Nov 2012 Complete 2 - Readlyn Community Library

Readlyn Chronicle
Volume 5 No. 10 Composed by the Readlyn Community Club ~ Published by Vanguard Publishing Co, Sumner, IA, October 31, 2012
Happy 90th Birthday
Happy 90th
Birthday to
Willard Piehl on
November 15th!
Cards can be
sent to 2650 Tahoe Ave., Fairbank, IA 50629.
Interested in learning how to grow or improve your
garden, lawn, or landscape? Bremer ISU Extension is
hosting the 2013 Winter Master Gardener training session at the Tripoli office. This special 13 week/40 hour
class is conducted via a statewide interactive webinar by
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Horticulture Specialists. The class meets on Tuesday evenings
and runs from January 15th through March 12th. On February 23, the class makes a special visit to the new ISU
Horticulture greenhouses on the ISU campus at Ames. It
helps the winter go faster, and you learn so much.
Orientation class is on January 15 to explain the class
program and details. Over 9,000 Iowans have attended
this very educational course to better understand their
homes and gardens. Topics covered include: turfgrass
management, herbaceous ornamentals, vegetables, houseplants, soils and botany, fruit culture, plant pathology,
landscaping, animal ecology, weed management, and
home landscape design.
Those wishing to pursue the Master Gardener classification after the class can qualify by doing volunteer horticulture projects in their community. There is a class fee
for manual and materials. For further information or to
register, contact the Bremer ISU Extension office in Tripoli at 319-882-4275 or email [email protected].
Come Dance with Us
The Heritage Dancers will be sponsoring a dance on
Sunday, November 11, 2012, 1:30 – 5:30 pm, with The
Memory Brothers performing 50’s/60’s dancing and listening music at the Fairbank American Legion Hall, Fairbank, IA. This is our Holiday Celebration Dance, and
there will be three hams and two turkeys given away
along with all of the other door prizes! This is our last
dance of 2012, so bring some friends and help us celebrate another great year of dancing!!!
This is also Veterans’ Day, and we will be honoring
the veterans in attendance at the dance. Food and beverages will be available. The 2013 Heritage Dancers dance
schedule will also be available. Doors open at 12:30 pm.
Admission is $8.00. Everyone is welcome to join us for
some great music and a good time. See you on the dance
floor on November 11th!!!
Home of
Readlyn Community Club News
The Readlyn Community Club (RCC) met for a regular meeting on Thursday, October 11, at the Center Inn.
WV Superintendent, Chad Garber, shared information
and answered questions about the proposed maintenance and renovation project at Wapsie Valley Jr./Sr.
High School. This election will be held on December
4, 12:00 noon – 8:00pm at the Jr./Sr. High School. The
total cost of the improvements is estimated to be
$1,803,000. A future question and answer session is
scheduled for Tuesday, November 13, Readlyn Elementary, at 7:00pm. Contact Mr. Garber at the high
school for additional locations and dates.
Thank you for supporting the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for the Chronicle. It was a huge success with a
net total of $1,922.24 raised for publications costs.
The RCC understands the popularity of this all volunteer publication and will continue to raise funds to support it. The Chronicle does need someone to handle
the advertising billing, which includes letters to business owners for sponsorship ads, and other ads purchased. Please call Charlie Albrecht or Ron Leistikow
if you would be willing to spend a couple of hours doing bookkeeping to keep our local paper going.
RCC hosted a lunch for the Get Energized, Iowa!
Green Bike Tour on Sunday, October 7 at the ball park.
Verdeen Pavelec, Delores Meier, Wilda Albrecht, and
Judith Leistikow made homemade pies for the bikers.
The number of riders was small because of the
weather, but they made sure the pie effort was not
The bike ride efforts moved the Readlyn/Fairbank
team to #1. Unfortunately, as of October 17, Dike is
leading by 255 points. Details are available at http://
Three ways we can regain the lead: 1) Fill out the 25
Steps Under $25 and 2) Plan of Action forms. We get
points for every step completed on the Plan of Action.
Both forms are available at City Hall or call Louie
Hartman. 3) Post survey forms will soon be available at
City Hall. The prize: $10,000 solar panels installed at
the Jr./Sr. High School. Let’s go, Wapsie Valley Team!
RCC would also like to express appreciation for the
improved can handling in the Fireworks Drop Boxes.
Thank you for putting your glass bottles in boxes and
keeping the cans in bags.
The RCC Executive Board is working on a ballot for
next year. Two directors and a vice president are
needed. Jason Franck moves up to become president,
Jen Aiello has offered to stay on as secretary for a third
year, and Andy Sexton will remain treasurer for a
fourth year. The new directors will join Taylor Anderson and Sheila Rosengarten. This is an AWESOME
group to work with. They are very busy people that
want to make Readlyn the best place to raise their
young families. We also ask the many loyal, older
residents that can offer invaluable expertise, time, baking skills and tradition to become active. Give me a
call to talk about it at 319-239-0533.
Louie Hartman, President
Future Events
Community Club regular meeting - Thursday, December 13, 7:00 pm, at the Center Inn. Discussion will
include the officer ballot for 2013, annual meeting
“Cruise” Party, Valentine Ball, and candidates for next
year’s Grump. Please consider adding your talents to
our dedicated group of volunteers. You will make
new friends, have fun and feel good about adding to
857 Friendly People
Community Calendar
Oct. 31
Nov. 3
Happy Halloween
Pepper Tournament
2:00 p.m., Center Inn
Firemen’s Dance, 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
Nov. 4
St. Matthew’s Church Dinner
3:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 5
VFW Meeting
7:30 p.m., Readlyn Telephone
Nov. 6
Election Day, Exercise your right to vote.
7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Readlyn Telephone Office
Nov. 9
Free dessert for all Veterans at Inspired
Nov. 11
Veterans’ Day
Immanuel Klinger Church Dinner
11:00 a. m - 1:00 p.m.
Nov. 13
VFW Auxiliary Meeting
7:30 p.m., Wilda Albrecht home
Nov. 16
Wapsie Valley Education Foundation
5:30 p.m., Fairbank Legion
Nov. 21
Senior Citizens’ Dinner
Noon, Center Inn
Nov. 22
Thanksgiving Day
Nov. 28
Merry Elders, Noon, Center Inn
**Novel Knitters meet each Monday, 6-7:00 p.m.,
at the Readlyn Library.
