Catalog of Workshops - Bremen High School District 228

Institute for Best Practices
Fall Institute Day
October 9, 2015
Bremen High School District 228
The following catalog contains all of the workshops being offered during our Fall Institute on
Friday, October 9, 2015. Each presenter(s) has provided a brief description of their topic.
Using the session planning worksheet on the following page, please select one choice.
Presenters please select your own workshop when you register.
You will receive an email confirmation of your selection. All workshops are limited to space, so
they will fill on a first-come first-serve basis this year.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
10:00 – 1:15
Keynote Address: Scott Meech, Apple, Inc.
Department Time
Session Planning Worksheet
Collaborative Data Collection, Quantitative Analysis, and
Result Calculation Using Google Sheets
Share My Lesson – A Must Join Professional Community
College Athletes: Motivating for Student Success and
Transferring Abstract Concepts Into Real World
SUGAR: What It’s Doing to Our Students
Debate and Drama in the Classroom
Tips to Help Teachers Keep Kids with Diabetes Safe at
iPad, Reflector, and Technology…OH MY!
All You Need to Know and More About Type 1 Diabetes
Utilizing Classcraft with Students
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and
Redefinition) – Focus on “S” and “A”
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and
Redefinition) – Focus on “S” and “A” (Same as 11)
iPad Basics Workshop
iPad Basics Workshop (Same as 13)
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and
Redefinition) – Focus on “M” and “R”
Creating Type III Assessments
Keynote Address: Janet Kane and Ryan Blackwell, BR
Institute for Best Practices – Many Pieces…One Vision
October 9, 2015
Fall Institute
Keynote Speakers:
Janet Kane and Ryan Blackwell, Bremen HS
First Session
Create Learning Experiences that Stick: Amplify Your Teaching Using #edtech Tools
Freshmen have iPads and in a few years, so will everyone else. Every new initiative inevitably brings with it
new questions and more than a few frustrations. What’s my password? STOP SNAPCHATTING! How do I use
this effectively in my classroom? The answer: COLLABORATE, CREATE, FAIL and REPEAT! During this keynote,
you will learn how to incorporate a myriad of digital tools that will enhance your ability to create engaging
learning experiences for your students regardless of your content area.
Scott Meech, K-12 Education Development Executive, Apple Education
Third Session
Technology…It’s a Journey and Not a Sprint
As we implement 1:1 in the district it is important to remember that everyone is on a journey. Technology will
always be evolving, so we too must evolve and adapt along the way. Scott will talk about “above the line”
exemplary teaching, as he reminds everyone that there is success in failing forward.
Thank you to all of the Staff Development Committee members for putting together this amazing event!
Corinne Williams
Scott Buchanan
Randy Couwenhoven
Lisa Giglio-Byczek
Jim Donato
Maureen Miller
Kristine Bonebrake
Pete Matushek
Matt Wick
Tammie Schultz
Jeanne Uniek
Kristen Kaczmarek
Carissa Fetig
Eric Gomez
Kristina Blair
Special thank you is also extended to Judy D’Ambrosio for creating this catalog and Jeff Staley for designing the
electronic registration process through email and collating the date for the committee.
This event was made possible through funding provided by our Title II federal grant.
Collaborative Data Collection, Quantitative Analysis, and Result Calculation
Using Google Sheets
Matthew Spreadbury
Julia Spreadbury
Oak Forest
This presentation will focus on demonstrating how Google Sheets can be used by students in
quantitative lab activities to collect data, analyze results, and calculate statistics about their
data. Students can collaborate on this process through Google Sheets’ sharing function. In
addition, how to use the functions to automatically calculate results will be explained.
Emphasis on differentiation and real-world applications. This workshop is useful for math and
science teachers as well as teachers who utilize math in their classroom. Both students and
teachers will be using Google Sheets as a tool for collecting, analyzing, and organizing data.
The basic use of Google Sheets will be covered.
