Concept Covered: The Chloroplast Concept Covered: The Chloroplast

Name _________________________ Date _________ Name _________________________ Date _________ Concept Covered: The Chloroplast Concept Covered: The Chloroplast 1. What is the role of the chloroplast in photosynthesis? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Label the parts of the chloroplast in the drawing below. _____________________1 _____________________2 _____________________3 _____________________4 _____________________5 3. Define: a) thylakoid: b) grana: c) stroma: Copyright © Science Stuff 1. What is the role of the chloroplast in photosynthesis? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Label the parts of the chloroplast in the drawing below. _____________________1 _____________________2 _____________________3 _____________________4 _____________________5 3. Define: a) thylakoid: b) grana: c) stroma: Copyright © Science Stuff Name _________________________ Date _________ Concept Covered: The Chloroplast 1. What is the role of the chloroplast in photosynthesis? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2. Label the parts of the chloroplast in the drawing below. _____________________1 _____________________2 _____________________3 _____________________4 _____________________5 3. Define: a) thylakoid: b) grana: c) stroma: Copyright © Science Stuff Teacher Answer Key 1. The chloroplasts contain chlorophyll. The chloroplast is the organelle in a plant cell that captures the energy from the sun and converts it to chemical energy (glucose.) 2. 1) outer membrane 2) inner membrane 3) thylakoid 4) grana 5) stroma 3. The thylakoid is the structural unit of photosynthesis. The light dependent reacMons occur in photosystems that are embedded along the thylakoid membrane. A granum is a stack of thylakoids inside a chloroplast. The stroma is the soluMon that surrounds the thylakoids in a chloroplast. It contains enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, and other materials essenMal for photosynthesis. Copyright © Science Stuff