göttingen Solomon’s Wives in Light of Deuteronomy 7:2-‐4 and Related Deuteronomistic Passages Reinhard Müller, Westfälische Wilhelms-‐Universität Münster (25 min) The Finding of the Book in 2 Kings 22-‐23: Refining a Common Understanding Based on Recent Studies Concerning Memory Raymond F. Person, Ohio Northern University (25 min) Discussion (25 min) What Was Considered to be Apostasy by the Chronicler, and How Does it Relate to Deuteronomic Law? Louis Jonker, University of Stellenbosch (25 min) Deuteronomic Alignment in Chronicles’ Rewriting of Samuel-‐Kings: How and Why? Christophe Nihan, University of Lausanne (25 min) Discussion (25 min) Intersections-‐ A Forum for Research on Ancient Israel, Hebrew Bible, and Cognate Topics Session 1.2.6 Room: Manolete Chair: Kåre Berge, NLA University College Why Shechem is Not Mentioned in Deuteronomy Yairah Amit, Tel Aviv University (25 min) Love Your Brother as Yourself: Figuring Deuteronomy's Economic Utopia Philippe Guillaume, University of Bern (25 min) The Redactional Manifestations in the Chronology of the Flood Li Jianfeng, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Alternative Reading of Psalm 90 Nava Neriya Cohen, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) The Sacrifice of Jephthah’s Daughter (Judges 11) as a Reflection Story of the Rebekah’s Betrothal and Marriage (Genesis 24) Yael Shemesh, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) Discussion (25 min) Europe Contested 1 Session 1.2.7 Room: Gran Capitan Methods for Developing ‘Ordinary’ European Contextual Interpretations of the Bible Chair: Gitte Buch-‐Hansen, University of Copenhagen Negotiating the Challenges of Doing Contextual Bible Study in the West: A British Case Study Tiffany Webster, University of Sheffield (20 min) Discussion: (15 min) The Folk Bible Florentina Badalanova Geller, Free University Berlin (20 min) Discussion (15 min) Reading the Bible with 'Ordinary' Autowallas (Auto Drivers) in Chennai: a British and Indian journey Arren Bennet Lawrence, University of Madras (20 min) Discussion (15 min) Bible Readings Among Illiterate New Europeans: Ethnographic Fieldwork and the Contextual Bible Study Method Gitte Buch-‐Hansen, University of Copenhagen (20 min) Discussion (15 min) Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism 1 Session 1.2.8 Room: Maimonides Chair: TBC World Citizenship and Ethnic Difference: “Neither Jew nor Greek” as a Cosmopolitan Ideal Karin Neutel, University of Groningen (25 min) Discussion (10 min) “No Male and Female”: Paul’s Legacy and the Recognition of Women in Early Christianity Outi Lehtipuu, University of Helsinki (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Why Did People Choose for the Jesus-‐Movement? Eduard Verhoef, Independent Scholar (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Tolerance and Plurality in Early Christianity: Perspectives through the Lens of Dialogical Self Theory Kobus Kok, University of Pretoria (25 min) Discussion (10 min) BREAK 4:30 – 5:00 PM July 13, Late Afternoon Sessions 5:00 – 7:30 PM Israel in the Ancient Near East 2 Session 1.3.1 Room: Julio Romero General Session Chair: Carolina Lopez-‐Ruiz, Ohio State University The Early Generations of the Babylonian Diaspora as Illuminated by the Cuneiform Documents from al Yaḫudu Mordechai Cogan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (20 min) Discussion (15 min) Nomina nuda tenemus: Elyon in Extra-‐Biblical Sources Anna Elise Zernecke, Johannes Gutenberg-‐University Mainz (20 min) Discussion (15 min) The Creation of the Animals and of the Woman in Gen 2 Magnar Kartveit, School of Mission and Theology (20 min) Discussion (15 min) Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies Session 1.3.2 Room: Manolete Chair: Ory Amitay, University of Haifa (This session is sponsored by the EABS Committee) Introduction to Digital Humanities Sara Schulthess, University of Lausanne (20 min) DH in Biblical Studies: the CODEC project Peter Phillips, University of Durham (35 min) The COMPAUL Project: Using Digital Resources for the Analysis of Biblical Material in Patristic Commentaries Susan B. Griffith, University of Birmingham (20 min) Digital Humanities in Biblical Studies: the Project “Arabic Manuscripts of Pauline Letters” Sara Schulthess, University of Lausanne (25 min) Workshop Bible and Tools (Google NGrams, Corpus Linguistics and Twitter Data) Peter Phillips, University of Durham (50 min) Prophets and Prophecy 2 Session 1.3.3 Room: Abderraman Chair: Klaas Smelik, Ghent University Structure, Rhetoric, and Meaning in the Vineyard Parable (Isa 5:1-‐7) Yisca Zimran, Bar Ilan University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Synchronic and Diachronic Dynamics of the Entire Book of Isaiah: for a New Commentary on Isaiah 1-‐66 Guido Benzi, Università Pontificia Salesiana (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Is Isaiah’s Vision (Isaiah 6:1-‐7) a Critique of Priestly Power? Alphonso Groenewald, University of Pretoria (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The Riddle of Hannah’s Prophecy Ruth Danino Lichtenstein, Ohalo Academic College (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Images of Creation in Reception History 1 Session 1.3.4 Room: Gongora Chair: Agnethe Siquans, University of Vienna Methodological Reflections on Reception History – Similarity and Difference between Comparative Studies of Ancient and Modern Literature Michaela Bauks, University Koblenz-‐Landau Susanne Gillmayr-‐Bucher, Catholic Private University Linz (25 min) God, the κτίστης – God as Creator? Barbara Schmitz, University of Würzburg (25 min) How to Understand Jesus “The Word” as Creator in John 1:1-‐3? Help from Philo the Hellenistic Jew Annette Henrietta Evans, University of the Free State (25 min) Chair: Michaela Bauks, University of Koblenz-‐Landau The Pauline Reception of Creation in the Adam-‐Christ Typology of 1 Corinthians 15 Steffen Jöris, RWTH Aachen University (25 min) The Creation of the Animals (Gen 1): Origen’s and Augustine’s Different Interpretations and Their Implications Agnethe Siquans, University of Vienna (25 min) Scriptural Intertextuality and the Story of the Creation of Woman in Qur`anic Studies: What is Wrong with the Rib of Adam? Bulent Senay, Uludag University Bursa (25 min) Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible 1 Session 1.3.5 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Reimund Bieringer, Catholic University of Leuven Images of God Full of Violence as Metaphors of Rulership Stefan Wälchli, University of Berne (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Did I Give Birth? The Significance of the Gendered Metaphors in Numbers 11:11-‐15. Hanne Loeland Levinson, University of Minnesota (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Eating an Onion in Jerusalem, Not a Chicken in Egypt: Food as Metaphor, Food as an Expression of Status and Power Struggles According to the Jewish Bible, Rabbinic Literature and the Cairo Genizah Documents Elinoar Bareket, Achva Academic College (25 min) Discussion (10 min) “The LORD will be אור to me”: Solar and Suzerain Metaphors for YHWH in Micah 7:8-‐ 10? Maricel