Teachers can bring a copy of a lab or activity that they want to create a data
collection/results spreadsheet
Share My Lesson – A Must Join Professional Community
A. J. Chelepis
World Language
Have you ever begun to write a lesson and thought, “There must be something already out
there?” Well there is! Share My Lesson is a professional community where educators around
the nation share lessons, activities, and ideas at NO COST! Created by teachers, for teachers,
SML offers resources covering all subject areas including Common Core. Learn how to join
and use SML so you can start collaborating and sharing (bring your own iPad to this session)!
College Athletes: Motivating for Student Success and Eligibility
Jennifer Bylut
Kristine Bonebrake
AD’s – Learn the new academic requirements for NCAA Eligibility so you can properly guide
your college-bound athletes.
Coaches – As an early identifier of college-bound talent, you can help your athletes to make
sure that they meet the NCAA eligibility requirements early and keep them on track.
Teachers – Need help motivating your student/athletes? Gain knowledge about NCAA
requirements that you can use in the classroom to get better academic results
Parents – Want insider tips on how to get your child recruited to the school of their choice?
Find out simple techniques for getting your kids and their skills in front of the coaches.
 NCAA statistics
 Unfortunate stories of athletes (with both good/bad endings)
 Difference between NJCAA, NAIA, NCAA, D1, D2, and D3
 How to get recruited – include websites, fees
 How to get recruited – “recruit me” scouting events and input from college coaches
 Good endings to stories but with warnings about schools that don’t follow the rules
Transferring Abstract Concepts Into Real World Application
Ed Lipowski
Social Studies
Oak Forest
This Session well focused on Social Studies Content but would be applicable to any teacher
looking for ways to adapt lessons to fit real life scenarios. It would focus on how to take
abstract concepts like Laws of Migration and having students apply these laws to scenarios
that are either real life, or fictional but simplified versions of the real world, for example giving
students a map with fictional nations on it and predicting what migration would look like and
why by applying these geographic laws. Or having students look to the constitution to
determine a Constitutional question like which branch is in charge of immigration policies.
These are concepts that I teach in my classes and building real world scenarios which would
allow students to apply the concepts taught to solve problems with my class’s field of
study. In short, I am trying to answer the age old student question “when would I ever use
SUGAR: What It’s Doing to Your Students
Heather Manzke
Stacey Faulkner
Physical Education
Physical Education
Oak Forest
In this session, we will discuss how sugar affects learning. We will also give examples of some
of our students who tracked their sugar for three days. Learn how much sugar you should be
consuming each day and how much sugar is in some foods and drinks we commonly eat.
Debate and Drama in the Classroom
Kathleen O’Connor
Jeanne Uniek
Brandy Winstead
Tinley Park
Teachers will introduce various ways in incorporate debate and drama into the classroom,
while at the same time addressing standards 1, 7, and 8. Danielson components 1f, 3a, 3b, 3c,
3d, and 4c will be addressed. In addition, use of FaceTime in the classroom to engage
students and to enhance learning will be discussed.
Tips to Help Teachers Keep Kids with Diabetes Safe at School
Madonna Pufunt
Laura Chapman
Oak Forest
The diabetes health care professional community strongly supports the training of nonmedical school personnel to provide supplementary diabetes care in school.
The school nurse is vital in coordinating and providing diabetes care in school. He or she is
responsible for implementing the student’s individual diabetes care plan, including
performing and/or assisting with routine diabetes care tasks and providing emergency care.
However, a nurse is not always on-site or immediately available. Therefore, there is a great
need for staff to become trained in diabetes and how to assist their students with selfmanagement and emergency situations.
The American Diabetes Association recommends the following related to school staff training:
 All school staff members who have responsibility for a student with diabetes should
receive training that provides a basic understanding of the disease and know who to
contact in an emergency.
 The school nurse may provide training and consultation with routine emergency care
of students to staff.
 See more at:
iPad, Reflector, and Technology…OH MY!
