Brockley Bugle Spring 12

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We are very pleased to announce that on the 6th February
2012 we will be launching our brand new website. From this
new website you will be able to:
Access your rent or leasehold account
Update your contact details
Download housing leaflets
See what is going on in your local area
Read about all of the partners involved in managing
your homes
If you are interested in setting up an account so that you
can view your personal information (such as your rent or
leasehold account) you can register your interest by calling:
Katie French on 0207 635 1212
We will send you your welcome pack and pin number so
that you are ready when the site goes live, but you can
register at any time after that. The new website address is:
If you register by phone we would be very happy for you to
let Katie know what you would like to see in your website.
We will see what we can do!
In your Newsletter this
quarter we have lots of
useful information for you.
There is information on
how to make a complaint,
an insurance claim, or if
you have to report antisocial behaviour.
There is news about a
brand new energy project
and how it could help you
save money.
There is also news on
recycling in Lewisham
and a comprehensive list
of all walkabout dates
and meetings for the next
quarter from the Brockley
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Pinnacle PSG Nationwide Resident of the
Year Award
At the Pinnacle PSG Resident Conference in October
2011, Brian Pope of Tyrwhitt Road, Brockley, won the
Resident of the Year Award. This was for all his work on
the Tyrwhitt Rd Neighbourhood Watch, his contributions
as Vice Chair on the Residents Board, and campaigning
for issues on behalf of Brockley residents. Pinnacle PSG
would like to say a very big thank you for all of your hard
work and congratulations on your award. Mark
Ramprakash, a Surrey and England cricketer and
Strictly Come Dancing champion was at the conference
to present the award.
Brockley Residents’ Christmas Party
On the 15th December we hosted the annual Brockley
Residents’ Christmas party at St. Andrew’s Church
Centre. Great thanks must be given to the Resident
Board Chair, Janet Logan and Vice Chair Janet Eglinton
(pictured below) who gave their time and effort to make
sure that everybody had enough food and drink to start
their festive period.
Thanks must also be given to the Safer Neighbourhood
Team who escorted Father Christmas to St. Andrew’s
and gave him some help in handing out presents to the
children of Brockley. We would also like to say a big
thank you to all of the residents who contributed to the
festive hamper which was then donated to a local
Lewisham Bloom Award
Congratulations to Lilac and Alder TRA who in June
2011 were nominated for the Lewisham Bloom Award
and came 4th in the competition. With the financial help
of a grant from Lewisham Tenants Fund, the communal
gardens of both of the blocks were transformed. Well
Looking Forward to March 2012
Not only do we have the Olympics and the Queen’s
Diamond Jubilee in 2012, Pinnacle PSG is also going
to be bringing you a mobile Community Contact Day on
Saturday 31 March 2012. We will be distributing
information, meeting residents and launching our brand
new website at three Brockley estates - Foxborough,
Wickham and Clare Estate. We have yet to finalise all
of the details and of course we will be letting you know
nearer the time. All information will also be uploaded
onto the website for you to look at. If you have any
ideas of what you would like your local housing office to
be doing for you, we would really like to know that too.
You can do this by emailing:
[email protected]
or contacting:
Katie French on 0207 635 1212
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We have recently updated and improved some
of our procedures and would like to share with
you some of this useful information.
Anti Social Behaviour
We believe everyone has the right to quiet
enjoyment of their home and the area in which they
The term anti-social behaviour includes all behaviour
which causes annoyance, nuisance or disturbance to
people’s quality of life. Examples of this type of nuisance
could be noise, abusive behavior or dog fouling. If you
are experiencing anti-social behavior you should report
it to your Housing Manager. You can do this by calling
your officer direct or visiting the office. All contact
information is at the back of this newsletter. Once you
have contacted us we will talk you through the way in
which your case will be dealt with and the steps we will
take in order to wherever possible resolve your case. We
will create an action plan tailored to your individual
needs and keep you updated by telephone and in
If you want to make a complaint
Insurance - Making a claim
Sometimes things go wrong and if this happens and
you need to make a complaint the process below is
how you would do so.
In accordance with the Brockley Private Finance
Initiative (PFI) the Councils insurance responsibility
is undertaken by Regenter B3 Ltd.
Our complaints procedure has three stages. If you are
formally complaining about an issue for the first time,
your complaint should be investigated at stage 1 of our
procedure. We will contact you within two working days
of receiving your complaint, and at each further stage, to
let you know what will happen next.
If you are a leaseholder:
Structure and shared parts of the building is covered by
Regenter B3 and recharged to the lessee in the annual
service charge.
Once we have received your complaint, our
Housing Service Manager Suzanne Ste-Croix will
investigate and send you a response within 10
working days. Ms Ste-Croix will let you know what
we can do to sort out your complaint.
