HOLIDAY HOMEWORK (2017 – 2018)
1. Read English newspapers daily pick five new words daily and write them with their meanings.
2. Write an original article for the school magazine.
3. Prepare a travel brochure of any place of your choice and give attractive descriptions like: places to visit, clothes,
culture, food etc.
4. Prepare a book cover related to English.
5. Make an attractive chart on any poet from your English book and stick pictures also.
6. Read the supplementary reader Pride a d Prejudice a d rite its detailed summary in about 100 – 150 words.
1. Make the following maps in a scrap book (using stencil).
a) Main center of the revolt of 1857 – part – I ( pg – 61).
b) Location of some tribal groups in India – part – I ( pg – 41)
c) Major centers of weaving in the late 18th Century – Part – II ( pg – 84)
d) Indian province and princely states before 14th August 1947 – Part – II ( pg -166)
e) World distribution of iron, copper, bauxite, mineral oil and coal( pg 26 & 27)
f) World distribution of arable land ( pg – 41)
g) Major iron ore producing areas ( pg- 56)
h) Major cotton textile manufacturing regions ( pg – 59)
2. On a A-3 size sheet make the following
a) Roll no. 1 – 15
 Types of resources ( flow chart)
 Diagram of soil profile ( pg – 13)
b) Roll no. 16 – 30
 Factors affecting soil formation – fig – 2.4
 Diagram showing the farm system of an arable farm – fig 4.2 ( pg – 42)
c) Roll no. 31 – 45
 Types of minerals ( flow chart)
 Diagram of population pyramid of India ( pg – 73)
d) Roll no. 46 – 60
 Some principles of sustainable development (pg - 6)
 Diagra sho i g three R s reuse, reduce, recycle pg – 29
e) Roll no. 60 - onwards
 On an A-3 size sheet, make a list of fundamental rights.
 Diagram showing biogas plant – fig – 3.23 (pg 36)
1. Write an article on any current topic of science.
2. Collect different types of seeds and stick them in small bags in a scrap file.
3. Visit a doctor and prepare a short note on why antibiotics should not be overused.
4. Make a working model on the following topic according to your roll no.
Asteroid belt – (roll no. 1- 10)
Structure of eye – (roll no. 11 - 20)
Drip irrigation system ( roll no. 21 – 30)
Structure of eye - ( roll no. 31 – 40)
Mo e e t of earth s plate - (roll no. 41 – till last roll no.)
1. Use the 3- dimensional figures / solids to make a model for your room. Example: you can place a model of bed
(cuboid) in the bedroom, cuboidal box for a closet, etc.
You can also add bright colours to the rooms and decorate your room as you like.
Study room ( 1- 10)
iii) dining room ( 21- 30)
v) kitchen ( 41 – last roll no. )
Bedroom ( 11 – 20)
iv) Drawing room ( 31 – 40)
2. Make a grid on a full cartridge sheet/ mount board / thermocol sheet Draw a Cartesian plane on the grid and
make 4 different 2 – D figures in each quadrant and mark the coordinates of the figures formed. Make it
colourful using bright colours.
3. Do the assignment given in class ( chapter wise on different sheets.)
Write an original article for the school magazine.
Draw the picture of lokgeet on chart.
Make a collage on Ms. Subhalakshmi on A-3 size sheet.
Make Christmas card or Eid card.
Write difficult words from chapter 1 – 5 on A - 4 size sheet ( 20 words)
1. Make calendar in French.
2. Make a chart showing grammer rules of any 1 topic of your choice.
a. passẻ compose
b. future rẻcent
c. future proche
d. passẻ rẻcent
3. Revise lesson no. 0 and 1.
1. Prepare a neat & well labeled Chart on a pastel sheet on the follo i g topic accordi g to your class s sectio :
 8A & 8B :- Features of Window 7
 8C & 8D :- Features of database
 8E,8F & 8G :- Tool panel of Photoshop software label all the Tools .
1. Prepare a recipe book of any 10 healthy snacks (scrap book).
2. Make a chart or poster on any topic of Home science.
3. Draw and colour a beautiful design of rangoli on A-3 size sheet.
1. Complete the pages - 51, 52, 70, 71, 74 & 75 of Book - Enrich your Art Skills