1. A patient receives 100 mL of a 10%

Group Assignment/Test 3 Review
1. A patient receives 100 mL of a 10% (m/v) mannitol solution every hour. The number of
grams of mannitol is_______.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
2. If the concentration of sodium hydroxide is 5% (m/v), then the amount of NaOH in 400 mL
of solution is_______.
a) 2 grams
b) 5 grams
c) 20 grams
d) 50 grams
3. A solution that has less solute than could potentially be dissolved in solution is what kind of
a) unsaturated
b) saturated
c) concentrated
d) supersaturated
4. A solution that conducts electricity poorly, when an ionic salt is dissolved is what kind of
a) nonelectrolyte
b) weak electrolyte
b) strong electrolyte
d) acidic
5. All except which of the following are characteristic of an acid?
a) has a sour taste
b) neutralizes bases
c) produces H ions in water d) is named potassium hydroxide
6. The conjugate acid of HPO42– is_______.
a) H3PO4
b) H2PO4–
c) H2PO4
d) PO43–
7. In an acidic solution, how does the concentration of H3O+ compare to the concentration of
a) H3O+ is less concentrated than OH–.
b) H3O+ is more concentrated than OH–.
c) They are equally concentrated.
d) There is not enough information to tell.
8. All except which of the following are acidic solutions?
a) blood, pH 7.38
b) shampoo, pH 5.7
c) soda, pH 3.2
d) vinegar, pH 2.8
9. Compared with pure water, a solution containing one mole of sugar per kg of water_______.
a) melts and boils at a higher temperature b) melts and boils at a lower temperature
c) melts at a higher temperature and boils at a lower temperature
d) melts at a lower temperature and boils at a higher temperature
10. Write the balanced equation for dissociating the following solid ionic salts in water:
a) Na3PO4(s)
b) Fe(NO3)2(s)
11. Which of the following reaction has a precipitate. Use the solubility rules and predict the
products, if there is an insoluble product then write the total ionic equation and the net ionic
equation for the reaction.
a) SrNO3(aq) + Na2SO4(aq)
b) (NH4)2SO4(aq) + NaNO3(aq)
12. How many grams of a solution of 2.500 %(m/m) Na2S can be made with a starting Na2S mass of
5.245 g?
13. How many grams of NaCl are needed to make a 0.540M solution with a volume of 52.25L?
14. How many liters of a 0.550 M HCl solution will react with 7.656g of Zn?
Zn(s) +2HCl(aq) → H2 (g) + ZnCl2(aq)
15. Write the balanced equation for the neutralization reaction between the following acid/base
a) NaOH + H2CO3
b) Al(OH)3 + H3PO4
16. Calculate the [H3O+] or the pH of the following solutions, and say wither the solution is
acidic, basic, or neutral:
a) pH= 5.35
b) pH= 12.63
b) [H3O+]= 1.45x10-12M
d) [H3O+] = 0.0000001 M
17. What volume of a 0.250M HCl solution would be neutralized by 50.25 mL of a 0.100M
NaOH solution?
18. What is the concentration (M) of an KOH in which 15.00 mL was titrated to neutral using
27.52 mL of a 0.550 M H2SO4 solution (Hint: 1 acid has 2 protons)?