World History Type II CA 3 Fall CRT Post-Test

Bremen School District 228
Social Studies Common Assessment 3
Fall CRT
0222 World History
55 Minutes – 64 Questions
Directions: There are 6 reading passages in this test and 40 multiple choice
questions. Each passage is followed by several questions. After reading a
passage, choose the best answer to each question and fill in the corresponding
oval on your answer document. You may refer to the passages as often as
Written: 2013-14, Revised 2014-15
Authors: Gary Andruch, D.J. Brown, Dante Corbin
Document A: Augustus (Modified)
When Emperor Augustus felt ill and thought his life was coming to an end, he
began writing down his accomplishments. This is a first person account of his life
and accomplishments. Initially, it was carved into bronze and put in Augustus'
mausoleum. Later copies were distributed throughout the empire. Here is an
excerpt from the account.
2. I drove the men who slaughtered my father into exile, punishing their
crime. Afterwards, when they waged war, I conquered them in two battles.
3. I often waged war, on the earth and sea, in the whole wide world, and as
the victor I spared all the citizens who sought pardon. As for the foreign
nations I conquered, I preferred to preserve them than to destroy the
5. When the dictatorship was offered to me, I did not accept it.
16. I paid the towns for the fields, which I had assigned to soldiers. I was
first and alone who did this among all who founded colonies.
18. When the taxes fell short, I gave out contributions of grain and money
from my own supply, sometimes to 100,000 men, sometimes to many
25. I restored peace to the sea from pirates.
26. I extended the borders of all the provinces of the Roman people. I
restored peace to the provinces of Gaul and Spain and Germany. I brought
peace to the Alps.
27. I added Egypt to the rule of the Roman people.
31. Emissaries from the Indian kings were often sent to me, which had not
been seen before that time by any Roman leader.
dictatorship: the rule of one person who holds all the power
exile: being sent away from one's native country, typically for political punishment
pardon: forgiveness
Document B: Soldier (Modified)
The passage below was written by Velleius, who served as a soldier while
Augustus was emperor.
There is nothing a man can desire from the gods, nothing that the gods can grant to a man, which
Augustus did not bestow upon the Republic, the Roman people, and the world. The civil wars
were ended after twenty years, foreign wars were suppressed, peace restored; validity was
restored to the laws, authority to the courts, and dignity to the Senate. The old traditional form of
Republic was restored. Agriculture was returned to the fields, respect to religion, to mankind
freedom from anxiety, and to each citizen his property rights were now assured; old laws were
usefully amended, and new laws passed for the general good. Augustus was forced to hold the
office of consul eleven times in a row, despite his frequent efforts to refuse. But he stubbornly
refused the dictatorship, which the people persistently offered him. To tell of the wars waged
under his command, of the peace of the world by his victories, of his many works at home and
outside of Italy would weary a writer who had his whole life to devote to the task.
restored: to bring back
validity: legally acceptable
amended: changed or revised
Document C: Cassius Dio (Modified)
This excerpt was written by the historian Cassius Dio, who was born 150 years
after Octavian died.
Octavian wanted to be thought of as democratic. He gave the Senate control of the weaker
provinces, on the ground that they were peaceful and free from war, while he retained control of
the more powerful provinces (like Egypt), claiming that they were insecure and might begin a
serious revolt. He said that he wanted the Senate to enjoy the finest portion of the empire, while
he himself had the hardships and the dangers; but his real purpose was that by this arrangement
the senators would be unarmed and unprepared for battle, while he alone had arms and
maintained soldiers. Octavian was destined to have absolute control of all matters for all time.
When his ten-year period came to an end, he was voted for another five years, then five more,
after that ten, and again another ten, and then ten for the fifth time, so that by a series of ten-year
periods he continued to be sole ruler for life. The name Augustus was given to him by the senate
and by the people. They wished to call him by some distinctive title, and men were proposing
one title and another. Octavian took the title of "Augustus," signifying that he was more than
human; for all the most precious and sacred objects are termed "Augusta." In this way the power
of both people and senate passed entirely into the hands of Octavian, and he became, strictly
speaking, a monarch; for monarchy would be the truest name for it. Romans, to be sure, so hated
the idea of monarchy that they called their emperors neither dictators nor kings nor anything of
the sort.
province: a region of a country or empire
retain: to keep or maintain
destined: certain to happen
CC Standard 1: Textual Evidence (10 Questions: 5 Understanding / 5 Application)
1. What document has evidence that best leads you to the conclusion that the document is less
reliable because they were written many years after the reign of Augustus?