Upcoming Events:
Dec. 13
Dec. 15
Jan. 12
Feb. 9
Community Club Meeting
Santa’s Visit 2:30 p.m.
Annual Membership Drive and Banquet
Valentine Ball
Christmas Decorating – Saturday, November 17, 9:00
am, at the park. Please lend a hand for an hour or two
and then warm up with soup and hot chocolate at the
Center Inn. Call Roger Deterding for details.
Santa’s Visit – Saturday, December 15, 2:30 pm, at the
Center Inn with 2013 Grump Candidates, Santa, goodie
bags, cookies, soup, homemade bread, bars, turkey giveaway. A freewill offering toward costs is appreciated.
Call Louie Hartman at 239-0533 for more information,
Annual Meeting/Membership Drive – Saturday, January 12, 5:30, ship boarding, 6:30 dinner. Yes, ship
boarding—come enjoy a cruise without leaving the dock
this January. Membership dues are $20.00 per person;
the meal is complimentary. Some of the events this
money helps fund are the annual meeting dinner, Easter
Egg Hunt, Chronicle publication costs, Grump Days
celebration, fireworks, holiday decorating, Halloween
party, Santa’s visit, and recognition of new businesses
and existing organizations in the community. We encourage young residents to join since this is a great volunteer/community involvement opportunity for college
and job applications.
Valentine Ball – Saturday, February 9, at the Center Inn.
Watch for more information in the Chronicle. If you are
interested in receiving funds from this event, please submit your proposal by December 3 to the library.
One Old Grump
Page 2
Mayor’s Desk
Miss Readlyn
Dan Wedemeier
Harriet Risse
Gabby Wittenburg
It’s been a busy fall for everyone – including me!
Remember fall leaf burning October 1st through November 15th. Please be considerate of your neighbors when
burning. Also, if you don’t want to burn your leaves,
you can take them to the sewer plant and add your leaves
to either the leaf compost pile or branch and leaf burning
The City Council will be working on their NIMS
(National Incident Management System) Training. This
is a course in emergency response procedures. The
Mayor and all of the City Council members will participate in this training that is provided by Kip Ladage. Kip
is responsible for the Bremer County Emergency Response program and the training.
I’ve been busy working with interested individuals
relating to the sale of the city lots that are available for
building. The city has lots available. If you or someone
you know is interested, please contact Lois, at the City
Hall. We are very interested in working with you!
Along with that, I’m very happy to see that many of
the previously empty homes are being bought and or
being renovated and prepared for sale. It makes everyone happy to have all of our homes filled with happy
I give a big hearty “Welcome” to all of the new members of our community. We are happy to have you as
our neighbors. If you have any questions or suggestions
or if you need help with anything, please feel free to call
the City Hall and let us know, we are happy to help and
very happy to have you as members of Readlyn.
The city has completed the tree trimming around town,
in preparation for snow removal. Thanks to those of you
that took care of your own tree trimming, we are very
grateful for your help.
You may have noticed that Jim and Barney have been
replacing some street signs. This was required by law,
due to the reflective quality of the signs.
Barney also flushed the hydrants and everything went
well with that process.
It’s that time of year, be sure to get out and vote on
Tuesday, November 6th, 2012. Remember to vote for
your city, state and national representatives.
Also, be sure to attend all of the delicious fall dinners
in our community. We have been blessed with many
fantastic cooks and I look forward the all of the delicious
fall meals at all of our churches. Enjoy!
Have a Safe - Bootiful Halloween and enjoy this fantastic colorful fall!
Dan Wedemeier, Mayor of Readlyn
Community Lutheran School News
Brian Young, an internationally known speaker and
author, will speak at the Immanuel Lutheran School
gymnasium in Klinger at 7:00pm on Monday, November
19. This event is open to the public! Brian was a
teacher and principal for ten years before becoming director of Creation Instruction Association. He has been
speaking on the topic of creation and Biblical authority
for 20 years, doing debates at Universities, going into
prisons, and sharing at churches, schools, and camps
around the world. He uses the Bible as the foundation for
science and education. Mr. Young will also be speaking
to the students at 1:00pm on the 19th if you would like to
attend this session.
On Friday, September 14, Community Lutheran
School PreK - 8th grades took an all school field trip to
the Maize Maze and the Gilbertson Nature Center in
Elgin. This year’s theme was “The Bicycle and The
River." We spent the entire day learning about different
kinds of corn, farm machinery, the history of farming,
how to read a map, and much more!
What a fall we had; the leaves were beautiful. We are
lucky we didn't have to go 100 miles to see them.
On the 25th of September the community club had a
spaghetti fund raiser supper for the forum paper. I
helped from 4:30-6:00. The people were just starting to
come. They had a great meal: spaghetti, 4 or 5 different
pizzas, salad, garlic bread, and 3 or 4 different makes of
cookies, and drink. Free will offering.
It costs a lot to print the paper and in order to keep it
coming free, we have to help any way we can. The
volunteer people who put it together do a great job. We
are so fortunate that we have people who are so talented. If there is something you are interested in doing
speak up. I'm sure they will put you to work.
I have attended a few football and volleyball
games. That is about the only time I see the greatgrandchildren They are so busy.
I want to thank every one for the cards, calls, and
internet birthday wishes. When you're my age it takes
about a week to celebrate.
Since being the grump I have never seen the months
go so fast. My letter must be in by the 15th, and then
you start all over again. I had a dream the other night I
had my news letter written. The next morning I came
out to the computer, and no letter showed up. Yep, I
couldn't remember what it was about, so what you read
is what you get.
There are a lot of church dinners coming up, so, if
possible, try to attend to savor the good food, see some
of your friends you have not seen for a while, and support the churches.
Soon we will be into November and things really get
Auxiliary Meeting
Nine members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the V.F.W.
Post #5661 met at the Readlyn Library on October 9th
at 7:30 p.m. along with 3rd District President Kathryn
McDonald of Waterloo. The meeting opened with
prayer by Wilda and the Pledge of Allegiance. President Verdeen welcomed Kathryn and presented her
with a poppy corsage with $10 in it. The minutes by
Marrillee and treasurer’s report by Ellen were read and
accepted. General Orders and chairman reports were
read by all. Volunteer hours were presented. We sent
in 2996 miscellaneous and 788 food coupons worth
$3599 to our troops in Germany.
