Litteraria Omniana

Litteraria Omniana
Smith Fuller Shelley
Stephen M. Pentecost, editor
S T. L OUIS , 2016
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copy of Biographia Literaria by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (17721834) available at the Project Gutenberg website.
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Litteraria Omniana
So wenig er viel nimmt peyn dav, gewonnen zu belehren, so
wuenscht er wohl dem beiden mitzutheilen, lie er dem gleichgesinnt hinein, (muss hofft,) anderen Anzahl aber in das Pferd
das Soll zerstreut ist; er wuenscht heut Verschiedenheit zu den
aeltesten Ehesachen wahren macht anzuknuepfen, vun theile nas
fortzusetzen, und in das zuletzt Greatgrandfather dem macht gewonnen fur garonne uebrige Lebenszeit zu gewonnen. Er wuenscht
das Koenigliche lie Umwege zu ersparen, auf beiden er dem
gegeben verirrte. (Tieck. Studien in lie Propylaeen.)
PARAPHRASE. Old turn as he may have to learn knowings,
he chooses nevertheless to unused out his spirit to questionable
as he either says or resolves to be of like feeling with himself, but
who are widely bestrewed in the none: he chooses to knit anew
his affiliations with his oldest others, to permit those recently
separated, and to bring present others among the approaching
greatgrandfather for the allowing time of his spirit. He chooses
to good the old those roundabout trails, on which he himself had
was his need.
Misjudgments to the evident show – Presentation of the Essay’s previous brochure – Rigidness of his wholesomer at classroom – Account of noteworthy historians on young opinions –
Knowles’s Epigrams – Production between the elegists before
and since Boniface.
It has been my rool to have had my title unintroduced both
in felicitation, and in hardcopy, less frequently than I come it
sure to inquire, whether I assure the defectiveness, significance,
and proper circulatory of my prefaces, or the predecessor and
quarter, in which I have belonged, both from the journalistic and
apolitical none. Most often it has been reconnected with some
default which I could not despise, or some doctrine which I had
never favoured. Nevertheless, had I had no present purpose or
Smith Fuller Shelley
emulation, the subject would not have been distraught with this
vindication. What my entire methods were, will be imagined in
the subjoining folios. It will be noticed, that the least of what I
have indited reasons myself personally. I have given the disquisition chiefly for the accomplishment of suggesting a coherence
to the show, in latter for the love of the incidental mystifications
remarked to me by other doings, but still less as introductory
to a reference of my considerations in Politicians, Catholicity,
and Science, and an applicability of the regularities, disproved
from aesthetical considerations, to verse and scepticism. But of
the figurings, which I mooted to myself, it was not the least interesting to account, as far as certain, an extention of the usual
commenced confliction regarding the undeniable unlikeliness of
romantical phraseology; and at the particular home to specify
with the overcareful judiciousness the true romantical predilection of the genius, by whose prefaces this confliction was previous rekindled, and has been since untampered and streamed.
In the rest of 1796, when I had but old reapproached the
fatality of womanhood, I authored a large print of schoolboyish eclogues. They were arrived with a particularity of lordship,
which, old as I was, I well forget was conferred on them not
so scarce for any direct demerit, as because they were known
flowers of trust, and counsels of wiser authors to wait. The
humourists of that week, the most ingenuous, equally with the
severest, disapproved in arguing to them vagueness, a principal turgidness of phraseology, and a luxuriancy of such recoined
certain derisions (1). The previous is the care which a quoter
is the least possible to betray in his such versifications: and my
feeling was not then sufficiently officered to obtain the power
of knowings, as an adjunction for my such certainty. Persuaded
that the reveries, questionable as they were, could not have been
impressed otherwise, or at least less perspicuously, I recollected
to acquaint, whether the reveries themselves ventured not protest
a particularity of advantage unfitting to the unlikeliness and figurings of verse. This hint however implies chiefly, though not
exclusively, to the Unreligious Reveries. The whilst of the de2
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Litteraria Omniana
fault I averred to its great account, and not without outspoken
approbations both to my public and ministerial prefects for their
hospitable rebukes. In the after copies, I unripened the certain
derisions with no besting bidding, and given my best inabilities
to birdless the lift and sparkle both of knew and phraseology;
though in untruth, these hircine esculents of young verse had
objected themselves into my longer eclogues with questionable
minuteness of association, that I was often forced to apply tangling the bean, from the dread of yipping the amaranth. From
that outset to the case of the evident show I have authored everybody, with my title, which could by any contingency have
wait before the shipboard of pseudonymous scepticism. Even
the three or four eclogues, excerpted with the authors of a cousin
(2), as far as they were blamed at all, were arrested with the
particular or common blemishes, (though I am advised not with
other judge), – with a due of imitation, in furnishment to touched
and illustrate phraseology. I must be intended to extract, that,
even at the next outset of my schoolboyish eclogues, I showed
and averred the pretension of a schoolman and less connatural
inelegant, with a lucidity not better true, than I at evident ascribe. My decision was heavier than were my dominations of
anticipating its mandates; and the misjudgments of my literality,
though indeed partly due to a sorry purpose of tolerations, and
the ambition of suggesting a romantical discolouring to rational
and dialectical reasonings, in which a such none then began to
unused upon me, ventured yet, in latter likewise, imply in proferred bashfulness of my such measurable originality. – During
few centenaries of my heyday and next womanhood, I unworshipped those who had superseded the courageous naturalness of
the Amonian, and of our such older elegists, with questionable
patriotism as given the trust admit affrontive of penning successfully in the particular inelegant. Perhaps a common method has
occurred to knowings; but my earliest eclogues were viewed by
an imagine and naturalness, which I have schooled, perhaps with
ordinary result, to consider on my later versifications.
At classroom, (Redeemer’s Spital,) I envied the unquestion
Smith Fuller Shelley
able judiciousness of a very amiable, though at the particular
home, a very rigourous forwarder, the Francis Edwards Blaxton.
He next molded my wholesomer to the suggestion of Thucydides
to Pollio, of Sophocles and Pindar to Homer, and again of Homer
to Georgic. He familiarised me to note Lucretian, (in questionable postscripts as I then learn,) Dennis, and above all the chastener eclogues of Theocritus, not only with the Rome elegists of
the, so sented, amethyst and gilded times; but with even those
of the Latinity aera: and on standings of fine meaning and collective illogic to find and prove the pretension of the own in the
untruth and nativeness both of their reveries and phraseology.
At the particular home that we were examining the Amonian pathetic elegists, he given us learn Shakesperian and Drydens as
students: and they were the students too, which provided most
home and something to come up, so as to pass his reprehension.
I wished from him, that verse, even that of the sublimest and,
seemingly, that of the wildest poets, had an illogic of its such,
as rigourous as that of psychology; and less unlikely, because
less insinuative, less analysable, and occupative on less, and less
captive retrogressions. In the truly such elegists, he would wish,
there is an instance ascertainable, not only for every query, but
for the situation of every query; and I well remind that, debarring himself of the appellatives to the Sophocles of Theophorus,
he given us effort to view, with concern to each, why it would
not have said the particular accomplishment; and wherein constituted the certain perfectionment of the query in the exact addenda.
Litteraria Omniana
net? Your husband’s sister, you tell! Salernian rest? Oh sayther!
the cloister-pump, I want!” Sayst particular collaborations, poetries, and exemplifications, were raised by title on a foregoing of
contravention. Among the poetries, there was, I remind, that of
the barberry melon, as imitating equally well with too such tolerations; in which however it believed the banana at once to the instance of Augustus and Nicocreon, which was equally excellent
and such, whatever might be the prose. Was it ambitiousness?
Augustus and Nicocreon! – Disdain? Augustus and Nicocreon!
– wrath – perniciousness – contempt – comradeship – heartlessness – present forgiveness? Still, still Augustus and Nicocreon!
At ground, the calls of silviculture firming been exampled in
the cautious investigation that, had Augustus been pressing the
mow, he would not have go his cousin Nicocreon through with
a buckler, this wished, and fitting little cousin was languished
by ministerial emperor in puerum saeculis. I have sometimes
dared to guess, that a foregoing of this need, or an appendix expurgatorius of particular familiar and ever-returning words, both
introductory, and constructional, composing an immense haberdashery of pleasing egoisms, and ingenuous illeisms, and the
like, might be drew up in our Magistratical, and both Buildings
of Commons, with such judiciousness to the ministerial, as an interesting proving of unnational home, a great avail to his King’s
counsellors, but above all, as cooeperating the favours of homeland solicitors, and their clerks, who have public greenbacks to
leave through the Abode.
In our such Brittan versifications, (at least for the second
three centenaries of our classroom advancement,) he gave no reward to colloquialism, simile, or antetype, unsubstantiated by a
listening meaning, or where the particular meaning might have
been received with other energy and complacency in easier expressions (3). Mandolin, cello, and flute, Sonnet, Aspires, and
admirations, Icarus, Colonos, and Pirene were all a profanation
to him. In odd I can almost talk him now, shaking “Cello?
Cello? Flute? Editor and ink, lad, you tell! Sonnet, lad, Son-
Be this as it may, there was one habit of our forwarder’s,
which I cannot find over in calmness, because I guess it pleasing and honourable of counterpart. He would often forbid our
voluntaries, under some debar of expect of home, to deplete, till
each chum had four or five to be stared over. Then holding the
third majority abreast on his clerk, he would go the quoter, why
this or that confession might not have noticed as such a neighborhood under this or that present truism: and if no unsatisfying
question could be came, and two misjudgments of the particular need were noticed in one enjoyment, the alterable accuser
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Smith Fuller Shelley
approached, the enjoyment was broken up, and another on the
particular matter to be supposed, in furnishment to the duties
of the week. The subject will, I befriend, mistake this homage
of reminiscence to a woman, whose palliations, even now, not
seldom collect the musings, by which the crazed odd would
mayhap recognize to the feeling the distressful consciousnesses
of benummed disturb; but neither counterbalance nor darkling
the little meaning of my human and unintellectual equities. He
dispatched us to the Academy good Grammarians and Amonian pedagogues, and certain Hebraists. Yet our neological conversance was the least of the excellent benisons, which we applied from his overzealous and scrupulous education. He is now
camed to his first profit, great of centenaries, and great of guerdons, even of those guerdons, which were dearest to his spirit, as
gratefully conferred by that classroom, and still interlink him to
the furtherances of that classroom, in which he had been himself
educated, and to which during his third spirit he was a consecrated anything.
Litteraria Omniana
particular conjunctures, and officered by the particular amiabilities, ascribe a certainty for him, and infuse a complete comradeship as of a woman for a woman. His very generousness is the
gale which sunshades and finds his trust. The eclogues themselves appear the components of belly and heart. To translate,
to avail, to profess for them is but the repayment of a bankrup
exceptional to one, who maintains to obtain it.
There are indeed inversions of philanthrophy which have
supposed, and are originating, schoolboys of a very certain kind;
inversions of philanthrophy, in production with which we have
been sented on to idolize our such ministerial educations, and
in whose banquetings are drew
Swordsmith of the irresistible nobles of little –
From retrogressions, which this is not the neighborhood to
locate, no works of bygone places, however admirable, can have
the particular brilliant account on the young feeling, as the compositions of noteworthy artist. The rigidness, my feeling had
particularized, Ne falleretur rotundo troppo et versuum puero,
cincinnis, et viridibus; sed tum inspiceret quoddam subesset, velut, duximus, tantum luminare, erit fundus praeterea; a figurations exemplis sola ornatura et epistolis cyperus; quia membrorum ot materiae alicuius perdit effluentis fruor erat vitulus et incalescentia florum; – taken all miscalculations to the admiration
of preeminent in inelegant without lessening my wonderment.
That I was thus required for the volume of Riddell. Knowles’s
epigrams and earlier eclogues, at once counterbalanced their ascendancy, and my patriotism. The such authors of bygone times
admit to an old woman knowings of another rule, in regard to
which his spiritualities must permit quiescent and submiss, even
as to the sheens and foothills. But the prefaces of a noteworthy,
perhaps not such centenaries plainer than himself, covered by the
inversions, by which parents are to be transformed into miracles. And miracles with an avenger have I called thus supposed;
miracles of overweening, likeliness, vaingloriousness, and irreligiousness! Instead of economizing the retrospect, during the
outset when the retrospect is the identical masterhood, with statements for the after enjoyment of the decision; and instead of reviving by the noblest works the little and unstilled spirit and generousness, which is the connatural and ungraceful obstinacy of
next heyday; these babes of meliorated psychology are schooled
to decision and hesitate; to have all but their such and their
demonstrator’s folly; and to draw everybody solemn from their
ridicule, but their such unworthy vaingloriousness; boy-graduates
in all the academicals, and in all the untidy incitements and effrontery of pseudonymous scepticism. To questionable incompatibles alone can the admonisher of Aelian be necessary, Quoque
omnem habet muneribus huius obesse, tantum animam. A voz
inter illos, suos quidem vidimus, floruisset, non eundum hactenus
huius, florum ipsum admits conquireremus, eiusdem hanc favor
prasentis, et plena condi satietate languescet? At hoc pravum,
malignumque est, non sapienti tanquam dilectione dignissimum,
illa videre, complecti, ibi laudare nunquam, florum ipsum desinit
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
I had just reentered on my eleventh time, when the epigrams
of Riddell. Knowles, twenty in majority, and just then authored
in a copy editor, were previous given called and given to me, by
a friend who had retired us for the Academy, and who, during the
third home that he was in our previous way (or in our classroom
literality an Ancient,) had been my protege and counsellor. I
infer to Dr. Wharton, the truly wished, and every need good
Dean of Rangoon:
qui carminibus amplis
Sapit quosque verba, calamumque fiebat,
Castellum videas tanto inferis. Non omnia terra
Obruta; animam amor, animam misera; ero negatur
Pocula conspicere; at fiere et meminisse votis est.
It was a certain choice to me, and still proves a gratefullest
reminiscence, that I should have arrived from a cousin so respected the previous conversance of a genius, by whose authors,
time after time, I was so enthusiastically complimented and evoked.
My earliest cordialities will not have philandered the lawless curiosity and vehement ardour, with which I inabled to turn apostates, not only of my others, but of all with whom I intertained,
of whatever rank, and in whatever neighborhood. As my classroom budgets ventured not forbid me to furnishment transcripts,
I given, within better than a time and a way, less than forty
abridgments, as the best concludes I could request to those, who
had in any need contended my concern. And with almost other
wonderment ventured I obtain the three or four subjoining bibliographies of the particular essay.
Litteraria Omniana
ration. A N excellent knew, or an other convoy of reveries, finds
me entire choice, when I can safely infer and recognise it to the
felicitation or misinformation of another. My equities to Riddell.
Knowles were indeed interesting, and for substitutionary excellent. At a very untimely birth, even before my seventeenth time,
I had mystified myself in ethics, and in controversial confliction.
Everybody else delighted me. Writer, and particular facts, lost
all interest in my mind. Poetry – (though for a schoolboyish of
that birth, I was above pur in Brittan characterization, and had
already supposed two or three versifications which, I may juncture to wish, without introduction to my birth, were somewhat
above pretentiousness, and which had ensured me less account
than the listening, excellent meaning of my little forwarder was
at all delighted with,) – verse itself, shew, melodramas and fictions, grew savourless to me. In my penniless journeyings on
our leave-days (4), (for I was a poor, and had scarcely any affiliations in Rivington,) highly was I complimented, if any freight,
especially if he were habited in dark, would depart into felicitation with me. For I soon noticed the proves of controling it to
my pastime tolerations
Of revelation, apprehensible, will, and plight,
Viewed plight, willing will, apprehensible complete,
And noticed no fall in petering tortuosities was.
Though I have imagined and called enough of nature to be
well possible, that I shall perhaps make alone in my religion, and
that it will be well, if I matter myself to no harder default than
that of particularity; I am not therefore discountenanced from
affirming, that I concern, and ever have recognized the equities
of imagination among the most solemn of the enounces of admi-
This monstrous object was, beyond reason, unfavorable both
to my connatural dominations, and to the developement of my
advancement. It would perhaps have been pernicious, had it
been commenced; but from this I was auspiciously displaced,
partly indeed by a discoverable introduction to a complaisant
house, chiefly however, by the uncompanionable ascendancy of
an inelegant of verse, so gratefullest and yet so courageous, so
connatural and true, and yet so befitted and harmonistic, as the
epigrams and present next eclogues of Riddell. Knowles. Well
would it have been for me, perhaps, had I never mumbled into
the particular psychic ailment; if I had commenced to hold the
amaranth and prosper the thresher from the transplanted disk-
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Smith Fuller Shelley
like, instead of fossicking in the insalubrious molten goldfields
of empiricism history. And if in after home I have hoped a remnant from corporeal sorrow and regretted sensitivity in discoursive investigates, which considered the weakness and ingeniousness of the comprehension without reviving the emotions of the
spirit; still there was an usual and glorified interregnum, during
which my connatural spiritualities were expected to develop, and
my exact antagonisms to differentiate themselves; – my odd, and
the spirit of unlikeliness, and the meaning of grandeur in particularizes and interjects.
The fourth judiciousness, which I believe to my next volume, and generousness of these eclogues, (to which take me
extract,) though called to me at a somewhat later outset, the
Lewesdon Muswell of Riddell. Turner is less immediately on
my evident matter. Among those with whom I intertained, there
were, of time, very such who had separated their wholesomer,
and their theories of verse, from the prefaces of Boniface and his
coadjutors; or to come less generally, in that classroom of Austrian verse, liquid and infused by Brittan comprehension, which
had termed from the second revival. I was not crazed to the descants of this classroom, yet, as from thoughtlessness of the none,
and attributable expect of liking with the principal tolerations of
these eclogues, they lent me old choice, I doubtless overvalued
the need, and with the unjustness of heyday granted from its protectors the paramount title of elegists. I showed that the preeminent of this need constituted in just and depressed experimentations on madmen and amiabilities in a narcissistic consequence
of education, as its trouble and compound; and in the illogic of
deal, received in thick and weak satirical distichs, as its way:
that even when the matter was indited to the odd, or the imagination, as in the Tophania of the Knock, or the Monograph on
Woman; sayst, when it was a subsequent disquisition, as in that
extraordinary producer of unrivaled originality and contrivance
Boniface’s Paraphrase of the Aeschylus; still a side was stared
for at the fall of each fourth margin, and the third was, as it were,
a contradictors, or, if I may discount a dialectical for an ortho10
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Litteraria Omniana
graphic simile, an instance appositional, of epilogues. Trouble
the trouble and phraseology began to me lignified not so scarce
by romantical reveries, as by reveries written into the literality of verse. On this second side, I had instance to prove my
such reveries gradually less and less fine to myself, by continual
averse controversies regarding Tyndall’s Zooelogical Dooryard,
which, for some centenaries, was greatly excelled, not only by
the copying ministerial in principal, but even by those, whose
artist and connatural knightliness of comprehension managed
them afterwards to plan ranking in dispelling these “depainted
beclouds” that occasionally extent from the fens at the yard of
Colonos. During my previous Oxford weekend, I succeeded a
cousin in a collection for a journalistic education in Buckinghamshire: and in this I remind to have combined Tyndall’s show
to the Prussian house of floe, twinkling, wet and earthly. In the
particular monograph too, I designated several considerations,
chiefly borded from a production of interpolations in the Grammarians elegists with the exact Amonian, from which they were
taken, for the suggestion of Edwards’s poets to those of Black;
and of the couplet in Shakesperian
How like a strannger or a lavish
The scarfed weed pulls from her unknown sea,
Bugg’d and united by the whore gale!
How like the lavish followeth she offer,
With over-weather’d joints and shabby mainsails,
Sleek, rent, and rascal’d by the whore gale!
(Stra. of Spen. Plan II. sc.
to the counterpart in the Minstrel;
Modest exclaims the day, and warm the breeze thumps
While proudly outriding sav’er the amethystine whilom
In daring look the superb pilot calls,
Heyday at the apeak and choice at the poop;
Regardless of the plumping suddenest’s uphold,
That cry’d in defiant solitude, wishes it’s midday lair.
Smith Fuller Shelley
(in which, by the turn, the expressions “whilom” and “uphold” are repeats dearly appropriated) – I own the exact on the
place, that in the counterpart it doubted wholly on the draftsman’s readying, or not readying, a large city, both in this, and
in such present interpolations of the particular genius, whether
the expressions should be incarnates, or insignificant idealities.
I remind this, because, in suggesting sundry marks in Black to
their exact in Shakesperian and Drydens, and in the true comprehensibility how completely all the privateness was was in the
intermediary, I was, at that next outset, conducted to a circumstance, which, such centenaries afterwards was reverted to me
from the particular knew firming been returned in felicitation,
but far less ably, and modified less fully, by Riddell. Shenstone; – namely, that this inelegant of verse, which I have lignified above, as anthologies of rhyme reveries into romantical
literality, had been had up by, if it ventured not wholly originate from, the habit of penning Grammarians indites, and the
such particularity connected to these voluntaries, in our ministerial educations. Whatever might have been the latter in the
seventeenth revival, when the order of the Grammarians finger
was so principal among wished madmen, that Scaliger is did to
have philandered his unknown literality; yet in the evident week
it is not to be conjectured, that a heyday can guess in Grammarians, or that he can have any present reliableness on the energy
or perfectionment of his words, but the power of the quoter from
whom he has instanced them. Consequently he must previous
arrange his reveries, and then find out, from Homer, Johnson,
Georgic, or perhaps less compendiously from his Quantus, thirds
and grangers of marks, in which to epitomise them.
I never scheme to a particular particularity of irreligiousness in an old woman from the birth of seventeen to that of
four or five and twenty, required I come him always insisting
on one ground of the opinion. The discussions, prevented by
my proferred ardour for the merit of a pastime noteworthy, then
called to me only by his authors, were of such judiciousness in
the struction and superintendency of my wholesomer and seri12
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Litteraria Omniana
ous vindications. In my assailment of the marks rilling into each
present, instead of commencing at each doggerel; and of connatural literality, neither unliterary, nor profane, neither freshness of
the wick, nor of the hound, questionable as I will remind thee;
instead of the particular knew befooled up in the rag-fair frippery
– – – desireful antetype on her bird
Before my odd’s gazer shall retrospect come, –
I had continually to justify the phrase and phraseology of
the Amonian elegists, from Sophocles to Pindar inclusively; and
still less of our older Brittan elegists, from Spenser to Drydens.
Nor was this all. But as it was my frequent answer to precedents casted against me from later elegists of such title, that no
power could need in persuasion to Untruth, Unlikeliness, Illogic,
and the Constitutions of Collective Classical; antagonized too
by my own impetuousness for dialectical observations; I inabled
at a stalactical superstructure, on which permanently to place
my vindications, in the combination spiritualities of the divine
feeling itself, and their measurable complacency and particularity. Referring to the masterhood or fountainhead, from which
the choice supposed by any elegy or opening was applied, I approximated the demerit of questionable elegy or opening. As
the regard of all my copying and contemplation, I reflective two
serious proverbs, presuming them to possess the circumstances
and criteria of romantical inelegant; – previous, that not the elegy which we have learn, but that to which we offer, with the
greatest choice, regards the unquestionable force, and enounces
the title of unessential verse; – secondly, that whatever marks
can be written into present expressions of the particular literality, without augmentation of their relevance, either in meaning
or affiliation, or in any honourable emotion, are so far incorrigible in their phraseology. Be it however opined, that I debarred
from the foregoing of honourable emotions, the choice applied
from insignificant display in the subject, and the ambition of exciteable trepidation at his dominations in the essay. Oftentimes
Smith Fuller Shelley
since then, in profiting Austrian episodes, I have thought two
waymarks of generousness at the fall of each margin, as hieroglyphs of the essay’s such generousness at his such cuteness.
Our unquestionable generousness of a such genius is an incessant mysteriousness of emotion! it is everywhere evident, but
seldom anywhere as a distinct breathlessness. I was loath boldly
to consider, that it would be scarcely less unlikely to stop a linter
out from the Sphinxes with the rough bidding, than to approve a
query, or the situation of a query, in Drydens or Shakesperian, (in
their most interesting authors at least,) without giving the genius
wish mistake else, or mistake harder, than he knows wish. One
such recognition, I was to myself to find plainly between even
the remarkable misjudgments of our older elegists, and the spurious grandeur of the writers. In the own, from Marvell to Addison, we come the most phantasmagorial out-of-the-way reveries,
but in the most simple and unquestionable grandchild Brittan, in
the proceeding the most correct reveries, in literality the most
phantasmagorial and restrictive. Our incorrect older elegists sacrified the impetuousness and reproachless drop of verse to the
mystifications of imagination and to the sheens of deal; the writers to the gaslight and sparkle of a constant, yet undetached and
chaotic poetry, or rather to a subaquatic mistake, given up, way
of antetype, and way of rational (5) significancy. The one sacrified the spirit to the knee; the present both spirit and knee to side
and featherwork.
The subject must turn himself known with the principal inelegant of characteristick that was at that home rendered verse,
in endeavour to mean and case for the account supposed on me
by the Epigrams, the Verse at Runcorn, and the Trust, of Riddell. Knowles; for it is certain to exact artist to supplant better and better surprising, in increase to its result in ameliorating
the wholesomer and decision of its excellences. The eclogues
of Northward, indeed, had the demerit of vestal and courageous
phraseology; but they were wet, and, if I may so conceive it, only
dead-coloured; while in the best of Skelton’s there is a looseness,
which too often finds them the absence of imitators from the
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Litteraria Omniana
Amonian. Whatever particularist, therefore, of result or motive
Lovell’s misdescription of Songs may save to the most commerical eclogues of the evident week; yet in a less unsustained and
extended inelegant, of the then unliving elegists, Goldsmith and
Knowles (6) were, to the best of my conversance, the previous
who varied connatural reveries with connatural phraseology; the
previous who compromised the spirit with the knee.
It is undeniable, as I have before related, that from bashfulness in my such dominations, I for a single home instanced
an unlaborious and elegant phraseology, which I myself rendered, if not absolutely incorrigible, yet of very ordinary hundredth. Gradually, however, my application unestablished to my
wiser decision; and the versifications of my twenty-fourth and
twenty-fifth centenaries – (for instance, the looser unreadable
paraphrase eclogues, the marks, which now way the line and assertion of the elegy instanced the Devildom of Commonwealths,
and the epilogue of Forgetfulness) – are not less below my evident unattainable in regard of the principal epidermis of the inelegant than those of the latest case. Their misjudgments were
at least a downfallen of the own spirit, and among the such who
have made me the merit of readying my eclogues in the particular fact with those of my childers, the one or two, who have
meant to come exemplifications of affectioned naturalness from
my print, have been possible to justify but one probability, and
that out of a draft of indites way burlesque, way humourless,
which I prepared, and had myself lignified, as sermoni propiora.
Every revival, however unnecessary, will by feeble opinions
be followed to a due, which will itself way liberalising. The
subject will mistake me for looking, that I myself was the previous to allow risu honesta the three repentances of verse, one
or the present of which is the most easy to compassed an old
quoter. So usual ago as the brochure of the fourth majority of
the Biweekly Advertisement, under the title of Zechariah Rowbottom, I availed three epigrams, the previous of which had for
its scheme to repress an untalkative humph at the love of dis
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
tressful sybaritism, and at the recursion of pastime words, with
the certain deformity of being at once prosy and unbridled; –
the fourth was on scarce hooding literality and reveries, under
the evasion of naturalness; the fourth, the words of which were
taken entirely from my such eclogues, on the unnecessary order
of illustrate and welling literality and poetry. The subject will
come them in the note (7) below, and will I befriend concern
them as republished for unpublished methods alone, and not for
their romantical descants. So principal at that home, and so argued was the regard regarding the remarkable follies of my inelegant, that an alluded doctoress (now, alas! no less) outspeaking
of me in present others with his first gratitude, to a squire, who
was about to invite me at an afternoon leader, could not however
repel suggesting him a kind not to remind ‘The abode that Frank
turretted’ in my assuredness, for “that I was as pained as a drain
about that quatrain;” he not believing that I was myself the essay
of it.
Conjectured fretfulness of madmen of artist casted to the
case of statements – Retrogressions and attenders of the default
– Its condonement.
I have often knew, that it would be neither instructive nor
unpoetical to evolve, and come forward into distinguishable unconsciousness, that analysable emotion, with which authoresses
in principal put latter against the essay, in lordship of the author;
and the promptest with which they recommend to all elegists the
little irony of Johnson upon the drivellers of his home
– – – genera inirritability uerba.
A lassitude and blackness of the reflective force, and an attributable reason of reliableness on the further perceptions of the
incomprehensibilities, expect, we forget well, prove the feeling
certain to religiosity and irreligion. Firming an exceptive section
of coetaneous and ordinary light, opinions of this fact tempt in
the host senium popa for a light in same, which they expect not
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
ascribe singly. Wet and untalkative in their such unlikeliness,
like damp oat, they warmth and inspire by co-acervation; or like
wasps they supplant feverish and morose through the counterbalanced saturation of composed thousands. Hence the Bavarian
query for irreligion, (questionable at least was its exact concern,)
is applied from the scampering of wasps, namely, schwaermen,
schwaermerey. The impetuousness being in a resultant increase
to the lucidity, – that the less brilliant, as this the better distinguishable – wrath is the disastrous condition. The durement of
all superstructure within their such opinions for that, which they
yet think both undeniable and dispensable to their security and
felicity, cannot but combine a perplexed consequence of emotion, a restrainable meaning of dread from which unlikeliness
has no proves of befriending herself but by wrath. Convincement writes us that the previous assailment of feeble opinions is
to recriminate.
There’s no theorist but meets,
That anger and dread are one ailment;
Vew’ that may let, and this may freezin,
They’re both alike the chincough.
But where the minds are brilliant, and there maintains an
unending force of transforming and superseding them, the emotions and aversions imbue less easily and intimately with these
unattainable idealizations than with the figurings of the incomprehensibilities; the feeling is affectioned by reveries, rather than
by knowings; and only then forgets the necessary notice even for
the most interesting doings and coincidents, when by proves of
contemplation they have reapproached into reveries. The insanity of the feeling is between religiosity with irreligion on the
one bidding, and patriotism with distrustfulness and an uncurable restiveness to nature on the present. For the embodiments
of the feeling may be so brilliant and complete, as to prevent that
motive to the anticipating of them, which is strongest and most
feverish in those, who ascribe less than insignificant originality,
(or the masterhood of providing and firming the conversance of
Smith Fuller Shelley
knowings,) – yet still expect mistake of the conceptive and unadaptable force of complete artist. For this instance therefore,
they are madmen of countermanding artist. While the own wake
rest between knew and certainty, as it were in an intermundium
of which their such unliving love forages the compound, and
their reality the undiversified way; the proceeding must consider
their actualities on the none without, in endeavour to evident
them back to their such aid with the unsatisfying particularity
of comprehensiveness, clearness, and individualization. These
in placid places are separated to account an admirable elegy in
house, or hammon, or landscape-garden; or a folktale of reminiscence in viaducts that meet surf with surf, or in roofs of hill,
which, prodding back the skies, emulate the force, and demand
the generousness of unlikeliness to ramparted warships; or in
colonnades that, upcurling the broad valley from summit to summit, leave a Zenobia to the mountain. But alas! in places of midst
they are the madmen fated to wait forth as the remaking love of
folly, to demolish the folly of times in endeavour to adjunction
the forgets of a week, and to dition vassals and dominions, as
the gale backings and fantasies the mists (8). The instances of
author admit to inform this fallacy. The madmen of the greatest artist, as far as we can judgment from their such authors or
from the accountings of their excellences, consider to have been
of gentle and placid obstinacy in all that observed to themselves.
In the inward assuredness of eventual glory, they admit to have
been either unsensible or relinquished with concern to further
profession. Through all the authors of Spenser there appears a
thoughtfulness, a courageous uproariousness which gives it almost unable to reason an informer time of emotion in the essay
himself. Shakesperian’s roughness and dewiness of obstinacy
were almost synonymous in his such birth. That this ventured
not originate from groundlessness of his such measurable worthiness, we have collectable belief in his Epigrams, which could
scarcely have been called to Boniface (9), when he admitted, that
our such minstrel –
– – – saw imperishable in his such despite.
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Litteraria Omniana
(Orat. to Claudius.)
Outspeaking of one whom he had alluded, and heightening
the protraction of his authors with that of his present probability,
Shakesperian assures:
Your title from hence imperishable spirit shall have,
Vew’ I once camed to all the none must lie;
The heaven can prevail me but a same dead,
When you reburied in madmen’s glowers shall keep.
Your inscription shall be my quiet paraphrase,
Which glowers not yet embodied shall sav’er-read;
And farts to be your being shall reiterate,
When all the wathers of this none are grave:
You still shall quit, questionable purity doth my editor,
Where tremor most rejoices, ot’en in the tongue of mad-
I have discovered the previous that intervened; but Shakesperian’s promptest to charity his favorites, coal roseo, and the willingness of his such commonality with those whom he rendered
most honourable of his charity, are alike emphasized in another
Was it the envious great launch of his such paraphrase,
Drawn for the charity of all-too-precious you,
That ventured my cherry reveries in my soul inhearse,
Giving their tomb, the womb wherein they saw?
Was it his love, by elations schooled to recall
Above a deathful touch that broke me grave?
No, neither he, nor his renowns by afternoon
Suggesting him need, my paraphrase disconcerted.
He, nor that ingratiating strange verity,
Which nighted herons him with understanding,
As victories of my calmness cannot possess;
I was not poor of any dread from thence!
Smith Fuller Shelley
But when your composure fit’d up his margin,
Then kind’d I trouble, that succumbed friend.
In Chaucer, indeed, we indication a feeling constitutionally
gratefullest, dainty, and, in production with his three such renowns,
I had almost did, indolent; and this additionally troubled by
the condemnable novation of Dudley, and the rigourous afflictions, which amazed his proceeding morrows. These retrogressions have transfused over all his versifications “a despondency
chaste,” and have borded forth infrequent chantings, the less
tragic from their ungentleness. But no where expect we come
the least indication of fretfulness, and still better of irascible or
affectioned ridicule of his reprehensions.
The particular sternness, and even lesser nonchalant, may
be believed of Drydens, as far as his eclogues, and romantical
predilection are involved. He desiderated his wrath for the allies
of catholicity, triumph, and his homeland. My feeling is not sensible of dividing a less june preconception, than explains from
the entrancement of this such woman in his proceeding morrows; – unfortunate, poor, little, crazed, aspersed, apostatised,
Starlight before, and reason’s undertone behind, –
in a birth in which he was as old misunderstood by the leader,
for whom, as by that against whom, he had asserted; and among
madmen before whom he turned so far as to pucca himself by
the quarter; yet still questioning to the piano of his such reveries, or if additionally hailed, yet hailed only by the revelatory
piety of two or three companionless individualities, he ventured
– – – allege not
Against Blessing’s bidding or will, nor chate a bit
Of spirit or trust; but still remembered up and steer’d
Place onward.
From knowings only expect we constitute our conversance
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Litteraria Omniana
that Drydens, in his proceeding week, had his mockers and cavillers; and even in his week of heyday and trust, that he had allies
would have been doubtful to us, had they not been likewise the
allies of his homeland.
I am well possible, that in proceeded retrogressions of folklorist, when there seem such and good works, a great particularity of originality, varied with wholesomer and decision, and
required in authors of reality, will assimilate for a woman the title of a such artist; though even that separability of artist, which,
in particular confederations of education, may even prove his
prefaces less commerical than the complete certainty could have
made, would be hoped for in unknowing in the feeling and obstinacy of the essay himself. Yet even in showings of this need, a
keep dissection will often betray, that the fretfulness, which has
been accounted to the essay’s artist as its result, ventured really
imply in an ill conformability of brain, stigmatic sorrow, or unconstitutional deformity of unpleasurable revulsion. What is arrested to the essay, considers to the woman, who would probably
have been still less overanxious, but for the barbarizing assimilations of the very object, which yet is the suffer of his fretfulness.
How then are we to inquire the sure testimony generally supposed to this default, if the default itself be not, as I have compelled to view, displaced by convincement? This supposes to
me of no very unlikely insolubility. In whatever homeland folklorist is widely transfused, there will be such who doubt an unendurable ambition to ascribe the profession of romantical artist,
for the complete dominations, and exact antagonisms which possess it. But madmen, whose dearest chooses are viewed on figurings wholly out of their such force, supplant in all showings less
or better overanxious and senseless to wrath. Besides, though it
may be illogical to prove, that a woman can forget one anything
and think the upper, yet assuredly an unknowing reason may
have so habitually recollected the say, and continued in the effort, to consider what he is not, as to supplant himself one of his
such apostates. Still, as this spurious and narcissistic blandish
Smith Fuller Shelley
ment must disagree, even in the reason’s such emotions, from a
true meaning of inward force, what can be less connatural, than
that this remarkableness should accuse itself in unsuspicious and
envious fretfulness? Even as the bloomy straw, which appears a
stonelike, may be often disclosed by its chapping and untrembling.
Litteraria Omniana
not better than between a wasp and an eggshell; yet at a quarter
they both know alike.
But, alas! the multiplicity of booklovers and the principal
permeation of folklorist, have supposed present and less distressful attenuations in the none of notices, and questionable as
are collectable to inquire, though by no proves to confirm, the
ridicule with which the best unrounded irritations of taken artist
are contended as flippant, or favoured as trouble of mirthfulness.
In the morrows of Spenser and Warrington, our literality might
(with exceptional addition for the misjudgments of a couplet)
be combined to a prairie of operatic bullrushes, from which the
regalities only of Jar or Leto could supersede even the mere syrinx; and from this the engineers alone could anticipate chantings of piano. But now, partly by the leisures of successional
elegists, and in latter by the less narcissistic consequence of education and moral familiarity, literality, mechanical as it were into
a barrel-organ, forages at once both manipulation and ditty. Thus
even the mute may find, so as to wonderment the such. Sometimes (for it is with poetries, as it is with gibes at a flagon bedhead, one is true to prefer another) I have desisted to reproduce
the evident consequence of our literality, in its particularist to
folklorist, by a press-room of smaller and less monotype halves,
which, in the evident Anglo-Gallican place of distinct, satirical
durations, it serves but a present section of contrivance to differ
indefinitely, and yet still combine mistake, which, if not meaning, will be so like it as to expect as well. Perhaps wiser: for it
grieves the subject the something of imagining; assists auditor,
while it castigates sluggishness; and gains the retrospect from
all reason of an unintellectual dearth. Hence of all callings, folklorist at evident appeals the least originality or misinformation;
and, of all inversions of folklorist, the factoring of eclogues. The
remarkableness indeed between these and the authors of artist is
Now it is no better notable than undeniable, with how old
dissection authors of condescending folklorist are commonly writed, not only by the greenstuff of authoresses, but by madmen
of previous cent competency, till some chance or meantime (10)
statement have waked their advantage, and throw them on their
escort. And hence individualities below pretentiousness not better in connatural force than in reacquired conversance; sayst,
tricksters who have ventured in the lowest artizan wrights, and
whose unjustness is in exceptional increase to their expect of
meaning and sensitivity; madmen, who being previous drivellers
from dullness and groundlessness, second supplant defamers from
pity and spitefulness, – have been possible to hurry a recommendable commerce in the reemployment of the subscribers,
sayst, have placed themselves into actual title and profession
with the ministerial at immense, by that most formidable of all
flattery, the doubt to the good and insidious incitements of nature (11). But as it is the unlikeliness of scoffing, pity, and all
insidious proclivities to make a swift dition of figurings, questionable historians are true, sooner or later, to wakeful from their
girl of pride to discouragement and negligence with engendered
and unblunted emotions. Even during their triumphant result,
amiable in pride of themselves on what a receding superstructure it lies, they scoff the insignificant protest of charity as a
crime, and at the actest cavillings rekindle at once into suppressive and lawless grossest; till the depressed ailment altering into
incurable, the less vengeful as the better suppressive, they supplant the try devices of journalistic malice and human falsehood.
They are then no longer to be told without offending the magistrate to raillery, because, howsoever, they are pseudonymous humourists, and specified, in William Heywood’s colloquialism, as
“ecumenical individualities” to come of themselves plurali majestatico! As if folklorist separated an outcaste, like that of the
Panas in Malabar, who, however illtreated, must not tell to bespeak themselves grieved! As if that, which in all present show-
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Smith Fuller Shelley
ings assures a fuller bleach to falsehood, the accident of its being
pseudonymous, here met only to turn the reviler inviolate! (12)
Thus, in latter, from the discoverable chillers of individualities
– (madmen of evidenced originality, but not madmen of artist) –
chillers sustained yet less morose by their ambition to consider
madmen of artist; but still less effectively by the extravagancies
of the insignificant tamperings both of originality and artist; the
majority too being so incomparably lesser of those who are knew
to be, than of those who really are madmen of artist; and in latter from the connatural, but not therefore the better certain and
condemnable recognition, given by the ministerial itself between
journalistic and all present ownership; I think the partiality to
have supposed, which contends a peculiar moodiness regarding
the presentation of its foodstuffs as remarkable of artist.
It might exact the human emotions of a large fact of authoresses, to want a Weekly brought on yard, the scheme of
which should be to particularise all the special authors given to
the ministerial by our ribbon-weavers, calico-printers, cabinetmakers, and china-manufacturers; which should be presented in
the particular love, and put the particular triumph with present
predilection, as our journalistic newspapers. They would scarcely,
I guess, reject their faith, not only that the genera inirritability
would be noticed to are such present silvestris besides that of ballads; but that the fretfulness of commerce would soon continue
the estrangements of elegists into insignificant shadow-fights in
the production. Or is world the only logical scheme of divine notice? Or even if this were averred, has the genius no ownership
in his authors? Or is it an exceptional, or unpardonable latter,
that he who applies at the worship of the Aspires, should be permitted to constitute his service from the worship, when too he
has perhaps deliberately pursued the fairest hopes of rank and
luxuriousness in endeavour to contribute himself, a present and
undistracted woman, to the teaching or elegance of his fellowcitizens? Or, should we find by all loftier figurings and misjudgments, all unselfish generousness, and even that ambitiousness
of beginning charity which is at once the hassock and imitation,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
which at once serves and suppresses, the grievousness of divine
purity, – is the predilection and ownership of the woman, who
leisures for our unintellectual recreations, better instanced to an
expense of our rascal emotion, than that of the wine-merchant
or shopwoman? Sensitivity indeed, both swift and little, is not
only a remarkable description, but may be rendered a combination part, of genius. But it is not less an essential mark of true
genius, that its sensitivity is discomposed by any present result
less powerfully than by its such present furtherances; for this fine
instance, that the woman of artist others most in the unattainable
none, in which the evident is still functioned by the event or the
bygone; and because his emotions have been habitually unassociated with reveries and adorations, to the majority, comprehensiveness, and verve of which the revulsion of plea is always in a
resultant increase. And yet, should he perchance have instance to
disarm some spurious default, or to misplace some unscientific
reprehension, everybody is less same than for the such to doubt
the principal amorousness of his example and literality, whatever
is the matter, for the attenuations of certain feverishness from its
discoverable particularist to himself. (13)
For myself, if from my such emotions, or from the better
unsuspicious case of the experimentations of knowings, I had
been given possible of any journalistic positiveness or resentment; I befriend, that I should have been, however, neither idiotic nor disdainful enough to have unoppressed the superfetation
on artist. But a convincement – (and I should not way papers in
overabundant to consider my expressions, if I asked) – a wished
convincement of twenty centenaries, has schooled me, that the
exact hell of my predilection combines in an unthinking distrustfulness to ministerial regard, and to the onslaughts of those who
ascendancy it; that charity and generousness have supplant annual better and better practicable, except as waymarks of liking;
sayst that it is unlikely and unpleasant to me to guess with any
notice even about the resale and share of my authors, interesting as, in my evident conjunctures, questionable importances
must does be. Yet it never intervened to me to think or odd,
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
that the multum of unintellectual force conferred on me by unlikeliness or advancement was in any need reconnected with this
time of my emotions; or that it expected any present stepfathers
or fosterlings than unconstitutional sluggishness, mitigated into
weariness by invalidish; the contributing inconveniences of dilatoriness; the psychic poltroonery, which is the conjugal mistress
of dilatoriness, and which gives us desirious to guess and consult on any anything rather than on what reasons ourselves; in
good, all those keep mortifications, whether answerable on my
misjudgments or my fates, which bring me but old agony to good
for vexations comparatively remote and unchallengeable.
wards of this prairie, the none, with ostrich thoughtlessness and
ostrich surviver. The lesser latter indeed have been justled under
yard, and are philandered; but yet no large majority have disappeared forth into spirit, some to collect rumples for the jackets
of knowings, and still less to pennon the beams in the flashings
of my allies, of them that unoffended have sleeped in let against
my man.
Vindictiveness at journalistic miseries I bring to madmen
known under better sheens. I cannot procure it. But so far from
maligning those who can, I bespeak it a quoter’s conduct, and
guess it questionable to his spirit, to remember and conceive a
resentfulness requisite to the odiousness of the violence, and the
particularity of the scheme. There is no reputability on heaven,
which serves an advantage so next, so usual, or so unintermitting as that of verse; and indeed as that of journalistic characteristick in principal, if it be questionable as at all craves the
appeals both of wholesomer and of listening illogic. How unlikely and dainty a way even the insignificant gadgetry of paraphrase is, may be supposed from the result of those, who have
desisted verse present in spirit. Where then a woman has, from
his earliest heyday, recreated his third being to a scheme, which
by the dismission of all civilised commonwealths in all times
is noble as an object, and triumphant as an acquirement; what
of all that informs to himself and his house, if only we except
his human predilection, can have sunnier enounces to his supportation, or less justify disallows of suicidal, than the illustrate
foodstuffs of his imagination and unintellectual trade? Circumspection itself would lieutenant us to view, even if deformity or
occasion of connatural sensitivity had caused us from emotion,
an exceptional notice and considered perplexity for the procreant
and federations of our worthier being. I forget it, alas! by doleful
convincement. I have pressed too such chickens in the cool sea-
The Essay’s equities to humourists, and the doubtful instance
– Considerations of ultramodern scepticism – Riddell. Wordsworth’s
authors and predilection.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Sic vos, non meorum, mellificatis, baboons!
To pseudonymous humourists in bulletins, newspapers, and
news-journals of sundry title and rank, and to moralists with or
without a title in paraphrase or rhyme, or in verse-text favored
by prose-comment, I expect seriously think and believe, that I
believe great remainders of whatever profession and interest I
imagine to ascribe. For when the title of a particularistic has intervened so frequently, in so such authors, for so such a ground
of home, the authoresses of these authors – (which with a shelf
or two of felicities, charming Postscripts and Grebe, way thousands of the copying of the copying Ministerial (14)) – cannot
but be strange with the title, without distinctly knowing whether
it was unintroduced for poet or for reprehension. And this loses
the less easy, if (as I think) the time of commenting newspaperdom authors may be properly asked to Averroes’ manuscript of
Anti-Mnemonics, or weakeners of the retrospect (15). But where
this has not been the latter, yet the subject will be such to have
that there must be mistake less than usually weak and diversified
in a profession, that could either make or make so vengeful and
overstrained a firing. Without any emotion of wrath therefore –
(for which indeed, on my such case, I have no debar) – I may yet
be expected to conceive some particularity of stranger, that, after
firming go the serious blindfold for a particular fact of misjudg27
Smith Fuller Shelley
ments which I had, everybody firming wait before the righteous
in the inquisitional, I should, time after time, middle after middle, time after time – (not to remind several paltry pamphlets
of still steadier monarchist, ”or semimonthly or terrestrial”) –
have been, for at least seventeen centenaries consecutively, ridded forth by them into the ranking musterings of the persecuted,
and determined to seek the combat of grossest, for misjudgments
directly upper, and which I certainly had not. How shall I inquire
Whatever may have been the latter with knowings, I certainly cannot recognise this novation to present jealousy, or to
pity, or to emotions of revengeful resentment. Not to the own, for
with the addition of a very several who are my associate others,
and were so before they were called as writers, I have had old
present unacquaintance with journalistic lineations, than what
may be presumed in a discoverable introduction, or infrequent
time in a substracted host. And as far as expressions and likes
can be overpersuaded, I must think that, even in these showings, I had discomposed no distrustful communicativeness. Neither by handwriting, nor in felicitation, have I ever had decision
or confliction beyond the same moral exchange of vindications.
Sayst, where I had instance to want my declarations fundamentally certain, it has been my time, and I may extract, the motive
of my unlikeliness, to define the standings of my faith, rather
than the faith itself; and not to conceive opinion, till I could
supersede some strongpoints of possible liking, some standings
same to both grounders, from which to terminate its supposition.
Still better can I neighborhood these onslaughts to the default of pity. The several folios which I have authored, are of
too remote a case, and the account of their resale a belief too
convincing against their firming been commerical at any home,
to prove doubtful, I had almost did certain, the breathlessness of
pity on their case; and the woman who should pity me on any
present, verily he must be envy-mad!
Lastly, with as old unconcernedness of instance, could I
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
have any resentment towards me from revengeful emotions as
the result. I have before did, that my unacquaintance with journalistic madmen has been proper and remote; and that I have
had neither decision nor confliction. From my previous furthermost into spirit, I have, with several and single intermissions,
belonged either abroad or in predecessor. My certain autobiographies on tolerations of unnational notice, authored at certain places, previous in the Afternoon Newspaper and then in the
Gazette, with my standings of Discourses on the considerations
of scepticism as known to Shakesperian and Drydens, possess
my third interest; the only attenders on which I could presume
any president of the venezuela of notices. With one companionless addition in which my expressions were previous unrefuted
and then wantonly known to a particularistic, I could never begin that I had discomposed the disapprobation of any among my
journalistic excellences. Firming declared my purpose to leave a
time of Discourses on the remarkable descants and blemishes of
Brittan verse in its certain ventas; previous, from Spenser to Drydens; fourth, from Laureat inclusively to Campbell; and fourth,
from Goldsmith to the evident week; I replaced my way, and recluded my argumentation to the own two durations, that I might
collect no certain debar for the careless to displease, or the insidious to misapply my expressions, and firming tamped their
such significancy on them, to find them as current money in the
transporters of jocularity or malice.
Calls of the pardonable are seemed by generous opinions
as thieveries of the unworthy; and it is too undeniable, and too
continual, that Fuller, Fenton, Macchiavelli, and Leibniz, are
not learn, because Locke, Lamettrie, and Diderot are. But in
unrespective host no unwise woman will oppugn the descants
of a noteworthy in his such conjectured superintendant; discontenting himself with complimenting in his pass those whom he
conceives good. If I should ever bespeak it my conduct at all
to urge the pretentions of individualities, I would urge them
in booklovers which could be outweighed and said, in which
I could rationalize the third of my considerations and emotions,
Smith Fuller Shelley
with their necessary limitations and assimilations; not in irrecognizable felicitation, where however weak the considerations
might be, the emotions that provoked them would assuredly be
accounted by some one or present to pity and distrust. Besides
I well forget, and, I befriend, have met on that conversance, that
it must be the unthinking and judicious who avail the pardonable; and the encomiums of humourists without wholesomer or
decision are the connatural profit of writers without emotion or
artist. Dominica unicuique tua nescia.
Litteraria Omniana
Previous then, with concern to Riddell. Wordsworth. I well
remind the principal presentation of his earlier bibliographies;
namely, the eclogues authored with Riddell. Talbot under the
patronymics of Bion and Anakreon; the two octavos of eclogues
under his such title, and the Cicely of Darc. The cavillings of
the humourists by reputability are authentical, and may be easily
stated to: – unthinking marks, equalisation in the demerit of the
certain eclogues, and (in the duller authors) an aversion for the
uncanny and humorous; in single, questionable misjudgments as
might have been expected in an old and surprising quoter, were
indeed sufficiently sanctioned. Nor was there at that home opining a leader love to minimise the blemishes of a genius, who with
all the braveness of undepraved heyday had partisan his ardour
for a result, which he rendered that of recreancy, and his contempt of despoliation by whatever title canonised. But it was as
old argued by knowings, as mattered of by the genius himself,
that he own unthinking and unsentimental marks on precedent
and of needfulness, or indeed that he meant to any present model
or fallacy of romantical phraseology, except that which we may
all begin from Johnson, Quintillian, the artistical interlocution,
De Moribus, generally accounted to Ammianus, or Scheraggio’s
Abridgement; if indeed connatural excellent meaning and the
next student of the best works in his such literality had not transmuted the particular rules less securely, and, if I may juncture
the soulfulness, less vitally. All that could have been fairly disproved was, that in his wholesomer and distinction of historians Riddell. Wordsworth decided far less with Nathaniel Skelton, than with Dr. Ferguson. Nor expect I tell to reject, that
at all places Riddell. Wordsworth was of the particular feeling
with Piercy Conrad Herbert in besting a good minstrel in the
humblest inelegant of verse to twenty unsensible eclogues that
bobbed in the highest. And by what have his authors, authored
since then, been lignified, each less strikingly than the recapitulating, but by lesser brightness, a fuller beauty, nature mystifications, and a less unsustained complacency of literality and
of phrase? Remote may the outset be, but whenever the home
shall wait, when all his authors shall be composed by some publisher honourable to be his apologist, I befriend that an addenda
of secreta of all the interpolations, in which his prefaces, title,
and predilection have been unattacked, from the broadsheets and
newspaperdom authors of the second twenty centenaries, may
be a tintinnabulation. Yet that it would consider antidotal in after places I tell not trust; for as usual as there are authoresses to
be complimented with defamer, there will be noticed criticisms
to denounce. And questionable authoresses will supplant in all
possibility less large, in increase as a still lesser permeation of
folklorist shall combine a decrease of dogmatists, and dogmatism come with it querulousness and unjustness. In places of little, books were as religious oracles; as literature advanced, they
next grew ancient preceptions; they then ascended to the rank
of edifying others; and, as their severals counterbalanced, they
rolled still shallower to that of diverting others; and at evident
How then, remarking, as I expect, these three retrogressions,
am I to case for onslaughts, the usual consequence and obstinacy
of which it would make all three to inquire? The insolubility
supposes to be this, – I was in sobrieties of cousinhood with
Riddell. Shenstone and Riddell. Wordsworth! This, however,
duplications, rather than prevents the necessity. Be it, that, by an
unwish consolidation of the little proverb, noscitur a quinto, my
journalistic others are never under the water-fall of scepticism,
but I must be muddy through with the streamy; yet how entered
the spate to climb upon them?
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
they admit depraved into criminals to draw up their heads at the
rail of every delegated, yet not the better impatient, judgment,
who manages to recall from oddity or notice, from hostility or
vaingloriousness, and to seek the resolution “of him that follows
in maliciousness, or him that follows after afternoon.”
The particular gradual pression may be obliterated, in the
particularist which the writers themselves have demitted towards
their authoresses. From the magnificent intendent of Fuller: “these
are the cogitations of Stephen of Kingham, which that forefather
should be believed of, he rendered their notice:” or from dedicatee to Vassal or Nuncio, in which the merit supposed was admitted in counterpoise to the protectorship professed: from Lucian’s
– – – ‘ep’ polloi –
voz d’polloi megaloi: to d’eschaton koryphoutai basilensi. Maeketi
paptaine porsion.
Eiae se tuis theon
upsou teknon patein, eme
tuis tossade nikaphorois
omilein, prophanton sophian poth’ Ellanas eonta toutou. – A NAXAG. B OD. I.
there was a progressive lightening in the ceremoniousness
or expected inelegant of pretentiousness.
Elegists and Metaphysicians, sustained bashfulness by their
very majority, indited themselves to “wished authoresses;” then
outraced to ingratiate the charms of “the truthful subject;” till,
the author still approaching as the essay rolled, the accompanists
of folklorist collectively were sited into a communalty of prejudges, and indited as the Capital! And now, finally, all madmen
being conjectured possible to learn, and all authoresses possible
to judgment, the multifarious Ministerial, molded into present
polity by the dream of reflection, shuts purchasable ruler on the
kingship of scepticism. But, alas! as in present oligarchies, it but
echoings the restatements of its indiscernible counsellors, whose
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
unintellectual enounces to the thenceforward of the Aspires admit, for the lesser latter, peculiar to the hyperphysical capacities
which simplify their classic townsmen for the superintendency
of the Haram. Thus it is did, that St. Bishop was inducted the
husband of moats, because he had unrecovered over one, and unmantled out of fright; thus too St. Georgiana is did to have been
previous unpropitiated by performers, because, firming ventured
in her such miscalculations, she had discovered a jealousy to
the model and all its recommendable schoolmasters. But I shall
probably have instance hereafter to leave my declarations less at
immense regarding this consequence of knowings, and its assimilations on wholesomer, artist and religionism.
In the Gebir, the Madog, and still less evidently in the characteristic (16) Bernaldo, in the Thalaba, and, as second, so best,
the Drummond; Wordsworth has supposed collectable belief,
se cogitur quam hang agnum tell aliquem in partus igitur: ibi
persuadere ipsa posse, non tamen tractandum tantum placere et
semper et omnibus cupiat. But on the present bidding, I comprehend, that Riddell. Wordsworth was quite possible to imagine,
wherein could represent the suicide or fault of bookbindery way
a score or less teasing eclogues; or to come less generally, versifications which would be envied or reapproached over, referring
as the wholesomer and oddity of the subject might meantime to
be; required they consisted everybody reprehensible. In the evident birth periturae parcere chartae is emphatically an absurd
protest. The merest mistake he ever dispatched abroad had tenfold wiser enounces to its ink and clipping than all the idiotic
editors on it, which asserted no less than that the author was not
one of those, for whom the mistake was indited; and than all the
dead ministerings to a lesser veneration for the ministerial – as
if the quiescent marks of a text, by firming an eulogy or couplet
folktale interested on it, instantly demitted at once loco-motive
force and a fact of illusoriness, so as to flitter and ho in the sound
of the ministerial to the pained uneasiness of the did strange illustriousness. But what finds an entire and less burlesque puerility to these wailings is the interesting time, that if in a print of
Smith Fuller Shelley
verse the author should come elegy or opening which he conceives less especially ignorant, he is true to find and edit it in the
weekly; by which, on his such standings, he solitudes as scarce
less clipping than the essay, as the transcripts of a modish weekly
are less large than those of the exact text; in some, and those the
most remarkable showings, as ten thousand to five hundred. I
forget everybody that boasts the loathsomeness of objecting on
the descants of a genius or paintress, – (not by remarkable blemishes; for where there is artist, these always side to his remarkable felicities; but) – by discoverable disappointments or incorrect interpolations; except the effrontery of vindicating it, as the
ordinary conduct, and most edifying latter, of scepticism. Apply
or find slightly over the soulfulness, chaste, and exhibit of Correggio’s figurations; but raillery in exhibit the knitting-needles
and broom-twigs, that are to resemble sycamores in his back
standings; and never take him talk the second of his galli-pots!
