Effective Strategies for Incorporating Primary Sources: Print

Upon completion, the learner will know:
Lessons learned from archivists and how to apply them to your field
How to apply ready-to-use primary analysis strategies
Where to find digitized primary sources
How to access tools to create activities
A Few Questions to Start
How do you define primary and secondary sources for your students?
How do you ask your students to work with primary source and/or archival materials?
What specific questions do you have about increasing engagement or inquiry with primary sources?
Lessons Learned From
the Archives
Provide a Common Definition
Primary Sources
The original records of the political, economic, artistic, scientific, social, and intellectual thoughts and
achievements of specific historical periods.
Secondary Sources
Documents, texts, images, and objects about events, issues, people, and places used or created by
someone who typically referenced the primary sources for their information.
Something to Consider…
Can a record ever be both a primary and a secondary source?
Choose Consistent Analysis Tools
When students have a “method” they can fall back on, they spend less time trying to understand
how to look and more time looking
Consistency is key
If you don’t like the tools demonstrated, work with students to make your own
Students Need Safe Space for Analysis
Scaffold analysis
Avoid hard no’s or saying “you’re wrong”
Teach analysis as a process rather than a right or wrong answer
The Power of Primary Sources
Analyzing Primary Sources
Where/how do your students struggle in analyzing primary sources?
Analysis Strategies
Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Point of View, Speaker, Tone
About, Background, Change
STAC’D (Stacked) Method
See, Tell, Audience, Clues, Decide
NARA’s Analysis Sheets
Documents, Photographs, Cartoons, Posters, Maps, Artifacts, Motion Pictures, and Sound
Visual Thinking Strategies
Consider Wordle for the big picture of documents
Visual Thinking Strategies
Wordle Comparison
FDR’s Pearl Harbor Speech
George W. Bush’s 9/11 Speech
Where to Find Digitized Collections
National Archives
Doc’s Teach, www.docsteach.org
Lesson Plan Templates
Digital Vaults, www.digitalvaults.org
Our Documents, www.ourdocuments.gov
Presidential Timeline, www.presidentialtimeline.org
Online Public Access, www.archives.gov/research/catalog
Limit by “Available online”
Flickr Photostream, www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives
YouTube, www.youtube.com/usnationalarchives
Social Media, www.archives.gov/social-media
Other Digital Archives
British Library, Online Gallery
British Museum, Collection Online
Library of Congress, Digital Collections & Services
Smithsonian, Digital Library
Alaska Archives
Alaska Digital Archives
Alaska State Archives
Alaska State Library
UAA’s Consortium Library, Archives and Special Collections
UAF’s Rasmuson Library, Alaska & Polar Regions Digital Collections & Exhibits
General Tips When Searching
Check back often!
Use search engines to find what you’re seeking
Think outside of the box (British collections as example)
Check finding aids and reach out to archivists
Educators as the “back door” to the archive
Effectively Incorporating Primary Sources In the Classroom
Place students in the role of historian
Builds inquiry and lasting learning
Adds an experiential richness to learning that cannot be replicated with a textbook
Require them to analyze any primary source you share; don’t let anyone “off the hook”
Ask them to research in archives or take advantage of digital collections
Suggestions for How
Supplement the textbook with primary sources
Power of “personal” in history
Google Slides (embedded)
Scaffold your use of primary sources
Start with images or objects
Ask students to curate a mini collection related to content being studied based on their interest;
Museum project
Blackboard Discussion Board or Collaborate Presentation
Google Slides
Use VoiceThread to create asynchronous analysis (document, image, audio, video)
Take advantage of NARA’s templates to create online activities
Work with local archives or museums to create projects that work for your students
Think big – don’t be afraid to ask
Reach beyond Alaska for virtual guests or traveling programs
Any other ideas?
Why archives?
And why we should discuss them with our students…
The Importance of Archives
Direct link to our history
Foundation of a democracy
Define our existence
They protect us
Other Resources
NARA: Research Our Records
NARA: Teacher’s Resources
Library of Congress: Using Primary Sources
Library of Congress: Ask a Librarian
Texas Archive of the Moving Image, Using Archival Film in the Classroom and Guide to Moving Image