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EiHIH€$"a N; c - -6 i€ " F != ,-' sF )* s .E Ei 'o t $E fi H Ed o bl fI g E o IJ ul- s6 ulF ao o, EH !- a- z tra- .u cr2 -l- (b IsF.= **3 o- ^tr; ?-(U g .s5 tJ ffiffi = r.- X .t k & 5s E t$ F: E €er $ r* F€tE #a eEeE Irefr :r5E.cgE^j i i oo9 F' lE ;g fl fl ;i E, * E t Ei EEi Efi E 2' H5lf.B-F E f iF ig Is E : 5 * $r 'E f; 5f sEiiq'g; B ;5 6 E L -tr g g i 5 !5 !;;l$=;9F; i tiEE + ; I Ei ; t' {(E o = s?a 3Et lOrn 6tE tL= o $$E ggE 398 *Iii*Ei-EE:FgE B e r* .LC, J (9OJ o 6 iiFF,iilfFfii'iig EEgifi3i$Er#f tr o IL UJ J o J >a <J trr lfl E> <5 Or z'i o? @ a ut o o z o IPGA-USGA Girls Golf of Greater Newark 2OL2 REGISTRATION for GROUP LESSONS The Learning Center Galloping Hill Golf Course Kenilworth, New fersey Wednesdays, May 23, 2OL2 - AUGUST 1,2012 5:30 P.M. -7:00 P'M. fno class fulY 4th) LPGA and PGA certified golf instruction /LPGA-USGA Girls Golf Membership Fee for 2012 calendar year/ LPGA-USGA Girls Golf Membership kit Last Name First Name Street State City Tel- Zio Parent Emai Home # Cell Phone # Mother/Guardia Work# Home# Father/Guardia We should be aware of) Work# Home# Emergency Contact Parent/Guardian Information WAIVER AND RELEASE: Acknowledging that participation in athletics carries risk of physical injury, I agree that Renaissance Junior Golf, lnc., Galloping Hill Golf Course, KemperSports and County of Union, its agents, commissioners and employees, shall not be liable to me for any injury or damage, howsoever caused, resulting directly or indirectly from my participation in the Galloping Hills programs, at any time preceding, during or after the program is in session and I hereby discharge Galloping Hills Golf Course, its agents, commissioners and employees from all actions, claims, and demands I may have for such injury or damage. I authorize that Galloping Hill Golf Course has the right to use all photographs or videos taken of me during the academy for advertising or promotional material. Date Official Use OnlY Date Does Paid- Check /Money Order # your child have any medical conditions or allergies? If you have any questions or need additional information email: [email protected] or call 2OL-662-0733 for $110.00 payable to LPGA-USGA Girls Golf of Greater Newark Complete 2012 Registration Form and LPGA-USGA Participation Form and mail to: Check or money order Beverly E. Harrison, jD c/o LPGA-USGA Girls Golf 8200 Boulevard East #21a North Bergen, New |ersey 07047 F -sA SK .F**Xl;;:, ffi,AII #Po rticilant F6rm Potticlpant Informatlon - pleose print ot type - oll information is reguired LPGA-USGA Girls Golf of (city, state) GREATER NEWARK, NEW JERSEY Address Participant's Name Participant's Birch / Date / Dav Phone Parent/Guardian School - ( ) Parent Email Grade Consent & Releose HomePhone(_) zip State City Parcnt or Guardian MUST sign in space indicated below for application to be considercd. Parcnt /Guardian Statement l, the parent (or guardian) of the participant named above, am familiar with the plans and purposes of LPGA-USGA Girls Golf and give full permission for my child/ward to atrend LPGA-USGA Girls Golf enents and to participate in all phases of LPGA-USGA Girls Golf activities. I understand that, by signing this Consent & Release Form below I agree to waive and release any rights and claims for damages against, and hold harmless LPGA-USGA Girls Goll LPGA,The LPGA Foundation, the USGA, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, volunteers, workers, members and agents, from and against any and all injuries or damages which may result from or arise out of rny child's/ward's participation in LPGA-USGA Girls Golf events and activities. Dispute Resolution ln the glrent of a controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Panicipant Form the undersigned hereby agrees to arbitration held in a mutualb/ agreeable location in accordance with the Commercial Artitration rules of theAmerican Arbitration Association. A judgment rendered by the arbitrators shall be final