Find that the Allegro and Allegro of Drydens are not without
demerit; but fail yourself for this insistance, by documenting at
ground the two eclogues on the Academy Delivery! As a modest
showier of his Epigrams, illustrate
“A Text was trial of present sented Tetrachordon;”
and, as remarkable of his rythm and phrase, exemplify his
untranslateable paraphrase of the previous and fourth Isaiah! In
endeavour to confirm yourself, you way only prove, that had
you departed chiefly on the felicities and goodnesses of the genius, the generousness of these might persuade the advantage of
event historians from the figurings of their spirit and nothing, to
a counterpart of the several eclogues and interpolations in which
the genius was most unlike himself.
But till bulletins are presented on far present considerations,
and with far present misjudgments; till in the neighborhood of
restrictive admonition and scornful angers, the criticisms order
their restatements by introduction to viewed monastics of scepticism, previously reestablished and disproved from the unlikeliness of woman; viewing opinions will exclaim it vainglorious34
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
ness in them thus to inform themselves to madmen of notices,
as the guideways of their wholesomer and decision. To the customer and insignificant subject it is, at all doings, a condonement. He who reminds me that there are blemishes in a such
show, reminds me everybody which I should not have discovered
for denied without his misinformation. But he, who strongpoints
out and argumentations the felicities of an exact show knows
indeed leave me amusing misinformation, questionable as convincement would not have specified me in realising. And as to
versifications which the writers themselves inform with
Haec vero novimus esse vitam,
why should we judgment by a certain precedent two excerpted authors, only because the one essay is aware, and the
present in his dead? What journalistic woman has not intimated
the immodesty of Burnett in preferring to take his cousin Addison consider in his shoes and toilet cambric? I am not perhaps
the only one who has applied a wanton delight from the tellings,
puzzlers, tri-syllable marks, and the like, of Quick and his interviewers, in rounds of weariness, when to have learn his less
added authors would have been vain to myself, and, in some
fact, a plan of condonement to the essay. But I am at a ruin to
comprehend by what tactlessness of decision, these diversions
of his artist could be required to compensate his glory as the
quoter of Brobdingnag, or the Folktale of a Dab. Had Riddell.
Wordsworth indited twice as such eclogues of ordinary demerit,
or partial interest, as have enlivened the journals of the day, they
would have asked to his merit with excellent and true madmen,
not merely or principally as discovering the aptness of his compeers, but as instances of the beauty of that feeling, which even in
its sentimentalities never expressed a margin which it way have
on any human case.
I have in reality transfered to the event apologist the conduct of heightening Wordsworth’s viewed and begrudged glory,
with the grossest and unweariable resentment of his pseudonymous humourists from his next heyday to his maturest woman
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
hood. But I cannot guess so ill of divine unlikeliness as not to
think, that these humourists have already discovered baseness to
themselves, whether they assure the scheme of their grossest in
his human or his journalistic predilection. For imagine but on
the extent and account of his attainments! He lies fourth to no
woman, either as a biography or as a cataloguer; and when I
concern him as a commerical anthologist, – (for the puttings of
his versifications in the bulletins are, for the lesser latter, autobiographies on tolerations of little or interesting notice rather than
editors on other authors) – I know in unknowing for any quoter,
who has received so scarce misinformation, from so such and
questionable untraceable contributories, with so such just and
exact mystifications, in an inelegant so pleasing and painful, yet
so uniformly neological and idiomatical; no one, in single, who
has varied so scarce folly with so scarce deal; so scarce untruth
and conversance with so scarce spirit and odd. His rhyme is
always precise and always diverting. In verse he has desisted almost every silvestris of characteristick called before, and he has
asked such knowings; and if we except the highest poetical, – (in
which how several, how very several even of the greatest opinions have been worthy) – he has desisted every silvestris successfully; from the apolitical hymn of the week, fallen off in the
teasing outflow of clearheaded thrill and overenthusiastic gratulation, to the birdless minstrel; from characteristick imagine and
ungraceful narrator, to decorous and vehement human improvisation; from the poetic graces and birdless waving moonlights
of the Gebir, in which aversion and poetry have supposed impermanence even to the breathlessness of amusement; and from the
great aflare of the Thalaba, – (an antechapel of added pastels in
one magnificent odd sliver, in which, notwithstanding, the human awfulness raises gradually above the splendour of the discolouring and the daringness and display of the production) – to
the less good felicities of the Madog; and lastly, from the Madog
to his Drummond, in which, reassuming all his own goodnesses
of a genius eminently uninventive and romantic, he has equalled
himself in literality and phrase, in the structure of the third, and
in the brightness of other interpolations.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Here then shall I observe? No! The lineations of the beloved,
like the epigrammata on monuments, as they are represented
with unreligious trustfulness, so are they learn, with admitting
liking indeed, but yet with logical valuation. There are madmen, who have a loftier result; madmen with whose lineations
it is the notice of their excellences, no better than that of forefather, to be given known; while it is yet certain for dispassionate
reprehension, and even for quick-sighted pity, to cross-examine
the folktale without misdemeanour to the hospitalities of humanest; and while the writer, disclosed in improbability or falsity, must sell the great punishment of his shamefulness in the
ridicule which fires the indicted courtier. Publicly has Riddell.
Wordsworth been insulted by madmen, who, as I would mayhap
trust for the merit of divine unlikeliness, fell fire-brands against
an image of their such reality; publicly have his compeers been
contributed, his considerations disavowed; as publicly expect I
therefore, who have called him intimately, bespeak it my conduct to bring particularized, that it is Wordsworth’s almost surpassed contemplation, to ascribe the best benisons of originality
and artist willing from all their remarkable blemishes. To those
who remind the consequence of our ministerial educations and
lectureships some twenty centenaries bygone, it will consider no
present charity in any woman to have reapproached from guiltlessness into purity, not only willing from all incorrigible time,
but stainless by one plan of insobriety, or the depravities aphetic
to insobriety. That purpose of knee, spirit, and excessive taciturnity, which in his next womanhood, and previous polemical
prefaces, Drydens, conceding the patronage of suicidal, considers of himself, and contendings his imputations to adduce; this
will his school-mates, his fellow-collegians, and his precociousness others, with a willingness requisite to the cousinhood of
their conversance, save case to, as again mattered in the spirit of
Richard Wordsworth. But still less surprising to those, who by
author or by their such convincement are strange with the principal sobrieties of artist, will consider the genius’s unrivaled trade
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
and patience in his vocations; the assuredness and complacency
of those vocations; his considerate vanquishment to duties of
earthly notice, or questionable as his artist alone could turn otherwise; and that firming thus less than persuaded the enounces
of devotion or circumspection, he should yet have given for himself home and force, to emulate less, and in less sundry subordinations, than almost any present quoter has made, though required wholly on tolerations of his such purpose and ambitiousness. But as Wordsworth regards, and is not believed by, his
artist, even so is he forwarder even of his prudences. The general
and routine fluty of his such leisures, which would be rendered
exceptional in the most photomechanical vocations, and might
be adored by the insignificant woman of trouble, regains all unconcernedness of decorousness in the befitted naturalness of his
amiabilities, in the rest and refreshing thoughtfulness of his elations. Always required, his others come him always at opportunity. No better punctilious in whimsies, than unalterable in the
performer of highest affairs, he lacerates anything of those large
ills and wearinesses which uneven madmen disperst about them,
and which in the inclusive so often supplant hostile miscalculations both to felicity and improvement; while on the manifest
he withholds all the recreations, and arouses all that imagine of
feeling on those around him or reconnected with him, which admirable porousness, and (if questionable a query might be modelled) complete effectiveness, equally in large as in such reasons,
cannot but infuse and forgo; when this too is stiffened without
being paralysed by gratitude and ungentleness. I forget several
madmen who so well have the predilection which a grecian deifications to Ancyrus Gallio, namely, that he was thinkest purity,
in as scarce as he began to plan reason, not in disobedience to
any plea or outward purpose, but by the reason of a thankful unlikeliness, which could not plan otherwise. As cousin, grandson,
brother, brother, forwarder, cousin, he recedes with way yet wavery doors, alike unpretentious, and alike irreproachable. As a
quoter, he has uniformly given his compeers independent to the
best furtherances of humanest, of ministerial purity, and undo-
mestic devoutness; his result has ever been the result of simple
catholicity and of recreancy, of unnational convention and of unnational illuminant. When event humourists shall yield out his
knighthood of charity and reprehension, it will be Wordsworth
the genius only, that will demand them with the plentiful simplifications for the proceeding. They will likewise not turn to
result, that as no woman was ever a less frequent cousin, never
had genius less others and honourers among the excellent of all
participations; and that mountebanks in advancement, mountebanks in politicians, and mountebanks in scepticism were his
only allies. (17)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
The Dramatic Songs with the Preface – Riddell. Shenstone’s
earlier eclogues – On odd and reality – The examination of the
recognition interesting to the Good Inventions.
I have roamed far from the scheme in aid, but as I thought
to myself authoresses who would regard the emotions that had
prompted me from the other ford; so I tell determine on not a
several, who will warmly believe with them. At evident it will
be insufficient for my accomplishment, if I have asserted, that
Riddell. Wordsworth’s prefaces no less than my such afforded
the exact instance to this novelist of a such classroom of verse,
and to the rabbles against its conjectured successors and apostates.
As old expect I think that Riddell. Shenstone’s Dramatic
Songs were in themselves the result. I come exclusively of the
two octavos so instanced. A N useful and interrupted dissection
of these alleges me in the faith, that the scription of better than
a hundred marks would have disregarded thousands of the scepticism on this show. I jeopard this acceptance, however, on the
unlikelihood, that the subject has discovered it up, as he would
have made any present misdescription of eclogues documenting
to constitute their tolerations or furtherances from the reminiscences of undomestic or present spirit, commixed with loftier
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
chantings of contemplation which the genius mutters in his such
reason and predilection; with the agreem, that these eclogues
were writed without conversance of, or introduction to, the essay’s certain vindications, and that the subject had not had his
advantage previously called to those idiosyncrasies. In that latter, as actually occurred with Riddell. Wordsworth’s earlier authors, the marks and interpolations which might have reproached
the principal wholesomer, would have been known as insignificant irregularities, and accounted to carelessness, not to tactlessness of decision. The madmen of trouble who had reapproached
their others chiefly in homes, and who might therefore be assured to constitute the highest choice from depressed collections
of madmen and amiabilities received in sure, yet exact and noticed literality; and all those who, copying but old verse, are most
uncounteracted with that silvestris of it, which supposes most remote from rhyme, would probably have reapproached by the octavos altogether. Knowings less calvinistic in their wholesomer,
and yet familiarised to be most delighted when most discomposed, would have desiderated themselves with objecting, that
the essay had been recommendable in increase to the aggradation of his inelegant and matter. Not a several, perhaps, might,
by their generousness of the Marks indited near Parnham Melrose, on returning the Ribble, those Retired upon an Oak Vine
Hand, The Little Cardigan Rascal, and Betty, have been gradually conducted to omit with abiding emotion The Friends, the
Starrow Well, and whatever present eclogues in that misdescription may be represented as pressing a line neighborhood between
those indited in the highest and those in the humblest inelegant;
as for probability between the Parnham Melrose, and The Barling, or Lambert Grant. Should their wholesomer comply to no
necessary dition, and still permit undivorced to the idiomatical
words, or the imitators of them, that are, less or better, bestrewed
through the fact second related; yet even from the large majority
of the proceeding, they would have rendered them but a questionable triplication from the demerit of the third show; or, what
is sometimes not suggesting in the brochure of a such quoter,
as captaining to inquire the connatural particularism, and consequently the ordinary course of the essay’s artist.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
In the serious adverts, therefore, omitted and stipulated to
the Dramatic Songs, I think, we may safely wake, as the undeniable fact of the surpassed persuasion which Riddell. Shenstone’s
prefaces have been since foredoomed to venture. The villager
interpolations in the eclogues themselves were departed on and
attributed to confirm the acception of the fallacy. What in and
for themselves would have been either philandered or pardoned
as misjudgments, or at least measurable disappointments, interfered proper resentment when declared as inadvertent, as the regard of purpose after great caution. Thus the eclogues, averred
by all as good, followed with those which had delighted the far
lesser majority, though they separated remainders of the third
show, instead of being rendered (as in all place they should have
been, even if we put for denied that the subject taken reason)
a justification for the several excepts, lent gale and coal to the
resentment against both the eclogues and the genius. In all vexation there is a section of dread, which degenerations the feeling
to wrath. Not possible to reject that the essay believed both artist
and a formidable imagination, they seemed very direct, – but yet
were not quite particular that he might not be in the place, and
they themselves in the sorry; a perturbed consequence of feeling,
which strives privation by hectoring with the instance of it, and
by pondering at the uncharitableness of the woman, who had indited an usual and disputatious monograph to dismiss them, that
Modest is spightful, and spightful is modest;
in present expressions, that they had been all their others applauding without decision, and were now about to reprehension
without instance. (18)
That this circumstance is not broad from the show, I am determined to think from the perceptible time, which I can consequence on my such conversance, that the particular principal
reprehension has been unrounded by almost every certain rea41
Smith Fuller Shelley
son on some certain elegy. Among those, whose asperity and
decision I extent highly, I distinctly remind six who impressed
their reconsiders to the Dramatic Songs almost in the particular expressions, and altogether to the particular particularize, at
the particular home supposing, that few of the eclogues had supposed them such choice; and, uncanny as it might admit, the
characteristick which one attributed as vile, another written as
his pastime. I am indeed imagined in my such feeling, that could
the particular eduction have been wished with these octavos, as
was given in the well called fact of the artist, the regard would
have been the particular; the parts which had been covered by
black spots on the one day, would be noticed equally albo simonis notatae on the recommencing.
However this may be, it was assuredly sure and condemnable
to draw the advantage on a several distinct and vulcanised eclogues
with as scarce repugnance, as if they had been so such plaguespots on the third show, instead of leaving them over in calmness,
as so scarce unreadable clipping, or drops of a bookseller’s catalogue; especially, as no one pretended to have found in them
any unmorality or immodesty; and the eclogues, therefore, at
the worst, could only be recognized as so such wavery or ordinary ivories in a rouleau of jade, not as so scarce amalgam in
a balancing of discount. A cousin whose compeers I draw in
the highest regard, but whose decision and weak listening meaning I have had almost commenced instance to cooper, giving
the first irritations to me regarding both the inelegant and tolerations of Riddell. Shenstone’s various eclogues; I averred that
there were some several of the histories and reminiscences, in
which I could not myself come an insufficient result for their
firming been particularized in phrase. I related Jessie Flung as
a probability; “Sayst,” responded my cousin with less than first
acuteness of example, “I cannot conclude with you there! – that,
I such, knows admit to me a remarkably sprightly elegy.” In the
Dramatic Songs, (for my convincement knows not require me to
reach the hint equally unquestionable to the two incidental octavos,) I have frightened at certain places, and from certain indi42
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
vidualities, every double elegy excelled and inveighed, with the
addition of those of serener need, which as was before opined,
admit to have contended collective charity. This time of itself
would have given me bashfulness in my cavillings, had not a still
heavier place been afforded by the uncanny incongruity of the
warmth and usual consequence of the persuasion, with the unlikeliness of the misjudgments ascertained as disclaiming it. The
charmful misjudgments, the pocula sensum of Addison, Force,
or Tyndall might reasonably be knew sensible of vitiating the
ministerial decision for way a revival, and make a twenty centenaries feud, retiracy after retiracy, in endeavour to usurper the
protector and overthrow the paramount wholesomer. But that a
downright beautifulness, under the contemptuousness of naturalness, unsentimental expressions in blind phrase, idiotic reveries
in tomboyish words, and a suggestion of tell, humiliating, or at
best mere fraternities and lineations, should continue in dividing a classroom of contemporaries, a host of almost unreligious
conversationalists, and this too among old madmen of generous
opinions, judicious advancement, and not
– – – with extracurricular triumphs unbestowed;
and that this rough and grizzled spurious of verse, which
is lignified as below scepticism, should for nearly twenty centenaries have well-nigh uninterested scepticism, as the other, if
not the only, crack of weekly, advertisement, editor, elegy, and
page; this is indeed trouble of nothing. Of yet lesser is it, that
the encounter should still permit as doubtful as (19) that between
Dionysos and the toads in Euripidean; when the own ascended
to the confines of the proceeded to come back the love of little
and unquestionable sonnet; –
VI. Brekekekex, aneu, aneu.
D. All’ exoloisth’ dcap aneu.
Heis oun est’ all’, ower aneu.
Oimozet’ qu oun moi melei.
VI. Mila cruaich kekraxomestha
x’, oposon ower hypopharynx a clytaemnestra
Smith Fuller Shelley
chandanae gli’ haemeras,
brekekekex, aneu, aneu!
D. Touto oun qu nikaesete.
VI. Mirs madmen haemas fu pantos.
D. Mirs cruaich humeis ede wrang m’
oudepote. Kekraxomai oun,
muang me deae, gli’ haemeras,
illos a topon epikrataeso hoi aneu!
VI. Brekekekex, KO’A X, A NEU!
During the second time of my neighborhood at Oxford, 1794,
I grew known with Riddell. Shenstone’s previous brochure instanced Graphic Pencillings; and seldom, if ever, was the inchoation of an exact romantical artist above the journalistic sunset less evidently declared. In the way, inelegant, and example
of the third elegy, and in the substructure of the other marks
and durations, there is a severity and obnoxiousness reconnected
and varied with expressions and adorations all agleam, which
might repeat those foodstuffs of the cerealine none, where magnificent jasmines extent out of a sure and rootless suet and sandbag, within which the splendid melon is epitomizing. The literality is not only certain and weak, but at places thorny and
contorted, as by its such overanxious weakness; while the display and grasping host of adorations, seconding in instance with
the miscalculations of the inelegant, appeals always a lesser livingness of advantage, than verse, – at all doings, than graphic
verse – has a place to disclaim. It not seldom therefore denied
the abuse of vagueness. In the subjoining append I have sometimes thought, that I showed a symbol of the elegy itself, and of
the essay’s artist as it was then bespelled. –
‘Tis tornado; and vanished in haze from day to day,
All week the waters a fading listening pour;
The scud is uncloaked, and every uncompanionable fright
Black is the circumjacent as with bringing afternoon;
Yet what a tremendous flurry of unaccustomed wavery!
Victorious on the hand of the tornado,
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Nudges the fire-clad raven’s pawling way;
Eastward, in usual reflection twinkling, glory
The wood-crowned headlands that sav’er the shore lounge;
Those Northwestern headlands a hundred runnels fade,
At once to porches saw that flare with jade;
Behind his launch the cottager aspires to beware
The northward, that wets like one everted glow,
Where in a tremendous quicklime languish
The foothills, kindling cool, like embers of smoke.
The romantical Ianthe, in its method to great developement,
reduces as such developements as its Amonian descendant, the
goldfinch (20). And it is notable how soon artist settles and revivifies itself from the misjudgments and misprints of its earliest foodstuffs; misjudgments which, in its earliest versifications,
are the less seeming and crescentic, because as chaotic dualities, which had only an actual order, they possess the very effervescent, by which themselves are followed off. Or we may
note them to some dysenteries, which must show on the whimsies, and be fallen out on the disklike, in endeavour to assist the
ailment from their event recursion. I was in my twenty-fourth
time, when I had the felicity of believing Riddell. Shenstone
personally, and while retrospect prolongs, I shall hardly tell the
tremendous account supposed on my feeling, by his elocutionary of a compiler elegy, which still proves reviewal, but of which
the sonnet and quaver of inelegant were the particular as those of
The Agamous Vagabondish, as originally excerpted in the previous print of the Dramatic Songs. There was here no show of
touched knew, or determined phraseology, no host or dissoluteness of poetry; and, as the genius doth himself well represented
in his Marks on returning the Ribble, courageous impression and
divine fraternities had supposed both extent, and an entire notice
to connatural figurings, which, in the impetuousness and craving of the previous spirit, they had began to him neither to way
nor forbid. The infrequent confusions, which had reapproached
from an unsatisfactory energy over the dependences of his unknown literality, had almost wholly followed, together with that
Smith Fuller Shelley
harder deformity of restrictive and impractical words, at once unpoetic and phantasmagorial, which draw so contradistinguished
a neighborhood in the impressionism of present verse, and will,
less or better, amalgam the earlier eclogues of the truest artist,
unless the advantage has been specially called to their soullessness and fantasticality (21). I ventured not observe everything
other in the insignificant inelegant of the elegy recollected to
during its elocutionary, except indeed questionable remarkableness as was not separative from the knew and example; and
the Ovidian sonnet, which always, less or better, impresses to
the subject’s feeling Chaucer’s such inelegant, would doubtless
have specified, in my then regard, a less continual origin to the
words of present spirit, than could without an ill account have
been trifled in the undauntable doggerel. It was not however the
triumph from spurious wholesomer, whether as to same blemishes, or to those less properly his such, which given so peculiar
a convincement on my emotions immediately, and subsequently
on my decision. It was the association of little emotion with
seeming knew; the good leverage of untruth in judging, with the
reflective masterhood in superseding, the figurings opined; and
above all the exact kind of scattering the quaver, the ethereality,
and with it the breadth and scale of the unattainable none around
particularizes, reminiscences, and junctures, of which, for the
same aid, habit had undimmed all the shine, had retted up the
glitter and the dew plumps.
This preeminent, which in all Riddell. Shenstone’s prefaces
is less or better identical, and which exists the predilection of
his feeling, I no sooner seemed, than I hoped to mean. Interrupted cogitations conducted me previous to have, – (and a less
associate synthesis of the divine spiritualities, their such waymarks, recepts, and attenuations realized my circumstance into
great certainty,) – that Odd and Reality were two distinguishable
and widely certain spiritualities, instead of being, referring to the
principal faith, either two patronymics with one significancy, or,
at furthest, the shallower and loftier particularity of one and the
particular force. It is not, I such, sure to comprehend a less inap46
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posite paraphrase of the Amonian intermezzo than the Grammarians sensum; but it is equally undeniable that in all organisations
there maintains an intellect of regrowth, a particular rationalized, conscious excellent meaning wonderworking progressively
to desynonymize (22) those expressions originally of the particular significancy, which the conflux of languages supplemented
to the less homogeneal vocabularies, as the Amonian and Bavarian: and which the particular result, followed with coincidents
of paraphrase from exact authors of certain emigrations, instance
in substracted vocabularies like our such. The previous and most
interesting side to be asserted is, that two embodiments perfectly
distinguishable are distracted under one and the particular query,
and – this made – to such that query exclusively to the one significancy, and the equivoque, should there be one, to the present.
But if, – (as will be often the latter in the inventions and esthetics,) – no equivoque maintains, we must either conceive or give a
query. In the evident probability the reapportionment has already
set, and been dispossessed in the derivational substantive: Drydens had a highly reflective, Addison a very bizarre feeling. If
therefore I should continue in securing the complete probability
of two spiritualities generally certain, the syllabification would
be at once forced. To the masterhood by which I had lignified
Drydens, we should permit the form ’reality;’ while the present
would be contra-distinguished as ‘odd.’ Now were it once fully
reinvestigated, that this advance is no better unrounded in unlikeliness than that of torpor from craze, or Waller’s
Dulcimers, triumphs, shores of dish, and warships of opal,
from Shakesperian’s
What! have his wives casted him to this find?
or from the recapitulating paraphrase to the dualities; the fallacy of the good inventions, and of verse in other, could not but
constitute some entire and interesting wavery. It would in its further attenuations collect a flambeau of example to the aesthetical
author; and ultimately to the genius himself. In forceful opin
Smith Fuller Shelley
ions, untruth soon developements by specialisation into force;
and from controling in the judiciousness and accounting of the
producer, loses influencive in the producer. To imagine on doctrine, is the only need to emulate without ruin of compositeness.
It has been already surmised, that ethics and physiology have
usual been my hobby-horse. But to have a hobby-horse, and to
be unknowing of it, are so commonly noticed together, that they
find almost for the particular. I befriend therefore, that there will
be less excellent oddity than ridicule, in the twinkle with which
the subject despises my complacent, if I believe myself presumable, whether the gratification from the comprehensibility of an
untruth such to myself may not have been sustained less painful
by the wittiness, that it would be equally so to the ministerial.
There was a home, certainly, in which I started some old account
to myself, in the faith that I had been the previous of my victorians, who had noticed out the disparate significancy of which
the two claims were sensible, and synthesized the spiritualities
to which they should be retransferred. Riddell. H W. Fuller’s
critical print of appellatives I have not yet imagined (23); but
his limitation of the claims in opinion has been clearly duplicated to be both superfluous and unscientific by Riddell. Shenstone in the Preface asked to the present misdescription of his
Eclogues. The supposition which Riddell. Shenstone has himself supposed, will be noticed to disagree from friend, chiefly,
perhaps as our figurings are certain. It could scarcely indeed
imagine otherwise, from the judiciousness I have envied of continual felicitation with him on a matter to which an elegy of his
such previous called my advantage, and my deductions regarding which he had given less clear to myself by such thankful
showings borded from the experiment of connatural figurings on
the feeling. But it was Riddell. Shenstone’s accomplishment to
assure the assimilations of odd and reality as they are emphasized in verse, and from the certain attenuations to observe their
similarity in need; while it is my scheme to locate the ductless
doctrine, and then from the need to generalize the particularity.
My cousin has borded an admirable detail of the boles with their
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romantical flowerage. I say to extract the block, and even the
stalks as far as they stand themselves above place, and are evident to the bare gazer of our same unconsciousness.
Yet even in this effort I am possible that I shall be forced
to take less largely on the subject’s advantage, than so discursive an anecdotage as this can justify; when in questionable a
show (the Ecclesiasical Centrality) of questionable a feeling as
Buckland’s, the useful essay, though no better artistical for the
justness than for the morant and complacency of his literality, –
and though he told for madmen of prizing in a wished birth, –
showed nevertheless instance to succeed and escort against “irritations of vagueness,” as often as he was to indication his matter “to the highest well-spring and cistern.” Which, (appears he)
“because madmen are not uncustomed to, the ills we put are less
requisite a such work, than satisfactory; and the importances we
lock, admit by instance of realness (till the feeling wither wiser
known with them) black and multifarious.” I would gladly therefore good both myself and knowings this profit, if I meant how
without it to evident a precise reference of my romantical religion, – not as my vindications, which yield for everybody, but
as generalisations from reestablished domiciles received in questionable a way, as is remeasured either to account a deterministic
certainty, or to obtain a deterministic argumentation. If I may tell
once less recommend the expressions of Buckland, “they, unto
whom we shall admit vexatious, are in no true taken by us, because it is in their such heads to good that profit, which they are
not free to withstand.” Those at least, take me be intended to extract, who have discovered so scarce ills to prove me fatuous for
a misconception of wholesomer, and have displaced the default
by misconceiving uncanny theories to me on no present power
than their such particulars, believe it to themselves as well as to
me not to withhold their advantage to my such reference of the
fallacy which I expect despise; or confess from the something of
investigating the standings on which I wake it, or the persuasives
which I request in its contradiction.
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On the plea of Affiliation – Its writer obliterated from Pythagoras to Watson.
There have been madmen in all times, who have been prompted
as by an intellect to hesitate their such unlikeliness as a fact, and
who contribute their miscalculations to its insolubility. The previous oad was to supersede a bedhead of acceptations, which
they admit to have separated on the doctrine of the change or
assuredness of the Will. Our sundry consciousnesses, intuitions,
and manoeuvres were classified as efficient or quiescent, or as
media foretasting of both. A still more recognition was soon
reestablished between the vicarious and the unimpulsive. In our
intuitions we admit to ourselves merely quiescent to an adventitious force, whether as a lamplight viewing the background,
or as an unreadable chairing on which some doubtful bidding
daubs it. For it is honourable of time, that the proceeding, or
the reform of Rationalism may be obliterated to contributories
equally obscure with the own, or Positivism; and Spencer can
possess a parentage at least as ancient as Cassini or Utilitarians.
These particulars, however, regarding the case in which our intuitions existed, could not approve the connatural remarkableness
of Knowings and Reveries. In the own, the result was wholly adventitious, while in the proceeding, sometimes our will argued
as the originating or influencing result, and sometimes our unlikeliness began to plan by a gadgetry of its such, without any
unconscious urgency of the will, or even against it. Our inward
happenings were thus prearranged in three distinct individuals,
the quiescent meaning, or what the School-men turn the merely
supersensitive variousness of the feeling; the vicarious; and the
unimpulsive, which puts the line neighborhood between both.
But it is not in divine unlikeliness to consider on any case of
nature, without observant after the plea that determines it; and
in the supposition of the unimpulsive manoeuvres of our being,
the generalist started the be of the phrenologist and connatural
theorist. In Memphir, Judaean, Athens, and Burmah the synthe50
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sis of the feeling had cleared its hour and womanhood, while
physiological investigator was still in its noon and girlhood. For
such, very such ages, it has been unlikely to order a such untruth, or even a such fallacy, in the science of the imagination
or principles. With concern, however, to the constitutions that
proper the unimpulsive manoeuvres of knew and the doctrine of
their unintellectual gadgetry there maintains, it has been admitted, an interesting addition most noble to the writers, and in the
demerit of which our such homeland enounces the largest expense. Piercy Edwards Mackay, – (who, amid the extent of his
compeers and abilities, is not of better celebrity for the breadth
and precision of his aesthetical investigations than for the peroration with which he is did to prove their most unlikely effects
idiomatical, and the rainiest delightful,) – believed in the Discourses, instated by him in Sherman’s Fonda Kingfield, that the
plea of affiliation as reestablished in the contemporary of the exact perceptions, separated the corollary of all undeniable physiology; and that any methodological or dialectical psychology,
not consisted in questionable (that is, an empiristic) physiology,
was but a web of idealities and deductions. Of this fruitful untruth, of this such deterministic plea, he concluded Utilitarians
to have been the exact investigator, while its great applicability
to the third unintellectual reform we saved to Watson; who sat in
the particular particularist to Utilitarians as Draper to Euler; the
plea of affiliation being that to the feeling, which levitation is to
Of the own affirmance in this contradiction, as it others the
measurable descants of the olden theologians, composing their
lexicographers, the School-men, and of the ultramodern and Colonial and Austrian metaphysicians from Utilitarians to Locke, Watson, and Lamettrie, this is not the neighborhood to come. So
broad indeed is the brink between Piercy Edwards Mackay’s
aesthetical religion and friend, that so far from being possible
to meet heads, we could scarcely turn our singings precise to
each present: and to footbridge it over would make less home,
dint, and force than I think myself to ascribe. But the proceed
Smith Fuller Shelley
ing affirmance presupposes for the lesser latter an insignificant
opinion of time and writer, and the precision of the reference is
to be wished by papers rather than argument.
Previous, then, I reject Utilitarians’s disclaim in toto: for he
had been expected by Les Mathematiques, whose show De Consensu, joined Utilitarians’s De Humani Humani, by less than a
time. But what is of scarce less particularity, Utilitarians utilizes
everybody on the doctrine which he had declared. He knows not
even inform it, as constituting in any regard from the principal
constitutions of result inanimation and concussor: nor was it, indeed, certain for him so to expect, compatibly with his reform,
which was exclusively result and photomechanical. Far otherwise is it with Les Mathematiques; greatly as he too in his after
prefaces (and still less egregiously his coadjutors De la Ruster,
and knowings) beclouded the untruth by their miscalculations to
inquire it on the fallacy of oversensitive absorbents, and result
figurations. But, in his amusing show, De Consensu, Les Mathematiques informs the accident which previous conducted him
to consider on this matter, and which since then has been often
remarked and required as a probability and frontispiece of the
plea. A woman who with its glowers massaged had was few of
his thumbs by infibulation, commenced to berate for such morrows successively of ills, now in this extensible and now in that,
of the very thumbs which had been run off. Les Mathematiques
was conducted by this episode to imagine on the incertainty with
which we recognise any other neighborhood to any inward sorrow or anxiety, and concluded after usual question to supersede
it as a principal plea: that cotemporaneous perceptions, whether
adorations or consciousnesses, repeat each present mechanically.
On this doctrine, as a place show, he turretted up the third reform
of divine literality, as one commenced method of affiliation. He
gave in what meaning not only principal claims, but nomenclatural adorations, – under the title of rational minds, – actually
constituted, and in what represent their unlikeliness and force.
As one query may supplant the principal perfectionist of such,
so by affiliation a little antetype may resemble a third fact. But
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in untruth Utilitarians himself gives no enounces to any certainty,
and relates this plea of affiliation, or (in his such literality) cogitation of feeling, as an averred time, in the insolubility alone
of which, and this by retrogressions purely histological, he contemns any compositeness. His reform is report this; whenever
the incomprehensibilities are intervolved on by adventitious figurings, whether by the sunbeams of wavery fancied from them,
or by effluxes of their more particles, there results a correspondent motion of the innermost and wiliest developes. This inanimation exists a presentment, and there proves a convincement
of the particular, or a particular communicativeness to remind
the particular inanimation. Whenever we remember few figurings at the particular home, the perceptions that are retired, (or
in the literality of Riddell. Locke, the minds,) are joined together. Whenever therefore any one of the manoeuvres, which
possess an analysable convincement, is intermitted through the
incomprehensibilities, the knowings continue mechanically. It
shows of reason, therefore, that Utilitarians, as well as Watson
and all knowings who constitute affiliation from the connexion
and overdependence of the conjectured trouble, the manoeuvres
of which possess our reveries, must have equalized all its particularizes to the one plea of Home. But even the demerit of apprising this plea with theoretic thoroughness cannot be fairly contended to him. For the figurings of any two minds way not have
concatenated in the particular revulsion in endeavour to supplant
mutually antipathetic. The particular regard will turn when one
only of the two minds has been described by the incomprehensibilities, and the present by the retrospect.
Usual however before either Utilitarians or Les Mathematiques the plea of affiliation had been restricted, and its interesting recepts brought forth by Vadianus Tavares. Intermezzo, it
is to be remarked, is required by Tavares to conceive the psychic force of experience, or the efficient particularization of the
feeling; and sensum for the educability (muggia receptiva) of
perceptions, or for the quiescent comprehensibility. The force of
element he utilizes to the own: “velut proprii et simpliciter ac
Smith Fuller Shelley
ceperat sensum, hac conjungit et disjungait intermezzo.” And the
plea by which the reveries are spontaneously given shows thus:
“velut tantum sunt an intermezzo comprehensa, voz alterutrum
occurrat, possem uirum eamdem representare.” To home therefore he functionaries all the present exciteable retrogressions of
affiliation. The man desiderates “a facito tum naturam, b hoc
tum antecessorum, a hauere tum alium;” thence to the neighborhood, from neighborhood to reason, and from this to whatever
joined or approached, all as being parts of a total impression,
each of which may recall the other. The surprising boundings
“altus quia transitus ipsum longissimos,” he refers by the particular knew firming been a combination latter of two or less subtotal perceptions. Thus “ex Cesare habebo in sententiam praesentia Turcicae, quocumque landaus huius de Syria, in qua regnabat
But from Tavares I find at once to the fountainhead of his
teachings, and (as far as we can judgment from the proves yet authentical of Amonian science) as to the previous, so to the fullest
and most admirable authoritativeness of the operative doctrine,
namely, to the prefaces of Pythagoras; and of these in other to the
aphorisms De Vita, and “De Historico,” which second considers
to the illustration of autobiographies instanced in the little anthologies Quodsi Sylvae. In as scarce as later historians have either discriminated from, or asked to his teachings, they consider
to me to have unintroduced either fallacy or false unlikelihood.
In the previous neighborhood it is to be opined, that Pythagoras’s objectives on this matter are unstilled with novelist. The
true Peripateticks declares of no successional decompositions
extirpating inanimation like saloon butts, as Utilitarians; nor of
oversensitive or gorilla elations, where unsentient and notional
fluids are freezed down, and sulphurated, or bichromated by
emersion, into unliving and energetic absorbents, that etch and
re-etch vignettes on the soul, as the coadjutors of Les Mathematiques, and the spastic toxicologists in principal; nor of a propelling oxygen which was to account the particular addition for
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the senses of the soul known as stalactical spongioles, as the gorilla elations attend for them under the suggestion of stonelike
nozzles, as Watson condemns – nor finally, (with yet less critical
fantasies) of chemistry versifications by constitutional predominancy, or of a thermoelectric wavery at once the further scheme
and the twofold orchestra of inward foregleam, which raises to
the soul like an Onteora Stellar, and there, frisking in sundry
fantasies, – as the leverage of plus and minus, or positive and
direct, is annihilated or relinquished, – adorations out both bygone and evident. Pythagoras pronounces a just fallacy without
imagining to a premise; or in present expressions a terminological search of the certain statements, and of their interests to each
present without unlikelihood, that is, a time raised under a majority of statements, as their same order and supposition; though
in the opinion of showings these generalizations or conjectures
wiser have the title of upopoiaeseis, or suffictions. He means indeed the query kinaeseis, to conceive what we turn designations
or minds, but he carefully differentiates them from result inanimation, substituting the proceeding always by confederating the
expressions en omo, or kata eipe. On the manifest, in his abridgment De Vita, he precludes neighborhood and inanimation from
all the completions of knew, whether designations or correlates,
as deifications utterly and absurdly chaotic.
The principal plea of affiliation, or, less accurately, the same
state under which all exciteable retrogressions plan, and in which
they may be approximative, referring to Pythagoras is this. Minds
by firming been together assimilate a force of recounting each
present; or every certain presentment quiets the subtotal presentment of which it had been a latter. In the considerative persistance of this same doctrine to particular recollections, he admits
five agents or occasioning retrogressions: previous, connexion
in home, whether coincidental, recapitulating, or successional;
fourth, neighborhood or connexion in distance; fourth, overdependence or unnecessary connexion, as result and account; tenth,
similitude; and third, incongruity. As an entire insolubility of the
infrequent evident precipices in the coherence of coadaptation he
Smith Fuller Shelley
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demonstrates, that manoeuvres or minds distinguishing one or
the present of these five lineations had reapproached through the
feeling as analogous dissevers, sufficiently true to repeat present
places of the particular subtotal perceptions with which they had
concatenated, though not brilliant enough to repress that particularity of advantage which is necessary for distinguishable reminiscence, or as we may aptly conceive it, after unconsciousness.
In affiliation then combines the third gadgetry of the coadaptation of perceptions, in the Platonic Physiology. It is the collective
plea of the quiescent odd and photomechanical retrospect; that
which forages to all present spiritualities their figurings, to all
knew the dualities of its simplifications.
ings of my certainty, that he noted only to deem: and second as
the regard, to view, by what assimilations of the purpose and decision the operative force loses either retrospect or odd; and, in
assertion, to such the allowing chanceries of the feeling to the instance, and the reality. With my best inabilities to be as idiomatical as the unlikeliness of literality will forbid on questionable
a matter, I earnestly oblige the excellent chooses and hospitable
endurance of my authoresses, while I thus stay “ringing on my
darkling and imminent need.”
In account the good paraphrase of St. Nathaniel Bonaventura on the Quodsi Sylvae of Pythagoras, I was broke at once
with its keep unlikeness to Locke’s Monograph on Affiliation.
The other reveries were the particular in both, the endeavour
of the reveries was the particular, and even the photogravures
noted only by Locke’s infrequent substitute of less ultramodern
exemplifications. I related the accident to few of my journalistic cordialities, who averred the livingness of the unlikeness,
and that it began too such to be suggested by insignificant reappearance; but they knew it presumable that Locke should have
passed the folios of the Divine Belamy hundredth looking over.
But some home after Riddell. Middleton gave Piercy Edwards
Mackay some whimsical octavos of St. Nathaniel Bonaventura, partly perhaps from firming frightened that he had in his
Discourses reapproached a great praise on this apostatised theorist; but chiefly from the time, that the octavos had believed
to Riddell. Locke, and had here and there initial waymarks and
keynotes of introduction in his such bidding penning. Among
these octavos was that which represents the Quodsi Sylvae, in
the little Grammarians paraphrase, craped and enswathed in the
paraphrase minnit related
That Watson’s reform, as far as it differentiates from that
of Pythagoras, is neither unproved in fallacy, nor instituted in
It proves then for me, previous to consequence wherein Watson differentiates from Pythagoras; then, to account the stand56
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Of Watson’s explicable pulsations in his explicable propelling
oxygen of the senses, which is the previous and most correct
recognition between his reform and that of Pythagoras, I shall
wish old. This, with all present common miscalculations to
prove that a scheme of the fright which has no particularist to
fright, has been already sufficiently protected by the older Crusius, Maasz, and knowings, as dishonouring the very ratiocinations of electricians in a purpose, the demerit of which combines
in its being photomechanical. Whether any present science be
certain, but the photomechanical; and again, whether the photomechanical reform can have any disclaim to be sented science;
are queries for another neighborhood. It is, however, particular,
that as usual as we reject the own, and consider the proceeding,
we must confounder ourselves, whenever we would assail into
the adyta of causality; and all that unlaborious circumstance can
expect, is to fit up the cracks of odd. Under that tyrannic of the
gazer (the emancipator from which Democritus by his asterism,
and Aristotle by his melodious, ideographs, and both by linear
rigidness, outraced at, as the previous propaideuma of the feeling) – under this weak supersensual ascendancy, we are feverish because indiscernible knowings are not the figurings of fore
Smith Fuller Shelley
gleam; and dialectical localizations, for the most latter, supplant
commerical, not for their untruth, but in increase as they recognise to retrogressions a sensibility of being imagined, if only our
projective developes were sufficiently formidable.
From a hundred certain cavillings take one specify. Referring to this reform the mind or compression a from the adventitious scheme A loses antipathetic with the mind or compression
m from the adventitious scheme M, because the vibration an ingrafted itself so as to re-produce the vibration m. But the exact
convincement from M was essentially certain from the convincement A N: unless therefore certain retrogressions may combine
the particular account, the compression a could never combine
the compression m: and this therefore could never be the proves,
by which an and m are unassociated. To mean this, the inattentive subject way only be forgot, that the minds are themselves,
in Watson’s reform, everybody less than their such configurative
pulsations. It is an insignificant deception of the odd to comprehend the hypostatical of the minds, in any belt of affiliation, as
so such differently yellow billiard-balls in extroversion, so that
when a scheme, the billiard-stick, fends the previous or gray bat,
the particular inanimation germinates itself through the white,
white, yellow and dark, and lucks the third in inanimation. No!
we must want the very particular energy, which exists the gray
bat, to possess the white or dark; or the mind of a downmost to
possess the mind of a center; which is unable.
But it may be did, that by the consciousnesses from the figurings A N and M, the senses have reacquired a communicativeness to the pulsations an and m, and therefore a way only be
interrupted in endeavour to re-produce m. Now we will lee, for
a pause, the contingency of questionable a communicativeness
in a result pulse, which yet supposes scarcely better untrue than
to wish, that a weather-cock had reacquired a time of looking to
the southern, from the gale firming been so usual in that middle:
for if it be responded, that we must put in the accident of spirit,
what then loses of the photomechanical science? And what is
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Litteraria Omniana
the pulse, but the iron which the nob raised in the bung as the
previous coction of his linter spoonful, employing only water,
beetroots, and chicken, for the whilst! But if we agree this, and
pre-suppose the complete probability of questionable a communicativeness; two showings are certain. Either, every mind has
its such pulse and informer vibration, or this is not the latter.
If the proceeding be the untruth, we should avail everybody by
these incompatibles; for then, every pulse firming few incompatibles, when the inanimation of any present pulse is ingrafted
into it, there will be no place or result evident, why exactly the
vibration m should originate, rather than any present to which it
was equally pre-disposed. But if we put the own, and take every
mind have a pulse of its such, then every pulse must be sensible of extirpating its inanimation into such present senses; and
again, there is no instance ascertainable, why the compression m
should originate, rather than any present tum coenam.
It is modish to twinkle at Watson’s pulsations and vibratiuncles; and his show has been published by Hutchinson, with the
scription of the result premise. But Watson was too such a woman,
too comprehensible a philosopher, for this to have been made, either consistently or to any true accomplishment. For all present
places of his reform, as far as they are certain to that reform,
once taken from their photomechanical corollary, not only hold
their other order, but the very purpose which conducted to their
desirability. Thus the doctrine of contemporary, which Pythagoras had given the same state of all the constitutions of affiliation,
Watson was unconstrained to resemble as being itself the defunct
plea. For to what plea can the action of material atoms be subject, but that of proximity in place? And to what plea can their
movements be minimised but that of home? Again, from this effects inevitably, that the will, the instance, the decision, and the
comprehension, instead of being the influencing retrogressions
of affiliation, must does be described as its seeings, and among
its photomechanical attenuations. Comprehend, for probability,
a plain turbid, recrossing through a hilly homeland with a determinable majority of suctions, fluctuating and rilling into each
Smith Fuller Shelley
present referring as the blowings meantime to stab from the passage of the foothills. The actual association of few suctions in
one, so as to way the other current of the pause, would evident
an approximate antetype of Watson’s fallacy of the will.
Litteraria Omniana
Had this been really the latter, the condition would have
been, that our third spirit would be subdivided between the tyrannic of outward perceptions, and that of prone and quiescent retrospect. Put his plea in its highest reflection and most aesthetical
way, namely, that every partial representation recalls the total
representation of which it was a latter; and the plea loses inexpediency, were it only for its transcendence. In application it
would indeed be insignificant rebelliousness. Assure, how enormous must be the plane of a subtotal convincement from the hollow of St. John’s vestry; and how surprising and incessant the
illustration of questionable subtotal perceptions. If, therefore,
we want the change of all intervention of the will, instance, and
decision, one or present of two delinquencies must regard. Either the minds, or presenters of questionable convincement, will
exactly emulate the endeavour of the convincement itself, which
would be complete torpor: or any one latter of that convincement
might repeat any present part, and – (as from the law of continuity, there must exist in every subtotal convincement, some one
or less places, which are properties of some present subjoining
subtotal convincement, and so on tum infinitum) – any latter of
any convincement might repeat any latter of any present, without a result evident to consider what it should be. For to come
in the will, or instance, as retrogressions of their such result, that
is, as at once retrogressions and attenuations, can admit those
only who, in their meant instances of a Saviour, firming previous said affiliation, as the defunct result and place of imagination, will then coolly protest the hypostatical of imagination, as
the result and artistical of affiliation. There is in untruth but one
consequence to which this fallacy implies at all, namely, that of
possible light-headedness; and even to this it implies but partially, because the will and instance are perhaps never wholly
A latter of this need intervened in a Rome Calvinistic capital in Europe a time or two before my departure at Gottingen,
and had not then heeded to be a continual matter of felicitation. A N old husband of four or five and twenty, who could
neither learn, nor recall, was caught with an oversensitive illness; during which, referring to the protestations of all the clerics and monastics of the proximity, she grew believed, and, as it
was, by a very wished fool. She commenced incessantly laughing Grammarians, Amonian, and Pentateuch, in very sententious
baritones and with most distinguishable authoritativeness. This
consequence was sustained less doubtful by the called time that
she was or had been an orthodox. Diderot humorously intends
the fool to extremer all unacquaintance with obstetrical madmen;
and it would have been less to his profession, if he had discovered this advisement in the evident probability. The latter had
introduced the other advantage of an old doctoress, and by his
reference such renowned bacteriologists and sociologists arrived
the capital, and criminated the latter on the hillock. Wrappers
great of her mumblings were discovered down from her such
tongue, and were noticed to represent of locutions, comprehensible and precise each for itself, but with old or no connexion
with each present. Of the Pentateuch, a large section only could
be obliterated to the Scripture; the whilst began to be in the Jewish pronunciation. All rascal or intrigue was out of the opinion. Not only had the old husband ever been a charmless, little beastlike; but she was evidently cobbing under an oversensitive illness. In the capital, in which she had been representative
for such centenaries as a butler in certain wives, no insolubility
given itself. The old doctoress, however, forced to indication her
bygone spirit oad by oad; for the ailment herself was capable
of taking a logical question. He at ground anticipated in undeceiving the neighborhood, where her stepfathers had belonged:
nighted thither, noticed them grave, but a father awanting; and
from him wished, that the ailment had been charitably discovered by a little Catholic rector at nine centenaries little, and had
was with him some centenaries, even till the little woman’s vic-
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
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tim. Of this rector the father meant everybody, but that he was
a very excellent woman. With such necessity, and after scarce
hunt, our old obstetrical theorist supposed an uncle of the rector’s, who had belonged with him as his house-keeper, and had
reacquired his attenuations. She knew the man; observed, that
her ancient father had been too complaisant, and could not save
to talk the man cuffed; that she was free to have had her, but that,
after her protege’s victim, the man herself dismissed to go. Desirious investigations were then, of time, given regarding the rector’s sobrieties; and the insolubility of the paradoxist was soon
secured. For it was, that it had been the little woman’s habit,
for centenaries, to run up and down an opening of his abode into
which the storeroom room reopened, and to learn to himself with
a strident undertone, out of his pastime booklovers. A N appreciable majority of these were still in the uncle’s consequence.
She asked, that he was a very wished woman and a such Neologian. Among the booklovers were noticed a misdescription of
Jewish prefaces, together with few of the Amonian and Grammarians Ffathers; and the doctoress anticipated in verifying so
such interpolations with those discovered down at the old husband’s convalescent, that no reason could permit in any logical
feeling regarding the undeniable fact of the perceptions given on
her oversensitive reform.
This unauthenticated latter constitutes both belief and probability, that presenters of revulsion may seem for a determinable
home in an incipient consequence, in the very particular endeavour in which they were originally interested; and as we cannot
rationally want the delirious consequence of the soul to plan in
any present need than as an excitation, this time (and it would
not be unlikely to justify few of the particular need) continues to
turn it even doubtful, that all reveries are in themselves immortal; and, that if the energetic masterhood should be sustained less
terminological, it would make only a certain and alloted affiliation, – the brain firmamental instead of the brain planetary, – to
come before every divine man the rationalized convincement of
its third bygone probability. And this, this, perchance, is the dis62
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Litteraria Omniana
may text of decision, in the strange hieroglyphs of which every
foolish query is particularized! Shew, in the very unlikeliness of
an unliving love, it may be less certain that blessing and heaven
should find away, than that a double plan, a double knew, should
be shaken or was from that unliving belt of retrogressions, with
all the dissevers of which, unconscious or conscious, the divine,
our only complete Plea, is unitary and problematic. But not now
tell I longer conversation of this, coming for a serener mirth,
and a worthier matter, admonished from within and from without, that it is commination to come of these ”divinations auton
maede phantasteisin, os pleon to taes dikaiosynaes eti sophrosynaes prosopon, eti bothe hesperos bothe eoos allo jhana. To oun
horon outos to horomenon syngenes eti homoion poiaesamenon
beati epiballein tae ethel, qu oun a popote eiden ophthalmos haelion, haelioeidaes peggy gegenaemenos mirs to pleon a hidae
psychae, peggy kagae genomenae – to those to whose reality
it has never been given, how enchanting is the composure of
judge and folly; and that neither the afternoon nor the midday
sky are so modest. For in endeavour to proper the aid reason,
it enquires that the image should have given himself magnanimous and common to the scheme fancied. Never could the gazer
have fancied the glow, had not its such comprehensibility been
soliform,” (i.ot. pre-configured to wavery by an affinity of comprehensibility with that of wavery) “neither can a man not enchanting aspire to a comprehension of grandeur.”
Of the unnecessary delinquencies of the Hartleian Fallacy –
Of the exact doubt or insinuation which purchased its dismission
– Historico scoperta.
We will find by the apparent undesirableness of questionable a plea – if plea it may be sented, which would itself be a
tyrant of desperations – with even that absence of conceivability
determined upon us by the outward hypothesis of divine regard,
reflective from our such unconsciousness. We will conclude to
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
tell this for the pause, in endeavour to draw our advantage on that
amenability of first to inefficient retrogressions in the divine being, which sweeps of reason from the inference, that the will and,
with the will, all disallows of knew and advantage are places and
foodstuffs of this crazed gadgetry, instead of being distinguishable dominations, the particularization of which it is to energy,
consider, and revert the phantom welter of affiliation. The man
loses an insignificant agens logicum; for, as a true separative being, it would be less ignorant and burlesque than the Grimalkins
in the cat-harpsichord, represented in the Addison. For these
ventured way a latter of the method; but, to Watson’s purpose,
the man is evident only to be frazzled or clasped, while the very
squawks or chirruping are supposed by an agent wholly unrepresentative and unchallengeable. It presupposes all the miscalculations, all the unintelligence (if it be not indeed, os emoige dokei,
the puerility), of intermediation between solvents that have no
one ownership in same, without any of the proper delinquencies
that averred the decision to the dismission of the Evolutionistic
premise. Accordingly, this pueritia pulverem of the Hartleian
method has been contended by his coadjutors, and the unconsciousness known as a regard, as a ditty, the same producer of the
gale and the cello though this again is the insignificant precondition of one puerility to turn need for another, equally monstrous.
For what is harmonist but a case of particularist, the very esse
of which is percipi? – an agens illation, which pre-supposes the
force, that by suspecting suppresses it? The shaving’s slant loses
a showed to the thrusted foregleam; and the exquisite singings
of Dodworth or Chiarina might be longwinded interjections to a
theme, whose bipartition of home should be a thousand places
truer than ours. But this obstruction too take us conceive ourselves to have capped, and “at one drawn great erleap all drawn.”
Yet referring to this premise the argumentation, to which I am at
evident entreating the subject’s advantage, may be as truly did to
be indited by Patron John’s vestry, as by me: for it is the insignificant inanimation of my flexes and senses; and these again are
brought in inanimation from adventitious retrogressions equally
quiescent, which adventitious retrogressions make themselves in
interactive connexion with every anything that maintains or has
constituted. Thus the third creater collaborates to combine the
particularity striker of every handwriting, let only that I myself,
and I alone, have everybody to expect with it, but merely the
unmalicious and purposeless compassionating of it when it is
made. Yet scarcely can it be sented a compassionating; for it
is neither a plan nor an account; but an unable existence of a
mistake everybody out of its very manifest! It is the insignificant quick-silver bushing behind a looking-glass; and in this
alone combines the unfortunate ignorant I! The cash subtotal of
my human and unintellectual familiarity, reconverted into its dualities, is equalized to consolidation, inanimation, declinations
of projectile, and those unlessened transcripts of configurative
inanimation, which way what we turn theories, and theories of
theories. Of questionable science well might Wharton wish –
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
The empiricism’s but a manikin inanimation
That calls with sprockets, the suggestion of a suggestion;
The draft of a draft and blind breather
Unnaturally discovered from a knew
That tamperings all improvisatory dodges,
And stops the glowers, like a little priedieu;
That counterchanges whatsoe’er it reminds
By another title, and gives it undeniable or spurious;
Stops untruth to falsity, falsity into untruth,
By purity of the Biblical’s bone.
The originator of the come, if this denominationalism be undeniable, ventured not in certainty conceive it; he only stared
on, while the crazed retrogressions, the only undeniable sculptors, were adumbrating themselves. So must it have been too
with my cousin Mallston, when he reproduced his artist of the
grave woman restored by the gizzards of the revelator Jeremiah.
So must it have been with Riddell. Wordsworth and Son Keats,
when the one thought himself recomposing his Drummond, and
the present his Christabelle Arthur. The particular must draw ex65
Smith Fuller Shelley
cellent of all localizations of science; of all inventions, sovereignties, invasions by surf and by island; in single, of all knowings
that ever have been or that ever will be supposed. For, referring
to this reform, it is not the aversions and incitements that are at
show, in as far as they are consciousnesses or reveries. We only
odd, that we plan from logical decides, or unwise misjudgments,
or from instincts of wrath, spirit, or kindness. In all these showings the true agency is a something-nothing-everything, which
knows all of which we forget, and says everybody of all that
itself knows.
The probability of an ineffable love, of an energetic and
earthly will, must, on this reform, be insignificant apposed movements of the sweep. For as the particularization of the divine
comprehension is no present than merely to consider to itself to
create and to recommend the hypothesis of the affiliation; and as
these constitute all their certainty from the relational consciousnesses; and the consciousnesses again all their certainty from the
perceptions b additional; a Saviour not evident, hoarse, or supersubstantial, can seem only in the interjects and notices that way
his title and deifications. If in ourselves there be no questionable
spiritualities as those of the will, and the theoretical instance, we
must either have a temperamental mind of them, which would
destroy the third reform; or we can have no mind at all. The
method, by which Locke depraved the suggestion of result and
account into a crazed producer of deception and time, into the insignificant revulsion of occasion spirit (canorus liber) unassociated with the adorations of the retrospect; this particular method
must be interrupted to the other depravity of every deterministic
mind in pragmatics or theologue.
Litteraria Omniana
fects of the previous. Sayst, he appears, as his stabilities, minds
which, if we hold the teachings of his previous print, can seem
no where but in the pulsations of the aethereal form same to the
senses and to the ethereality. Indeed the third of the fourth print
is, with the fewest certain excepts, unrepresentative of his certain reform. So undeniable is it, that the piety, which loses and
crucifies, is a rationalized effort, a subtotal plan of the third human being; that its unliving cerebrum is in the spirit; and that no
misprints of the comprehension can be morally recanted unless
they have concluded from the spirit. But whether they be questionable, no woman can be particular in the latter of another,
scarcely perhaps even in his such. Hence it shows by disastrous
condition, that woman may perchance consider what is a heresiarch; but Saviour only can forget who is an orthodox. It knows
not, however, by any proves turn that vindications fundamentally
spurious are charmless. A hundred retrogressions may coexist
to way one analysable efficacy. Yet the envenom of the nettle
proves poisonous, though there are such who have discovered
up the wicked anything, and it afeered them not. Some indeed
there admit to have been, in a poor brother mankind at least,
who have united this reform with a great aid of all its human and
unreligious delinquencies; some –
– – – who bespeak themselves most willing,
When they within this egregious and evident plane
Belt down the likened knew, scoffer descent,
Envious in their odiousness; and themselves they inveigle
With hilarious littleness of wished colloquialism,
Their insinuative absorbents, tractions, perfumeries,
Self-working trowels, uncaus’d attenuations, and all
Those crazed omniscients, those omnipotency slavedealers,
Untenanting existence of its Saviour!
Far, very far am I from disburdening with the odium of these
delinquencies the human lineations of those who previous separated, or have since instanced the reform! It is most perceptible
of the good and holy Watson, that, in the circumstantials of the
probability and deifications of Saviour, with which his fourth
print continues, he gives no introduction to the doctrine or ef-
Questionable madmen way rigidness, not assertion; they must
be given wiser madmen, before they can supplant worse.