Wilda, Ellen and Verdeen went to the 3rd District
meeting at the Nashua V.F.W. Post on September
29. We took 1247 pop tabs for Ronald McDonald
House. We also received awards: Post and Auxiliary Hospital Award in recognition of 1st place in Division
I for donations made to the Department Hospital Fund,
Buddy Poppy Award in recognition of outstanding
participation in our annual Buddy Poppy Program, Auxiliary - Health and Happiness Award in
recognition of exceeding the quota for the V.F.W. National Home for children, Department of Iowa Citation of Merit in recognition of over $2.30 per member,
Patriot's Pen Award, and Voice of Democracy
A motion was made and seconded to give IOU's certificates to veterans on Veterans’ Day, November
11. Kathryn gave some comments. Ellen sent a letter
to President Obama for Broad Band. Meeting adjourned and closed with prayer. Hostess was Arlyce.
Thank You
I had a wonderful time celebrating my 104th birthday. I want to thank everyone who remembered me
with flowers, beautiful cards, gifts, phone calls, and
visits. You are all special to me.
God Bless You,
Esther Wittenburg
It's already the end of October; man how time flies
when you're busy. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather while it lasts because soon it'll be too cold!
I have been super busy lately; I have a new job at the
Readlyn Kwik Star and I love it! I am also keeping busy
with all of my school work and preparing for college. As
I now think about it, is not so far away. Where has the
time gone?
I hope everyone has been keeping up on all of the awesome things happening in our school district. The volleyball team won their first round and played second round
against Sumner. Football had their first round Wednesday
the 24th, and Abrah Meyer went to state for cross country
the 27th. Also, the FFA Parliamentary Procedure team
went to Nationals in Indianapolis the week of the 22nd
through the 27th. This is the second year in a row, and
the third time in four years that our FFA has made it to
Nationals. Congrats to all teams and participants.
Some community happenings have been going on; it's
that time of year for all of the fall dinners at the churches.
Also trick or treating was the 28th from 4-6. Harriet the
Grump, Heather Sommerfeldt, and myself enjoyed handing out candy at the Readlyn Library!
As William Shakespeare says, " Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
some have greatness thrust upon them." Live up to the
greatness that you are given; make everyday count.
~Gabby Wittenburg
Thank You
A sincere thank you to everyone who remembered me
with the beautiful cards, flowers, gifts, and visits for my
90th birthday. Each one meant so much to me. God
bless all of you.
-Glenyce Bruns
Thank You
We feel so blessed to have had so many of you think of
us with a beautiful card, a phone call or visit for our 50th
wedding anniversary. Thank you all!
-Don & Joyce Heineman
Thank You
Thank you to family and friends for cards, gifts, an
calls for my 80th birthday. Special thanks to my family
for hosting the Open House. It was awesome!
God Bless everyone.
Marvin Sommerfeldt
Thank You All
The St. Matthew & Zion confirmation students collected food on October 17 in Readlyn. We collected 584
pounds of food for His Hands Food Bank in Oran. The
food bank serves people in our local communities. Your
contributions help many families in need. Thank you for
your generosity!
Dear Family, Friends, and all who have been a part of
I would just like to express my gratitude to all who
have helped to make Inspired possible-especially my
husband Jeremy, my family, and friends. I wouldn't be
where I am at without your love and support. There have
been many people who have put a lot of time and effort
into this business to help me get Inspired off the ground;
I can't thank you enough! I appreciate all of the support
from our community here in Readlyn as well as those
people from surrounding communities.
I would also like to thank all of you for the gifts, cards,
and words of encouragement at my Grand Opening and
the start of my business. It all means a great deal to me
and there aren't enough words of gratitude to express my
appreciation to all of you. If you haven't made it into
Inspired yet, I look forward to "Inspiring" you! Thanks
so much! Kim Brown
Page 3
Welcome One and All
Immanuel's (Klinger) LWML Fall Dinner
Sunday, November 11th
11 a.m.-1 p.m.
St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church
Readlyn, IA
Fall Dinner
November 6, 2011
Grilled Hot Dogs,
Large Salad Bar,
Homemade Desserts and Pies
Plus Refreshments
Carry Outs Available by Calling 279-3968
Free Will Offering at the Door
3:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Turkey and Roast Beef Dressing
Fresh Corn
Homemade Pies
Opportunity to win a Queen Size Quilt made
by the Immanuel Quilters!
$9 ults
.0 0
in the garage
nd 0
10 $4.0 eat
Un free
Cookbook Order Form
Please make checks payable to CLS PTO
Phone Number:
$ 11.00
Cash o
Check o
Payments can also be dropped off to Anna and A.
Jay Behnke’s church box or to Jess Lampe at the
CLS Klinger administrative office.
Thank you for your Order!Note: Cover color is Wine
Payment Method:
OFFERING: BUNDLED SERVICES w/new Internet speeds and calling features.
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**Save money
Call (319)279-3375 or stop by our office today and let us Serve YOU !
For Sale
The CLS PTO is collecting
orders for the 2012
CLS cookbook. The
date of the cookbooks is the end of
Please be sure to
fully complete the
order form above
and send back to
school with your
child. If you have any
feel free to call Anna
Behnke at (319) 4152662.
Patrick B. Dillon
209 E 1st Street, Sumner
[email protected]
Affordable Farm Fertilizer, Chemicals & More
Jim Fettkether
319-822-2482 or 319-404-0064 (cell)
A proud supporter of
Iowa Corn & Soybean Growers in Bremer Co.
(563) 578-1850
General practice including but not limited to:
Agricultural Law Taxation & Tax Preparation
Estate Planning
For Sale:
Local raw honey for sale. $4.50 per 12oz honey
bear. $6.50 per pint. $12.50 per quart. Great for
holiday gifts and baking; also, beneficial for those
allergy sufferers. Call Angie or Michael at 319-230
-8252 or 319-635-2437 after 4 PM.
Page 4
Join us for updates and conversation.
Story Hour in November will be held on the
following dates:
Saturday, Nov 3: Bats 9:00-10:00
Thursday, Nov 8: Fall Leaves 6:30 - 7:15
Monday, Nov 19: Thanksgiving 6:30 - 7:15
Saturday, Nov 24: No Story Hour this morning
Library Earns Top Tier Accreditation
Iowa Library Services has awarded Tier 3
accreditation to the Readlyn Community Library.
Achieving accreditation requires an ongoing
commitment to high-quality library services. Of
Iowa's 544 public libraries, 349 are accredited.