If you are unhappy with the response that you have
received at stage 1, you can ask for your complaint
to be reviewed. The Contract Manager Alwyn Lewis
will write to you within 20 working days with his
If you are unhappy with the response that you
received at stage 2, you can ask the independent
adjudicator to carry out a review of your complaint.
The independent adjudicator will send a response to
you within 30 working days.
If you would like to compliment our service, please
contact our Contract Manager, Alwyn Lewis.
While the internal part of the property is your
responsibility, you can choose your own insurer.
However you must serve a notice of cover on the
Council as your landlord, no later than 14 days after
buying the insurance (or within 14 days of any request
by the Council as your landlord). You should send a copy
of the policy to the Council’s insurance section at
Lewisham Town Hall in Catford.
The policy must:
Be with a reputable insurance company
Provide comprehensive cover for all risks which can
be insured
Be in the joint names of you and the Council
Be for the full reinstatement value in terms of the
cost of rebuilding
continued on
next page
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from page 3
The Council’s insurance section can give you
information on an insurance company they have agreed
will provide insurance for the demised premises. The
insurance section can be contacted at:
Insurance Section, Lewisham Town Hall, Catford
020 8314 6563
Many leaseholders are insured with Ocaso SA, who has
arranged a policy specifically written for Lewisham
Leaseholders. The premium depends on the sum
insured and the number of rooms in the property. If you
are interested in this scheme, please contact Ocaso
direct on 020 7377 8285, making it clear that you are a
Lewisham Council leaseholder.
In addition you should obtain cover for personal
possessions. This will be normally insured by the lessee
under a separate Contents Insurance policy. Should you
require any more information please see the website or
contact your Leasehold Officer Tapiwa Jiya on:
020 7635 1219
Residents and members of the public may make an
insurance claim against Regenter B3 Ltd for any
damage caused to the residents' possessions, or injury
to the resident or members of their family.
All claims are assessed on the basis of whether
Regenter B3 Ltd has been legally negligent.
Occurrences may happen that are unfortunate or
accidental but not due to anyone’s negligence.
Regenter B3 Ltd and its insurance company will
endeavour to respond to a claim within a three
month period. The circumstances of the claim will
need to be investigated and any decision on the
claim will therefore not be immediate.
Letter of claims can be entered by the claimant in
person or by a solicitor acting on their behalf. We
treat all claimants equally regardless of how they are
Fraudulent claims will be prosecuted.
How to make a claim:
To make a public liability claim, the claimant should send
a formal letter or email to Regenter B3 Ltd. Information
contained within a letter of claim is defined by law but
should contain enough information for Regenter Ltd
insurers to begin investigations.
New waste contract means more recycling
in Lewisham
From 5 December a new
residents will be able to
recycle more items than
ever before.
Bywaters (Leyton) Ltd.
was picked following a
tendering process during
the summer. Their bid
offered Lewisham Council
an opportunity to expand
the range of recyclable
items collected from the
doorstep, making the process a whole lot easier for
those who already recycle and for those that don’t, but
want to.
The Bywaters processing plant, located in nearby Bow,
has sophisticated sorting systems that can deal with
items not previously recyclable in Lewisham. For
instance, Tetrapak cartons, crisp packets, shredded
paper, perfume bottles, plastic food trays and packaging
and aerosols can now all be left in residents’ recycling
bins. Even textiles, such as material and old clothes, that
are not suitable for charity shops, can now be recycled
from the doorstep.
While Lewisham’s recycling rates have gone up in
recent years - the borough currently recycles 18% of its
household waste - the new contract means that the
borough’s recycling rates should rise during the three
year contract. The Council’s target is to recycle and
compost 21% of household waste by 2013/14.
Residents who want to start recycling can order a free
recycling bin by calling:
020 8314 7171
The Council’s website has a full list of what can be
recycled at home and what can’t, as well as all the other
recycling facilities in the borough, such as those for
electrical goods and garden waste.
Where possible, Bywaters try to reprocess in the UK.
This not only helps the British economy but reduces
transport miles, and therefore carbon emissions.
Watch a video of the fascinating journey of how rubbish
for recycling goes through the sorting system - visit the
Bywaters website and follow the link on the right titled
Materials Recovery Facility:
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Walkabout dates for next quarter
Throughout December we at the Brockley Office with
some very helpful residents have been carrying out a
pilot scheme which we hope will benefit and save you
money in 2012.
Below is a list of dates for the next quarter. Anyone
who would like to attend the walkabout is welcome. We
are very pleased to announce that in the next quarter
we will be including Saturdays in our list in order to
include those residents who may not be able to attend
on a week day. Each meeting place is at the block
In the next newsletter and on our website we hope to be
able to publish how our residents have made savings
already. We will also need some more volunteers as the
pilot is going so well we would like to roll this service out
to a further 30 residents in February 2012.
