Robin A. She first got interested in quilting because a good friend

Robin A.
She first got interested in
quilting because a good friend
and neighbor helped her get
Her background quilt is
important to her because her
grandmother gave it to her in
Barbara A.
She started quilting by stopping
in a quilt shop in Pennsylvania
and signed up for a class.
She chose her background
quilt because she brought it to
Show and Tell that day.
Linda B.
Her mother had taught her how
to sew ages ago and after
retiring in 2000, she was looking
for another hobby. Having
always liked color and fabrics,
the next step was to get involved
in quilting.
She chose her background quilt
because she’s partial to greens
and loves to paper piece.
RoseAnn B.
She started quilting
because a cousin of hers
convinced her that she would
have the patience and decided
to make a quilt.
Her background quilt was
chosen because it has a light and
airy feeling, she says it was made
for her kitchen.
Ellie B.
She started quilting because her
daughter had a roommate in
college who showed her a quilt.
The background quilt was
chosen because it was
appliqued, paper pieced, made
with batiks, and the colors are
Julie B.
She started quilting by signing
up and buying all the material
for a class, only to have it
canceled. She later took the
class at Delaware Sewing
The background she chose
is bright like a diamond, much
like her personality.
Pamela B.
She started quilting because a
quilt shop opened up close to
where she lived.
Her background was chosen
because she loves cats.
Dolores B.
She attended the same church
as another Quilt Guild member
and showed interest in quilting.
She was invited to go to a
meeting and has been hooked
even since.
The quilt background she chose
is called “Summer in the Park”.
She loves summer, the colors,
and it was her first experience
with Jelly Rolls.
Kay B.
There was a quilt shop where
she lived called the Quilters
Cupboard that featured
wonderful quilt classes. She
signed up for three classes right
away and began a lifelong
quilting passion that continues
to this day.
“Diary Quilt” is her
background because it features
blocks that depict her life.
Marti C.
She started quilting because of
her love for fiber arts and the
revival of colonial arts quilts.
Her background quilt
was chosen because it has
multiple stars and stars
are one of her favorites.
Geri C.
She saw a beautiful quilt
hanging in the Delaware
Sewing Center and asked where
she could learn to make it and
what she would need. She
purchased her first machine and
signed up for a class.
The background she chose is
because it was the last quilt she
made with her quilting
Michelle C.
She started quilting because she
took a hand pieced quilt
sampler class with her mother.
She chose her background
because she loves all things
Peggy D.
She always thought that people
were crazy for cutting fabric just
to put them back together, but
when she went to a craft show
with a friend she was hooked on
the idea.
Her background quilt is her first
finished large quilt.
Mary Dawn D.
She started because an older
neighbor helped introduce her
to quilting.
Her background quilt is the
only one she hasn’t given away
Lauren F.
She started quilting
because she made a quilt for
her daughter and then appliqué
became a passion. Her
background quilt is her favorite
because of all the appliqué.
Jeanne F.
She originally was sewing
clothing until one of her friends
introduced her to quilting, then
she was hooked.
Her background quilt is the
T-shirt quilt her recently
finished for her granddaughter.
Ann F.
She started because quilting
was becoming popular. She had
always sewn and quilting just
seemed like the next step.
The background was chosen
because it has fruit and hand
Beth F.
She started quilting by going to
a class offered by the Parks and
Recreation Department.
Her background is the quilt
from the Parks and Recreation
class, its not finished but it has
many memories attached to it.
Peg G.
A friend had invited her to a
quilting workshop and thats
how she got interested in
Her background quilt was
chosen because of the variety of
blocks and colors. It took her 8
years to complete.
Patricia H.
She began quilting by attending
one of the Quilters Hives
beginner quilt class and got
Her background was chosen
because she loves piecing and
the scrappy fabric used.
Janet H.
She started quilting because it
has always interested her and
loved it for a long time. Her
background quilt was chosen
because her husband’s aunt
hand pieced and hand quilted
Sue H.
She became interested in
quilting after retirement and
needing a new hobby. She took
a class, enjoyed it, and the rest
is history.
Her background quilt is her
recently finished BOM
Color Me Happy.
Carol J.
She started quilting by taking a
class and enjoyed the
Her background quilt is in
remembrance of her trip to
Cindy K.
She started in quilting after she
retired. A close friend had
offered to teach her and she
accepted. Using her mothers
machine from the 1950s, she
created her first quilt from start
to finish.
Her background quilt is a kit
that her father had bought for
Mary K.
She started quilting when the
Air Force sent her to school in
Florida. Being without family or
friends she went to local quilt
shops where the staff was very
friendly and she signed up for
Her background quilt is a yo-yo
grandmothers garden. The
colors remind her of Florida and
green is her favorite color.
Patricia K.
She learned alot of techniques
from her mother, and while
going to college she continued
her passion in her free time.
The background quilt was a
woven technique using a purple
batik jelly roll. Her favorite color
is purple and thats why it was
Ann K.
