Value Statements SGQ 10.23.16

Value Statements: “We are Designed to make a Difference”
Getting Started
When you were little, can you think of something you designed with one of the following
• Paper mache
• Legos
• Pumpkin
• Play-doh
• Popsicle sticks
• Colors
• Sugar cubes
• Cardboard
What part of your personality or abilities do you feel is uniquely you? How were you
designed differently from those around you?
Going Deeper
On Sunday we learned that we are uniquely designed.
Read Psalm 139:13-16 and talk about how God took great care in designing us
Sometimes it’s easier to see the unique design of God in our children. Take a moment to
talk about Gods unique design in the life of your own children or children you have
One characteristic we all share in common is that we are designed to make a difference in
the lives of other people. Can you think of a time when you found purpose by caring for
someone else? (If possible, think of someone outside of your family)
What emotions or feelings arise when you make a difference in the lives of other people?
Take a moment to read and discuss the following quotes on making a difference. Is there
one that you most relate to?
“Please realize that you can make a difference in someone’s life today. And it will make a difference
in your own as you do.” -Anon
“One person can make a difference and everyone should try.” -John F. Kennedy
“What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to
make?” -Jane Goodall
Not only are we designed to make a difference we are designed to rescue and save
Take a moment to read the following verses and reflect on how this desire to rescue and
save, shows up in Moses life. Exodus 1:8-13, 22, 2:1-21, 3:1-10
Can you think of a time when you rescued someone physically, emotionally or spiritually?
Read Ezekiel 34:12 and Galatians 1:4
How many examples can you think of from the Bible where God rescued someone?
What are some examples where you saw God step in and rescue you or a family member?
Genesis 1:26 says that we are made in the image and likeness of God. How do you see
God’s heart of rescue reflected in mankind, in the Church (Body of Christ) and/or in
2 Corinthians 6:1 says that “ . . .we are workers together with Him.”
Why do you think God asks and even allows us to partner with Him in rescuing others?
Do you tend to have a Mighty Mouse Mentality: “Here I’ve come to save the day!”
or a Timid Mouse Mentality: “who am I. . ?”
How could either of these thought patterns be detrimental to God’s Work?
How are we able to rescue and save others? (Exodus 3:12)
Is there a person or people group that your heart is stirred to join God in saving and
rescuing? How can your group members be praying for you?