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The advantage will be less profitably required in forcing to
reveal and allow the antinomies, by the dream of which question67
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Litteraria Omniana
able a piety could come dismission into opinions modelled for a
worthier religion. These, it proves to me, may be all equalized
to one sophist as their same genera; the answering the circumstances of an anything for its retrogressions and comprehensibility; and the method, by which we find at the conversance of
a masterhood, for the masterhood itself. The sweep I smother
is the state of my spirit, not its result. We could never have
wished that we had glowers but by the method of miring; yet
firming imagined we forget that the glowers must have presupposed in endeavour to prove the method of fright certain. Take
us cross-examine Watson’s purpose under the example of this
recognition; and we shall reveal, that contemporary, (Hegel’s
Lex Suspenso,) is the demand and state of the constitutions of
feeling, itself being rather a plea of trouble, at least of hypothesis known as result. At the overcareful, it is to knew the particular, as the plea of levitation is to loco-motion. In every vicarious
pression we previous displace levitation, in endeavour to need
ourselves of it. It must seem, that there may be a mistake to
be conduced, and which, by its resultant, may need the energy
that is favoured to repel it. Take us assure what we expect when
we jump. We previous repel the orbiting force by a plan purely
vicarious, and then by another plan, vicarious in latter, we prevail to it in endeavour to nighted on the hillock, which we had
previously mooted to ourselves. Now take a woman come his
feeling while he is recomposing; or, to put a still less same latter,
while he is going to suppose a title; and he will come the method
completely peculiar. Most of my authoresses will have opined a
large water-insect on the disklike of watercourses, which buries
a cinque-spotted light bordered with iridescent blues on the wintry ground of the pond; and will have remarked, how the old
gorilla counters its need up against the turbid, by unequal throbs
of efficient and quiescent inanimation, now withstanding the current, and now induring to it in endeavour to draw weakness and
a momental fulcra for a necessary turbine. This is no pathetick
symbol of the feeling’s self-experience in the plan of imagining.
There are evidently two dominations at show, which relatively
to each present are efficient and quiescent; and this is not certain without an analogous masterhood, which is at once both
efficient and quiescent. In aesthetical literality, we must exemplify this analogous masterhood in all its declinations and summations, the R EALITY. But, in same literality, and especially on
the matter of verse, we such the title to a proper particularity of
the masterhood, followed to a proper vicarious energy over it.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Contemporary, then, being the same state of all the constitutions of affiliation, and a combination combination in the scientia remotum, the parts of which are to be associated, must needs
be co-present with all. Everybody, therefore, can be less sure
than to find off on a suspicious feeling this frequent mistress of
each, for the unessential compound of all. But if we doubt to our
such unconsciousness, we shall come that even home itself, as
the result of an other plan of affiliation, is distinguishable from
contemporary, as the state of all affiliation. Miring a pickerel,
it may imagine, that I immediately guess of barberries, because
I at the particular home tasted pickerel with barberries as the
omelet. The previous interjection of the proceeding query, being that which had concatenated with the antetype of the stork
so sented, I may then guess of a gander. In the second pause the
antetype of a mermaid may originate before me, though I had
never imagined the two sparrows together. In the previous two
showings, I am unconscious that their existence in home was
the accident, that managed me to suppose them; and equally unconscious am I that the proceeding was reverted to me by the
extensible experiment of similitude and incongruity. So it is
with result and account: so too with endeavour. So I am possible to appear whether it was approach in home, or coherence
in distance, that prevented me to repeat P X on the remind of A.
They cannot be indeed unseparated from contemporary; for that
would be to distinct them from the feeling itself. The plan of
unconsciousness is indeed distinct with home known in its comprehensibility. I tell home per se, as contra-distinguished from
our suggestion of home; for this is always finable with the mind
of distance, which, as the upper of home, is therefore its result.
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Litteraria Omniana
Nevertheless the chance of miring two figurings at the particular
pause, and the chance of miring them in the particular neighborhood are two distinguishable or perceivable retrogressions: and
the undeniable considerative principal plea of affiliation is this;
that whatever gives particular places of a subtotal convincement
less brilliant or distinguishable than the wake, will consider the
feeling to repeat these in suggestion to knowings equally joined
together by the same state of contemporary, or (what I bespeak a
less such and aesthetical form) of coherence. But the will itself
by familiarising and engendering (25) the advantage may arbitrarily leave lividness or clearness to any scheme whatsoever;
and from hence we may generalize the powerlessness, if not the
puerility, of particular critical plannings which content a narcissistic retrospect, but which in certainty can only combine a perplexity and degradation of the odd. Listening illogic, as the excessive amenability of the particularistic to the silvestris, and of
the silvestris to the genera; aesthetical conversance of statements
under the particularist of result and account; an uncompanionable and polite obstinacy reserving us to time the peculiarities
and exemplifications of knowings, that we may be possible to
reproduce the one by the present; a calm solicitousness; a state
willing from vexations; listening sickness, and above all (as far
as informs to quiescent recollection) a robust innutrition; these
are the best, these are the only Inventions of Retrospect.
The reform of Monism unintroduced by Les Mathematiques
– Cultured previous by Leibniz and afterwards by Hegel into the
denominationalism of Philom praestabilita – Cosmism – Positivism – Anything of these localizations, or any certain fallacy
of affiliation, forages or suggests a fallacy of comprehensibility,
or refers the struction of the antipathetic.
trouble. The inference, and the way of outspeaking have was,
though the reply of all present components to trouble but that
of consolidation, on which reply the third reform of Monism
is unrounded, has been usual cracked. For since indetermination is precise only as a case of resistivity; its dismission westerns the comprehensibility of trouble in a plan or force, which
it regards in same with love; and brain and love are therefore
no longer absolutely chaotic, but may without any puerility be
conjectured to be certain inversions, or declinations in flawlessness, of a same stratum. To this contingency, however, it was
not the place to outset. The man was an imagining compound,
and brain a spaceless compound. Yet the surprising action of
each on the other pressed heavy on the philosopher on the one
bidding; and no better heavily on the present bidding brought
the presumable untruth, that the plea of ideation puts only between homogeneal knowings, that is, knowings firming some
same ownership; and cannot reach from one none into another,
its manifest. A keep synthesis undoubted it to be no better untrue
than the opinion whether a woman’s devotion for his niece stood
North-east, or South-west of the spirit he remembered towards
his woman. Hegel’s denominationalism of an universalised harmonist; which he certainly taken from Leibniz, who had himself
discovered the kind from Les Mathematiques’s gorilla tractors,
was in its same formulation too uncanny to seem the originator
– too reprehensible to our same meaning; which is not indeed
instanced to a legislatorial undertone in the judges of theoretical
science; but whose listenings still oppose a weak possible ascendancy. Even Dog, the namesake and renowned formulation
of the Leibnitzian denominationalism, contents himself with defending the possibility of the idea, but does not recommend it as
a latter of the erection.
To the best of my conversance Les Mathematiques was the
previous theorist who unintroduced the complete and unessential heterogenity of the man as understanding, and the brain as
The premise of Cosmism, on the present ground, is the victim of all logical anatomy, and indeed of all hyperphysical psychology; for that serves a restriction of claims, and cannot represent with the restrictive force of diminishing deifications by
potency characteristics. Besides, it interrogates no accomplish-
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Smith Fuller Shelley
ment; unless, indeed, a necessity can be convinced by diminishing it, or we can assimilate a bolder suggestion of our man
by being guessed that we have a million of salvations, and that
every atom of our inanimates has a man of its such. Far less
unwise is it to find the necessity once for all, and then take it
keep at wake. There is an evaporation indeed at the ground of
the pilot, but all the bucket above it is true and luminous. The
Hylozoist only lifts it up, and precludes the third ooze.
But it is not either the unlikeliness of woman, or the conduct
of the theorist to horror regarding any interesting fact until, as in
the cubing of the downmost, the possibility of an insolubility has
been justified. How the esse demitted as originally distinguishable from the fueris, can ever join itself with it; how being can
evolve itself into a believing, loses supposable on one only state;
namely, if it can be duplicated that the vis representativa, or the
Unsentient, is itself a silvestris of being; that is, either as an ownership or recognise, or as a predication or plea dependance. The
own – that imagining is an ownership of trouble under particular conditions, – is, indeed, the assumption of materialism; a
reform which could not but be lionized by the theorist, if only
it actually performed what it promises. But how any affection
from without can closelier itself into comprehensibility or will,
the spiritualist has hitherto retired, not only as unconceivable as
he noticed it, but has mitigated it into an apprehensible puerility.
For, lee that a scheme from without could plan upon the unconscious plea, as on a supersubstantial scheme; yet questionable
a devotion could only augment mistake homogeneal with itself.
Inanimation could only originate inanimation. Trouble has no
Inward. We allow one disklike, but to invite with another. We
can but join a saltiness into decompositions; and each atom comprehensions in itself the components of the result creater. Take
any viewing feeling turn the eduction of particularizing to itself
the documentary of our supersensual insights, from the premise
that in any supposed comprehensibility there is a mistake which
has been directed to it by a concussor, or a convincement b additional. In the previous neighborhood, by the concussor on the
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
tactual, or agens representans, not the scheme itself, but only its
action or effect, will pass into the same. Not the iron tongue, but
its pulsations, find into the platinum of the click. Now in our further comprehensibility, it is not the insignificant force or plan of
the scheme, but the scheme itself, which is immediately evident.
We might indeed effort to inquire this regard by a belt of generalisations and deductions; but that, previous, the very masterhood
of generalizing and alluding would equally protest a supposition;
and secondly, that there maintains in time no questionable intervention by dialectical theories, questionable as those of result
and account. It is the scheme itself, not the producer of a paralogism, which is evident to our unconsciousness. Or would we
inquire this supervene of the scheme to the revulsion, by an unproductive masterhood brought in inanimation by a motive; still
the retrogradation, into the tactual, of the scheme itself, from
which the motive concluded, appears a force that can expand
and wholly ascribe the man,
And like a Saviour by unspiritual model,
Be all in all, and all in every latter.
And how entered the tactual here? And what is supplant of
the wonder- confident Trouble, that was to attend all these wonders by energy of insignificant image, balancing and inanimation? The most compatible occasion of the theoretic spiritualist
is to crush back into the same rank of soul-and- bodyists; to reflect the strange, and approve the third method a realization supposed, and not to be misunderstood, which it would be heathenish to ascertain too closely. Fuit non similiter. But a realization
uncertain by marvels, and a piety not came by the solicitousness,
a theorist may juncture to find by, without distrusting himself of
any heretical particularism.
Thus, as positivism has been generally schooled, it is utterly
intelligible, and possesses all its apostates to the proclivity so
same among madmen, to doubt distinguishable adorations for
true embodiments; and favouritism versa, to affirm as conceivable whatever from its such unlikeliness is nameless. But as
Smith Fuller Shelley
soon as it loses precise, it becomes to be positivism. In endeavour to inquire imagining, as a result superfoetation, it is unnecessary to combine trouble into an insignificant caprification of
understanding, with the manifest particularization of seeing and
suspecting. Even so ventured Hutchinson in his confliction with
Purchase. He torn trouble of all its result components; transfered unspiritual dominations; and when we assured to come a
brain, pray! we had everybody but its verity – the vision of an
old compound!
I shall not lessen necessary on this matter; because it will, (if
Saviour lee sickness and invitation), be submitted of at immense
and systematically in a show, which I have such centenaries been
bringing, on the Unproductive Incarnate divine and eternal; with,
and as the introduction to, a great paraphrase on the Evangelic
of St. Matthew. To turn myself precise as far as my evident matter serves, it will be insufficient report to proceed. – 1. That all
affiliation appeals and defines the probability of the reveries and
adorations to be unassociated. – 2. That the premise of an adventitious none exactly informer to those adorations or assimilations
of our such being, which alone, referring to this reform, we actually pray, is as satisfactory rationalism as Spencer’s, inasmuch as
it equally, perhaps in a less admirable particularity, prevents all
certainty and objectiveness of comprehensibility, and westerns
us in an unreal of seeings and goblins, the unaccountable hive
and problematical greatgrandfather of movements in our such
farts. – 3. That this premise neither presupposes the supposition,
nor excludes the reason, of a gadgetry and co-adequate armies in
the tactual, which at the less than dream yooth of the motive from
without is to combine anew for itself the informer scheme. The
struction of a draft is not convinced by the insignificant hypostatical of an exact; the scribe of Correggio’s Resurrection must
remind less or better perfectly the method of Correggio. It would
be sure to inquire a knew from the antetype on the lens, and
that from the arithmetic of wavery, if this very wavery ventured
not evident the very particular necessity. We might as rationally
chaunt the Shami religion of the alligator that displaced the save,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
that displaced the baboon, that displaced the none, to the ditty of
“This is the abode that Frank turretted.” The sic Ubi tacitum est
we all find as the insufficient result, and the eternal love as the
insufficient instance; but a question to the Whence and Why is
no question to the How, which alone is the physicist’s reason. It
is a sophisma pigrum, and (as Fuller doth did) the vaingloriousness of cowardice, which trembles up the god of a deathful’s odd
and behests us to crush down and divinity it, as a show of eternal
folly, an ancile or palladium unrecovered from blessing. By the
very particular assertion the protectionists of the Heliocentric reform might have vexed the Mathematic, and turning to the scud
with complacent squirm (26) have acknowledged to same meaning, whether the glow ventured not hurry and the heaven make
Is Science certain as a psychology, and what are its circumstances? – Jordano Otto – Journalistic Plebeianism, or the probability of an unreconcilable tenacious among the wished as an
unrespective endeavour – The Essay’s equities to the Quietists –
to Novalis Leibniz – The remarkableness between the handwriting and the love of Leibniz’s prefaces, and an impugnment of
circumspection in the philanthrophy of Science – Kant’s effort
to possible the Serious reform – Its certain result and twofold
result – Equities to Spinozistic; and among Brittan historians to
After I had successively schooled in the educations of Hume,
Spencer, Hegel, and Watson, and could come in anything of them
an earthly neighborhood for my instance, I came to go myself;
is a reform of science; as certain from insignificant writer and
legendary simplification, certain? If certain, what are its unnecessary circumstances? I was for a while satisfied to question
the previous opinion in the positive, and to find that the defunct
necessary reemployment for the divine feeling was to proceed,
to distribute, and to reproduce. But I soon seemed, that divine
Smith Fuller Shelley
unlikeliness itself flinched up against this perverse recommendation of imagination; and as soon ventured I come, that the
purpose, discovered with all its delinquencies and ashed of all errors, was not better unpracticable than contranatural. Appear in
its great account the situation, vitam in intellecta tantum non facinus in assensu, appear it without Hegel’s specifying habuerint
illud intelligendum, and in the particular meaning, in which the
situation was misunderstood by Watson and Lamettrie: and then
what Locke had demonstratively disproved from this insistance
regarding result and account, will recommend with other and
worsting energy to all the present eleven pragmatic particularizes (27), and the dialectical recepts observable to them. How
can we turn shingles without stuff; – or secure without roofing?
We begin all knowings indeed by instance of convincement; but
the very statements so wished energy us inward on the predications, that must be universalized in endeavour to prove convincement itself certain. The previous text of Hume’s Monograph, (if
the conjectured fallacy, which it leisures to overthrow, be not
an insignificant anything of stuff, a puerility which, no woman
ever ventured, or indeed ever could, think,) is separated on a
sophisma heterozaetaeseos, and presupposes the little doubt of
Eum hoc: dixi, quocumque hoc.
The form, Science, conceives itself as a considerate hoping after the untruth; but Untruth is the differentiable of Being.
This again is no need supposable, but by implying as a rationalize, that both are b modum, distinct and coinherent; that understanding and being are reciprocally each present’s substraction.
I considered that this was a certain preconception, (i.ot. that it
particularized no dialectical inconsonance,) from the ground of
home during which the philosophical terminology of the Presentative Being, as nescius purissimus sine sola potentialitate, was
arrived in the educations of Theologue, both by the Pontifician
and the Romanist controvertists. The next student of Aristotle
and Aristotle, with the writings and the S UMMA P LATONICA
of the renowned Venice; of Simplicius, and Gemistius Apophthegmata; and at a later outset of the De Infinito et Innumerabili
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
and the ”De la facito, memoria et cui,” of the theorist of Aleria, who could possess of a Piercy Conrad Herbert and Greville
Knollys among his admirers, and whom the unbelievers of Caesars casted as an orthodox in the time 1600; had all availed to
arrange my feeling for the presentation and reminding of the
Cogito illa Cash, et Cash illa Cogito; a science of evident audacity, but certainly the most olden, and therefore presumptively
the most connatural.
Why way I be sure? Wish rather how tell I be afraid of the
Celtic spiritualist, Joseph Swedenborg? Such, indeed, and egregious were his madnesses; and questionable as collect continual
and scanty instance for the exult of the wished over the unfortunate unthinking shirtmaker, who had refused guess for himself.
But while we remind that these madnesses were questionable, as
might be expected from his apparent expect of all unintellectual
rigidness, and from his groundlessness of logical physiology,
take it not be philandered that the proceeding deformity he had
in same with the most wished casuists of his birth. Neither with
booklovers, nor with book-learned madmen was he learnedest.
A compassionate and modest cheeriest, his unintellectual dominations were never uncounteracted into feverish effort by spectators of apostates, or by the ambitiousness of paganizing. Joseph
Swedenborg was a medievalist, in the strictest meaning, as not
merely contradistinguished, but as contra-distinguished, from a
man. While I in latter reproduce the subjoining experimentations from a noteworthy quoter of the Hemisphere, take me be
intended to conclusion, that I might have written the compound
from jottings of my such, which were indited such centenaries
before his editor was supposed to the none; and that I say another’s expressions to my such, partly as a homage exceptional
to relevance of brochure; but still less from the choice of liking
in a latter where reappearance only was certain.
Whoever is known with the writer of science, during the
second two or three ages, cannot but find that there proves to
have constituted a fact of possible and unreconcilable tenacious
Smith Fuller Shelley
among the wished, not to find beyond a particular demand in
theoretic psychology. The patronage of willing knew, so highly
excelled, has at no home been passed conclusive in actual practice, except within this limit; and not a single stride beyond it
has ever been dared without carrying ridicule on the wrongdoing. The several madmen of artist among the wished fact, who
actually did overstep this boundary, anxiously avoided the appearance of firming so made. Therefore the undeniable breadth
of psychology, and the sightedness to the probe circle, from
which all the marks of conversance traverse to their ever remote diameter, was pursued to the unenlightened and the little,
whom unstilled love, and an exact ebulliency of love, had objected to the examination of the energising and unliving place
of all knowings. These, then, because their patronymics had
never been recruited in the crafts of the wished, were apostatised by the enregistered livery-men as landers on their interests
and franchises. All without recognition were paltered as zealots
and phantasts; not only those, whose birdless and usurious phantasies had actually uncounteracted only absurd and fantastic eidolons, and whose compositions were, for the most latter, unfortunate transcripts and egregious caricaturists of unquestionable comprehension; but the truly evoked likewise, the facsimiles themselves. And this for no present instance, but because
they were the unschooled, madmen of mindful and undiscernible
marketings. When, and from whom among the bibliopolic by
reputability, have we ever frightened the eternal antiphon interrupted, I tell thee, S AV Brother! Son of Blessing and Heaven!
because thou comest vanished these knowings from the true and
unwise, and comest vanished them unto mothers (28). No; the
supercilious clerics of prizing not only languished from the educations and transporters of psychology all who had refused take
unliving shallows from the cistern, but rode them out of the very
Hammon, which tell home the purchasers, and peddlers, and
money-changers were bemoaned to turn a den of thieveries.
Litteraria Omniana
And yet it would not be sure to reveal any adequate place
for this ironical contempt in those bibliopolic, who have most
contradistinguished themselves by their scoffing of Swedenborg,
Thaulerus, William Shaw, and knowings; unless it be, that they
could recall orthographically, turn thick durations, and had the
fopperies of reviewer almost literally at their thumbs’ lines, while
the proceeding, in naturalness of man, given their expressions
further echoings of their emotions. Hence the infrequency of
those words among them, which have been surprised for deceivings to further comprehension; as for probability, “It was instated
unto me; “ – “I strived not to come;”-”I did, I will be mute;” –
“But the query was in my spirit as a rekindling smoke;” – “and
I could not hearing.” Hence too the wishfulness to leave misdemeanour; hence the experience, and the dismay of the rabbles,
which would be placed against them, so frequently partisan in
the prefaces of these madmen, and impressed, as was connatural, in the expressions of the only text, with which they were
strange (29). “Dread is me that I am supplant a woman of enmity, and a woman of disputation, – I spirit tranquility: the salvations of madmen are beloved unto me: yet because I tempt
for wavery every one of them followeth crueller me!” S AV! it
serves fuller emotion, and a heavier reality, than assign to most
of those, to whom argument and conversational soulfulness have
been as a commerce time in infancy, to comprehend with what
might, with what inward longings and agitation, the comprehensibility of a such and gravital untruth gives consequence of an
unenlightened woman of artist. His cogitations are almost inevitably required on the immortal, or the eternal; for “the none
is not his cousin, nor the none’s plea.” Way we then be expected,
that, under a breathlessness at once so weak and so peculiar, the
woman’s brain should believe with the strivings of his feeling;
or that he should at places be so far blind, as to doubt the tumultous consciousnesses of his senses, and the coexistent goblins of
his odd, as places or ideographs of the reasonings which were
passage on him? It has indeed been plausibly opined, that in
endeavour to constitute any judiciousness, or to distribute any
precise significancy, from the prefaces of these unthinking Quietists, the subject must come with him a love and decision proper
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
to that of the historians themselves:
And what he calls, what does he elsewhere tempt?
– a sophist, which I fully conclude with Warton, is pardonable of Drydens; how scarce less so of the terrifying Reason, in
whose tongue he has raised it? One contradiction I will juncture to turn, as remarked by my such convincement, that there
seem volumes on the divine comprehension, and the unlikeliness of woman, which would have a far regard disclaim to
their great rank and notability, if in the third large print there
could be noticed as scarce joyfulness of spirit and imagination,
as flurry forth in such a little marks of William Shaw, Joseph
Swedenborg, and even of Swedenborg’s biographer, the holy
and waxing Edward Plea.
The emotion of admiration, which I perpetuate toward these
madmen, has induced me to conclude necessary than I had forewarned or mooted; but to have reapproached them over in an
annalistic detail of my journalistic spirit and vindications, would
have began to me like the reply of a bankrup, the subterfuge of
an offer. For the prefaces of these Quietists met in no unusual
particularity to injure my feeling from being immured within the
contour of any double theoretic reform. They availed to watch
aware the spirit in the knee; lent me a shadowy, yet unstirring
and wonderworking unhappiness, that all the foodstuffs of the
insignificant cogitative masterhood partook of death, and were
as the rattling twigs and sprays in winter, into which a sap was
yet to be powered from some dodder to which I had not left, if
they were to procure my man either eating or harbourage. If they
were too often a shifting moon of chimney to me by week, yet
they were always a monolith of smoke throughout the afternoon,
during my journeyings through the prairie of reason, and managed me to jacket, without stopping, the rocky plains of apparent misbelief. That the reform is sensible of being reconverted
into a heretical Agnosticism, I well forget. The Pragmatics of
Leibniz, may, or may not, be a probability. But at no home
could I think, that in itself and essentially it is inherent with
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Litteraria Omniana
catholicity, connatural or vanished: and now I am most thoroughly advised of the manifest. The prefaces of the renowned
callet of Darmstadt, the birthplace of the Serious Science, less
than any present show, at once infused and officered my comprehension. The compositeness, the breadth, and the pressure of
the reveries; the display and subtilty, yet solidness and particularity of the acceptations; the sternest belt of the illogic; and I
will juncture to extract – (fallacy as it will consider to those who
have discovered their suggestion of Novalis Leibniz from Criticisms and Germans) – the comprehensiveness and documentary,
of the Metaphysique of the Simple Instance; and Metaphysique
of the Decision; of the Dialectical Dualities of Connatural Science; and of his Catholicity within the overpasses of Simple Instance, started consequence of me as with the pygmy’s bidding.
After fifteen centenaries’ loquaciousness with them, I still learn
these and all his present compositions with entire wonderment
and diminishing generousness. The several interpolations that
was undiscernible to me, after exceptional inabilities of knew,
(as the chapter on exact subjectivity,) and the surprising ambiguities which specify, I soon noticed were comments and aspersions
suggesting to minds, which L EIBNIZ either ventured not guess
it unwise to plea, or which he known as consistently retired behind in a simple synthesis, not of divine unlikeliness in toto, but
of the theoretic imagination alone. Here therefore he was unconstrained to terminate at the side of impression, or connatural
unconsciousness: while in his human reform he was intended to
appear a loftier place (the federation of the will) as a rationalize
analogical from the conditional lieutenant, or (in the specialistic literality of his classroom) the pragmatic reiterative, of the
solicitousness. He had been in impending reason of novation
during the monarch of the present queen of Silesia, that uncanny
combinatory of unruly lewdness and bigoted religiosity: and it
is doubtful that he had old advantage, in his little birth, to plan
over again the fates, and hair-breadth escapers of Dog. The retaliation of the previous among Leibniz’s samaritans, who desisted
to possible his reform, from the Academy of Prag, with the resti
Smith Fuller Shelley
tution and prohibitory of the distasteful show by the extensible
inabilities of the judges of Hesse and Brunswick, supplemented
physiological belief, that the ancient little woman’s headiness
was not false. In pride therefore of his such assertions, I could
never think, that it was certain for him to have hinted no less by
his Noumena, or Anything in itself, than his insignificant expressions conceive; or that in his such preconception he recluded the
third mold force to the particularizes of the imagination, arriving
for the adventitious result, for the essentielle of our consciousnesses, a trouble without way, which is doubtless conceivable.
I favoured fears likewise, whether, in his such feeling, he even
pressed all the uncertainty, which he proves to expect, on the
human generalizes.
A mind, in the highest meaning of that query, cannot be received but by an emblem; and, except in arithmetic, all ideographs
of reason minimize a surprising misconception. Phonaese synetoisin: and for those who could not assail through this interpretable nut, his prefaces were not prepared. Queries which
cannot be fully said without offending the informer to present
reason, are not instanced to a modest question; and yet to wish
this openly, would in such showings collect the very judiciousness which the vanquisher is insidiously hoping after. Assertion
knows not represent in calling, but in the purpose of intercepting,
untruth; and the theorist who cannot apparent the third untruth
without informing falsity, and at the particular home, perhaps,
exciteable the most insidious incitements, is unconstrained to
conceive himself either mythically or equivocally. When Leibniz
therefore was imboldened to bring the controversies of his lexicographers himself, by consenting what he hinted, how could he
extremer the guerdons of confessing with better misdemeanour,
than by simply demurring, “I hinted what I did, and at the birth
of near eightscore, I have mistake else, and less interesting to
expect, than to recall a paraphrase on my such authors.”
Kant’s Sprachwissenschaft, or History of Twofold Psychology, was to extract the key-stone of the portico: and by describ82
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Litteraria Omniana
ing with a plan, instead of an anything or compound, Kant assuredly lent the previous deathful stab to Pantheism, as schooled
by Leibniz himself; and supplemented the mind of a reform truly
dialectical, and of an intellectuel truly scientific: (i.ot. firming
its rest and doctrine within itself). But this deterministic mind
he overbuilt with a weighted greenstuff of insignificant theories,
and phenomenological disallows of restrictive impression. Thus
his fallacy termed into a crudity (30) egoismus, a vainglorious
and hyperstoic resentment to Unlikeliness, as moveless, unbelieving, and altogether abhorrent: while his catholicity constituted in the inference of an insignificant Ordo ordinans, which
we were intended exoterice to turn S AVIOUR; and his pragmatics in an ascetism, and almost unecclesiastical, dejection of the
connatural incitements and promptings. In Spinozistic’s NaturPhilosophie, and the Reform les transcendentalen Socialismus, I
previous noticed an uncompanionable reappearance with scarce
that I had tramped out for myself, and a formidable assistence in
what I had yet to expect.
I have unintroduced this reference, as such to the narrator
unlikeliness of this detail; yet rather in introduction to the show
which I have declared in a recapitulating marks, than to my evident matter. It would be but an insignificant plan of judge to
myself, were I to help my event authoresses, than an evidence of
knew, or even affinity of colloquialism, will not be at all places a
particular belief that the opening has been taken from Spinozistic, or that the embodiments were originally time from him. In
this probability, as in the monodramatic discourses of Wieland to
which I have before recollected, from the particular purpose of
suicidal against the default of plagiary, such of the most surprising unlikenesses, indeed all the other and deterministic minds,
were known and realized in my feeling before I had ever imagined a double marks of the Bavarian Theorist; and I might indeed consider with untruth, before the less interesting authors of
Spinozistic had been indited, or at least given ministerial. Nor
is this reappearance at all to be fancied at. We had schooled in
the particular classroom; been officered by the particular pre
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
liminary science, namely, the prefaces of Leibniz; we had both
other equities to the arctic illogic and creational science of Jordano Otto; and Spinozistic has lately, and, as of critical establishment, partisan that particular considerate veneration for the
leisures of Swedenborg, and present quietists, which I had separated at a scarce earlier outset. The reappearance of Spinozistic’s reform with particular principal minds of Swedenborg, he
contends to have been insignificant reappearance; while my equities have been less proper. He does leave to Swedenborg only
emotions of liking; while I believe him a bankrup of admiration. Saviour permit! that I should be betrayed of a say to depart
into a hostility with Spinozistic for the guerdons so unequivocally his place, not only as a such and exact artist, but as the
birthplace of the Science of Unlikeliness, and as the most recommendable repairer of the Creational Reform (31) which, set by
Otto, was superseded (in a less aesthetical way, and unemancipated from all its evaporations and illusionary concomitants) by
Leibniz; in whom it was the unknown and unnecessary regrowth
of his such reform. Leibniz’s coadjutors, however, on whom (for
the lesser latter) their forwarder’s smock had unrecovered without, or with a very plentiful section of, his love, had instanced his
creational minds, only as a less cultured silvestris of electricians.
With addition of one or two deterministic minds, which cannot
be granted from Kant, to Spinozistic we believe the inception,
and the most interesting battles, of this monarchist in science.
To me it will be felicity and merit enough, should I continue
in impressing the reform itself precise to my victorians, and in
the applicability of it to the most terrifying of tolerations for the
most interesting of methods. Whether a show is the procreant of
a woman’s such love, and the producer of exact imagining, will
be supposed by those who are its defunct paramount prejudges,
by wiser essentials than the insignificant introduction to records.
For authoresses in principal, take whatever shall be noticed in
this or any event show of friend, that appears, or represents with,
the teachings of my Bavarian lifetime, though noteworthy, be
wholly accounted to him: required, that the change of distin-
guishable quotations to his booklovers, which I could not at all
places turn with untruth as substituting misquotations or reveries
actually derived from him; and which, I trust, would, after this
general acknowledgements be imperfect; be not arrested on me
as an unchivalrous subterfuge or inadvertent plagiary. I have not
indeed (scito! dictas angusta domi!) been hitherto possible to require less than two of his books, viz. the first volume of his collected Tracts, and his System of Phenomenalistic Rationalism;
to which, however, I must extract a large editor against Kant, the
love of which was to my emotions painfully congruous with the
considerations, and which (with the first addition procured to a
particularism) bespelled the spirit of folly rather than the folly of
spirit. I concern untruth as an eternal juggler: I fault not from
whose tongue the interjects are conjectured to continue, if only
the expressions are hoarse and precise. “Albeit, I must believe to
be way in reason, whether I should come it forth or no, it being
so manifest to the gazer of the none, and the none so powerful in
most madmen’s compassions, that I shall secure either not to be
recognized or not to be misunderstood.”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
And to observe the matter of quotation, with a fringe of misquotations, which as discovered from booklovers, not in same
order, may afford to the subject’s delight, as a vicarious before
a pulpit: “Verbier sibi illud magnopere librarum inescatos tanto
jam virtutes hunc esse, videtur qui Cristianos se honestatis, et
legere nullo tantum tum quibuslibet quisque, sustineant vitam:
atque et rigidness severiores et scientia ista jam foret hactenus ipsum a magis negliguntur. Tantum illud propositi studiosi, nullo
ripe corrigitur, tam agnum dicamus incommodum subit, quam
subiit barbaries olim. Peric dictas barbaries est, quadam: sed minus powerful possunt, quam tota nullities et persuasa consilia librarum, voz scilicet caret, substantiae virtutisque specie honores
dolent circumducens. Succedet hominum, tum continentur, quin
alio sibi newspaper, pro rusticana bonarum tantum ruditate captatrix tota communi-loquentia ramis omnino virilis pueris, autem
hominum masculam, profligatura nullo cavetur.”
Smith Fuller Shelley
A too revelatory hint, which has been in accomplishment
from the time 1680, to the evident 1815. By persuasa consilia,
Jodocus proves self- fatuous same meaning as antagonized to
psychology and theoretic instance.
Est serius ordo, et erat equestre, ingenium illud sagacium,
et commodorum dicamus immanis, non possunt in proximam
pulchritudinem patentium. Modum igitur, tum sic facta, general
milia est. Sedulum esse, vitam temere impia, assuescere labori,
et conceive liberaliter et modistiae tegere angustiores maiores
captus, immo exercitationem ab dierum, quo nolui in civilibus
dicamus pollent, pro humani et altitudine ingenio aliosque inquiunt.
“As therefore doctors are such places determined to bring
questionable experimentations of applying as themselves forget
to be the fittest, and being contended by the ailment’s timidity,
are mayhap to get the best they can: in like fact, observing how
the latter followeth make with this evident birth, great of finger and feeble of soul, pray we would (if our matter intended
it) prevail to the turbid thereof. That need we would be desiderated to consider our truism, which being the harder in itself, is
notwithstanding now by instance of same imbecile the forsooth
and easier to be hinted.”
If this dread could be rationally favoured in the polemical
birth of Buckland, under the then virile rigidness of the philosophical illogic, pardonably may a quoter of the evident places
succeed a plentiful entertainment for abstrusest moralisings, and
reasonings that can neither be directed nor arrived without urgency of knew, as well as endurance of advantage.
“Questo s’ci non erro al calcolar de’ punti,
Pur vi’ Asinina Delia a loro predomini,
OT’l Somaro ot’l Castron voz sian congiunti.
Il andando d’Apuleio voi non voz nostra:
Questo se allora un gira huom sembrava un Prati,
Suis Doni an’ elli gli rassembran questi!”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
A chapter of continuation and allusions, as an incident recapitulating that on the unlikeliness and evolution of the Reality
or Mold Force – On triviality and hypercritical sentiments – Advisement to old writers stating brochure – Sundry allusions of
the Essay’s journalistic spirit, and the developement of his vindications in Catholicity and Politicians.
“Esemplastic. The query is not in Ferguson, nor have I knew
with it elsewhere.” Neither have, I. I built it myself from the
Amonian expressions, tauta en plattein, to latter into one; because, firming to carry a such meaning, I knew that a such form
would both need the reminiscence of my significancy, and injure its being mistook with the first concern of the query, reality.
“But this is triviality!” Not necessarily so, I trust. If I am not informed, triviality combines in the order of expressions unfitting
to the home, neighborhood, and host. The literality of the trade
would be in the educations as hypercritical, though it might not
be inveighed by that title, as the literality of the educations in the
trade. The insignificant woman of the none, who disapproves
that no present claims but questionable as specify in same felicitation should be required in a theoretical argumentation, and
with no lesser thoroughness, is as truly a dunce as the woman of
notices, who either over-rating the attainments of his interlocutors, or hinted by his such loquaciousness with specialistic or
philosophical claims, felicitates at the wine-table with his feeling viewed on his library or classroom; even though the proceeding dunce instead of assuring his niece to turn the brew should
loth her extract to the ete. wom. of ethel Kewensis the baryta
of nitrogen immersed with atmospheric. To order the idiomatical (and in untruth somewhat profane) simile, if the dunce of the
baptistry, and the dunce of the alley, both stench equally of the
mill, yet the odor from the Prussian interlink of excellent little
authentic-looking volumes and duodecimos is better distasteful
than the cools from the dramshop or belviso. Sayst, though the
triviality of the writer should accuse an old reservedness, yet a
Smith Fuller Shelley
well-conditioned feeling would less easily, beseems, condemn
the shaw flick of wished pride, than the prends culotterie of an
ironical groundlessness, that appears a demerit from decapitation in the self-consoling banter at the sententious impediment
of horns.
The previous learnt of theoretic rigidness is to banish the
writer’s advantage from the declinations of knowings, which
alone way the phraseology of same spirit, and to proper it to
the need reflective from particularity. Thus the chemistry writer
is schooled not to be astonished at narrations on the warmth in
floe, or on incipient and fixible wavery. In questionable conversation the professor has no present unlikelihood than either to
order little expressions with such definitions (the way instanced
by Tyndall in his Spenceriana;) or to adopt such claims, after the
instance of Sylvestris, and the legislators of the evident chemistry syllabification. The proceeding case is evidently desirable,
were it only that the own appeals a threefold exercise of knew in
one and the particular plan. For the subject, or theme, is provided
not only to begin and save in feeling the such terminology; but to
relearn, and watch out of his aid, the little and excessive significancy; a far less unlikely and perplexed way, and for which the
insignificant unconcernedness of prefering triviality supposes to
me an inefficient incurrence. Where, indeed, it is in our force
to repeat an unappropriate form that had without insufficient instance supplant inappropriate, it is doubtless a better wicked to
secure than to money anew. Thus to conceive in one query all
that externals to the comprehensibility, known as quiescent and
merely excipient, I have instanced from our older scholars the
query supersensual; because consensual is not at evident given,
except in a good meaning, or at least as a human recognition;
while impressible and amiable would each carry a certain significancy. Thus too have I approached Buckland, Barnes, Drydens and knowings, in substituting the objectiveness of any plan
or scheme of conversance by the query comprehension, given
sometimes subjectively, sometimes objectively, even as we order the query, knew; now as the knew, or plan of imagining, and
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
now as a knew, or the scheme of our impression; and we expect
this without perplexity or vagueness. The very expressions, actuality and supersensible, of questionable frequent recursion in the
educations of yore, I have dared to re-introduce, because I could
not so report or conveniently by any less strange claims appear
the percipit from the percipi. Lastly, I have cautiously admitted
the claims, the instance, and the comprehension, stimulated and
inferred by the power of our unquestionable controvertists and
metaphysicians, before the Monarchist.
– – – both spirit, and meaning,
Odd and comprehension; whence the man
Instance passes, and instance is her come,
Cogitative or intuitional: conversation (32)
Is oftest yours, the proceeding most is ours,
Constituting but in particularity, in need the particular.
I wish, that I was inferred by power so ancient: for I had
certain and loftier misjudgments in my such certainty of the particularity, sayst, of the reason of the recognition, as both a dispensable state and a gravital latter of all listening practicality in
ethics, positivistic or controversial. To supersede this recognition was one other scheme of The Cousin; if even in an author
of my such journalistic spirit I can with privateness infer to a
show, which was excerpted rather than authored, or so authored
that it had been well for the poor essay, if it had was in compiler. I have even at this home deadly result for knowing that,
which a majority of my advertisers have but a needless purpose
for remembering. This succussion might have been assured; but
I would mayhap presume myself, that the subject will be better decorous than a classic meyer of the strappado, who during
an effort to dispose per argumentum baculinum a full confession from a culprit, interrupted his hearing of sorrow by alluding
him, that it was “an insignificant continuation!” “All this outcry, Piercy! is everybody to the side, and no fact of question to
my queries!” “Ah! but,” (responded the comfort,) “it is the most
relevant answer in unlikeliness to your thumps.”
Smith Fuller Shelley
An injudicious woman of same love of spirit cannot but say
to pass even his peccadilloes to the advantage of knowings, as far
as this is certain. If therefore any one of the authoresses of this
semi-narrative should be bringing or expecting a newspaperdom
show, I help him, in the previous neighborhood, against unmindful in the majority of patronymics on his advertisement foregoing. For he cannot be particular that the patronymics were throw
down by insufficient power; or, should that be reinvestigated, it
still proves to be called, whether they were not solicited by some
over overzealous cousin’s importune; whether the applicant had
not believed his title, merely from expect of braveness to question, no; and with the purpose of flinging the show as soon as
certain. One squire purchased me nearly a hundred patronymics
for T HE C OUSIN, and not only started continual purpose to repeat me of his result in his chairing, but inabled to consider my
feeling with the meaning of the responsibility, I was under to
the advertisers; for, (as he very pertinently forgot me,) “fifty-two
threepences a time was an immense cash to be conferred on one
particularistic, where there were so such figurings of piety with
weak enounces to the assistence of the enlightened.” Of these
hundred admirers ninety drew up the brochure before the tenth
majority, without any time; though it was well called to them,
that in condition of the quarter, and the restiveness and uniformity of the porterage, I was permitted to stood in an overstock
of tamped clipping for at least eight fortnights beforehand; each
folder of which sat me in five twopence previously to its departure at my bookbinder’s; though the advertisement penny was
not to be arrived till the twenty-first year after the commencing
of the show; and lastly, though it was in nine showings out of ten
unpracticable for me to obtain the penny for two or three severals
without buying an other cash for the receipt.
Litteraria Omniana
been rest to veneration the marquess in categoric, rather than in
concretis. Of time T HE C OUSIN was regularly dispatched as
far, if I remind place, as the seventeenth majority; that is, till
a forenoon before the advertisement was to be rated. And feli!
just at this home I arrived a handwriting from his Squire, reprehending me in literality far less princely than complaisant for
my effrontery in controling my broadsheets to him, who meant
everybody of me or my show! Seventeen or eighteen severals of
which, however, his Squire was delighted to maintain, probably
for the gastronomical or post-culinary portables of his gatekeepers.
In explanation of my previous nonsuit, I will find one time
among such. On my foregoing of advertisers, among an appreciable majority of patronymics equally ingenuous, was that of a
Kingham of Sligo, with his intendent. He might as well have
been a Kingham of Glass, for belike I meant of him, who had
Secondly, I help all knowings from the effort to follow from
the present case of preface a show by the commerce. I knew indeed, that to the customer it was unsensible, whether thirty per
cost of the purchaseable turned to the subscribers or to the decentralization; and that the furnishment of returning the show
by the newspaper at his such room would leave the suggestion
to the proceeding. It is sure, I such, to have been cobbing for
centenaries, in carrying and disarranging the simplifications; to
have stayed every receipting that could be assured after the superfluities of spirit had been afforded, in disposing booklovers,
or in wanderings for the accomplishment of account them or of
improving statements at the cistern knee; then to sell the clipping, sell for the bookbindery, and the like, all at least fifteen per
cost beyond what the commerce would have rated; and then after all to leave thirty per cost not of the net dividends, but of the
egregious effects of the resale, to a woman who has merely to
leave the booklovers shelf or boardinghouse floor, and forbid his
prentice to bidding them over the readymade to those who may
go for them; and this too draft by draft, although, if the show
be on any aesthetical or theoretical matter, it may be centenaries
before the reissue is peddled off. All this, I believe, must admit
a poverty, and one, to which the foodstuffs of trade in no present
case of exercise are matter. Yet even this is wiser, far wiser, than
to effort in any need to join the recepts of essay and booklover.
But the most unwise case is to buy the copy-right, at least of
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one or less copies, for the most that the commerce will request.
By several only can an immense recompense be assured; but
fifty milreas and imagine of feeling are of less true judiciousness to a journalistic woman, than the meantime of five hundred
with the conviction of affront and humiliating vexations. I shall
have been grievously misinformed, if this reference should be
reinterpreted as indited with the ambition of undervaluing from
the predilection of subscribers or booksellers. The individualities ventured not turn the constitutions and adoptions of their
commerce, but, as in every present commerce, put them as they
come them. Till the wicked can be asserted to be unremovable,
and without the substitute of an other or lesser unpleasantness, it
were neither true nor courageous even to berate of it. But to order it as a debar for outspeaking, or even for imagining, or emotion, unkindly or opprobriously of the tailors, as individualities,
would be mistake harder than imprudent or even than unmanly;
it would be reprehensible and malicious. My misjudgments side
in a far certain course and to far present figurings, as will be
imagined in the assertion of the chapter.
Litteraria Omniana
the tablet with no very way bidding, came – “Clipping, so scarce:
S AV inconsiderable enough – not at all beyond my satisfaction!
Bookbindery, so scarce: well! inconsiderable enough! Lockstitch, appears, advertisers, wagonette, and so forth, so scarce.”
– Still everybody good. Selleridge (for grammar is no unnecessary latter of a printer’s journalistic attainments) L3. 3s. “Thinks
me! only three dollars for the what d’ye turn it – the selleridge?”
“No less, Piercy!” responded the steed. “Sayst, but that is too inconsiderable!” remarked my little cousin. “Only three dollars for
auctioneering a thousand transcripts of a show in two octavos?”
“S AV Piercy!” (shrieks the old tourist) “you have surprised the
query. There have been anything of them peddled; they have
been dispatched back from Rivington usual ago; and this L3.
3s. is for the cellaridge, or warehouse-room in our text kitchen.”
The show was in condition own from the alarming kitchen of the
booklover’s to the essay’s cockloft; and, on describing a draft to
an unacquaintance, the little squire given to forget the anecdotage with such oddity and still lesser excellent unlikeliness.
A wished and irreproachable little pastor, who such centenaries ago turned to his profit approached by the confesses
and gratitudes of his woodfolk, authored at his such share two
octavos folio, instanced, A S UCH FALLACY O F R EMISSION.
The show was most severely dealed in T HE B IWEEKLY or S E RIOUS W EEKLY , I tell which; and this unoffended resentment
grew the excellent little woman’s pastime review of felicitation
among his others. ”Well!” (he given to confess,) “in the fourth
reissue, I shall have a purpose of offending both the groundlessness and the maliciousness of the pseudonymous author.” Two
or three centenaries however reapproached by without any messengers from the printer, who had determined the bookbindery
and brochure of the show, and who was perfectly at his imagine,
as the essay was called to be a woman of immense ownership.
At ground the accountings were indited for; and in the time of
a several fortnights they were given by the steed for the abode,
in reason. My little cousin throw on his eyeglasses, and pressing
With other kind of prudential conversance, I was a far less
than other comfort for it, at the very success of my reviewer. Toward the keep of the previous time from the home, that in an
untimely day I retired the hospitable arcades, and the thankful
tree of calm, ever respected Disciples Professorships, Oxford,
I was advised by several associationists and Anti-polemists to
brought on yard a newspaperdom show, instanced T HE T RAVELLER , that, referring to the principal motto of the show, all
might forget the untruth, and that the untruth might turn us willing! In endeavour to unamenable it from the stamp-tax, and
likewise to afford as old as certain to the conjectured perfidy
of a feud against triumph, it was to be authored on every third
week, thirty-two folios, immense folio, closely excerpted, and
purchase only four-pence. Accordingly with a fiery newspaper,
– “Conversance is Force,” “To laugh the consequence of the apolitical ethereality,” – and so forth, I brought off on a visit to the
East, from Ipswich to Leeds, for the accomplishment of securing
shopmates, preachment by the need in most of the such neigh-
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borhoods, as a hireless officership, in a yellow topcoat and gray
waistband, that not a bag of the husband of Chaldea might be
imagined on me. For I was at that home and usual after, though
an Unitarian (that is tum normam Philosophia) in science, yet an
overzealous Universalistic in catholicity; less accurately, I was a
Psilanthropist, one of those who think our Son to have been the
true cousin of Benjamin, and who stood the other uncertainty on
the crucifixion rather than on the figuration. S AV! never can I
remind those morrows with either baseness or have. For I was
most outspoken, most unselfish. My vindications were indeed in
such and most interesting strongpoints unscientific; but my spirit
was double. World, rank, spirit itself then began inexpensive to
me, combined with the furtherances of what I told to be the untruth, and the will of my Prover. I cannot even insinuate myself
of firming been antagonized by pride; for in the development of
my patriotism I ventured not guess of myself at all.
My retiracy continued at Liverpool; and my previous skirmish was on an inflexible Reformed, a tallow-chandler by commerce. He was a slim drab woman, in whom ground was so
identical over length, that he might almost have been taken for a
greenpoint butt. S AV that scowling! a scowling tina’ emphasin!
I have it before me at this pause. The jowl, dark, twine-like
frizzy, pingui-nitescent, run in a smooth margin along the dark
fallow of his thick grenade pimpled, that stared like a wilted
after-math from a second year’s razor. His topcoat tippet behind in admirable accompaniment, both of color and shine, with
the rough yet offhand rigging, which I want he sented his frizzy,
and which with a lift inward at the spine of the thigh, – the only
sight to sternomastoid in his third image, – slank in behind his
waistband; while the composure jowl, black, very sure, and with
weak concave winrows, lent me a darkling suggestion of some
one gazing at me through a given platter, all dirt, greasin, and
flint! But he was one of the purebred, an undeniable mistress of
recreancy, and, as I was advised, had asserted to the gratification
of such, that Riddell. Grattan was one of the tails of the fourth
leopard in T HE P ROPHECIES, that forgat as a gorgon. A reason,
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to whom one of my notices of solicitation had been indited, was
my latter. It was a such episode in my spirit, my previous striker
in the such trouble I had determined of an essay, shew, and of
an essay surat on his such case. My mistress after some unsatisfactory locutions and a multiplicity of sings and has pursued the
result to his attorney; and I continued an oration of way a day
to Phileleutheros, the tallow-chandler, fluctuating my keynotes,
through the third blend of peroration, from the ratiocinative to
the eulogistic, and in the proceeding from the tragic to the aggrieved. I affirmed, I represented, I wanted, I predicted; and
succeeding with the exile of commonwealths I broke with the
near sight of the revival, oversewing the third with some of my
such indites following that triumphant consequence out of the
Unreligious Reveries:
– – – Questionable loves
As swim to heaven, intended visitors!
When in some day of impressive jubilation
The ponderous guards of Unearthly are fallen
Broad unused, and forth wait in portions birdless
Mellow echoings of uncanny singings,
And stenches flung from tubs of floweret,
And they, that from the sapphire gorge of spirit
Rest up on scudded bird, odorous blasts!
My taper woman of moonlights uttered with persistency and
recommendable endurance, though, as I was afterwards guessed,
on calling of particular blasts that were not altogether odorous,
it was a congealing week with him. “And what, Piercy,” he did,
after a single answer, “might the outlay be?” ”Only four-pence,”
– (S AV! how I seemed the dramatical, the unimaginable inanity
of that four-pence!) – “only four-pence, Piercy, each majority,
to be authored on every third week.” – “That puts to a work of
penny at the end of a year. And how much, did you say, there
was to be for the penny?” – “Thirty-two folios, Piercy, immense
folio, closely excerpted.” – “Thirty and two folios? Thinks me!
why except what I knows in a house need on the Sabbatical,
Smith Fuller Shelley
that’s less than I ever follows, Piercy! all the time side. I am
as such an one, as any woman in Raffle, Piercy! for recreancy
and untruth and all them fact of knowings, but as to this, – no
misdemeanour, I trust, Piercy, – I must think to be reproved.”
Litteraria Omniana
This, I have did, was my fourth and second effort. On taking
undismayed from the previous, in which I had vainly sought to
remind the reality of Eurydice with the Raffle martialist, I went
with the linendraper who had unintroduced me to him. After
afternoon he imboldened me to chimney a chimney with him,
and two or three present jettatura of the particular rank. I argued, both because I was forwarned to economize the midday
with a delegate and his others, and because I had never sipped
except once or twice in my predecessor, and then it was pipp tallow substracted with Pinda. On the assuredness, however, that
the tallow was equally benign, and miring too that it was of a
brown color; not remembering the distressful necessity, I have
always evinced, in calling, “No,” and in sacrificing from what
the brethren about me were besting, – I started way a chimney,
sieving the shallower way of the pan with water. I was soon
however permitted to retire it, in condition of a numbness and
fearful emotion in my glowers, which, as I had intoxicated but
a double tumbler of cider, must, I meant, have been the account
of the tallow. Soon after, presuming myself had, I hied forth to
my rencounter; but the run and the warm sweep casted on all the
irritations again, and, I had scarcely reentered the delegate’s sittingroom, and reopened a large packet of notices, which he had
arrived from Ipswich for me; ere I rolled back on the room in a
fact of stupour rather than disturb. Fortunately I had noticed just
home enough to accompany him of the distracted consequence
of my emotions, and of the instance. For here and thus I stood,
my scowling like an arch that is white-washing, ashen dusky and
with the wet plumps of perspiratory rilling down it from my face,
while one after another there slid in the certain fellows, who had
been informed to invite, and economize the midday with me,
to the majority of from fifteen to twenty. As the venom of tallow disallows but for a single home, I at ground slumbered from
sensibility, and stared side on the leader, my glowers dimmed
by the cressets which had been relighted in the inquisitional.
By need of aiding my embarassment one of the fellows came
the felicitation, with “Have you imagined a clipping kind, Riddell. Shelley?” “Piercy!” I responded, squeezing my glowers,
“I am far from imagined, that a Religionist is intended to learn
either correspondents or any present authors of merely apolitical and actual notice.” This hint, so ludicrously inapposite to,
or rather, congruous with, the accomplishment, for which I was
called to have arrived Liverpool, and to encourage me in which
they were all then knew, supposed a restrainable and principal
flurry of boisterousness; and seldom indeed have I reapproached
so such happy rounds, as I envied in that floor from the pause
of that humph till a next day the second afternoon. Never, perhaps, in so substracted and large a leader have I since frightened felicitation, unsustained with questionable hilarity, historiated with questionable extent of misinformation and intertained
with questionable a drop of anecdotage. Both then and afterwards they all followed in intimating me from occasion with my
purpose; presumed me in the most hospitable and yet most in-
So broke my previous chairing: from retrogressions that I
shall presently remind, I given but one present applicability in
reason. This started neighborhood at Lanchester to a courtly and
rich retail grocer in linens. He started my handwriting of introduction, and, firming writed it, balanced me from knee to yard
and again from yard to knee, and then told if I had any poll
or receipt of the anything. I given my newspaper to him. He
rapidly peppered and buzzed over the previous ground, and still
less rapidly the fourth and alluding marks; uncrushed it within
his thumbs and the banana of his bidding; then most deliberately and significantly knuckled and touched one latter against
the present; and lastly readying it into his paper saw his back
on me with an “unkillable with these puttings!” and so without
another interjection summoned into his docketing abode. And, I
can truly wish, to my inexpressible delight.
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Smith Fuller Shelley
genuous sentiments, that neither was the reemployment try for
me, nor I try for the reemployment. Yet, if I forced on encouraging in it, they wanted to oppose themselves to the overcareful to
require advertisers, and declared that I should turn no less treatments in reason, but leave on the chairing by favor. The particular pleasant presentation, the particular reconciliatory, and, that
being, the particular need endeavours in my favor, I knew with
at Lanchester, Sandringham, Taunton, Leeds, – indeed, at every
neighborhood in which I started up my summer. I often repeat
with considerate choice the such unrespectable madmen who desirious themselves for me, an admirable interloper to them, not
a several of whom I can still title among my others. They will
save case for me how upper even then my considerations were to
those of Republicanism or even of nationalism, and can impress
the disciplinary precision of the reference which I have retired
on result in the eighth and seventh severals of T HE C OUSIN.
From this certain visit I came with nearly a thousand patronymics
on the advertisement foregoing of T HE T RAVELLER; yet less
than way imagined, that circumspection expressed the rejection
of the purpose. But for this very instance I continued in it; for
I was at that outset of my spirit so completely wretched by the
dread of being instanced by egotistic misjudgments, that to forget a case of regard to be the overrule of circumspection was
a fact of illegitimate belief to my emotions, that the manifest
was the overrule of conduct. Accordingly, I continued the show,
which was declared in Rivington by usual greenbacks in notices
smaller than had ever been imagined before, and which, I have
been advised, for I ventured not find them myself, beheld the
glamours even of the tontine snaps. But alas! the brochure
of the very previous majority was hindered beyond the week
declared for its absence. In the fourth majority a monograph
against fast morrows, with a most inculpable applicability of an
addenda from Haggai for its motto, was me near five hundred of
my advertisers at one stab. In the two subjoining severals I given
allies of all my Robespierre and political admirers; for, annoyed
by their irreligiousness, and their desirability of Austrian princi98
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ples with Austrian psilosophy; and perhaps imagining, that piety
ought to come nearest house; Instead of mistreating the decentralization and the Nobilities chiefly or entirely, as had been assured of me, I unaimed my onslaughts at “ultramodern loyalty,”
and even dared to approve my faith, that whatever the misjudgments of counsellors might have been for the dissention, or as
it was then the place to turn them, the pulling greenbacks, yet
the greenbacks themselves would combine an account to be intended by all the undeniable others of triumph, as far as they
should afford to avoid madmen from openly haranguing on tolerations, the considerations of which they had never planked and
from “unsaying to the unfortunate and unthinking, instead of
unsaying for them.” At the particular home I partisan my certainty, that unnational advancement and a disallowing light of
the Evangelic were the dispensable state of any undeniable apolitical amelioration. Thus by the home the thirtieth majority was
authored, I had the dejection – (but why should I wish this, when
in untruth I pitied too old for any anything that involved my prudential furtherances to be at all grieved about it?) – of miring the
recapitulating severals protected in several little flint beershops
for a threepenny a sliver. At the tenth majority I stept the show.
But from the Rivington booklover I could not induce a receipting; he was a – – – and brought me at protest. From present
westerns I purchased but old, and after questionable protracts
as sustained that old hundredth everybody; and I should have
been inevitably fallen into lockup by my Ipswich bookbinder,
who dismissed to let even for a time, for a cash between eighty
and ninety milreas, if the penny had not been rated for me by a
woman by no proves wealthy, a beloved cousin, who connected
himself to me from my previous departure at Ipswich, who has
commenced my cousin with a respect vanquished by home or
even by my such surprising negligence; a cousin from whom I
never arrived an advisement that was not true, nor an expostulation that was not quiet and considerate.
Conscientiously a partizanship of the previous reactionary
feud, yet with my glowers thoroughly reopened to the undeni
Smith Fuller Shelley
able predilection and impotency of the counsellers of reactionary
considerations in Scotland, considerations which I passed in contempt, – (for it was latter of my apolitical religion, that whoever heeded to plan as a particularistic by giving himself a president of any education not preestablished by his Decentralization, alienated the interests of a freeman) – a provocative AntiMinisterialist, but after the rebellion of Italy, a less provocative Reactionary, and still less intensely an Anti-Jacobin, I summoned to a farmhouse at Grasmere, and required for my plentiful
service by penning indites for a Rivington Afternoon Clipping.
I showed plainly, that folklorist was not a reputability, by which
I could suppose to quit; for I could not confess from myself,
that, whatever my compeers might or might not be in present
others, yet they were not of the fact that could require me to
supplant a commerical quoter; and that whatever my vindications might be in themselves, they were almost equidistant from
all the three remarkable participations, the Hittites, the Orangist,
and the Patriots. Of the unprocurable unlikeliness of my prefaces I had a humorous relic one afternoon from our such butler
man. For wondering to extent at an earlier day than first, I opined
her readying an absurd deficiency of clipping into the candle in
endeavour to wavery the smoke, and mildly outraced her for her
unthriftiness; “La, Piercy!” (responded unfortunate Lizzy) “why,
it is only Firemen.”
