sandbach college newsletter: may 2016

In the past, the prestigious Rotary Club Citizen of the Year award has been
given to people with a long history of community service. Grace has, of
course, not got this long history, but what she has done in a short space of
time has been remarkable. Grace was the prime mover-and-shaker behind
the setting up of the Interact Club based here at Sandbach High School. She
was voted in as President by the other members. The club, under her
leadership, has taken part in the Rotary Swimathon to raise money for
WaterAid and St Luke's Hospice. They also helped entertain visitors to the
Rotary International Summer Camp at Petty Pool Outdoor Centre. Grace has
given presentations about the Interact Club at District Council meetings and
also at the annual 1285 District Conference in Southport last October (which
can't have been easy!) She attended a Rotary Youth Exchange Summer
camp in Austria where the aims were to learn some German, gain an idea of
Austrian culture and enjoy a range of outdoor activities - a trip which she
really enjoyed. The Interact Club has taken part in many community activities
in Sandbach, working with the Tidy Town Group litter picking, weeding,
planting bulbs and painting railings. They also took part in redecorating
Sandbach Station. Grace, together with Ramina, attended the Community
Pride Awards last year, representing Interact. In September the group took
part in Sandbach Today to promote the work of Interact to the public. They
helped at the Elworth Park Halloween Event, leading the procession around
the park and judging the pumpkin carving competition. They have raised
money for other charities in different ways. A car wash raised £75 for Cancer
Research UK and they are also fundraising for Mary's Meals and Sandbach
Animal Rescue. All in all, Grace, as President of this Interact Club, has
represented her club, her college, the rotary club, her town and her country
and has proved to be a brilliant and inspiring ambassador for young people. INTRODUCING…..
We are all very proud of her!
Several members of the SLG have been working with Design
Office to launch a new project called The Scoop. The Scoop
comprises of several online platforms: a Facebook page,
Twitter account and an Instagram page designed to connect
and represent our College community, aiming to keep
students updated on relevant info such as activities, social
happenings and key information revolving around the new Sixth
Form build, potential apprenticeships, guest speakers, plus so
much more! These platforms are for the benefit of students and
managed by students! For more info contact Caledonia, Dylan
or Rebecca from the SLG.
in this issue:
- Special Product
Design Feature
- Charity Updates
- Sports News
MATHS FEST caption
The British Biology Olympiad is open to students around
the world aged 16-18. It consists of two one
hour multiple choice papers to be taken online under
exam conditions.
The Olympiad challenges and
stimulates students with an interest in Biology to expand
and extend their talents. It enables students to
demonstrate their knowledge and be encouraged to
continue their study beyond the A-level
specification. Eva and I completed the Olympiad both
at AS level and again this year at A2 level with a range
of other biology students and we both gained a Bronze
award, an improvement from last year. This award is
very highly respected by Universities on UCAS
applications as it demonstrates extra qualifications
alongside the main A-level. We enjoyed challenging
ourselves to put our knowledge from the two years into
practice along with being faced with questions that we
hadn’t learnt the content for which allowed wider reading
knowledge to come into play. If this is an opportunity
available to you as a biologist we highly recommend
participation due to how respected it is along with the
challenge that it provides.
Have you ever wondered how gossip spreads so quickly?
Or how serial killers can be located?
The full honours list:
Lauren Sherborne Eva Yeun
Highly Commended:
Harriet Barker Maham Adnan
Sophie Brett Tatum Askey
Commended: Grace Milner
On the 9 February, five gifted and talented college students were lucky
enough to attend the first ever Maths Fest in London, to have these questions
and more answered.
A number of ‘mathemagicians’
including Hannah Fry, Matt
Parker and Lucie Green,
gathered to celebrate all things
numbery. They selected their
favourite areas of maths and
gave an engaging presentation
about its uses and
applications - if there were
any! However, they did give
up the limelight to offer students the opportunity to do the
same and show off their own mathematical skills. During the breaks we had
the opportunity to meet all the guest speakers and even get our books and
calculators signed. Throughout the day we had a very enjoyable experience
and we all hope to attend next year and see what new guest speakers will be
offering emotional and mathematical support.