A. Documents A
B. Documents B
C. Documents C
D. None of the Above
2. Which facts or ideas from Document B explicitly show Augustus’s relationship with the
A. Augustus did not have any impact on military personnel
B. Military soldiers praised all of the accomplishments of Augustus
C. The military hated everything about Augustus
D. No conclusion can be gathered from Document B
3. In Document B, it states, “Augustus was forced to hold the office of consul…”. Based on that,
it can be inferred that consul means:
A. Peasant
B. General
C. Conquered warrior
D. Political ruler
4. Which of the following statements best describes and captures the main idea
of Document B:
A. Augustus used his dictatorship powers to advance his own self serving interests
B. Augustus was viewed in a negative light by one of the soldiers who served under him
C. Velleius, a soldier, greatly admired all the accomplishments of Augustus
D. Augustus was a weak emperor whose policies lead to the Fall of Rome
5. In Document A, which of the following statements is not presented by the author?
A. He did not accept the dictatorship
B. He conquered all of Asia
C. He paid towns for the fields he gave to his soldiers
D. He restored peace to the seas from pirates
6. According to information in Document A, what kind of leader was Augustus?
A. A compassionate conqueror
B. A ruthless conqueror
C. A true Dictator
D. A true Egyptian leader
7. According to Document C, which detail best shows how Octavian kept ultimate control in his
A. Allowing the Senators to keep their strong armies
B. Keeping control of weaker provinces which would be easier to govern
C. Controlling the stronger provinces allowing him to maintain his soldiers
D. Not allowing the Senators any power
8. Based on the information in the text, which author is most likely to be critical of Augustus?
A. Document A
B. Document B
C. Document C
D. None of the Above
9. Based on the author’s of each document, which document is least likely to be critical of
A. Document C
B. Document B
C. Document A
D. Document D
10. In Document C, Cassius Dio’s point of view is that Octavian was a dictator. Which of the
following sentences best shows his point of view?
A. “Octavian wanted to be thought of as democratic”
B. “the power of both people and senate passed entirely into the hands of Octavian”
C. “He said he wanted the Senate to enjoy the finest portion of the empire”
D. “He gave the Senate control of the weaker provinces”
CC Standard 8: Author’s Argument (4 Questions: 4 Evaluation)
11. According to Document A, what detail best supports the author's main argument for proof
that he had a successful rule?
A. He added Egypt to the rule of the Roman people
B. He killed Cleopatra by strangulation
C. He accepted the title of dictatorship when it was presented to him
D. He was emperor of Rome when Great Britain was conquered
12. According to Document B, how does the author try and increase the validity of his/her
argument concerning his adoration for Augustus?
A. Augustus saved his owner daughter from drowning
B. Augustus restored the old traditional form of the Republic
C. Augustus ended the invasion of the Huns
D. Augustus’ successor was Velleius
13. Which of the following documents statements represent an example of the strongest degree
of personal bias?
A. Document A
B. Document B
C. Document C
D. None of the Above
14. Based upon what is presented in the documents, which document best supports the author's
position that Augustus was in reality a true absolute ruler?
A. Document A
B. Document B
C. Document C
D. None of the Above
CC Standard 7: Multimedia (10 Questions: 5 Application/5 Analysis)
Use the above chart to answer questions 15-17:
15. Which of the following statements is best supported by information presented in the Rise of
Sparta Chart? (Application Question)
A. Constantly getting attacked by the Romans the Spartans were forced to create a military state.
B. After conquering the Helots, the Spartans needed to be ready to subdue a Helot revolt, which led to
the creation of a military state.
C. The Spartan admiration for Athenian democracy and their political ideals paved the way for Sparta to
create a military state.
D. The people of Sparta suffered from a plague killed off most of their population, thus forcing their
government to create a military state.
16. What information from the Rise of Sparta chart suggests that the role of women was to raise
strong Spartans? (Application Question)
A. Girls got tough training at home to ensure becoming a healthy mothers.
B. Girls were expected to become elected as the first Spartan presidents
C. Girls were required to join the army along with the men in Spartan society.
D. Women did not have a role in Spartan society.
17. What information from the Rise of Sparta chart most strongly supports evidence that men
very early on in their upbringing were destined to serve the Spartan Army? (Application
A. Soldiers served for a period of thirty years within the Spartan Army.
B. Men married between the ages of 20-50 and served the Spartan military.
C. Men were encouraged to participate in education and philosophy.
D. Boys were taken at the age of seven to live in barracks and receive tough, brutal training.
Use the “Ancient Egyptian Hierarchy” Pyramid to answer questions 18 and 19.