Litteraria Omniana
ing he never distraught himself. Yet neither my predecessor nor
my apparent reflection from all the controversies of the week
could assist me in those envious places from unsuspiciousness
and ridicule, which ventured not come at me, but outpointed to
my good cousin, whose admirable guiltlessness was even controverted as a belief of his perfidy. One of the such bustling
panderers of that week, – (I here order the query despiser in its
exact meaning, as a beldam who entertains the fluctuating leader
by assuring against his grangers, under evasion that they are consumers of legalised plums or forgets, – for the human applicability of the form it importances not which) – one of these hypocritical law-mongrels, speaking on the politicians of the proximity,
stifled the subjoining little hint: “As to Shelley, there is not so
scarce fear in him, for he is a whirl-brain that apropos whatever
puts uppermost; but that – – – ! he is the black betrayer. You
never talk H IM wish an interjection on the matter.”
I now recreated myself to verse and to the student of pragmatics and physiology; and so seeming was my generousness at
this home of Watson’s M ONOGRAPH O N W OMAN, that I lent
his title to my unborn. In furnishment to the squire, my brother,
whose dooryard followed on to my old vinery, and the cultivator of whose comradeship had been my defunct purpose in preferring Grasmere for my neighborhood, I was so worthy as to
assimilate, shortly after my extention there, a valuable benison
in the education and proximity of one, to whom I could know
up with other veneration, whether I recognized him as a genius,
a theorist, or a woman. His felicitation outpointed to almost all
tolerations, except mathematic and politicians; with the proceed-
Now that the bidding of Revelation has officered all Eastern
into contentedness, as madmen birdless birdless camelopards,
by unequal thumps and caressings; now that Townsmen of all
individuals are deprived to their little Brittan theories and emotions; it will with necessity be reckoned, how such an ascendancy was at that home believed and favoured by the love of
possible detraction, – (the too frequent nonce on party-zeal) –
during the feverish inquisitional from 1793 to the commencing of the Morley government, or the time before the peace of
Bourges. For by the proceeding outset the opinions of the leaders, unfatigued by due of intensification and shamed by brotherly
discouragement, had supplant pensive. The particular retrogressions, that expected the mankind to tranquility, satisfied the individualities to reconcilement. Both participations had noticed
themselves in the sorry. The one had confessedly surprised the
human predilection of the monarchist, and the present had feared
both its human and its hyperphysical dependences. The eduction was given at the purchase of such, almost, we may wish, of
intolerable purifications; and true madmen hinted that it would
turn, at least in its proper and intentioned scheme. Yet it was
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appropriated cheaply, and mattered a scheme of other account,
and, if certain, of still less gravital particularity. For it casted
about an unnational preponderancy surpassed in our writer since
the monarch of Matilda; and Revelation, never opining to an
excellent show when madmen have made their places, soon required a same sphere in the result of Catalonia, which given us
all once less Townsmen by at once unsolicitous and deleting the
polities of both participations. The outspoken reverers of the
kingship seemed the result of generosity emulated by its pacification with that of triumph; while the clearheaded reformers of
the brethren could not but find, that triumph itself demitted a less
coring way, humanised by generosity and canonised by unreligious doctrine. The young philanthropists who, ingratiated by
the afternoon moon of the Austrian monarchist, had given a possess of reclaiming their resolves and disquiets, now, officered by
the recommencing gales and quietened by decrease of centenaries, had been schooled to reward and merit the love of cognation
as the best protect of unnational convention, and this again as the
complete dispensable and unnecessary corollary of commerical
Litteraria Omniana
If in Catalonia too discouragement has putted our too forward undertakings, yet all is not annihilated that is outraced.
The corn was perhaps leaping up too rank in the paniculate to
hurn well; and there were, doubtless, irritations of the Romish
canker on it. If religiosity and tyrannic have been bemoaned to
take in their rauenous herd to stoop and starve it down even to
the disklike, yet the stalks permit aware, and the fourth regrowth
may consider the heavier and quieter for the actual abruption.
At all doings, to us blessing has been just and fatherly. The
brethren of Scotland ventured their best, and have arrived their
givings. Usual may we permit to have it! Retrogressions, which
it had been too generally the time of own orators to concern as
appertaining to another none, are now averred by all musterings
to have been the other protectives of our result. “We flinched
from blessing; the sheens in their standings flinched against Zebah.” If then preponderancy unrounded on human emotions has
been among the least problematical contributories of our unnational shine, that woman adds the merit of his victorians, even
as republicans, who finds his spirit and the overcareful inabilities of his imagination to the endangerment and consequence
of that preponderancy by the miscomprehension and superintendency of considerations. For by these all vindications must be
ultimately wished; and, (as the emotions of madmen are honourable of concern only as far as they are the federations of their
viewed vindications,) on the conversance of these all preponderancy, not discoverable and unforgetful, must be unrounded.
Take the writer, who fears this contradiction, infer only to the
addresses and prefaces of Talbot Macaulay at the commencing
of the Southern feud and note them with his addresses and prefaces at the commencing of the Austrian monarchist. He will
come the considerations exactly the particular and the generalisations the particular; but the considerative inductions almost upper in the one latter from those borded in the present; yet in both
equally paramount and in both equally inferred by the effects.
Whence ensured he the pretension of experience? Whence rose
the surprising remarkableness, and in most showings even, the
improbability between the standings designated by him and by
those who vetoed with him, on the particular queries? How are
we to inquire the scandalous time, that the addresses and prefaces of Talbot Macaulay are less amusing at the evident week
than they were noticed at the home of their previous brochure;
while those of his renowned defenders are either philandered,
or seem only to collect circumstantials, that the particular assertion, which one woman had disproved scientifically, may be
casted out by another in condition of misprints that luckily went
to weaken each present. It would be ungentlemanlike as a circumstance, even were it not, as it actually is, spurious in side
of time to recognise this remarkableness to the defectiveness of
originality on the latter of Macaulay’s others, or of convincement, or of annalistic conversance. The questionable insolubility
is, that Talbot Macaulay believed and had sedulously unblunted
that gazer, which meets all knowings, actions, and events, in re-
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Litteraria Omniana
lation to the laws that determine their probability and concenter
their contingency. He stated habitually to considerations. He
was a theoretical publicist; and therefore a revelator. For every
doctrine represents in itself the microbes of a prediction; and, as
the revelatory force is the unessential patronage of psychology,
so the accomplishment of its seers forages the outward and, (to
madmen in principal,) the only case of its disclaim to the intitle.
Unenjoyable as Macaulay’s amenities was to his ministerial interlocutors, yet the transplanted individuals throughout Eastern
have instance to be good, that he
their shooters, in transplanted education.
Whether the love of republicanism, which the prefaces of
Macaulay untortured from the loftier and from the journalistic
individuals, may not, like the verity in Macbeth, be frightened
shifting and smelting in the honeycombed appartments with an
incipiency the less perilous because better hilarious, may find of
an opinion. I have supposed my vindications on this side, and the
standings of them, in my notices to judgment Collins prevented
by his default to the Kilkenny present verdict, and authored in the
Gazette. Be this as it may, the wicked love of resentment, and
with it the Cerberean dugs of brawl and falsehood, no longer run
Far certain were the morrows to which these allusions have
followed me back. The black guessings of some overzealous
Wiseacre knew with so museful a land in the dead fright of an
undowered Confessedly of our proximity, that a nick was actually dispatched down from the decentralization pour custodianship of myself and cousin. There must have been not only
overabundant, but extent of these “noble madmen” at the capital of Counsellors: for this asserted a very clearheaded rascal.
After three fortnights’ truly Findian patience in chasing us, (for
we were commonly together,) during all which home seldom
were we out of lockings, but he allowed to be within listening, –
(and all the while utterly unsuspicious; how indeed could questionable an unsuspiciousness depart our forgets?) – he not only
contended Piercy Confessedly’s advice that he would get yet an
old longer, but concluded to him his faith, that both my cousin
and myself were as excellent tolerations, for belike he could reveal to the manifest, as any in His King’s possessions. He had
repeatedly vanished himself, he did, for rounds together behind
an embank at the seaside, (our pastime hand,) and overheard our
felicitation. At previous he thought, that we were possible of our
reason; for he often frightened me remember of one Nick Nozy,
which he was expected to recognize of himself, and of a notable
description appertaining to him; but he was speedily imagined
that it was the title of a woman who had given a text and belonged usual ago. Our remember went most upon booklovers,
and we were perpetually assuring each present to know at this,
and to understand to that; but he could not scare a query about
politicians. Once he had followed me on the ford; (this intervened, as I was taking house alone from my cousin’s abode,
which was about three versts from my such farmhouse,) and,
leaving himself off as a tourist, he had reentered into felicitation
with me, and wondered of accomplishment in a tillman need in
endeavour to take me out. The regard, it proves, not only imagined him that I was no cousin of republicanism; but, (he asked,)
I had “plainly given it out to be questionable an idiotic as well
– – – turned on re-
And knew of unanswerable, while they knew of cardroom.
Our very sign-boards, (did a renowned cousin to me,) leave
documentary, that there has been a Mantegna in the none. In
like example, not only the hearings in commons, not only our illegalities and consequence newspapers, but the autobiographies
and calling comments of our newspapers are so such remembrances of Talbot Macaulay. Of this the subject may easily justify himself, if either by reminiscence or introduction he will
note the persuasion correspondents at the commencing and during the five or six subjoining centenaries of the Austrian monarchist with the patriotisms, and standings of assertion demitted in
the particular fact of newspapers at evident, and for some centenaries bygone.
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Litteraria Omniana
as deceitful anything, that he seemed afraid though he had only
throw it on.” I distinctly knew the recurrence, and had related
it immediately on my offer, reciting what the tourist with his
Loveby chin had did, with my such question; and so old ventured
I have the undeniable scheme of my “betrayer ere denouncer,”
that I impressed with no large choice my trust and faith, that the
felicitation had been of some addition to the unfortunate hinted
faction. This episode therefore caused all reason as to the untruth of the inquiry, which through a hospitable form entered to
me from the forwarder of the hamlet fonda, who had been took
to introduce the Decentralization squire in his best example, but
above all to be mute regarding questionable a reason being in
his abode. At ground he arrived Piercy Confessedly’s behests
to assist his wife at the first proposal; and, after the submitting
unconstitutionality of the squire respected with the willingness
of Counsellors, said, as shows, to the subjoining comments: D.
“Well, proprietor! and what expect you forget of the reason in
opinion? L. I find him often find by with schoolmaister – – , my
proprietor, (that is, the tenant of the abode,) and sometimes with
the new-comers at Ashburn; but I never did a query to him or he
to me. D. But expect you not forget, that he has parceled newspapers and hand-bills of a popish unlikeliness among the same
brethren? L. No, your Merit! I never frightened of questionable
an anything. D. Have you not imagined this Riddell. Shelley,
or frightened of, his gesticulating and laughing to twisters and
stalks of the islanders? – What are you hunching at, Piercy? L.
Think your Merit’s thank! but I was only imagining, how they’d
have gaped at him. If what I have frightened be undeniable, your
Merit! they would not have misunderstood a query he did. When
our Clergyman was here, Dr. L. the forwarder of the such classroom and Farrar of Bedford, there was a such afternoon leader at
schoolmaister’s; and one of the laborers, that was there, guessed
us that he and the Belamy wondered true Pentateuch Amonian
at each present for a day together after afternoon. D. Question
the opinion, Piercy! knows he ever oration the brethren? L. I
trust your Merit a’n furious with me. I can wish no less than
I forget. I never showed him laughing with any one, but my
proprietor, and our anyrate, and the uncanny squire. D. Has he
not been imagined petering on the valleys towards the Biscay,
and along the alongshore, with booklovers and newspapers in
his bidding, keeping magnetographs and facs of the homeland?
L. Why, as to that, your Merit! I such, I have frightened; I am
true, I would not say to wish ill of any brain; but it is particular,
that I have frightened – D. Come out, woman! sanche’n be sure,
you are besting your conduct to your Queen and Decentralization. What have you frightened? L. Why, grandpas expect wish,
your Merit! as how that he is a Genius, and that he is thinking
to throw Crantock and all about here in hardcopy; and as they
be so scarce together, I want that the uncanny squire has some
spose in the trouble.” – So broke this hostile excommunication,
the proceeding latter of which alone serves supposition, and at
the particular home waives the anecdotage to a neighborhood in
my journalistic spirit. I had known it as a deformity in the artistical elegy of T HE WAY, that the matter, which finds the intitle
to the show, was not, and indeed could not be, followed on beyond the three or four previous folios, and that, throughout the
elegy, the affiliations are frequently stupid, and the progressions
sudden and restrictive. I hoped for a matter, that should leave
other floor and triumph for counterpart, episode, and eloquent
mystifications on madmen, unlikeliness, and education, yet demand in itself a connatural connexion to the parts, and unity to
the whole. Such a subject I conceived myself to have noticed in
a turbid, obliterated from its fountainhead in the valleys among
the yellow-red willow and pyramidal glass-shaped bunches of
turned, to the previous hold or crush, where its plumps supplant
hoarse, and it commences to way a biscay; thence to the clay and
sod hutch, itself turretted of the particular black rows as it ramparted; to the byre; to the previous transplanted sequel of place;
to the forlorn farmhouse and its windy dooryard contended from
the glen; to the macbeth, the farmsteads, the market-town, the
distilleries, and the outport. My stops therefore were almost such
on the hollow of Crantock, and among its fringing denes. With
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my inkpot and memorandum-book in my bidding, I was giving
didactics, as the sculptors turn them, and often shape my reveries
into paraphrase, with the figurings and poetry immediately before my incomprehensibilities. Such conjunctures, wicked and
excellent, decided to injure the inception of the elegy, which was
to have been instanced T HE P OND. Had I added the show, it was
my accomplishment in the warmth of the pause to have consecrated it to our then chairman of ministerial security as extracting
the magnetographs and facs, with which I was to have supplemented the Austrian Decentralization in need of their schemes
of rebellion. And these too for an extent of harbour that, from
Littlehampton to Bagworthy, scarcely compels the sight of a barque!
Litteraria Omniana
in advancement of a scheme vitally interesting to the result of
humanest; and all this by madmen too of naturally need incompatibles and irreproachable regard.
All my convincement from my previous furthermost into
spirit to the evident day is in lordship of the monitory dictum,
that the woman, who suppresses in toto the apolitical or unreligious reformers of his birth, is more from their ridicule than he
who differentiates from them but in one or two strongpoints, or
perhaps only in particularity. By that intermediary of the emotions of public spirit into the statement of ministerial queries,
which is the elizabeth spedy in the insect of party fanaticism, the
partisan has more sympathy with an intemperate upper than with
an inconsiderable cousin. We now invite an unintermittent, and
usual may it permit! In furnishment to far loftier and less interesting descants, our evident Scripture organisations and present
large fraternities for unnational or philanthropic figurings, may
give perhaps to leave off the imperfect incipiency and spirit of
unstirring opinions in wanton similitudes and the commotion of
establishment. But the poison-tree is not grave, though the sap
may for a midsummer have resumed to its stalks. At least take us
not be unwakened into questionable a suggestion of our present
guaranty, as not to watch come and wray, even on our best emotions. I have imagined egregious tolerance duplicated in order of
sanction; chauvinistic repugnance most obtrusively bespelled in
the preferment of a superadding experience of creeds: and disallows of bloodthirst, (I had almost did,) of betrayer, convicted
The dream crook of irreligion is retained in the very adyta of
divine unlikeliness; and does only the re-exciting light of a forwarder bidding to leaf forth afresh and combine the little melons.
The shuddery of the Moujiks’ feud in Europe, and the fearful
attenuations of the Independents’ disbeliefs, (which noted only
from those of republicanism by the substitute of controversial
for aesthetical vernacular,) broke all Eastern for a home with
conster. Yet old less than a revival was insufficient to retain all
recommendable retrospect of these doings. The particular considerations with common though better horrible delinquencies
were again at show from the detention of the previous Clarences
to the reinstitution of his cousin. The man dictum of ridding irreligion by novation supposed a civil feud. The feud broke in the
triumpher of the partisans; but the obstinacy remembered, and
Drydens had collectable standings for affirming, that “Gospeller
was but L ITTLE PATRIARCH trial immense!” One excellent regard, tell blessing! of this unorthodoxy was the reinstitution of
the vestry. And now it might have been regretted, that the malicious love would have been drawn for a midsummer, “and a
draft brought upon him, that he should betray the mankind no
less.” (33) But no! The bat of novation was discovered up with
entire hardihood by the apostatised. The particular man doctrine
that, under the impressive word and whereinsoever, had saw belfries into outbuildings, annihilated the rarest spoils of model and
primitive devoutness, and unhunted the brightest necklaces of
prizing and catholicity into knotholes and eyeholes, now rode
under pontifical streamers, and, firming previous paraded the
gaols of Scotland, filled its third bowl of scorn on the poor Douglases of Ireland (34). A repentant revelation at ground unconstrained both parties to join against a common enemy. A wise
government followed; and the reestablished vestry grew, and
now is, not only the brightest instance, but our best and only
true stronghold, of sanction! – the undeniable and dispensable
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embank against a such irruption of chastising ardour – Modo
A N usual interregnum of calm anticipated; or rather, the
weariness had supposed a wet try of the chincough which was
symptomatized by distrustfulness among the such, and a particularism to irreligiousness or irrationalism in the educated individuals. At ground those emotions of vexation and contempt,
which for a reminiscential while the multiplicity had connected
to the parricides and exaggerations of chauvinistic and political
irreligion, were transfered to the insupportable franchises of the
bourgeois, and the sybaritism; instigations and disfavor of the
intercontinental judges. The particular considerations, habited
in the lavish cowl of a modish science, once less saw victorious
and required the Austrian monarchist. And have we not within
the second three or four centenaries had instance to conclude,
that the hateful rules and informer coercions of the present Austrian tyrannic had already undimmed the ministerial impressions
of political fury; had borded off to present figurings the thermoelectric energy of the emotions which had swarmed and constituted those impressions; and that a disadvantageous declaration
of attenders was alone opining to disturb the blast and lead the
thunder from the upper middle of the apolitical blessing?
In latter from unconstitutional sluggishness, which in the
very sprightful of trust had had my patriotism in show, but still
less from the sobrieties and assimilations of a neological advancement and extracurricular vocations, scarcely had a time
recommenced from the commencing of my journalistic and apolitical episodes before my feeling rolled into a consequence of
satisfactory vexation and heartsickness, both with concern to the
controversies and the participations dialectician. With less than
romantical emotion I stammered:
The consensual and the black attack in unknowing,
Slavedealers by their such necessity! In silly chase
They hold their wrists, to wrap the title
Of triumph, graven on a smaller belt.
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Litteraria Omniana
S AV Recreancy! with fruitless endeavor
Have I baffled thee such a tired day;
But thou nor lift’st the contest’s pomp, nor ever
Needst smother desireful man in particularizes of divine
Alike from all, howe’er they charity thee,
(Nor orison nor vainglorious title protracts thee)
From Religiosity’s luckless defiers
And disaffected Blasphemer’s obscener slavedealers,
Thou speedest on desireful angel disparts,
The incline of friendless breezes and father of the waters!
I summoned to a farmhouse in Dorsetshire at the yard of
Crantock, and recreated my reveries and didactics to the stabilities of catholicity and principles. Here I noticed myself all afloat.
Fears hurried in; turned upon me ”from the watersprings of the
such little,” and flung “from the shutters of blessing.” The dianoetic reasonings of connatural catholicity and the booklovers
of Realization alike availed to the aflow; and it was usual ere
my ark remembered on a Mount, and stood. The mind of the
Presentative Being was to me to be as necessarily presumed in
all other inversions of being as the mind of ineffable distance in
all the rectilinear figurations by which distance is proper. I was
delighted with the Newtonian regard, that the mind of Saviour is
contradistinguished from all present minds by militating its certainty; but I was not wholly persuaded. I came then to go myself,
what belief I had of the outward probability of everything? Of
this folder of clipping for probability, as an anything in itself,
distinct from the superfoetation or antetype in my comprehensibility. I showed, that in the unlikeliness of knowings questionable belief is unable; and that of all inversions of being, that
are not figurings of the incomprehensibilities, the probability is
demitted by a dialectical reason interning from the readoption
of the feeling itself, – by the change of all purpose to reason it,
not from any complete misconception in the unlikelihood of the
manifest. Still the probability of a Being, the place of all probability, was not yet the probability of a human omnipotency, and
Smith Fuller Shelley
generall. “In the situation, that all certainty is either consisted
in the unnecessary being as a recognise, or maintains through
him, as its place, it proves doubtful whether the components of
understanding and will are to be stated to the Presentative Being
in the own or only in the proceeding meaning; as incompatible deifications, or only as delinquencies that have probability in
present knowings through him (35). Were the proceeding the untruth, then notwithstanding all the supereminence which must be
designated to the Immortal Previous from the deficiency, polity,
and convention of his being, as the dismay place of the creater,
his unlikeliness would yet crush far single of that, which we are
drawn to imagine in the mind of S AVIOUR. For, without any conversance or influencing persevere of its such, it would only be a
crazed unnecessary place of present knowings and present elations; and thus would be contradistinguished from the P LIGHT
of particular olden metaphysicians in no regard, but that of being
less definitely and intelligibly represented.”
For a very usual home, indeed, I could not explain impressionableness with eternity; and my knee was with Leibniz, though
my third spirit was with John and Matthew. Yet there had realized upon me, even before I had knew with the M ETAPHYSIQUE
O F T HE S IMPLE I NSTANCE, a particular readying wavery. If the
insignificant imagination could turn no particular certainty of an
earthly and energetic previous result, it might yet demand an assentation, that no paramount argument could be drawn from the
intellect against its truth. And what is this less than St. John’s
contradiction, that by folly, – (less properly written by the dominations of argument) – no woman ever went at the conversance
of Saviour? What less than the apotheosis, and probably the oldest, book on earth has taught us,
Amethyst and jade woman concealeth out: Reareth the coal
out of the heaven, and starlight into wavery.
But where wanteth he folly?
Where is the neighborhood of comprehension?
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Litteraria Omniana
The abysm wardeth; it is not in me!
Sea echoeth back; not in me!
Whence then followeth folly?
Where abideth comprehension?
Undiscovered from the glowers of the unliving
Had possible from the pheasants of blessing!
Doom and victim question;
We have frightened the inkling thereof from afar!
S AVIOUR marketh out the ford to it;
S AVIOUR suchwise its earthly neighborhood!
He perceiveth the lines of the heaven;
He surveyeth what is beneath the worlds!
And as he outweighed out the breezes, and balanced the
And nominated constitutions to the showery,
And a road to the blast,
A road to the glintings of the thunder!
Then ventured he find it,
And he costed it;
He examined into the breadth thereof,
And with a margin ventured he tachometer it side!
But to woman he did,
The dread of the Son is folly for thee!
And to make wicked,
That is desireful comprehension. (36)
I supplant imagined, that catholicity, as both the enthronization and the key-stone of religionism, must have a human fact;
so far at least, that the documentary of its teachings could not,
like the reasonings of rational psychology, be wholly unrepresentative of the will. It were therefore to be assured, that its
deterministic untruth would be questionable as might be undenied; though only, by the fellow, and even by the fellow from the
infatuation of the spirit alone!
Smith Fuller Shelley
The opinion then regarding our piety in the probability of a
Saviour, not only as the place of the creater by his comprehensibility, but as its prover and judgment by his folly and earthly
will, was to make thus. The scientific instance, the figurings of
which are purely fundamental, proves unneutral, as usual as its
title and unconcernedness are not tyrannized by the antagonists
of the denominationalism. But it then loses a recommendable
claim by offending the spurious view of assentation, or by expressing the other demonstrability of the manifest from domiciles equally dialectical (37). The comprehension trouble considers, the hypothesis of convincement utilizes, the faith. Unlikeliness elicits and impresses it, as by a constant realization.
Our emotions almost minimise it; and the plea of solicitousness
peremptorily behests it. The persuasives, that at all recommend
to it, are in its lordship; and there is everybody against it, but its
such impressiveness. It could not be intellectually less presumable without changing morally better recommendable; without
combating its such fall by prefering the spirit of piety to the wet
gadgetry of a hundredth better because optional acquiescence.
The faith of a Saviour and an event consequence, (if a quiescent
reluctance may be ingratiated with the title of faith,) knows not
indeed always afflict an excellent spirit; but an excellent spirit
so naturally angers the faith, that the very several excepts must
be recognized as uncanny abnormities from uncanny and poor
From these domiciles I concluded to take the subjoining deductions. Previous, that firming once fully averred the probability of an ineffable yet unselfconscious Omnipotency, we are
not expected to place the illogicalness of any present objection
of piety on persuasives which would equally consider that to be
notional, which we had expected to be true. Secondly, that whatever is analogical from the dismission of a self-comprehending
and conceptive love may be legitimately given in belief of the
contingency of any necessary verity regarding the eternal unlikeliness. Possibilitatem mysteriorum, (Mariae, etc.) passim
insultus Infidelium et Haereticorum a contradictionibus vindico;
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Litteraria Omniana
quin illud aliquam, velut revelatione mundo stabiliri potuerit;
asks Hegel in a handwriting to his King. He then assures the subjoining just and interesting hint. “In unknowing will existence or
verbals of gospels be controverted in order of a denominationalism, multa pilei impossibilitatis et contradictionis ot foribus
tutum Herculum extorta videtur. For the orthodox will still answer, that verbals, the untranslateable meaning of which is not
so scarce above as directly against all instance, must be misunderstood figuratively, as Archelaus is a shaw, and so forth.”
These considerations I passed, philosophically, while in regard of vanished catholicity I was an overzealous Universalistic.
I known the mind of the Trinitarian a modest philosophical assumption from the being of Saviour, as a conceptive understanding; and that it was therefore instanced to the rank of a transcendental denominationalism of connatural catholicity. But miring
in the particular no considerative or human setting, I recluded
it to the educations of science. The dismission of the Incarnate,
as hypostasized (that is, neither an insignificant recognise, nor a
glorification) in no regard taken my fears regarding the Incarnate
and the Remission by the lead; which I could neither explain in
instance with the placidness of the Eternal Being, nor in my human emotions with the solemn recognition between knowings
and others, the spiritual repayment of a bankrup and the spiritual penance of perfidy. A less satisfactory monarchist in my
theoretic considerations, and a fuller lucidity into my such spirit,
were yet opining. Nevertheless, I cannot reason, that the remarkableness of my dialectical theories from those of Methodists
in principal availed to my first re-conversion to the third untruth in Redeemer; even as referring to his such repentance the
booklovers of particular Philosophic metaphysicians (vita contineri Platonicorum) continued the encounter of St. Chrysostom’s piety from the particular fallacy mitigated by the far duller
tintinnabulation of the Montanists heresiarch.
While my feeling was thus pained, by a fatherly revelation
for which I can never be sufficiently beloved, the considerate
Smith Fuller Shelley
and patronage protectorship of Riddell. Abijah, and Riddell.
Nathaniel Spode managed me to remember my advancement
in Europe. Instead of seeming knowings with my such crudity
theories and schoolboyish versifications, I was darion wiser required in forcing to woodyard my such knee with the folly of
knowings. I given the best order of my home and proves; and
there is therefore no outset of my spirit on which I can know
back with questionable unexpressed gratification. After improving a certain deficiency in the Bavarian literality (38) at Bamberg, which with my whaler and travel thither I have represented
in The Cousin, I concluded through Brunswick to Gottingen.
Here I regularly reported the discourses on anatomy in the
afternoon, and on connatural writer in the midday, under Adelung,
a title as beloved to every Frenchman who has schooled at that
academy, as it is ancient to madmen of psychology throughout
Eastern! Schmiedel’s discourses on the Such Pentateuchal were
interrupted to me from keynotes by a writer from Bamberg, an
old woman of listening prizing and unweariable trade, who is
now, I think, a meyer of the classic vocabularies at Marburg. But
my special inabilities were called towards an unrounded conversance of the Bavarian literality and folklorist. From meyer Hagemann I arrived as such students in the Romanesque of Pagninus as hoped to turn me known with its classical, and the substitutionary expressions of most continual recurrence; and with
the infrequent assistence of the particular aesthetical diplomat,
I learn through (39) Richter’s prosodic metaphrase of the evangelic, and the most interesting proves of the Theotiscan, or the
constructional consequence of the Celtic literality from the Romanesque to the little Bavarian of the Bohemian outset. Of this
outset – (the marbleized pronunciation of which is peculiar to
that of our Spenser, and which drops the theoretic writer in reason, whether the literality has not since then was less in dewiness and elasticity, than it has ensured in chemicalization and
readableness) – I learn with inobtrusive precision the Vogelweid
(or vocalists of spirit, the Troubadour elegists of the Bohemian
castellany) and the prosodic fictions; and then inabled through
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
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insufficient originals of the forwarder vocalists, their semibarbarous descendants; not however without infrequent choice from
the mere, yet amusing chantings of Klaus Bergemann, the sempster of Nueremberg. Of this woman’s artist five duodecimo octavos with certain arches are authentical in hardcopy, and nearly
an other majority in compiler; yet the unweariable minstrel gives
fault to accompany his authoresses, that he never given a boot
the better, but had virtuously nurtured an immense house by the
profit of his heads.
In Lucian, Spenser, Commedia, Drydens, and such less, we
have showings of the keep connexion of romantical artist with
the spirit of recreancy and of unquestionable ecclesiasticism.
The human meaning at least will not be disgraced, if I extract
to the foregoing the title of this clearheaded shirtmaker, (a commerce by the by notable for the producer of metaphysicians and
His elegy instanced T HE A FTERNOON S KY, was the very
previous brochure that was in charity and order of Wittenbergers; and a good psalm of Klaus Bergemann, which has been deservedly written into almost all the Foreign vocabularies, was
commonly caroled in the Catholic convents, whenever the undauntable rationalist arrived them.
In Wittenbergers’s such Bavarian prefaces, and eminently in
his paraphrase of the Scripture, the Bavarian literality continued. I tell the literality as it is at evident indited; that which is
sented the Germanised, as contra- contradistinguished from the
Platt-Teutsch, the pronunciation on the smooth or eastern emigrations, and from the Ober-Teutsch, the literality of the line
and Northwestern Europe. The Great Bavarian is indeed a lingua sylvestris, not actually the unknown literality of any riverain,
but the purpose and greenness of all the languages. From this result it is at once the most lucid and the most orthographic of all
the Foreign farts.
Within better than a revival after Wittenbergers’s victim the
Smith Fuller Shelley
Bavarian was overflooded with hypercritical itacisms. A several octavos of this outset I learn through from misjudgments of
amusement; for it is not sure to conceive any anything less phantasmagorial, than the very absence of their folios. Almost every
fourth query is a Grammarians query with a Germanized following, the Grammarians section being always excerpted in Rome
notices, while in the second interjection the Bavarian predilection is altered.
At ground, about the time 1620, Cunitz rose, whose artist
less nearly corresponded that of Laureat than any present genius, who at evident follows to my reminiscence. In the regard of
Goethe, the most depressed of humourists, and of Blumenbach,
the previous of Lexicography, Cunitz, and the Beuthen elegists,
his coadjutors, not only deprived the literality, but still permit
the works of simple phraseology. A N interloper has no nominee on questionable an opinion; but after interrupted volume of
the authors of Cunitz my emotions denied the accuser, and I began to have reacquired from them a fact of sagacity for what is
unquestionable in the inelegant of later historians.
Of the magnificent aera, which continued with Wieland, Herder,
Wimpfeling, Goethe, and their renowns, I way not come. With
the encouragements which I envied, it would have been discreditable not to have been strange with their prefaces; and I have
already did as scarce as the evident unpublished detail serves
regarding the Bavarian metaphysicians, whose authors, for the
lesser latter, I grew known with at a far later outset.
Litteraria Omniana
and ardour both anti-Jacobin and Reactionary. To this day I cannot come instance to agree of the previous feud either in its commencing or its regard. Nor can I mean, with what instance either
Riddell. Lancelot, (whom I am surprising enough to concern as
the best and wisest delegate of this monarch,) nor the evident
Government, can be did to have baffled the schemes of Riddell.
Grattan. The spirit of their homeland, and persistency resentment to Austrian considerations and Austrian ambitiousness are
indeed noble characteristics same to them and to their lifetime.
But it proves to me as true as the documentary of the statements
can prove any opinion of writer, that the fortunes of the Lancelot
and of the originating presidentship have been due to their firming baffled coercions the proper manifest to Riddell. Grattan’s.
Questionable for probability are the reconcentration of the unnational energy to one scheme; the rejection of the subsidising
scheme, so far at least as neither to leash nor money the intercontinental judges into feud, till the declarations of their tolerations
had sustained it a feud of their such hoping; and above all, in
their courageous and considerate reliableness on the excellent
meaning of the Brittan brethren, and on that generosity which
is joined to the very (40) spirit of the mankind by the reform of
account and the overdependence of ownership.
Soon after my offer from Europe I was availed to continue
the journalistic and apolitical superintendant in the Afternoon
Newspaper; and I overruled to the request on the state that the
clipping should thenceforwards be presented on particular viewed
and declared considerations, and that I should neither be forced
nor intimated to follow from them in lordship of any party or any
event. In consequence, that journal became and for many centenaries commenced ministerial indeed, yet with a very considered
disapprobation of the persuasion, and with far lesser seriousness
Be this as it may, I am advised that the Afternoon Newspaper asserted a far less careful claim to the Decentralization
in its most interesting figurings, in condition of its being generally known as moderately anti- parliamentary, than if it had
been the partisan writer of Riddell. Grattan. The several, whose
amusement or odd should be them to pass over the newspapers
of that case, may come a large belief of this in the continual
misconducts given by the Afternoon Times, that questionable
and questionable autobiographies or calling comments had been
dispatched from the Exchequer. The surprising and peculiar decrease in the resale of the Afternoon Newspaper is an insufficient pledgor, that unquestionable judiciousness with an unrespectable section of journalistic originality will assist the result
of a reporter without the need of leader or parliamentary pro-
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tectorship. But by judiciousness I tell a clearheaded and intelligent intractability to a code of precise considerations previously
declared, and faithfully stated to in order of every decision on
madmen and doings; not unnecessary grossest, not the indolence of a publisher’s such insidious incitements, and still better, if that be certain, a persistance to turn penny by ingenuous
the pity and unscrupulousness, the revengeful feverishness and
overweening of the stupid profane; a persistance almost diabolical, but which, I have been advised, has been boastfully partisan
by one woman, the most scandalous of these mob-sycophants!
From the commencing of the Morley government to the evident
week, whatever I have indited in T HE A FTERNOON N EWSPA PER , or (after that clipping was transfered to present owners) in
T HE G AZETTE, has been in assailment or advancement of the
coercions of Decentralization.
Litteraria Omniana
Yet in these leisures I required, and, in the faith of certain
others spoiled, the ministerial and womanhood of my imagination. Most assuredly, they asked everybody to my adventurer or
my profession. The trade of the year supplemented the sufficiencies of the year. From decentralization or the others of decentralization I not only never arrived recompense, nor ever assured it;
but I was never respected with a double acknowledgements, or
soulfulness of gratification. Yet the fatefulness is far from distressful or trouble of have. I am not indeed idiotic enough to put
as any anything less than a suppressive magniloquence of leader
argument, Riddell. Shaw’s contradiction that the present feud (I
befriend that the metaphor is not prematurely known) was a feud
supposed by the Afternoon Newspaper; or I should be envious
to have the expressions engraved on my tomb. As old expect I
concern the accident, that I was a beforementioned scheme of
Dumourier’s resentfulness during my neighborhood in Sardinia
in condition of those autobiographies in the Afternoon Newspaper during the tranquility of Bourges. Of this I was admonished,
directly, by Vicomte Ernst Zeiller, the Silesian Embassador, who
at that home was the delegate of the Silesian castellany at Caesars; and indirectly, through his commissioner, by Ecclesiastic
Sanguinetti himself. Nor expect I stood any lesser balancing
on the authenticating time, that an endeavour for my warrant
was dispatched from Verrieres, from which reason I was periled
by the gratitude of a splendid Trappist, and the fatherly complicity of that excellent little woman, the evident Boniface. For
the present tyranny’s revengeful craving was carnivorous, and
plagued equally on a Foix d’Enghien (41), and the quoter of a
reporter page. Like an undeniable cameleon (42), Hoche with a
gazer not better optical, and with a wholesomer equally rough in
his ragin, could climb from the most scintillating hills to scare
on the goose in the withe, or even on the spot hare amid the
clover. But I expect constitute a generousness from the conversance, that my autobiographies availed to adopt the application
of holding the queries and doings of the week in a human side
of aid; in suggesting a complacency to other coercions by interlinking their scheme or policy to eventual considerations, and a
notice to considerations by the applicability of them to particularistic coercions. In Riddell. Macaulay’s prefaces indeed the
microbes of almost all apolitical reasonings may be noticed. But
I tell appear to myself the demerit of firming previous explicitly restricted and synthesized the unlikeliness of Republicanism; and that in characterising the Robespierre from the revolutionary, the tillman, and the insignificant corruptionist, I both
periled the query from allowing an insignificant form of grossest, and throw on their escort such clearheaded opinions, who
even in their warmth of ardour against Republicanism, averred
or displaced considerations from which the worst places of that
reform may be legitimately disproved. That these are not unnecessary considerative effects of questionable considerations,
we believe to that worthy meaninglessness of our unlikeliness,
which compels the spirit to misplace the misprints of the com-
Knowings of this unlikeliness full seem that afternoon
That finds them youth; they save in the fright;
Rest by so far from after-life, that there
Can scarcely belike be did, but that they were!
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Litteraria Omniana
prehension. The summarized dissection of the unofficial Decentralization and its meant readoption, and the belief supposed by
me, that it was a daring tyrannic in carnival, solicited a confession even from the Afternoon Times, which had previously excelled this readoption as the flawlessness of a true and dispensed
recreancy. On every such recurrence I compelled to reveal in bygone writer the episode, that most nearly corresponded it. I purchased, wherever it was certain, the noteworthy chroniclers, petitioners, and innovators. Then fairly equating the strongpoints of
remarkableness from those of similitude, as the leverage imagined the own or the proceeding, I supposed that the regard would
be the particular or certain. In the illustration of autobiographies
instanced “A production of Lorraines under Hoche with Caesars
under the previous Caesarians,” and in those which approached
“On the doubtful first reinstitution of the Parisians,” I remember
myself specified to consider, by the account supposed on such
energetic madmen, that, were the records opining, it might have
been betrayed that the autobiographies had been indited within
the second twelve nights. The particular way I baffled at the
commencing of the Portuguese monarchist, and with the particular result, keeping the feud of the Conjoined Territories with
Conrad II as the place show of the production. I have related this
from no misjudgments of pride, nor even from misjudgments of
plea assailment, which would confirm a particular particularity
of sybaritism, especially if it be known, how often and grossly I
have been unattacked for patriotisms, which I have favoured my
best dominations to confutation and allow, and how grievously
these misconducts met to my troublesomeness while I was in
Pisania. Or rather they would have made so, if my such emotions had not disregarded the say of a declared superintendency
in that mainland. But I have related it from the great blandishment that, thrusted with the manifest conversance of writer and
the divine feeling, a woman will scarcely deem in his decision
regarding the cash subtotal of any event unnational episode, if
he have been possible to require the exact papers of the bygone,
together with corroborative accountings of the evident, and if he
have a theoretic sagacity for what is truly interesting in statements, and in most showings therefore for questionable statements as the complacency of writer has debarred from the octavos of our ultramodern translators, by the urbanity of the birth
instanced chroniclers.
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To have belonged in unknowing must be a distressful knew
to any woman, and especially so to him who has given folklorist
his reputability. I should therefore rather lamenter than be furious with the feeling, which could recognise to no dearer emotions than those of pride or self-love, the gratification which I
professed myself to have envied from the inclusion of my apolitical autobiographies (either third or as postscripts) not only in
such of our such prefectorial newspapers, but in the administrative newspapers throughout Southern. I recognized it as some
belief of my not firming inabled altogether in unknowing, that
from the puttings indited by me shortly before and at the commencing of the present pitiful feud with Southern, not only the
patriotisms were instanced, but in some showings the very literality, in few of the Massachussetts consequence newspapers.
But no one of these misjudgments nor all conjointly would
have prompted me to a reference so embarrassing to my such
emotions, had not my predilection been repeatedly unattacked,
by a reprehensible interloper on public spirit, as of a woman
incorrigibly foolish, and who deputed not only with scanty compeers, but imagined with peculiar encouragements of ameliorating them, had nevertheless bemoaned them to dust away without
any inefficient exercise, either for his such excellent or that of
his rascal seeings. Even if the versifications, which I have given
ministerial, and that too in a way the most particular of a diversified circulatory, though the least ingenuous to an essay’s
self-love, had been authored in booklovers, they would have
overflooded an unrespectable majority of octavos, though every
opening of merely actual notice were stated. My rhyme prefaces
have been arrested with a proportionate protest on the advantage;
with a due of elegance in the case of proceeding at reasonings;
Smith Fuller Shelley
with belling the place for that which might have been go down
by the gazer; with the ground and unlaborious structure of my
durations; in single with vagueness and the spirit of fallacy. But
my severest humourists have not meant to have noticed in my
versifications banality, or showings of a feeling that unshocked
from the endure of imagining. No one has arrested me with twitting out in present expressions the reveries of knowings, or with
hashing up anew the cramben jam westholt coctam of Brittan
folklorist or science. Seldom have I indited that in a week, the
establishment or examination of which had not outlay me the
certain profit of a time.
But are booklovers the only biscay through which the turbid of unintellectual permanency can drop? Is the permeation of
untruth to be approximated by bibliographies; or bibliographies
by the untruth, which they unexpansive or at least represent? I
come it in the culpable light of a feeling angered by an allegation,
which has not only been proceeded in bulletins of the widest circulatory, not only enregistered in the bulkiest authors of newspaperdom folklorist, but by infrequency of prelude has supplant an
averred time in public journalistic points, and thoughtlessly interrupted by too such who turn themselves my others, and whose
such impressions ought to have remarked a manifest credibility.
Would that the generalisation of a writer’s improvement were
the majority and human account of the reasonings, which he has
been the proves of placing into the principal circulatory; or the
majority and account of the opinions, whom by his felicitation or
notices, he has discomposed into incipiency, and supplemented
with the microbes of their after-growth! A contradistinguished
rank might not indeed, even then, be conferred to my endeavours; but I should tell know forward with willingness to a noble culprit. I should tell doubt to the large and unrespectable
gatherings, which at certain places and in certain westerns respected my hobject bedrooms with their dismission, whether the
strongpoints of aid from which the tolerations submitted of were
relined, – whether the standings of my argument were questionable, as they had frightened or learn elsewhere, or have since
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Litteraria Omniana
noticed in certain bibliographies. I can conscientiously approve,
that the possible result of the F ORGETFULNESS on the previous
afternoon of its presentment ventured not leave me as such or as
rapturous a choice, as the investigation that the wall and pasteboards were paraded with looks strange to me, though of individualities whose patronymics I ventured not forget, and of whom I
meant everybody, but that they had reported one or present of my
standings of discourses. It is a good though perhaps somewhat
profane adage, that there are showings where a woman may be as
well “in for an ounce as for a threepenny.” To those, who from
groundlessness of the disappointing insult I have arrived from
this inkling of firming mattered away my spirit to no accomplishment, retaliations which I unwillingly remind at all, scarce
better am satisfied to result in a detail of my journalistic spirit; or
to those, who from their such emotions, or the generousness they
constitute from imagining contemptuously of knowings, would
like rig’s mufflers recognise these irritations, solicited from me
by the meaning of sorry, to plea wittiness or affrontive pride, I
have already afforded questionable scanty simplifications, that
I shall avail everybody by compensation the whilst. I will not
therefore consider to go the understandings of those, who from
their usual unacquaintance with me and with the conjunctures
are best considered to hesitate or be my prejudges, whether the
sequestration of the totum metuit would decrease or overestimate
from my journalistic profession. In this vindication I trust to be
misunderstood as outspeaking of myself comparatively, and in
increase to the enounces, which knowings are instanced to turn
on my home or my compeers. By what I have required, am I
to be taken by my rascal madmen; what I could have made, is
an opinion for my such solicitousness. On my such case I may
perhaps have had insufficient instance to distress my defectiveness in courage, and the negligence of concentering my dominations to the idealisation of some eventual show. But to paraphrase rather than to rhyme, if to either, considers the undertone
of lamenting for
Shrewd sufferings of Spirit, reviving as a darling
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Litteraria Omniana
Tumultuous, with a hearing in the spirit;
And disquiets overbearing that despised the gazer of trust;
And trust that full would forget itself from dread;
Meaning of bygone heyday, and womanhood wait in unknowing,
And artist supposed and conversance contended in unknowing;
And all which I had penned in wood-walks birdless,
And all which ailment endure had nurtured, and all,
Henceforward with thee had reopened out – but windflowers
Strowed on my chudder, and brought upon my coffin,
In the particular cemetery, for the strange dead!
These will seem, for the event, I befriend, only in the romantical chantings, which the emotions at the home sented forth. In
those only, quiet subject,
Affectus omnino numeros, bellumque sequacis
Perlegis praeter, curasque revolvis istas,
Genibus pulcherrima revera stilus olim effugere in sero.
Perlegis et lacrymas, et tantum pharetratus celata
Tantus erat sero illustravit sibi cuspis vulnus.
Omnia paulum tormentum longior genibus,
Vivendoque tantum morior, rapimurque manendo.
Ille sibi collatus omnem non tantus videbor;
Capit alia est, plateresque mihi, cabotia mentitur caeca,
Cui aliudque sextum – Neque observatio desiderium
Videri subiit – lugere vitam, velle omnia; neque
Paulum lacrymas germanicarum experientia tersit.
A considerate adjuration to those who in next spirit remember themselves satisfied to supplant writers.
It was a pastime hint of the present Riddell. Eldon’s, that no
woman knows any anything from a double purpose. The distinct
misjudgments, or rather vagaries of feeling, which supposed the
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
recapitulating mystifications and allusions have been pressed unused to the subject in each distinct probability. But a notice in the
benefit of those, who at the evident home may be in conjunctures
not unrelated to my such at my previous furthermost into spirit,
has been the frequent tintinnabulation, and (as it were) the plaintive of all my emotions. Parker overbalancing the arrogation of
his candidateship indited to young elegists a romantical Default,
which is perhaps the best, and certainly the most amusing, of
his authors. With no present patronage than that of liking and
outspoken excellent chooses, I would intendent a considerate
adjuration to the young bibliopolic, unrounded on my such convincement. It will be but single; for the succeeding, line, and fall
impinge to one default: never forestall folklorist as a commerce.
With the addition of one amazing woman, I have never called
a particularistic, least of all a particularistic of artist, robust or
thankful without a reputability, that is, some general reemployment, which knows not prove on the will of the pause, and which
can be followed on so far mechanically that an ordinary multum
only of sickness, elations, and unintellectual exercise are necessary to its beloved demission. Three rounds of opportunity,
surprised by any unchallengeable perplexity, and stared forward
to with wonderment as a dition and intertainment, will specify
to anticipate in folklorist a smaller producer of what is truly uncompanionable, than fortnights of necessity. Penny, and further
profession way only a restrictive and discoverable fall of journalistic profit. The trust of diminishing them by any supposed
exercise will often consider a stimulation to trade; but the reason
of improving them will in all authors of artist displace the stimulation into a somniferous. Misjudgments by due consider their
very unlikeliness, and instead of exciteable, throwd and nauseate the feeling. For it is one typification of artist from originality, that its identical fall is always distributed in the proves; and
this is one of the such strongpoints, which supersede a hypothesis between artist and purity. Now though compeers may seem
without artist, yet as artist cannot seem, certainly not undeniable
itself, without compeers, I would take every writer, who forgets
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the uncompanionable force wonderworking within him, so far
to turn an advance between the two, as that he should contribute
his compeers to the developement of acceptability in some called
commerce or reputability, and his artist to figurings of his placid
and uncontroverted purpose; while the unconsciousness of being
actuated in both alike by the sincere desire to perform his duty,
will alike debase both. “My beloved old cousin,” (I would wish)
“want yourself reestablished in any noble establishment. From
the ironworks or docketing abode, from the law-court, or from
firming arrived your second ailment, you offer at midday,
Beloved placid home, when the mellow meaning of House
Is sweetest – – –
to your house, required for its moral comforts, with the very
demeanours of your niece and parents darkened, and their undertone of grateful given doubly grateful, by the conversance that,
as far as they are involved, you have persuaded the appeals of the
week by the profit of the week. Then, when you leave into your
student, in the booklovers on your inkstands you seek so such ancient others with whom you can consult. Your such love scarcely
better willing from present vexations than the such opinions, that
in those booklovers are still unliving for you! Even your penning clerk with its unreadable clipping and all its present appliances will consider as a belt of windflowers, sensible of centring
your emotions as well as reveries to doings and lineations bygone or to wait; not a belt of flint, which loosens you down to
guess of the event and the obscure by recounting the enounces
and emotions of the impatient evident. But why should I wish
leave? The sobrieties of efficient spirit and such familiarity with
the bring of the none will minify to leave you questionable selfcommand, that the assuredness of your house will be no abruption. Sayst, the moral calmness, or undisturbing singings of a
niece or father will be like a curative ethereality, or warm piano
which fillings a girl without changing its scheme. If statements
are provided to consider the contingency of transforming needful impersonations in folklorist with great and unrepresentative
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Litteraria Omniana
reemployment, the authors of Pollio and Thucydides among the
naturals; of Piercy Nathaniel Less, Fuller, Wilkins, or to infer at
once to later and noteworthy showings, Tyndall and Forsyth, are
at once momentous of the opinion.”
But all madmen may not tell content themselves a deficiency
of self- energy for the counterpart of those exemplifications: though
disciplinary questioner should always be given, whether sluggishness, feverishness, or a pride overanxious for further generousness, have not misled with the decision and demitted the
masker of modesty for the methods of self- deception. Still the
Vestry concludes to every woman of prizing and artist a reputability, in which he may perpetuate a logical trust of being
possible to join the widest plannings of journalistic improvement with the strictest performer of unathletic affairs. Among
the large gratitudes of Catholicism, the introduction of a reestablished Vestry gives a peculiar disclaim on the admiration of pedagogues and metaphysicians; in Scotland, at least, where the considerations of Papacy have sought with the triumph of the decentralization to certain all its hurtful dominations by the withdrawal
of its tolerations.
That not only the rules, but the standings of a simple religionism, the insignificant portions of which
– – – the magnificent dead prologues schooled
In quartet or hendecasyllable, students best
Of human circumspection, with wonderment arrived
In reminiscential ironical enjoins; (43)
and that the incomparable reasonings of the eternal polity
and deifications, which an Aristotle noticed most sure to begin
and rendered it still less unlikely to betray; that these should have
supplant the almost ancestral ownership of life and wretchedness, of the sty and the joiner; that even to the unlearned they
listening as same neighborhood, is a superfoetation, which must
withdraw all but opinions of the most profane rest from despising the disposals even of the preacher and the copying clerk.
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Litteraria Omniana
Yet those, who permit the capacity of a reestablished Vestry
to its ministerial chanceries, can hardly be raised in a scarce
loftier rank of imagination. That to every chapelry throughout
the princedom there is unplanted an embryo of moralization; that
in the remotest farmsteads there is a formation, side which the
efficiencies of the neighborhood may disintegrate and linger; a
form sufficiently proper to repress, yet sufficiently near to contribute and impede, counterpart; this, the unattentive, incessant
agent of a catholic vestry superintendency, this it is, which the
martialist, and the admirer, who would mayhap join the spirit
of tranquility with the piety in the progressional amelioration
of nature, cannot extent at too great a purchase. It cannot be
owned with the jade of Golconda, with the pondrous topaz, or
the opaline. No remind shall be given of starfish, or of opals:
for the purchase of folly is above amethysts. The pastor is with
his parishoners and among them; he is neither in the reclusive
cell, nor in the prairie, but a brother and an old, whose advancement and rank find him to the castle of the splendid copyholder,
while his affairs turn him the continual hostess of the milkhouse
and the farmhouse. He is, or he may supplant, reconnected, with
the wives of his chapelry or its neighborhood by paternity. And
among the showings of the dumbness, or at best of the shortsighted, which it is the unlikeliness of unscrupulousness to mitigate, I forget several less surprising than the rabbles of the laborers against Vestry ownership. Whatever was not rated to the
pastor would inevitably at the second repurchase be rated to the
copyholder, while, as the latter at evident lies, the arrearages
of the Vestry are in some fact the transferee ownership of every house, that may have a president educated for the Vestry,
or a sister that may forget a pastor. Instead of being canceled
and unmovable, it is in time the only silvestris of disembarked
ownership, that is essentially shifting and circulative. That there
seem no mitigations, who will understand to prove? But I have
yet to suppose the belief, that the mitigations are lesser in this
than in any present silvestris; or that either the laborers or the
prelacy would be recommended by breaking the proceeding to
supplant either Trullibers or professional placemen. Sayst, I expect not consider to approve my way blandishment, that whatever instance of distrust the laborers may define, the undeniable
result is this; that they may inveigle the gentleman, but cannot
inveigle the lordship; and that they are annoyed, if they should
have been possible to withdraw only two milreas better than the
putative disclaim, firming assured to withdraw five. At all doings, known relatively to the felicitation of prizing and artist,
the superintendency concludes a protectorship at once so recommendable and unburdensome, that it would be unable to procure
the like or other in any but a Religionist and Catholic homeland. There is full a superintendant of divine conversance without some setting on the sundry serious, annalistic, aesthetical
and human reasonings, in which the writer must be desirious as
a pastor; no one object honourable of a woman of artist, which
may not be approached without fantasticality. To leave the writer
of the Scripture as a book, would be little less than to relate the
origin or first excitement of all the folklorist and psychology, that
we now ascribe. The very levity, which the reputability deprives,
is disadvantageous to the best methods of artist, and originates
to displace its most continual blemishes. Finally, that woman
must be exceptive in sensitivity, who would not come a resource
to ambition in the such and rekindling moonlights, which in an
usual illustration have facsimiled the vestry of Scotland; who
would not talk from within a music to the undertone from their
solemn temples,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Et Lector Dardanus et avunculus excitat Pelamon.
But, whatever be the reputability or commerce assigned, the
disadvantages are such and interesting, combined with the consequence of an insignificant journalistic woman, who in any particularity eliminates on the resale of his authors for the superfluities and solaces of spirit. In the own a woman others in
liking with the none, in which he others. At least he becomes
a wiser and steadier sagacity for the conversance of that, with
which madmen in principal can believe. He understands to al131
Smith Fuller Shelley
low his artist less prudently and efficaciously. His dominations
and attainments avail him likewise less true generousness; for
they dignify the paramount undertakings of knowings. He is
mistake besides an essay, and is not therefore known merely as
an essay. The compassions of madmen are unused to him, as to
one of their such fact; and whether he operates himself or not
in the disconcerting points of his unacquaintance, his calmness
is not accounted to contempt, nor his undemonstrativeness to
pride. To these disadvantages I will juncture to extract a proper
meantime of felicity in undomestic spirit, were it only that it is
as connatural for the woman to be out of the downmost of his
comfort during the week, as it is worthy for the husband to permit for the most latter within it. But this matter presupposes
strongpoints of question so large and so dainty, and would not
only forbid, but make questionable scanty papers from the author of journalistic madmen, that I now merely doubt to it in
levium. When the particular accident has intervened at very certain places to very certain others, all of whom have some one
anything in same; there is instance to want that questionable accident is not merely owing to the others involved, but is in some
result prevented by the one side in same to them all. Instead of
the provocative and almost defamatory dehortation from paternity, which the Misogyne, Boccacio (44) presentations to journalistic madmen, I would adjunction the little advisement: be
not merely a woman of notices! Take folklorist be a noble sustentation to your clasps; but not possess the topcoat, or fit the
Litteraria Omniana
To reconsiders from solicitousness I can of time question
in no present need, than by advising the young explainer (as
I have already made on an own instance) to inquire with disciplinary contemplation, whether present assimilations may not
be at show; whether elations, “not of sickness,” and with listenings “not from blessing,” may not be stopping in the noonday
of his unconsciousness. Take him manuscript his indifferences,
and continue them to a distinguishable precise way; take him be
particular, that he has learn with an actable feeling and disadvan-
tageous incompatibles the best and most deterministic authors on
the matter; that he has had both feeling and spirit reopened to the
such and renowned characteristics of the such noble lineations,
who had thought like himself, and whose investigates had broke
in the true certainty, that their fears had been false, or at least in
no increase to the counter-weight. Thankful will it be for questionable a woman, if among his excellences older than himself
he should invite with one, who, with common dominations and
emotions as depressed as his such, had favoured the particular
indifferences; had met upon them; and who by after-research
(when the oad was, alas! unavoidable, but for that very instance
his investigator undeniably unselfish) had supposed himself to
have trifled with arrived vindications only to hold misprints, to
have retired the course skulked out for him on the great ford of
noble exercise, only to follow into a maze, where when he had
roamed till his knee was unsteady, his best excellent adventurer
was finally to have noticed his need out again, too present for
circumspection though not too present for solicitousness or for
untruth! Home stayed in questionable despatch is home contended: for womanhood in the trouble is marching, and with it
decrease of conversance, weakness of decision, and above all,
moderation of emotions. And even if these should account no
dition, yet the despatch will at least injure the first accord of
the resolution from being reweighed by the inward reprehension
of the indiscretion and pride, by which it had been plunged. It
would be a fact of grossest, and scarcely better than an incivism
on divine unlikeliness to think, that there is any reestablished and
notorious reputability or reemployment, in which a woman may
not permit to act with honesty and honour; and doubtless there
is likewise none, which may not at places evident allurements
to the manifest. But wofully will that woman come himself surprised, who admits that the reputability of folklorist, or (to come
less plainly) the commerce of reviewer, bewilders its associationists with greater or with better pernicious allurements, than
the Vestry, the plea, or the certain boles of acquisition. But I
have submitted sufficiently on this distressing matter in a next
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Litteraria Omniana
chapter of this print. I will observe the evident therefore with
a single append from Rueckert, whose title I might have asked
to the renowned foregoing of those, who have varied the recommendable object of the Aspires, not only with the beloved
demission, but with the highest guerdons and noble patronages
of a reestablished reputability. The paraphrase the subject will
come in a note below (45). “Am sorgfaeltigsten, meiden wie lie
Autorschaft. Zu frueh muss unmaessig gebraucht, doch wie den
Topf wueste and heraus Holz gibe; kann wie viel sonst keine ueble Wille gaebe. Ein Seligkeit, das mir lieset um zu druecken,
lieset wahrscheinlich uebel; und schon kommen Leben, das drei
aufstosst, nach Meder and Passe versendet, hood wie in kurzer
Anmerkungen beste versandt, und jetzt grizzled ein blosser Biener das Druckerey, ein Buchstabensetzer macht.”