Ibita, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Judeans in the Persian Empire 1 Room: Averroes Chair: Jason Silverman, University of Helsinki Session 1.3.6 Servitude and Business at the Rivers of Babylon: When and Why Yuval Levavi, University of Vienna (presenter) (25 min) Michael Jursa, University of Vienna (co-‐author) Discussion (15 min) Judaeans and Greeks: Ethnic Refractions of Persian Kingship Lindsay Allen, King’s College London (25 min) Discussion (15 min) Old Persian-‐Hebrew Contact? A Reevaluation of a Recent Proposal Harald Samuel, Georg-‐August-‐University of Göttingen (25 min) Discussion (15 min) Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Evidence of the Mishnah 2 Session 1.3.7 Room: Seneca Chair: Simcha Fishbane, Touro College Culturalization of Physiology in Early Rabbinic Literature Tirzah Yoreh Meacham, University of Toronto, (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Medical Discourse, Claims to Validity and Social Interactions between Rabbis and Others According to Early Jewish Sources Lennart Lehmhaus, Free University Berlin (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (15 min) Between Text and Society: The Mishnah as Inaugurator of a Dynamic Sphere of Power in Jewish Society Naomi Silmann, Ashkalon Academic College (25 min) Discussion (5 min) How and Why Tekhelet Was Lost Harry Fox, University of Toronto (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (15 min) Hellenistic Judaism Session 1.3.8 Papyrology and Hellenistic Judaism Room: Maimonides Chair: Esther Chazon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem P. Amherst 63 col. 12[13]: A Hebrew and Aramaic Hymn in Demotic Script Zsuzsanna Szántó, University of Budapest (presenter) (25 min) Meron Piotrkowski, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (co-‐author) Discussion (10 min) The Jews in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt and the Concept of Ethnic Minority Sylvie Honigman, Tel Aviv University (25 min) Discussion (10 min) CPJ IV Progress Noah Hacham, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Diachronic Poetology of the Hebrew Bible & Related Ancient Near Eastern & Ancient Jewish Literature Session 1.3.9 The Synonymous Parallelism: Origins, History, and Aesthetics of a Fundamental Form of Ancient Near Eastern and Hebrew Poetry Room: 429 Chair: Sonja Ammann, Humboldt-‐University of Berlin The Wisdom of Parallelism: Remarks about Form and Function of Parallelismus Membrorum in Proverbial Wisdom Ingo Kottsieper, University of Münster (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Synonymous Parallelism as a Literary Stereogram in the Royal Psalms, Part 1: Corpus, Method and Survey of Results Elizabeth Hayes, Fuller Theological Seminary (20 min) Discussion (5 min) “Approach, O Nations, and Listen, Give Heed, O Peoples”: Synonymous Parallelism in the Oracles against the Nations Karolien Vermeulen, Harvard University/University of Antwerp (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Diminishing Use of Synonymous Parallelism in the Hellenistic Period Mika Pajunen, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Response Reinhard Müller, University of Münster Urmas Nõmmik, University of Tartu (20 min) Discussion (30 min) July 13, Evening Session 7:30-‐8:30 PM Book Discussion & Reception, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM Room: Julio Romero Between Sepharad and Jerusalem – Paloma Díaz Mas Discusses Alisa Meyuhas Ginio’s Newest Book. Paloma Díaz Mas, senior researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC-‐ Madrid), introduces and discusses the newest book of Alisa M. Ginio, published in 2014 by Brill. In this book, Ginio introduces the reader to the history of the Sephardic diaspora after the expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula around the basin of the Mediterranean, an essential topic to understand Sephardic identity. This session is sponsored by the Centro Sefarad-‐Israel, and will have the participation of: - Paloma Díaz Mas (ILC-‐CSIC, Madrid) - Yessica Sanroman, (Centro Sefarad-‐Israel) - Alisa Meyuhas Ginio (Tel Aviv University) This session is open to all EABS conference participants, and will be followed by a Vino español – Spanish Wine, offered by the Centro Sefarad-‐Israel. Meyuhas Ginio, Alisa. Between Sepharad and Jerusalem: History, Identity and Memory of the Sephardim. The Iberian Religious World. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2014. July 14, Morning Sessions Regular Sessions: 8:30 – 11:30 AM, Break 9:45 – 10:15 AM Sessions A: 8:30 – 10 AM Sessions B: 10:15 – 11:30 AM Early Judaism and Rabbinics 1 Session 2.1.1 Room: Seneca Chair: Laura S. Lieber, Duke University ¿Quiénes fue Yose ben Yose? Individual and Community in Early Piyyut Michael D. Swartz, Ohio State University (25 min) Did Moses Author the Bible? Why Understanding the Nature of the Reading Process is Essential to the Talmud’s Answer to this Question Zvi Septimus, Cornell University (25 min) Discussion (25 min) Break Ressurection of the ‘Dead’? – Figurations of the Author/Narrator in Three Geonic Midrashim Lennart Lehmhaus, Free University Berlin (25 min) Authors as Subverters in the Tanhuma Midrashim Dov Yehuda Weiss, University of Illinois at Urbana-‐Champaign (25 min) Discussion (25 min) The Biblical World and its Reception 2 Room: Abderraman Chair: Hugh Pyper, University of Sheffield From Chaos to Kasper: The Chaoskampf Motif Through the Ages Judith Elisabeth Filitz, University of Leipzig (30 min) The Strange Case of the Gospel according to Notovitch Ory Amitay, University of Haifa (30 min) Break Session 2.1.2 From Promised Land to Slavery: John Steinbeck as an Interpreter of Biblical Text Katerina Koci, Catholic University of Leuven (30 min) “Palimpsest Regained”: Margaret Atwood’s Bible in Contemporary Western Culture Hannah Marie Strømmen, University of Chichester (30 min) Exile and Identity in the Hebrew Bible and Related Literature 1 Session 2.1.3 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Frederik Poulsen, University of Copenhagen The Babylonian Exile in Old Testament Scholarship Jesper Høgenhaven, University of Copenhagen (25 min) Deuteronomy’s Maqom as Utopian Site of Voluntary Exile within the Land Philippe Guillaume, University of Bern (25 min) Community Identity and Holy War in the Book of Joshua Alexandru Mihaila, University of Bucharest (25 min) Break Exile and Exodus – the Need of a Caesura for the Construction of Identity in Ezra 1–3 Anna Maria Bortz, Johannes-‐Gutenberg-‐University Mainz (25 min) There and Back Again? The Exiled God in the Visions of Ezekiel 40–47 and Zechariah 1:8–6:8 Mette Bundvad, University of Copenhagen (25 min) General discussion (25 min) Emotions and the Biblical World Session 2.1.4 Translating Biblical Emotions Room: Gongora Chair: Ma. Maricel S. Ibita, Catholic University of Leuven Between Envy and Possession: Translating the Evil Eye in Biblical Traditions Anna Angelini, University of Lausanne (25 min) Of Jealous Husbands and a Jealous God: The LXX Rendering of qin’āh Dominika Kurek-‐Chomycz, Liverpool Hope University (25 min) Translating Anger Petra von Gemünden, University of Augsburg (25 min) Break “And