The Readlyn Community Library has been
recognized for its efforts in all areas of library
operations, including governance and funding;
staffing; library collection; services; public relations;
access; and facilities.
The accreditation is valid through June 30, 2015.
Accredited libraries receive a higher rate of
compensation through the Iowa Library Services'
direct state aid program and an accreditation certificate
signed by the governor and other Iowa officials.
“The director, board of trustees of the Readlyn
Community Library. and the city of Readlyn are to be
commended for this achievement and their
commitment to excellence in public library services
for their community.” said Mary Wegner, State
Memorial Cash Donations
In Memory of Richard Reid
Lois Ganske
Chris & Angie Joeger
Roger & Connie Buhr
Judy Henn
Jodi Edwards
In Memory of Arlene Schweer
Darlene Peters
Lois Ganske
In Memory of Becky Tobey
Joan Williams
Memorial Book Donations
In Memory of Richard Reid
In the Garden by Peggy Collins from Joseph Jones &
Andrea Hemmer-Jones
I Am Small by Emma Dodd from Chris & Sharon
Davis and Barney & Gina Wiersma
Grace by Max Lucado from Aaron & Dani Sauerbrei
& boys
Thank You!
Congratulations to our
pumpkin decorating
contest winners!
Amie Whiteside has a
birthday on November 20th.
Garret Barnes
Emma Jones
Drew Sauerbrei
And a big THANK YOU to everyone
who participated. The judges had
quite a time deciding!
Library’s Annual Book Fair scheduled for November 12 - 17th!
We invite you to visit our Scholastic Book Fair and experience a celebration of reading that provides families
the opportunity to get involved in a universal mission: encouraging kids to read every day so they can lead
better lives. Our Scholastic Book Fair theme – All-Star Book Fair: Every Reader Is a Star! – is part of an
exciting reading event that brings a wonderful selection of fun, engaging, and affordable books kids want to
read. Giving kids access to good books and the opportunity to choose their own books will motivate them to
read more. And like most acquired skills, the more kids practice reading, the better they’ll get.
Reading is vital to every child’s success, and raising kids as readers means getting involved while they’re
young. Now is the time. Since there will never be a substitute for a parent’s direct involvement in his/her
child’s education, please make plans to visit our Book Fair. Hope to see you there!
New On
Alvin & the Chipmunks Halloween
Tom & Jerry Trick & Treats
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3
The Avengers
Dark Shadows
People Like Us
Blue Mountain Mystery
Cowgirls ‘N Angels
Pink Skies
Moonrise Kingdom
The Magic of Belle Isle
Rock of Ages
Thank You!
Your donations to the library are
much appreciated and are a lasting tribute to your loved ones.
Thanksgiving Trivia
1. How many pilgrims came over on the Mayflower?
A. 89 B. 102 C. 185 D. 217
2. What year did the first American Thanksgiving celebration take place?
A. 1900 B. 1492 C. 1621 D. 1776
3. How long did the first Thanksgiving feast last?
A. One day B. One week C. 3 days D. 4 days
4. What does the term "cornucopia" mean?
A. Corn husks B. Horn of Plenty C. Greek
D. Traditional corn dish
5. Approximately how many feathers does a mature turkey have?
A. 750 B. 1,500 C. 3,500 D. 4,000
6. Which U.S. state produces the most turkeys annually?
A. Arkansas B. North Carolina C. Missouri
D. Minnesota
7. How fast can wild turkeys run?
A. 15 mph B. 55 mph C. 5 mph D. 25 mph
8. Which country consumes the most turkey per year - per capita?
A. Israel B. United States C. Mexico D. Germany
9. How high must a cranberry bounce before it is harvested?
A. 6 inches B. 8 inches C. 3 inches D. 4 inches
10. Who was the first President to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?
A. Washington B. Lincoln C. Jefferson D. Roosevelt
After school programming for every Wednesday scheduled early out.
November 7: Movie and Popcorn
November 28: Games and Activities hosted by Iowa State Extension.
If you are interested in sponsoring a library event or providing refreshments for the kids, we would love
your help. Contact the library and set up a date. Thank you!
Page 5
Grump Mania
On Tuesday, the 28th, we
had a Grump Mania. Ruth
Steinbronn and I sent invitations to surviving Grumps and
two widows of Grumps, called
all of the invites, and had 14 of
the 15 surviving Grumps attend. We had a social hour,
dinner, reminisced about our
Grump experiences, took a
group picture, and played
cards ~ a really fun night.
~ Harriet Risse
Pictured in the photo: Don Billhorn, Roger Deterding, Loren Reiher, Burton Thies, Janice Heineman, Ruth Steinbronn, Harold Meier, Lavern Brase,
Doris Seydel, and Wes Sauerbrei Front row: Harriet Risse, Carlene Werner, Verdeen Pavelec and Ron Leistikow
Pepper Tournament Results
Twenty-eight people attended the pepper tournament on Saturday, October 6th.
The winners were as follows:
1st Place -- R.J.Freitag and Keith Brunscheon-------240
2nd Place ---Judy Henn and Ruthie Meihost----------222
3rd Place ----Roger & Connie Buhr--------------------212
4th Place ----Herb Clemen and Burton Thies---------195
Peanuts ------Carol Heller and Harriett Risse---——-97
See you next month on Saturday, November 3rd.
Grace Kuethe and Joan Matthias
Helping Hands
Clothing Closet
2029 Viking Ave (HWY V56),
Hours: Tuesdays, 9 - Noon
Thursday 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. and the
1st Saturday of the month 9-Noon
Brief application required;
providing FREE clothing to those
in need.
His Hands Food Pantry
5002 Main Street, Oran
Hours: Tuesdays, 5-8 p.m.,
Fridays, 9 a.m.-12 noon
Brief application required.
Currently serving Readlyn,
Tripoli, Sumner, Fairbank, &
Grandparents’ Day Celebrated at
Community Lutheran School
Community Lutheran School celebrated Grandparents’ Day on Friday, September 7 th.
Several parents and a large number of grandparents came to school to experience daily
classroom activities, numerous hands-on projects, and recess fun with their child/
The students were thrilled to have their grandparents participate in the various events.