Chloe Floodgate and Sophie Tonge—Year 12
On the 29 January 2016 the ‘True Life Conference’ team visited
Sandbach College. The day consisted of a speech from each of the
three criminals as well as a surprise reveal from the host of the
company, who was a convicted murderer! A Forensic Psychologist
was also present on the day giving us an insight into some of the key
characteristics they look for in psychopaths, for example the inability
to experience regret when they have done something wrong. Students from Y12/13 attended the conference, with students from Sandbach
School also joining in. Part of the day consisted of these boys having to dress up in the various uniforms that offenders are faced with on
arrival at the prison, and although very funny it also highlighted the power prison institutes have over taking away a person’s identity. One of
the more interesting criminals, committed his crimes in order to get noticed by the police. He was aware of his mental health deteriorating and
he had been denied help from other services such as the local GP. He stole hundreds of thousands of pounds and then turned to burning
money. He burnt over £250,000 and even after doing so he was forced to turn himself in as the police still didn’t come to him as he had
wanted. Alex was sexually abused as a child and speaking to him taught us first-hand how those experiences impacted on his entire life. This
also highlighted the underlying issues that are present within our society regarding minimal help for those who need it. The day gave all the
students a taste of what life is like in prison and the extremities that are associated with it. One of the other criminals, also stated how it was
his time in prison that taught him how to successfully pull off criminal offences and another said that him and his friend brewed alcohol on site.
This then raised the question as to whether something needs amending in our Penal System. It was thoroughly interesting to listen to each of
the different criminal’s story and their experiences in prison and it was a great opportunity for those involved to widen their knowledge and
understanding about our Penal System and the lives of criminals.
Emma Bell—Year 13
On the 2 March our A Level dancers led the Performance Group at the Regent Theatre's
annual dance festival '016 Sport in the City'. We performed three dances focusing on the
mental and physical preparation to compete in sport and the dedication it takes to be at the
top of your game. The students represented our College superbly, demonstrating excellent
creativity and high levels of technical competence. It was great for all involved to perform in
such a professional setting.
Kim Tzabach—Yr13 raised a total of
Hospital in Manchester by organising a
Non-uniform day. The much needed funds
will go towards projects that focus on 4
main areas, research, care and treatment,
education and extra patient services.
Nicole Twitchett Y13 donated 16 inches of
her own hair to the Little Princess Trust to
help make natural wigs for children with
Lorna Aitken and Phoebe Gibbons Yr13
organised a wear red day and sold cakes in
aid of the BHF and raised an impressive
Our BTEC Sport and AS PE students were lucky enough to experience a day as a
Sports Science student at MMU in Crewe. The students experienced life as a student
in a number of practical workshops that were delivered by both lecturers and present
students. In the morning the students were put through their paces by completing a
number of fitness tests using extremely high tech, expensive equipment! Tests
included a speed test using top of the range sensors and unfortunately, none of them
managed to beat Miss Banister!
The students experienced life in the food hall with a complimentary lunch followed by
a final session in the sport science labs. The college students were pushed to their
limits again completing a gaseous exchange test where some found themselves
needing a bib, not mentioning any names! All of the students acted in a mature and
enthusiastic manner with, as you would expect, great competitiveness. They fit in to
the student life well!
Bethany Moore Yr 12 organised a
Swimathon at her local swimming club Crewe Flyers in aid of CRUK, raising a
massive £4177.00
Year 12s spent a busy morning at the annual University Conference in Manchester exploring the different exhibition stands and picking up as
much information [and as many freebies!!!] as they could. The day was in preparation for the first stage of our Moving On Programme which
leads our students carefully through the process of deciding what pathway to follow once they have finished their studies with us.
Friday 22 April provided Year 12 students with the opportunity to build on the information received at the UCAS Conference in order to
consider their next steps beyond College. The day had two alternative routes, where students could pursue either the University and
apprenticeship pathway, or alternatively look to begin to build the necessary skills for future employment. Pathway one was introduced by an
external visitor from the University of East Anglia. He was able, through a variety of interactive and technological methods, to encourage the
students to consider what matters most, when applying to University. This thought provoking presentation, was capped with practical guidance on the UCAS process, which will be invaluable to all students looking to apply next
year. This knowledge was then built on by students who looked to use the remaining time
to research and discover the vast array of opportunities open to them, with some surprising finds made! Pathway two was led by our internal careers advisor, Mr Knight who
looked to help students build and create a purposeful and engaging CV. This session allowed students to consider their own experiences and
strengths and looked to embed them within this crucial employment document. All Year 12 students then came together to create
presentations on themselves! This challenging skill of being able to discuss your own achievements, threw up some surprising finds, clearly
highlighting the wonderful and mature students our College contains.