he cried with a great exceeding bitter cry” (Genesis 27:34) – The Significance of Emotions in the Jacob Narrative Martina Weingärtner, Friedrich-‐Alexander-‐University Erlangen-‐Nürnberg (25 min) Are We Reading Rage into the Psalms? Tarah van de Wiele, University of Nottingham (25 min) Discussion (20 min) Business Meeting (5 min) Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism 2 Session 2.1.5 Room: Averroes Chair: Outi Lehtipuu, University of Helsinki Negotiating the Virgin Birth Galit Hasan-‐Rokem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (25 min) Discussion (10 min) The Recognition of the “Maccabees” as Martyrs Anna-‐Liisa Tolonen, University of Helsinki (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Break The Times They Are A-‐Changin’: Tacitean Irony and Nero’s Punishment of Christians Birgit Van der Lans, University of Groningen (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Were the Early Christians Really Persecuted? Paul Middleton, University of Chester (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Literary Features -‐ Fact or Fiction 1: Session 2.1.6A Room: Maimonides Metonymy in Ancient Texts Chair: Elizabeth Hayes, Fuller Theological Seminary Metonymy and metaphor: Describing the Relation between the Hittite Kings and their Vassals in the Hittite State Treaties Marta Pallavidini, University of Pavia/Free University of Berlin (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Simile, Metonymy, and Figurative Language in Contrastive Analogies Zvi Shimon, Bar-‐Ilan University (20 min) Discussion (10 min) General Discussion (20 min) Intersections: A Forum for Research of Ancient Israel 2 Session 2.1.7 Room: Manolete Chair: Christophe Nihan, University of Lausanne Shaping and Remembering an Arch-‐Villain in the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period: The Case of Ahaz in Chronicles and its Implications Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta (25 min) Displaced Writing as a Literary Element in Ahaz’s Story (2 Chr 28) Itzhik Amar, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) At the Intersection of Intellect and Insolence: The Historiographic Significance of Solomon's and Jehoshaphat's "Tarshish Ships" in the Light of a Wisdom Motif Tova Forti (presenter) and David Glatt-‐Gilad (co-‐author), Ben Gurion University of the Negev (25 min) Break Naboth's Vineyard and the Archaeology of Jezreel Norma Jane Franklin, University of Haifa (25 min) The Wisdom of Chronicles: A Filmic Approach to the Intolerable Images in the Royal Annals Buyoung Son, University of Sheffield (25 min) Final discussion (25 min) Developing Exegetical Methods 1 Session 2.1.8 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Thomas Wagner, University of Wuppertal The Cultural Background Knowledge in the History of Research and its Relevance for the Reconstruction of the Literary History Raik Heckl, University of Leipzig (25 min) A Post-‐Priestly Harmonization in the Flood Narrative Bernard Levinson, University of Minnesota (25 min) Tradition and Innovation in the Balaam-‐Narrative Numbers 22-‐24 Walter Bührer, University of Bochum (25 min) Break Genesis 34 and Biblical Narratives Haim Hayun, Kibbutzim College, Tel Aviv (25 min) Tradition Criticism and Literary History in Tandem? Ezekiel 20 as a Test Case Penelope Barter, University of St. Andrews (25 min) I’m a Bitch, I’m a Lover… I’m a Sinner, I’m a Saint: Reconfiguring Traditional Identities in Ruth, Esther, and Judith Anne-‐Mareike Wetter, University of Utrecht (25 min) Biblical Philology in Byzantine Manuscripts Session 2.1.9 Room: 429 Chair: Reinhart Ceulemans, Catholic University of Leuven The Paratexts of the Greek Bible: Theoretical Considerations and Early Examples Patrick Andrist, University of Fribourg (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Reflections on the Greek Translation of Psalm Titles in the Light of the Catena to Vat. gr. 752 Barbara Crostini, University of Stockholm (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Date of Codex Zacynthius : Questioning the Theories on the Invention of the Biblical Catenas Georgios Makris, University of Münster (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Break Chair: Barbara Crostini, University of Stockholm Biblical Scholarship in Terra d’Otranto: Greek, Latin and Jewish Readings in MS Par. gr. 3 Mariachiara Fincati, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Nicolaus Nectarius († 1235) and Philology of the Greek and Hebrew Bible Reinhart Ceulemans, Catholic University of Leuven (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Closing discussion (plenary) July 14, Plenary Session 11:40 AM– 12:30 PM Plenary Session #2: Tuesday, 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM Room: Julio Romero Diversity, Inclusivity and the Future of Biblical and Cognate Studies – A Panel of Four Presidents. Chair: Reimund Bieringer, EABS president (2013-‐2015) Panelists: Athalya Brenner-‐Idan, SBL president 2015 Fernando Segovia, SBL president 2014 Jorunn Økland, EABS president (2010-‐2012) Ehud Ben Zvi, EABS president (2016-‐2018) Until the very recent past, Biblical Studies used to be the domain of a male, clerical, Eurocentric guild of university and seminary professors. Due to many social and cultural processes, in a certain number of mainly western countries this situation has substantially changed. Gradually the guild has become more inclusive. This plenary session will focus on the opportunities and challenges of the growing diversification in Biblical and cognate studies which has been happening in the recent past. The panel features presidents of the SBL and of the EABS of the recent past and the immediate future. It is one of the fruits of the growing cooperation between EABS and SBL. July 14, Early Afternoon Sessions 2:00 – 4:30 PM Early Judaism and Rabbinics 2 Session 2.2.1 Room: Seneca Chair: Michael D. Swartz, Ohio State University Exceptional Structures in the Tannaitic Midrashim A New Perspective Following Theory of Authorship Hallel Baitner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (25 min) The Dual Character of Jeremiah’s Prophetic Address as Portrayed in Pesikta de-‐Rav Kahana Arnon Atzmon, Bar Ilan University (25 min) Discussion (20 min) Written in the Stars: Issues of Authorial Multivocality Laura Suzanne Lieber, Duke University (25 min) Rethinking the Notion of Authorship in Late Antique and Medieval Jewish Culture -‐ A Response Ophir Münz-‐Manor, The Open University (20 min) Discussion (30 min) Iconography and Biblical Studies 1 Session 2.2.2 Room: Maimonides Chair: Florian Lippke, University of Fribourg, Part 1: Iconographical-‐exegetical case studies Solomon’s Throne: A Textual, Iconographic and Material Study Raanan Eichler, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Humanimal Aesthetics: Animals Imagery in the Song of Songs Yvonne Sophie Thöne, University of Kassel (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Centre and Periphery in Isaiah 66:18-‐24 Izaak J. de Hulster, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Part 2: Iconographical-‐exegetical case studies and methodology Predator, Prophets and Prey: Literary