Activities included making cookies, building with Legos, creating silly face bags, playing “Candy Land,” putting together an M&M puzzle, playing “Bingo” and other board
games, playing “Hang on Harvey,” and listening to the many stories the grandparents
told about what they did when they were the age of their grandchild. The two activities
that the children enjoyed the most were having their picture taken with grandparents
and singing a specially prepared song. The grandparents also joined their grandchild for
A special thanks is extended to Noah Richard’s grandmother, Annette Ebaugh, who
read grandparent day books to the children; Lakin, Cannon, and Mikenna Joerger’s
grandmother, Cleo Joerger, who brought homemade cookies for the children to decorate; Kali and Trystan Lampe’s grandfather, Eugene Lampe, who presented the many
steps in making wooden toy cars and helped the students make their own wooden toy
car from the parts he brought with him.
Wes and Delores Sauerbrei/60th
Oran area residents.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
2683 Quail Avenue
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3977
Pastor Roger Sterle
Sunday School 9:00 a.m.
Worship 10:00 a.m.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
2649 230th Street
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3758
Worship 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
St. Paul Lutheran Church
120 West 4th Street
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3961
Pastor Roger Sterle
Worship 8:30 a.m.
Sunday School following
Zion Lutheran Church
240 Elmer Avenue
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3643
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School 8:45 a.m.
Wes and Delores Sauerbrei will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary
with an open house at the Center Inn in Readlyn from 2-4 on Saturday,
November 24th.
Wes Sauerbrei and Delores Strempke were united in marriage on November 27, 1952, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Fairbank, IA.
Their children and families include: Gary and Connie Sauerbrei, Larry
and Deb Sauerbrei, Jerry and Cindy Sauerbrei, all of Readlyn; Keith and
Cheryl Brandt of Waverly, and Mike and Teresa Duffy of Oran. They have
14 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.
No invitations are being sent. Your presence will be their gift.
Page 6
Tenth Annual Wapsie Valley Education
Foundation Dinner and Auction ~
November 16 in Fairbank
Please plan to attend the Wapsie Valley Education Foundation’s Annual Dinner and
Auction to be held at the Fairbank Legion on Friday, November 16. A roast beef dinner
will be served from 5:30-7 p.m.; the live auction will begin at 7 p.m. Silent auction
items will be available to bid on during the dinner and during the live auction. Nearly all
of the live and silent auction items are listed on this page; more items may be added.
Words from the Founder
The Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF) started with a deep love for education and also a deep love for this community. WVEF began in 2002. It was necessary to
get both state and federal permits for the foundation. The state permits were easy, but
the federal permit was difficult since we received many letters always asking for more
After all of the permits were obtained, I enlisted the help of these people: Ron
Leistikow, Barb Gruetzmacher, Mike Brandt, Mary Lou Billhorn, Ed Traeger, Paul Anton, Joey Rigdon, Sylvia Casterton, and Bob Bellis. We worked closely with Paul Bisgard, who was superintendent at the time, and Kurt Leistikow who volunteered his services as an attorney. These people helped with getting the community involved with the
process by generously contributing their time and efforts. They received no compensation except the enjoyment of being a part of this endeavor. I was the president for about
eight years, and all of the officers kept their position nearly as long. This shows that
they realized the importance of this organization.
WVEF provides both grants and scholarships to students and teachers. The enrichment grants provide funds to enable teachers and students learning opportunities that
otherwise may not be possible financially. The foundation has also awarded several
scholarships either from families or from WVEF. The scholarships have helped many
students further their education.
Generous amounts of money were given by many families, organizations, and businesses to help us get started. Not only are the contributions tax deductible, the money
donated stays right here in our community which makes people feel good about contributing.
It is my hope that the community will continue to support the Wapsie Valley Education Foundation by both generous contributions and also becoming personally involved.
–Submitted by Carlene Werner, Founder, Wapsie Valley Education Foundation
½ processed hog
Maschoff Family Farms & Smoketown Ent.
½ processed hog
Smoketown Ent. & Maschoff Family Farms
Mycogen-2 bags any corn
Mycogen Seed – Don Heineman
Pioneer 2 bags of corn
Dean Buhr
2 bags of Dekalb corn
Monsanto Seed Craig Boevers & Dave Wheeler
Agrigold – 3 bags of corn
Josh Geistkemper – Agrigold
House Warming Basket
Jeff & Kerri Ast
Canine fecal heartworm exam
Readlyn Vet Clinic
DA2PP-Lepto cac. Distemper,
Readlyn Vet Clinic
Rabies vac. 3 doses frontline
25 person appetizer party @Center Inn
Center Inn
25 person lunch on or off site of Center Inn Center Inn
3 bags of beans
Mycogen Seed-Don Heineman
2012 McKenna-Gymnast
Ron and Judy Leistikow
American Girl doll and book
Pioneer 3 bags of beans
Dean Buhr
Wine rack
Gary Thurm
Model 70 pedal tractor
Waverly Implement
Jug of Touchdown Total Chemical
IAS - Oran
Stainless Steel Shop Vac
Craftsman Shop Table/Bar Stools
Gavin Marine
Oak Quilt Rack
Miller Floor Covering
2 bags of 8211 3000gt corn
Kevin Voy
$100 gift card
Casey’s General Store
1 golf pack for 4 – 18 holes with 2 carts
Hickoy Grove Golf Course
2 Stadium Seats & Wapsie Valley Basket Beth & Paul Lortz-Fairbank Custom Embroidery
1 golf package for 4 – 18 holes with 2 carts Edgewater Golf Course
Keurig Special Addition Coffee Maker
Bob & Jean Bellis
2 Iowa/ISU football tickets-Sept. 14, 2013 Bob & Sylvia Casterton
Sylvia Casterton & Mary Lou Billhorn
42 inch color television
Oran Telephone Company
Schuldt Repair
Milwaukee 2 Tool Combo Kit
Modern Building Products
Compact Driver and Impact Driver
Modern Building Products
Dewalt 18V Driver Drill
Woods Construction
Hawkeye Tree
Woods Funeral Home
Pedal Tractor
Hub City
Wine Basket
Bellis Insurance
Theme Basket
Little Island DayCare
3 bags of beans
Dunkerton Coop
2 bags of Dekalb Corn
2 bags of Dekalb Corn
Trumbauer Seeds
3 bags of Agrigold Corn
3 bags of beans
Stine Seed
Coat and Gloves
Waterloo Implement
The Practice of Fundraising for Kids and Teachers: Ten Great Years
by Sylvia Casterton
This year the Wapsie Valley Community Foundation (WVEF) is celebrating its
tenth anniversary. The members present that first board meeting in June of 2002
knew they wanted to promote education within the district. What could we do that
would add to the curriculums in place or allow the faculty to try new approaches? As
with many other things in this world it involved money.