18. Which of the following is best clarified by the Ancient Egyptian hierarchy pyramid?
(Analysis Question)
A. The king is the most valued member of Egyptian society.
B. Artisans worked for the farmers.
C. The slaves were the most populated sector of Egyptian society.
D. The Scribes were the main source of defense in Ancient Egypt.
19. Which of the following is a major theme communicated by the Feudalism pyramid?
(Analysis Question)
A. Educated individuals were seen as beneath those that protected the empire.
B. Slaves did not make up the majority of the population.
C. Artisans and soldiers had the same social standing in society.
D. Scribes lived to serve artisans who served the farmers.
Use the “Fall of the Western Roman Empire” Chart to answer questions 20 - 22.
20. What is the major theme communicated by the Fall of Western Roman Empire chart?
(Application Question)
A. Political turmoil led to the downfall of the Western half of the Roman Empire.
B. Invasion by Germanic tribes and the Huns led to the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
C. Major divide between the rich and poor social classes.
D. Lack of loyalty and discipline within the Roman Military.
21. Which of the following statements is presented by the author of the Fall of the
Roman Empire chart? (Application Question)
A. The empire’s population decline due to disease and food shortage was the main
reason for the demise of the Roman Empire.
B. The emergence of mercenaries and the decline of the Roman Army weakened the
Roman military leaving it open to invasion.
C. Several factors led to the decline and eventual fall of the Roman Empire.
D. Moving the capital to Byzantium left people with a loss of nationalism within the
22. The information presented in the Fall of the Roman Empire chart would best
support an article entitled what? (Analysis Question)
A. Social Divide Ended the Grandeur that was Rome
B. Plague Killed the Romans and their Empire
C. The Invasion that Destroyed an Empire
D. The Contributing Factors that Destroyed Rome
Use the “Peloponnesian War” Map below to answer questions 23 and 24.
23. What piece of information is not contained within the map of the Peloponnesian
War? (Analysis Question)
A Population totals
B. Battle dates
C. Spartan routes
D. Athenian routes
24. What is the major theme communicated by the map of the Peloponnesian War?
(Analysis Question)
A. The Peloponnesian War was fought between Athens and Sparta.
B. Athens severely outnumbered the Spartans.
C. The Persian Empire had a stake in the outcome of the Peloponnesian War.
D. Sparta looked to control the neutral states in order to take over the city-states of
Ancient Greece.
Unit 1 River Civilizations: 8 Questions (5 lower order, 3 higher order questions)
25. Mesopotamia was located between which two rivers?
A. Nile and Amazon
B. Mississippi and Illinois
C. Yangtze and Yellow
D. Tigris and Euphrates
26. Early civilizations often settled near water because water could provide
A. transportation.
B. electricity.
C. barter.
D. boat docks.
27. Ancient Egypt prospered because of
A. the Nile.
B. the Sahara.
C. the Tigris.
D. it’s theocracy.
28. Which of the following items is a characteristic of a complex civilization?
A. Record keeping
B. Advanced cities
C. Complex institutions
D. All of these
29. Which of the following was not a reason for early civilizations often settling near
A. Transportation
B. Food
C. Irrigation
D. Warfare
30. The barter system involves
A. the exchange of goods without the use of money.
B. determining a country’s GDP.
C. the use of paper currencies.
D. the use of gold coins as the only money.
31. The pharaohs built the pyramids for which of the following reasons
A. tombs.
B. houses.
C. temples.
D. school.
32. Hammurabi’s code of laws and other early codes (16.B.2a)
A. stressed equality for all.
B. treated women as equals to men.
C. did not treat all people the same.
D. forbade slavery.
Unit 2 Greece: 8 Questions (5 lower order, 3 higher order questions)