Characters and their Iconographic Background in 1 Kings 13:11–32 Sanna L. Saari, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Verbal Narrative from Visual Image: Object Agency and the Variant Textual Traditions of Daniel 6 and Bel and the Dragon Justin J. White, Yale University (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Discussion about Textual Interpretation, Iconography, and Methodology (15 min) Prophets and Prophecy 3 Session 2.2.3 Room: Abderraman Chair: Dalit Miriam Rom-‐Shiloni, Tel Aviv University The King on a Donkey in Zechariah 9:9-‐10: A Royal or an Anti-‐Royal Figure? Martin Schott, University of Erlangen-‐Nuremberg (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Species electri (Ez. 1:5) Ioana Costa, University of Bucharest (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Jeremiah’s Prophecies in Medieval Jewish Exegesis Mariano Gomez Aranda, Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East (CCHS – CSIC) (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Images of Creation in Reception History 2 Session 2.2.4 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Barbara Schmitz, University of Würzburg Jewish Medieval Readings on Biblical Accounts of Creation Elodie Attia-‐Kay, University of Heidelberg (25 min) Eve and the Serpent -‐ The Transformation of a Motif from Genesis 2-‐3 to its Representation in Modern Textbooks Ruth Rehfisch, University of Koblenz-‐Landau (25 min) Furious Gardener, Flaming Swords and the Big Bang -‐ Reception of Genesis 1-‐3 in Post-‐modern Literature Lilli Ohliger, University of Koblenz-‐Landau (25 min) Chair: Susanne Gillmayr-‐Bucher, Catholic Private University Linz How Many Realities Must a Man Undergo? The Question of Reality Mentioned in God’s Whirlwind Speech in the Book of Job in consideration of a Criticism of Effects (Wirkungskritik) Leonie Ratschow, University of Leipzig (25 min) Reflections of the Story of Creation in Science and Science Fiction Felicia Waldman, University of Bucharest (25 min) Discussion (25min) Walking through Intolerance and Tolerance 2 Session 2.2.5 Medieval and Early Modern Voices Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Filomena Barros, University of Évora Military Orders and the Conversion (or not Conversion) of “Their” Muslims in Medieval Castile Clara Almagro Vidal, Independent Scholar (25 min) Against the Portuguese Inquisition’s Arbitrary Decrees: Redete ergo qua sunt Caesaris Caesari et qua sunt Dei Deo Maria Fernandes, University of Lisbon (25 min) Jewish Prayers in Converso Milieu: The Cripto-‐Jewish Society in the Habsburg Portugal José Alberto Rodrigues da Silva Tavim, IICT (presenter) (25 min) Ana Isabel Lopez Salazar Codes, University of Madrid (co-‐author) Discussion (25 min) The Study of New Testament Greek Session 2.2.6 Room: 429 Chair: Stephen Levinsohn, SIL International A Method for Analyzing the Semantic and Narrative Rhetoric of Repetition and Their Contribution to Characterization Paul Danove, Villanova University (30 min) Missing “Particles” in Disputed Pauline Letters? A Question of Method Jermo Van Nes, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Leuven (30 Min) Chair: Paul Danove, Villanova University Semitisms in Luke's Greek Adelbert Denaux, Catholic University of Leuven (30 min) Constraints on the Interpretation of Luke 17:11-‐19 Stephen Levinsohn, SIL International (30 min) Opening the Greek World to All: Creating a Chinese-‐Greek Lexical Database of the New Testament Eric Hun Chun Wong, Divinity School of Chung Ki College (30 min) Intersections: A Forum for Research of Ancient Israel 3 Session 2.2.7 Room: Manolete Chair: John J. Collins, Yale University When Prophets Eat Books Kåre Berge, NLA University College (30 min) Towards an Israelite Theory of Public Reading Lisa J. Cleath, University of California Los Angeles (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Silence as Restraint: Integrating Figurative Uses of ‘Silence’ into the Semantic Field Sonja Noll, University of Oxford (30 min) The Reference to Abraham in Nehemiah 9:7–8: Sources, Significance, and Function Hava Guy, David Yellin College (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Anthropology and the Bible Session 2.2.8 Room: Gongora Chair: Lukasz Niesiolowski-‐Spano, Warsaw University Why Did Joseph Kiss His Father (Genesis 50:1)? A New Proposal Michael Avioz, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) A Mother in Israel: Childbirth as a Rite of Passage Julye Bidmead, Chapman University (25 min) Ritual Failure and Ritual Participation in 1 Cor 8 Peter-‐Ben Smit, University of Utrecht (25 min) Affirming the Disabled Body? Some New Testament Perspectives Pieter Botha, University of South Africa (25 min) The ‘Anthropology of the Mediterranean’ and Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical Studies Emanuel Pfoh, National University of La Plata/National Research Council-‐Argentina (25 min) Final discussion (25 min) The Roman Forum: New Testament, Early Christianity, Early Rabbinics 1 Session 2.2.9 Room: Averroes Chair: Jorunn Økland, University of Oslo From Textual Criticism to Modern Quotation Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Rhetorical Functions of Quotations in Paul’s Argumentation Katja Kujanpää, University of Helsinki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Ipsissima Vox vs. Ipsissima Verba: Voicing the (Im)possibility in Modern Greek Translation Contexts Paraskevi Arapoglou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Writing Aramaic in Greek: Maranatha as a Test Case Andrew Messmer, Evangelische Theologische Fakulteit (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Ghost of Uriah Haunting David, Bathsheba and Their Sons: Exemplification of the Significance of Designations in the Bible Lisa Hui, Université Catholique de Louvain (20 min) Discussion (30 min) BREAK 4:30 – 5:00 PM July 14, Late Afternoon Sessions 5:00 – 7:30 PM Israel and the Production and Reception of Authoritative Books in the Persian and Hellenistic Period 2 Session 2.3.1 Room: Seneca Prayers: Remembering and Constructing Israelite identity 2 Chair: Maria Häusl, Technical University Dresden All this Has Happened Before – Will all of it Happen Again? Alexa F. Wilke, University of Göttingen (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Rethinking the Transmission of Early Jewish Texts in Relation to Prayer: The Confessions of Daniel and Baruch as a Case Study Judith H. Newman, University of Toronto (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Shaping the Narrative through Prayer: The Chronicler’s Rhetorical Use of Direct and Indirect Prayer Speech to Converse with and About God Michael D. Matlock, Asbury Theological Seminary (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Hannah’s Prayer (I Sam 2,1–10) in Pseudo-‐Philo’s‚ Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum’ Hannes Bezzel, Friedrich-‐Schiller-‐University of Jena (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Testing Tales: Genesis 22 and Daniel 3 & 6 Christo Lombaard, University of South Africa (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Glory and Remorse: Transitions in Solomon’s prayer Susanne