She started quilting through the
inspiration of her daughter in
Washington State, who is a great
quilter. One time she visited and
they made a quilt together and
was hooked since.
She prefers to make
wallhangings and tablerunners
over large quilts. Her
background is one of her
favorite wallhangings.
Marion L.
Her first quilt was a log cabin
style quilt and since then has
become a passion.
Her background quilt was
given to her from the Cotton
Club Quilters and is very dear to
Veronica M.
She started quilting when she
was invited to a quilting group
when she first moved to the
Her background quilt was
chosen because it has bright
Lucinda M.
She loved sewing from an early
age and started a quilt based
on her own design before
realizing there were helpful
books. This quilt is her
background because as she
went through chemo, radiation
treatments, and surgery for
breast cancer it helped her
through the pain.
Christine M.
She started quilting because she
wanted a bedspread.
Her background quilt was
chosen because she liked the
colors and plans on giving it to
her granddaughter.
Elaine M.
She got started quilting by
talking to the employees at the
Delaware Sewing Center and
they intoduced her.
Fall and Chirstmas are her
favorite times of year and using
lob cabins gives a different spin
on the fabric.
Lori M.
She started quilting when she
went to an Amish Auction and
fell in love with the quilts.
She chose her background
because she brought it to Show
and Tell that night.
Marilyn P.
She was invited to take a class
with a friend at the Serendipity
Quilt Shop. After the class she
was hooked on the idea of
Her background quilts are her
Blue Ribbon State Fair
wallhangings. Giraffes are her
Nancy Q.
She started quilting by sewing
together left over clothing
Her background was chosen
because she loves the color
Connie Q.
She picked her background quilt
because it is brightly colored
and she saw the pattern in a
magazine and loved it.
Jan R.
She started quilting because a
friend had shown her samples of
her own work then taught her
how to use a sewing machine.
Her background is memory
quilts of her dogs.
Janis R.
A group of friends wanted to
‘learn to quilt’, so they met with
a local woman to teach them
skills. She taught them basic
quilting skills once a week for
two months. It was all hand
piecing techniques.
Her background quilt is the quilt
that was completed during the
skills training.
Elizabeth R.
She started quilting with friends
at a weekly get together in the
Her background quilt was
chosen because it is an appliqué
pictorial of a fairy tale story.
Kate R.
She started quilting because she
loves to quilt.
Her quilt was chosen because it
is the most recent one she
Barbara S.
She started quilting because a
friend showed her how to make
a quilt for her baby daughter.
Her background quilt is a
challenge quilt done in her
favorite colors.
Sara S.
She always said when she retired
she would start quilting, and
that is what she did.
Her background quilt was just a
beautiful quilt she had recently
Joyce S.
She started quilting in 1986
when she made one block. Later
she joined a church group and
relearned the basic skills to
create a whole quilt.
She has always matched fabric
to a pattern, but her background
quilt is the first time she varied
from the pattern photo.
Shirley S.
She first started to make
clothing for childern. Then after
learning cross stitch, she
decided quilting was the next
Her quilt was chosen because
she likes it.
Lynn S.
She started quilting because
she loves to sew and see all the
pieces come together to make a
Her background quilt was made
by her mother-in-law, hand
pieced and hand quilted.
Pam S.
Her grandmother was a
quilter, and her mother sewed
all their clothes as children. As
she grew older she started
sewing her own clothing. When
she had young sons, she decided
to make a quilt using some of
her grandmothers fabric.
The background quilt is her first
finished hand appliqued quilt.
Ann S.
She started quilting by making
small lap quilts for children who
flew to duffernet destinations to
get medical treatments. Angel
Flight was the program.
Her background quilt is her
most recently finished quilt.
Racheal T.
She had asked a friend to make
her a quilt and was told no, but
if she wanted to learn then the
friend would teach her. The rest
is history.
Her background quilt is called
‘Star Struck’.
Tyla T.
She started at a very young age
pulling out pins and pressing
the machine foot. Then as she
got older she learned how to use
a machine and started sewing
strips for baby quilts.
Her background quilt is an
appliqued owl. Owls are her
favorite animal.
Tracie V.
She started a BOM with friends
so that she could learn to quilt.
She wanted to make a quilt for
her daughter-in-law.
The background quilt is a
friends quilt that she admired.
Evelyn W.
A friend got her involved with
quilting. She brought her to a
quilt store and the rest is history.
Her background quilt is one of
two quilts that is hand quilted.
Pam W.
She is getting ready to retire,
loves sewing and learning new
Her background quilt is her first
finished quilt.
Judy W.
She always enjoyed sewing and
quilting because it was a nice
progression from clothing.
Her background quilt is her first
finished applique.
Mary Z.
Quilting was on her bucket list
and a friend helped her learn.
The background quilt she used
was one that her best friend
brought to guild that night.
Corky Z.
She was a seamstress and
interested in quilting. After
retiring she started to learn
quilting and loved it.
Her background quilt is one that
she recently finished and will be
mailing out shortly.