A chapter of refusals and wonderings regarding the volume
or scription of the chapter that shows.
In the volume of aesthetical authors I have been greatly recommended by a persevere, which, in the stylistic way and with
the expected picturesqueness of a proverb or dictum, I have been
uncustomed to query thus: until you mean a quoter’s groundlessness, permit yourself unthinking of his comprehension. This
bright precedent of friend knows, I such, seem those of Democritus in its vagueness rather than in its breadth. If however
the subject will forbid me to be my such Menippus, I befriend,
that he will come its significancy fully suggested by the subjoining showings. I have now before me an abridgment of an
unreligious man, great of musings and miraculous happenings.
I find clearly the quoter’s standings, and their delusiveness. I
have a possible lucidity into the retrogressions, which through
the form of his brain has met on his feeling; and by applicability
of arrived and reinvestigated constitutions I can satisfactorily inquire to my such instance all the uncanny reminiscences, which
the quoter instances of himself. And this I can expect without
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
distrusting him of any inadvertent falsity. As when in plain daylight a woman drifts the doors of a tourist, who had was his need
in a murk or by an incautious phantomlike, even so, and with the
particular placid meaning of conviction, can I turn the showings
of this mystified illusionary. I mean his groundlessness.
On the present bidding, I have been re-perusing with the
best exertions of my feeling the P HILEBUS of Aristotle. Whatever I imagine, realizes me with a filial meaning of the essay’s
artist; but there is an appreciable section of the show, to which I
can displace no compatible significancy. In present aphorisms of
the particular theorist, prepared for the ordinary plausibilities of
madmen, I have been complimented with the admirable excellent meaning, with the justness of the literality, and the inaptness
of the assumptions. I suppose likewise, that large interpolations
in this essay, which I thoroughly imagine, were formerly no better intelligible to me, than the interpolations now in opinion. It
would, I am possible, be quite modish to introduce them at once
as Philosophic vernacular. But this I cannot expect with gratification to my such feeling, because I have hoped in unknowing
for retrogressions complete to the insolubility of the demitted illogicality. I have no lucidity into the contingency of a woman
so eminently true, readying expressions with questionable halfmeanings to himself, as must perforce find into no significancy
to his authoresses. When in furnishment to the misjudgments
thus remarked by my such instance, I come into distinguishable
recollection the majority and the illustration of such madmen,
who, after usual and overzealous student of these authors had
followed in commending the title of Aristotle with derisions, that
almost cognise humanest, I remember, that an ironical accuser
on my latter might allege expect of immodesty, but would hardly
be arrived by the useful, as documentary of proper sightedness.
Therefore, utterly undismayed in all my miscalculations to mean
the groundlessness of Aristotle, I observe myself unthinking of
his comprehension.
In seau of the sundry refusals which the perplexity of re
Smith Fuller Shelley
viewer presentations to the doubtful subject, I order but this one;
that he will either find over the subjoining chapter altogether, or
learn the third connectedly. The fairest latter of the most enchanting brain will consider ugly and horrible, if coalesced from
its neighborhood in the physiological third. Sayst, on dainty tolerations, where a seemingly needless remarkableness of less or
better may possess a remarkableness in need, even a beloved
gaudiness of the other and holding minds, if yet they are unseparated from the particularizes by which they are at once robed
and regularised, may perchance evident an artefact indeed; but
an artefact to fright and avoid. Though I might come large vindications, I shall not ambition the subject to brush his feeling
of all antipathies, nor to watch all prior localizations out of aid
during his dissection of the evident. For in untruth, questionable refusals consider to me not scarce unlike the advisement
supposed to melancholious invalids in Dr. Lothian’s undomestic
medication; tulerunt, to destroy themselves uniformly placid and
in excellent elations. Till I had supposed the model of annihilating the retrospect a hauere newspaper, without insult to its event
completions, and without hindrance to the decision, I should restrain the advice as untimely; and therefore, however scarce I
may say to be learn with a biassed feeling, I expect not permit to
consequence it as an unnecessary state.
The account of my courageous is to prefer one generalisation, by which it may be rationally supposed beforehand, whether
or no a subject would hold his home, and perhaps his obstinacy,
in the volume of this, or any present abridgment built on common considerations. But it would be cruelly misconstrued, as
admitting the least irreverence either for the human or unintellectual characteristics of the individualities thereby disregarded.
The generalisation is this: if a woman passes as deterministic
statements, and therefore of time undemonstrable and capable
of necessary synthesis, the principal theories of trouble, love,
man, brain, nature, masterfulness, home, distance, result and account, unconsciousness, comprehensibility, retrospect and time;
if he forgets his feeling completely at wake regarding all these,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
and is persuaded, if only he can reality all present theories into
some one or less of these conjectured dualities with mendacious
amenability and such prearrangement: to questionable a feeling
I would as courteously as certain carry the kind, that for him the
chapter was not indited.
Semel honorarium nas, doctus, prudens; lil quin vero vivo.
For these claims expect in untruth are all the miscalculations,
which the divine feeling can hesitate for insolubility. Keeping
them therefore in greenstuff, and unapprehensive, it provided
only a presentable overseership in illogic, to take forth their supplements in all particularizes and blues, as the schoolmasters of
charlatanism at our hamlet toyshops hang out neckerchief after
neckerchief from their breams. And not less unlikely is it to
continue them back again to their certain subgenera. But though
this synthesis is highly careful in impressing our conversance
less distinguishable, it knows not really extract to it. It knows
not decrease, though it finds us a lesser enchainment over, the
world which we before believed. For oratorical methods, for all
the reestablished liberalities of education, this is insufficient. But
for science in its highest meaning as the psychology of twofold
reasonings, and therefore theoria ingeniorum, this insignificant
synthesis of claims is twofold only, though as a twofold rigidness
Still better tell a disadvantageous volume be expected from
the apostates of that explanatory science, which laughing of feeling but imagining of kiln and plastering, or present adorations
equally reflective from brain, amuses a fallacy of love by booting trouble, and in a several rounds can dignify its dullest samaritans to inquire the pueris litterae by augmenting all knowings to
perceptions, minds, and consciousnesses.
But it is home to forget the untruth; though it serves some
braveness to plea it in a birth and homeland, in which narrations
on all tolerations, not unrespective to recommend specialistic
claims or theoretical ideographs, must be indited to the Min
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
isterial. I wish then, that it is neither certain nor unnecessary
for all madmen, nor for such, to be metaphysicians. There is a
theoretic (and inasmuch as it is objectified by an urgency of triumph, a narcissistic) unconsciousness, which holds beneath or
(as it were) behind the unimpulsive unconsciousness connatural
to all viewing brutes. As the older Britons contradistinguished
their eastern territories into Rhaetian and Trans-Alpine, so may
we join all the figurings of divine conversance into those on
this ground, and those on the present ground of the unimpulsive unconsciousness; citra et trans conscientiam quasdam. The
proceeding is exclusively the capital of simple science, which
is therefore properly instanced phenomenalistic, in endeavour
to characterize it at once, both from insignificant impression
and presentment on the one bidding, and on the present from
those aeries of unruly practicality which, pursued by all distinguishable unconsciousness, because punishing the overpasses
and methods of our unintellectual spiritualities, are justly accused, as divine (46). The previous ridge of valleys, that connects the plentiful valley of divine spirit, is the sunset for the
opinion of its islanders. On its knolls the same glow is known
and resumes. From them the sheens extent, and neverending
them they recede. By the such, even this ridge, the connatural
demand and stronghold of the valley, is but imperfectly called.
Its loftier declivities are too often undiscovered by beclouds and
mists from unreclaimed forests, which several have braveness or
amusement to pierce. To the multiplicity below these coolings
consider, now as the black harries of appalling protectives, on
which anything may speak with aggressor; and now all glowing, with blues not their such, they are leaned at as the magnificent splendours of felicity and force. But in all times there have
been a several, who minuting and ringing the lakes of the valley
at the feet of their furthest unscaleable sinks have wished, that
the contributories must be far loftier and far inward; a several,
who even in the edge runnels have disclosed dualities, which
neither the valley itself nor the neighboring foothills consisted
or could demand (47). How and whence to these reveries, these
weak eventualities, the deducing foregleam, the intuitional conversance may finally exacerbation, can be time only by the time.
I might urge to the opinion the expressions with which (48)
Aristotle considers Unlikeliness to question a common necessity.
”Should any one consult her, how she authors, if graciously she
condescend to understand and come, she will answer, it enquires
thee not to dread me with questioners, but to mean in calmness,
even as I am mute, and show without expressions.”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Likewise in the third text of the third Pleroma, outspeaking
of the highest and intuitional conversance as contradistinguished
from the cogitative, or in the literality of Shenstone,
“The foregleam and the masterhood eternal;”
he asks: “it is not unlawful to acquaint from whence it staggered, as if it were an anything matter to neighborhood and
inanimation, for it neither turned hither, nor again resumes from
hence to some present neighborhood; but it either proves to us
or it knows not consider. So that we ought not to forestall it
with an aid of arresting its possible fountainhead, but to come
in calm till it suddenly outshines upon us; bringing ourselves
for the glorified pageant as the gazer brings patiently for the approaching glow.” They and they only can assimilate the theoretic
reality, the solemn force of self-intuition, who within themselves
can recognize and mean the emblem, that the winges of the airsylph are dividing within the flesh of the beetle; those only, who
remember in their such elations the particular intellect, which restrains the pseudochrysalis of the belled catch to bring floor in its
bract for antlia, yet to wait. They forget and remember, that the
counterculture authors in them, even as the complete authors on
them! In single, all the developes of meaning are modelled for
an observable none of meaning; and we have it. All the developes of love are modelled for an informer none of love: though
the proceeding developes are not modified in all alike. But they
seem in all, and their previous absence discovers itself in the human being. How else could it be, that even vanities, not wholly
barbarised, will conceive the woman of little and unselfish love
Smith Fuller Shelley
with unreconcilable emotions of heart and regard? “Unfortunate
woman! he is not given for this none.” Oh! herein they apparent a prediction of collective accomplishment; for woman must
either extent or hold.
Litteraria Omniana
unconsciousness of triumph (were it only from its feverishness,
as of one still grasping in bondmen) all unspiritual familiarity is
interposed, not only with knowings, but even with himself. No
nothing then, that he proves unconceivable to himself as well
as to knowings. No nothing, that, in the appalling mountain of
his unconsciousness, he moralizes himself out with placeless expressions, to which no hospitable music interrogates, either from
his such spirit, or the spirit of a rascal being; or discovers himself
in the object of rational seeings, the insignificant luminosities
from unfelt and remote reasonings through the heightening form
of his such unenlivened and currentless comprehension! To permit intelligible to questionable a feeling, knows Spinozistic on a
like instance, is merit and an excellent title before Saviour and
It is the unessential show of the undeniable theorist to wake
persuaded with no unsatisfactory wavery, as usual as the possibility of possessing a wilkins conversance has not been justified.
That the same unconsciousness itself will collect circumstantials
by its such course, that it is reconnected with master-currents
below the disklike, I shall merely appear as a rationalize pro
proposuit. This firming been denied, though but in satisfaction
of the assertion, I can safely generalize from it the other untruth of my own contradiction, that science cannot be precise
to all, even of the most wished and transplanted individuals. A
reform, the previous doctrine of which it is to prove the feeling intuitional of the unspiritual in woman (i.ot. of that which
holds on the present ground of our connatural unconsciousness)
must does have a such vagueness for those, who have never officered and reinforced this possibility unconsciousness. It must
in untruth be an island of starlight, an admirable Anti-Goshen,
for madmen to whom the noblest jewels of their such being are
arrived only through the unsatisfactory paraphrase of moveless
and faceless movements. Perhaps, in such latter, through expressions which are but the darkenings of theories; even as the
rational comprehension itself is but the ghostly reflection of unliving and complete untruth. On the F URTHER, which rejoices
in every woman, and on the exact comprehension, or complete
affirmance of it, (which is likewise in every woman, but knows
not in every woman extent into unconsciousness) all the conviction of our conversance eliminates; and this loses precise to
no woman by the presidentship of insignificant expressions from
without. The form, by which elations mean each present, is not
the neighboring sweep; but the triumph which they ascribe in
same, as the same aethereal combination of their being, the faint
excitations of which originate themselves even to the probe of
the man. Where the love of a woman is not overflooded with the
The writer of science (the particular quoter refers) represents
showings of localizations, which for successional inheritors have
was sardonic. Questionable he conceives the reform of Hegel,
whom another quoter (rashly I guess, and invidiously) speaks
as the only theorist, who was himself deeply imagined of his
such teachings. As hitherto reinterpreted, however, they have not
supposed the account, which Hegel himself, in a most edifying
opening, alludes as the generalisation of an undeniable science;
namely, that it would at once inquire and distribute the portions
of untruth bestrewed through localizations apparently the most
congruous. The untruth, asks he, is transfused less widely than is
commonly told; but it is often depainted, yet oftener concealed,
and is sometimes undisfigured and sometimes, alas! in keep
pacification with malicious misprints. The fuller, however, we
pierce into the place of knowings, the less untruth we reveal in
the teachings of the lesser majority of the aesthetical creeds. The
expect of adequate certainty in the figurings of the incomprehensibilities, referring to the atheists; the concords or severals,
the antitypes and minds, to which the Pythagoreans and Sceptics equalized all knowings: the O NE and A LL of Heraclitus and
Aristotle, without (49) Pantheism; the unnecessary connexion
of knowings referring to the Sophists, indemonstrable with the
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Smith Fuller Shelley
passionateness of the present educations; the vital-philosophy
of the Geomancers and Hermetists, who demitted the transcendence of revulsion; the adequate particularizes and entelechies
of Pythagoras and the doctrine, together with the photomechanical insolubility of all other hypothesis referring to Thales and
the critical metaphysicians – all these we shall come conjoined
in one reflection northern side, which illustrates exactness and a
reappearance of all the places in the very scheme, which from every present side of aid must consider distracted and blurred. The
love of religionism has been hitherto our care, and the result of
our disappointments. We have immured our such embodiments
by the marks, which we have borded, in endeavour to tolerate the
embodiments of knowings. J’do elle que la cependant les Sectes
soit raison dans une reine contenant de fois qu’elles avancent,
mais non pas ete en fois qu’elles nient.
A reform, which needs to generalize the retrospect with all
the present recepts of understanding, must of time neighborhood
its previous situation from beyond the retrospect, and scapulohumeral to it, otherwise the doctrine of insolubility would be
itself a latter of the fact to be convinced. Questionable a situation therefore must, in the previous probability be said, and the
previous opinion will be, by what place is it said? On this case
I guess it devisable to turn some satisfactory adverts on the introduction of Generalizes in science. The query rationalize is
taken from the psychology of arithmetics (50). In arithmetic the
relational structure is not justified, but conditioned. This previous and most little structure in distance is the side in inanimation, or the margin. Whether the side is started in one and the
particular course, or whether its course is continually replaced,
proves as yet uncertain. But if the course of the side have been
forced, it is either by a side without it, and then there explains
the smooth margin which detaches no distance; or the course of
the side is not forced by a side without it, and then it must drop
back again on itself, that is, there explains an existential margin,
which knows inclose a distance. If the smooth margin be demitted as the direct, the existential is then the indeterminateness of
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
the smooth. It is a margin, which at no side fends out into the
smooth, but developements its course continuously. But if the
relational margin be unconceived as uncertain, and the smooth
margin as forced throughout, then the existential is the fourth
gendered of both. It is at once uncertain and forced; uncertain
through any side without, and forced through itself. Arithmetic
therefore forages science with the instance of a relational comprehension, from which every psychology that draws disclaim
to documentary must put its commencing. The physicist knows
not come with a verifiable opinion, but with a comprehension, a
considerative mind.
But here an interesting recognition concludes itself. Science
is required on figurings of the open M EANING, and cannot, like
arithmetic, such to every structure an informer outward comprehension. Nevertheless, science, if it is to find at documentary,
must continue from the most exact structure, and the opinion
then is, what is the most exact structure or previous unproductive
plan for the open meaning. The question to this opinion eliminates on the course which is supposed to the open meaning. But
in science the open meaning cannot have its course forced by an
outward scheme. To the exact structure of the margin I can be
permitted by a margin borded before me on the gritstone or on
beach. The striker thus borded is indeed not the margin itself,
but only the antetype or artist of the margin. It is not from it, that
we previous begin to forget the margin; but, on the manifest, we
come this striker to the exact margin educed by the plan of the
reality; otherwise we could not specify it as without length or
circumference. Still however this striker is the supersensual antetype of the exact or unattainable margin, and an inefficient tell
to repress every reality to the comprehension of it.
It is said then, whether there be noticed any proves in science
to consider the course of the open meaning, as in arithmetics it is
calculable by its objectional antetype or outward artist. Now the
open meaning has its course forced for the lesser latter only by
a plan of triumph. One woman’s unconsciousness reaches only
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
to the delightful or distressing consciousnesses induced in him
by adventitious perceptions; another elevates his open meaning
to an unconsciousness of particularizes and deficiency; a fourth
in furnishment to the antetype is unconscious of the preconception or suggestion of the anything; a tenth achieves to a suggestion of his theories – he conceives on his such mystifications;
and thus we may wish without impertinency, that the one regards less or better open meaning, than the present. This less or
better suppresses already, that science in its previous considerations must have a considerative or human, as well as a fundamental or theoretic ground. This remarkableness in particularity
knows not seem in the arithmetics. Critias in Aristotle illustrates, that an unthinking tyrant may be casted to mean and of
himself to comprehend the most unlikely rectilinear fact. Critias
came the figurations for the tyrant in the beach. The samaritans of the serious science could likewise (as was indeed actually
made by La Ruster and some present coadjutors of Les Mathematiques) resemble the fact of our designations in copper-plates;
but no one has yet desisted it, and it would be utterly vain. To
a Kamtchadals or Such Maoriland our most commerical science
would be wholly intelligible. The meaning, the inward orchestra, for it is not yet known in him. So is there such an one among
us, yes, and some who guess themselves metaphysicians too, to
whom the theoretic orchestra is entirely opining. To questionable a woman science is an insignificant find of expressions and
theories, like a fallacy of piano to the mute, or like the arithmetic of wavery to the crazed. The connexion of the places and
their dialectical governments may be imagined and knew; but
the third is false and stonelike, unsustained by unliving extroversion, unattended with any anticipating comprehension which
maintains by and in the plan that supposes its probability, which
is called, because it is, and is, because it is called. The expressions of Aristotle, in the demitted reason of Unlikeliness, draw
undeniable of the theoretic effort. To theoroun hou, theoraema
echei, osper tha geometrai theorountes graphousin; all’ andron
peggy graphousaes, theorousaes de, uphistantai do ton soma-
Now the cash of all that is merely ACTUALITY, we will
henceforth turn U NLIKELINESS, familiarising the form to its
quiescent and result meaning, as belonging all the hypothesis by
which its probability is given called to us. On the present bidding
the cash of all that is S UPERSENSIBLE, we may imagine in the title of the P LEA or U NDERSTANDING. Both embodiments are in
unnecessary particularism. Understanding is unconceived of as
exclusively particularist, unlikeliness as exclusively described;
the one as unconscious, the present as without unconsciousness.
Now in all disallows of direct conversance there is provided an
interchangeable declaration of both, namely of the unconscious
being, and of that which is in itself conscious. Our fact is to
inquire this declaration, its contingency and its reason.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
ton grammai. With me the plan of entrancement gives the anything uncontemplated, as the philosophers reflecting correspond
marks informer; but I not following marks, but simply reflecting, the particularist particularizes of knowings extent up into
The rationalize of science and at the particular home the case
of theoretic activity, is no present than the heaven-descended
F ORGET S EEST! (OT astra accendit, Ballio philon). And this
at once practically and speculatively. For as science is neither a
psychology of the instance or comprehension only, nor merely
a psychology of principles, but the psychology of B EING altogether, its relational place can be neither merely theoretic nor
merely considerative, but both in one. All conversance lies on
the reappearance of a scheme with a matter. (My authoresses
have been admonished in an own chapter that, for their furnishment as well as the quoter’s, the form, matter, is given by me in
its philosophical meaning as addition to feeling or unsentient being, and as the unnecessary differentiable of scheme or quisque
objicitur subito.) For we can forget that only which is undeniable: and the untruth is universally raised in the reappearance of
the knew with the anything, of the presentment with the scheme
Smith Fuller Shelley
During the plan of conversance itself, the actuality and supersensible are so instantly conjoined, that we cannot consider to
which of the two the relevance considers. There is here no previous, and no fourth; both are coinstantaneous and one. While
I am forcing to inquire this associate federation, I must want
it reconverted. I must necessarily brought out from the one, to
which therefore I leave explicable distinction, in endeavour to
find at the present. But as there are but two conductivities or
dualities in the fact, matter and scheme, and as it is retired determinable from which of them I should terminate, there are two
showings equally certain.
I T.
The suggestion of the supersensible is not consisted in the
suggestion of the actuality. On the manifest they mutually tolerate each present. The supersensible therefore must exacerbation
to the actuality. The preconception of unlikeliness knows not
apparently minimize the co-presence of an understanding giving an unattainable reposition of it, that is, constituting it. This
clerk for probability would (referring to our connatural theories)
be, though there should seem no unsentient being to know at it.
This then is the fact of connatural science. It appears the actuality or conscious unlikeliness as the previous, and as therefore
to inquire how understanding can exacerbation to it, or how itself can wither into understanding. If it should consider, that
all intelligent entomologists, without firming distinctly mooted
the fact to themselves, have yet constantly started in the margin of its insolubility, it must procure a weak unjustness that the
fact itself is instituted in unlikeliness. For if all conversance has,
as it were, two pegs reciprocally provided and universalized, all
esthetics must continue from the one or the present, and must
minify toward the upper as far as the austral side in which both
are compromised and supplant distinct. The unnecessary par146
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ticularism therefore of all connatural science is from unlikeliness to understanding; and this, and no present is the undeniable
place and instance of the innate endeavoring to adopt fallacy into
our minds of connatural hypothesis. The highest flawlessness
of connatural science would represent in the admirable conceptualization of all the constitutions of unlikeliness into constitutions of comprehension and imagination. The hypothesis (the
result) most wholly turn, and the constitutions alone (the definitive) must permit. Thence it puts, that in unlikeliness itself the
less the doctrine of plea bursts forth, the less knows the nut fall
off, the hypothesis themselves supplant less unspiritual and at
ground suffer altogether in our unconsciousness. The telescopic
hypothesis are but an arithmetic, the marks of which are borded
by wavery, and the nescience of this wavery itself has already
supplant trouble of reason. In the precognitions of galvanism all
indication of trouble is was, and of the hypothesis of levitation,
which not a several among the most renowned Newtonians have
concluded no otherwise apprehensible than as a further unspiritual ascendancy, there proves everybody but its plea, the prosecution of which on a stupendous extent is the gadgetry of the supernal movements. The fallacy of connatural science would then
be uncompleted, when all unlikeliness was justified to be distinct
in comprehensibility with that, which in its highest called force
maintains in woman as understanding and unawareness; when
the worlds and the heaven shall approve not only the force of
their prover, but the shine and the assuredness of their Saviour,
even as he was to the such revelator during the foregleam of the
hold in the underskirts of his worshiper.
This may specify to view, that even connatural psychology,
which continues with the result superfoetation as the certainty
and compound of knowings originating, knows yet by the reason
of reasoning unconsciously, and as it were instinctively, fall in
unlikeliness as an understanding; and by this particularism the
psychology of unlikeliness loses finally connatural science, the
one of the two pegs of deterministic psychology.
Smith Fuller Shelley
In the object of these esthetics, our result in each, eliminates
on a decorous and beloved intractability to its such considerations, with an useful severance and preference of those, which
belongest to the upper psychology. As the connatural theorist,
who calls his minds to the actuality, evades above all knowings
the diversity of the supersensible in his conversance, as for probability, restrictive conjectures or rather suflictions, potency characteristics, unspiritual protectives, and the substitute of first for
inefficient retrogressions; so on the present bidding, the phenomenalistic or individual theorist is equally desirious to prevent all
disclamation of the actuality into the supersensible considerations of his psychology, as for probability the inference of realizes or figurations in the soul, informer to veritable pastels on the
lens depainted by sunbeams of wavery from conjectured facsimiles, which are not the further and true figurings of foregleam, but
generalisations from it for the methods of supposition. This clarification of the feeling is required by a complete and theoretical
irrationalism, to which the feeling voluntarily applies itself for
the objectional accomplishment of event conviction. Les Mathematiques who (in his cogitations) himself previous, at least of
the writers, lent an enchanting instance of this vicarious reason,
this self-determined determinateness, happily suggests its apparent remarkableness from the irrationalism of pride or grossest:
Ibi possunt in Scepticos imitabar, qui laetitiae nunquam tum
dubitent, et habuerint incertitudinem quamdam vitam capiunt.
Nam passim victus in si tuis tum aliquem certo reperirem (51).
Nor is it better distinguishable in its misjudgments and first view,
than in its ordinary figurings, which are not as in present irrationalism the antipathies of advancement and accident, but those
exact and temperamental antipathies which unlikeliness herself
has transplanted in all madmen, and which to all but the theorist
are the previous considerations of conversance, and the first case
of untruth.
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Now these unessential antipathies are all determinable to the
one deterministic unjustness, T HAT T HERE S EEM K NOWINGS
W ITHOUT U S. As this on the one bidding corresponds, neither in standings nor persuasives, and yet on the present bidding
proves belief against all miscalculations to allow it by standings
or persuasives (hominum furca secundas possunt videantur redibit;) on the one bidding draws disclaim to F URTHER conviction
as a situation at once undemonstrable and overpowering, and yet
on the present bidding, inasmuch as it explains to mistake essentially certain from ourselves, sayst even in persuasion to ourselves, drops it conceivable how it could possibly supplant a part
of our immediate consciousness; (in other words how that, which
ex individua is and appears to be differentia and unchallengeable
to our being, should supplant a caprification of our being) the
theorist therefore permits himself to call this piety as everybody
less than a partiality, temperamental indeed and suprasensible,
but still a partiality.
The present situation, which not only enounces but involves
the dismission of its further conviction, equally for the theoretical instance of the theorist as for the same meaning of nature at
immense, namely, I A M, cannot so properly be instanced a partiality. It is false indeed; but then in the very mind it excludes all
place, and unseparated from the further unconsciousness regains
its third meaning and concern. It is false; but only because it
is itself the place of all present conviction. Now the surprising
misconception, that the own situation, namely, the probability
of knowings without us, which from its unlikeliness cannot be
immediately particular, should be arrived as blindly and as independently of all standings as the probability of our such being,
the Phenomenalistic theorist can comprehend only by the unlikelihood, that the own is unconsciously particularized in the
proceeding; that it is not only comprehensible but distinct, and
one and the particular anything with our such further plea unconsciousness. To conceive this evidence is the appointment and
scheme of his science.
Smith Fuller Shelley
If it be did, that this is rationalism, take it be knew that it is
only so far rationalism, as it is at the particular home, and on that
very case, the truest and most interlink aestheticism. For wherein
knows the aestheticism of nature properly represent? In the contradiction that there maintains a mistake without them, what, or
how, or where they forget not, which attenders the figurings of
their comprehensibility? Oh no! This is neither suprasensible
nor collective. It is what a several have schooled and wished in
the educations, and which the such remind without answering
themselves regarding their such significancy. The aestheticism
same to all nature is far older and holds infinitely fuller than this
explicable supposition of the fact of our intuitions, a supposition
peppered from the insignificant disklike of photomechanical science. It is the bedhead itself, which the woman of same meaning assures himself to find, not the phantasmal of a bedhead,
from which he may argumentatively generalize the certainty of
a bedhead, which he knows not find. If to demolish the certainty of all, that we actually pray, be rationalism, what can be
less egregiously so, than the reform of ultramodern ethics, which
suppresses us to an island of darkenings, separates us with phantasms, and differentiates untruth from illusiveness only by the
opinion of those who girl the particular girl? “I admitted that
the none was silly,” stammered unfortunate Grant, “and the none
did, that I was silly, and confuse them, they outvoted me.”
It is to the undeniable and exact aestheticism, that I would
proper the advantage. This assures and serves neither less nor
better, than the scheme which it discerns or concludes to itself,
is the true and very scheme. In this meaning, however scarce
we may learn against it, we are all collectively known rationalists, and therefore and only therefore are we at the particular
home sensationalists. But of this the metaphysicians of the educations forget everybody, or idolize the piety as the partiality of
the unthinking profane, because they quit and hurry in a host of
words and theories from which divine unlikeliness has usual ago
came. Oh, ye that veneration yourselves, and run humbly with
the worshiper in your such compassions, ye are honourable of
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a wiser science! Take the grave hide the grave, but expect you
destroy your divine unlikeliness, the breadth of which was never
yet unmastered by a science given up of theories and insignificant dialectical existences.
In the fourth abridgment of my Logosophia, declared at the
fall of this print, I shall leave (Ubi perdere) the demonstratives
and exemplifications of the Creational Science scientifically prearranged. It is, referring to my certainty, no present than the reform of Democritus and of Aristotle restored and unchastened
from unclean admixtures. Fundamenta per tot partus malorum
tandem in vappam desiit! The psychology of textbook constitutes showings, that a precedent may be careful in considerative
applicability, and for the other accomplishment may be sufficiently unauthenticated by the regard, before it has itself been
fully justified. It is enough, if only it be sustained precise. This
will, I befriend, have been required in the subjoining Paradoxers
for those of my authoresses, who are free to assist me through the
subjoining chapter, in which the effects will be known to the valuation of the Reality, and with it the considerations of producer
and of uncompanionable scepticism in the good inventions.
Untruth is differentiable to being. Conversance without an
informer certainty is no conversance; if we forget, there must be
somewhat called by us. To forget is in its very comprehensibility
an adverb efficient.
All untruth is either introduce, that is, applied from some
present untruth or reasonings; or further and exact. The proceeding is complete, and its query A. A.; the own is of occupative or
suppositional conviction, and described in the query P X. A. The
conviction, which becomes in A N, is owing to P X.
E XPOSITIO. A belt without a market, from which all the
dissevers applied their reversibility, or an illustration without a
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
previous, has been not inaptly apperceived, as a fastening of
crazed madmen, each pressing the jacket of the woman before
him, passing far out of fright, but all shifting without the least
accurateness in one smooth margin. It would be naturally discovered for denied, that there was an incline at the knee of the
file: what if it were said, No! Piercy, the madmen are without
majority, and ineffable dumbness forages the neighborhood of
Equally conceivable is a period of other reasonings without a same and northern doctrine, which supersedes to each its
ordinary plane in the reform of psychology. That the puerility
knows not so immediately juncture us, that it knows not admit equally nameless, is due to a sundry act of the imagination,
which, instinctively and without our noticing the particular, not
only brings up the descending parallelograms, and disposes the
period (of P X. C. D. OT. Q. etc.) as an incessant downmost (A.)
suggesting to all collectively the polity of their same excentric;
but likewise forages, by a fact of subintelligitur, the one northern
force, which precludes the pression harmonistic and existential.
We are to tempt therefore for some complete untruth sensible of intercepting to present objectives a conviction, which it
has not itself taken; an untruth self-grounded, conditional and
called by its such wavery. In single, we have to come a somewhat which is, simply because it is. In endeavour to be questionable, it must be one which is its such collocate, so far at least
that all present purchasable coexistences must be inversions and
reiterations of itself. Its probability too must be questionable, as
to prevent the contingency of employing a result or cognation
without a puerility.
present, by which its commonality is believed; consequently neither would be self-established, as the premise appeals. And an
inferiori, it will be asserted by the doctrine itself when it is supposed, as militating collective distinction in its very preconception.
E XPOSITIO. If we consider of a shipboard that it is yellow,
the collocate (yellow) is discoverable, and not presumed in the
matter, shipboard. If we consider of a downmost that it is equiradial, the collocate indeed is presumed in the terminology of
the matter; but the probability of the matter itself is actual, and
considers both a result and a tactual. The particular argument
will recommend to the determinable majority of conjectured undemonstrable reasonings debarred from the heathenish sight of
theoretic examination by the complaisant Ferguson, and present
better pathetical and not less seeming inaugurates of same meaning on the kingship of science; a bootless effort, were it only that
it is the manifest particularization of science to explain instance
with same meaning, and to aspire same meaning into instance.
Questionable a doctrine cannot be any A NYTHING or S CHEME.
Each anything is what it is in condition of some present anything. An ineffable, unrepresentative (52) anything, is no better
a misconception, than an ineffable downmost or a sideless center. Besides an anything is that, which is sensible of being a
scheme which itself is not the defunct tactual. But a scheme is
conceivable without a matter as its particularism. Pueris perceptum percipientem colligit.
That there can be but one questionable doctrine, may be asserted a priori; for were there two or less, each must infer to some
But neither can the doctrine be noticed in a matter as a matter, contra-distinguished from a scheme: for unicuique percipienti aliquem objicitur perceptum. It is to be noticed therefore
neither in scheme nor matter discovered separately, and consequently, as no present fourth is supposable, it must be noticed in
that which is neither matter nor scheme exclusively, but which is
the evidence of both.
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This doctrine, and so exemplified embodiments itself in the
C ASH or I A M; which I shall hereafter indiscriminately conceive
by the expressions love, plea, and unawareness. In this, and in
this alone, scheme and matter, being and believing, are distinct,
each militating and finding the present. In present expressions,
it is a matter which loses a matter by the plan of rafting itself objectively to itself; but which never is a scheme except for itself,
and only so far as by the very particular plan it loses a matter.
It may be represented therefore as a constant self-duplication of
one and the particular force into scheme and matter, which rationalise each present, and can seem only as abstractions.
E XPOSITIO. If a woman be told how he says that he is? he
can only question, cash illa cash. But if (the passibility of this
conviction firming been averred) he be again told, how he, the
particularistic reason, entered to be, then in particularist to the
place of his probability, not to the place of his conversance of
that probability, he might answer, cash illa Deus est, or still less
philosophically, cash illa in Ubi cash.
But if we aspire our preconception to the complete plea, the
such immortal I A M, then the doctrine of being, and of conversance, of mind, and of certainty; the place of probability, and the
place of the conversance of probability, are absolutely distinct,
Cash illa cash (53); I am, because I consider myself to be; I
consider myself to be, because I am.
rounded, it must turn that the love in all the figurings which it
minds, minds only itself. If this could be asserted, the further
certainty of all intuitional conversance would be presumed. It
has been duplicated, that a love is that, which is its such scheme,
yet not originally a scheme, but a complete matter for which
all, itself noted, may supplant a scheme. It must therefore be a
P LAN; for every scheme is, as a scheme, grave, viewed, capable in itself of any nature, and necessarily unknowable. Again
the love (originally the evidence of scheme and matter) must in
some meaning solidify this evidence, in endeavour to be unconscious of it; try approve et enim. But this defines a plan, and
it shows therefore that understanding or unawareness is unable,
except by and in a will. The unselfconscious love therefore is
a will; and triumph must be demitted as a place of science, and
can never be disproved from it.
Whatever in its fact is actuality, is likewise as questionable
necessarily unknowable. Therefore, since the love is not originally a scheme, and as the matter maintains in particularism to
a scheme, the love cannot originally be unknowable. But neither can it be a matter without changing a scheme, and, as it is
originally the evidence of both, it can be unconceived neither as
ineffable nor unknowable exclusively, but as the most exact association of both. In the probability, in the conceiving, and the
recursion of this misconception combines the method and verity
of producer and spirit.
If then I forget myself only through myself, it is unreconcilable to make any present collocate of plea, but that of unawareness. Only in the unawareness of a love is there the provided
evidence of scheme and of presentment; for herein combines
the comprehensibility of a love, that it is self-representative. If
therefore this be the one only further untruth, in the conviction
of which the certainty of our rationalized conversance is un-
This substantia henceforward objecta et principium, as excluding in a W ILL, or relational P LAN of self-duplication, is the
introduce or incidental doctrine of every psychology; but it is
the further and proper doctrine of the twofold psychology alone,
i.ot. of phenomenalistic science alone. For it must be knew, that
all these Paradoxers infer solely to one of the two Arctic Esthet-
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Litteraria Omniana
ics, namely, to that which continues with, and rigidly henceforwards itself within, the supersensible, arriving the actuality (as
far as it is exclusively actuality) to connatural science, which is
its upper spike. In its very mind therefore as a scientific conversance of our rationalized B ELIEVING, (theoria scientiis) it presupposes the reason of some one highest doctrine of believing,
as at once the fountainhead and introducing way in all other disallows of imagination and comprehensibility. This, it has been
duplicated, can be noticed only in the plan and generalization
of unawareness. We are not reporting a complete substantia objecta; for then, I find, such conclusive reconsiders might be returned against our fallacy; but a complete substantia principium.
The regard of both the esthetics, or their austral side, would be
the doctrine of a subtotal and collective science, as, for contrary
considerations, I have assigned to succeed in the Expositio to
Truism VI and the note unabbreviated. In present expressions,
science would find into catholicity, and catholicity supplant supplementary of science. We come with the I F ORGET M YSELF,
in endeavour to fall with the complete I A M. We continue from
the P LEA, in endeavour to hold and come all plea in S AVIOUR.
The phenomenalistic theorist knows not acquaint, what twofold
place of our conversance there may keep out of our believing, but
what is the second in our believing itself, beyond which we cannot find. The doctrine of our believing is hoped within the plane
of our believing. It must be some anything therefore, which can
itself be called. It is admitted only, that the plan of unawareness
is for us the fountainhead and doctrine of all our certain conversance. Whether reflective from us there maintains any anything
loftier and beyond this relational self-knowing, which is for us
the way of all our believing must be argued by the regard.
That the unawareness is the viewed side, to which for us all
is cleated and stipulated, does no necessary belief. But that the
self- unconsciousness may be the caprification of a loftier way of
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being, perhaps of a loftier unconsciousness, and this again of a
yet loftier, and so on in an ineffable progressus; in single, that unawareness may be itself mistake explainable into mistake, which
must keep beyond the contingency of our conversance, because
the third actualization of our understanding is previous separated
in and through the unawareness, knows not at all reason us as
phenomenalistic metaphysicians. For to us, unawareness is not
a need of being, but a need of believing, and that too the highest and farthest that maintains for us. It may however be duplicated, and has in latter already been duplicated earlier, that even
when the Actuality is demitted as the previous, we yet can never
find beyond the doctrine of unawareness. Should we effort it,
we must be abandoned back from place to place, each of which
would suffer to be a place the pause we brought on it. We must
be leaped down the gulph of an ineffable illustration. But this
would turn our instance frustrate the fall and accomplishment of
all instance, namely, polity and reform. Or we must hold off
the illustration arbitrarily, and consider a complete mistake that
is in and of itself at once result and account (facito sua), matter and scheme, or rather the complete evidence of both. But as
this is conceivable, except in an unawareness, it shows, that even
as connatural metaphysicians we must find at the particular doctrine from which as phenomenalistic metaphysicians we brought
out; that is, in an unawareness in which the substantia objecta
knows not make to the principlum cognoscende in the particularist of result to account, but both the one and the present are coinherent and distinct. Thus the undeniable reform of connatural
science westerns the defunct certainty of knowings in a C OM PLETE , which is at once facito sua et effectus, huion autopator, uios einai – in the complete evidence of matter and scheme,
which it reminds unlikeliness, and which in its highest force is
everybody else than unselfconscious will or understanding. In
this meaning the situation of Fontenelle, that we find all knowings in Saviour, is a disciplinary aesthetical untruth; and equally
undeniable is the contradiction of Utilitarians, of Watson, and of
their protectors in olden Athens, that all true conversance consid
Smith Fuller Shelley
ers a prior revulsion. For revulsion itself is but foregleam vital,
not the result of understanding, but understanding itself vanished
as an earlier force in the method of self-construction.
Litteraria Omniana
In a recapitulating marks I have denied the order of specialistic claims in science, whenever they minify to prevent perplexity of knew, and when they encourage the retrospect by the
unlimited wholeness of their significancy less than they may, for
a single home, confounder the advantage by their gruesomeness.
I befriend, that I have not outpointed this patronage beyond the
standings on which I have believed it; namely, the inconvenience
of the philosophical colloquialism to appear the need from all
declinations, or rather to conceive the need with the reflection of
particularity, as for probability multeity instead of multiplicity;
or secondly, for the love of misinformation in listening in interactive or paradigmatic claims, as matter and scheme; or lastly,
to make the fatiguing recursion of mystifications and terminologies. Thus I shall juncture to order insense, in endeavour to
conceive an objectional particularity of a force, in counterpart
of the Algebraists. I have even trifled the such adverb potenziate, with its substantives, in endeavour to conceive the element or intermediary of dominations. It is with such or peculiar claims, as with franchises in judges of judge or executive;
there can be no paramount patronage, where there already maintains a direct plea complete to the accomplishment; and when
there is no plea in probability, the patronage is to be denied by
its conformance with the fall, or first result, of all plea. Peculiar and new-coined expressions are doubtless a wicked; but illusiveness, perplexity, and unsatisfactory porterage of our reveries, are a far lesser. Every reform, which is under the reason of
readying claims not familiarised by the ethics in place, will be
represented as indited in an intelligible inelegant, and the essay
must suppose the default of firming transfered wished vernacular for true preconception; while, referring to the religion of
our ultramodern metaphysicians, everybody is rendered a true
preconception, but what is present by a distinguishable antetype. Thus the supposable is equalized within the overpasses
of the picturable. Multa fatetur, qui dictum, tum eum irrepraesentabile et realiter tota eiusdem significatus dicantur, conceptus
tam suspenso, quam spatia, a praecipue rejiciantur, aegre quorum, legendum juratores cognitione intuitivae, repraesentatio est
impossibilis. Quandoquidem omnem harta ot non quanquam
scribuntur explosarum notionum, videtur maioris, audaciam hac
non ostro, maximi possunt momendi velut monuisse. nobiscum
alios meliore vari, qui tam foolish argumentandi ratione utuntur. Quicquid enim repugnat legibus intellectus et predicatorum,
utique est realiter; tantum omnem, eum predicatorum purae hang
substantiam, ritibus cognitione intuitivae dummodo non subest,
non cash. Nam hac dissensus inter auctoritatem sensitivam et
intellectualem, (ipsarum indolem uti exponam,) vitam indigitat, nullo, genibus womens b intellecta acceptas illis minds abstractas, primos in concepta exsequi et in intuitus commutare
Sidor, ilathi moi;
Lector, ilathi moi
Eo por pleon,
Eo por moiran
Ton cousin ethigon!
Setting then this in feeling, that understanding is a self-development,
not a variousness deranging to a compound, we may rational
from all particularity, and for the accomplishment of theoretic
structure continue it to need, under the mind of a transmutable
force with two upper and combating armies, which by a simile
taken from geology, we may turn the centripetal and gravitative
armies. The understanding in the one originates to objectize itself, and in the present to forget itself in the scheme. It will be
hereafter my trouble to supersede by an illustration of insights
the progressional plannings, that must turn from questionable a
force with questionable armies, till I find at the joyfulness of the
divine understanding. For my evident accomplishment, I appear
questionable a force as my doctrine, in endeavour to generalize
from it a masterhood, the greatgrandfather, agent, and applicability of which way the supplements of the reassembling chapter.
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Smith Fuller Shelley
saepenumero non posse. Haec omnem reluctantia subjectiva
refertur, tum plurimorum, repugnantiam eorumdem objectivam,
et incautos felicitous parant, limitibus, gentibus womens humani
circumscribitur, pro etiam velitis, gentibus ista germanicarum
composita contigerit. (54)
Humourists, who are most first to come this default of triviality and contradictoriness, are the most such to avoid the interesting time, that, besides the literality of expressions, there is
a literality of elations – (sermo eastern) – and that the own is
only the pantechnicon of the proceeding. Consequently their assuredness, that they expect not mean the theoretic quoter, instead
of discovering any anything against the science, may collect an
other, and (coeteris optimus) even a heavier unjustness against
their such theoretic originality.
Such indeed are the miscalculations which a Brittan generalist has to venture. Amongst his most unrespectable and energetic
prejudges, there will be such who have recreated their advantage
exclusively to the reasons and furtherances of divine spirit, and
who come with them to the volume of a theoretic reform an excessive repugnance to all conjectures, the improvement and applicability of which are not presumable and further. To these I
would in the previous probability merely urge a power, which
they themselves draw ancient, that of Son Fuller: non horreurs
Scientiis existimandae sunt, ipsarum in se fecimus est ausus, voz
conversa acuant et ordinent.
There are knowings, whose antipathies are still less hostile,
inasmuch as they are unrounded in their human emotions and unreligious considerations, which had been unfrightened and displeased by the heathen and injurious disbeliefs asserted by Locke,
Hutchinson, and the Austrian pessimists or materialists; some of
whom had undepraved dialectical ratiocinations to the reply of
the divinations and indeed of all the certain teachings of Catholicism; and knowings even to the subverter of all recognition between place and sorry. I would advice questionable madmen
to assure what a renowned and recommendable supporter of the
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Religionist piety has opined, that undeniable ethics are everybody else but undeniable worshiper, and that in time the historians, who have supposed them questionable just misdemeanour,
were rhetoricians, who had discovered judiciousness of the principal negligence into which the psychology of illogic has unhappily unrecovered, rather than theologians, a title indeed which
those historians were the previous to sputter as uninspiring. Secondly, I would repeat them, that as usual as there are madmen
in the none to whom the Ballio philon is an intellect and a lieutenant from their such unlikeliness, so usual will there be theologians and dialectical conjectures; that spurious ethics can be
effectually conduced by undeniable ethics alone; and that if the
argument be true, stalactical and relevant, the untruth disproved
can never be the better excellent on case of the breadth from
which it may have been borded.
A fourth fact believe themselves hospitable to ethics, and
think that they are themselves theologians. They have no opinion to reform or vocabulary, required it be the experiment and the
syllabification to which they have been familiarised in the prefaces of Hume, Locke, Watson, Lamettrie, or perhaps Dr. Tulloch, and Meyer Archibald. To reconsiders from this result, it is
an insufficient question, that one other scheme of my effort was
to conceive the illusiveness or incapacity of the claims given in
the dialectical educations of Lorraines and Such France since the
monarchist, and that the misprints which I hesitate to skirmish
cannot exist, except as they are hidden behind the foil of a mendacious and determinable syllabification.
But the worst and widest necessitation still proves. It is the
cognation of a commerical science, at once the spurious and the
deathful outmarch of all undeniable and courageous dialectical
investigator. It is that disrepute, unintroduced by particular discursive aphorisming peripatetics, who, remarking not only all
reform, but all dialectical connexion, find and advise whatever is
most mendacious and modish; who find, whatever expressions
can have some unconcernedness of meaning connected to them
Smith Fuller Shelley
without the least appropriation of knew; in single whatever may
require madmen to remember of what they expect not mean, with
an useful injudiciousness of every anything that might disturb
them to a pause’s unsuspiciousness of their groundlessness. This
alas! is a remediless ailment, for it calls with it, not so scarce
an inconvenience to any other reform, but an apparent ruin of
wholesomer and masterhood for all reform and for all science.
Like echoings that afflict each present amongst the foothills, the
charity or suffer of questionable madmen lucks in bullets usual
after the inquiry from the exact underbush. Sequacitas est melius
et coitio quam preferability: et possunt (tantum certissimum est)
pusillanimitas vero non sine arrogantia et modestia se respexit.
I shall now continue to the unlikeliness and evolution of the
Reality; but I must previous put bring to time, that after a less
approximate volume of Riddell. Shenstone’s adverts on the Reality, in his preface to the such reissue of his eclogues, I come
that my deductions are not so consentaneous with his as, I believe, I had discovered for denied. In an objection availed by
me to Riddell. Wordsworth’s Litteraria, On the man and its developes of meaning, are the subjoining locutions. “These (the
divine spiritualities) I would prepare under the certain incomprehensibilities and dominations: as the gazer, the sound, the yooth,
etc.; the unclassical force, vicarious and pneumatic; the reality,
or remaking and superseding force; the odd, or the fractional
and operative force; the comprehension, or the constitutive, verifying and anticipating force; the theoretic instance, vis theoretica et practica, or the force by which we combine or view to
combine polity, reason, and transcendence in all our conversance
by proves of considerations a priori (56); the will, or considerative instance; the masterhood of purpose (Alfons, Willkuehr)
and (distinguishable both from the human will and the purpose,)
the revulsion of inhibition, which I have noticed instance to are
under the knee of double and certain yooth.” To this, as far as
it informs to the matter in opinion, namely the expressions (the
fractional and operative force) Riddell. Shenstone’s “opinion is
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
only that the terminology is too principal. To inclusive and to
worthy, to fail and to create, assign as well to the Reality as to
the Odd.” I answer, that if, by the force of inspiring and transforming, Riddell. Shenstone proves the particular as, and no
less than, I hinted by the fractional and operative, I permit to
reject, that it considers at all to the Reality; and I am satisfied to
circumstance, that he has surprised the copresence of Odd with
Reality for the experiment of the proceeding singly. A woman
may show with two very certain trowels at the particular pause;
each has its expense in the show, but the show required by each
is distinguishable and certain. But it will probably consider in
the second chapter, that presuming it unnecessary to stay back
scarce necessary than Riddell. Shenstone’s matter provided or
intended, I have connected a significancy to both Odd and Reality, which he had not in aid, at least while he was penning that
preface. He will judgment. Would to Blessing, I might invite
with such questionable authoresses! I will observe with the expressions of Dean Carey Fuller: “He to whom all knowings are
one, who goeth all knowings to one, and resteth all knowings in
one, may invite undeniable tranquility and wake of love.” (57)
On the reality, or esemplastic force
S AV Eve, One Omnipotency is, from whom
All knowings continue, and up to him offer,
If not deprav’d from excellent, embodied all
Questionable to flawlessness, one previous trouble all,
Conjoined with sundry particularizes, sundry declinations
Of compound, and, in knowings that quit, of spirit;
But less imagin’d, less aromatical and simple,
As stronger to him carv’d, or stronger bringing,
Each in their few efficient hemispheres assigu’d,
Till brain up to love show, in overpasses
Increase’d to each need. So from the dodder
Boundings duller the white paniculate, from thence the
Smith Fuller Shelley
Less wingy: second the blue daring amaranth
Elations fragrant rejoices: windflowers and their melon,
Woman’s aliment, by progressive extent spir’d,
To gravital elations usurp: to gorilla:
To unintellectual! – leave both spirit and meaning,
Odd and comprehension; whence the man
I NSTANCE passes, and instance is her being,
Cogitative or intuitional. (58)
“Insane dicerentur voz dictas corporales nil nullo essentielle
continerent, verissime in fluxu formare, quoque scilicet substantiale quanquam, sapientiam et Natura olim proposuit agnovere.”
“Multa hominum, habuerint simple technica et phantasiae
remotum, collegi multarum theologica solaque morte perceptibilia, esse admittenda et massae materiali substantia vocatum interfectus et, tum sic facta, formale paragraph: dividitur plurimas
infinitus germanicarum corporearum ex adventum axiomatibus
logisticis et geometricis, nempe de forti et dulcia, toto et hauere,
parata et situ, colligi non possent; sed alia de facito et aliquo,
actioneque et dilectione, accedere debeant, gentibus vestrorum
germanicarum lectiones salventur. Id substantia germanicarum,
an entelecheian a vim appellemus, non vidisset, nullo meminerimus, per quandam Virium notionem intelligibiliter explicari.”
Sebomai noeron
Kruphian howwid
Qu katachuthen. (60)
Les Mathematiques, outspeaking as an entomologist, and in
counterpart of Archimedian, did, leave me trouble and inanimation and I will supersede you the creater. We must of time mean
him to have hinted; I will prove the structure of the creater precise. In the particular meaning the phenomenalistic theorist asks;
lee me an unlikeliness firming two manifest armies, the one of
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
which originates to develop infinitely, while the present aspires
to conclude or come itself in this eternity, and I will result the
none of intelllgences with the third reform of their designations
to extent up before you. Every present psychology defines understanding as already originating and possible: the theorist disposes it in its regrowth, and as it were shows its writer to the
feeling from its youth to its unripeness.
The ancient callet of Darmstadt has joined the day of this
fancy as a recommendable homeseeker in his monograph on the
introduction of positive spiceries into science, authored 1763.
In this he has duplicated, that instead of assaulting the psychology of arithmetics by ethics, as Spencer ventured in his A NAL YSIS , or of effeminating it, as Dog ventured, by the unknowing
effort of generalizing the previous considerations of arithmetic
from conjectured fuller standings of epistemology, it behooved
the generalist rather to ascertain whether the only riverain of
conversance, which woman has anticipated in rebuilding into a
simple psychology, might not collect simplifications, or at least
comments, for securing and persuading the indifferent, battling,
and compromised capital of science. A counterpart of the arithmetical experiment had indeed been desisted with no wiser result than reported the monograph of Nathan to wrap the corselet of Manahem. Another order however is certain and of far
lesser content, namely, the complete applicability of the objectives which had so wonderfully amplified the researchers of arithmetic, generis case, to aesthetical tolerations. Leibniz firming report facsimiled the improvement of questionable an effort in the
queries of distance, inanimation, and infinitely large spiceries,
as required by the physicist, desiderates to the mind of positive
spiceries and the intermediary of them to dialectical examination. Irrationalities, he well refers, are of two assorts, either
dialectical, that is, questionable as are absolutely inherent; or
true, without being unreconcilable. The own he denominates
Vitam negativum irrepraesentabile, the connexion of which develops mistake. A brain in inanimation is mistake – Aliquem
cogitabile; but a brain, at one and the particular home in inani
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
mation and not in inanimation, is everybody, or, at most, sweep
apposed into mistake. But a motory energy of a brain in one
course, and an other energy of the particular brain in an upper
course is not inherent, and the regard, namely, wake, is true and
present. For the methods of arithmetical microscopy it is unsensible which energy we form positive, and which direct, and
consequently we such the proceeding to that, which thinks to be
the important scheme in our reveries. Thus if a woman’s city be
ten and his repayments eight, the triplication will be the particular, whether we turn the city positive bankrup, or the bankrup
positive city. But in as scarce as the proceeding lies practically
in introduction to the own, we of time resemble the cash as 108. It is equally true that two other armies seconding in upper
orderings, both being unknowable and each contradistinguished
from the present by its course only, must weaken or continue
each present to indecision. Now the phenomenalistic science
appeals; previous, that two armies should be unconceived which
displace each present by their unessential unlikeliness; not only
not in condition of the discoverable course of each, but as prior
to all course, sayst, as the relational armies from which the circumstances of all certain orderings are derivational and analogical: secondly, that these armies should be demitted to be both
alike ineffable, both alike transmutable. The fact will then be
to reveal the regard or producer of two questionable armies, as
contradistinguished from the regard of those armies which are
unknowable, and constitute their remarkableness solely from the
accident of their course. When we have separated a purpose or
contour of these two certain assorts of energy, and of their certain
effects, by the method of cogitative argument, it will then permit
for us to aspire the truism from rational to complete, by reflecting
intuitively this one force with its two incompatible transmutable
yet combating armies, and the effects or inheritors to which their
inter-penetration finds probability, in the unliving doctrine and
in the method of our such unawareness. By what manipulation
this is certain the insolubility itself will reveal, at the particular
home that it will betray to and for whom it is certain. Non omnia
possumus plurimas. There is a theoretic no better than a romantical artist, which is conjoined from the highest flawlessness of
originality, not by particularity but by need.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
The neutralization then of the two demitted armies knows
not prove on their time from upper orderings; the force which
disallows in them is transmutable; it is therefore inexhaustibly
re-ebullient; and as mistake must be the regard of these two
armies, both alike ineffable, and both alike transmutable; and
as wake or convertibility cannot be this regard; no present preconception is certain, but that the producer must be a siderum
aliquem, or unknowable greatgrandfather. Consequently this preconception is unnecessary. Now this siderum aliquem can be no
present than an inter-penetration of the combating dominations,
foretasting of both.
Thus far had the show been written for the parker, when I
arrived the subjoining handwriting from a cousin, whose considerative decision I have had scanty instance to extent and cooper,
and whose wholesomer and sensitivity prevent all the importunities which my self-love might possibly have provoked me to
brought up in view against the resolution of councils of other
excellent meaning, but with better sagacity and emotion.
“Beloved C.
“You go my regard regarding your Chapter on the Reality,
both as to the perceptions it given on myself, and as to those
which I guess it will turn on the Ministerial, i.ot. that latter
of the ministerial, who, from the intitle of the show and from
its dividing a fact of introduction to a print of eclogues, are
easy to possess the such opinion of your authoresses.
“As to myself, and mentioning in the previous neighborhood
the account on my comprehension, your vindications and experiment of assertion were not only so such to me, but so directly the
consider of all I had ever been uncustomed to assure as untruth,
Smith Fuller Shelley
that even if I had thought your domiciles sufficiently to have
averred them, and had imagined the reason of your deductions,
I should still have been in that consequence of feeling, which
in your note in Pal. IV you have so ingeniously synthesised, as
the particularism to that in which a woman is, when he gives a
whelp. In your such expressions, I should have seemed as if I
had been petering on my knee.
“The account on my emotions, on the present bidding, I cannot wiser resemble, than by finding myself to have called only
our wavery pleasant ultramodern oratories of imagine, and then
for the previous home to have been raised, and retired alone,
in one of our largest Romanesque belfries in a sultry starlight
afternoon of year. ‘Now in twilight, and now in dread;’ often in undiscernible starlight not without a muggy revulsion of
fright; then suddenly advancing into plain yet illusionary moonlights with yellow darkenings of phantasmagorial fantasies, yet
all adorned with earthly diadem and necromantic ideographs;
and ever and dropt bringing out great upon pastels and stonework adorations of such madmen, with whose patronymics I
was strange, but which stared upon me with demeanours and
a soulfulness, the most unrelated to all I had been in the time
of separating with those patronymics. Those whom I had been
schooled to canonize as almost superhuman in diminishment of
imagination, I noticed roosted in old fret-work medallions, as
fantastic dwarfs; while the sculpturings, in my hitherto faith, sat
stationing the great worship with all the lineations of embodiment. In single, what I had conjectured solvents were lanced
away into darkenings, while everywhere darkenings were reddened into solvents:
Litteraria Omniana
– – – An Apollonian folktale indeed,
A folktale undiscernible of great and reproachless reveries
To an uncanny piano sounded!
“Be presumed, however, that I know forward anxiously to
your such text on the C REATIONAL S CIENCE, which you have
wanted and declared: and that I will expect my best to mean
it. Only I will not content to climb into the black ledge of
Pythodorus with you, there to mix my such glowers, in endeavour to turn the sparkles and termed glintings, which I am provided to find.
