【整理】2015-02-17 How to Use a Word

自动生成于2015年03月03日08:00:15 (UTC+8)
【整理】2015-02-17 How to Use a Word
Part 1 :原文
Today's word is superfluous, spelled S-U-P-E-R-F-L-U-O-U-S.
Superfluous is an adjective that means exceeding what is sufficient or necessary, extra. It can also mean, more
broadly, not needed or unnecessary. Here is the word in a sentence from The Sarasota Herald Tribune by Gayle
"Music director Anu Tali's clear direction, free of superfluous gestures, embodied the elegance that shone through,
particularly in the increasingly polished blend of string sound that the orchestra has been producing."
If you think that the word superfluous must mean "extra 'fluous,'" along the pattern of such words as
superabsorbent and superabundant, you're not far off. Superfluous comes from the Latin adjective superfluus,
meaning literally "running over" or "overflowing." Superfluus, in turn, derives from the combination of the prefix
super- meaning "over" or "more" and fluere meaning "to flow." Fluere also gave us the words fluid, fluent, and
influence, among others. Since its first appearance in English in the 15th century, superfluous has referred to an
"overflowing" of some supply, as of time or words, which hearkens back to its Latin origins.
With your Word of the Day, I'm Peter Sokolowski.
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