If you are interested please contact us by 10 February.
We will come to your home to install an electricity
monitor which will record information for one week. We
will come back one week later and talk you through
where you are spending excess money on electricity (if
this is the case) and give you some ideas on how you
can save money. We will then come back another week
later to see if this has worked and to offer further advice
if required.
If you are interested in this very exciting project, please
contact Katie French:
0207 635 1212 or
[email protected]
We are really looking forward to hearing from you.
Leasholders’ Corner
23 February 2012
We have installed some OWLs real-time electricity monitors which
allow residents to make informed
choices about the amount of
electricity they use and enable
intelligent energy-saving decisions
to be made. We record this
information and then assist
residents in making these choices.
2 February 2012
Energy saving and what we can do for you!
We are very pleased to inform you that we will be
starting up a new service for leaseholders in the shape
of a quarterly forum. This will be held at St Andrews
Church/Centre at 19.00 on the following dates:
22 March 2012
19 July 2012
22 November 2012
The first meeting will discuss the new Brockley Website
and the new Leasehold handbook. From there the group
will collectively decide what topics should be raised for
the following meeting. The forum should be used as a
vehicle to discuss wider leasehold issues and should
you have an individual issue you are advised to contact
leasehold officer Tapiwa Jiya on:
020 7635 1219
15 March 2012
New Leasehold Forum
Tyrwhitt Rd
Greatfield Cl (meet 1-6)
Eastern Rd
Ermine Rd 93-131
Ermine Rd 63-65
Embleton Rd
Algernon Rd
Viney Rd (meet 1-11)
Brookbank Rd
Nuding Cl
Shell Rd
Somerset Gdns
Adelaide Ave
Ivy Rd (meet at 1-11)
Comerford Rd
Brockley Rd
Whitbread Rd
Rushey Mead
Dressington Ave
Foxborough Gdns (meet 105-151)
Erica Hse
Wickham Rd 62
Alder Hse
Lilac Hse
Walter Taylor Ct
Acacia Hse
Wickham Estate (meet Jasmine Hse)
Brockley Resident Board Meeting
The next meeting held at St Andrews Church/Centre.
The repairs surgery is at 18.30 and the main meeting
starts at 19.00 on 15 March 2012.
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WIN £50!
As you now know, the new website is going to be launched on 6 February
2012. We need some ideas from you to let us know what information or
stories you would like to see there. Your idea could be a suggestion of a
weekly/monthly feature. You could write an article that you would like us to put
up on the website. We are purposely leaving this as wide open as possible so
that we can capture all of your ideas. Please call, write in or email Ms Suzanne
St-Croix with your ideas and we will give the winning idea £50.00 and one
runner-up £25.00. We will let you know the winning ideas in the next
newsletter. The closing date for this competition is 17th February 2012.
Brockley Housing Office,
111 Endwell Road, Brockley, London, SE4 2PE
[email protected]
Management Team
Alwyn Lewis, Contracts Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
Suzanne Ste-Croix, Housing Svcs Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
Chris Samms-Thompson, Housing Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
Eileen Scott, Housing Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
Linda Francis, Housing Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
Ato Arku Nelson, Housing Manager
[email protected]
t: 020
7635 1208
7635 1206
7635 1202
7635 1204
0207 635 1200
Pinnacle-psg Housing 9.00am - 5.00pm
Mon - Fri
7635 1205
7635 1203
Customer Services
Gloria Kyei-Nimako, Acting Senior CustSvcs Officer
[email protected] t: 020 7635 1207
Katie French, Customer Services Officer
[email protected]
t: 020 7635 1212
Leasehold & Finance
Tapiwa Jiya, Leasehold & Finance Officer
[email protected]
t: 020 7635 1209
Resident Participation
Jim Duke, Resident Participation Officer
[email protected]
t: 020 7635 1210
Freephone Repairs Number
0800 083 9683
We are aware that residents sometimes get
confused with who does what and who is
responsible for certain aspects of their homes and
surrounding areas. We have therefore provided
examples and telephone numbers of who to contact
for your queries. Obviously we are unable to cover
for every eventuality, but hopefully this will make
things a bit clearer.
Neighbour nuisance, rent The individual officer contact
queries, housing and
details can be found to the
allocations, reporting
abandoned properties &
vehicles, cleaning,
graffiti, and ground
Equipe Regeneration:
Leaks. Loss of heating or
electrics other than when
the work has been done
by Higgins, in which
case you would contact
Higgins. Faulty locks,
blocked WCs, blocked
drains when they affect
the whole block.
0800 083 9683
8.30am - 5.30pm
Emergency out-of-hours
service starts at 5:00pm
Lewisham Council:
Removal of white goods
etc. Replacement of
wheelie bins, road
repairs and
0208 314 6000
The switchboard is
available 24 hours a day, 7
days a week.