One of the first things we did was to adopt a mission statement: "The mission of the
Wapsie Valley Education Foundation is to promote educational excellence by providing financial support and enhance the educational programs for all students of Wapsie
Valley School District and serve as a means to accept contributions, gifts, and bequests." Once that was established, the rest followed.
We had soup dinners after basketball games, grilling events for dinners, and auctions the first week school started. What we are doing now is holding one primary
fundraiser per year—a dinner with a silent and live auction held the Friday before
The largest portion of our fundraising efforts goes toward the fulfilling of enrichment grants that teachers submit to us twice a year. Descriptions about a few of the
enrichment grants appear on page seven of this paper. A smaller portion of our
money is set aside each year in the WVEF endowment fund to sponsor special projects. We've utilized the endowment funds in the purchase of the playground equipment for the two elementary buildings’ preschool playgrounds. Another portion has
been used in the funding of WVEF scholarships.
I've used the phrase, "We Put the $$$ into Education," frequently in the past ten
years. Those $$$ are made possible by the generous contributions of individuals,
families, and businesses of Wapsie Valley as well as many donations from families
and individuals who no longer reside within the district. If you know of someone who
would like to contribute, please contact me or one of the board members. They are
Bob Bellis, Carlene Werner, Ed Traeger, Ron Leistikow, Chad VanDaele, Mary Lou
Billhorn, Kim Brown, Annette Hyde, Joey Rigdon, and Mischa Matthias with Chad
Garber, superintendent, as an advisory member and Kurt Leistikow as attorney. Contributions can also be sent to: Wapsie Valley Education Foundation, PO Box 203,
Fairbank, IA 50629.
Please think of this as “My opportunity
to give back. I can be generous”
(4) 3 pints of home canned beef
(4) $50 Gift Certificate s
(3) $10 Gift Certificate s
111 piece tool set & hammer
Small Quilt
Hawkeye gear
Mary Kay merchandise
Longenberger merchandise
Minnesota Viking fleece
Oak roll top bread box
Gift basket/Marg Mix
Precious Moments figurine
$50 Gift Certificate
$40 Steak Bundle
$30 Gift Certificate
1 case 5W-30 motor oil
1 case 10W-30 motor oil
1 Archer Sampler Pack
1 carton red grease
(2) Christmas Wreath s
(2) quilted table runners
EDZone baby ribs/cooler
$25 Gift Certificate
$50 Gift Certificate
Beef bundle with cooler
Pork bundle with cooler
2-18 hole golf packages
Floating Chair
Canning Basket
$25 Gift Certificate
Hair Products
DeWalt Magnetic Tough Case
Haircare Basket
2 massages
Set of 4 wine glasses
Matrix Beauty Set
$30 Gift Certificate
(4) Wooden Pumpkins
Charlie & Wilda Albrecht
Schutte Spraying Service
Oran Locker
Ron & Judy Leistikow
Carol Strottman
Jake and Kassie Adams
Kristi Marticoff
Brenda Meyer
Ron & Judy Leistikow
Gary Thurm
Brainard Hollow
Floral Images
Doese Photography
Fairbank Locker
Rod & Lori Zuck/Ag Vantage FS
Rod & Lori Zuck/Ag Vantage FS
Rod & Lori Zuck/Ag Vantage FS
Rod & Lori Zuck/Ag Vantage FS
Judy & LaVerne Leistikow, Bob
Moulds, Chris & Sharon Davis,
Barney and Gina Wiersma
Bob & Sylvia Casterton
Farmer’s Coop/Readlyn
Ed & Kathy Traeger
Fairbank Floor Covering
Steege’s Meat Market/Rigdon Acct.
Steege’s Meat Market/Rigdon Acct.
Wapsie Ridge Golf Course
Heartland Marine
Marty McKowen
Boyd’s Bar & Grill
Mavalous Images
Spahn & Rose
Visions Salon
Covenant Health Clinic
Angel Martin
Myers Polaris
Dreams Hair Studio-Kim Meyer
Dreams Hair Studio-Kim Meyer
David & Ruth Wittenburg
Page 7
Testimonials from Students and Teachers
Language, Art, and Technology: All in Kindergarten
Amy Sheppard is a kindergarten teacher at Readlyn Elementary. She has received a
few different items funded through the Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF).
Sheppard says, “I am so grateful for the WVEF!!”
She recently received a new Mimeo and a projector to go along with it. Sheppard is
still new to the program, but she uses the Mimeo to enhance math lessons and go over
the Scholastic News.
Another item she received is called Jolly Phonics, which helps students with basic
phonics concepts. In addition, she also received a program called Art Attack, which she
uses to teach art concepts.
Sheppard said she is excited to learn more about each program, but so far, she feels
the greatest impact has been the Jolly Phonics. “It really helps students learn their basic
letter sounds.”
Sheppard appreciates all the WVEF has done for her, her students, and all teachers;
she hopes others see the impact it has made. –Submitted by Brianna Cook
Brain Pop!
Technology is advancing all around us, especially in the classroom. Jody Edwards is
well aware of the changes going on in the library at Readlyn Elementary.
Recent funding by the Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF) helped her acquire more technology for elementary students in the library.
The (WVEF) paid for the yearly subscription for the computer program Brain Pop.
Brain Pop is an educational computer program which lets students enter into an educational world where they can design their own character and conduct educational activities on the computer. "The students are able to be much more engaged with this program," commented Edwards.
Another benefit of Brain Pop is that it is constantly updated to stay current with all
the changes going on in education.
Without the help of the (WVEF), this program would not be available to students. It
greatly enhances the students’ learning potential. –Submitted by Garett Hagenow
Mimeo Vote System: Assessment and Engagement Through Technology
The Mimeo Vote Assessment System lets students take tests and vote on different subjects, completely bypassing using paper. Luckily, this technology was granted to Mr.
Eberhard by funds from the WVEF.
Eberhard stated this provides an opportunity to provide an "eye catching" review session that gives students a new look on work. “I think most students have reacted positively as I have figured out ways to add the system to the curriculum of my classes. The
instant feedback that comes with this tool of technology is another major “selling point”
for using these in a classroom setting.”
