1. Add: a) (+74) + (-32) b) (-47) + (-42) c) (-78) + (-14) d) (+42) + (

1. Add:
a) (+74) + (-32)
b) (-47) + (-42)
c) (-78) + (-14)
d) (+42) + (-12)
b) (71) - (+52)
c) (-87) - (+35)
d) (+19) - (+17)
2. Subtract:
a) (59) - (-21)
3. Multiply:
a) (-14) X (+3)
b) (-24) X (-20)
c) (+13) X (+6)
d) (-12) X (+17)
b) (+75) ÷ (+15)
c) (-81) ÷ (-9)
d) (+240) ÷ (+8)
4. Divide:
a) (-117) ÷ (+9)
5. Solve using order of operations:
a) 11 X 4 - 6 + 2
b) 7 -6/2
c) (6 - 2) + (7+1)
d) (6 - 2 + 10)2/2
e) Create your own question containing at least 4 operations and solve.
6. Find the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 3.44m.
7. Find the circumference of a circle with a radius of 32.11 m.
8. Calculate the circumference for each circle:
a) diameter of 13.67m.
b) radius of 12.51 m
9. What does the mathematical symbol pi (‫ )۽‬equate to?
10. Solve:
a) 2x + 14 = 38
b) 3x – 10 = 80
11. Solve through substitution:
a) x2 + 8 (sub +10)
b) 11x + 2
c) 9x – 3 (sub -1)
d) 100 -2x2 (sub 4)
(sub - 16)
c) 4x + 1 = 65
12. Collect like terms:
a) 4x – 2 = x + 16
b) 8x - 11 = -4x + 25
c) 9x - 4 = 3x + 32
d) 14x - 2 = 10 + 8x
13. Use the distributive property and then collect like terms:
a) -2(x + 8) = 22
b) 4(x + 1) = -2(x – 14)
c) -7(2x + 2)
d) 2(-2x +3) = 30
e) -8(x - 5)
14. List all the factors of:
a) 99
b) 124
c) 108
d) 300
e) 12
f) 250
15. Illustrate the concept of GCF with two numbers of your own choosing.
16. List the first five multiples of:
a) 4
b) 7
c) 12
d) 21
17. Calculate the LCM shared between 2 and 7.
18. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve for the missing side of each triangle:
a) A: 3.1m, B: 4m, C : ___
b) A: ___, B: 8m, C: 11.2m
19. If the mast of a sailboat’s sail is 5.59 m tall, and the boom (bottom) is 6.64 m long,
what is the distance from the top of the mast to the tip of the boom?
20. Add 5 from each side and solve for ‘x’:
21. List two real life uses of rate.
22. Write three equivalent ratios (showing all of your work) using 1:4 as a starting point.
23. Calculate the following percentages:
a) 27/99
b) 71/69
c) 85/101
d) 79/89
e) 29/45
24. What is the probability of rolling two numbers adding up to ‘3’ on two 6-sided dice.
25. Describe a real life news situation involving probability.
26. Multiply the following fractions. Reduce as necessary:
a) ½ X 2/3
b) 1/2 X 2/4
c) 1/2 X 2/3
27. Illustrate how to divide fractions by designing and solving your own question.
28. Add. Simplify as appropriate:
a) 2/5 + 2/5
b) 4/6 + 1/2
c) 4/15 + 2/5
29. Subtract. Simplify as appropriate:
a) 3/4 - 1/8
b) 3/4 - 1/12
c) 4/10 - 3/10
30. Convert the following improper fractions to mixed numbers:
a) 7/3
c) 13/7
d) 11/5