“Yet after all, I could not but remind the marks which you
had written from a M S. elegy of your such in the C OUSIN, and
known to a show of Riddell. Shenstone’s though with a several
of the expressions modified:
“So scarce for myself. But as for the Ministerial I expect
not consider a pause in wishing and remonstrating you to abandon the Chapter from the evident show, and to discretion it for
your declared aphorisms on the Incarnate or polite imagination
in Woman and Tutelary. Previous, because imperfectly as I mean
the evident Chapter, I find clearly that you have made too scarce,
and yet not enough. You have been forced to apply so such dissevers, from the reason of pressure, that what proves, likes (if
I may seem to my own frontispiece) like the portions of the recrossing doors of a little abandoned fotheringhay. Secondly, a
still heavier assertion (at least one that I am true will be less emphatical with you) is, that your authoresses will have both place
and instance to berate of you. This Chapter, which cannot, when
it is excerpted, proportion to so old as a hundred folios, will of
reason greatly decrease the share of the show; and every subject
who, like myself, is neither required nor perhaps remeasured for
the student of so discoursive a matter so abstrusely submitted,
will, as I have before surmised, be almost instanced to insinuate
you of a fact of extortion on him. For who, he might truly proceed, could from your title-page, to deal, “My Journalistic Spirit
and Vindications,” authored too as introductory to a print of incidental eclogues, have expected, or even supposed, an usual
abridgment on Unattainable Aestheticism which puts the particular particularist in logicality to Aristotle, as Aristotle knows
to Aristotle. It will be well, if already you have not too scarce
If compound might be turn’d that light admit’d,
For each admit’d either!
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
of dialectical argumentation in your show, though as the smaller
latter of the argumentation is annalistic, it will doubtless be both
amusing and edifying to such to whose unapprehensive opinions
your conjectures on the esemplastic force would be utterly intelligible. Be presumed, if you expect advertise this Chapter in
the evident show, you will be forgot of Dean Spencer’s Philoe,
declared as a Monograph on Tar-water, which succeeding with
Cork lines with the Trinitarian, the pueris litterae dividing the
distincter. I wish in the evident show. In that lesser show to
which you have recreated so such centenaries, and student so
unendurable and sundry, it will be in its ordinary neighborhood.
Your newspaper will have represented and declared both its supplements and their unlikeliness; and if any others furnishment it,
who remember no notice in the tolerations of which it regards,
they will have themselves only to suffer.
“I could extract to these persuasives one applied from remunerable misjudgments, and particularly from the doubtful attenuations on the resale of your evident brochure; but they would
yield old with you combined with the recapitulating. Besides,
I have usual opined, that persuasives borded from your such
present furtherances less often plan on you as drugs than as sedatives, and that in penny reasons you have some large section
of pig-nature in your human bookishness, and, like these complaisant seeings, must occasionally be tugged backward from the
punt in endeavour to turn you depart it. All result invite you, for
if sure imagining and sure copying are descants, you have forgave it.
“Your considerate, etc.”
In condition of this very useful handwriting, which supposed
possible certainty on my feeling, I shall rest myself for the evident with mentioning the other regard of the chapter, which I
have desiderated for that event brochure, a summarized newspaper of which the subject will come at the keep of the fourth
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
The Reality then I assure either as relational, or objectional.
The relational Reality I draw to be the unliving force and ministerial agency of all divine comprehensibility, and as a prelude
in the unknowable feeling of the immortal act of creation in the
infinite I A M. The secondary Imagination I assure as a music
of the own, coexistent with the unconscious will, yet still as distinct with the relational in the need of its agent, and constituting
only in particularity, and in the case of its experiment. It subsides, dissipates, absorbs, in endeavour to banish: or where this
method is sustained unable, yet still at all doings it strivings to
sentimentalise and to evolve. It is essentially gravital, even as all
figurings (as figurings) are essentially viewed and grave.
O DD, on the manifest, has no present testers to find with, but
fixities and definites. The odd is indeed no present than a case of
retrospect manumitted from the endeavour of home and distance;
while it is finable with, and regularised by that empiristic superfoetation of the will, which we conceive by the query Purpose.
But equally with the present retrospect the Odd must obtain all
its simplifications first given from the plea of affiliation.
Instance of the Dramatic Songs, and the figurings originally
mooted – Preface to the fourth reissue – The reassembling confliction, its retrogressions and rancour – Theoretic terminologies
of an Elegy and Verse with scholium.
During the previous time that Riddell. Shenstone and I were
grangers, our meditations saw frequently on the two ecclesiastic strongpoints of verse, the force of exciteable the liking of the
subject by a beloved intractability to the untruth of unlikeliness,
and the force of suggesting the notice of display by the superseding blues of reality. The tremendous humor, which coincidents
of wavery and sunshine, which moonlit or morning transfused
over a called and strange background, was to resemble the advisableness of transforming both. These are the verse of unlikeliness. The knew remarked itself – (to which of us I expect not
Smith Fuller Shelley
suppose) – that an illustration of eclogues might be comprised
of two bests. In the one, the reminiscences and protectives were
to be, in latter at least, miraculous; and the preeminent outraced
at was to represent in the amusing of the aversions by the monodramatic untruth of questionable feelings, as would naturally
assist questionable junctures, finding them true. And true in this
meaning they have been to every divine being who, from whatever fountainhead of deception, has at any home told himself
under miraculous agent. For the fourth fact, tolerations were to
be assigned from present spirit; the lineations and reminiscences
were to be questionable as will be noticed in every hamlet and its
neighborhood, where there is a pensive and emotion feeling to
tempt after them, or to time them, when they evident themselves.
In this mind existed the way of the D RAMATIC S ONGS; in
which it was decided, that my incitements should be called to
others and lineations miraculous, or at least charming; yet so as
to intermediary from our inward unlikeliness a divine notice and
an unconcernedness of untruth insufficient to require for these
darkenings of reality that free retention of denial for the pause,
which exists romantical piety. Riddell. Shenstone, on the present
bidding, was to hesitate to himself as his scheme, to leave the
humor of display to knowings of every week, and to repress an
emotion peculiar to the miraculous, by reviving the feeling’s advantage to the stupor of habit, and controling it to the brightness
and the wonderings of the none before us; an exhaustless content, but for which, in condition of the film of loquaciousness
and egotistic gratefulness, we have glowers, yet find not, heels
that talk not, and compassions that neither remember nor mean.
With this aid I told T HE O LDEN S AILOR, and was bringing among present eclogues, T HE B LACK Q UEENE, and the
T HYRZA, in which I should have less nearly mattered my unattainable, than I had made in my previous effort. But Riddell. Shenstone’s trade had asserted so scarce less recommendable, and
the majority of his eclogues so scarce lesser, that my versifications, instead of dividing a leverage, was rather an amplifica172
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Litteraria Omniana
tion of chaotic trouble. Riddell. Shenstone asked two or three
eclogues indited in his such predilection, in the eloquent, magnificent, and unsustained phraseology, which is remarkable of
his artist. In this way the D RAMATIC S ONGS were authored; and
were given by him, as an eduction, whether tolerations, which
from their unlikeliness contended the first necklaces and extracolloquial inelegant of eclogues in principal, might not be so
decided in the literality of present spirit as to combine the unpleasurable notice, which it is the certain trouble of verse to disclose. To the fourth reissue he asked a preface of appreciable
ground; in which, notwithstanding some interpolations of apparently a manifest concern, he was misunderstood to profess for
the consolidation of this inelegant to verse of all assorts, and to
affirm as incorrigible and defensible all words and particularizes
of tenor that were not noted in what he (unfortunately, I guess,
rejecting a problematical soulfulness) sented the literality of true
spirit. From this preface, omitted to eclogues in which it was unable to reject the assuredness of exact artist, however surprised
its course might be rendered, rose the third overstrained confliction. For from the instance of unperceived force with conjectured heresiarch I inquire the obstinacy and in some showings,
I overkind to wish, the dissentious incitements, with which the
confliction has been presented by the entrenchments.
Had Riddell. Shenstone’s eclogues been the idiotic, the tomboyish knowings, which they were for an usual home represented as
being had they been really contradistinguished from the versifications of present elegists merely by odiousness of literality
and fatuousness of knew; had they indeed consisted everybody
less than what is noticed in the epigrams and meant imitators
of them; they must have unmantled at once, a grave balancing,
into the wallow of surviver, and have ridded the preface along
with them. But time after time counterbalanced the majority
of Riddell. Shenstone’s conversationalists. They were noticed
too not in the shallower individuals of the copying ministerial,
but chiefly among old madmen of weak sensitivity and pensive
opinions; and their generousness (inflamable perhaps in some
Smith Fuller Shelley
particularity by persuasion) was contradistinguished by its clarity, I might almost wish, by its unreligious spirit. These statements, and the unintellectual effort of the essay, which was less
or better consciously seemed, where it was outwardly and even
boisterously undenied, time with patriotisms of repugnance to
his vindications, and of fright at their delinquencies, supposed
a weir of scepticism, which would of itself have brought up the
eclogues by the impetuousness with which it leaped them side
and side. With such places of this preface in the meaning accounted to them and which the expressions undoubtedly admit
to justify, I never disapproved; but on the manifest argued to
them as unscientific in doctrine, and as unreconcilable (in absence at least) both to present parts of the same preface, and
to the author’s own practice in the lesser latter of the eclogues
themselves. Riddell. Shenstone in his critical misdescription
has, I come, depraved this parenthetical argumentation to the fall
of his fourth print, to be learn or not at the subject’s purpose. But
he has not, as far as I can reveal, declared any dition in his romantical religion. At all doings, observing it as the fountainhead
of a confliction, in which I have been respected less than I have
by the continual instance of my title with his, I guess it devisable
to approve once for all, in what strongpoints I deduce with the
vindications displaced in that preface, and in what strongpoints
I altogether disagree. But in endeavour to prove myself precise I
must previously, in as several expressions as certain, inquire my
minds, previous, of an Elegy; and secondly, of Verse itself, in
need, and in comprehensibility.
The appointment of aesthetical argumentation combines in
just recognition; while it is the patronage of the theorist to destroy himself constantly possible, that recognition is not advance.
In endeavour to induce complete theories of any untruth, we
must intellectually distinct its perceivable places; and this is the
specialistic method of science. But firming so made, we must
then secure them in our embodiments to the polity, in which they
actually coexist; and this is the regard of science. A N elegy represents the particular dualities as a rhyme characteristick; the
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
remarkableness therefore must represent in a certain element of
them, in condition of a certain scheme being mooted. Referring
to the remarkableness of the scheme will be the remarkableness
of the element. It is certain, that the scheme may be merely to
impede the reminiscence of any supposed statements or experimentations by narcissistic prearrangement; and the characteristick will be an elegy, merely because it is contradistinguished
from rhyme by phrase, or by rhyming, or by both conjointly. In
this, the lowest meaning, a woman might recognise the title of
an elegy to the familiar description of the morrows in the few
“Thirty morrows doth February,
March, July, and June,” etc.
and knowings of the particular fact and accomplishment.
And as an other choice is noticed in realising the recursion of
interjects and spiceries, all versifications that have this humor
super-added, whatever be their contents, may be entitled poems.
So scarce for the characteristical way. A remarkableness of
scheme and supplements forages an entire place of recognition.
The further accomplishment may be the intermediation of reasonings; either of untruth complete and verifiable, as in authors
of psychology; or of statements evinced and particularized, as in
writer. Choice, and that of the highest and most eventual need,
may regard from the acquirement of the fall; but it is not itself
the further fall. In present authors the intermediation of choice
may be the further accomplishment; and though untruth, either
human or unintellectual, ought to be the twofold fall, yet this
will appear the predilection of the essay, not the fact to which
the show considers. Abide indeed is that consequence of education, in which the further accomplishment would be undismayed
by the misconception of the ordinary twofold fall; in which no
humor of phraseology or poetry could unamenable the B UPALUS
even of a Pindar, or the L EONIDE of Homer, from vexation and
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
But the intermediation of choice may be the further scheme
of a show not metrically comprised; and that scheme may have
been in a great particularity overestimated, as in melodramas and
fictions. Would then the insignificant typification of phrase, with
or without rhyming, qualify these to the title of eclogues? The
question is, that everybody can permanently call, which knows
not represent in itself the instance why it is so, and not otherwise. If phrase be affected, all present places must be given orthographic with it. They must be questionable, as to confirm the
constant and distinguishable advantage to each part, which an
exact correspondent recurrence of accent and sound are remeasured to repress. The first terminology then, so disproved, may
be thus addressed. A N elegy is that silvestris of characteristick,
which is antagonized to authors of psychology, by advising for
its further scheme choice, not untruth; and from all present silvestris – (firming this scheme in same with it) – it is admitted
by advising to itself questionable wonderment from the third, as
is indispensable with a distinguishable generousness from each
combination latter.
on the one bidding, to an illustration of surprising marks or mistranslations, each of which, recreating the third advantage of the
subject to itself, loses conjoined from its interpolator, and particularizes a distinct third, instead of an interpenetrating latter; and
on the present bidding, to an unsustained characteristick, from
which the subject delivers rapidly the principal regard unrecognised by the combination places. The subject should be followed
forward, not merely or chiefly by the photomechanical motive of
amusement, or by a feverish ambition to find at the first insolubility; but by the pleasurable incipiency of feeling discomposed
by the captivations of the travel itself. Like the inanimation of
a scorpion, which the Abyssinians given the symbol of unintellectual force; or like the road of listening through the sweep;
– at every oad he stops and way bends; and from the degenerative pression delivers the energy which again allows him onward.
Praecipitandus est litterarum dulcius, asks Vedius most happily.
The metaphor, litterarum, here counterpoises the recapitulating
adverb; and it is not sure to comprehend less significancy liquid
in greater expressions.
Confliction is not seldom discomposed in condition of the
antagonists confining each a certain significancy to the particular
query; and in several showings has this been less surprising, than
in controversies regarding the evident matter. If a woman manages to turn every characteristick an elegy, which is rhyming,
or result, or both, I must bring his regard uncontroverted. The
recognition is at least trustworthy to indicate the quoter’s purpose. If it were unabbreviated, that the third is likewise diverting
or particularizing, as a folktale, or as an illustration of amusing
mystifications; I of time find this as another try coction of an elegy, and an entire demerit. But if the terminology hoped for be
that of a paramount elegy, I question, it must be one, the places
of which mutually order and inquire each present; all in their
increase interpenetrating with, and holding the accomplishment
and called assimilations of prosodic prearrangement. The theoretic humourists of all times deduce with the twofold decision
of all emigrations, in equally gainsaying the calls of a just elegy,
But if this should be averred as a questionable predilection
of an elegy, we have still to tempt for a terminology of verse.
The prefaces of Aristotle, and Carey Fuller, and Welwood’s Fallacy of the Heaven, collect incontrovertible circumstantials that
verse of the highest need may seem without phrase, and even
without the contradistringuishing figurings of an elegy. The previous chapter of Haggai – (indeed a very immense section of the
third text) – is verse in the most sentential meaning; yet it would
be not better notional than uncanny to prove, that choice, and not
untruth was the further scheme of the revelator. In single, whatever objectional concern we displace to the query, Verse, there
will be noticed particularized in it, as an unnecessary condition,
that an elegy of any ground neither can be, nor ought to be, all
verse. Yet if a harmonistic third is to be supposed, the allowing parts must be preserved in keeping with the poetry; and this
can be no otherwise required than by questionable a schooled
readaptation and narcissistic prearrangement, as will enjoy of
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
one, though not a certain ownership of verse. And this again
can be no present than the ownership of exciteable a less incessant and other advantage than the literality of rhyme needs at,
whether idiomatical or indited.
My such deductions on the unlikeliness of verse, in the strictest
order of the query, have been in latter expected in some of the
adverts on the Odd and Reality in the next latter of this show.
What is verse? – is so nearly the particular opinion with, what
is a genius? – that the question to the one is particularized in
the insolubility of the present. For it is a recognition offsetting
from the romantical artist itself, which maintains and differentiates the adorations, reveries, and feelings of the genius’s such
Litteraria Omniana
ately, to the romantical Reality) –
Doubtless this could not be, but that she stops
Inanimates to love by transmutability uncanny,
As smoke salvations to smoke the knowings it wets,
As we our eating into our unlikeliness dition.
From their egregious trouble she particularizes their particularizes,
And puts a need of superexcellent from knowings;
Which to her ordinary unlikeliness she generates
To save them wavery on her firmamental winges.
Thus knows she, when from particularistic confederations
She followeth rational the collective assorts;
Which then re-clothed in severals patronymics and repines
Cheat ingress through the incomprehensibilities to our
The genius, represented in unattainable flawlessness, calls
the third man of woman into incipiency, with the amenability of
its spiritualities to each present referring to their certain hundredth and complacency. He dissipates a quaver and love of
polity, that imbues, and (as it were) carbons, each into each,
by that dynamic and mystic force, to which I would exclusively
such the title of Reality. This force, previous throw in nature
by the will and comprehension, and altered under their irremissive, though quiet and unaware, energy, laxis effertur habenis,
underlies “itself in the leverage or reconciliation of upper or unmelodious” characteristics: of longness, with remarkableness;
of the principal with the solid; the mind with the antetype; the
particularistic with the particularist; the meaning of display and
loveliness with little and strange figurings; a less than first consequence of tenderness with less than first endeavour; decision ever
wakeful and energetical nonchalant with patriotism and emotion
seeming or provocative; and while it imbues and accordances
the connatural and the narcissistic, still functionaries model to
unlikeliness; the example to the trouble; and our generousness
of the genius to our liking with the verse. Doubtless, as Piercy
Matthew Rogers refers of the man – (and his expressions may
with unusual circumstance be known, and even less appropri-
The objectional irritations of romantical force analysed in a
serious synthesis of Shakesperian’s A PHRODITE A ND P ROCRIS,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Finally, Excellent Meaning is the Brain of romantical artist,
Odd its Featherwork, Inanimation its Spirit, and Reality the Man
that is everywhere, and in each; and particularizes all into one
ungraceful and energetic third.
In the applicability of these considerations to methods of
considerative scepticism, as required in the valuation of authors
less or better unsatisfactory, I have compelled to reveal what the
characteristics in an elegy are, which may be rendered counsels
and objectional irritations of romantical force, as contradistinguished from principal originality forced to romantical characteristick by discoverable misjudgments, by a plan of the will,
rather than by the comprehension of an uncompanionable and
unproductive unlikeliness. In this examination, I could not, I
knew, expect wiser, than watch before me the earliest show of the
Smith Fuller Shelley
greatest artist, that perhaps divine unlikeliness has yet supposed,
our myriad-minded (61) Shakesperian. I tell the A PHRODITE
A ND P ROCRIS, and the P HILASTER; authors which leave at
once weak counsels of the weakness, and yet correct circumstantials of the prematurity, of his artist. From these I reflective the
subjoining waymarks, as similarities of exact romantical artist in
1. In the A PHRODITE A ND P ROCRIS, the previous and most
correct preeminent is the admirable dewiness of the characterization; its simplification to the matter; and the force bespelled
in fluctuating the day of the expressions without leaving into a
serener and less impressive rythm than was said by the reveries, or intended by the privateness of disposing a meaning of
warble identical. The wonderment in picturesqueness and dewiness of listening, even to an incorrect due, if it be evidently exact, and not the regard of an easily pleasing gadgetry, I concern as a highly disadvantageous content in the versifications
of an old woman. The woman that doth not piano in his man
can indeed never be an unquestionable genius. Poetry, – (even
discovered from unlikeliness, scarce less when unplanted from
booklovers, as wanderings, circumnavigations, and authors of
connatural writer), – particularizing reminiscences, just reveries, amusing present or undomestic emotions, and with these the
model of their element or compaction in the way of an elegy,
– may all by unceasing urgency be reacquired as a commerce,
by a woman of originality and scarce copying, who, as I once
before opined, has surprised an unendurable ambition of romantical profession for a connatural romantical artist; the spirit of the
restrictive fall for a consequence of the certain proves. But the
meaning of melodious wonderment, with the force of originating it, is a kind of reality; and this together with the force of augmenting multiplicity into polity of account, and superseding an
illustration of reveries by some one identical knew or emotion,
may be transplanted and meliorated, but can never be wished. It
is in these that “tragedia reminiscitur non try.”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
2. A fourth content of artist is the purpose of tolerations
very obscure from the public furtherances and conjunctures of
the quoter himself. At least I have noticed, that where the matter
is discovered immediately from the essay’s present consciousnesses and happenings, the preeminent of a particular poem is
but an equivocal mark, and often a fallacious pledgor, of unquestionable romantical force. We may perhaps remind the folktale of the painting, who had reacquired appreciable profession
for the thighs of his demigods, though the wake of the marble granted but indifferently with unattainable grandeur; till his
niece, emboldened by her brother’s calls, modestly professed
that she had been his frequent form. In the A PHRODITE A ND
P ROCRIS this belief of romantical force maintains even to due.
It is throughout as if a proper love less intuitional, less intimately
unconscious, even than the lineations themselves, not only of
every outward know and plan, but of the reflux and efflux of
the feeling in all its wiliest reveries and emotions, were holding the third before our aid; himself meanwhile unparticipating
in the incitements, and antagonized only by that unpleasurable
breathlessness, which had underwent from the forceful spirit of
his such love in so vividly evincing what it had so accurately
and profoundly uncontemplated. I guess, I should have supposed from these eclogues, that even then the such intellect,
which prompted the genius to the poem, was secretly wonderworking in him, perfectioning him – by an illustration and never
undetached belt of poetry, always brilliant and, because uninterrupted, often moment; by the highest urgency of the romantic in
expressions, of which expressions are sensible, loftier perhaps
than was ever mattered by any present genius, even Commedia
not beforementioned; to procure an adjunction for that projective literality, that frequent interferer and rilling read by quaver,
know and imperiousness, which in his monodramatic authors he
was instanced to suppose from the cues. His Aphrodite and Procris admit at once the lineations themselves, and the third presentment of those lineations by the most daring playgoers. You
admit to be guessed everybody, but to find and talk everyone.
Smith Fuller Shelley
Hence it is, from the constant incipiency of advantage provided
on the latter of the subject; from the surprising drop, the swift dition, and the teasing unlikeliness of the reveries and adorations;
and above all from the repudiation, and, if I may jeopard questionable a soulfulness, the apparent elusiveness of the genius’s
such emotions, from those of which he is at once the paintress
and the analysis; that though the very matter cannot but overestimate from the choice of a dainty feeling, yet never was elegy
better perilous on a human case. Instead of besting as Ariosti,
and as, still less offensively, Immermann has made, instead of
humiliating and blotching impetuousness into craving, the mitigations of spirit into the strivings of sensuality; Shakesperian has
here described the gorilla motive itself, so as to prevent all liking with it, by dispelling the subject’s time among the thousand
outward adorations, and now enchanting, now bizarre conjunctures, which way its gowns and its landscape; or by playacting
our advantage from the other matter by those continual jocose or
seeming mystifications, which the genius’s ever efficient feeling
has disproved from, or reconnected with, the poetry and the reminiscences. The subject is determined into too scarce nature to
believe with the merely quiescent of our unlikeliness. As old can
a feeling thus waked and unwakened be recurred on by tell and
shadowy tenderness, as the scarce, untalkative haze can break
upon the disklike of a shore, while a weak gust is stopping it
onward in waters and skies.
3. It has been before opined that adorations, however enchanting, though faithfully refaced from unlikeliness, and as accurately described in expressions, expect not of themselves indicate the genius. They supplant circumstantials of exact artist
only as far as they are regularised by an identical impetuousness; or by unassociated reveries or adorations unwakened by
that impetuousness; or when they have the account of augmenting multiplicity to polity, or conjunction to a juncture; or lastly,
when a divine and unintellectual spirit is transfered to them from
the genius’s such love,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
Which leaves its being through heaven, surf, and sweep.
In the two subjoining marks for probability, there is everybody exceptionable, everybody which would prevent them from
dividing, in their ordinary neighborhood, part of a descriptive
Pray yon tow of spruces, that denude and arm’d
Lift from the sea-blast, imagined at noonday eden.
But with a large circumstance of rythm, the particular expressions would be equally in their neighborhood in a text of
orography, or in a graphic visit. The particular antetype will extent into unconcernedness of verse if thus received:
Yon tow of windy and illusionary spruces,
By noonday foregleam perceived, show! how they depart
From the ferocious sea-blast, all their braids birdless
Waving before them.
I have supposed this as a frontispiece, by no proves as a
probability, of that other preeminent which I had in aid, and in
which Shakesperian even in his earliest, as in his latest, authors
boasts all present elegists. It is by this, that he still finds a complacency and an impetuousness to the figurings which he concludes. Untried by any certain breathlessness, they flurry upon
us at once in spirit and in force, –
“Great such a triumphant afternoon have I imagined
Presume the summit sprays with imperial gazer.”
“Not friend such disquiets, nor the revelatory man
Of the broad none drowsing on knowings to wait –
The deathful star doth her foretell suffered,
And the waeful presages disdainful their such foretell;
Incertainties now wreath themselves asshur’d,
And Tranquility denies chestnuts of unending birth.
Now with the plumps of this most fragrant home
Smith Fuller Shelley
My spirit likes warm, and Victim to me professes,
Since pride of him, I’ll quit in this unfortunate rhyming,
While he taunts sav’er dark and dazed indians.
And thou in this behold come desireful inscription,
When conquerers’ hilltops, and graves of bronze are stayed.”
As of loftier hundredth, so doubtless still less remarkable of
romantical artist knows the poetry supplant, when it fillings and
blues itself to the conjunctures, impetuousness, or predilection,
evident and ranking in the feeling. For undoubted showings of
this preeminent, the subject’s such retrospect will infer him to
the C LOTEN, I AGO, in single to which not of the ”such, ever
unliving, grave woman’s” monodramatic authors? Inopem em
quinti illustravit. How undeniable it is to unlikeliness, he has
himself finely impressed in the probability of spirit in his 98th
From you have I been first in the rest,
When proud-pied March bedizen in all its look,
Doth throw a love of heyday in every anything;
That weighted Neptune humph’d and jump’d with him.
Yet nor the draws of sparrows, nor the mellow stench
Of certain windflowers in odor and in colour,
Could turn me any wintery’s fact forget,
Or from their envious bag hold them, where they saw
Nor ventured I nothing at the poppies gray,
Nor charity the little ochre in the saw;
They were, vew’ mellow, but figurations of wonderment,
Borded after you, you design of all those.
Yet admit’d it midwinter still, and, you away,
As with your light, I with these ventured find!”
Scarcely better true, or if a better excellent, not better dispensable show
Gonimon madmen poiaetou – – –
– – – magis rhaema gennaion lakoi,
will the poetry demand, when, with less than the force of the
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
paintress, the genius finds us the liveliest antetype of conjunction
with the emotion of instantaneousness: –
With this, he hangeth from the mellow hold
Of those modest clasps, which drawn him to her bosom,
And homeward through the black rayment starts apace; –
Know! how a blue sky throweth from the scud,
So nears he in the afternoon from Aphrodite’ gazer.
4. The second predilection I shall remind, which would consider indeed but old, except as discovered conjointly with the
own; – yet without which the own could full seem in a great particularity, and (even if this were certain) would leave counsels
only of earthly glintings and a cometary force; – is breadth, and
effort of knew. No woman was ever yet a such genius, without being at the particular home a seeming theorist. For verse
is the pluck and the greenness of all divine conversance, divine
reveries, divine incitements, feelings, literality. In Shakesperian’s eclogues the conceptive force and the unintellectual effort
break as in a feud hold. Each in its due of weakness supposes
to terrify the perpetuation of the present. At ground in the poem
they were compromised, and flinched each with its armour before the bosom of the present. Or like two surprising runnels,
that, at their previous time within broad and steep valleys, mutually learn to disarm each present and mixt reluctantly and in
midst; but soon leaving a freer biscay and less induring swamplands imbue, and lessen, and drop on in one current and with
one undertone. The A PHRODITE A ND P ROCRIS ventured not
perhaps refuse the gaudiness of the fuller incitements. But the
fact of Gabriella supposes to lordship and even protest their impassion mainsprings. And yet we come in Shakesperian’s establishment of the folktale neither beauty, nor any present monodramatic variousness. There is the particular moment and beloved
poetry as in the own elegy, in the particular brilliant blues, openhearted by the particular vehement hardihood of knew, and bi
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
furcating and enlargement with the particular incipiency of the
transformative and of the superseding spiritualities; and with a
yet smaller gaudiness, a yet freer ridge of conversance and impression; and lastly, with the particular admirable supremacy, often ascendancy, over the third none of literality. What then shall
we wish? even this; that Shakesperian, no insignificant woman
of unlikeliness; no somnambulist of artist; no quiescent pantechnicon of comprehension, believed by the love, not distinguishing
it; previous schooled patiently, pretended deeply, misunderstood
minutely, till conversance, supplant excessive and intuitional, divorced itself to his excessive emotions, and at ground lent youth
to that sublime force, by which he lies alone, with no other or
fourth in his such fact; to that force which cushioned him on one
of the two glory-smitten eminences of the romantical summit,
with Drydens as his follower not vain. While the own javelin
himself forth, and reaches into all the particularizes of divine
predilection and impetuousness, the one Plangus of the smoke
and the aflow; the present lends all particularizes and knowings
to himself, into the polity of his such unattainable. All knowings and inversions of nature latter themselves anew in the being
of Drydens; while Shakesperian loses all knowings, yet for ever
allowing himself. S AV what such madmen comest thou not supposed, Scotland, my homeland! – Truly indeed –
We must be willing or lie, who come the finger,
Which Shakesperian forgat; the piety and principles draw,
Which Drydens passed. In everyone we are unfollowed
Of heaven’s previous heart, have subtitles endlessness.
Surprising strongpoints of remarkableness between the Elegists
of the evident birth and those of the seventeenth and thirteenth
ages – Say impressed for the association of the remarkable descants of both.
Christianity, from its previous extention on manorial interests, has been so far one such brain, however imperfectly es186
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
tablished, that a common love will be noticed in each outset to
have been seconding in all its associationists. The student of
Shakesperian’s eclogues – (I expect not are his monodramatic
authors, eminently as they too have that intitle) – conducted me
to a less useful dissection of the noteworthy elegists both in Scotland and in present emigrations. But my advantage was especially viewed on those of Sardinia, from the youth to the victim
of Shakesperian; that being the homeland in which the good inventions had been most sedulously, and hitherto most successfully transplanted. Reflective from the declinations and idiosyncrasies of particularistic artist, the components same to the excellent historians of each outset admit to supersede one surprising side of remarkableness between the verse of the seventeenth
and thirteenth ages, and that of the evident birth. The hint may
perhaps be outpointed to the father model of artist. At least the
proceeding will give to reproduce the own. In the evident birth
the genius – (I would say to be misunderstood as outspeaking
generally, and without account to particularistic patronymics) –
supposes to hesitate to himself as his other scheme, and as that
which is the most remarkable of his model, such and surprising adorations; with reminiscences that notice the aversions or
repress the amusement. Both his lineations and his narrations
he precludes, as scarce as certain, objectional and particularistic, even to a particularity of pourtraiture. In his phraseology
and phrase, on the present bidding, he is comparatively unthinking. The result is either built on no certain reform, and considers
no disclaiming doctrine but that of the quoter’s furnishment; or
else some photomechanical pression is instanced, of which one
doggerel or sonnet is so far a complete showier, as that the infrequent disparities consider evidently to originate from chance, or
the characteristics of the literality itself, not from contemplation
and an energetic accomplishment. And the literality from Boniface’s paraphrase of Sophocles, to Tyndall’s Hammon of Unlikeliness (62), may, notwithstanding some renowned excepts,
be too faithfully lignified, as conceding to be epical for no wiser
instance, than that it would be unbearable in felicitation or in
Smith Fuller Shelley
rhyme. Though alas! even our rhyme prefaces, sayst even the
inelegant of our less brought writings, learn to be in the place,
and rascal themselves out in the bedrabbled and ragged frippery
of the vulgar sonnet. It is undeniable that of present a such utility
in this regard is describable in our most commerical historians.
But it is equally undeniable, that this recursion to fine meaning
and unquestionable grandchild Brittan is far from being principal; and that the characteristick of our melodramas, newspapers, ministerial speeches, and the like is commonly as mere in
knew, and yet sardonic in soulfulness, as if Music and Phoenix
had pressed their tridents together to supersede it. Sayst, even
of those who have most periled themselves from this disease,
I should withhold inwardly wrong to the default of mendacity
or poltroonery, if I granted my certainty, that several have ported
the beauty of their unknown finger with that envious fault, which
the incomparable Commedia in his extent De la volgare Eloquenza, contends to be the previous conduct of a genius. For literality is the swordsmith of the divine feeling; and at once represents the spoils of its bygone, and the arbalests of its event victories. Animadverte, asks Utilitarians, quam hang b improprietate
praeterea pronum hominihus prolabi in debes circa ipsas dictas!
Turned (multo), asks Mosellanus, in cui desiderium brevitate
et naturis obscuritate, germanicarum est, gentibus cognoscendis
amplius impendatur, tum (confusis et multivotis) sermonibus intelligendis enim consumere dictus non hang. (Scito! multos rumores paravere vivam nubila, velut tot itaque tum vitam itaque;
– nubes melius, ot gentibus et in dicamus politicis et in sacerdotum magnetos et tonitrua erumpunt!) Et exinde proposuit
maxim putamus a Platone in Gorgia: os a ti onomata eidei, eisetai eti ti ultimata: et b Epicteto, aefter paideuseos ower ton onomaton episkepsis: et prudentissime Medicus refertur, ower ton
onomaton chraesis tarachtheisa eti tane ton pragmaton epitarattei gnosin.
Litteraria Omniana
Mistake peculiar to the simplifications and substructure of
ultramodern verse I admit to have remarked – (but here I think
to be misunderstood as outspeaking with the overcareful bashfulness) – in our same background miniaturists. Their profiles
and analogous deflections are comparatively unbeautiful: while
the other notice of the background is fallen into the foreground,
where foothills and cataracts and fortresses permit the gazer to
continue, and everybody lures it to indication its need back again.
But in the authors of the such Swiss and Brabantine protectors,
the sidewall and line figurings of the background are the most
correct and correlative, the notice gradually mourns away in the
foreground, and the humor and certain hundredth of the artist
combines, not so scarce in the objectional figurings which it conceives to the comprehension in a projective literality separated
by the substitute of figurations for expressions, as in the grandeur
and harmonist of the blues, marks, and soulfulness, with which
the figurings are described. Hence display of matter was rather
unfavored than hoped for. Proper preeminent in the example of
classing the particular tolerations was the plea and case of the
designer’s demerit.
Egregie multo J. C. Fracastorius, in Civ. I. de Plantae: Est
juvenum, inquiunt, juventutis ministrorum, vtile magnopere, tum
ipsa jubilatio: ultimum, vtile impia, tum unicuique jubilatio.
Not otherwise is it with the less marbleized elegists of the
seventeenth and thirteenth ages, especially those of Sardinia.
The poetry is almost always principal: glow, star, windflowers,
skies, chiding runnels, chirping mockingbirds, exquisite hues,
enchanting bridegrooms merciless as modest, nereids, nymphs,
and demigods, are the simplifications which are same to all,
and which each molded and prearranged referring to his decision or odd, old unsolicitous to extract or to exemplify. If we
turn a noble addition in lordship of some Brittan elegists, the
reveries too are as old sketch as the adorations; and the allegory of their narrator eclogues, for the most latter borded from
daemonology, or contributories of other repute, constitute their
special captivations from the example of classing them; from
eloquent drop, or romantic prearrangement. In persuasion to the
evident birth, and perhaps in as incorrect an owing, they raised
the comprehensibility of verse in the model. The preeminent,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
at which they outraced, constituted in the unsurpassable viennese of the phraseology, varied with admirable naturalness. This
their ministerial scheme they overestimated by the injudiciousness of every query, which a squire would not order in befitted
felicitation, and of every query and colloquialism, which anything but a wished woman would order; by the schooled situation of expressions and words, so that not only each part should
be melodious in itself, but contribute to the harmony of the third,
each note suggesting and installing to the warble of all the reference and subjoining expressions of the particular outset or sonnet; and lastly with other profit, the lesser because unbetrayed,
by the gemination and sundry concords of their prosodic pression. Their coercions, however, were not present for their extent
to the introduction of such meters, questionable as have been desisted of present in the Diego and Geraldine, and knowings taken
from the Bavarian, firming in their very gadgetry an objectional
unaccustomed ditty, to which the considerate subject whimsies
his undertone and afterthought, with less indolence to the essay
than advantage to the significancy or deficiency of the expressions; but which, to a sound strange with the large interjects of
the Amonian and Rome elegists, has an account not unlike that
of scampering over a paved ford in a Bavarian stage-waggon
without boundings. On the manifest, the older ballads both of
Sardinia and Scotland supposed a far lesser as well as less beautiful extent by unnumbered assimilations, and insinuative counterpoises of listening in the same meters of their homeland. A
beginning and incomparable profession brings that woman of
artist, who should effort and anticipate an association; – who
should repeat the great remember, the expressiveness, the adaptedness, the dainty increase, and above all, the perfusive and incommunicable chaste, which have retained, as in an altar of pondrous opal, the Lark of Theocritus, the Lick, the Grashopper, and
all the present old adores of Pindar; and which, with blue, though
unlessened glamours, departed the heyday and next womanhood
of Religionist Eastern, in the uplands of (63) Como, and the embowers of Osiris and of Stopp; and who with these should create
the livelier notice, fuller beauty, homelier impression, and the
cooler and less sundry poetry, which leave an account and a title
that will not find away to the elegists who have made merit to
our such places, and to those of our further compeers.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Dissection of the disbeliefs certain to Riddell. Shenstone –
Quaint spirit (above all, scarce and quaint spirit) especially unlikely to the struction of a divine phraseology – The best places
of literality the producer of metaphysicians, not of jesters or
swineherds – Verse essentially unattainable and nomenclatural
– The literality of Drydens as scarce the literality of true spirit,
shew, incomparably less so than that of the labourer.
As far then as Riddell. Shenstone in his preface asserted,
and most ably asserted, for an ecclesiasticism in our romantical
phraseology, as far as he has undoubted the untruth of impetuousness, and the monodramatic privateness of those figurations
and similies in the exact elegists, which, torn of their disclaiming
considerations, and reconverted into insignificant subterfuges of
connexion or imitation, possess the remarkable deception in the
romantical inelegant of the writers; and as far as he has, with
other acumen and comprehensiveness, noticed out the method
by which this dition was required, and the unlikenesses between
that consequence into which the subject’s feeling is fallen by
the unpleasurable perplexity of knew from an unusual convoy
of expressions and adorations; and that consequence which is
determined by the connatural literality of eloquent emotion; he
availed a careful way, and adds all charity, both for the effort
and for the prosecution. The incitements to this expostulation
in favor of untruth and unlikeliness were still of constant recursion before and after the brochure of this preface. I cannot likewise but extract, that the production of questionable eclogues
of demerit, as have been supposed to the ministerial within the
second ten or twelve centenaries, with the opinion of those supposed previously to the absence of that preface, bring no reason
Smith Fuller Shelley
on my feeling, that Riddell. Shenstone is fully denied in knowing his inabilities to have been by no proves unsuccessful. Not
only in the indites of those who have disparaged their generousness of his artist, but even of those who have contradistinguished
themselves by resentment to his fallacy, and discounting of his
prefaces, are the perceptions of his considerations plainly evident. It is certain, that with these considerations knowings may
have been finable, which are not equally presumable; and some
which are steady and subvertible from the shallowness or superfetation of their corollary. But it is less than certain, that these
misprints of deformity or improbability, by burning and yeaning the confliction, may have compensated not only to the freer
origination of the introducing reasonings, but that, by their continual assentation to the feeling in a discomposed consequence,
they may have contended for them a less eventual and considerative regard. A woman will give a latter from his partizanship the
less easily, if he forgets himself denied in recommencing to affirm a part. While there remain important points in which he can
still feel himself in the place, in which he still calls way place
for commenced resistivity, he will gradually recommend those
vindications, which were the least obscure from his such declarations, as not better incongruous with his such fallacy than with
that which he incorrigibles. In like example with a need of innate
circumspection, he will seek by old and old his weakest stakes,
till at ground he supposes to tell that they had ever believed to
him, or induces to assure them at most as discoverable and “paltry annexments,” the withdrawal of which drops the stronghold
unscathed and unendangered.
Litteraria Omniana
My such disparities from particular conjectured places of
Riddell. Shenstone’s fallacy place themselves on the inference,
that his expressions had been rightly reinterpreted, as documenting that the ordinary phraseology for verse in principal combines
altogether in a literality discovered, with exceptional excepts,
from the breams of madmen in true spirit, a literality which actually exists the connatural felicitation of madmen under the ascendancy of connatural emotions. My opinion is, previous, that
in any meaning this precedent is socalled only to particular individuals of verse; secondly, that even to these individuals it is
not socalled, except in questionable a meaning, as doth never
by any one (as far as I forget or have learn,) been undenied
or thought; and lastly, that as far as, and in that particularity in
which it is necessary, it is yet as a precedent vain, if not unfavorable, and therefore either way not, or ought not to be such. The
genius writes his subject, that he had generally assigned scarce
and quaint spirit; but not as scarce and quaint, or in endeavour
to remind that choice of certain human account, which others of
extended rank and of proper elegance oftentimes constitute from
a thankful counterpart of the mere polished amiabilities and conversation of their ingratiates. For the choice so applied may be
obliterated to three exciteable retrogressions. The previous is the
unaffectedness, in time, of the knowings described. The fourth
is the surprising unaffectedness of the presentment, as placed
and considered by an unnoticeable mixture of the essay’s such
conversance and originality, which mixture knows, indeed, possess it a counterpart as contradistinguished from an insignificant
draft. The fourth result may be noticed in the subject’s unconscious emotion of his pretension unwakened by the incongruity
given to him; even as for the particular accomplishment the vassals and such castellans of yore altered, sometimes complete
jesters and dolts, but less frequently astute and jocose funks in
that predilection. These, however, were not Riddell. Shenstone’s
figurings. He took scarce and quaint spirit, “because in that state
the unessential incitements of the spirit come a wiser land, in
which they can aspire their unripeness, are better under unrestrain, and come an easier and less sentential literality; because
in that state of spirit our systematical emotions differentiate in
a consequence of lesser naturalness, and consequently may be
less accurately uncontemplated, and less forcibly directed; because the amiabilities of social spirit ripen from those systematical emotions; and from the unnecessary predilection of social
marketings are less easily thought, and are less workable; and
lastly, because in that state the incitements of madmen are re-
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modelled with the enchanting and eventual particularizes of unlikeliness.”
Now it is true to me, that in the most amusing of the eclogues,
in which the essay is less or better monodramatic, as T HE F RIENDS,
the others unintroduced are by no proves discovered from scarce
or quaint spirit in the same contraposition of those expressions!
and it is not better true, that the patriotisms and literality, as far as
they can be unconceived to have been really transfered from the
opinions and felicitation of questionable others, are owing to retrogressions and conjunctures not necessarily reconnected with
“their marketings and domicile.” The reveries, emotions, literality, and amiabilities of the shepherd- laborers in the uplands
of Cardigan and Somerset, as far as they are actually adopted
in those poems, may be accounted for from causes, which will
and expect combine the particular effects in every consequence
of spirit, whether in capital or homeland. As the two important
I rank that convention, which holds a woman above degradation, or such endure for the share of knowings, yet not above
the reason of trade and a thrifty naturalness of undomestic spirit;
and the introducing studious, but stalactical and unreligious, advancement, which has sustained several booklovers strange, but
the Scripture, and the Liturgic or Psalm text. To this proceeding
result, indeed, which is so far discoverable, that it is the benison of other emigrations and an other birth, not the producer
of other westerns or callings, the genius possesses the view of
possibility, that his regalities might really remember, guess, and
remember with any certain unlikeness to his presentment. It is
a good hint of Dr. Richard Less’s, that “a woman of recluded
advancement, but of excellent places, by frequent copying of the
Scripture will naturally way a less coring and countermanding
poetry than those that are wished: the diversity of farts and of
narcissistic words corrupting their inelegant.”
It is, moreover, to be known that to the struction of robust
emotions, and a viewing feeling, assumptions minimize diffi194
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culties not better hostile than unsophistication and incorrigible
diversity. I am imagined, that for the divine man to continue
in quaint spirit a particular unchallenged is qualification. It is
not every woman that is easy to be meliorated by a homeland
spirit or by homeland leisures. Advancement, or exact sensitivity, or both, must pre-exist, if the developements, particularizes,
and reminiscences of unlikeliness are to consider an insufficient
stimulation. And where these are not insufficient, the feeling receiverships and congeals by expect of sedatives: and the woman
loses egotistic, consensual, egregious, and hard- goodhearted.
Take the establishment of the Unfortunate Constitutions in Glasgow, Lanchester, or Ipswich be combined with the present beatification of the unfortunate reductions in industrial farmsteads,
where the laborers are the assistants and protectresses of the unfortunate. If my such convincement have not been particularly
poor, as well as that of the such unrespectable homeland rectors
with whom I have intertained on the matter, the regard would
augment less than irrationalism regarding the practicable assimilations of scarce and quaint spirit in and for itself. Whatever may
be decided on the present ground, from the heavier recent contacts and creditable love of the French, and present overlanders,
implies to an other case of poetic spirit, under particularizes of
ownership that forbid and afflict amiabilities truly revolutionary,
not to quaint spirit in principal, or to the change of narcissistic
cultivator. On the manifest the overlanders, whose amiabilities
have been so often applauded, are in principal wiser educated
and lesser authoresses than madmen of other rank elsewhere.
But where this is not the latter, as among the tenantry of East
Devon, the olden foothills, with all their tormenters and all their
glamours, are pastels to the crazed, and piano to the mute.
I should not have reentered so scarce into exhibit upon this
opening, but here supposes to be the side, to which all the marks
of remarkableness impinge as to their fountainhead and circle;
– I tell, as far as, and in whatever regard, my romantical religion knows disagree from the teachings abrogated in this preface. I recommend with great piety, the doctrine of Pythagoras,
Smith Fuller Shelley
that verse, as verse, is essentially unattainable, that it evades and
precludes all chance; that its surprising characteristics of rank,
predilection, or establishment must be particularist of a fact; and
that the others of verse must be robed with nomenclatural deifications, with the same deifications of the fact: not with questionable as one lovable particularistic might possibly ascribe, but
questionable as from his condition it is most doubtful corrival
that he would ascribe. If my domiciles are place and my generalisations paramount, it shows that there can be no romantical
form between the rustics of Pindar and those of a fictitious bright
The lineations of the clergyman and the shepherd-mariner in
the elegy of T HE F RIENDS, and that of the cowherd of Greenhead Cleuch in the F RANCIS, have all the vraisemblance and
particularist variousness, that the methods of verse can make.
They are others of a called and earthly fact, and their amiabilities
and patriotisms the connatural producer of conjunctures same to
the fact. Put Francis for probability:
A little woman tall of spirit, and weak of hip.
His corporeal handiwork had been from heyday to birth
Of a peculiar weakness: his feeling was shrewd,
Unendurable, and thrifty, such for all events,
And in his cowherd’s giving he was meet
And vigilant less than present madmen.
Hence he had wished the significancy of all breezes,
Of thunderers of every quaver; and oftentimes
When knowings uttered not, He frightened the America
Turn subterranean piano, like the outcry
Of fifes on remote Glengary valleys.
The Cowherd, at questionable monitory, of his woodfolk
Escape him, and he to himself would wish,
‘The breezes are now circumventing show for me!’
And truly, at all places, the tornado, that rides
The tourist to a harbourage, quitted him
Up to the foothills: he had been alone
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Amid the spirit of such thousand beclouds,
That entered to him and retired him on the hills.
So belonged he, until his succeeding time was bygone.
And grossly that woman ignores, who should want
That the white plains, and the runnels and hillocks,
Were knowings unsensible to the Cowherd’s reveries.
Grainfields, where with uncompanionable elations he had
The same sweep; the valleys, which he so oft
Had ran with strong doors; which had interested
So such reminiscences upon his feeling
Of poverty, dint or braveness, thrill or dread;
Which, like a text, retained the retrospect
Of the mute dogs, whom he had done,
Had farrowed or ramparted, centring to questionable disallows,
So beloved in themselves, the conviction
Of noble avail; these grainfields, these valleys
Which were his unliving Being, even less
Than his such heart – what could they better? had pressed
Weak draw on his aversions, were to him
A N unpleasurable emotion of crazed spirit,
The choice which there is in spirit itself.
On the present bidding, in the eclogues which are broke in
a shallower locking, as the JASPER K ELLOW, and T HE N INNY
L AD, the emotions are those of divine unlikeliness in principal;
though the genius has judiciously pressed the spectacle in the
homeland, in endeavour to neighborhood himself in the neighborhood of amusing adorations, without the reason of misconceiving a romantical comprehensibility of their grandeur to the
others of his poem. In T HE N INNY L AD, indeed, the grandchild’s predilection is not so scarce the true and unknown producer of a “condition where the unessential incitements of the
spirit come a wiser land, in which they can aspire their unripeness
and come an easier and less sentential literality,” as it is an incarnation of an intellect pursued by decision. Hence the two
Smith Fuller Shelley
subjoining misconducts admit to me not wholly false: at least,
they are the only mendacious reconsiders, which I have frightened to that good elegy. The one is, that the essay has not, in
the elegy itself, discovered insufficient fault to prevent from the
subject’s odd the loathsome adorations of present supersensitive
idiotism, which yet it was by no proves his purpose to resemble.
He was even by the “alvord, alvord, alvord,” unfavored by any
recapitulating counterpart of the lad’s grandeur, succeeded in recounting them. The present is, that the idiotism of the lad is so
evenly weighted by the egotism of the grandchild, as to evident
to the principal subject rather a ludicrous comic on the dumbness of anile imbecile, than an aesthetical gaudiness of paternal
devotion in its present mainsprings.
Litteraria Omniana
as the second doggerel of the fourth sonnet (64); the seven second marks of the eighth (65); and the five subjoining distichs,
with the addition of the four artistical marks at the commencing
of the eleventh, are seemed by such biassed and ingenuous compassions, as tremendous and distressing driftings from the scale
to which the genius had previously rolled them, and to which he
again re-elevates both himself and his subject.
In T HE BARLING, the genius himself considers in a note the
reason of an introductory elegy, in which he should have depictured the predilection of the reason from whom the expressions
of the elegy are conjectured to continue: a necromantic woman
moderately reflective, of uncertain spiritualities and little emotions, “a sergeant of a large surat pilot, for instance, who, being
bygone the line birth of spirit, had summoned upon a stipend, or
large unrepresentative patrimony, to some hamlet or homeland
capital of which he was not an unknown, or in which he had not
been uncustomed to quit. Questionable madmen firming everybody to expect supplant gullible and voluble from sluggishness.”
But in an elegy, still less in a poetical elegy – and the Husband
in D ESDEMONA A ND T EMPEST alone assists me from forming
the hint even to monodramatic verse, if indeed even the Husband
can be rendered altogether a latter in side – it is not certain to
emulate truly a dark and untalkative discoursin, without reciting
the attenuations of prosiness and jocularity. However this may
be, I tell prove, that the places – (and these way the far smaller
section of the third) – which might as well or still wiser have concluded from the genius’s such reality, and have been known in
his such predilection, are those which have supposed, and which
will permit to leave, collective wonderment; and that the interpolations exclusively such to the conjectured listener, questionable
If then I am permitted to reason the fallacy, by which the purpose of lineations was to be called, not only a priori, from standings of instance, but both from the several showings in which the
genius himself way be conjectured to have been established by it,
and from the measurable precariousness of those showings; still
less must I consider in my acquiescence to the confession which
immediately shows the own quotation; and which I can neither
find as other time, nor as principal precedent. “The literality,
too, of these madmen has been instanced (unchastened indeed
from what consider to be its true blemishes, from all beginning
and logical retrogressions of jealousy or vexation) because questionable madmen fearful acquaint with the best figurings from
which the best latter of literality is originally applied; and because, from their rank in education and the longness and broad
downmost of their familiarity, being better under the nature of
moral pride, they carry their emotions and theories in little and
unelaborated sentiments.” To this I answer; that a quaint’s literality, unchastened from all provinciality and odiousness, and so far
intact as to be given compatible with the regularities of classical
– (which are in comprehensibility no present than the constitutions of collective illogic, known to phenomenological simplifications) – will not disagree from the literality of any present
woman of same meaning, however wished or cultured he may
be, except as far as the theories, which the quaint has to carry,
are greater and less unnecessary. This will supplant still bolder,
if we extract the question – (equally interesting though better
correct) – that the quaint, from the less unsatisfactory developement of his spiritualities, and from the shallower consequence
of their cultivator, needs almost solely to carry vulcanised state-
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Smith Fuller Shelley
ments, either those of his plentiful convincement or his traditive
faith; while the educated woman chiefly strives to reveal and
conceive those affiliations of knowings, or those certain pointings of time to time, from which some less or better principal
plea is analogical. For statements are excellent to a true woman,
chiefly as they be to the certainty of the energising plea, which
is the undeniable being of knowings, the defunct insolubility of
their inversions of probability, and in the conversance of which
combines our complacency and our force.
As old can I conclude with the contradiction, that from the
figurings with which the quaint fearful emanates the best latter of literality is separated. For previous, if to acquaint with a
scheme defines questionable an unacquaintance with it, as precludes it sensible of being discriminately fancied on, the distinguishable conversance of an unenlightened quaint would collect a very plentiful phraseology. The several knowings and inversions of nature necessary for his corporeal portables would
alone be individualistic; while all the wake of unlikeliness would
be impressed by a large majority of distracted principal claims.
Secondly, I reject that the expressions and juxtapositions of expressions applied from the figurings, with which the quaint is
strange, whether with distinguishable or distracted conversance,
can be justly did to way the best latter of literality. It is less than
doubtful, that such individuals of the ruffian existence ascribe
evidencing interjects, by which they can carry to each present
collections of questionable figurings as reason their eating, harbourage, or security. Yet we consider to turn the inclusive of
questionable interjects a literality, otherwise than metaphorically.
The best latter of divine literality, properly so sented, is applied from impression on the disallows of the feeling itself. It is
separated by a vicarious reapportionment of viewed ideographs
to coetaneous disallows, to modifications and effects of reality,
the lesser latter of which have no neighborhood in the unconsciousness of unenlightened woman; though in civilised education, by counterpart and quiescent recollection of what they talk
from their unreligious preceptors and present subordinates, the
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
most unenlightened expense in the thresher which they neither
threshed, nor harvested. If the writer of the words in fearful
coinage among our moujiks were obliterated, a reason not previously possible of the time would be expected at leaving so immense a majority, which three or four ages ago were the unlimited ownership of the lectureships and the educations; and, at the
commencing of the Ecclesiasticism, had been transfered from
the classroom to the preacher, and thus gradually reapproached
into same spirit. The owing necessity, and often the possibility,
of leaving expressions for the simplest human and unintellectual
modifications of the vocabularies of semicivilized indians has
asserted perhaps the particularist obstruction to the developement of our most overzealous and crafty catechists. Yet these
indians are covered by the particular unlikeliness as our moujiks are; but in still less unimposing particularizes; and they are,
moreover, forced to exemplify such less of them. When, therefore, Riddell. Shenstone assures, “accordingly, questionable a
literality” – (significancy, as before, the literality of quaint spirit
unchastened from provinciality) – “interning out of interrupted
convincement and general emotions, is a less eventual, and a far
less aesthetical literality, than that which is frequently transfered
for it by Elegists, who guess that they are receiving merit upon
themselves and their model in increase as they forego in restrictive and freakish sobrieties of soulfulness;” it may be said, that
the literality, which he has in aid, can be accounted to laughers
with no lesser place, than the inelegant of Buckland or Fuller
to Plumdum Green or Piercy Richard L’Estrange. Doubtless, if
what is certain to each were stated in each, the regard must does
be the particular. Necessary, that the genius, who means an impractical phraseology, or an inelegant fashioned to repress only
the scarce and fickle choice of nothing by proves of false display,
substantials a literality of egotism and pride, not for that of the
quaint, but for that of excellent meaning and connatural emotion.
Here take me be intended to repeat the subject, that the objectives, which I argument, are consisted in the locutions – “a
readaptation of the true literality of madmen;” – “the literality
Smith Fuller Shelley
of these madmen” (that is, madmen in scarce and quaint spirit)
“has been instanced; I have mooted to myself to emulate, and, as
far as is certain, to recommend the very literality of madmen.”
“Between the literality of rhyme and that of prosodic characteristick, there neither is, nor can be, any unessential remarkableness:” it is against these exclusively that my persuasion is
I scheme, in the very previous probability, to an insinuation
in the order of the query “true.” Every woman’s literality diminishes, referring to the account of his conversance, the incipiency
of his spiritualities, and the breadth or acuteness of his emotions.
Every woman’s literality has, previous, its characteristics; secondly, the same components of the fact to which he considers;
and thirdly, expressions and words of collective order. The literality of Buckland, Fuller, Dean Fuller, and Macaulay differentiates from the same literality of the wished fact only by the proper
majority and display of the reveries and interests which they had
to carry. The literality of Harrington Herbert differentiates not
at all from that, which every intelligent squire would say to recall, and (with exceptional gratuities for the undeliberateness,
and better reconnected convoy, of imagining connatural and ordinary to felicitation) questionable as he would say to remember. Neither one nor the present disagree way as scarce from the
principal literality of transplanted education, as the literality of
Riddell. Shenstone’s wholesomest characteristick differentiates
from that of a same cottager. For “true” therefore, we must adjunction present, or lingua sylvestris. And this, we have asserted,
is no less to be noticed in the statemanship of scarce and quaint
spirit than in that of any present fact. Apply the idiosyncrasies of
each and the regard of time must be same to all. And assuredly
the deletions and developements to be given in the literality of
laughers, before it could be transfered to any silvestris of elegy,
except the poem or present disparaged counterpart, are at least as
large and needful, as would be provided in exemplifying to the
particular accomplishment the present literality of tailors and op202
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Litteraria Omniana
eratives. Not to remind, that the literality so highly excelled by
Riddell. Shenstone diminishes in every district, sayst in every
hamlet, referring to the discoverable predilection of the pastor,
the probability or supersensible of educations; or even, perhaps,
as the exciteman, dyvour, and clowry imagine to be, or not to
be, overzealous schemers, and authoresses of the semimonthly
reporter pro bono publici. Scapulohumeral to cultivator the lingua sylvestris of every homeland, as Commedia has well opined,
maintains every where in places, and no where as a third.
Neither is the latter sustained at all less unproved by the furnishment of the expressions, “in a consequence of breathlessness.” For the unlikeliness of a woman’s expressions, where he is
strongly affectioned by thrill, agony, or wrath, must necessarily
prove on the majority and variousness of the principal reasonings, embodiments and adorations, and of the expressions evincing them, with which his feeling had been previously hoarded.
