USP Dictionary

2009 Edition
USP Dictionary
The most reliable source for established drug name information.
The USP Dictionary of USAN and International Drug Names is the
FDA-recognized reference for accurate and up-to-date nonproprietary
drug names used in the U.S. and around the world. Provides the
complete, cumulative listing of all USANs released since the inception
of the program (1961), as well as pronunciations, molecular formulas,
international names, chemical names and formulas, graphic formulas,
CAS registry numbers, brand names, manufacturers, code designations,
pharmacologic categories, and unique ingredient identifier
(UNII) codes.
n essential resource for scientists, pharmaceutical
manufacturers, regulatory professionals, brand managers,
lawyers, university libraries, faculty, students, and medical writers.
4 A critical resource for
• Naming and launching new products;
ccurate pronunciation for student learning,
clear communication, and avoiding errors;
• Labeling and packaging;
• F iling acceptable new drug applications and
regulatory forms;
• Documenting research materials; and
• Identifying foreign drugs.
More Than 4,500 Updates!
The new 2009 edition features
• 2,358 new and revised entries
• 131 new United States Adopted Names (USAN)
Available online and in
print, in English.
• 130 new International Nonproprietary Names (INN)
• 99 new graphic formulas
• 441 new and updated pronunciations
• 1,431 new UNII codes
ow to Use This Book
• Preface
• Pronunciation Guide
• For Drug Names
• Of Other Words (Secondary Words)
• Abbreviations
• New Nonproprietary Names
ain List — United States Adopted Names
(USAN), Compendial (USP and NF ) Names,
and Other Names for Drugs
I.Brand Names for USAN and
Other Nonproprietary Names
II.USAN and USP and NF Names
Listed by Categories
III.Molecular Formulas
IV.Code Designations for USAN and
Other Nonproprietary Names
V.UNII Codes for USAN and Other
Nonproprietary Names
VI.CAS Registry Numbers and
NSC Numbers
VII.Guiding Principles for Coining
U.S. Adopted Names for Drugs
VIII.Guiding Principles for Coining
U.S. Adopted Names for Contact
Lens Materials
IX.USAN Submission Forms
• Historical Note
ISO 9001:2000 Certified
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