All in all, the day was a huge success with all students now in a stronger position to make future decisions!
As we stood nervously awaiting the arrival of the teams for our first quiz night I couldn’t help but
worry I would be stood at the front of the common room faced only with my grandmother. We had
never before organised a school event ourselves and were all feeling the pressure. However, our
worries were just that – worries, by the time the final team had arrived there wasn’t a table to
spare! The night was a great success!
The enthusiasm of everyone who came along and joined in really made the night perfect.
Following the triumph of our pilot Mother’s Day themed Quiz Night we had a lot to live up to in
order to ensure that our second St. George’s Day Quiz was to be just as good! After both nights,
the grand total of funds raised is currently at £410! 20% of the total amount we raise this year will
be donated to Cancer Research UK – the school charity this year.
As for the other 80% of the money, our intention is to have you, the staff and students at
Sandbach High School and Sixth Form College, to bid for what the money should be spent on, so
get your thinking caps on!
Our last and final quiz for this academic year is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 19 July! Keep
your eyes peeled for posters nearer to the time and if you’re around come along to join in!
On a final note, we are now recruiting for members to join the team and continue the Quiz Nights
in the next academic year! If anyone is at all interested please email the team:
[email protected]
Harriet Barker—Year 13
This April, another cohort of College students successfully finished
their Extended Project Qualifications, with their hard work over the
year culminating in a day of presentations to fellow EPQueurs. Around
100 students in the current Year 12 and 13 have now
completed the course, which continues to attract some of the
college’s best and brightest students.
For the EPQ, students independently study a topic of their choosing.
From Emilia Rusbridge’s study of Ancient Greek influences on
modern acoustics and engineering to Charlotte Griffiths’ badger cull
polemic, the mix of study areas this year was pleasingly eclectic. Ellie
Armstrong-Mortlock, a Costa Book Award winner in the making, wrote
an impressive novella, Katie Warrington designed and
produced a multi-sensory educational playmat for visually-impaired
children and Millie Beresford’s investigation into the effect of
behaviour management strategies on students proved most insightful.
All of this year’s EPQ students can feel proud to have completed a
tough academic challenge which is so highly regarded by
universities. As the current Year 12s look forward to submitting their
UCAS forms in the autumn, those with an EPQ can feel confident that
they have developed the research skills and spirit of independent
enquiry which will set them apart.
This year, A Level and AS Product Design students have been busy creating our final products which
count as 25% of our overall A-Level grade. After weeks of designing and testing followed by countless
hours in the workshop making our final prototypes, we are able to show you our final products.
From top left – Rachel Joyce (Y13), Amy Lewis (Y12), Emily Platt and Katie
Warrington (Y12). Opposite page from top left— Olivia Jeffries (Y12), Grace Walley (Y13),
Meg Hough (Y13) and Georgia Lawton (Y12)
We'd all been looking forward to the trip to Aprica, Italy for months. Even the 28 hour drive from Sandbach to Sondrio couldn't spoil our
excitement, as we set off on Friday morning. After a long journey across the channel with Dodgy Dave the bus driver at the wheel, we finally
arrived in Aprica to find out that we certainly wouldn't be disappointed with the amount of snow.
Six days of skiing ahead of us, we got our boots and skis the afternoon we arrived, and looked
forward to the morning. We could see loads of the slopes from the balcony in our hotel room, and
couldn't wait to try them out. Aprica was a fantastic resort, and as well as four hours of ski lessons
per day, we had three hours of free skiing before our lessons.
Luckily, the hotel was just a few metres away from the first lift, and we were able to go back for
meals. We ate a lot of flat meat! In the evenings, we enjoyed activities like fancy dress and quizzes,
as well as going out for pizza and karaoke.
