What can Quill Studios do for you?

Quill Studios provides editing and coaching services, as well as writing courses
and workshops, to individuals and businesses.
Let Quill Studios help you improve your writing skills and
enrich your life in the process, whether you seek to be
published or just want to feel more confident with daily
writing tasks. Quill Studios is owned by Trina Belanger, MFA,
who is an instructor, editor, and personal writing coach.
We can help you ensure that any written material you share
with the world is effective and polished so it reflects well
on you. Go to www.QuillStudios.com for more information.
What can Quill Studios do for you?
for Individuals
Let Quill Studios help you improve your writing skills and enrich
your life in the process. We partner with you on your writing
projects, to the extent you wish.
Coach: The goal of personal coaching is to help turn your writing
dreams into a rewarding reality. We focus on your needs and your
goals, in a manner and on a schedule that best suits you. We
assess your abilities, identify your strengths, and teach you new
skills so you achieve your goals and make yourself proud. Avoid
common pitfalls and be more productive with your writing time.
Edit/proofread: Just want a professional editor to go over
language before you press ‘send’? We can do that, helping ensure
that what you present to the world is written well and effectively
conveys your message.
Teach: We can design a course of learning tailored to your
unique needs and circumstances, with assignments geared to
what you wish to accomplish and on a schedule that works with
your life.
These Core Principals underlie all Quill
Studios activities.
1. Everyone can improve, regardless of ability;
talents may be developed at any age.
2. Writing is a craft, and like all others can be
3. Articulating and expressing what you think
and feel helps you feel fulfilled.
4. Paying attention to language improves our
ability to use it effectively.
5. Studying creative writing improves the
quality of day-to-day writing tasks.
6. Focusing on the reader’s experience helps to
effectively and artfully engage a reader.
7. A foundation of writing as a sustainable part
of life makes life richer.
Trina Belanger is an
award-winning writer of
creative nonfiction with a
Master of Fine Arts in
Creative Writing from
Antioch University. She is
adjunct faculty with Phoenix
College and operates Quill
Studios, offering courses,
workshops, private coaching, and editing services.
Trina is known for her innovative teaching
approach that makes creative writing accessible to
people of all skill levels, and inspires students to
enjoy writing while enriching their lives. She lives
in Gold Canyon, Arizona.
for Businesses & Organizations
Let Quill Studios help you more effectively and professionally communicate with your customers. We can improve the
readability and credibility of any text-based content, making it rich and purposeful while reflecting well on you.
Edit, critique, proofread, or write business literature or documents, such as:
*Brochures *Reports *Letters & memos *Newsletters *Manuals *Business plans *Menus *Website content
Teach your staff how to write more effectively and correctly, so any material they compose on your behalf better
communicates with customers and enhances your business image. We can develop a workshop/training session tailored
to your company needs. Speak with Trina about opportunities.
Jan 15
6499 South Kings Ranch Road, #6 – 44
Gold Canyon, Arizona 85118
Trina Belanger, MFA
[email protected]
An upcoming course with Quill Studios
Long to write a novel? Fulfill your dream with the toughest course you’ll ever love.
“Draft a Novel in 30 Days” tentative dates: August 23, 2014 to October 6, 2014
Want to have a ball while immersing in a writerly life? If you can devote at least two hours a day, every day,
for seven weeks, this dream can come true. Even if you have neither story idea nor prior experience with
creative writing, you will end the course with a rough draft of a novel by following our guidance.
My life will never be the same. – Kathy Williams, New Mexico, investor and mediator
This is really the best college course I’ve ever taken, and I’ve taken a lot of them! – Cathy Ceranski, Phoenix, nurse
Seating is limited – email Trina now to reserve a seat
A reservation will hold a spot for you
until course particulars and the price are posted, after which time you can decide whether to move forward and
register or cancel your reservation. Go to our website to learn more about this unique experience.
What Students Say
So much of the credit for what I have accomplished is due to your skill as a
teacher to gently lead me (and others) to confidently recognize that we have
something to say and to gain the ability to say it effectively. - Maryann McCullough,
Phoenix, retired teacher
You [speaking to Trina] should feel good about the help you gave me because the
person told me [agent at a Writer’s Digest conference] that all the editors felt my
work was the most polished, and definitely publishable. You were a great coach
and editor. - Lynne Marino, Phoenix, office manager
I love Trina's thorough feedback and her incredible knowledge, passion and
encouragement. She is a true teacher, someone who really pulls out the greatness
in people. [from anonymous course evaluation]
I needed a website to launch my business. Trina guided me in thinking through
the business points I needed to cover, and then worked the language so it flowed
well and made sense. She even wrestled with my web designer to make sure the
site was all ‘user friendly.’ The end product was a website I feel proud of, one
that promotes who I am and what I can uniquely offer my clients. Many people
have given me compliments on the website, saying how helpful and professional
it is. Plus working with Trina inspired me to improve my writing skills, and I’ve
enjoyed going back to school for that. - Jana Williams, Newport Beach, owner
concierge business (JanaCo.net)
Long for a more creative life? Let Quill Studios help.
With our innovative teaching methods, you can:
Nurture your creative side so you enjoy a well-balanced life.
Uncover your unique writing style and voice.
Learn to effectively articulate and express what you think and feel.
Be more confident in the quality of anything you write.
Identify your writing strengths and learn ways to develop others.
Uncover your passions and related writing topics.
Craft your slice of human history.
Have fun! Why not?
Jan 14
6499 South Kings Ranch Road, #6 – 44
Gold Canyon, Arizona 85118
Have Quill Studios
on your side
To open an account for any editing,
coaching, teaching, or writing
services, we request a $150
deposit* and a signed Letter of
Agreement. Then we will work
together as much as you need. Your
account remains open as long as you
Rate: $75 per hour. Discounted
rates may apply for special projects
or months with more than ten hours
of coaching.
Is Quill Studios right for you?
Schedule a free, no-obligation
consultation (in-person, via phone
or video phone). We will discuss
your goals and needs, and how Quill
Studios could assist. Trina will edit
one page of your work and provide
feedback, so you ‘test drive’ what
Quill Studios can do for you.
*Refund policy: If after the first
two hours you are not pleased with
the quality of service, your deposit
will be refunded and your account
Must be at least 18 years of age.
Trina Belanger, MFA
[email protected]