St. Andrew Catholic School

St. Andrew
Catholic Community
801 N. Has ngs Street,
Orlando, FL 32808-7005
Parish Office: 407-293-0730
Fax: 407-293-0739
Fr. Leo Hodges, Pastor
Fin de Semana
Saturday Vigil 4:30pm (English)
6:30pm (Spanish)
Sunday 8:30am (English);
10:30am (English)
Días de la Semana
8:00am Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri (English)
6:30pm Wed (English)
Communion Service/
Servicio de Comunión
Monday - 8:00 am
[email protected]
Church BulleƟn Email:
[email protected]
Mon - Fri: 9am—5pm
Closed for lunch: 12 Noon—1pm
August 9, 2015
Ministry News
St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic ChariƟes of Central Florida will be providing
Case Management services two days per week
(Wednesdays & Fridays). If you are in need of services
(financial) please contact United Way’s 211 referral
line for an appointment.
Current Pantry needs: Tuna, canned corn, canned fruits,
boxed mac & cheese, small pop-top cans (Vienna
sausage, beans & franks etc.).
SVDP is always in need of volunteers. If you have 2-3
hours a week to give, please call. Thank you for your
con nued support.
Email: [email protected]
Any ques ons please call: 321-319-0063
Altar Linens...a ministry you can help
with in the comfort of your
home. If you are interested in
helping with the washing of
Altar linens, please call Beth
Enos at 407-985-1883.
Weekend Masses - Offertory
August 1 & 2 $8,752.96
The 2015-16 annual campaign for the Bishop’s
Appeal has begun. Please prayerfully consider
dona ng to this campaign. The amount of our
assessment is $106,067.00. To date we have raised
$98,039.50. We s ll need $8,027.50 to meet our
Thank you for your con nued support.
Nuestro Llamado Católico
Nuestra campaña para Nuestro Llamado Católico del año
2015-16 ha comenzado. Por favor, en oración considere
donar a esta campaña. La can dad de nuestra
asesoramiento es $106,067.00.
Hasta el dia de hoy hemos recibido compromisos por
la can dad de $98,039.50. Aun necesitamos
$8,027.50 en compromisos para llegar a nuestra
Gracias por su con nuo apoyo.
Please send your Catholic Appeal payment to:
Favor de enviar su “Catholic Appeal” a la siguiente
Diocese of Orlando
The Catholic Foundation of Central Florida, Inc.
P.O. Box 4905, Orlando, Florida 32802
Community School of the Arts at
St. Andrew Church
St. Andrew Religious Article Store/
Tienda de Artículos Religiosos de San Andrés
"Mary in Art: Boƫcelli, Murillo, and Beyond" is the theme for
the art classes this fall semester. Classes are for students in
PK through 12 grade.
Online registra on opens Sat. Aug. 8 at 11:00
AM at
Register early, spaces are limited. All classes and supplies are
Informa on about class schedule, program details, and adult
art classes may also be found at the website. To
sponsor or donate please contact Maria
Guerrero at [email protected]
Store hours/Horario
1st & 3rd weekend of the month/
Primer y tercer fin de semana del mes
Saturdays/sábados 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Sundays/domingos 9:30 am - 10:30 am
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
This Week at a Glance
Masses for the Week
Monday/lunes, August 10, 8:00 am
Communion Service
Tuesday/martes, August 11, 8:00am
World Peace
Wednesday/miércoles, August 12, 8:00 am
St. Andrew Students and Staff
Wednesday/miércoles, August 12, 6:30 pm
Parish Community
Thursday/jueves, August 13, 8:00 am
Sick of the World
Friday/viernes, August 14, 8:00 am
† Aronold Louis, Corey Es simon, Jeannete Louis
Saturday/sábado, August 15, 4:30 pm
† All Souls
Saturday/sábado, August 15, 6:30 pm
† Juanita Dar, Fa. Ramirez
Sunday/domingo, August 16, 8:30am
† Cay Asher
Sunday/domingo, August 16, 10:30am
† Chris ne Garcia
Monday/lunes, August/agosto 10
Tuesday/martes, August/agosto 11
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Contemplative Prayer
Wednesday/miércoles, August/agosto 12
6:30 pm
Spanish Choir
7:00 pm
Adult Choir
PC Music Rm
PC Music Rm
Thursday/jueves, August/agosto 13
6:30 pm
Knights of Columbus 9236 Cafeteria
Friday/viernes, August/agosto 14
7:00 pm
Spanish Prayer
Choir Rm
Saturday/sábado, August/agosto 15
6:00 pm
Spanish Choir
Choir Rm
Sunday/domingo, August/agosto 16
Coffee & Donuts
After 10:30 Mass Youth Group
Youth Rm
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Ps 78; Eph 4:17, 20-24;
Jn 6:24-35
Monday Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81; Mt 14:13-21
Tuesday Saint John Vianney, Priest
Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51; Mt 14:22-36 or
15:1-2, 10-14
Wednesday The DedicaƟon of the Basilica of
Saint Mary Major
Nm 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26-29a, 34-35;
Ps 106; Mt 15:21-28
The TransfiguraƟon of the Lord
Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97; 2 Pt 1:16-19;
Mk 9:2-10
Saint Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions,
Martyrs; Saint Cajetan, Priest
Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77; Mt 16:24-28
Saint Dominic, Priest
Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18; Mt 17:14-20
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34; Eph 4:30—5:2;
Jn 6:41-51
Reconcilia on/Confession - Saturdays 3:45-4:15pm or by appointment
Reconciliación/Confesión - sábado 3:45-4:15pm o por cita
Prayers for the deceased Please remember
in your prayers all those who have died.