and nonappealable, and may be entered in any couft having iurisdiction thereof. Medical Emergency Statement the parent (or guardian) of the panicipant, give my permission for my child/ward to receive emergency medical treatmenq if necessary as a result of participation in the LPGA-USGA Girls Golf program. lt is understood that wery effort will be made to contact me before taking this action. l, Release of Par{icipant Person(s) other than parent who may pick up the participam at the end of any LPGA-USGA Girls Golf evenc St.tte Rerotlonshi? ln Witness Whercof DoyPhone Nrght Phone I have read, understand and agree * PARENT/GUARDIAN ZIP to this entire consent form. SIGNATURE REQU IRED Golfing b<perlence Please check the level that best describes your ability: fl a""" t: I f"""t ll: [-l levet lll: o<perience. I Able to play hole 125 yards fiom green n Average bewveen 65-75 for nine holes on a r.eguladon course. I New Golfer -\6qr litrle or no on-course Do you own your own clubs?- levet lV: Level V: Arrerage betsreen 55-64 firr nine holes on a regulation course. Play 18 holes with a score of I l0 or better on a regulation course. f""", Yl: Play 18 holes with a score of95 or better on a regulation course. Other junior golf affiliation Photo & Press Releose hereby consent that any photographs and/or motion pictures of or videotape in which ny child/ward appears, and any audio recordings made of her voice may be used by LPGA-USGA Girls Golf, its assigns or successors, in l, being ParendGuardian whatever way they desire, including television and electronic media; furthermore, I hereby consent that such photographs, films, and recordings, and the plates and/ or tapes, from which they are made shall be their property, and they shall have the right to sell, duplicate, reproduce, and make other uses of such photographs, films,recordings,plates,andtaPesastheydesirefreeandclearofanyclaimwhatsoeveronmyPart.-('Nl7,Al.soFPARENT,/GUARD,Ar9 For statistical purposes only (optional - you:Me not required I Ataskan Native / American lndian I ati"n / Pacific b answer) Which of the following best describes your race or ethnic group? lslander f,l Bfact or African American I Hispanic I Wnite ft Otnet 1.20.2012 r dilsul PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT LfrA*U*A 1. 2. 3. I will respect the environment and the people with whom I come in contact and will try to be sensitive to the needs of each participant in LPGA-USGA Girls Golf. I understand that the use of alcohol or illegal drugs will not be tolerated and that usage during any LPGA-USGA Girls Golf event will result in expulsion from both the program and the event. I will be responsible for my personal belongings and equipment and will not hold LPGA-USGA Girls Golf, LPGA, The LPGA Foundation, the USGA or their employees responsible for their loss due to my negligence or abuse. 4. 5. 6. 7. I will treat the facilities and equipment provided by LPGA-USGA Girls Golf with care. I understand that I will be assessed for any damage to facilities or equipment caused by my negligence or abuse. I will use any safety equipment furnished by LPGA-USGA Girls Golf for my own safety. I understand that if I am sent home early due to any serious misconduct, it will be at my expense, and LPGA-USGA Girls Golf will make my travel arrangements. I will comply with the LPGA-USGA Girls Golf Code of Ethics. Participant's Signature Participant's Name (Please print) Participant's Parent/Guardian Name (Please print) Date Participant's Parent/Guardian Signature Date THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED BY THE PARTICIPANTAND PARTICIPANT'S PARENT/GUARDIAN fiI dils lfrA*U*A LPGA.USGA GIRLS GOLF CODE OF ETHICS Treat others as you would like to be treated Replace divots Rake bunkers and repair ball marks so you leave the course better than you found it Club throwing, swearing, cheating,littering or smoking are not acceptable Always thank the host professional GG6.3.11
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