Gillmayr-‐Bucher, Catholic-‐Theological Private University of Linz (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Editorial Techniques in the Hebrew Bible in Light of Empirical Evidence Session 2.3.2 Omissions of Words, Sentences and Passages in the Transmission of the Hebrew Bible Room: Julio Romero Chair: Bernard M. Levinson, University of Minnesota Religious Attitudes Guiding the Biblical Manuscript Tradition; Christoph Levin, Ludwig-‐Maximilians-‐University München (25 min) Two textual forms in 2 Kings 9:30-‐37 (MT and LXX): From Textual to Literary Criticism Julio Trebolle, Complutense University of Madrid (25 min) In Search of Intentional Omissions in the Books of Kings (MT and LXX) Matthieu Richelle, Free Faculty of Evangelical Theology at Vaux sur Seine (25 min) Looking Backwards at Omissions George J. Brooke, University of Manchester (25 min) Response by Juha Pakkala and Reinhard Müller (15 min) Discussion (35 min) Historical Approaches to the Bible and the Biblical World Session 2.3.3 Room: Averroes Part 1: History of Ancient/Biblical Israel Chair: Philippe Guillaume, University of Berne Introduction: Biblical World and Historical Approaches -‐ an Overview Florian Lippke, University of Fribourg (15 min) Knauf's & Guillaume's book in context. Review. Lukasz Niesiolowski-‐Spano, University of Warsaw (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The History of Ancient Israel as a Problem: For a History of Ancient Palestine Emanuel Pfoh, National University of La Plata/National Research Council-‐Argentina (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Part 2: Case Studies: Biblical World and History The Reverse of the Medal – Methodological and Historiographical Notes on Persian Period Coinage in the “History of Biblical Israel” Katharina Pyschny, Ruhr University Bochum (20 min) Discussion (5 min) “And all of the People Joined in the Covenant”: A Social Study of Public Reading Audiences in the Hebrew Bible Lisa J. Cleath, University of California Los Angeles (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Bible in the Twenty-‐First Century. Politization of Bibles and Biblization of Politics Session 2.3.4 Room: Manolete Chair: Yairah Amit, Tel Aviv University Moving Toward Colour: Families and ‘Family Values’ in the Film PleasantvilleThrough the Biblical Eden and Beyond Athalya Brenner-‐Idan, Tel Aviv University (25 min) A Reader that Matters Meir Bar Mymon, Tel Aviv University (25 min) Joseph “for Children and Households”: the First Afrikaans Children’s Bible and the Rise of Afrikaner Nationalism Jaqueline S. du Toit, University of Free State (25 min) Resisting Empire in the Body Jeremy Punt, Stellenbosch University (25 min) Mark and Genesis 1-‐2:2 Charlotte Faber, University of Amsterdam (25min) Rhetorical Device or Ideological Missile? A Reflection on the Use of Scriptures by Public Office Bearers with Special Reference to South Africa Pre-‐ and Post-‐Struggle for Democracy McGlory Speckman, University of South Africa (25 min) Graeco-‐Roman Society and the New Testament 1 Session 2.3.5 Room: Gongora Chair: Birgit Van der Lans, University of Groningen The Customs House Inscription at Ephesos (IvE 1a.20) and Paul’s Jerusalem Collection: Exchange, Surplus, Ideology, and the Divine Steven Friesen, University of Texas at Austin (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The Unbreakable Bonds: Funerary Associations and Commemoration in the Graeco-‐ Roman World Ekaterini Tsalampouni, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General Discussion (15 min) The Exclusion of a Member from the Body of Disorder: 1 Cor 5:1-‐13 Revisited Linda Kristina Joelsson, Åbo Akademi University/Stockholm School of Theology (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Onesimus: Paul’s Son who was a Slave Jordan Almanzar, Georg-‐August-‐Universität Göttingen (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (15 min) Fan Fiction and the Study of Biblical Commentary and Scribal Culture Session 2.3.6 Room: Maimonides Chair: Gitte Buch-‐Hansen, University of Copenhagen Fan Fiction, Biblical Commentary, and Scribal Culture in Conversation Sonja Ammann Humboldt University Mette Bundvad, University of Copenhagen (Interview with) Solveig Grebe, University of Göttingen Frauke Uhlenbruch, Independent Scholar (30 min) Discussion (15 min) The ‘Alternate Universe’ of the Foreign Court: Esther and Daniel as Jewish Fan Fiction Esther Brownsmith, Brandeis University (30 min) The Making of Hanina ben Dosa: A Case of Fan Fiction in the Babylonian Talmud Monika Amsler, University of Zurich (30 min) Formation of Pseudo-‐Canonical Motives in Biblical Apocrypha and Fanfiction Barbara Oudová Holcátová, Charles University in Prague (30 min) Final discussion (15 min) Literary Features -‐ Fact or Fiction 2 Session 2.3.7 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Karolien Vermeulen, University of Antwerp/Harvard University When Opposites Attract: Antithetical Parallelism and the Rhetoric of the Royal Psalms Elizabeth Hayes, Fuller Theological Seminary (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Man Wastes Away Like a Rotten Thing, Like a Garment Eaten by Moths (Job 13:28) Magdalena Mathis, Trinity College -‐ Luxembourg (20 min) Discussion (5 min) ‘Double Reading’ and ‘Rereading’ in the Biblical Narrative Jonathan Grossman, Bar-‐Ilan University (20 min) Discussion (5 min) “The Body of Nineveh: Metonymy in Nahum 2-‐3” Karolien Vermeulen, University of Antwerp/Harvard University Discussion (5 min) The Saviour, not Jesus: The Replacement of the Name ‘Jesus’ in Christian-‐Gnostic Revelation-‐Dialogue Genre Sarah Parkhouse, University of Durham (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Business Meeting (25 min) Prophets and Prophecy 4 Session 2.3.8 Room: Abderraman Chair: Mariano Gomez Aranda, Institute of Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East Reading Jeremiah 52 in Exile Adam Harger, University of Saint Andrews (25 min) Discussion (5 min) “Is not the LORD in Zion?” -‐ Languages of Anthropomorphism and Conceptions of Presence in Jeremiah Dalit Miriam Rom-‐Shiloni, Tel Aviv University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The Addition of 2 Kings 25 to the Book of Jeremiah Henk de Waard, Apeldoorn Theological University (25 min) Discussion (5 min) The Beginning of the End. Jeremiah 21:1–10 and its Position in the Book of Jeremiah The Bible in the Iberian World 1 Session 2.3.9 Room: 429 Chair: Ricardo Muñoz Solla, University of Salamanca Presentation (5 min) Formats and Uses of Glossed Hebrew Bibles in the Late Middle Ages Javier del Barco, ILC-‐CSIC (25 min) Religious Law and History: Towards a New Perspective on Bible Manuscripts in the Transcultural Medieval Iberian Societies Matthias Martin Tischler, Autonomous University of Barcelona (25 min) The Influence of Hebraic Miniatures on Christian Miniatures Around 1400 María Portmann, University of Munich (25 min) Medical Texts from the Middle Ages: Between Science and Religion Meritxell Blasco Orellana, University of Barcelona (25 min) Sancho IV’s “Castigos e Documentos”: Quoting the Bible to Defend Misogyny and Refashioning History to Express Racism and