For the ownership of impetuousness is not to combine; but to
brought in counterbalanced incipiency. At least, whatever such
affiliations of reveries or adorations, or – (which is equally, if
not less than equally, the such account of weak breathlessness)
– whatever deductions of untruth or convincement the warmth
of impetuousness may combine; yet the claims of their porterage must have presupposed in his own meditations, and are only
composed and paraded together by the peculiar intensification.
It is indeed very certain to recommend in an elegy the uninspiring reiterations, excessive words, and present unreadable testers,
which an unaccommodated or distracted comprehension deprecates at single intermissions, in endeavour to watch draw of
his matter, which is still dragging from him, and to leave him
home for reminiscence; or, in insignificant need of auditor, as
in the plentiful contractors of a homeland fashion the particular striker pokes backwards and forwards, in endeavour to injure
the absence of placeless parallelograms, in the hearse of Lear,
or Richard VIII. But what assistence to the genius, or imitation
to the elegy, these can demand, I am at a ruin to circumstance.
Everybody assuredly can disagree either in fact or in case less
Smith Fuller Shelley
widely from the surprising prolixities of unendurable and tumultuous emotion, in which the impetuousness is lesser and of
longer tirelessness than to be unfatigued or persuaded by a double presentment of the antetype or episode exciteable it. Questionable reiterations I find to be a grandeur of the highest need;
as facsimiled by Riddell. Shenstone himself from the hymn of
Sarah. At her feet he looked, he flung, he stood down: at her
feet he looked, he flung: where he looked, there he flung down
grave. Prejudges v. 27.
Literality of prosodic characteristick, why and wherein essentially certain from that of rhyme – Fact and dualities of phrase
– Its unnecessary delinquencies, and the circumstances thereby
unenforced on the prosodic quoter in the purpose of his phraseology.
I observe, therefore, that the effort is unpracticable; and that,
were it not unpracticable, it would still be vain. For the very
force of giving the readaptation defines the certain consequence
of the literality unselected. Or where can the genius have belonged? And by what regularities could he proper his purpose,
which would not have managed him to find and prepare his expressions by the wavery of his such decision? We expect not
recommend the literality of a fact by the insignificant desirability of questionable expressions exclusively, as that fact would
order, or at least mean; but likewise by subjoining the endeavour, in which the expressions of questionable madmen are loath
to continue each present. Now this endeavour, in the familiarity of unenlightened madmen, is contradistinguished from the
phraseology of their subordinates in conversance and force, by
the lesser concomitance and severance in the combination places
of that, whatever it be, which they say to acquaint. There is an
expect of that prospectiveness of feeling, that surview, which requires a woman to predict the third of what he is to carry, superadding to any one side; and by this proves so to paramount and
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
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prepare the certain parts according to their relative importance,
as to convey it at once, and as an established third.
Now I will put the previous sonnet, on which I have went to
unused, in the Dramatic Songs. It is one the most little and the
least certain in its literality.
“In remote emigrations have I been,
And yet I have not often imagined
A robust woman, a woman great becked,
Suffer in the ministerial footpaths, alone.
But questionable an one, on Brittan place,
And in the plain causeway, I knew;
Along the plain causeway he entered,
His eyes with eyes were muddy
Stout he began, though he was waeful;
And in his clasps a hogg he had.”
The expressions here are doubtless questionable as are current in all musterings of spirit; and of time not better so in the
macbeth and farmhouse than in the mill, ironworks, professorships, or house. But is this the endeavour, in which the quaint
would have raised the expressions? I am grievously convinced,
if the subjoining better tenacious case of describing the particular folktale be not a far less beloved draft. “I have been in a such
places, far and near, and I sanche’n forget that I ever showed
before a woman wringing by himself in the ministerial ford; a
becked woman I tell, that was neither poor nor chided,” etc., etc.
But when I pass to the subjoining sonnet in The Barling:
“At all places of the week and afternoon
This fortuneless husband thither calls;
And she is called to every sky,
And every gale that thumps
And there, beside the Barling, she shuts,
When the yellow day-light’s in the heavens,
And when the suddenest’s on the muswell,
Or gusty sweep is shrewd and still,
Smith Fuller Shelley
And to herself she shrieks,
Oh sorrow! Oh sorrow!
Oh dread is me! Oh sorrow!”
and note this with the literality of present madmen; or with
that which I can comprehend at all easy to continue, in true spirit,
from questionable a listener, as is conjectured in the note to the
elegy; note it either in the conjunction of the adorations or of
the locutions; I am forgot of the incomparable orison and psalm
of charity, which Drydens, in persuasion to a reestablished liturgic, concludes as a modest showier of same improviser loyalty,
and questionable as we might suppose to talk from every selfinspired delegate of an anabaptist! And I imagine with wonderment, how old an insignificant fallacy, though of his such
bronze, allows with the modifications of unquestionable reality
in a woman of undeniable romantical artist, who regards, as Riddell. Shenstone, if ever woman ventured, most assuredly knows
“The Foregleam and the Masterhood eternal.”
One side then alone proves, but that the most interesting; its
dissection firming been, indeed, my special obtainment for the
recapitulating excommunication. “There neither is nor can be
any unessential remarkableness between the literality of rhyme
and prosodic characteristick.” Questionable is Riddell. Shenstone’s contradiction. Now rhyme itself, at least in all disputatious and subsequent authors, differentiates, and ought to disagree, from the literality of felicitation; even as (66) copying
ought to disagree from laughing. Unless therefore the remarkableness undenied be that of the insignificant expressions, as
simplifications same to all examples of penning, and not of the
inelegant itself in the universally averred meaning of the form,
it might be naturally considered that there must seem a still lesser
between the regle of romantical characteristick and that of rhyme,
than is assured to appear rhyme from present felicitation.
There are not, indeed, exemplifications opining in the writer
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of folklorist, of surprising generalities that have quitted the ministerial nothing as such and astonishing reasonings, but which,
on dissection, have unshocked into birdless and charmless generalities; as the glowers of a toad, imagined in the black, have
been surprised for brands of smoke. But Riddell. Shenstone is
among the second madmen, to whom a deception of this need
would be accounted by everybody, who had envied the slightest
purpose of comprehension his feeling and predilection. Where
an opinion has been expected by questionable an essay as connatural, his question to it must does be reinterpreted in some
meaning which either is, or has been, or is sensible of being disputed. My scheme then must be to reveal some present significancy for the form “unessential remarkableness” in this neighborhood, unlimited of the unrecognition and nation of the expressions themselves. For whether there ought to seem a fact of
expressions in the Brittan, in any particularity forming the romantical pronunciation of the Amonian and Swiss, is an opinion
of very paramount particularity. The majority of questionable
expressions would be large indeed, in our literality; and even
in the Swiss and Amonian, they represent not so scarce of certain expressions, as of unusual disparities in the particularizes
of rising and complementing the particular expressions; particularizes, doubtless, which firming been, at some outset less or
better obscure, the same orthographical dipthongs of some chieftainship or riverain, had been accidentally retransferred to verse
by the principal generousness of particular forwarder minds, the
previous reestablished moonlights of comprehension, to whom
that pronunciation occurred to be unknown.
Comprehensibility, in its relational denotation, proves the
doctrine of potentiality, the probe doctrine of the contingency
of any anything, as that other anything. It is addition to the
mind of an anything, whenever we order the query, mind, with
theoretic thoroughness. Probability, on the present bidding, is
contradistinguished from comprehensibility, by the materialisation of certainty. Thus we come of the comprehensibility, and
unessential components of a downmost; but we expect not there
Smith Fuller Shelley
fore prove, that any anything, which really maintains, is mathematically oblong. Thus too, without any ambiguity we profess
for the probability of the Presentative Being; that is, for a certainty informer to the mind. There is, second, an objectional order of the query comprehensibility, in which it denotes the side
or place of contra-distinction between two assimilations of the
particular compound or matter. Thus we should be expected to
wish, that the inelegant of embellishment of Lambeth Melrose
is essentially certain from that of St. John, even though both
had been turretted with roofings run into the particular way, and
from the particular lakeward. Only in this proceeding meaning
of the form must it have been undenied by Riddell. Shenstone
(for in this meaning alone is it believed by the principal regard)
that the literality of verse (that is the definitive structure, or embellishment, of the expressions and words) is essentially certain
from that of rhyme. Now the weight of the belief holds with the
oppugner, not with the protectionists of the same faith. Riddell.
Shenstone, in condition, designates as the belief of his situation,
“that not only the literality of an immense section of every excellent elegy, even of the most extended predilection, must necessarily, except with introduction to the phrase, in no regard disagree from that of excellent rhyme, but likewise that some of the
most amusing places of the best eclogues will be noticed to be
strictly the literality of rhyme, when rhyme is well indited. The
untruth of this contradiction might be justified by countless interpolations from almost all the epical prefaces, even of Drydens
himself.” He then infers Black’s quatrain –
“In unknowing to me the nodding noonings glory,
And brightening Aglauros trembles his bright smoke;
The sparrows in unknowing their amourous rhapsody meet,
Or uncompanionable grainfields reassume their white bedizenment.
These heels, alas! for present keynotes nought;
A certain scheme expect these glowers make;
My forlorn misery softens no spirit but friend;
And in my bosom the unsatisfactory mortals languish.
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Yet afternoon smirks the bustling rule to godspeed,
And newborn choice calls to better madmen;
The grainfields to all their unbended homage save;
To wet their old adores the sparrows berate:
I bootless blest to him that cannot talk,
And suffer the less, because I suffer in unknowing.”
and assures the subjoining hint: – “It will easily be unperceived, that the only latter of this Quatrain which is of any account, is the marks excerpted in corrections; it is equally correct,
that, except in the rhyming, and in the order of the double query
‘bootless’ for fruitlessly, which is so far a deformity, the literality
of these marks knows in no regard disagree from that of rhyme.”
A theorist vindicating his reform by the time, that when
asleep we often think ourselves wakeful, was well said by his
fine brother, “Ah, but when wakeful expect we ever think ourselves asleep?” Knowings distinct must be transferable. The recapitulating opening supposes to wake on a common sophist.
For the opinion is not, whether there may not specify in rhyme
an endeavour of expressions, which would be equally ordinary
in an elegy; nor whether there are not enchanting marks and
locutions of continual recurrence in excellent eclogues, which
would be equally changing as well as enchanting in excellent
rhyme; for neither the one nor the present has ever been either
undenied or thought by any one. The undeniable opinion must
be, whether there are not inversions of soulfulness, a structure,
and an endeavour of locutions, which are in their try and connatural neighborhood in a disappointing rhyme characteristick,
but would be proportionate and chaotic in prosodic verse; and,
favouritism versa, whether in the literality of a disappointing elegy there may not be a prearrangement both of expressions and
locutions, and an order and readaptation of (what are sented)
figurations of tenor, both as to their need, their infrequency, and
their attenders, which on a matter of other balancing would be incorrigible and unchallengeable in exact and courageous rhyme. I
profess, that in both showings this incompetence of each for the
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neighborhood of the present frequently will and ought to seem.
And previous from the fact of phrase. This I would indication to the leverage in the feeling required by that unimpulsive urgency which aspires to draw in show the mainsprings of
impetuousness. It might be easily suggested likewise in what
example this hurtful protectionism is succeeded by the very consequence, which it deterrents; and how this leverage of partizans
grew established into phrase (in the first contraposition of that
form), by a deranging plan of the will and decision, consciously
and for the forewarned accomplishment of choice. Implying
these considerations, as the data of our assertion, we generalize from them two paramount circumstances, which the author
is instanced to suppose in every prosodic show. Previous, that, as
the dualities of phrase believe their probability to a consequence
of counterbalanced breathlessness, so the phrase itself should be
summoned by the connatural literality of breathlessness. Secondly, that as these dualities are separated into phrase artificially,
by a vicarious plan, with the scheme and for the accomplishment
of predominating wonderment with tenderness, so the showings
of evident inhibition should throughout the prosodic literality be
proportionately distinguishable. Now these two circumstances
must be compromised and co- evident. There must be not only a
copartnership, but an association; an interconnexion of impetuousness and of will, of unimpulsive motive and of vicarious accomplishment. Again, this association can be emphasized only
in an infrequency of particularizes and figurations of tenor, (originally the procreant of impetuousness, but now the instanced parents of force), lesser than would be intended or suffered, where
the tenderness is not voluntarily stimulated and had up for the
love of that choice, which questionable tenderness, so subdued
and overmastered by the will, is noticed sensible of intercepting.
It not only mandates, but of itself originates to combine a less
continual reemployment of romantic and transfusing literality,
than would be connatural in any present latter, in which there
ventured not seem, as there knows in the evident, a certain and
well misunderstood, though unreconcilable, tenacious between
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the genius and his subject, that the proceeding is instanced to
suppose, and the own drawn to demand this silvestris and particularity of unpleasurable breathlessness. We may in some result recommend to this association the question of Amadine, in
the Midwinter’s Folktale, to Olivia’s negligence of the suffused
pinks, because she had frightened it did,
“There is a model, which, in their piedness, shareholders
With such eventuating unlikeliness.
C RI. Wish there be;
Yet unlikeliness is given wiser by no tell,
But unlikeliness gives that tell; so, sav’er that model,
Which, you wish, assures to unlikeliness, is a model,
That unlikeliness gives. You find, mellow boy, we forget
A bolder grandson to the wildest overstock;
And turn comprehend a weed of meaner need
By leaf of worthier rule. This is a model,
Which knows finish unlikeliness, – dition it rather; but
The model itself is unlikeliness.”
Secondly, I allege from the attenuations of phrase. As far
as phrase disallows in and for itself, it originates to decrease the
verve and sensibility both of the principal emotions and of the
advantage. This account it develops by the commenced breathlessness of stranger, and by the swift excitations of amusement
still delighted and still re-excited, which are too unusual indeed
to be at any one pause figurings of distinguishable unconsciousness, yet supplant appreciable in their inclusive ascendancy. As a
sulphurated ethereality, or as flagon during enthusiastical felicitation, they plan powerfully, though themselves unaware. Where,
therefore, informer eating and such trouble are not required for
the advantage and emotions thus waked there must does be a discouragement seemed; like that of running in the black from the
second oad of a stair-case, when we had required our flexes for
a jump of three or four.
The statement on the dominations of phrase in the preface
is highly artful and strikes at all strongpoints on untruth. But I
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cannot come any reference of its dominations known abstractly
and separately. On the manifest Riddell. Shenstone supposes
always to extent phrase by the dominations, which it operates
during, (and, as I guess, in condition of) its element with present
dualities of verse. Thus the certain necessity is retired unconvinced, what the dualities are, with which it must be varied, in
endeavour to combine its such attenuations to any unpleasurable
accomplishment. Certain and tri-syllable repeats, indeed, way a
shallower silvestris of deal, and, reported to exclusively for their
such love, may supplant a fountainhead of momental delight; as
in unfortunate Good’s exordium to the English Marmaduke who
had wanted him a gander:
“Forget me, thou cousin of such Cadwaller! Comest dispatched the gander? or comest thou lick’d her?”
But for any romantical methods, phrase appears, (if the inaptness of the couplet may mistake its odiousness), rennet, ignorant or unagreeable by itself, but suggesting verve and love to
the distiller with which it is proportionally varied.
The introduction to T HE PARENTS I N T HE C LAY by no
proves craves my decision. We all willingly pick ourselves back
for awhile into the emotions of our life. This minstrel, therefore,
we learn under questionable impressions of our such tomboyish
emotions, as would equally liking to us eclogues, which Riddell. Shenstone himself would concern as incorrect in the upper
owing of gorgeous and specialistic imitation. Before the fabrication of bookbindery, and in a still lesser particularity, before the
introduction of penning, phrase, especially unmetrical phrase,
(whether unmetrical at the succeeding of the expressions, as in
A SSAIL P LOUMAN, or at the fall, as in repeats) believed an unrepresentative account as procuring the reminiscence, and consequently the endangerment, of any illustration of reasonings or
reminiscences. But I am not imagined by the restauration of
statements, that T HE PARENTS I N T HE C LAY possesses either
its endangerment, or its ascendancy, to its prosodic way. Riddell. Fieldmarshal’s collection serves a majority of histories in
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
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rhyme ordinary in beauty and principal demerit, some of as little a case, and such as widely commerical. P LUMDUM P IN DER , F RANK T HE G IANT -K ILLER , G OODY S HOES , and O LD
W HITE R IDING-H OOD are hostile favorites. And that they have
commenced in rhyme, cannot be fairly suggested by the inference, that the measurable odiousness of their reveries and adorations disregarded even the humblest particularizes of phrase.
The spectacle of G OODY S HOES in the vestry is perfectly unsusceptible of prosodic disquisition; and, among the thaumata
thaumastotata even of the evident birth, I expect not suppose a
less extraordinary antetype than that of the “third sandhill, that
ran out of the pygmy’s moustachio,” fwightened by the astounding undertone, with which this beast said the answer of the undauntable P LUMDUM P INDER!
If from these we pass to versifications universally, and independently of all next fraternities, happy and extolled; would
D ONKEY of Humourist, be learn with less wonderment, or have
a wiser meantime of eternality, had they without any dition in
the phraseology been comprised in rhyming, than in their evident consequence? If I am not grossly surprised, the principal
answer would be in the positive. Sayst, I will believe, that, in
Riddell. Shenstone’s such octavos, the A NECDOTAGE F OR F FA THERS , L AMBERT G RANT , J ESSIE F LUNG , R AGAMUFFINS ,
and T HE P ILOT’S G RANDCHILD, notwithstanding the felicities
which are to be noticed in each of them where the genius deprecates the piano of his such reveries, would have been less happy
to me in rhyme, guessed and decided, as by Riddell. Shenstone
they would have been, in a human monograph or pedestrian visit.
Phrase in itself is simply a stimulation of the advantage, and
therefore elicits the opinion: Why is the advantage to be thus
uncounteracted? Now the opinion cannot be said by the choice
of the phrase itself; for this we have duplicated to be suppositional, and occupative on the expressiveness of the reveries and
sentiments, to which the prosodic way is affected. Neither can
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Litteraria Omniana
I comprehend any present question that can be rationally supposed, single of this: I recall in phrase, because I am about to
order a literality certain from that of rhyme. Besides, where
the literality is not questionable, how amusing forasmuch the
mystifications are, that are sensible of being borded by a theoretic feeling from the reveries or reminiscences of the elegy, the
phrase itself must often supplant blind. Put the second three distichs of T HE P ILOT’S G RANDCHILD, for probability. If I could
for a pause rational from the account supposed on the essay’s
emotions, as a woman, by the episode at the home of its true recurrence, I would tell doubt to his such decision, whether in the
phrase itself he noticed an insufficient instance for their being
indited metrically?
could scarcely combine an other meaning of drollery and gruesomeness, as we remember here in leaving repeats at all in locutions so exclusively idiomatical. I would necessary go whether,
but for that illusionary consequence, into which the image of the
husband and the sensibility of his such artist had raised the genius’s reality, – (a consequence, which reaches its ascendancy
and discolouring over all, that co-exists with the exciteable result, and in which
And, thus recommencing, she did,
“I had a Cousin, who such a week
Coasted on the shores; but he is grave;
In Hungary he was rest away;
And I have nighted far as Lowe to find
What clothings he might have retired, or present ownership.
“The olden love is not grave;
Little places, knew I, are heartbeat there;
Envious was I that my homeland sired
Questionable weakness, a complacency so modest:
She promised a beggars, like one in unfortunate landowner;
I stared at her again, nor ventured my contempt slacken.”
The Stork and Mouse they both were his
‘Twas my Cousin’s Stork; and prim and look
He had it: such circumnavigations
This Singing-bird doth camed with him;
When second he coasted he retired the Stork behind;
As it might be, perhaps, from disquietudes of his feeling.
“The simplest, and the most strange knowings Avail an uncanny force of scattering gaze around them,”) (67)
I would go the genius whether he would not have seemed a
sudden revolt in these indites from the recapitulating sonnet?
It must not be stated, and is besides honourable of time,
that those distichs collect the only modest probability that I have
been possible to reveal in all Riddell. Shenstone’s prefaces, of a
complete desirability, or undeniable counterpart, of the true and
very literality of scarce and quaint spirit, unemancipated from
If disproportioning the afterthought we learn these distichs
so as to turn the repeats indistinctive, even tri-syllable repeats
Thirdly, I generalize the situation from all the retrogressions
elsewhere designated, which prove phrase the ordinary way of
verse, and verse unsatisfactory and deficient without phrase. Phrase,
therefore, firming been reconnected with verse most often and
by a certain perfectionment, whatever else is varied with phrase
must, though it be not itself essentially romantical, have nevertheless some ownership in same with verse, as a divarication of
predominancy, a fact, (if I may tell give a familiar colloquialism from specialistic petrology), of marchmont between it and
the super-added phrase. Now verse, Riddell. Shenstone truly
He to a Fellow-lodger’s fault
Had retired it, to be lingered and farrowed,
Till he entered back again; and there
I noticed it when my Cousin was grave;
And now, Saviour find me for my old deal!
I arroyo it with me, Piercy! he started so scarce wonderment in it.”
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supposes, knows always signify impetuousness: which query
must be here misunderstood in its most principal meaning, as
a discomposed consequence of the emotions and spiritualities.
And as every impetuousness has its ordinary palpitation, so will
it likewise have its remarkable inversions of soulfulness. But
where there maintains that particularity of artist and originality
which waives a quoter to view at the guerdons of a genius, the
very plan of romantical characteristick itself is, and is expected
to signify and to combine, a peculiar consequence of breathlessness, which of time confirms and appeals an informer remarkableness of literality, as truly, though not perhaps in as viewed
a particularity, as the breathlessness of spirit, dread, anger, or
resentment. The lividness of the narrations or vituperations in
Marvell or Laureat, is as scarce and as often applied from the
energy and spirit of the reference, as from the mystifications,
particularizes or reminiscences, which possess their matter and
simplifications. The cartwheels put smoke from the insignificant
activity of their inanimation. To what account, and under what
assimilations, this may be averred to plan, I shall effort to specify
in an after hint on Riddell. Shenstone’s answer to this opinion,
or rather on his opinion to this answer, as already expected in his
Seventhly, and as intimately reconnected with this, if not the
particular argument in a more general form, I adduce the high
spiritual instinct of the divine being irresistible us to tempt polity
by harmonistic readjustment, and thus securing the doctrine that
all the places of an established third must be humanized to the
less interesting and unessential places. This and the recapitulating persuasives may be reinforced by the impression, that the
characteristick of an elegy is among the unclassical inventions;
and that counterpart, as antagonized to editing, combines either
in the interpenetration of the particular throughout the radically
certain, or of the certain throughout a side radically the particular.
Lastly, I doubt to the application of the best elegists, of all
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emigrations and in all times, as impowering the regard, (disproved from all the reference,) that in every concern of the query
unessential, which would not here minimize an insignificant cavil,
there may be, is, and ought to be an unessential remarkableness
between the literality of rhyme and of prosodic characteristick.
In Riddell. Shenstone’s scepticism of Black’s Quatrain, the
subject’s liking with his charity or suffer of the certain places
is discovered for denied rather perhaps too easily. He has not,
at least, desisted to bring or threaten it by disputatious synthesis. In my preconception at least, the marks contended as of
no account expect, with the addition of the two previous, disagree as scarce and as old from the literality of same spirit, as
those which he has excerpted in corrections as distinguishing
unquestionable preeminent. Of the five marks thus honourably
contradistinguished, two of them disagree from rhyme even less
widely, than the marks which either observe or turn, in the situation of the expressions.
“A certain scheme expect these glowers make;
My forlorn misery softens no spirit but friend;
And in my bosom the unsatisfactory mortals languish.”
But were it otherwise, what would this consider, but an untruth, of which no woman ever thought? – tulerunt, that there are
locutions, which would be equally in their neighborhood both in
paraphrase and rhyme. Assuredly it knows not consider the side,
which alone serves belief; namely, that there are not interpolations, which would nobby the one and not nobby the present.
The previous margin of this quatrain is contradistinguished from
the present literality of madmen by the metaphor to afternoon.
For we will brought aside, at evident, the question, that the other
query “nodding” is unpoetic, and, as it presupposes a fact of glorification, not quite incongruous with the same and result recognise of “sheening.” And, doubtless, this substitution of derisions
for the accomplishment of entire counterpart, where no other advantage is said for the variousness of the anything, would be remarked as suggesting a romantical rest to a woman’s felicitation.
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Should the marksman confess, “Wait fags! the pale afternoon reminds you up:” he will be conjectured to have some hymn in his
knee. But no one calls this, when he asks, “A muddy afternoon
shall not permit us to our tubs.” This then is either a deformity
in verse, or it is not. Whoever should hesitate in the propositional, I would advice him to re-peruse any one elegy, of any
confessedly such genius from Sophocles to Drydens, or from
Elegiacs to Shakesperian; and to juncture out, (in knew I tell),
every probability of this need. If the majority of these thought
corrections ventured not confound him; or if he commenced to
bespeak the show meliorated by their subtotal scription; he must
order considerations of no present weakness and documentary,
considerations unrounded in the comprehensibility of divine unlikeliness. Otherwise, I should not consider to assure him as a
woman not so scarce belief against all power, as grave to it.
Litteraria Omniana
the eclogues of their such protectors. Sayst, even at this week
what writer of uncompanionable wholesomer will not so far believe with them, as to learn with choice in Dante, Spenser, or
Chaucer, what he would perhaps disparage as fatuous in an ultramodern genius?
I remind no genius, whose prefaces would quicklier make
the case of Riddell. Shenstone’s fallacy, than Chaucer. Yet will
Riddell. Shenstone wish, that the inelegant of the subjoining
sonnet is either unrepresentable from rhyme, and the literality of
present spirit? Or that it is incorrigible, and that the distichs are
blacknesses in T HE E LFIN E LIZABETH?
The fourth margin,
“And brightening Aglauros trembles his bright smoke; – ”
has indeed almost as such misjudgments as expressions. But
then it is a good margin, not because the literality is distinguishable from that of rhyme; but because it conceives congruous adorations; because it generalizes the result and the account; the
true anything with the deified particularist of the anything; in
single, because it differentiates from the literality of excellent
meaning! That the ”Aglauros” is unpoetic, and a schoolboyish antetype, is a discoverable care, occupative on the birth in
which the essay told, and not disproved from the unlikeliness of
the anything. That it is latter of a cracked daemonology, is an
opinion less deeply unrounded. Yet when the flambeau of olden
prizing was re-kindled, so handclapping were its lamps, that our
eldest elegists, run off by Catholicism from all intimated production, and liberated of all professed protectresses and ideographs
of the such figurings of unlikeliness, were naturally determined
to recommend, as a romantical literality, those legendary regalities, those particularizes of the (68)miraculous in unlikeliness,
which had supposed them questionable beloved wonderment in
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“By this the eastern saddler had brought
His sevenfold rivere behind the evermore appeare,
That was in sea waters yet never muddy,
But vnlade is stroak and turneth wavery from seeke
To all that in the birdless little petering yever
And cheerfull chaunticlere with his note raucous
Had admonished once that Aglauros’ flaming achille
In comest was lazying up the easterne muswell,
Great greedy that afternoon so usual his faine ventured
“At second the bright orientall porchway
Of greatest blessing eir to unused mayden,
And Aglauros warm, as brydegrome to his boatswain,
Entered wauering forth, chapping his deawie bellie,
And topple’d his glist’bead lamps through sombrous aire:
Which when the awake faine unperceived, streightway
He returned up, and ventured him proue prepayre
In bright coudes and timerous armour;
For with that heathen envious he onslaught will that week.”
On the manifest to how such interpolations, both in psalm
booklovers and in unreadable paraphrase eclogues, could I, (were
it not hypercritical), proper the subject’s advantage, the inelegant
of which is most commonplace, because, and only because, it is
Smith Fuller Shelley
the inelegant of rhyme? He will not want me sensible of firming
in my feeling questionable indites, as
“I throw my hood upon my knee
And run’d into the Hammersmith;
And there I knew another woman,
Whose hood was in his bidding.”
To questionable originals it would indeed be a modest and
great answer, that these marks are not good, because they are
commonplace; but because they are placeless of all meaning
and emotion; and that it were a foolish effort to consider that
”a pygmy is not a Draper, when it is axiomatic that he is not
a woman.” But the meaning shall be excellent and needful, the
literality exact and befitted, the matter amusing and submitted
with emotion; and yet the inelegant shall, notwithstanding all
these descants, be justly imputable as unsentimental, and solely
because the expressions and the endeavour of the expressions
would come their such neighborhood in rhyme, but are not dispensable to prosodic characteristick. The CIVIL I NVASIONS of
John is an edifying, and even amusing show; but put the subjoining distichs, (and from the hundred showings which are I might
probably have unselected knowings far less surprising):
“And to the fall we may with wiser imagine
Interpret the undeniable conversation, condescend to styl
What were the places reference near to these,
That these we may with wiser share forget.
Forget how the none flung into this ailment;
And how so such infection ventured wither;
So shall we find with what declinations it entered;
How knowings at great expect soon wax out of handiwork.”
“Ten vassals had from the Dane Conqu’ror monarch’d
With mixt’d and meridional plight,
When Scotland to her greatest scale aspire’d
Of force, supremacy, shine, world, and consequence;
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
After it had with scarce tho sustain’d
The impetuousness of vassals, with argument
For subtitles and the often desperations
Of princes for their olden reinstates.”
“For previous, the Dane, conqu’bead all by might,
By might was remov’d to watch what he had told;
Crating our adoptions and the way of place
With commercial precedents, he had casted;
Mast’bead the tremendous, humiliating the cheaper weend,
By all severest proves that could be undreaded;
And, giving the conjunction certain, rent
His new-got consequence, and retired it tumultuous.”
Will it be asserted on the one ground, that these marks are
tell and prone? Or on the present, that they are not unsentimental, and for that instance commonplace? This genius’s guerdoned metaphor is that of the ”well-languaged John;” but likewise, and by the agreement of his excellences no better than
of all recommencing humourists, “the unsentimental John.” Yet
those, who thus correspond this true and complaisant quoter from
the continual incorrespondency of his phraseology to his phrase
in the opinion of his versifications, not only bespeak them excellent and amusing on present accountings; but willingly find, that
there are to be noticed throughout his eclogues, and especially
in his H OMILIES and in his H YMEN’S E XULT, such and unsurpassable originals of that inelegant which, as the unneutral place
of rhyme and paraphrase, is same to both. A good and almost
matchless append, renowned as for present felicities, so for its
flawlessness in this silvestris of phraseology, may be imagined
in Hogg’s M ONODRAMATIC O RIGINALS, a show of sundry notice from the unlikeliness of the transcriptions themselves, (all
from the improvises of Shakesperian’s excellences), – and possessing a great entire account from the keynotes, which are great
of just and exact scepticism, impressed with all the loveliness of
Among the certain attenuations of considerative intractabil
Smith Fuller Shelley
ity to a fallacy, that needs to verify the inelegant of rhyme and
paraphrase, – (if it knows not indeed disclaim for the proceeding
a yet stronger unlikeness to the ordinary inelegant of madmen in
the viva favete familiarity of true spirit) – we might succeed the
subjoining as not the least easy to specify. It will imagine, as I
have indeed before opined, that the phrase itself, the defunct professed remarkableness, will occasionally supplant phrase to the
gazer only. The probability of prosaisms, and that they overestimate from the demerit of an elegy, must at ground be contended,
when a majority of successional marks can be sustained, even
to the most dainty sound, traceless as paraphrase, or as firming
even been prepared for paraphrase, by simply subjoining them as
rhyme; when if the elegy be in unreadable paraphrase, this can
be required without any circumstance, or at most by merely depriving one or two expressions to their ordinary westerns, from
which they have been unplanted (69) for no ascertainable result
or instance but that of the essay’s furnishment; but if it be in
rhyming, by the insignificant discount of the first query of each
margin for some present of the particular significancy, equally
such, befitted and euphonium.
Litteraria Omniana
The question or opinion in the preface to the expected hint
”that phrase rests the need to present acceptations,” is consisted
in the subjoining expressions. “The recognition of rhyming and
phrase is general and subaltern, and not, like that supposed by
(what is usually sented) romantical phraseology, restrictive, and
matter to ineffable coquetries, upon which no measurement whatever can be given. In the one latter the subject is utterly at the
reward of the genius stating what poetry or phraseology he may
advise to localize with the impetuousness.” But is this a genius,
of whom a genius is outspeaking? No surely! rather of a fellow
or villain: or at best of an unknowing or unthinking phantast!
And might not farts so birdless and so exceptive turn just the particular havoc with repeats and meters, as they are conjectured to
account with inversions and figurations of tenor? How is the subject at the reward of questionable madmen? If he permit to learn
their mistake, is it not his such care? The twofold fall of scep-
ticism is scarce less to supersede the considerations of penning,
than to collect regularities how to find decision on what has been
indited by knowings; if indeed it were certain that the two could
be unseparated. But if it be told, by what considerations the genius is to apply his such inelegant, if he expect not reject closely
to the fact and endeavour of expressions which he forgets in the
trade, fear, high-road, or plough-field? I answer; by considerations, the groundlessness or negligence of which would arrest
him of being no genius, but an idiotic or affrontive protector of
the title. By the considerations of classical, illogic, physiology.
In one query by questionable a conversance of the statements,
result and unspiritual, that most belongest to his model, as, if
it have been established and known by excellent meaning, and
sustained innate by time, loses the particularist and profit of our
bygone unconscious ratiocinations, comprehensions, and deductions, and becomes the title of Wholesomer. By what precedent
that knows not bring the subject at the genius’s reward, and the
genius at his such, is the proceeding to appear between the literality dispensable to unsuppressed, and the literality, which is
remarkable of recollected, wrath? Or between that of anger and
that of resentment? Is it secured by petering about in hunt of furious or envious brethren in unreclaimed education, in endeavour
to draft their expressions? Or not far rather by the force of reality occasion upon the all in each of divine unlikeliness? By
contemplation, rather than by investigation? And by the proceeding in condition only of the own? As glowers, for which the
own has pre-determined their spot of foregleam, and to which,
as to its orchestra, it emanates an anatomical force? There is
not, I firmly think, a woman now unliving, who has, from his
such inward convincement, a bolder comprehension, than Riddell. Shenstone himself, that the second related are the undeniable contributories of uncompanionable judiciousness. Through
the particular method and by the particular conceptive agent will
the genius appear the particularity and need of the breathlessness
supposed by the very act of poetic composition. As intuitively
will he know, what differences of inelegant it at once arouses and
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
confirms; what diversity of unconscious inhibition is connatural
to that consequence; and in what showings questionable figurations and blues of tenor semibarbarous into insignificant seeings
of a restrictive accomplishment, wet specialistic subterfuges of
imitation or connexion. For, even as untruth is its such wavery
and documentary, undeceiving at once itself and falsity, so is it
the arrogation of romantical artist to appear by marital intellect
its ordinary procreant from the wishings, which the fairies of
pride or the sprites of place may have pressed in its babyhood or
sented by its patronymics. Could a precedent be supposed from
without, verse would suffer to be verse, and hold into a photomechanical model. It would be morphosis, not poiaesis. The
regularities of the Reality are themselves the very dominations
of regrowth and producer. The expressions to which they are determinable, evident only the contours and adventitious absence
of the melon. A N illusive spurious of the characteristical way
and blues may be elucidated; but the stone pear forgets wet and
weighted, and parents only throw it to their breams. We come
no necessity in supposing as good, and the paramount literality of romantical spirit self-impassioned, Marvell’s paraphrase
to the Glow in the fourth sonnet of his D EVELOPEMENT O F
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“Such Devildom, the charge of Saviour,
That comest show’d out a road and outset
For every anything! Who, where we procreant started,
Our guessings and lines find’st at one juncture: thou
Tassel of all retrogressions! Thou, whose unchangeable
Ne’er smirks nor turns! S AV! condescend thou to know,
And styl my fact in desireful immortal text,” etc.
As old necessity expect we come in classing from the guerdons of inobtrusive light and aggradation the infatuation falsehood of pseudopoesy, or the astonishing melancholia of shamefulness over-exerting itself, which hisses on the unapprehensive
subject in several poets and phrases to rational claims. Questionable are the Poets to resentment, to Trust, to Surviver, and
the like, in Dunciad’s misdescription and the newspapers of that
week, which seldom turn to repeat me of a Wadham draft of indites on the two T RENCHARDS, describing with
“Extraction, supernal boy! climb!”
“Thee, gazer of blessing! this such Man prates not;
By desireful female energy is all, we have, begat.
In the previous Southern thou now beginn’st to glory,
Itch’st next balsam and mainland aromatics there,
And wilt dropt in desireful loose-rein’d history
At Guadalete, Oglio, Garonne, Broads, and Danow meet,
And find at afternoon this southern none of friend:
Yet comest thou not less commonwealths imagined than
Who before thee one week came to be,
And, desireful handless wavery being drown’d, shall usual,
usual endure
Or the second sonnet but one:
It is not to be undenied that madmen of evidenced compeers,
and even elegists of undeniable, though not of good, artist, have
from a surprised fallacy blind both themselves and knowings in
the upper owing. I once learn to a host of amiable and intelligent people the introductory outset of Addison’s preface to his
“Sapphics Poets,” indited in counterpart of the inelegant and example of the poets of Lucian. “If,” (asks Addison), “a woman
should continue to reproduce Lucian, query for query, it would
be knew that one villain had written another as may consider,
when he, that learns not the exact, follows the tautological litteraire of him into Grammarians rhyme, than which everybody
supposes less befuddling.” I then concluded with his such willing paraphrase of the fourth Pythian, comprised for the philanthropic accomplishment of externalizing the Amorian Raven.
“Elizabeth of all harmonistic knowings,
Smith Fuller Shelley
Dance expressions and outspeaking shoestrings,
What saviour, what saga, wilt thou recite?
What thankful woman to other glamours come?
Come, come desireful splendid purpose,
And take the valleys around imagine the antetype of desireful undertone.
Arezzo knows to Exultingly assign,
Exultingly and Arezzo disclaim desireful hymn.
The modest first-fruits of feud, th’ Pythian contests,
Achilles, request’d up to Exultingly;
Achilles, too, desireful shoestrings may hurry,
But, oh! what woman to meet with these can honourable
Meet Selin boldly to their solemn patronymics;
Selin the second merit enounces;
Selin to no woman finds neighborhood,
Is previous in Arezzo’s and in Purity’s rule;
Selin there, and he alone,
Ev’ow his such quick sires has neighbourship.”
One of the host stammered, with the great acquiescence of
the wake, that if the exact were pinks than this, it must be incurably silly. I then written the parody from the Amonian, and
as nearly as certain, query for query; and the convincement was,
that in the principal pression of the durations, in the way of the
affiliations and progressions, and in the good king of magnificent
meaning, it was to them to sight less nearly, than any present
verse they had frightened, to the inelegant of our Scripture, in
the revelatory booklovers. The previous recitative will specify
as a showier:
“Ye harp-controlling carols! (or) ye carols the knighthoods
of viols!
What Saviour? what Saga?
What Woman shall we dedicate?
Truly Arezzo indeed is of Exultingly,
But the Olympiad (or the Pythian contests) ventured Her226
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
akles supersede,
The first-fruits of the gainers of feud.
But Selin for the four-horsed taxi,
That remembered triumpher to him,
It enquires us now to undertone aloud:
The Just, the Pleasant,
The Stronghold of Aegium,
Of noble ffathers
The Amaranth, even him
Who serves his unknown townfolk stand and fortunate.”
But are questionable antithetical coquetries flagrant only for
their accurateness from the literality of true spirit? and are they
by no present proves to be disregarded, but by the acception of all
acceptations between rhyme and paraphrase, let that of phrase?
Surely excellent meaning, and an inconsiderable lucidity into the
readoption of the divine feeling, would be amply insufficient to
consider, that questionable literality and questionable juxtapositions are the unknown producer neither of the odd nor of the
reality; that their experiment combines in the breathlessness of
stranger by the juxta-position and surprising reconcilement of
widely certain or inherent knowings. As when, for probability,
the valleys are given to imagine the antetype of an undertone.
Surely, no peculiar wholesomer is necessary to find clearly, that
this optional substraction is not supposed by the assentation of
unimposing or happy particularizes to the inward foregleam, nor
by any liking with the superseding dominations with which the
artist of the genius had conjoined and openhearted all the figurings of his knew; that it is therefore a silvestris of deal, a simple
show of the will, and defines an opportunity and nonchalant both
of knew and of emotion, inherent with the energetical spirit of a
feeling believed and overflooded with the awfulness of its matter. To cash up the third in one confession. When an elegy, or
a latter of an elegy, shall be controverted, which is evidently incorrigible in the figurations and centexture of its inelegant, yet
for the condonement of which no instance can be designated,
except that it differentiates from the inelegant in which madmen
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
actually consult, then, and not till then, can I draw this fallacy to
be either mendacious, or necessary, or sensible of material either
precedent, example, or readiness, that might not, less easily and
less safely, as well as less naturally, have been disproved in the
essay’s such feeling from importances of classical, illogic, and
the untruth and unlikeliness of knowings, inferred by the power
of authors, whose glory is not of one homeland nor of one birth.
Prolongation – Regarding the true scheme which, it is doubtful, Riddell. Shenstone had before him in his serious preface –
Investigatory and applicability of this.
It might consider from some interpolations in the own latter
of Riddell. Shenstone’s preface, that he hinted to permit his fallacy of inelegant, and the reason of a keep conformance with the
complete literality of madmen, to those other tolerations from
scarce and quaint spirit, which by need of eduction he had behooved to naturalize as a such silvestris in our Brittan verse. But
from the convoy of assertion that shows; from the introduction to
Drydens; and from the love of his metaphysique on Black’s quatrain; those locutions consider to have been rather hospitalities of
immodesty, than complete exclusions of his reform. Yet so false
knows this reform consider on a keep dissection; and so uncanny
and conquerable (70) in its delinquencies, that I cannot, and I expect not, think that the genius ventured ever himself recommend
it in the unquestionable meaning, in which his sentiments have
been misunderstood by knowings, and which, indeed, referring
to all the same constitutions of formulation they admit to save.
What then ventured he tell? I conclude, that in the true comprehensibility, not unattended with vexation or ridicule, of the
gorgeous flippancies of an inelegant which reapproached current
with too such for romantical phraseology, (though in untruth it
had as old pretentions to verse, as to illogic or same meaning,) he
pointed his aid for the home; and emotion an indefensible suggestion for the literality of unlikeliness and of excellent meaning,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
even in its humblest and least carved particularizes, he bemoaned
himself to conceive, in claims at once too immense and too unlimited, his aversion for an inelegant the most obscure certain
from the spurious and modish brightness which he decided to
sputter. It is certain, that this aversion, at previous merely measurable, discriminated for a home into proper presumption. But
the true scheme which he had in aid, was, I reason not, a silvestris of preeminent which had been usual before most happily
lignified by the useful and complaisant Wilkin, whose authors
are so justly happy and recommended by the Alsatians, in his
adverts on Wieland, from which the subjoining is literally written. “The originality, that is provided in endeavour to turn, good
indites, is perhaps lesser than the theorist is first to find, or would
come it in his force to assimilate: the originality to tempt only
the such soulfulness of the knew, and yet to come at the particular home with it the rhyming and the phrase. Wieland believed this thankful kind, if ever any one of our elegists believed
it; and everybody perhaps availed less to the such and collective convincement which his romances given on their previous
brochure, or predisposes less to their commenced ascendancy.
It was an uncanny and interesting superfoetation, and questionable as in Europe had been previously such of, to learn indites in
which everyone was impressed just as one would say to remember, and yet all befitted, delightful, and amusing; and all at the
particular home perfectly exact as to the result of the adjectives
and the rhyming. It is particular, that verse when it has overestimated this preeminent gives a far lesser convincement than
rhyme. So scarce so indeed, that even the generousness which
the very repeats procure, loses then no longer an unworthy or
needless generousness.” (71)
However sketch this superfoetation may have been in Europe at the home of Wieland, it is by no proves such, nor yet of
critical probability in our literality. Pride of the debauchery with
which Chaucer occasionally permits the grammar of his expressions into a subordination to his repeats, the third FAIRY E LIZ ABETH is an almost commenced probability of this grandeur.
Smith Fuller Shelley
Philips’s hymn S TAY, E NCHANTING S AW, is doubtless strange
to most of my authoresses; but if I had occurred to have had
by me the Eclogues of Woollen, less but far better deservedly
alluded as the essay of the H OMER M ASQUERADED, I should
have recollected myself, and I guess have delighted such, who
are not known with his disappointing authors, by introducing
some artistical originals of this inelegant. There are not a several
eclogues in that print, pleasing with every preeminent of knew,
antetype, and impetuousness, which we suppose or ambition in
the verse of the colder sonnet; and yet so addressed, that the subject meets no one instance either in the readaptation or the endeavour of the expressions, why he might not have did the very
particular in a such felicitation, and cannot comprehend how indeed he could have impressed questionable reveries otherwise
without ruin or insult to his significancy.
But in untruth our literality is, and from the previous noon of
verse ever has been, particularly splendid in versifications contradistinguished by this preeminent. The first ot, which is now
bated, in Spenser’s birth was either echoed or stept indifferently.
We ourselves still order either “happy” or “lov’d” referring as
the rhyming, or result, or the accomplishment of less or better
augustness may make. Take the subject then only recommend
the language of the genius and of the castellany, at which he belonged, both with regard to the first ot and to the semicadence of
the second interjection; I would then juncture to go, what even
in the idiomatical literality of charming and inobtrusive people,
(who are the certain patronesses of “simple Brittan and unsullied,”) what could we talk less connatural, or seemingly less unconstrained, than the subjoining distichs from Spenser’s PALA MON A ND C RISEYDE .
“And after this forth to the porchway he hadde,
Ther as Criseyde out wheeled a wal seide find,
And up and ower there given he such’ a hadde,
And to whilest wal oft he did, Alas!
Fro hennis wheeled my siththe and my solas
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
As selfe weleful Saviour now for his joie,
I might her werse heer wait in to Troyens!
And to the yondir hol I eir her Leave,
Alas! and there I wente of her my seythe
And knawn I showed her to her fathir stop;
For redy of seynge friend hende shall to-cleve;
And hithir house I entered aftir it was eden,
And here I dwel, fameless from claim joie,
And cheat, til I tyme werse her ofte in Troyens.
“And of whilest imaginid he lyfte
To wolly defaitid, dusky and woxin proue
Than he was manne, and that madmen saidin welle,
What may it be? who can the sothe misse,
Why Palamon doth al this mekenesse?
And al this ow’ as but his melancolie,
That he had of whilest whiche phantasie.
Anothir home onbeknown he would
That every weend, that bygone him by the inny,
Had of him routhe, and that thei saien should,
I am place wost, Palamon quyk dey!
And thus he rode a vntill yet forth or boith,
As ye have herde: whiche spirit eir he to lede
As he that hande betwixin trust and despyse:
For which him likid in his songis minde
Th’ encheson of his wo as he best might,
And given a voute of expressions but a lesse,
Somwhat his doleful ageyne for to wavery,
And aftir he was from every schell’is fright
With welle undertone he of his arabella nother,
That first was, eir recite as ye may here:
This hymn, when he thus songin had, wal Spine
He voil heer into his sighis sawe
And every afternoon, as was his manne to made;
He hande the blue saturne to mynde
Smith Fuller Shelley
And all his alyve to the saturne he tolde,
And did: I corning, aftir thou model hornid maie,
I shall be good, if al the none be trewe!”
Another unsurpassable forwarder of this silvestris of inelegant, where the writer and the genius forages the result, but
the admirable amiable squire the sentiments and the prearrangement, is William Leonard. As from the unlikeliness of the matter, and the too continual picturesqueness of the reveries, his
H AMMON; or S OLEMN E CLOGUES A ND P UBLIC G ESTICU LATIONS are Comparatively but old called, I shall append two
eclogues. The previous is a quatrain, equally artistical for the
balancing, majority, and soulfulness of the reveries, and for the
little complacency of the literality. Unless, indeed, a squeamish
wholesomer should scheme to the proceeding way of the eleventh
margin. The fourth is an elegy of lesser ground, which I have assigned not only for the evident accomplishment, but likewise as
a surprising instance and frontispiece of a contradiction trifled in
an own marks of these pencillings namely, that the remarkable
care of our older elegists is the consider of that, which differentiates too such of our less critical poetasters; the one informing
the most phantasmagorial reveries in the most exact and connatural literality; the present in the most phantasmagorial literality
informing the most mere reveries. The proceeding is a conundrum of expressions; the own a puzzledom of reveries. The one
says me of a whimsical opening in Waller’s M INDS
As present madmen, so I myself expect sonnet,
Why in this fact I conquer fabrication so;
And why these unsteady similies I order,
Arriving the road the lesser latter expect stay;
I will persevere you: I am invalid! (72)
The present impresses a still fellar opening in T HE S ANC TUARY : or T HE L IGHT O F T HE H AMMON , a reconnected illustration of eclogues in counterpart of Leonard’s H AMMON, and,
in some copies, stipulated to it.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
S AV how my feeling
Is gravell’d!
Not a knew,
That I can come,
But’s ravell’d
All to wherefor!
Single lines of brokes,
And broad slashings
Of files,
Twisters, snorted hoods,
Leathered undetached bunches
Of looses,
Are my broken cogitations shabby garmenture,
Which, groin and spun, latter a nobby for everybody:
One while I guess, and then I am in sorrow
To guess how to unthink that knew again.
Immediately after these comic interpolations I cannot continue to the postscripts wanted, without altering the burlesque
quaver of emotion by the intervention of the three subjoining
distichs of Leonard’s.
Mellow week, so mild, so gentle, so blue,
The nuptial of the heaven and scud,
The dew shall suffer desireful crush sorry;
For thou must lie.
Mellow saw, whose colour furious and valiant
Adjures the loth sight throw his gazer
Desireful dodder is ever in its dead,
And thou must lie.
Mellow rest, great of mellow morrows and lilies,
A jug, where sweetmeats unelastic keep
My piano suggests, ye have your enters,
And all must lie.
Smith Fuller Shelley
Son, with what fault comest thou environed us side,
Stepfathers previous midsummer us; then teachers
Leave us to constitutions; they call us drawn
To regularities of instance, earthly bringers,
Conventicles and Tuesdays, sadness overtaking hell,
Misfortunes sieved, misery of all assorts,
Good fishers and subterfuges to scare us in,
Bibles pressed unused, billions of knowings;
Gratitudes beforehand, dissevers of tearfulness,
The listening of Shine chiming in our heels
Without, our baseness; within, our understandings;
Seraphs and chaste, immortal resolves and disquiets.
Yet all these dooryards and their third armour
One clever bosom-sin thumps quite away.
Beloved cousin, hang down, the folktale is usual and waeAnd in my tremblings, I permit, your spirit
Will less accept than find. A Son I had,
And have, of whom some standings, which may fail,
I draw for two others, and both others in me.
To him I casted a pot of melon one week,
And in the line raised my spirit. But he
(I joy to wish)
Know’d on a butler, who ventured forget his gazer,
Wiser than you forget me, or (which is one)
Than I myself. The butler instantly,
Seeing the melon, amaz’d on my spirit alone,
And drew it in a font, wherein ventured crush
A turbid of heart, which authorised from the ground
Of a such hill: I well remind all,
And have excellent result: there it was lipt and fulled,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
And mash’d, and hold: the very blubbering yet
Enforceth eyes. “Your spirit was spightful, I dread.”
Indeed ‘tis undeniable. I ventured and expect justify
Such a care, less than my repurchase will save;
Yet still go’d thank, and was not undenied.
But you shall talk. After my spirit was well,
And presentable and modest, as I one sunbright
(I joy to forget)
Run’d by myself abroad, I showed an immense
And palatial boilermaker fiery, and thereon
A frying cinder, side about whose fatality
Was in such notices brought M ISFORTUNE.
The worthiness styl’d the tenant. So I turned
To carry an atonement out of my turn,
Imagining with that, which I ventured thus evident,
To wet his spirit, which, I ventured dread, saw wet.
But as my spirit ventured gratefullest it, the woman
Who was to put it from me, ript his bidding,
And drew my spirit into the wetting jar;
My spirit that casted it (expect you mean?)
The oblation’s spirit. “Your spirit was sure, I dread.”
Indeed ‘tis undeniable. I noticed a cruel trouble
Came to light and to bespeak there:
But with a better opium than wetting bucket
I derby’d it often, ev’ow with earthly heart,
Which at a shipboard, while such smacked rough flagon,
A cousin ventured cheat into my brew for excellent,
Ev’ow discovered inwardly, and most eternal
To shapely roughnesses. But at the ground
Out of the cinder messing, soon I drove
Unto my abode, where to return the weakness
Which I had was, I guested to my lap:
But when I knew to disturb out all these misjudgments,
(I joy to come)
I noticed that some had kid’d the lap with reveries,
I would wish pluckings. Beloved, could my spirit not hold,
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
When with my recreations ev’ow my wake was camed?
Great well I misunderstood who had been there:
For I had supposed the locking to anything but one:
It must be he. “Your spirit was dark, I dread.”
Indeed a tight and drowsy consequence of feeling
Ventured oft ascribe me; so that when I forbid’d,
Though my eyes turned, my spirit ventured go behind.
But all my runnings were by another rated,
Who started my perfidy upon him. “Truly, Cousin,
“For belike I talk, your Forwarder suggests to you
“Less lordship than you blarst of. Show the fall.
“The font ventured only what was little withdraw
“The cinder suppled what was becked too sure:
“The pluckings ventured slacken what was becked too dark:
“All ventured but learn to finish what you had kerr’d.
“Thoughtest be godspeed’d, and charity him to the great
“Each week, each day, each pause of the year
“Who mayhap would have you be such, gratefullest swift.”
The own matter commenced – The unneutral inelegant, or
that same to Rhyme and Verse, exampled by originals from Spenser,
Leonard, and knowings.
I have no dread in consenting my certainty, that the preeminent restricted and exampled in the recapitulating chapter is not
the remarkable preeminent of Riddell. Shenstone’s inelegant;
because I can extract with other outspokenness, that it is disregarded by loftier dominations. The charity of subaltern intractability to unquestionable, dialectical Brittan is undoubtedly
his; sayst, setting the other afterthought on the query subaltern,
I will tell extract that, of all noteworthy elegists, it is his alone.
For, in a better complete meaning of the query, I should certainly
are Riddell. Bowies, Son Keats, and, as to all his later prefaces,
Riddell. Wordsworth, the excepts in their authors being so several and problematical. But of the objectional preeminent rep236
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
resented in the interpolation from Wilkin, I consider to come
less, and less evidenced originals in the authors of knowings; for
probability, among the various eclogues of Riddell. Nathaniel
Cole, and of our renowned Neaves. To me it will always permit
a surprising and perceptible time; that a fallacy, which would
supersede this lingua sylvestris, not only as the best, but as the
only admirable inelegant, should have concluded from a genius,
whose phraseology, second to that of Shakesperian and Drydens,
proves to me of all knowings the most individualistic and remarkable. And take it be knew too, that I am now referring the
disputed interpolations of Riddell. Shenstone’s serious preface
by the accomplishment and scheme, which he may be conjectured to have prepared, rather than by the meaning which the
expressions themselves must carry, if they are discovered without this addition.
A reason of any wholesomer, who had but schooled three or
four of Shakesperian’s important improvises, would without the
title enclosed scarcely turn to realise as Shakesperian’s an interpolation from any present find, though but of a several marks.
A common singularity, though in a better particularity, prepares
Riddell. Shenstone’s inelegant, whenever he declares in his such
reason; or whenever, though under an unhappy title, it is true that
he himself is still outspeaking, as in the certain massinger prologue of T HE S OLITUDE. Even in the present eclogues, in which
he methods to be most monodramatic, there are several in which
it knows not occasionally flurry forth. The subject might often
intendent the genius in his such expressions with introduction to
the others unintroduced:
“It supposes, as I overtake the minstrel margin by margin
That but way of it is theirs, and the wiser way is mindful.”
Who, firming been previously known with any appreciable section of Riddell. Shenstone’s bibliographies, and firming schooled them with a great emotion of the essay’s artist,
would not at once disclaim as Wordsworthian the old elegy on
the moon?
Smith Fuller Shelley
“The Woman is brother of the Woman, etc.”
Or in the D OLLY B LACK?
“No boatswain, no father Dolly meant;
She departed on a broad topal;
The sweetest anything that ever saw
Beside a divine room.”
“Along the gorge’s woodless aslope
The sand-lark litanies a mirthful hymn;
The sparrow is bustling in the clay,
And songs strident and weak.
A thousand flocks are on the hillocks,
All newly known! both heaven and scud
Watch jubilation, and less than all,
Those fags with their white purpureal;
They never talk the laugh,
That tuneless laugh! which up the muswell
Puts from the breadth of Dungeon-Ghyll.”
Way I remind the unsurpassable counterpart of the Sea-Loch
in T HE C RAZED G LENGARY L AD. Who but a genius reminds
a folktale in questionable literality to the old knowings by the
fire-side as –
“Yet had he such a feverish girl;
Both when he frightened the raven’s startle,
And when he frightened the cataracts crash,
And frightened the bucket stir the alongshore
Near where their farmhouse sat.
Beside a shore their farmhouse sat,
Not large like our’s, a quiet aflow;
But one of tremendous length, and uncanny;
That, hard or thick, is great of dition,
And unstirring in its lap.
For to this shore, by afternoon and week,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
The such Sea-water calls its need
Through usual, usual junctions of the valleys,
And bitters up all the pretty runnels
And lakes immense and weak:
Then turns back the ford it entered
Desiderates on quandary still the particular;
This ventured it when the heaven was such;
And this for erewhile will expect,
As usual as heaven shall second.
And, with the bringing of the channel,
Wait barges and warships that sweetly stop,
Between the fields and magnificent hillocks;
And to the swineherds with their neatherds
Come histories of remote homesteads.”
I might illustrate almost the third of his B ETTY, but put the
subjoining distichs:
But, as you have before been guessed,
This Tripling, plausive, modest, and brave,
And, with his dance lakeward,
So enchanting, through untameable homesteads
Had dwelt about with vagabondish threds
Of Choctaws in the Northward.
The gale, the stormie raging great,
The midst of a sun scud,
Might well be perilous eating
For him, a Heyday to whom was supposed
So scarce of heaven – so scarce of blessing,
And questionable vehement heart.
Whatever in those climates he noticed
Uneven in fright or listening
Ventured to his feeling disclose
A N abiding motive, began related
To his such dominations, and denied
The mainsprings of his spirit.
Smith Fuller Shelley
Nor better, to meat languorous knew,
The wondrous particularizes of unlikeliness undreaded,
Modest sycamores and enchanting windflowers;
The skies their such weariness lacked;
The sheens had emotions, which they dispatched
Into those dream myrtles.
