What to Wear? - Lesson Corner

SS K Standard 3 Combo
3:27 PM
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Standard Indicator
What to Wear?
Students will describe how seasonal changes affect people and
the environment.
For the teacher: marker; Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens: A Book About
the Four Seasons by Louise Borden; chalkboard; chalk
For each student: long piece of construction paper, copy of Black Line
Master (BLM) Clothes, copy of BLM Dressed for the Weather, scissors
For the class: crayons, glue
Have students make
puppets that are
dressed for a specific
season. Create a puppet
theatre. Encourage
students to use their
puppets and the puppet
theatre to put on shows
about the seasons.
B. Clothing Changes
1. Review the seasons with students.
2. Have them describe what happens to the environment during
each season.
3. Explain that just as trees change appearance, people change
what they wear each season.
4. Read Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens: A Book About the Four
Seasons aloud to students.
5. Ask students: “What clothes were the children wearing
in the spring?”
6. Write “spring” on the board and record their responses
underneath. Draw pictures to represent each piece of
clothing listed.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each season.
Standard 3
A. Pre-Activity Preparation
Divide a long piece of construction paper into fourths for
each student.
across the
Direct students to share
which season is their
favorite. Create a bar
graph showing
students’ favorite
seasons. Ask questions,
such as: “Which season
does the class like
the most?”
C. What to Wear?
1. Tell students that they will be creating season pictures.
2. Show students one of the long pieces of construction paper.
3. Explain to students that they will be dressing their paper
dolls differently in each section of their construction paper to
represent a different season.
Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003
Standards Link
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SS K Standard 3 Combo
3:27 PM
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Activity (continued)
4. Clarify that students should decorate the sections with people
dressed in seasonally appropriate clothing and with other items
that help distinguish the seasons.
5. Show students the BLM Clothes and tell them that they can use
the clothes on it to dress the people. Explain that they may also
draw their own clothes.
6. Give each student a copy of the BLM Clothes, a copy of the BLM
Dressed for the Weather, a long piece of construction paper
(divided into fourths), and a pair of scissors.
7. Set crayons and glue where they can be easily shared.
8. Tell students to cut out one of the people from the BLM Dressed
for the Weather for each season and to paste appropriate clothing
on him or her.
9. Circulate around the room and assist students with cutting
and pasting.
10. Remind students periodically to use the list on the board to help
them match the clothes to the season.
11. Circulate as students work, labeling each square with the name
of the season it represents.
Standard 3
Questions for Review
Basic Concepts and Processes
As students add people and clothes to their tree pictures, ask them:
What season is it if the trees are losing their leaves?
What season is it if people are wearing hats, gloves, and
heavy jackets?
How do you know?
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Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003
SS K Standard 3 Combo
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Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003
Black Line Master 1
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SS K Standard 3 Combo
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Teacher Directions
Tell students to include people who are dressed seasonally appropriately in each section of their
seasons picture. Clarify that the clothing and accessories need to match the season.
Give each student a copy of the BLM Clothes, a long piece of construction paper, and a pair
of scissors. Set the crayons and glue where they can be easily shared.
Explain that students may use clothes from the BLM Clothes or they may draw their own.
Circulate as students work, labeling each square of their construction paper with the name
of the season it represents.
Answer Key
Students should paste one of the people from the BLM Dressed for the Weather in each section
of their construction paper. Clothes from the BLM Clothes, or drawings of clothes, should be
added to each person. The clothes should be appropriate for the corresponding season.
Black Line Master 1
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Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003
3:28 PM
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Dressed for the Weather
SS K Standard 3 Combo
Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003
Black Line Master 2
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SS K Standard 3 Combo
3:28 PM
Page 108
Dressed for the Weather
Teacher Directions
Make two photocopies of the BLM Dressed for the Weather for each student.
Tell students that they will be creating season pictures. Show students one of the long pieces
of construction paper. Explain to students that they will be dressing their paper dolls differently
in each section of their construction paper to represent a different season. Clarify that students
should decorate the sections with people dressed in seasonally appropriate clothing and with
other items that help distinguish the seasons.
Show students the BLM Clothes and tell them that they can use the clothes on it to dress the
people from the BLM Dressed for the Weather. Explain that they may also draw their own clothes.
Give each student a copy of the BLM Clothes, a copy of the BLM Dressed for the Weather, a long
piece of construction paper (divided into fourths), and a pair of scissors. Set crayons and glue
where they can be easily shared. Tell students to cut out one of the people from the BLM Dressed
for the Weather for each season, and to paste appropriate clothing on him or her.
Remind students periodically to use the list on the chalkboard to help them match the clothes
to the season.
Answer Key
Students should paste one of the people from the BLM Dressed for the Weather in each section
of their construction paper. Clothes from the BLM Clothes or drawings of clothes should be added
to each person. The clothes should be appropriate for the corresponding season.
Black Line Master 2
page 108
Standard 3 / Curriculum Framework / Activity 5
Indiana Social Studies Kindergarten Standards Resource, February 2003