Kristen Kaczmarek
Mayra Ortega
World Language
World Language
Have you ever wondered how you are going to use the iPad in your classroom? How the iPad
can be used as a learning tool? Or how you can project what you do from your iPad onto the
board? If so, then this workshop is for you. We will show you different applications,
technology, and resources you can use in your classroom to enhance your students learning
experience. After leaving this workshop you will have learned many useful ways you and your
students can use iPads in the classroom.
All You Need to Know and More About Type 1 Diabetes
Brad Walsh
Physical Education
Tinley Park
P. E. teacher Brad Walsh, his wife Krista, and 7 year old daughter Calloway will help explain
type 1 diabetes and how it has affected their lives. Calloway was diagnosed with diabetes at
age 2. She will help demonstrate how to connect her insulin pump, continuous glucose
monitor, and show how she uses her glucose meter. Additional information on how diabetes
effects student learning will also be presented to help better assist teachers in the classroom!
Utilizing Class Craft With Students
Mike Brown
Social Studies
Oak Forest
Class Craft is an interactive role-playing game that helps the teacher manage classroom
behavior while motivating students to excel in class. While playing the game, students hold
their team mates and peers accountable for their behavior. Teachers can add or subtract
points to reward good behavior, or punish bad behavior. With Class Craft, students get to
create their own avatar and update them throughout the year as they level up through the
game. By leveling up, students gain powers in which they can use to help them succeed in the
classroom. Students are broken into teams, and they can put their avatar in one of three
classifications: Mage, Warrior or Healer. As students learn the game, they gather powers and
are rewarded by working cooperatively with one another. In this session, I will show how to
join, use and benefit from Class Craft in your own classroom. If you are looking for something
new, and interactive, come check it out.
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition)
Mary Gabel
Katie Udstuen
English/Media Specialist
Media Specialist
Tinley Park
The District Media Specialists will review the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification, and Redefinition) model for technology integration and specifically show how
technology can be used for Substitution and Augmentation. Various classroom examples will
be explained and teachers will have the opportunity to apply what is learned to their own
curriculum. Teachers should all bring their fully charged iPads to this session for an exciting
hands on experience.
SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition)
Mary Rose Bernas
Kelly Sala
English/Media Specialist
Media Specialist
The District Media Specialists will review the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation,
Modification, and Redefinition) model for technology integration and specifically show how
technology can be used for Substitution and Augmentation. Various classroom examples will
be explained and teachers will have the opportunity to apply what is learned to their own
curriculum. Teachers should all bring their fully charged iPads to this session for an exciting
hands on experience.
This is the same workshop as #11.
iPad Basics Workshop
Lisa Walsh
Kara Williams
Media Specialist
Want to get to know your new iPad a little better? Would you like to use your iPad with a
little more confidence? Join us in this session for iPad beginners, where we will discuss
function keys and buttons; settings and tools (e.g. camera, Siri, etc.); downloading and
organizing apps; printing capabilities; and a few additional surprises!
iPad Basics Workshop
Cheryl Harris
Media Specialist
Oak Forest
Want to get to know your new iPad a little better? Would you like to use your iPad with a
little more confidence? Join us in this session for iPad beginners, where we will discuss
function keys and buttons; settings and tools (e.g. camera, Siri, etc.); downloading and
organizing apps; printing capabilities; and a few additional surprises!
This is the same workshop as #14.
SAMR for Advanced iPad Users
Scott Meech
K-12 Development Executive
Apple Education
Scott will review the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition)
model for technology integration and specifically show how technology can be used for
Modification and Redefinition. He will share a deck of “lessons,” so that conversations can be
focused on these phases of integration. This workshop is meant for advanced iPads users who
have had experience with the earlier phases of this model. Teachers are encouraged to bring
their iPads to this session.
Creating Type III Assessments
Mike Mecozzi
Corinne Williams
FLC Coordinator, DEC Member
Asst. Supt. for Teaching &
Ad Center
This workshop will provide an overview in creating Type III assessments for a teacher’s
student growth model. Teachers are encouraged to bring a unit of study and a potential
assessment to this workshop to review during the training. The focus will be on aligning a big
idea (or enduring understanding) to standards and content skills as one develops the actual