"It makes it interesting for the whole class and gives us an opportunity to try new
technology," stated Sammy Rohlfsen, an eighth grade student.
From what I have heard and experienced myself, this system has made class more
engaging and also more interesting. I speak for most students and Mr. Eberhard when I
say that we are grateful for this system and we thank you, WVEF. –Submitted by
Jayden Johnson
Read, Read, Read!
Cheryl Kleitsch is a second grade teacher from the Wapsie Valley Elementary in Fairbank. She has used the funding from the Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF)
to get Guided Reading materials.
“The Guided Reading books have provided a leveled set of books to be used for small
group instruction,” stated Mrs. Kleitsch. “A set of books contains 5-6 copies of the same
title. It is a leveled library that ranges from very early level reading to harder books that
contain chapters.”
These books are a good way to give the students a “just right” book for them. It helps
them learn at their own level and pace.
Mrs. Kleitsch has definitely benefited from the funding. She will continue to use these
materials so that each student or small group of students can learn at their own level. –
Submitted by Alex Schmitz
Local Students Polish Parliamentary
Procedure Skills at National FFA Event
Gabby Wittenburg - Chapter Reporter
INDIANAPOLIS- The Wapsie Valley FFA Chapter competed in the National FFA
Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event (CDE) during the 85 th National
FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Ind., October 22 – 27, 2012. Members of the team
were Lauren Ambrosy, Adam Bodensteiner, Sydney Cindrich, Brianna Cook, Shereese
Folsom, Garett Hagenow, Adam Joerger, and Alex Schmitz. The team is coached by
Ellen Doese and Ashley Beierschmitt.
“Participants in this event are given the opportunity to enhance knowledge and express mastery of parliamentary law while building strong teamwork, leadership, and
communication skills,” said Melissa Brown, CDE program manager.
Participants demonstrate their abilities to conduct orderly and efficient meetings, present logical and convincing discussions, and properly record meeting procedures. Each
team must take a written exam, conduct a ten minute demonstration, respond verbally to
parliamentary law questions, and prepare minutes from their demonstration.
Pre-school Programs: Playing to Learn
Tiffany McConnelee is a pre-school and Title 1 teacher at Readlyn Elementary. She
was one of the lucky teachers who benefitted from the WVEF grant program. She used
the money the WVEF gifted her three years ago toward purchasing the pre-school playground equipment at the new school. “It is a pre-school program requirement that they
have age-appropriate equipment that is fenced in for student safety,” explained McConnelee.
Since McConnelee helped start the new pre-school program at Wapsie, she used some
of the grant money toward a Leapfrog learning system and various other ageappropriate toys and games for the children. McConnelee believes the WVEF is a very
important program that played an essential role in starting the new pre-school program
at Readlyn. –Submitted by Ethan Kleitsch
Hablo Espanol? Si!
Mrs. Roberts, the Spanish teacher at Wapsie Valley High School, recently received a
grant from the WVEF, a foundation started by Carlene Werner to grant funding to district schools. The WVEF has donated over $100,000 to Wapsie schools and students.
Mrs. Roberts used this grant to get “Conversation in the Classroom” Spanish Videos.
“It [the Spanish videos] has given my students more opportunities to hear authentic
Spanish speakers,” Roberts explained. Her students watch the videos and then have conversations using their own grammar. Mrs. Roberts said this has changed learning in the
classroom because students were unable to listen to authentic speakers before. –
Submitted by Riley Woods
Supported the Whole Student: Physical Fitness
The Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF) has supported Wapsie Valley for
numerous years. They have purchased new equipment for the school and have bought
numerous items for teachers and staff members.
The WVEF bought hand weights for elementary physical education teacher Brian
Weepie’s classes to use every day for warm up exercises to increase upper body
“The kids learn what muscles to use during specific lifts and how to do the lifts properly,” Weepie explained. “The kids were performing poorly on their pull-ups during
physical fitness, which is given twice during the school year,” Weepie stated. The implementation of weight lifting during class warm-ups has improved the strength of our
elementary students immensely.
A big thank you goes out to the WVEF for giving teachers the opportunity to purchase
not only the hand weights but numerous other items used by students throughout the
whole school system. –Submitted by BJ Weepie
Take Home Readers Help Kids Practice
The Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF) made contributions to help pay for
new take-home readers for the rural schools.
The take home books have helped the students in many different ways. “These new
take-home readers are helping our students bridge the gap of background knowledge
needed to understand what is being read,” noted Amy Buzynski, a teacher at rural
school #4.
These books have bright, new pictures that connect to the characters in the book. “The
students are so delighted when new books come in,” said Buzynski. These books help
the students get a better understanding of the world around them and what is happening
in the books.
Amy Buzynski and the rest of the rural teachers really appreciate what the WVEF has
done to help out all the schools and students. –Submitted by Tyler Stoner
Throw a Pot: Yes, Please!
The Wapsie Valley Education Foundation (WVEF) donated a pottery wheel to Mrs.
Russler’s classroom in 2007.
The wheel is a great feature to Russler’s ceramics class. “It’s a piece of equipment we
really needed,” she explained. “It gives students an opportunity that would not have
been available without WVEF’s contribution.”
Some of the projects students made were used to give back to the foundation. “One
student used it to create a set of plates that were sold at the WVEF’s annual benefit auction,” Russler stated. The money raised at the auction is provided to other teachers for
more classroom opportunities. “Students here are lucky,” Russler added. –Submitted by
Stone Kane
The Mosaic Company sponsors the National FFA Parliamentary Procedure CDE as a
special project of the National FFA Foundation. The event is one of 23 CDEs held annually at the national FFA convention.
The National FFA Organization, formerly known as the Future Farmers of America, is
a national youth organization of 520,284 student members (and counting)— all members are preparing for leadership and careers in science, business and technology of agriculture; they are a part of 7,429 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands. The National FFA Organization changed to its present name in 1988,
in recognition of the growth and diversity of agriculture and agricultural education. The
FFA mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their
potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. The National FFA Organization operates under a Federal Charter
granted by the 81st United States Congress, and it is an integral part of public instruction
in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set direction for FFA as a service to state and local agricultural education programs. Visit for more information.
We would just like to show our support for all of the FFA members participating at
Nationals and recognize them for their hard work and determination. Congratulations,
Wapsie Valley FFA!!