Some of us got to ski down the Magnolta, the hardest black run in the resort! There were lots of falls and giggles while skiing, some of which
were caught on camera. The beginner skiers made really good progress, and by the last day, everyone was able to ski together. We left
Aprica on Friday evening, and begun the long journey back - luckily the younger girls had been tired out and were much quieter than they had
been on the way there! Eleanor Armstrong-Mortlock—Y 12
College students busy studying river ecology and sand dune
History students visiting Edinburgh Castle and London Landmarks.
The Great Sandbach College Bake
led to impressive show
stoppers from every Year 12 Form
making Mr Leigh’s job of judging
the competition more difficult than
he ever thought possible. 12
Gawsworth were the overall
winners – adding valuable points to
the inter-form league table and one
or two extra inches to Mr Leigh’s
I was asked to write about my experiences whilst studying Hospitality and Catering, here at Sandbach College for the last two years.
Throughout my time here I have learned and progressed in lots of different skills, and overall had a fantastic time. I have gained a lot of
experience and knowledge about many different aspects of the catering industry that I’d previously not thought about, such as: being in the
restaurant, managing various school events, taking part in work experience at hotels and learning about worldwide cuisines other than our
own. At the start of the first year of Hospitality and Catering I focused on getting the theory work done, on time and detailed, we didn’t do
much practical work at the beginning of the year which, whilst I thought was disappointing at the time, I soon came to realise that I had learnt
so much despite the fact I hadn’t been in the kitchen yet! Not only did the coursework help me progress but I was also given the opportunity
to visit a 5 star hotel with a 2 Michelin star and 1 AA Rosette awarded restaurant called Alyn Williams which gave me a look at a high class
working kitchen. During the trip I interviewed the staff at the hotel which gave me the opportunity to ask them anything I
wanted to know about how things work in such a high class hotel. I learned and experienced many different things from the trip and it was
definitely a high point for me. However what I have most enjoyed was The Common Room Restaurant events we held most Thursday
nights, which have been open to the public, and gave me a real insight into a real working environment and created many opportunities for
me to master the art of excellent customer service. I had my last ever restaurant event on Thursday 12 May during which I, Niamh Broad
and Elly Dixon-Miller, ran all by ourselves - not a member of staff in sight! I fully enjoyed our last restaurant evening together and thought that
it went extremely well! We are a great team and were able to put all of our learnt expertise into action. I have really enjoyed my time here and
will genuinely miss Sandbach College next year.
Josh Bailey—Year 13
Small Numbers—Maximum Impact
This year I qualified for 5 events at the regional finals, 50m, 100m and
200m backstroke, 100m freestyle and 200m Individual Medley. On April
30th and May 1st, I competed at Manchester Aquatics Centre in all five
events. The competition was fierce as I was against people from all
across the North West Region. I managed a Personal Best in the 200m
IM and 100m freestyle, whilst remaining around my recently achieved
long course times in all backstroke events. This is the competition I have
been training for over recent months and in the 200m back I managed to
qualify for the final in my age group (17 and over) and came a pleasing
6th place overall.
Bethany Moore—Year 12
After being sponsored by Gorilla Fitness UK, Steffen
Iruthayanathan (Year 13) took the chance of going to
a K1 (Kickboxing) Federation Championship and after
placing 38th out of 200+ he was more than pleased
with his performance and delighted with the
opportunity to appear on the front cover of K1 Flex
Magazine. He is hoping to qualify again in the coming
months and secure an even higher placing. Good
Luck Steffan!
The Drama department would just like to
congratulate Katie French on being probably
the bravest student in college for being the
only student in Drama this year! Her
perseverance has been amazing in a
subject that generally relies on group work,
discussion and rehearsal, so for trying to see
both of us Drama teachers as simply ‘other
students’ in the class when
rehearsing some really weird scenes for
Woyzeck – she deserves some recognition!
