Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP K. Freudenreich, ETH Zürich DIS 2004, Štrbské Pleso, April 16, 2004 Overview • Two-photon kinematics and theoretical models • L3 subdetectors used in the analysis • the data: P. Achard et al., Λ and Σ0 pair production in twophoton collisions at LEP, Phys. Lett. B (2002) 24. P. Achard et al., Proton-antiproton pair production in two-photon collisions at LEP, Phys. Lett. B (2003) 11. B. Echenard, PhD thesis in progress, university of Geneva. • comparison to models • summary K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 1/17 Kinematics e+e− → e+e−BB̄ with B ≡ baryon = p, Λ or Σ0 e - - e P1 = ‘ ‘ →‘ P1 = (E1 , p1) θ1 → → (E1 , p1) q1 = (ω1 , q1) γ* → q2 = (ω2 , q2) γ e+ θ2 ‘ → P2 = (E2 , p2) e+ ‘ →‘ P2 = (E2 , p2) Wγγ is the C.M.S. energy and Θ∗ is the polar angle in the γγ C.M.S. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 2/17 The Diquark Model • Since perturbative QCD is inadequate at low pT , models are needed for that region. • Already M. Gell-Mann speculated in his 1964 quark paper about stable diquarks. three quark model K. Freudenreich, quark-diquark model Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 3/17 The Handbag Model In the handbag model the amplitude for the annihilation of two photons into a baryon anti-baryon pair is factorized into a hard γγ → qq̄ subprocess and into a soft BB̄ distribution amplitude: H H H H d,p F A(BB̄) = rB (ρ) A(pp̄) with ρ = F u,p M. Diehl, P. Kroll and C. Vogt, Eur. Phys. J., C26 (2003) 567. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 4/17 L3 subdetectors used in the analysis RB24 Hadron Calorimeter Barrel EG Calorimeter SLUM Quadrupole Hadron Calorimeter Endcaps HC1 BGO BGO HC3 HC2 Z chamber TEC SMD FTC Luminosity Monitor Active lead rings VSAT K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 5/17 dE dx 6 – p, p Measurement 6 – Data p, p π ,π arbitrary units + π ,π - + 4 4 2 2 0 0 0.5 MC 1 momentum 1.5 2 0 0 - 0.5 1 1.5 2 momentum dE is used for the identification of protons and pions dx K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 6/17 p p̄ selection dE , Et + shower shape) dx pt Et protons from dE and dx pt < 0.6 2 tracks of opposite charge p̄ from neural net (p, no photons ( P p ~t (pair))2 < 0.1 GeV2 MC (e e → e e e e ) + - + - + - L3 Data 800 Events 600 400 cut 200 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Et / pt K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 7/17 effective mass Wγγ of the p p̄ pair 10 3 cut Data L3 Events / 0.1 GeV inclusive bkg 10 + - h h bkg 2 + - e e bkg 10 989 events found for L = 667 pb−1. 938 events selected with Wγγ > 2.1 GeV. √ since very small s dependence → √ combination into one s bin. σ(e+e− → e+e−pp̄) = ( 26.7 ± 0.9 ± 2.7 ) pb √ at < s > = 197 GeV 1 -1 10 2 3 4 Wγγ (GeV) dσ(γγ → pp̄)/d|cosΘ∗| is obtained by dividing out the two-photon luminosity function and extrapolation to Q2 = 0 with a GVDM form factor. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 8/17 σ(γγ → pp̄) for cos Θ∗ < 0.6 pp 10 10 L3 4 – Data pp OPAL Quark-diquark CLEO Three quark VENUS 3 10 3 – – 10 L3 σ(γγ→ pp) (pb) σ(γγ→ pp) (GeV) 10 – 4 10 2 2 10 10 2 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) 4 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Wγγ (GeV) L3 data extend range in Wγγ , agreement with prev. experim. + diquark model. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 9/17 dσ/d|cosΘ∗| in three bins of Wγγ L3 2.1 < Wγγ < 2.5 L3 2.5 < Wγγ < 3.0 3.0 < Wγγ < 4.5 CLEO 2.0 < Wγγ < 2.5 CLEO 2.5 < Wγγ < 3.0 Quark-diquark Quark-diquark 2 dσ/d|cosθ*| (nb) dσ/d|cosθ*| (nb) Quark-diquark 10 0.15 dσ/d|cosθ*| (nb) 15 1 5 0 0.1 0.05 0 0.2 |cos θ*| 0.4 0.6 0 0 0.2 |cos θ*| 0.4 0.6 0 0 0.2 |cos θ*| 0.4 Diquark model starts to work for Wγγ > 2.5 GeV K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 10/17 0.6 CLEO Belle 0.12 2.5 < Wγγ < 3.0 GeV/c 1.5 2 4 1+cos θ ----------C1× ----------2 * 1-cos θ 2 * * 1.25 1 0.75 0.04 θ 1+cos ----------C1× ----------2 * 1-cos θ 0.25 1+cos θ ----------C1× ----------2 * 1-cos θ 2 * 0.02 χ /ndf=12.94 2 χ /ndf=443.7 2 0 χ /ndf=7.588 2 0 0.1 0.06 2 * 0.5 2 0 0.08 − − − 6 3.0 < Wγγ < 4.0 GeV/c2 0.1 * * dσ(γγ→pp)/d|cosθ | 2 dσ(γγ→pp)/d|cosθ | 2.0 < Wγγ < 2.5 GeV/c 8 CLEO Belle 1.75 dσ(γγ→pp)/d|cosθ | 10 2 nb nb nb dσ/d|cosΘ∗| in three bins of Wγγ 0.2 0.3 0.4 * |cosθ | 0.5 0.6 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 * |cosθ | 0.5 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 * |cosθ | Preliminary data from the Belle colaboration, presented at Photon 03, Frascati, Italy. They show a similar behaviour. In the meantime their data have changed in the lowest mass bin approaching both CLEO and L3. Many thanks to Dr. C.-C. Kuo from Belle. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 11/17 0.6 σ(γγ → pp̄) vs. Wγγ in 2 bins of cos Θ∗ 10 |cosθ*| < 0.3 4 10 4 0.3 < |cosθ*| <0.6 10 10 Quark-diquark Quark-diquark 10 3 Fit 3 – – 2 0.3 < |cosθ*| < 0.6 σ(γγ→ pp) (pb) 10 10 σ(γγ→ pp) (pb) – σ(γγ→ pp) (pb) 10 3 |cosθ*| < 0.3 2 10 2 10 10 L3 1 2 L3 1 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) 4 2 L3 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) 4 2 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) Change in slope at Wγγ ∼ 3 GeV for |cosΘ∗| < 0.3 a fit with σ ∝ W−n in 0.3 < |cosΘ∗| < 0.6 yields n = 9.8 ± 0.3 K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 12/17 4 Λ Λ̄ selection 2 secondary vertices with dca⊥ > 3 mm no photons no K0s Et p and π identification via dE p̄ identification via dx p > 0.7 t L3 300 Data πcut MC π– tracks / 0.1 MC p 200 100 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 ET / p T K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 13/17 2 e+e− → ΛΛ̄, Σ0/Σ̄0 selection Selection of decays Λ → pπ − Λ̄ → p̄π + Σ0 → Λγ 40 2 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Entries / 20 MeV Events/10x10MeV L3 –0 Σ /Σ 0 m 1.2 (p _ 1.15 p+ 1.2 1.15 )(G 1.1 eV 1.05 1.05 1.1 p- )(GeV) ) m(p 30 20 10 0 100 200 300 m(pπγ) - m(pπ) (MeV) likelihood fit yields 12.5 ± 6.1 ΛΛ̄ and 20.5 ± 6.5 Σ0Σ¯0 events K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 14/17 σ(γγ → ΛΛ̄, ΣΣ̄, Λ Σ̄0 + Λ̄ Σ0 ) – 10 4 ΛΛ 0 –0 Σ Σ L3 CLEO 10 –0 2 10 2 10 10 0 – 3 L3 upper limit 95% CL Diquark 2 0 – 0 –0 – σ(γγ→ Σ Λ +Λ Σ ) (pb) σ(γγ→ Σ Σ ) (pb) σ(γγ→ Λ Λ) (pb) 10 10 10 Three quark Three quark 3 –0 ΛΣ +Σ Λ Diquark 3 Diquark 10 L3 10 1 1 1 -1 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) 10 2.5 3 Wγγ (GeV) 3.5 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) Limited statistics. Disagreement with CLEO at low Wγγ . Agreement with diquark model predictions. Three quark model again much too low. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 15/17 σ(γγ → ΛΛ̄, ΣΣ̄, Λ Σ̄0 + Λ̄ Σ0 ) – ΛΛ CLEO Handbag Handbag 10 σ(γγ→ Σ Σ ) (pb) 3 0.25 < ρ < 0.75 3 10 2 0 – 2 L3 upper limit 95% CL Handbag 0.25 < ρ < 0.75 10 0 – – 10 10 0 –0 σ(γγ→ Λ Λ) (pb) 0.25 < ρ < 0.75 10 –0 ΛΣ +Σ Λ –0 4 L3 σ(γγ→ Σ Λ +Λ Σ ) (pb) 10 0 –0 Σ Σ L3 2 1 10 10 -1 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) 2.5 3 Wγγ (GeV) 3.5 10 2.5 3 3.5 Wγγ (GeV) Agreement with the handbag model (M. Diehl et al.) which uses a single model parameter ρ determined from γγ → pp̄ data. K. Freudenreich, Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 16/17 Summary γγ → pp̄ model agrees with data for Wγγ > 2.5 GeV • Three quark model predictions much too low • Small and large angles have different Wγγ dependence • Diquark γγ → ΛΛ̄ γγ → ΣΣ̄ • Disagreement with three quark model • Agreement with diquark and handbag models • The Belle experiment will increase statistics K. Freudenreich, by a lot Baryon-Antibaryon Pair Production in 2-γ Collisions at LEP, 17/17
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