May they find peace and happiness in God’s
Oración para los Difuntos Por favor recuerde en
sus oraciones a todos aquellos que han fallecido.
Que encuentren paz y felicidad en el Reino de
St. Andrew School News
St. Andrew
Catholic School
Where students are Soaring Academically, Creatively, and Spiritually
Prekindergarten thru Eighth Grade
Enrollment Informa on, please call (407)295 -4230 ext. 1723
Blue Ribbon School of Excellence
A Na onally Recognized School
VPK, 4-C, McKay and Step up For Student Scholarships accepted
To get more informa on, please call the school office at 407-295-4230 ext. 1723
All St. Andrew School families are requested to attend
Orientation on
Tuesday, August 11th from 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
(School pictures will be taken in the Parish Center)
Our First Day of School is
Wednesday, August 12th
Look forward to seeing you!
Keep sending your used cell phones and other electronics, ink cartridges, Campbell’s USP labels, Tyson, and General
Mills Box Top$ for Educa on (h p://www.labelsforeduca
Labels_for_Educa on_Parent_Handout.pdf) keep those box tops coming. Target will donate a
percentage of your purchase when you use your Target Visa® Card; to designate our school please
log onto (ST ANDREW SCHOOL; ORLANDO, FL 32808-7005; School ID:4837).
Upcoming Events
St. Andrew Catholic Church
ValLimar Jansen
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
7:00 PM
St . Andrew’s InternaƟonal Food FesƟval
Food and entertainment from many countries Saturday, August 22, 2015
Meal Ɵckets will be sold at the entrance.
El FesƟval Internacional
¡Comida y entretenimiento de diferentes países! domingo, 22 de agosto de 2015.
Boletos para la comida estarán a la venta en la entrada.
InternaƟonal Mass - Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 10:30 am
followed by a recep on in the Parish Center.
Misa Internacional - domingo, 23 de agosto 2015 a las 10:30 am
seguida por una recepción en el Centro Parroquial.
Centering Prayer
In the 1970s, drawing from The Cloud of Unknowing and other Chris an mys cal wri ngs,
three Trappist monks--William Meninger, Basil Pennington, and Thomas Kea ng--developed a simple method of silent
prayer. This method came to be known as Centering Prayer, referencing Thomas Merton's defini on of contempla on
as prayer "centered en rely on the presence of God." (You can learn more about Centering Prayer through
Contempla ve Outreach.)
Centering Prayer is simply si ng in silence, open to God's love and your love for God. This prayer is beyond thoughts,
emo ons, or sensa ons. Like being with a very close friend or lover, where words are not required, Centering Prayer
brings your rela onship with God to a level deeper than conversa on, to pure communion.
Because our minds are so a ached to thinking, Father Thomas Kea ng some mes suggests choosing a sacred word,
with one or two syllables, "as the symbol of your inten on to consent to God's presence and ac on within. [Then,]
si ng comfortably and with eyes closed, se le briefly, and silently introduce your sacred word. . . . When you become
aware of thoughts, return ever-so-gently to your sacred word. At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with
eyes closed for a couple of minutes."