Religious Intolerance Maria Cecilia Ruiz, University of San Diego (25 min) Discussion (20 min) July 15, Morning Sessions Regular Sessions: 8:30 – 11:30 AM, Break 9:45 – 10:15 AM Sessions A: 8:30 – 10 AM Sessions B: 10:15 – 11:30 AM Judeans in the Persian Empire 2 Session 3.1.1 Room: Averroes Chair: Anne-‐Mareike Wetter, University of Utrecht Reflexes of Achaemenid Iconography, Ideology, and Theology as Criteria for Dating Biblical Texts Christine Mitchell, St. Andrew’s College (25 min) Early Achaemenid Ideology and Yehud Temple-‐Building: Some Early Considerations Jason M. Silverman, University of Helsinki (25 min) Discussion Break Dating Cuneiform Literary Texts Caroline Waerzeggers, University of Leiden (25 min) Discussion Business Meeting Iconography and Biblical Studies 2 Session 3.1.2 Room: Maimonides Chair: Izaak J. de Hulster, University of Helsinki Introduction to Materiality (4 min) Materiality Matters: Basic Principles Dealing with Iconography and Epigraphy Florian Lippke, University of Fribourg (21 min) Discussion (7 min) The Metal situlae of the Ancient Orient Philipp Frei, Bern University (21 min) Discussion (7 min) Discussion about Material, Materiality, and Methodology (15 min) Break Introduction (4 min) Similes Ananiae, Azariae et Misaheli exstiterunt. The “quartodeciman” Reception of “Tales” of Daniel (in part. ch. 3) in Paleochristian Literature and Iconography (II-‐IV secc.) Celeste Valenti, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart Milano (21 min) Discussion (7 min) The Second Commandment and Visual Art in Late Antiquity: Between Jews and Samaritans Noa Yuval-‐Hacham, Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies (21 min) Discussion (7 min) Discussion about the Relationships between Literature, Visual Art, and Theology (15 min) The Bible in Arabic in Judaism, Christianity, Islam 1 Session 3.1.3 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Camilla Adang, Tel Aviv University The Christian Arabic Book of Daniel: Its Variegated Canon and its Intertwinement with Liturgical Texts Miriam Lindgren Hjälm, University of Munich (30 min) First Corinthians in Vaticanus Arabicus 13 Sara Schulthess, University of Lausanne (30 min) Discussion (15 min) The Nahda Bible: A Global Commodity Rana Hisham Issa, University of Oslo (30 min) Twelver Shīʿī Reception of A Medieval Melkite Translation of the Septuagint Psalter into Arabic: Ẓahīr al-‐Dīn b. Mullā Murād Tafrishī’s Nuṣrat al-‐ḥaqq (ca. 1074/1663) Dennis Halft, Free University of Berlin/Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies in Cairo (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Pauline Literature Session 3.1.4 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Dominika Kurek-‐Chomycz, Liverpool Hope University Apologetic for Style: What is Style and why is Study of Style Beneficial to the New Testament Interpreter? Aida Besancon Spencer, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (30 min) How to Style a Letter? Paul’s Skills in Relation to Papyrological Evidence Christina M. Kreinecker, University of Salzburg (30 min) Chair: Ma. Marilou S. Ibita, Catholic University of Leuven Paul’s Construction of Self-‐Identity: Memory, Discourse and Narrative Identity Simon Butticaz, University of Lausanne (30 min) Paul and the Language of Divine Violence: The Case of 1 Corinthians 1:19 and 3:17 Teodor Brasoveanu, Catholic University of Leuven (30 min) Discussion (30 min) Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism 3 Session 3.1.5 Room: Seneca Chair: Anna-‐Liisa Tolonen, University of Helsinki First Clement and Roman Judaism Martin Wessbrandt, Lund University (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Between Debate and Recognition: Origen, Heracleon and the Gospel of John Ismo Dunderberg, University of Helsinki (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Break A Form of Tolerance? Oikonomia in Light of the Rebaptism Controversy Nicholas George Marinides, University of Basel (25 min) Discussion (10 min) General Discussion (40 min) Exile and Identity in the Hebrew Bible and Related Literature 2 Session 3.1.6 Room: Manolete Chair: Jesper Høgenhaven, University of Copenhagen Redaction and Theology? The גר in the Sabbath Commandment(s) Ottilia Lukacs, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Jewish Identity on Trial – The Case of Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther Ayelet Seidler, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) The Meaning of ‘Exile’ in the Book of Tobit Johanna Rautenberg, Technical University of Dresden (25 min) Break Foreignness, Exile, and Social Status in the Aramaic Book of Ahiqar Seth Allen Bledsoe, Florida State University (25 min) Images of Exile Frederik Poulsen, University of Copenhagen (25 min) General Discussion (25 min) Europe Contested 2 Session 3.1.7A Europe Contested 2: Contemporary Bible readings performed by ‘ordinary’ readers in a European context Room: Abderraman Chairs: Gitte Buch-‐Hansen, University of Copenhagen / Tiffany Webster, University of Sheffield Biblical Exegesis by People with an Intellectual Disability Edgar Kellenberger, Independent Scholar (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Annoyance, Worry and Guilt: Learning from the Emotions Expressed by 'Ordinary' Women Readers of Ephesians 5:21-‐33 Jo Logan, Durham University (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Trials in the Desert – Exodus as Gospel: Nigerian Sex Workers in Copenhagen and the Bible Sigrid la Cour Sonne, University of Copenhagen (20 min) Discussion (10 min) Archaeology of the Levant Session 3.1.7B Room: Abderraman Chair: Norma Franklin, Tel Aviv University Iron Age Temples and Shrines in Jordan Margreet Steiner, Independent Scholar (30 min) Daily Bread and Clothing or Cakes and Garments for the Gods? Jeannette Boertien, University of Groningen (30 min) Nothing Sacred? -‐ Visualization and Function of "Temple" Spaces in Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema Frauke Uhlenbruch, Independent Scholar (30 min) The Reception of Scripture in Patristic Exegesis 1 Session 3.1.8 Room: Gongora Chair: Cosmin Pricop, University of Bucharest "Untrained in Speech, but not in Knowledge" (2Cor 11:6): Assessing Paul's Rhetoric with the Church Fathers Thomas Schmeller, University of Frankfurt (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) A Distinctive Reception of Hope from the Pauline Epistles in the Patristic exegesis Marius-‐Bogdan Bortas, University of Bucharest (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) Exegesis of 1 and 2 Thessalonians in the Philokalia. The Primacy of the Holy Spirit and of Christian Experience for Biblical Interpretation Ioan Mihoc, University of Resita (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) Break Prologues as Mise-‐en-‐Scène of a New Way of Life. Space and Spatial Turn in Three Founding Works of Egyptian Ascetic Literature Ioan Dumitru Popoiu, University of Frankfurt (15 min) Biblical Exegesis in Apophtegmata Patrum Alexandru Mihaila, University of Bucharest (15 min) The Interpretation of the Scriptures in the Hesychastic Literature: from Apophtegmata Patrum to St. Basil of Poiana Mărului Marian