We also need to thank Imogen Rice-Birchall,
and especially Harriet Barker for not
disappearing from the drama world completely,
and helping Katie with those difficult rehearsal
lessons, her devising project and the new
Musical Theatre Club – your contributions to
the department have been many and are very,
very much appreciated. Thanks for being so
I was recently chosen to represent my Rowing Club at the Junior Sculling Head, held at
Dorney Lake where the rowing events in the London 2012 Olympics took place. We raced
against clubs from all over the UK and in the end were placed 5th with less than 10 seconds
separating 2nd place and us. Being such a competitive athlete I would have preferred 5th to
have been 1st and will be working towards this goal over the coming
Anya George Yr 12
Congratulations to Chloe Ravenscroft, too, for
a superb recent performance in Sister Act, the
Musical. We are very proud of Chloe for
managing a mad rehearsal schedule for shows
outside school alongside her AS Unit 2
performance exam, in which she and Shelley
Robinson were joined by Georgia ParkerAiken. We await some excellent results in
August. Shelley must have a mention for
performing as Mari - an absolute ‘tart’, and
mother of Little Voice; I’m sure that playing a
drunken, sex-mad middle-aged mother will go
down as a highlight of Shelley’s Drama career
in college!
I recently found out I have been selected to be a Young
Ambassador at the Level 4 National School Games 2016
held at Loughborough University. Over 4 times the number
of applicants for spaces available applied for the chance to
be a residential volunteer so I was extremely
happy to receive my place. I have been a volunteer at the
National School Games before and know what an amazing Good luck to all of our Drama students in the
opportunity it is and am really looking forward to this year’s summer. Fingers crossed!
event in September.
Laura Kirby Year 12
Ms Aldridge & Mrs Bennion
Cymru Am Byth!
Gaby Goodman [Year 12] travelled to Switzerland with the Wales Under 18 squad during the
Easter holidays. Gaby was one of 19 players to represent the Dragons in an International Test
Series, consisting of three intense games against the Swiss. Wales were able to come out with
the Triple Crown, winning the test series overall. This was made all the more exciting, as the
matches were broadcasted nationally over the internet, meaning Gaby’s family were able to
support from home. Gaby was also able to bag two international goals for Wales throughout the
test series. Gaby said “It has been such a great experience. I spent a week doing what I loved,
with the best hockey players in the country. Singing the national anthem definitely sends shivers
down your spine. There’s no better feeling than winning all three tests as a team, as we all put
our best efforts into the matches. There were some tough times during the trip. Having to train
as soon as we arrived from a 24 hour bus journey was definitely one of them, as well as having
to cope with nonstop moaning from the coaches after we put Pitch Perfect on too! Highlights
included recovery sessions in Lake Geneva, with a spectacular view of the Alps.” Gaby is now
waiting upon replies to see whether she will be selected to represent Wales against Ulster,
France and the Europeans in July. She goes on to say, “A lot of preparation is needed for these
important matches, and I will be sure to put 110% effort in. I have had to travel up to Cardiff and
Wrexham during the weeks of my exams, but have made sure I plan my time well for this. I can’t
wait to see what the next few months hold for me with Wales.”
The 14th and 15th May was another busy weekend for our Heptathlon star Emma Fowler—Year
13. Bidding to reach both the English Schools' Combined Events finals and to achieve a
qualifying standard in the Triple Jump, Emma had a gruelling schedule of seven events at the
Cheshire County Athletics Championships in Macclesfield. Saturday saw her scoop two Golds
and a Silver in the Long Jump, 400m and 100m Hurdles, achieving Personal Bests in the two
races and a Season's Best in the Long Jump. Sunday was even harder with four events, Triple
Jump, Javelin, Shot Putt and 200m, but was no less successful, resulting in two more Gold
medals and a Silver and a bronze as well as two more Personal Bests. Her performances mean
Emma is now ranked in the top 30 Nationally for three of the seven events in her heptathlon as
well as in the Triple Jump. A star of the future!
Katie Cuttle [Year 13] has been training with the
Cheshire U21 squad for 2 years now, and this
year has been selected to represent the North
of England as part of the U21 squad in fixtures
against Scotland and Wales this June. Katie is
managing to balance the training and competing
demands whilst completing her A Levels and is
looking forward to taking her place at Leeds
University next year where she is able to continue
her Hockey and has already been invited to take
part in their summer Hockey Training Camp.
Air Rifle
Pick up an application form from main reception or telephone: 01270 765031 or E: [email protected] for more information