Two sessions of 20-30 minutes of Centering prayer is recommended each day, but if that is too much for you, begin
with five or ten minutes. Let go of all expecta ons or goals during this me. It is not about achieving anything, whether
emptying your mind or finding peace or achieving a spiritual experience. There is no way to succeed at Centering
Prayer, except to return again and again to love. Allow thoughts to come and go without latching onto them, without
judgment. "Ever-so-gently" bring your sacred word, the symbol of your inten on, back to mind and return to res ng in
To adver se in our bulle n, please call Diocesan
Publica ons at 800-292-9111. Thank you for your support!
Friday one week prior to the bulle n date.
Email: [email protected]
Pine Hills Safe Neighborhood Partnership
Community Meeting
Thursday, August 13th at 7:00 pm
Pine Hills Community Center Building B
Subjects: Pedestrian Safety & Energy Savings Workshop
More info: Kenneth Dwyer 407.271.5584
Email: [email protected]
St. Andrew’s 10:30 Sunday Mass Choir and our 6:30 pm Saturday Spanish Choir are seeking
instrumentalists, especially guitarists and drummers. If you play an instrument and are available, please
contact Elsa Heckman at the church office or email [email protected].
El Coro de la Misa de las 10:30 am y nuestro Coro de la Misa en español del sábado a las 6:30 pm están
en busca de personas que toquen instrumentos musicales, especialmente guitaras y tambores/batería. Si
usted toca un instrumento y está disponible, favor de comunicarse con Elsa Heckman en la Oficina
Parroquial o al correo electrónico [email protected]
Kairos Ministry
We were few, but with God's help, we were mighty! Six
men entered the prison at Lake Correctional Institution
on Saturday, July 18th to continue the Kairos ministry
that started there more than 30 years ago. The event
was the 3-month Retreat occurring at the mid-point
between Kairos #65, held in April, and Kairos #66,
scheduled for September. In all 86 inmate/participants
spent the day in discussion, reflection and prayer. While
the retreat was a success - with an unprecedented turnout of 3 to 4 times the number previously experienced the low number of volunteers underscores the need for
additional men to serve in this ministry. If you are
interested in serving God through the incarcerated,
please consider joining this rewarding ministry.
Formation starts Monday, July 20th, at 6:00 PM in the St.
Andrew Parish Center. Please note: Kairos is an
international and ecumenical prison ministry, and the
Kairos Inside program is intended for male incarcerated
and male volunteers. For more details contact Michael
Varela at 407-497-2930 or [email protected].
The Diocese of Orlando
complies with all health and
safety standards of the
federal, state, county and
local codes which means that our
campuses, inside and out, are smoke free.
This includes smoking of tobacco, ecigare es or other products that produce a
vapor or smoke.
La Diócesis de Orlando cumple con todas
las normas federales, estatales, del
condado, y códigos locales de salud y
seguridad, lo cual significa que en nuestro
campus, adentro y afuera, no se puede
fumar. Esto incluye el fumar cigarrillos de
tabaco, cigarrillos-e o cualquier otro
producto que produzca vapor o humo.
"I was in prison and you visited me"... Matthew 25:36
There is overflow parking at the school for
Sunday Masses as well as special events.
St. Andrew
Catholic Community
Religious Education News
Religious Education News If your child was registered in faith forma on this past year, you should have received
a le er in the mail and the faith forma on form to sign up for next year. Please complete the form and submit it with
payment to the church office.
If you are new to faith forma on, sign up forms will be available in the church office during regular business hours
(9 am a 5 pm). We will also have a faith forma on informa on table a er all masses the weekend of August 15
and 16.
Finally, we are in need of catechists and catechist aides as well as hall monitors to assist us taking children to classes,
answering ques ons, and giving out informa on. If you are interested in assis ng us for next year, please call Martha
or Loni at 407-293-0730.
Noticias sobre Educación Religiosa Si su hijo/a estaba matriculado en formación de fe el año pasado, debió
haber recibido por correo una carta y la matricula de formación de fe para este año entrante. Por favor complete la
forma y envíela con el pago a la oficina parroquial.
Si no asisƟó a formación de fe el año pasado, tenemos matriculas disponible en la oficina parroquial durante horas de
oficina (9 am a 5 pm). También tendremos una mesa de información para formación de fe después de todas las misas
el fin de semana del 15 y 16 de agosto.
Finalmente, necesitamos catequistas, asistentes de catequistas y ayudantes para que estén pendientes de los predios,
ayuden a llevar niños a las clases, contesten preguntas y den boleƟnes informaƟvos. Si estas interesado/a en ayudarnos el próximo año escolar, por favor comunícate con Martha o Loni al 407-293-0730.