Vild, Romanian Academy, Branch Iasi (15 min) (Discussion 15 min) Masorah and the Interpretation of the Biblical Text Session 3.1.9 Room: 429 Chair: Elvira Martín-‐Contreras, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y del Oriente Antiguo Figure Errors in the Masora parva Notes of the Hebrew Bible Viktor Golinets, Heidelberg University (25 min) Break Unveil Hidden Interpretation in the Massora Notes Lea Himmelfarb, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) The Origin of the Term "Tanakh" for the Three Parts of Scripture Yosef Ofer, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) An Unexpected Help for Interpreting the Bible: The Masorah Elvira Martín-‐Contreras, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y del Oriente Antiguo (25 min) July 15, EABS Business Meeting 11:40 AM– 12:30 PM EABS 2015 BUSINESS MEETING: Wednesday, 11:40 AM – 12:30 PM Room: Julio Romero All EABS members are invited. Business Meeting Agenda is posted online at:‐2015 July 15, Early Afternoon Sessions 2:00– 4:30 PM Parables in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity 1 Session 3.2.1 Room: Averroes Chair: Annette Merz, Protestant Theological University/University of Tilburg Introduction (5 min) Telling Parables. Comparing a Religious Practice in the Jesus tradition and Rabbinic Judaism with Bourdieuian Thinking-‐Tools Eric Ottenheijm, University of Utrecht (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Comparing Early Christian and Rabbinic Parables: Matthew 21:28-‐32 as a Case Study Albertina Oegema, University of Utrecht (25 min) Discussion (10 min) The Importance of the Jewish and Hellenistic Backgrounds for Understanding the Realism and Pseudo-‐Realism in Parables Marcel Poorthuis, University of Tilburg (25 min) Discussion (10 min) A Matter of Forgiving: Debt Slavery in Rabbinic and New Testament Parables Martijn Stoutjesdijk, University of Tilburg (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Bodies of Communication: Physical Practices and Religious Texts Session 3.2.2 Room: Maimonides Chair: Peter-‐Ben Smit, VU University Amsterdam/Utrecht University Policies of Exclusion and Inclusion: The Collective Body as a Site of Negotiation and Competition Linda Kristina Joelsson, Åbo Akademi University (15 min) Discussion (5 min) Less than Flawless Figures Dolores Kamrada, Pázmány Péter Catholic University (15 min) Discussion (5 min) Losing One’s Body, Losing One’s Mind: Does Seneca Critique Circumcision in a Text Partially Preserved in Augustine’s City Of God? Asha Moorthy, Independent Scholar (15 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (15 min) The Ancient Egyptian Origins of Male and Female Circumcision Rebecca Harrocks, King’s College London (15 min) Discussion (5 min) Jewish Texts on Circumcision: Between Ontological and Ethical Views Lieve Teugels, University of Utrecht (15 min) Discussion (5 min) Banning Circumcision: Recent Proposal and Ancient Arguments Karin Neutel, University of Groningen/VU University Amsterdam (15 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (15 min) The Biblical World and its Reception 3 Session 3.2.3 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Matthew A. Collins, University of Chester Mahatma Gandhi's Interpretation of the New Testament: The Role of Hindu Texts Alex Lorne Damm, Wilfrid Laurier University (30 min) Legion in a Living Landscape: Notes on Space and Place in Luke 8:26-‐39 Helen Catherine John, University of Exeter (30 min) Moses in the Tevah (Exod 2:3-‐5): Visual Representations of Literary and Interpretive Traditions Jaffa Englard, University of Haifa (30 min) Discussion (30 min) Anthropology, Archaeology and History in Biblical Studies Session 3.2.4 Room: Abderraman Chair: Emanuel Pfoh, National University of La Plata & National Research Council-‐ Argentina The Role of the City of Samaria in the Days of Ahab and his Sons: History, Bible, and Archaeology Amitai Baruchi-‐Unna, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (25 min) Shishak, Hazael, Tel Dan, Mesha Frank Clancy, Independent Scholar (25 min) Judah, Israel and Philistia: Three Different Models of State Formation? Lukasz Niesiolowski-‐Spanò, Warsaw University (25 min) Unearthing a Lost Functionary in the Temple of Arad Meir Lubetski, The City University of New York (25 min) Discussion (30 min) The Roman Forum: New Testament, Early Christianity, Early Rabbinics 2 Session 3.2.5 Room: Gongora Chair: Katja Kujanpää, University of Helsinki Talking Past Each Other: Problems in Dating the Synoptic Gospels Thomas Goud, University of New Brunswick (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Torah in the Religious World of Matthew François Viljoen, North West University (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Matthew 5:17 and the Matthean Community Bradley Trout, North West University (20 min) Discussion (5 min) ἀγάπη, The Way for the Zealous Practice of τὰ χαρίσματα τὰ μείζονα: A Re-‐reading of 1 Cor 12:31 within the Context of 1 Corinthians 12–14 Soeng Yu Li, Catholic University of Leuven (20 min) Discussion (5 min) Three Voices, One of Whom is Paul’s: Implications of Monotheism and Idol Food in Corinth Adam Sabir, University of Uppsala (20 min) Discussion (5 min) The Bible in the Iberian World 2 Session 3.2.6 Room: 429 Chair: Ana Valdez, Lisbon University Acculturation, Free Will and Eclecticism Among New Christian Women in The Aragon Kingdom According to the Inquisitorial Trials (1484-‐1492) Miguel Ángel Motis Dolader, University of San Jorge, Zaragoza (25 min) Converting Jews the Proper way: Arguing Scriptures from the Perspective of an Iberian Jesuit Converso Armando Senra Martins, University of Évora (25 min) The Succession Narrative in Tirso de Molina’s “La venganza de Tamar” Miquel Beltrán Munar, Illes Balears University (25 min) The Legacy of the Sephardim Alisa Meyuhas Ginio, Tel Aviv University (25 min) Intersections: A Forum for Research of Ancient Israel 4 Session 3.2.7 Room: Seneca Chair: Yosef Ofer, Bar-‐Ilan University Inner-‐Biblical Exegesis in Rashbam's Commentary on Qoheleth Jonathan Jacobs, Bar-‐Ilan University (30 min) Janus Sayings: A Linking Device in Qoheleth’s Discourse Tova Forti, Ben Gurion University of the Negev Katherine J. Dell, University of Cambridge (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Dating Anti-‐Christian Sources in the Babylonian Talmud Barak Shlomo Cohen, Bar-‐Ilan University (30 min) Did Hizkuni know R. David Kimhi? Yosef Priel, Bar-‐Ilan University (30 min) General Discussion (15 min) Dead Sea Scrolls 2 Session 3.2.8 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Jeremy Penner, University of Helsinki Qumran and an Interpolated Fragment in 2 Corinthians Menahem Kister, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (30 min) Thou shalt not Rabbinize the Qumran Sectarian: On the Inflexibility of the Halakhah in the Dead Sea Scrolls Aharon Shemesh, Bar-‐Ilan University (30 min) Refining the Reconstruction of Col. 2 of the Temple Scroll (11QTa): The Turn to Digital Humanities and Historical Syntax Bernard M. Levinson, University of Minnesota (30 min) The Language of the Copper Scroll (3Q15) from Qumran Jesper Høgenhaven, University