33. The epic poems, “the Iliad” and “the Odyssey,” were written by
A. Homer.
B. Virgil.
C. Plato.
D. Aristophanes.
34. The Peloponnesian War resulted from a clash of cultures between Sparta and
Athens. A Spartan characteristic that brought them victory was
A. a strong naval force.
B. well-trained, established army.
C. their great pride in their established democracy.
D. their location close to seaports.
35. Ancient Greek religion can be best defined as
A. polytheistic.
B. monotheistic.
C. oligarchy.
D. democracy.
36. The Macedonian Greek who spread global culture by conquering many lands was
A. Amenhotep IV.
B. Darius III.
C. Pericles.
D. Alexander the Great.
37. The lasting contribution of the Ancient Greeks to America was?
A. Democracy
B. Road Building
C. Slavery
D. Gladiator Training
38. It can be said that Socrates wanted people to
A. be as intelligent as he was.
B. question themselves and examine their own lives.
C. examine other people's lives for them.
D. live in other people's ignorance.
39. The period after Alexander the Great is know as:
A. Hellenistic Culture
B. Alexandria Culture
C. Hellenic Culture
D. The Great Culture
40. In geographical terms, the land of Greece is a large
A. island
B. peninsula
C. isthmus
D. continent
Unit 3 Rome: 8 Questions (5 lower order, 3 higher order questions)
41. Over time the government of Rome
A. evolved from a republic to a dictatorship.
B. changed from an autocracy to an oligarchy.
C. developed from an aristocracy to a theocracy.
D. evolved from dictatorship to a monarchy.
42. Our founding fathers, such as Thomas Jefferson, admired ancient Rome because at
one time the Roman government had been a(n)
A. theocracy.
B. oligarchy
C. anarchy.
D. republic.
43. The name of the Carthaginian general who made his military reputation by crossing
the Alps with elephants was
A. Socrates.
B. Hannibal.
C. Montgomery.
D. Alexander.
44. Period of peace and prosperity in the western world under Rome’s rule.
A. Renaissance
B. Greek Dark Ages
C. Age of Enlightenment
D. Pax Romana
45. During the Republic, Rome’s chief competition for trade and power was
A. China.
B. Persia.
C. Germany.
D. Carthage.
46. Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized what religion in the
Roman Empire?
A. Hinduism
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Polytheism
47. The fall of the Roman Empire can be in part traced back to the all of the following
A. barbarian invasions
B. poor leadership
C. contact with an intellectually superior society.
D. inflation and other economic issues.
48. Under the Republic form of government, laws are made by
a.) the monarch.
b.) the representatives of the people.
c.) the military.
d.) the church.
Unit 4 Middle Ages: 8 Questions (5 lower order, 3 higher order questions)
49. All of the following are modern day examples of the Code of Chivalry from Middle
Ages except?
A. Respecting the practices and teachings of your religion
B. Complementing your date and holding the door for them when entering a restaurant
C. Joining the military to defend your country
D. Treating others rudely and unfairly
50. What details would you use to support the view on why the Feudalism system and
self-sufficiency rose during the Middle Ages in Europe?
A. Attacks by outside groups, barbarians and Vikings made Europeans unable to trade
with distant lands.
B. The kings of Europe required it.
C. There was a variety trade routes to encourage self-sufficiency.
D. It was needed because of the Industrial Revolution.
51. Manorialism slowed the development of Europe economically because
A. manors depended on trade with Asia.
B. manors were self-sufficient.
C. manors depended on industry rather than agriculture.
D. manors were democratic.
52. The major religions involved in the Crusades were
A. Hinduism and Buddhism.
B. Christianity and Islam.
C. Judaism and Confucianism.
D. Christianity and Hinduism
53. The Magna Carta is sometimes compared to the U.S. Constitution because
A. it gave unlimited power to the king.
B. it grated serfs and peasants equal rights with the nobles.
C. it was the first step to limit the king’s power by law.
D. it gave the nobles supreme power in England.
54. Who stopped the spread of the Muslim empire at the battle of Tours
A. Clovis
B. Charlemagne
C. Pepin the Short
D. Charles “The Hammer” Martel
55. The taking away of a person’s right of membership in the Catholic Church is called
A. Censorship.
B. Excommunication.
C. Lay investiture.
D. Canon Law.
56. What was responsible for killing one third of Europe’s population during the
Middle Ages
A. 100 Years War
C. Earthquake.
D. Bubonic Plague
Unit 5 World Religions: 8 Questions (5 lower order, 3 higher order questions)
For questions 57-59 match the correct religion to its definition or description:
57. Christianity
A. "5 pillars" to achieve salvation
58. Judaism
B. Catholic, Protestants, Orthodox
59. Islam
C. First monotheist religion, featured belief in
one God and Law of Moses
60. How would you classify the religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?
A. Polytheistic
B. Monotheistic
C. Atheist
D. none of the above
61. What examples can you find to show that Christianity is the largest religion in the
World at approximately 33%?
It is the most popular in Europe
It is the most popular in North America
It is the most popular in Latin America
All of the above
62. What is a feature of Buddhism?
A. Peace, happiness, and achievement of Nirvana
B. Reincarnation to achieve happiness
C. Was originally a Chinese philosophy that stressed order and strong family
D. Belief in one God
63. What would happen if you had good Karma according to Hinduism?
A. You would be sentenced to eternal damnation
B. Possible reincarnation into a better being
C. You could achieve all 7 sacraments
D. Possible excommunication
64. What choice would you have made if you were a Muslim on who the savior was of
A. Jesus
B. Moses
C. Muhammad
D. The savior has not revealed themselves yet