Women, Money and Markets (1750-1850)

Women, Money and Markets (1750-1850)
Thursday 11 May 2017, Strand Campus, King’s College London
Supported by the Centre for Enlightenment Studies at King’s and the Arts & Humanities Research
Registration, Refreshments and Welcome
Registration: Old Committee Room
Refreshments and welcome: Council Room (K2.29)
Session one
Edmond J. Safra Lecture
River Room
Bankers, Financiers and
Grocers: Women in Business
Inside the Archives: Women’s
Material Lives
Catriona Macleod (University
of Glasgow), ‘Women’s financial
management in Scotland,
Madeleine Pelling (University
of York), ‘Selling the Duchess:
narratives of celebrity in A
catalogue of the Portland Museum’
Peter Collinge (Keele
University), ‘A taste for finance:
businesswomen and the grocery
trade in Georgian England’
Val Derbyshire (University of
Sheffield), ‘“The phantom
coach”: The longings and letters
of Alicia Maria Greame, a
woman for sale’
Amy Louise Erickson
(University of Cambridge),
'Estimating businesswomen in
London, 1700-1750'
Amy Murat (King’s College
London), ‘“I value it as a gift
from him”: Elizabeth Barrett
Browning and the material worth
of friendship’
Literature by Women as
Economics: Rethinking Female
Epistemological and Economic
Joanna Rostek (Universität
Giessen, Germany), ‘Re-centring
female epistemological agency,
or: how to find women
economists in the period 17501850’
Barbara Straumann (Universität
Zurich, Switzerland), ‘The
Eccentricity of Female
Economic Agency: Elizabeth
Gaskell’s Cranford’
Morning coffee break
Council Room (K2.29)
Keynote Speaker: Hannah Barker (University of Manchester)
'"For the benefit of her family": Women, families and business during the early industrial revolution'
Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre
Council Room (K2.29)
Edmond J.Safra Lecture
Session two
River Room
Global Markets: Currency,
Trade and Exchange
Working Women: Women and
Jelena Šesnić (University of
Zagreb, Croatia), ‘Sentimental
women in the post-revolutionary
American geoculture of the
Kathryne Crossley (University
of Oxford), ‘Oxford laundresses:
family and college economies’
Karin Pallaver (University of
Bologna, Italy), ‘Small change:
forms of currency and female
monetary practices in 19thcentury East Africa’
Joyce Goggin (Universiteit van
Amsterdam, Netherlands), ‘Mrs
Centlivre and the South Sea’
Mark Hay (King’s College
London) ‘“The matriarch of
Amsterdam high finance”:
Johanna Borski and the
establishment of the Bank of the
Carolyn D. Williams
(University of Reading), ‘“This
uncommon employment”:
women, makeshifts and morality
in the second half of the
eighteenth century’
Pattie Flint, (King’s College
London), ‘Having your cake and
eating it too: cookbooks as
Theresa Mackay (Royal Roads
University, British Columbia)
‘Women at work: innkeeping in
the Highlands and Islands of
Scotland, 1790-1840’
Contemporary Issues in a
Global Context
(Institute for New Economic
Thinking INET YSI Gender
Economics and Social Sciences
Working Group)
‘Femina Oeconomica? Gender
effects in the society and
related economic policies’
Chair: Marcella Corsi, President
of “Minerva” Lab on Diversity
and Gender Inequality (Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy)
Francesca Bertolino (London
School of Economics /
International Training Centre of
the ILO), ‘Diverging gender
equality trajectories in Italy and
Spain meet austerity: the end of
progressive policy making?’
Claire Moll (Centre for
Theology and Community)
‘Attitudes not Quotas: The
hidden cost of the synthetic
normalization of women
Erica Aloe (Sapienza University
of Rome, Italy), ‘The
relationship between labour
policies and unpaid care work.
Evaluation of the potential
impact of the Italian labour
market reform on the care
system and gender equality’
Dhritisree Sarkar (Indira
Gandhi Institute of Development
Research), ‘Possible Impacts of
Demonetization of Currency
Notes on Women in India’
Giulia Porino (Sapienza
University of Rome, Italy),
‘Diversity is an asset. How
increasing the representation of
different interests in the financial
sector top positions could
promote the public interest
perspective in finance’
Edmond J.Safra Lecture
Money, Management and
Motherhood in Austen
Rita J. Dashwood (University of
Warwick) ‘“Abilities, as well as
affections”: The surrogate
manager in Jane Austen’s
Mansfield Park and Persuasion’
Lynda Hall (Chapman
University), ‘Valuing women in
Jane Austen’s fiction’
Helen Charman (University of
Cambridge), ‘Paradoxical
productivity: the maternal
economy from Austen to Eliot’
Session three
River Room
Imagining the Economy: Signs,
Credit and Value in Women's
Catherine Packham (University
of Sussex), ‘“Extreme
Credulity”: Wollstonecraft, the
1797 Bank Restriction Act, and
the credit instrument of fiction’
Silvana Colella (University of
Macerata, Italy), ‘Doing it like a
woman: Charlotte Riddell and
the economic imagination’
Jon Dietrick (Babson College,
USA), ‘Hester in the
marketplace: women’s labor in
Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter’
Afternoon coffee break
Council Room (K2.29)
Women’s Studies Group 15581837
Material Girls: Trading and
Manoeuvring in a Material
Rebecca Mason (University of
Glasgow), ‘Moveables, markets,
and married women’s access to
credit in eighteenth-century
Johanna Holmes (Royal
Holloway, University of
London), ‘Enterprising painters:
women in the art market 18201850’
Miriam Al Jamil (Birkbeck,
University of London), ‘The
“fiery force” of Eleanor Coade’s
business success’
Session four
River Room
Jane Austen and Property: An
Anniversary Panel
Author and Image: Marketing
the Woman Writer
Money Matters: Acting,
Writing and Marketplaces
Christine Kenyon-Jones (King’s
College London), ‘Entail in the
work of Jane Austen’
Beatrijs Vanacker (KU Leuven,
Belgium), ‘“[Défense d’]autoriser
par votre correspondance le
ridicule amour-propre de ces
reptiles littéraires”:
(Trans)cultural authority and
marketability in Constant
d’Hermenches’ letters to Isabelle
de Charrière’
Edmond J.Safra Lecture
Helen Paul (University of
Southampton), ‘Ways to Avoid
Potential Financial Pitfalls for
the Women of Jane Austen’s
Emma Clery (University of
Southampton), ‘Risk and
speculation in Jane Austen’s
dealings with the book market’
Lara Perry (University of
Brighton), ‘George Smith,
publisher and the commercial
potential of women authors’
David Worrall (Nottingham
Trent University/ University of
Roehampton), ‘Actresses,
authors and annuities: money in
the theatrical marketplace’
Nancy Henry (University of
Tennessee, USA), ‘Charlotte
Riddell’s financial life’
Wendy Robins (Open
University), ‘Catherine
Macaulay’s Plea for Copyright,
Christine Clark (University of
Newcastle, Australia) ‘Creating
the Commodity: Henry Austen
Re-Writing Jane’
Diana Arbaiza (University of
Antwerp, Belgium), ‘“Not a
woman’s work:” Cecilia Böhl
von Faber’s paradoxical writings
on female authors in the literary
Short break
Keynote speaker: Caroline Criado-Perez
Edmond J. Safra Lecture Theatre
Drinks reception
(Private reception for conference delegates only)
Council Room (K2.29)