Page 7
Page 8
Ag Resources
Brownell Excavating
Steve Brownell
2261 Yukon Ave.,
Sumner, IA 50674
Channel Bio Seeds
Steve Rathe
2560 250th St.
(319) 279-3806
Dusk to Dawn Sales
Precision Planting
Mike Heineman
2919 270th St.
(319) 279-3136
Distributors, Inc.
Brian Meyer
101 Main St.
(319) 279-3555
8912 N Raymond Rd.
(319) 822-7345
Readlyn Farm
Farmers Co-op
418 E. 1st St.
(319) 279-3332
223 E. 1st St.
(319) 279-3396
Savings Bank
103 3rd St.
Frederika, IA 50631
(319) 275-4301
Fertilizer Co. LLC
7634 N. Ordway Rd.
Dunkerton, IA
(888) 701-9961 or
Cell (319) 404-0064
Innovative Ag
319 W 1st St. Oran
(319) 638-7551
Liddle-Ebert Ltd.
Farm Drainage
1196 Hilton Ave.
Plainfield, IA 50666
Randy-Dee Liddle
(319) 275-4528
(319) 231-5590
Dave Wheeler
8234 E. Marquis Rd.
Dunkerton, IA 50626
(319) 230-1029
Mycogen Seeds
Readlyn Vet.
Auto Sales & Repair
Del's Auto
Repair Inc.
Sauerbrei Auto
Sales & Repair
Hair Studio
2308 Piedmont Ave.
(319) 279-3785
2640 230th St.
(319) 279-3436
136 Main St
(319) 279-4018
224 Kalman Ave.
(319) 279-4060
430 E 1st St.
(319) 279-3307
Burton Thies
Rock on Wheels
Edgeton Hardware
& Repair
Elton Schutte
211 E. Ridge St.
(319) 279-3394
5104 Main St. Oran
(319) 638-7206
Heating & Cooling
226 Main St.
(319) 279-3369
Clark & Associates
Stine/LG Seeds
527 Park Lane, Waterloo
(319) 233-8911
Greg Matthias
2765 270th St.
(319) 279-3811
Rettig, Richard H
Don Heineman
2779 250th St.
(319) 279-3689
(319) 269-9551
Kurt R. Leistikow
Dillon Law, P..C.
Attorney At Law
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 553-3400
[email protected]
Patrick B Dillon
Attorney At Law
209 E 1st Street
Sumner, IA 50674
(563) 578-1850
Fax: (563) 578-1312
Joe Leehey
Broker Associate
(319) 415-7349
[email protected]
3510 Kimball Ave
Waterloo, IA 50702
Tel: (319) 234-500
Fax: (319) 291-7000
[email protected]
Foundation Realtors
Louie Hartman, Agent
(319) 239-0533
Dick Harms, Broker
(319) 882-3223
Spahn & Rose
Lumber Co.
224 S. Main St., Tripoli
(319) 332-3555
Precious Miracles
Chiropractic Clinic
307 Main St.
(319) 279-3877
Community Library
309 Main St. PO Box 249
(319) 279-3432
221 Main St.
(319) 279-4033
Savings Bank
Funeral Home
141 Main St.
(319) 279-3321
205 Highland Ave.
(319) 279-3551
Quarter Ave.
121 Main St.
(319) 279-3375
2310 Quarter Ave.
(319) 882-3555
Food & Restaurants
Bender’s Foods
Oran Locker
200 S. State St.
(319) 984-5341
Denver, Ia
5001 Main St. Oran
(319) 638-6371
Center Inn &
Fire House Bar &
Sunrise Catering
209 Main St. Box 141
(319) 279-3829
Panther Lanes
Restaurant &
314 Main Street
(319) 279-3051
Office: (319) 352-3667
Home: (319) 279-3545
RA Machine
L&L Ag Repair
2504 230th St
2220 Reed Ave
(319) 279-3363
(319) 279-3161
Schuldt Repair
2261 Reed Ave
(319) 279-3539
407 Goodell Ave.
PO Box 306
(319) 279-3681
Family Needs
Attorneys & Realtors
2010 Midway Ave.,
(319) 882-3399
105 W. Main St., Denver
(319) 984-5695
Farm Bureau
David C. Matthias
Machinery/Tractor Repair
Specialty Businesses
121 W. 1st. St.
(319) 279-3301
Pioneer-Dean Buhr
2034 Vintage Ave.
Sumner, IA 50674
(563) 578-8104
(319) 240-2432
117 Malone Ave.
(319) 279-3371
Maurer &
GammerdingerPage Heating & Air
234 Main St.
(319) 279-3893
G & R Construction
Spring Center Farm
Wittenburg Truck
Line, Inc.
Readlyn Mutual
Ins. Association
Building & Repairs
427 E 4th St.
(319) 279-3521
Schutte Spraying
Insurance Services
Larry Kuhlmann's
Service & Repair
2636 230th St.
(319) 279-3867
Roger Wheeler
(319) 404-0407
Randy Wheeler
(319) 231-3859
Hair & Beauty
Black Hawk
Kathleen Snelling
Memorial Consultant
1760 Quebec Ave.
Tripoli, IA 50676
(319) 882-4432
Pam’s Machine
Sewing Machine Maint.
Parts & Repair
313 1st St. SE
Tripoli, IA 50676
(319) 882-3630
Heartland Marine
Restaurant & Bowling
3385 230th St/ Sumner
(319) 638-3040
(319) 882-3753
Hwy 93, Tripoli, IA
Landscape Creations
Rich Foelske
F103 Maple Dr.
Tripoli, IA 50676
(319) 882-4486
Lisa Oberle
(319) 275-3297
[email protected]
Mary Kay
Wapsie Ridge
Golf Course
Kristi Marticoff
609 East View Dr.
(319) 279-3870
(319) 240-1744
[email protected]
Newy’s Wireless
U.S. Cellular
Jeff Neuendorf
240 S. State St. Denver
(319) 240-7150
2652 Vine Ave.
Fairbank, IA 50629
(319) 638-4653
Wendy’s Country
Massage Therapy
Wendy Matthias LMT
136 Main St.
(319) 279-4018
(319) 610-0366
226 Main St.
(319) 279-4089
Hwy 93 Tripoli
(319) 882-3753
Become a SPONSOR and have your business
recognized on this page along with all of the
current supporters!
E-mail [email protected] or call Charlie at (319)
279-3228. You could also stop in at the library.