of Copenhagen (30 min) A Text-‐Critical Reassessment of the Qumran Cave 1 Daniel Fragments Amanda Davis Bledsoe, University of Munich (30 min) The Reception of Scripture in Patristic Exegesis 2 Session 3.2.9 Room: Manolete Chair: Marian Vild, Romanian Academy, Branch Iasi Alexandru Mihaila, University of Bucharest The Origenian Rehabilitation of Romans 9-‐11 as a Key Text for the Jewish-‐Christian Relations Alexandru Liviu Ionita, University of Sibiu (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) The Biblical Exegete’s Condition in the 12th Oration of Saint Gregory the Theologian Savu Totu, Romanian Academy, Branch Iasi (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) The Actualization of the Biblical Event in Some Cases of Chrysostom Exegesis Cosmin Pricop, University of Bucharest (15 min) (Discussion 10 min) BREAK 4:30 – 5:00 PM July 15, Late Afternoon Sessions 5:00 – 7:30 PM Parables in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity 2 Session 3.3.1 Room: Manolete Chair: Eric Ottenheijm, University of Utrecht Introduction (5 min) Talking Animals in Parables: A Contradictio in terminis? Lieve Teugels, University of Utrecht (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Meals in Story and Parable Jonathan Pater, University of Tilburg (25 min) Discussion (10 min) A Parable between Two Worlds: Composition and Context in Tannaitic Parables Marijn Zwart, University of Tilburg (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Comparing Harvesting Parables in Rabbinic Judaism and Early Christianity Annette Merz, Protestant Theological University/University of Tilburg (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Graeco-‐Roman Society and the New Testament 2 Session 3.3.2 Room: Julio Romero Chair: Ekaterini Tsalampouni, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Ἄγνοια in Hellenistic Philosophy: Illuminating the Paradoxes of Athenian Ignorance (Acts 17:30) Monique Cuany, University of Cambridge (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Why Did Luke Employ a Roman oikoumene and Census in the Birth Narrative of Jesus? Deok Hee Jung, University of Sheffield (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (15 min) Exploring Heterarchy and its Implications on the Image of God as Father in Mt 6:25-‐ 34 Ma. Marilou S. Ibita, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Discussion (5 min) Diplomatic Storytelling: Josephus’ Use of Honorific Topoi in Claudius’ ‘universal edict’ Birgit van der Lans, University of Groningen (25 min) Discussion (5 min) General discussion (15 min) Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible 2 Session 3.3.3 Room: Seneca Chair: Reimund Bieringer, Catholic University of Leuven Metaphor Theories and the Function of Metaphors in the Book of Proverbs Balint Karoly Zaban, Protestant Theological Institute, Kolozsvar/Klausenburg -‐ Hungarian Reformed Church (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Imagination as Hermeneutical Device: Exploring the Hermeneutical Contribution of a Visionary-‐Imaginative Engagement with the Text Anneke Viljoen, University of Pretoria (25 min) Discussion (10 min) In Love as in War: Toward a Reading of the Song of Songs in a Cognitive Linguistic Approach Danilo Verde, Catholic University of Leuven (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Insights on Cognitive Linguistic Theories of Metaphor Applied to Paul’s Concept of Sin Steffi Fabricius, TU Dortmund (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Female Prophets in Ancient Jewish and Christian Texts Session 3.3.4 Room: Abderraman Chair: Outi Lehtipuu, University of Helsinki What Is the Essence of a Biblical Prophetess? The Importance of Deborah’s Name in Early Jewish Traditions Blaženka Scheuer, Lund University (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Deborah’s New Song: Pseudo-‐Philo’s Retelling of Judges 5 Atar Livneh, Ben-‐Gurion University of the Negev (25 min) Discussion (10 min) The 'woman Jezebel' (Rev 2:20) and her Part in the Construction of a Prophetic Text Clarissa Breu, University of Vienna (25 min) Discussion (10 min) Business meeting (25 min) Walking Through Intolerance and Tolerance 3 Session 3.3.5 Room: Gongora Conversion as a Religious Phenomenon and the Question of Religious (In-‐ )Tolerance Chair: Alisa Mehuyas-‐Ginio, University of Tel Aviv Conversion from Jewish and Christian Milieus to Islam and its Influence on the Formation of the Qur'an Karl-‐Friedrich Pohlmann, University of Münster (25 min) Conversions: A Point of Conviviality Nathan-‐Robert Dodgens, University of Alicante (25 min) From Muslims to Christians: Conversions in the Portuguese Medieval Kingdom Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros, University of Évora (25 min) Break De Templo Ezechielis, et ejus interpretationi literali: A Reading by António Vieira on Conversion Ana Valdez, University of Lisbon (25 min) Discussion (25 min) The Bible in Arabic in Judaism, Christianity, Islam 2 Session 3.3.6 Room: Maimonides Chair: Camilla Adang, Tel Aviv University Islamic Vocabulary in an Early Copy of a Christian Arabic Pentateuch Ibrahim Jiryis Bassal, The Academic Arab College Haifa (30 min) Manuscript Sinai Arabic 310: A Bible in Qur'anic Language Vevian Zaki, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Words with a Muslim Cast: Assessing Islamicization of Biblical Quotations in the Work of Two Mozarab Translators Steven Matthew Gertz, Georgetown University (30 min) ‘The Spirit is…rejoicing? but the flesh is weak’: a Liturgical Reading of Matthew’s Gospel in al-‐Biqāʿī’s tafsīr Roy Michael McCoy III, University of Oxford (30 min) Discussion (15 min) Intersections: A Forum for Research of Ancient Israel 5 Session 3.3.7 Room: Averroes Chair: Yairah Amit, Tel Aviv University Psalm 147: Structure and Meaning Sara Schwartz, Bar-‐Ilan University (25 min) The Interpretation of Gen 22 and Different Exegetical Approaches Stefan Wälchli, University of Bern (25 min) The Intersection of Textual and Literary Criticism in the Accounts of Joshua's Death Ville Mäkipelto, University of Helsinki (25 min) Shem, Ham, Japheth and Zuma – Genesis 9:25-‐27 and Masculinities in South Africa Jacob Johannes Smit Meiring, University of Pretoria (25 min) Holy Men? Negotiations between Priesthood and Compromised Masculinity Anne-‐Mareike Wetter, Leiden University (25 min) General Discussion (25 min) Developing Exegetical Methods 2 Session 3.3.8 Room: Gran Capitan Chair: Raik Heckl, University of Leipzig Jewish Answers to the Challenge of Universalism: Contrasting Approaches to the Concept of the Torah in the Second Temple Period Olga Zamprometowa, St. Andrew's Biblical Theological Institute (25 min) “Do not give what is holy to dogs; and do not throw your pearls before swine” Pure and Impure Animals in Jewish and Christian Exegesis and Identity-‐construction Andor Kelenhegyi, Central European University (25 min) The Sound of Silence: The Meaning of the ‘argumentum e silentio’ in the Description of Tradition Critical Processes Thomas Wagner, University of Wuppertal (25 min) Panel Discussion on Methodological Aspects (75 min)
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