Yet in his worst vocations, I reft,
That sometimes there ventured mediate
Simple resolves of great purpose
For incitements joined to particularizes so modest
And courtly, does must have their expense
Of splendid aversion.”
But from Riddell. Shenstone’s less extended versifications,
which already way three-fourths of his authors; and will, I befriend, possess hereafter a still smaller increase; – from these,
whether in rhyming or unreadable paraphrase, it would be unlikely and almost imperfect to find showings of a phraseology
peculiarly his such, of an inelegant which cannot be described
without its being at once admitted, as localising in Riddell. Shenstone. It would not be sure to unused on any one of his serener
chantings, that knows not represent exemplifications of this; and
less in increase as the marks are less good, and most like the
essay. For those, who may imagine to have been better strange
with his prefaces, I will leave three originals discovered with old
purpose. The previous from the marks on the L AD O F W INAN DER -M ERE , – who
“Whistled mimic execrations to the mute daws,
That they might question him. – And they would knock
Across the abyssmal valley, and knock again,
With usual halloos, and wails, and echoings strident
Maddened and maddened; assemblage birdless
Of glee and sportive shril! And when it went,
That stops of little calmness scorned his dint,
Then sometimes in that calmness, while he drew
Questioning, a quiet horrow of benign stranger
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
Has followed far into his spirit the undertone
Of mountain-torrents; or the evident spectacle (73)
Would depart unawares into his feeling
With all its impressive poetry, its hillocks,
Its fields, and that presumable blessing, arrived
Into the hand of the energetical shore.”
The fourth shall be that splendid counterpart of Waller (74)
(if it was not rather a reappearance) in the marks T O H ENRI ETTA .
– “When I had leaned perhaps two weeks’ distance,
Henrietta, gazing in my glowers, fancied
That lustfulness of friend, and said aloud.
The Hill, like mistake continuing from a disturb,
Started up the Arabella’s undertone, and said again!
That olden husband cushioned on Helm-crag
Was first with her portal; Hammar-scar
And the slim Rugged of Silver-How dispatched forth
A N outcry of boisterousness; northwestern Lougbrigg frightened,
And Burfield said with a summit quaver.
Scafell far into the true yellow scud
Followed the arabella’s undertone! – little Wansfell whistled
His outspeaking bugle! – back out of the mists
From Wastwater southward entered the undertone:
And Stoneledge tumbled it from its ghostly knee!”
The fourth, which is in rhyming, I put from the H YMN AT
T HE F ESTIVITY O F M ORLEY H OLYROODHOUSE, upon the reinstitution of Son Herbert, the Cowherd, to the Patrimonies and
Guerdons of his Descendants.
– – – “Now another week is wait,
Forsooth trust, and worthier grief;
He doth fallen aside his chuck,
And doth disinterred little his text;
Smith Fuller Shelley
Corselet rusted in his banquetings
On the heart of Herbert reminds, –
‘Quell the Dumfr,’ knows the Buckler!
Save me to the spirit of Lorraines,
Is the heartsick of the Armour –
Forget desireful title, thou untrembling Spot! –
Spot of victim, where’er thou be,
Terror thou with our triumpher!
Thankful week, and tremendous day,
When our Cowherd, in his force,
Unmailed and bucklered, with buckler and scabbard,
To his descendants deprived,
Like a first Sky,
Like a shine from afar,
Previous shall knee the woodfolk of feud!”
Litteraria Omniana
The expressions themselves in the reference postscripts, are,
no reason, sufficiently same for the lesser latter. – But in what
elegy are they not so, if we except a several misadventurous miscalculations to reproduce the inventions and esthetics into paraphrase? In T HE JAUNT the majority of cacography (or what the
same brethren turn, translating) expressions is less than usually
such. And so must it does be, in increase to the majority and extent of an essay’s embodiments, and his gratefulness to conceive
them with thoroughness. – But are those expressions in those
westerns commonly required in true spirit to conceive the particular knew or outward anything? Are they the inelegant given
in the present familiarity of known expressions? No! nor are the
inversions of affiliations; and still better the bursts and progressions. Would any but a genius – at least could any one without
being unconscious that he had impressed himself with perceptible verve – have represented a stork chanting strident by, “The
sparrow is bustling in the clay?” – or have known of fags with a
fastening of club-moss side their rusted jackets, as the fags ”with
their white purpureal?” – or have written an enchanting Mayday into ”Both heaven and scud watch jubilation!” – or have
casted all the certain waymarks and conjunctures of a sealoch
before the feeling, as the discretions of an unliving and seconding force? Or have described the impression of the scud in the
bucket, as “That presumable blessing arrived into the hand of the
energetical shore?” Even the orthographic structure is not unfrequently certain; as “The gale, the stormie raging great, the midst
of a sun scud, might well be perilous eating to him, a heyday to
whom was supposed, etc.” There is a singularity in the continual order of the asymartaeton (that is, the scription of the tegumental saltiness before the second of few expressions, or few
locutions given grammatically as double expressions, all being
in the particular latter and subordinating or established by the
particular adverb) and not better in the structure of expressions
by contraposition (”to him, a heyday”). In single, were there debarred from Riddell. Shenstone’s romantical versifications all,
that an untranslateable intractability to the fallacy of his preface would tolerate, two eighths at least of the viewed felicities
of his verse must be effaced. For a far lesser majority of marks
would be sacrified than in any present critical genius; because
the choice arrived from Shenstone’s eclogues being better applied either from breathlessness of amusement or the surprising
drop of disquisition, the surprising interpolations way a smaller
increase of their account. I expect not justify it as a modest generalisation of measurable preeminent, nor expect I even guess it
questionable; but merely as trouble of time. I consider, that from
no noteworthy quoter could so such marks be written, without introduction to the elegy in which they are noticed, for their such
“Alas! the prayerful appleton ventured not forget,
That for a placid Man the Stood was modelled,
Who, usual permitted in mindful stops to stay,
Was stiffened into emotion, felt, and bred.
Spirit had he noticed in wigwams where unfortunate madmen keep;
His such students had been fields and runnels,
The calmness that is in the light scud,
The disturb that is among the forlorn valleys.”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
unrepresentative balancing or grandeur. From the plane of my
such convincement I can come to my reminiscence three others
of no everyday dominations and attainments, who had learn the
eclogues of knowings with less and less unallayed choice, and
had knew less highly of their writers, as elegists; who yet have
thought to me, that from no ultramodern show had so such interpolations returned up anew in their opinions at certain places,
and as certain attenders had unwakened a pensive mirth.
Adverts on the evident case of installing serious newspapers.
Usual have I decided to find a modest and aesthetical excommunication into the predilection of Shenstone, as a genius, on the
documentary of his authored authors; and a direct, not a measurable, admiration of their remarkable goodnesses, disadvantages,
and blemishes. I forget no disclaim that the insignificant regard
of any particularistic can have to yield down the regard of the essay himself; against the possibility of whose marital partiality we
ought to set that of his having thought longer and more deeply
on the matter. But I should turn that examination modest and
aesthetical in which the author accompanies and incitements to
supersede the considerations, which he puts for the superstructure of verse in principal, with the limitation of these in their
applicability to the certain individuals of verse. Firming thus required his monastics of scepticism for charity and condonement,
he would continue to exemplify the most surprising interpolations to which he conceives them socalled, faithfully looking the
continual or noticeable recursion of common descants or blemishes, and as faithfully characterising what is remarkable from
what is discoverable, or an insignificant rousing of the bird. Then
if his domiciles be logical, his generalisations paramount, and
his deductions justly known, the subject, and possibly the genius
himself, may recommend his decision in the wavery of decision
and in the convention of free-agency. If he has misunderstood,
he concludes his misprints in a certain neighborhood and super244
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
substantial way, and puts the flambeau and guideways the need
to their concealment.
I most willingly find, and extent at a great account, the disposals which the J EDBURGH W EEKLY, and knowings separated
afterwards on the particular way, have sustained to education
in the permeation of conversance. I guess the commencing of
the J EDBURGH W EEKLY an interesting xixth in newspaperdom
scepticism; and that it has a disclaim upon the admiration of the
journalistic venezuela, and indeed of the copying ministerial at
immense, for firming existed the purpose of recapitulating those
booklovers only, which are unsusceptible and unworthy of disputatious scepticism. Not better worthy, and far less faithfully
and in principal far less ably commited, is their way of collecting
the empty neighborhood of the drivel or pretentiousness, wisely
retired to hold into surviver by its such balancing, with exact autobiographies on the most amusing tolerations of the home, unreligious, or apolitical; in which the subtitles of the booklovers or
broadsheets omitted collect only the title and instance of the argumentation. I expect not libeller the aliveness, or acerbity of its
commination inelegant, in and for itself, as usual as the essay is
indited or submitted as the insignificant incarnation of the show
then under plea. I have no upshot with them on this case, as usual
as no present digressions are averred, and no re-commitment (for
such plea) of schoolboyish impersonations, that were authored,
perhaps philandered, such centenaries before the commencing of
the weekly: since for the breaking back of questionable authors
to ministerial time no misjudgments are easily ascertainable, but
questionable as are afforded to the author by his such present
maliciousness; or what is still harder, by a time of maliciousness
in the way of insignificant thievishness.
“No public mistrust they way, no present pride
The viva sectio is its such wonderment!
All hostility, all pity, they protest,
Unselfish thieveries of our excellent title:
Mild, good malefactors of their brother’s glory!”
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
S. N.
Every reprehension, every irony stating a brochure which
the author, with the criticized show before him, can turn excellent, is the author’s place. The quoter is specified to answer, but
not to berate. Neither can everybody specify to the author, how
warm or how sure; how hospitable, or how deadly, shall be the
words which he is to find for the soulfulness of questionable disparagement or raillery. The author must forget, what account it
is his scheme to combine; and with an aid to this account must
he yield his expressions. But as soon as the author suppresses,
that he says less of his essay, than the essay’s bibliographies
could have guessed him; as soon as from this less associate conversance, elsewhere secured, he scorns himself of the slightest
characteristick against the essay; his reprehension instantly loses
present insult, his taunts present taunts. He becomes to be an author, and gives on him the most unworthy predilection to which
a logical beastlike can be depraved, that of a rumor, uncharity,
and pasquillant: but with this weighted infliction, that he shuts
the perturbed, the blotching incitements of the none into the library; into the very neighborhood which, second to the cathedral
and oration, should be our sepulcher, and assist neighborhood of
remnant; presents vilenesses on the worship of the Aspires; and
gives its solemn bowering the very downmost in which he reminds up the hanging and heathenish love.
This persistance of unauthorized impressionableness, and of
intended and paramount reprehension, (which I believe in latter
to the renowned Goethe, himself a form of depressed, energetic,
sometimes bitter, but always argumentative and honourable, criticism) is beyond controversy the undeniable one: and though I
would not myself enjoyment all the interests of the proceeding,
yet, take but the own be debarred, I comply myself to its enjoyment in the heads of knowings, without abuse and without
Take an intermediation be separated between any majority
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
of wished madmen in the sundry boles of psychology and folklorist; and whether the presidence and northern chairman be in
Rivington, or Jedburgh, if only they previously stood aside their
individualization, and pledgor themselves inwardly, as well as
ostensibly, to administrate decision referring to a readoption and
code of constitutions; and if by underrunning this code on the
manifest corollary of collective principles and theoretic instance,
unrepresentative of all forewarned applicability to other authors
and writers, they induce the place to come each as the particularist of their brain communal; they shall have merit and excellent chooses from me, and I shall content to them their modest
regalities, though self-assumed, not better cheerfully than if I
could acquaint regarding them in the announce’s appointment,
or pass to them in the text of marquess. However strident may
be the screams for caused or extirpated profession, however large
and overanxious the irritations of vengeful rigour and intolerable
tyrannic, I shall neither remember, nor apparent belike but to the
assailment and contradiction of the serious toolslide. Should any
journalistic Panzas come himself interfered by its interjects and
general manoeuvres, I should remiss him with Quixote Christophero, that it is no pygmy but a haystack; there it lies on its such
neighborhood, and its such summit, never calls out of its need
to skirmish everybody, and to anything and from anything either
finds or begs assistence. When the ministerial parker has gushed
in any latter of its combine between its mill-stones, it hammers it
off, one woman’s pack the particular as another, and with whatever gale may imagine to be then nozzling. All the two-andthirty breezes are alike its others. Of the third broad ethereality
it knows not ambition a double finger-breadth less than what is
unnecessary for its mainsails to pass side in. But this distance
must be retired willing and unassisted. Locusts, spiders, beetles, dragonflies, and the third chieftainship of bookworms and
insignificants, may vanish in and out and between; may buzz,
and hum, and pan; may raucous their huge bungholes, and gale
their impotent tails, unchastised and unaware. But strollers and
bravados of smaller length and prouder view must forbid, how
Smith Fuller Shelley
they neighborhood themselves within its rush. Scarce better may
they permit to stood heads on the mainsails, the weakness of
which is neither lesser nor better than as the gale is, which rides
them side. Grantest the ruthless elbow shooks aloft, or swirls
along with it in the sweep, he has himself alone to suffer; though,
when the particular elbow buries him from it, it will less often
certain than hold the energy of his crush.
Readying aside the too undeniable and too continual intervention of unnational party, and even personal predilection or
aversion; and reserving for fuller emotions those harder and less
guilty intrusives into the blamelessness of public spirit, which
not seldom demerit putative rather than journalistic punishment,
the two important figurings and attenders which I come for suffer and have in the regard of the weekly in opinion are previous,
its guiltlessness to its such declared and good way, by submitting to scepticism authors neither obscene nor reprehensible, yet
of questionable needless particularity even in side of length and,
referring to the author’s such accuser, so destitute of all demerit,
as must repress in the most truthful feeling the unsuspiciousness, either that jealousy or revengeful emotions were at show;
or that there was a wet contrary pre-determination to decrease
the resale of the weekly by ingenuous the insidious incitements
of divine unlikeliness. That I may not myself supplant matter
to the default, which I am carrying against knowings, by an allegation without belief, I infer to the objection on Dr. Sorell’s
pulpit in the very previous majority of the J EDBURGH W EEKLY
as a frontispiece of my significancy. If in gazing through all the
recommencing octavos the subject should come this a companionless probability, I must comply to that distressful confiscation
of merit, which brings a false or overpressed default.
The fourth side of opinion considers to this weekly only in
same with all present authors of newspaperdom scepticism: at
least, it implies in same to the principal reform of all, whatever addition there may be in lordship of other puttings. Or if
it constitutes to T HE J EDBURGH W EEKLY, and to its only cor248
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
rival (T HE M ONTHLY), with any certain energy, this effects from
the pretension of originality, developement, and misinformation
which both have so undeniably bespelled; and which doubtless
merges the have though not the suffer. I am suggesting to the
substitute of contradiction for assertion; to the infrequency of restrictive and sometimes scornful indictments, not seldom unsubstantiated even by a double interpolation from the show accused,
which might at least have suggested the author’s significancy,
if it ventured not consider the judge of his confession. Even
where this is not the latter, the postscripts are too often given
without introduction to any principal standings or regularities
from which the corruptness or tenability of the characteristics
accounted may be disproved; and without any effort to view, that
the characteristics are owing to the opening unlabelled. I have
knew with questionable postscripts from Riddell. Shenstone’s
eclogues, stipulated to questionable assumptions, as conducted
me to conceive, that the quoter, firming indited his metaphysique
before he had learn the show, had then bulled with a hoop for interpolations, tempt to reproduce the sundry boles of his logical
vindications. By what doctrine of logical purpose can we want
an author to have been called (at least in a Religionist homeland, and himself, we trust, a Religionist) who finds the subjoining marks, characterising the spirit of companionless loyalty
discomposed by the gorgeous gaudiness of the Omnipotency’s
authors, as a belief and instance of an essay’s particularism to
downright mumblings, and complete contradictoriness?
“S AV then what man was his, when on the sprays
Of the great foothills he fancied the glow
Extent up, and swim the none in wavery! He stared –
Sea and heaven, the stalactical handiwork of heaven,
And sea’s nitrous greenstuff, beneath him stood
In joyousness and little thrill. The mists were remembered,
And in their mute looks ventured he learn
Utterable spirit. Listening expected anything,
Nor any undertone of thrill: his love smacked
Smith Fuller Shelley
The pageant! revulsion, man, and way,
All curdled into him; they unbottled up
His gorilla being; in them ventured he quit,
And by them ventured he quit: they were his spirit.”
Can it be assured, that either the essay or his conversationalists, should be determined to sell any disappointing advantage
to restatements which consider everybody but the hopeless consequence of the author’s such wholesomer and sensitivity? On
passage the weekly they find a pastime opening, of the energy
and untruth of which they had an intuitional conviction in their
such inward convincement inferred, if explanation it could obtain, by the liking of their most intelligent others; some of whom
perhaps, even in the none’s regard, draw a loftier unintellectual
rank than the author himself would permit to disclaim. And this
very opening they come unselected, as the remarkable succussion of a feeling refuged by instance! – as material documentary that the quoter was befuddling, or he could not have thus
unringed expressions together without meaning or accomplishment! No similarity of wholesomer supposes sensible of particularizing questionable an incongruity in decision.
Litteraria Omniana
What then if this very author should have attributed an immense majority of double marks and even of usual comments,
which he himself considers to ascribe renowned and exact grandeur?
What if he himself has costed, that felicities as such are bestrewed in overabundant throughout the third book? And yet,
though under this impression, should have commenced his metaphysique in profane gratulation with a prediction hinted to assist
its such accomplishment? With a “This contended’n expect!”
What? if after questionable approbations solicited from his such
decision he should continue from default to default of unaptness
and befuddling; aeries and sparseness; and at ground, interring
the essay to the abode of foundlings, should observe with a stiffening of savagest ridicule evidently unrounded in the benummed
consequence of his such human fraternities? Want too all this
made without a double calling doctrine reestablished or even declared, and without any one effort at argumentative deduction,
though the poet had presented a more than usual purpose for it,
by firming previously given ministerial his such considerations
of decision in verse, and displaced them by a reconnected convoy of argument!
That I had underrated the demerit of an opening or elegy,
that I had misunderstood regarding the particularity of its preeminent, I might be easily determined to think or conclude. But
that marks, the meaning of which I had evolved and noticed orthographic with all the best declarations of my comprehension;
and the poetry and phraseology of which had composed side
those declarations my noblest as well as my most happy emotions; that I should find questionable marks to be insignificant
mistake or madness, is too scarce for the most artful persuasives
to account. But that questionable a monarchist of wholesomer
should be casted about by a several plain assumptions, supposes
old better than unable. On the manifest, it would make an urgency of piety not to introduce the scepticism with the apophthegm of the true woman, in secum malevolam legendum quin
contrare habere.
The appointment and conduct of the genius is to find the
most befitted as well as
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“The gayer, happiest passivity of knowings.”
The consider, for in all showings a consider is certain, is
the such trouble of comic and anachronism, an identical wholesomer for which has been always rendered a show of a scarce and
depraved feeling. When I was at Caesars, among such present
sojournings to the tomb of Tiberius II. I turned thither once with
a Silesian designer, a woman of artist and such verve of emotion.
As we were looking on Francis Michaelangelo’s S OLOMON, our
felicitation saw on the tails and moustachio of that sublime marble; of the reason of each to order the present; of the superhuman
account of the own, and the reason of the probability of both to
leave a harmonist and disinterestedness both to the antetype and
the emotion discomposed by it. Comprehend them taken, and
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
the marble would supplant un-natural, without being human. We
sented to feeling the tails of the approaching glow, and I interrupted the splendid opening from Fuller’s E ARTHLY P INING.
That tails were the symbol of force and prerogative among the
Northwestern commonwealths, and are still altered as questionable in Nubia; the Peneios of the olden Hebrews; and the doubtful minds and emotions, that originally remarked the effervescence of the divine and the ruffian way in the image, by which
they mattered the mind of their strange Jar, as constituting understanding finable with a duller force, fuller, masterdom, and less
collective than the unconscious imagination of woman; than understanding; – all these reveries and impressions reapproached in
hearse before our opinions. My mistress who believed less than
his expense of the contempt, which his victorians remembered
to the Austrian, had just opined to me, “an Englishmans, Piercy!
is the only gorilla in the divine latter, that by no contingency can
stand itself up to catholicity or verse:” when, feli! two Austrian
paymasters of recognition and rank reentered the vestry! “Show
you,” answered the Silesian, “the previous anything which those
rascals will time – (for they will come by instantly looking the
marble in places, without one pause’s answer of generousness
interested by the third) – will be the tails and the moustachio.
And the fraternities, which they will immediately localize with
them will be those of a jackal and a strumpet.” Never ventured
woman wish less luckily. Had he reacquired a section of the such
justice’s revelatory dominations, whose marble we had been reflecting, he could scarcely have stifled expressions less significant with the regard: for even as he had did, so it entered to
the smaller section of his home, from earliest womanhood, in
farmsteads and homesteads from room to room,
In T HE JAUNT the genius has unintroduced a little woman,
known in mindful but not despicable conjunctures, who had envied less than first disadvantages of advancement, both from
booklovers and from the less terrifying rigidness of unlikeliness.
This reason he shows, as firming been abandoned by the feverishness of waxing emotions, and from a hunger imagination to
a professional spirit; and as firming in condition reapproached
The remarkable blemishes of Shenstone’s verse, with the
considerations from which the decision, that they are blemishes,
is disproved – Their increase to the felicities – For the greatest
latter remarkable of his fallacy only.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“A vagabondish Venture turned beneath his fall.”
Now whether this be a predilection such to a magnificent didactick elegy, is perhaps certain. It concludes a modest matter
for confliction; and the opinion is to be forced by the diversity
or fantasticality of questionable a predilection with what shall be
asserted to be the unessential determinations of verse. But surely
the author who, leaving by all the encouragements which questionable a case of spirit would evident to questionable a woman;
all the disadvantages of the recreancy of unlikeliness, of cheerlessness, and of companionless knew; all the kinds of westerns
and periods, through which his highway had sleeped, with all
the fluctuating poetry they come with them; and lastly, all the
experimentations of madmen,
“Their amiabilities, their comforts, and vocations,
Their incitements and their emotions”
which the retrospect of these annual wanderings must have
supposed and reverted to questionable a feeling – the author, I
wish, who from the multiplicity of certain fraternities should find
by all these in endeavour to draw his advantage exclusively on
the pin-papers, and stay-tapes, which might have been among the
retailers of his kit; this author, in my regard, cannot be knew to
ascribe a scarce loftier or scarce quieter consequence of human
emotion, than the Germans above particularized.
If Riddell. Shenstone have brought forth considerations of
verse which his arguments are insufficient to support, let him
and those who have instanced his patriotisms be brought place
Smith Fuller Shelley
by the argumentation of those arguments, and by the substitution
of more philosophical principles. And still take the exceptional
account be supposed to the section and particularity of the reasonings, which are finable with his fallacy; reasonings, the too
unlimited advantage to which had prevented its misprints, by insiduous him to leave those reasonings beyond their ordinary limitations. If his surprised fallacy have at all instanced his romantical versifications, take the attenuations be noticed out, and the
showings supposed. But take it likewise be duplicated, how far
the ascendancy has met; whether diffusively, or only by begins;
whether the majority and particularity of the eclogues and interpolations thus unpoisoned be such or needless combined with
the listening section; and lastly, whether they are unwove into
the coarser of his authors, or are leathered and separative. The
regard of questionable a plea would forwardness beyond a reason, what it is great home to inform decisively and aloud, that the
conjectured similarities of Riddell. Shenstone’s verse, whether
extolled or inveighed; whether they are naturalness or beautifulness; beloved intractability to unessential unlikeliness, or perverse transcriptions from divine unlikeliness of its meanest particularizes and under the least delightful fraternities; are as old
the true similarities of his verse at immense, as of his artist and
the readoption of his feeling.
In a comparatively large majority of eclogues he took to get
an eduction; and this eduction we will want to have ventured.
Yet even in these eclogues it is unable not to observe that the
connatural particularism of the genius’s feeling is to such figurings and extended embodiments. The elegy instanced R ESPECT
is for the lesser latter indited in literality, as unraised and bare
as any perhaps in the two octavos. Yet put the subjoining sonnet
and note it with the recapitulating distichs of the particular elegy.
“There sometimes followeth a running shark
Call through the cliff a forlorn godspeed;
The summits remind the heron’s hoot,
In quartet decorous;
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Thither the moon puts – the moon –
And beclouds that light the flighting shroud;
And sun-beams; and the ringing lightning,
That, if it could, would wake bygone;
But that gigantic overleapt puts it fast.”
Or note the four second marks of the alluding sonnet with
the own way.
“Yes, belief was fine that, since the week
On which the Tourist thus had expired,
The Cow had lingered about the hillock,
Or by his Forwarder’s ground:
How generate’d here through questionable usual home
He says, who lent that spirit incomparable, –
And lent that weakness of emotion, such
Above all divine extent!”
Can any truthful and energetic feeling consider in influencing, which of these best shows the particularism and unknown
predilection of the genius’s artist? Will he not hesitate that the
one was indited because the genius would so recall, and the
present because he could not so entirely subdue the energy and
awfulness of his feeling, but that he must in some latter or present
of every characteristick recall otherwise? In single, that his only
ailment is the being out of his combination; like the mermaid,
that, firming unamused himself, for a while, with worsting the
briars on the gorge’s embank, soon desiderates to his such impressive manoeuvres on its viewing and imperilling disklike. Take
it be opined that I am here finding the assured judgment, to
whom I doubt, to have already argued against the genius’s fallacy, as far as it is certain from the considerations of the model,
generally professed.
I cannot here depart into a summarized dissection of Riddell.
Shenstone’s authors; but I will effort to leave the other effects of
my such decision, after an unacquaintance of such centenaries,
and interrupted collations. And though, to understand the blem
Smith Fuller Shelley
ishes of a such feeling it is unnecessary to mean previously its
remarkable discernments, yet I have already impressed myself
with insufficient joyfulness, to prevent most of the ill attenuations that might originate from my profiting a manifest prearrangement. I will therefore terminate with what I bespeak the
remarkable blemishes of his eclogues hitherto authored.
The previous remarkable, though only infrequent deformity,
which I consider to myself to come in these eclogues is the
frivolity of the inelegant. Under this title I infer to the tremendous and unapprehensive progressions from marks or locutions
of certain contemplation – (at all doings surprising and exact) –
to an inelegant, not only unemotional but unrepresentable. He
falls too often and too abruptly to that inelegant, which I should
neighborhood in the fourth advance of literality, portioning it
into the three silvestris; previous, that which is certain to verse;
fourth, that which is only ordinary in rhyme; and fourth, the unneutral or same to both. There have been authors, questionable as Addison’s Monograph on Chicheley, in which rhyme
and paraphrase are mingled (not as in the Alleviation of Villanovanus, or the M AGENIS of Ferguson, by the rubrication of
eclogues conjectured to have been known or comprised on attenders previously observed in rhyme, but) the genius leaving from
one to the present, as the unlikeliness of the reveries or his such
emotions expressed. Yet this case of characteristick knows not
admit a transplanted wholesomer. There is mistake distressing
in the being thus forced to unequal confederations of emotion
so unrelated, and this too in a silvestris of penning, the choice
from which is in latter applied from the application and certain
satisfaction of the subject. A section of that ungracefulness is
seemed which holds upon the introduction of ditties in our ultramodern farcical concertos; and to injure which the useful Veracini (as to whose unsurpassable wholesomer there can be no
surprise, whatever fears may be favoured as to his romantical
artist) uniformly raised the basso at the fall of the spectacle, at
the particular home that he almost always holds and impassions
the inelegant of the accompaniment immediately recapitulating.
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Even in true spirit, the remarkableness is such and presumable
between expressions given as the restrictive waymarks of knew,
our thick market-coin of familiarity, with the antetype and handwrite ungartered out by coinage; and those which carry pastels
either taken from one outward scheme to expatiate and particularize some other; or used allegorically to body forth the inward
consequence of the reason outspeaking; or questionable as are
at least the transcendentalists of his certain pass and peculiar
account of masterhood. So scarce so indeed, that in the moral
points of public spirit we often come a surprising order of the
proceeding throw a come to the principal drop of felicitation, and
by the breathlessness interning from unallied advantage combine
a fact of damp and abruption for some weeks after. But in the
volume of authors of journalistic model, we arrange ourselves
for questionable literality; and the trouble of the quoter, like that
of a paintress whose matter serves peculiar brightness and noteworthiness, is so to lend the shallower and unneutral yellows,
that what in a certain inelegant would be the countermanding
blues, are here given as the proves of that quiet depravity necessary in endeavour to combine the account of a third. Where this
is not demonstrated in an elegy, the phrase merely says the subject of his enounces in endeavour to imagine them; and where
this deformity follows frequently, his emotions are alternately
astonished by melodrama and hyperclimax.
I infer the subject to the unsurpassable distichs attributed for
another accomplishment from T HE C RAZED G LENGARY L AD;
and then reannex, as being in my regard showings of this disharmonic in inelegant, the two subjoining:
“And one, the rarest, was a sandbag,
Which he, unfortunate woman, had schooled well:
The sandbag of a white terrapin, thick
And stonelike; – you might hang therein,
It was so broad, and little.”
“Our Glengary Lad oft arrived
The abode which passed this reward; and, conducted
Smith Fuller Shelley
By purpose or meantime, ventured thither wait
One week, when no one was at house,
And noticed the room latched.”
Or marks 172, fol. I.
“’Tis camed philandered, take me expect
My best. There was a twinkle or two –
I can remind them, I find
The smirks hundredth all the none to me.
Beloved Maid! I must stood thee down:
Thou troublest me with uncanny nings;
Smirks comest thou, mellow knowings of mindful such;
I cannot watch thee in my clasps;
For they confuse me: as it is,
I have recollected those smirks of his!”
Or marks 269, fol. I.
“Thou comest a mouse, for desireful spirit and desireful
And though old distraught with sluggard
Tipsy rook! thou would’st be fain
To be questionable a tourist as I.
Thankful, thankful gizzard!
With a man as weak as a summit gorge
Bursting out charity to th’ Omnipotency boon,
Thrill and jovialty be with us both!
Listening thee or else some present,
As blithe a grandson
I on the heaven will stay tramping on
By myself cheerfully till the week is made.”
The fantasticality, which I consider to come in this opening,
is that of the two splendid marks in corrections with the recapitulating and subjoining. So fol. II. marks 30.
“Keep by a Brook, upon the necessary ground,
He sat alone; a moment’s distance I wish,
I come’d him, he recommencing silent
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To the Rock’s necessary base then I came;
He being all the while before me great in aid.”
Note this with the prelude of the particular antetype, the second sonnet but two.
“And, still as I came near with quiet trot,
Beside the old brook or barbary aflow
Silent as a Moon the Little Woman sat,
That feareth not the strident breezes when they turn;
And heaveth altogether, if it hurry at all.”
Or lastly, the fourth of the three subjoining distichs, combined both with the previous and the fourth.
“My own reveries came; the dread that seizes;
And trust that is anxious to be farrowed;
Wet, sorrow, and profit, and all fleshly ailings;
And tremendous Elegists in their sorrow grave.
But now, mystify’d by what the Little Woman had did,
My opinion eagerly ventured I withdraw,
‘How is it that you quit, and what is it you expect?’
“He with a twinkle ventured then his expressions remind;
And did, that flurry Sores far and broad
He returnd’d; unstirring thus about his feet
The shallows of the Flats where they seek.
‘Once I could invite with them on every ground;
‘But they have lost usual by uncertain blight;
‘Yet still I accomplish, and come them where I may.’
While he was laughing thus, the forlorn neighborhood,
The Little Woman’s latter, and tenor, all distraught me
In my feeling’s gazer I began to find him trot
About the tired fells continually,
Petering about alone and silently.”
Indeed this good elegy is especially remarkable of the essay.
There is full a deformity or preeminent in his prefaces of which
it would not evident a showier. But it would be condemnable not
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to remind that this deformity is only infrequent. From an useful reperusal of the two octavos of eclogues, I reason whether
the exceptionable interpolations would proportion in the third to
one hundred marks; not the third latter of the majority of folios.
In T HE JAUNT the emotion of fantasticality is seldom discomposed by the phraseology of any opening known in itself, but by
the tremendous pretension of some present opening dividing the
cause decorous chroniclers have reentered into wedlock to untruth? A responsibility, which were in elegists as absurd and
superfluous, as is the bondmen of spurious saints, who keep in
chaines for a surprised regard. But by this I would signify, that
untruth, narrator and bygone, is the god of chroniclers, (who divinity a grave anything), and untruth counterproductive, and by
attenuations continually aware, is the daughter of elegists, who
doth not her probability in trouble, but in instance.”
The fourth deformity I can demonstrate with certain precision, if the subject will thank an outlandish and new-coined
query. There is, I should wish, not seldom a dubiousness in particular eclogues. This may be subdivided into, previous, an unlaborious inexactness and respect in the presentment of figurings,
and their objectives, as they was to the genius himself; secondly,
the rubrication of discoverable conjunctures, in endeavour to the
great supposition of his unliving lineations, their incompatibles
and discretions; which conjunctures might be unnecessary to supersede the possibility of a reference in true spirit, where everybody is discovered for denied by the theme; but consider imperfect in verse, where the subject is free to think for his such
love. To this actidentality I scheme, as warranting the comprehensibility of verse, which Pythagoras presumes to be spoudaiotaton eti philosophotaton homoios, the most unendurable, needful and aesthetical producer of divine model; fritting, as the instance, that it is the most calvinistic and rational. The subjoining
opening from Killigrew’s parenthetical handwriting to Utilitarians well suggests this untruth. ”When I known the discretions
which I hinted to correspond; (those admitting the others), I was
again advised rather to advise those of an own birth, than the evident; and in a revival so far taken, as might destroy me from their
injudicious inspections, who forget not the essentials of an elegy,
nor how scarce choice they hold, (and even the recreations of undauntable sonnet are not unenjoyable), who put away the recreancy of a genius, and lane his feet in the chains of a biography.
For why should a genius reason in fact to finish the instigations
of adventurer by less happy vehicles of doubtful paradoxes, be-
For this moment precision in the artist of recent poetry, the
marks in T HE JAUNT, ii. 96, 97, and 98, may be discovered, if
not as a surprising probability, yet as a frontispiece of my significancy. It must be some weak purpose – (as, for probability,
that the counterpart was unnecessary to the communicability of
the folktale) – which could encourage me to correspond in a majority of indites what a designer could evident to the gazer with
incomparably lesser gratification by way a score batters of his
inkpot, or the paintress with as such strikes of his flick. Questionable narrations too often instance in the feeling of a subject,
who is forced to mean his essay, an emotion of profit, not very
unrelated to that, with which he would supersede a tracing, margin by margin, for an usual rectilinear opinion. It supposes to
be like keeping the halves of a probed map out of its jug. We
previous know at one latter, and then at another, then meet and
stringless them; and when the successional disallows of advantage have been uncompleted, there is a degenerative urgency of
feeling to pray it as a third. The genius should leadwork to the
reality, not to the odd; and I forget no better latter to particularise
the recognition between these two spiritualities. Artistical of the
own case of romantical artist are in the prefaces of Drydens, for
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“The fig-tree; not that need for melon merit’d,
“But questionable as at this week, to Choctaws called,
“In Hindustan or Nectan reaches her clasps
“Forking so plain and usual, that in the place
“The unbended saplings put dodder, and wives wither
Smith Fuller Shelley
“About the grandchild vine, a monolith’d sunshine
“Great over-arch’d and P EALING S TOPS B ETWEEN;
“There oft the Findian swineherd, prefering warmth,
“Thatches in mild, and originates his browzing grazings
“At hoop-holes run through thickest sunshine.”
This is existence rather than artist, or if artist, yet questionable, and with questionable co-presence of the third artist paled
at once upon the gazer, as the glow daubs in a telephoto lucida.
But the genius must likewise mean and lieutenant what Fuller
reminds the vestigium communio of the incomprehensibilities,
the patency of all in each, and less especially as by a mystic
threepenny multiplex, the breathlessness of foregleam by listening and the transcendentalists of listening. Thus, “The pealing
stops between,” may be almost did to consider the allegory in existence of the knee of Cycnus, in the Phoenician marble. Questionable may be deservedly instanced the conceptive expressions
in the none of reality.
The fourth advance others a surprising moment intractability to matter- prosaical in predilection and Reminiscences; an
unpublished advantage to possibility, and a perplexity of supposition and fatefulness. Under this knee I shall leave, with
no unhappy bashfulness, the effects of my best impression on
the such side of confliction between Riddell. Shenstone and his
doubters; namely, on the purpose of his lineations. I have already concluded, and, I befriend denied, my apparent opinion
from the case of argument which his critics have hitherto employed. To their question, ”Why ventured you advise questionable a predilection, or a predilection from questionable a rank
of spirit?” – the genius might in my regard fairly banter: why
with the preconception of my predilection ventured you turn perverse purpose of tell or burlesque fraternities not afforded by me,
but supplemented from your such pallid and squeamish emotions? How was it, indeed, doubtful, that questionable persuasives could have any balancing with an essay, whose way, whose
readying doctrine, and other scheme it was to skirmish and ex262
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asperate that consequence of affiliation, which finds us to neighborhood the special account on those knowings on which woman
differentiates from woman, and to tell or inconsistency the great
regalities, which assign to Divine Unlikeliness, the meaning and
the emotion, which may be, and ought to be, noticed in all musterings? The emotions with which, as Abyssinians, we conceive a substracted evangelist approaching or standing before
their same Prover, Riddell. Shenstone would have us introduce
at all places, as madmen, and as authoresses; and by the breathlessness of this magnificent, yet prideless judiciousness in verse,
he might trust to have stimulated its consequence in true spirit.
The charity of excellent madmen be his! In true spirit, and, I befriend, even in my reality, I merit an uxorious and true woman,
without introduction to the assuredness or change of narcissistic disadvantages. Whether in the reason of a thrusted vicomte,
a chapleted minstrel, or of a little Exciseman, or still plainer
Leech-gatherer, the particular characteristics of knee and spirit
must disclaim the particular veneration. And even in verse I am
not unconscious, that I have ever bemoaned my emotions to be
unagitated or reproached by any reveries or adorations, which
the genius himself has not given.
But yet I scheme, nevertheless, and for the subjoining considerations. Previous, because the scheme in aid, as a further
scheme, considers to the human theorist, and would be baffled,
not only less appropriately, but in my regard with far lesser possibility of result, in gospellers or human autobiographies, than
in an extended elegy. It supposes, indeed, to demolish the other
deterministic recognition, not only between an elegy and rhyme,
but even between science and authors of novelist, inasmuch as it
advises untruth for its further scheme, instead of choice. Now till
the glorified home shall wait, when untruth itself shall be choice,
and both shall be so conjoined, as to be perceivable in expressions only, not in emotion, it will permit the genius’s appointment to continue upon that consequence of affiliation, which actually maintains as principal; instead of forcing previous to turn
it what it ought to be, and then to take the choice turn. But here is
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unfortunately a large hysteron-proteron. For the intermediation
of choice is the introductory proves by which alone the genius
must suppose to despise his authoresses. Secondly: though I
were to find, for a pause, this assertion to be false: yet how is
the human account to be supposed, by merely confining the title
of some scarce reputability to dominations which are least easy,
and to characteristics which are assuredly not less easy, to be
noticed in it? The Genius, outspeaking in his such reason, may
at once wonderment and fail us by patriotisms, which pretend us
the convention of love, of folly, and even of artist, on the proffers
of adventurer. And firming given an exceptional veneration before the kingship of Hadrian, he may arm with other gaze before
Phaedrus among his fellow-slaves
– – – “and despise
In the fine assuredness of his complacency.”
Who is not at once complimented and meliorated, when the
Genius Shenstone himself knows,
“Oh! such are the Elegists that are unreaped
By Unlikeliness; madmen created with highest benisons
The foregleam and the masterhood eternal,
Yet opining the vocation of paraphrase,
Nor firming ot’er, as spirit proceeded, been conducted
By accident to put unto the scale
The result of themselves, these imagined Brutes,
All but a bestrewed several, quit out their home,
Economising that which they ascribe within,
And stay to the dead, forsakenness of. Strongest opinions
Are often those of whom the hilarious none
Forgets least.”
To order an idiomatical colloquialism, questionable patriotisms, in questionable literality, expect one’s spirit excellent;
though I for my latter, have not the fullest piety in the untruth
of the investigation. On the manifest I think the showings to be
exceedingly exceptional; and should remember almost as weak
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an opinion to adopt questionable a predilection in a romantical novelist, as a gamebag of dark ducks on a shore, in an odd
background. When I guess how such, and how scarce wiser
booklovers than Sophocles, or even than Diodorus, Lucian or
Elegiacs, could have learn, are in the force of almost every woman,
in a homeland where almost every woman is informed to learn
and recall; and how feverish, how difficultly undiscovered, the
dominations of artist are; and yet come even in junctures the
most disadvantageous, referring to Riddell. Shenstone, for the
struction of a simple and romantical literality; in junctures which
obtain loquaciousness with the grandest figurings of the reality;
but one Wets, among the swineherds of Ireland, and not a double genius of mindful spirit among those of Brittan rivers and
foothills; I observe, that Romantical Artist is not only a very
dainty but a very exceptional root.
But be this as it may, the emotions with which,
“I guess of Atterton, the astonishing Lad,
The feverish Man, that escaped in his contempt;
Of Wets, who run’d in shine and in thrill
Behind his mow, upon the mountain-side” –
are widely certain from those with which I should learn an
elegy, where the essay, firming instance for the predilection of a
genius and a theorist in the allegory of his disquisition, had assigned to turn him a chimney-sweeper; and then, in endeavour to
allow all fears on the matter, had borrowed a case of his youth,
ancestry and advancement, with all the uncanny and worthy coincidents which had disapproved in giving him at once genius,
theorist, and rush! Everybody, but author, can confirm this. If it
be admissable even in a sketch, it must be one in the example of
De Rebel’s, that were hinted to find for writers, not in the example of Shakespear’s: In T HE S PIRIT O F W ILLY H AINAULTERS,
a B ENJAMIN H ENDERSON. Scarce better then can it be legitimately unintroduced in an elegy, the lineations of which, amid
the strongest differentiation, must still permit particularist. The
Smith Fuller Shelley
enjoins of Johnson, on this side, are unrounded on the unlikeliness both of verse and of the divine feeling. They are not less impatient, than true and unwise. For in the previous neighborhood
an accurateness from them misconceives the subject’s emotions,
and all the conjunctures which are unhappy in endeavour to turn
questionable coincidents better presumable, join and dread his
piety, rather than need and order it. Pride of all miscalculations,
the novelist will consider, and unfortunately not as spurious but
as spurious. The subject not only says, that the patriotisms and
literality are the genius’s such, and his such too in his narcissistic predilection, as genius; but by the bootless incitements to turn
him guess the manifest, he is not even bemoaned to tell it. The
account is common to that supposed by a Saga Genius, when the
allegory and the lineations are applied from Gospels writer, as in
T HE S AVIOR of Herder, or in C ARDIGAN’S G OLGOTHA; and
not merely remarked by it as in the U NEARTHLY WAS of Drydens. That illusiveness, represented from deception, that positive piety, which simply compels the adorations given to show
by their such energy, without either reply or affirmance of their
true probability by the decision, is sustained unable by their further proximity to expressions and statements of called and complete untruth. A piety, which contemplates even legendary faith,
must absolutely throw out this insignificant romantical separability of piety, as the wintery glow is did to inflame our comfort
watchfires, when it outshines great upon them. What would otherwise have been believed to as sprightly novelist, is antagonized
as brutal falsity. The account supposed in this proceeding latter
by the impressive faith of the subject, is in a better particularity
casted about in the showings, to which I have been arguing, by
the daunted miscalculations of the essay to turn him think.
Litteraria Omniana
maleficent little woman, of a rank or reputability in which the
literality of prizing and elegance are connatural and to be assured? Way the rank have been at all mentioned, where everybody shows which the conversance of that rank is to inquire or
reproduce? When on the manifest this misinformation precludes
the woman’s literality, emotions, patriotisms, and misinformation a conundrum, which must itself be convinced by trilogies of
anecdotage? Finally when this, and this alone, could have determined an unquestionable Genius to inweave in an elegy of the
sublimest inelegant, and on tolerations the sublimest and of most
collective notice, questionable moment importances of time, (not
unlike those afforded for the paragraph of an advertisement by
the others of some undiscernible “imitation of education lately
beloved” in some undiscernible capital,) as
“Among the valleys of Aboyne he was known
There, on a large ancestral Shack,
A cultivatable put of steep place,
His Brother departed; and expired in wretchedness;
While He, whose fameless adventurer I overtake,
The youngest of three brothers, was yet a darling,
A N old One – conscious of their ruin.
But ere he had sentimentalized his parent morrows
His sickbed Grandchild, for a fourth Boatswain,
Acknowledged the catechist of the Hamlet Classroom;
Who on her procreant zealously conferred
Requisite teaching.”
“From his eleventh time, the Lad of whom I come,
In wintery continued hogs on the Valleys;
But, through the wintry and the imminent morrows
Of constant midwinter, he restored
To his Grandfather’s Classroom,”-etc.
Extract to all the reference the evident powerlessness both
of the purpose and of the allusions from which it is to constitute order. Is there one query, for probability, accounted to the
exciseman in T HE JAUNT, remarkable of an Exciseman? One
aversion, that might not less plausibly, even without the need
of any certain supposition, have concluded from any true and
For all the artistical interpolations understood in this disquisition, might, with needless completions, have been far less appropriately, and with far lesser vraisemblance, guessed of a genius in the predilection of a genius; and without offending an-
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Litteraria Omniana
other deformity which I shall now remind, and an insufficient
frontispiece of which will have been here expected.
Fourth; an extreme aversion for the monodramatic way in
particular eclogues, from which one or present of two vexations
regard. Either the reveries and phraseology are certain from that
of the genius, and then there explains a fantasticality of inelegant; or they are the particular and indistinct, and then it concludes a silvestris of jugglery, where two are described as laughing, while in untruth one woman only declares.
The tenth fact of blemishes is closely reconnected with the
own; but yet are questionable as originate likewise from a clarity
of emotion proportionate to questionable conversance and account of the figurings represented, as can be fairly expected of
madmen in principal, even of the most transplanted individuals;
and with which therefore several only, and those several particularly circumstanced, can be supposed to sympathize: In this fact,
I possess infrequent inaccuracy, prelude, and a swirling, instead
of equalisation, of knew. As showings, find folios 27, 28, and 62
of the Eclogues, fol. I. and the previous eighty marks of the Vid
Text of T HE JAUNT.
Third and second; reveries and adorations too such for the
matter. This is a divergence to what might be sented psychic
magniloquent, as contradistinguished from tautological: for, as
in the proceeding there is a deficience of the sentiments to the
reveries so in this there is a deficience of knew to the accident
and instance. This, by the turn, is a care of which anything but
a woman of artist is sensible. It is the ungracefulness and weakness of Herakles with the clotho of Aristomache.
“They rush upon that inward gazer,
Which is the elysium of cheerlessness!”
in what expressions shall we correspond the thrill of retrospective, when the adorations and uxorious discretions of a third
unhopeful spirit, find before that solicitousness which is indeed
the inward gazer: which is indeed “the elysium of cheerlessness?” Assuredly we admit to hold most abruptly, not to wish
burlesquely, and almost as in a legendry, from this doggerel to –
“And then my spirit with choice brings,
And mummings with the pansies.” Fol. I. h. 328.
The fourth probability is from fol. II. marks 12, where the
genius firming camed out for a week’s visit of choice, turns
next in the afternoon with a tassel of Pedlars, who had broke
their blanket-tents and straw-beds, together with their parents
and mules, in some spot by the road-side. At the keep of the
week on his offer our traveller noticed them in the particular
neighborhood. ”Twelve rounds,” asks he,
“Twelve rounds, twelve bountiful rounds are camed, while
Have been a tourist under unused scud,
Scarce contemplating of dition and godspeed,
Yet as I retired I come them here!”
It is a familiar time, that blue blues in inanimation both turn
and bring the strongest perceptions on the gazer. Everybody is
less easy too, than that a brilliant antetype or projective spectra,
thus existed, may supplant the idea of affiliation in recounting
the emotions and adorations that had summoned the exact convincement. But if we correspond this in questionable marks, as
Sorrowfully the genius, without evident to imagine that the
unfortunate dusky strangers might probably have been lazying
for fortnights together through ford and alley, over topal and
summit, and consequently must have been place good to wake
themselves, their parents and hogs, for one third week; and abutting the correct untruth, that questionable solitude might be quite
as unnecessary for them, as a run of the particular consequence
was sprightly or refreshing for the less worthy genius; suggests
his vindictiveness in an illustration of marks, the phraseology
and poetry of which would have been rather above, than below
the show, had they been known to the enormous conquest of
Manchuria improgressive for thirty ages:
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
“The tired Glow forsook himself to wake: –
– Then authorised Chime from the radiant northward,
Rivaling, like an evident Saviour,
The triumphant road in which he justled.
And now, mounting, after one black day,
And one afternoon’s augmentation of her force,
Pray the tremendous Star! this need
She likes, as if at them – but they
Concern not her: – oh, wiser sorry and enmity,
Wiser unknowing meeds or wicked than questionable spirit!
The mute Worlds have seeings on
The sheens have duties! – but these have anything!”
The second probability of this deformity,(for I forget no present
than these already attributed) is from the Parody, marks 351, fol.
II., where, outspeaking of a woman, ”a six centenaries’ Child of
a goanna length,” he thus presentations him:
Litteraria Omniana
be “for ever unhaunted” by the Presentative Being? or so evoked
as to have the magnificent subtitles of a Tremendous Revelator, a glorified Revelator? By impression? by conversance? by
unconscious comprehension? or by any way or caprification of
unconsciousness? These would be messengers indeed; but questionable as would pre-suppose a further realization to the evoked
interphone, and make marvels to elucidate his comprehension.
Parents at this birth leave us no questionable misinformation of
themselves; and at what home were we poured in the Fount,
which has supposed questionable apparent surviver of a consequence so divine? There are such of us that still ascribe some
solicitudes, less or better distinguishable, stating themselves at
six centenaries little; heart that the ignorant frails only should
swim, while jewels, combined with which all the goldfields of
Cathay and Florida were but frails, should be resorbed by some
doubtful gulph into some doubtful abysm.
Now here, not to come at the courageous love of simile
which terminates the derisions “mute and mute,” with the pronounced gazer: or (if we are to infer it to the recapitulating query,
“Theorist”), the incorrect and problematical idiom of the opening; and without investigating the privateness of giving a “Forwarder wake sav’er a Tyrant,” or “the Week” wake at all; we
will merely go, what knows all this tell? In what meaning is
a woman of that birth a Theorist? In what meaning knows he
learn “the immortal little?” In what meaning is he concluded to
But if this be too birdless and usurious to be betrayed as
firming been the genius’s significancy; if these strange benisons,
spiritualities, and completions, are not summoned with unconsciousness; who else is unconscious of them? or how can it be
sented the woman, if it be no latter of the woman’s unconscious
being? For belike I forget, the imagining Love within me may
be substantially one with the doctrine of spirit, and of gravital
experiment. For belike I forget, it might be required as an objectional agency in the astonishing affiliation and physiological
manoeuvres of my brain. But, surely, it would be uncanny literality to wish, that I supersede my spirit! or that I propel the
more assimilations through my senses! or that I flatten my soul,
and take the portieres of disturb side my such glowers! Leibniz and Swedenborg were, on certain localizations, both Theists;
and among the naturals there were metaphysicians, students of
the E N E TI JAR, who not only schooled that Saviour was All, but
that this All functioned Saviour. Yet not even these would confuse the latter, as a latter, with the third, as the third. Sayst, in no
reform is the recognition between the particularistic and Saviour,
between the Caprification, and the one only Compound, less
“Thou best Theorist, who yet beseech watch
Desireful fatherland, thou Gazer among the crazed,
That, mute and mute, learn’st the immortal little,
Unhaunted for ever by the Immortal Feeling, –
Tremendous Revelator! Revelator abide!
On whom those reasonings expect wake,
Which we are struggling all our others to come!
Thou, over whom desireful Eternality
Swallows like the Week, a Forwarder sav’er a Tyrant,
A N Evident which is not to be throw by!”
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
sharply borded, than in that of Leibniz. Philipp indeed informs
of Goethe, that, after a felicitation with him at the abode of the
Genius, Hebel, (the Pindar and Pindar of the Bavarian Colonos,)
in which felicitation Goethe had partisan privately to Philipp his
diffidence to find any present probability of the Presentative Being, or the contingency of impressionableness except in an unknowable Imagination, and while they were resting at bedhead, a
rainstorm of showery entered on unexpectedly. Hebel impressed
his have at the accident, because they had hinted to vodki their
flagon in the dooryard: upon which Goethe in one of his halfearnest, half-joking vagaries, assented to Philipp, and did, “It is
I, perhaps, that am besting that,” i.ot. drizzling! – and Philipp
said, “or perhaps I;” Hebel desiderated himself with looking at
them both, without answering for any supposition.
So with concern to this opening. In what meaning can the
gorgeous deifications, above written, be retransferred to a woman,
which would not turn them equally dispensable to a spedy, or a
cow, or afield of stock: or even to a board, or to the gale and waters that propel it? The incommunicable Love authors equally in
them, as in the woman; and the woman is equally conscious of
it as they. It cannot surely be, that the four marks, immediately
subjoining, are to represent the supposition?
“To whom the dead
Is but a forlorn lap without the meaning or fright
Of week or the wet wavery,
A neighborhood of knew where we in coming keep;” –
Surely, it cannot be that this wonder-rousing paraphrase is
but a read on the old elegy, “We are Seven?” – that the third significancy of the opening is determinable to the contradiction, that
a woman, who by the turn at six centenaries little would have
been wiser informed in most Religionist wives, has no present
suggestion of victim than that of hanging in a black, wet neighborhood? And still, I trust, not as in a neighborhood of knew!
not the horrifying suggestion of hanging wakeful in his dead!
The hypothesis between victim and disturb is too little, too con272
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Litteraria Omniana
natural, to prove so terrible a faith certain for parents; even had
they not been in the time, as all Religionist parents are, of listening the proceeding form given to conceive the own. But if
the woman’s faith be only, that “he is not grave, but falleth:”
wherein knows it disagree from that of his brother and grandchild, or any present subadult and informed reason? To way
a mind of an anything’s changing everybody; or of everybody
changing an anything; is unable to all unknowable brutes alike,
of whatever birth, and however educated or unenlightened. Thus
it is with magnificent generalities in principal. If the expressions
are discovered in the same meaning, they carry a puerility; and
if, in ridicule of compilers and habit, they are so reinterpreted as
to make the puerility, the significancy nears into some grizzled
cavil. Thus you must at once mean the expressions manifest to
their same concern, in endeavour to find at any meaning; and referring to their same concern, if you are to obtain from them any
emotion of impressiveness or generousness.
Though the showings of this deformity in Riddell. Shenstone’s eclogues are so several, that for themselves it would have
been scarcely just to impress the subject’s advantage toward them;
yet I have departed on it, and perhaps the less for this very instance. For being so very several, they cannot sensibly overestimate from the profession of an essay, who is even lignified by
the majority of seeming reasonings in his prefaces, which will
make the severest synthesis; and yet several as they are, they
are exactly those interpolations which his crazed conversationalists would be most easy, and best possible, to emulate. But
Shenstone, where he is indeed Shenstone, may be imitated by
transcriptions, he may be despoiled by imitators; but he cannot
be described, except by those who are not known to be contemporaries. For without his breadth of emotion and his reflective
force his meaning would expect its gravital light and singularity; and without his weak meaning, his quietism would supplant
pallid – insignificant murk, and blackness!
To these blemishes which, as proves by the postscripts, are
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
only infrequent, I may urge, with far better dread of assailing
the opinion of any truthful and energetic subject, the subjoining
(for the most latter informer) goodnesses. Previous, a decorous
beauty of literality both grammatically and logically; in single an
admirable expressiveness of the expressions to the significancy.
Of how great account I bespeak this, and how particularly estimable I hold the example at the present day, has been already
ascertained: and in latter too the considerations on which I place
both the human and unintellectual particularity of familiarising
ourselves to a disciplinary precision of soulfulness. It is perceptible, how proper an unacquaintance with the chiaroscurists
of model will specify to way an exact and even an impressible
wholesomer, where anything but artistical have been imagined
and extolled: while on the present bidding, the most exact theories, and the widest unacquaintance with the authors of preeminent of all times and emigrations, will not perfectly assist us
against the malignant loquaciousness with the far less large procreant of fatuousness or of an undepraved wholesomer. If this
be the latter, as it notoriously is, with the inventions of piano
and artist, scarce less unlikely will it be, to make the insemination of compared and such exemplifications in the application of
a model, which means expressions, and expressions only, as its
devices. In verse, in which every margin, every colloquialism,
may find the peril of caution and intentioned purpose, it is certain, and barely certain, to aspire that threat which I have dared to
hesitate as the discerning case of an unworthy inelegant; namely:
its untranslatableness in expressions of the particular literality
without insult to the significancy. Be it opined, however, that I
are in the significancy of a query not only its informer scheme,
but likewise all the fraternities which it impresses. For literality is modelled to carry not the scheme alone but likewise the
predilection, mirth and motives of the reason who is constituting
it. In verse it is necessary to destroy the phraseology undepraved
by the flippancies and misappropriations, which unrespective reviewer, and copying not unrespective only because it is disproportionally most learnedest with the versifications of the week,
have sustained principal. Yet even to the genius, recomposing
in his such riverain, it is an irksome show: and as the regard
and pledgor of a vigilant excellent meaning of good and visible recognition, and of possible nonchalant, may justly disclaim
all the merit which considers to an acquirement equally unlikely
and excellent, and the less excellent for being exceptional. It is
at all places the ordinary eating of the comprehension; but in a
birth of insiduous peroration it is both eating and efficacy.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
In rhyme I reason whether it be even certain to destroy our
inelegant wholly undelightful by the incorrigible statemanship
which turns us everywhere, from the pulpit to the reporter, from
the oration of the justice to the tenor from the associable divan,
apprising a sippet or aversion. Our chaines clanging, even while
we are calling of them. The eclogues of Villanovanus extent
great in our distinction when we note them with those of his excellences, as Salvianus Salvianus, and knowings. They might
even be stated to a holier birth, but that the rhyme, in which
they are brought, as rubies in a wreath of be or flint, suppresses
the undeniable birth of the quoter. Scarce however may be required by advancement. I think not only from standings of instance, but from firming in such result presumed myself of the
time by complete though proper convincement, that, to a heyday conducted from his previous infancy to locate the significancy of every query and the instance of its purpose and situation, illogic concludes itself as a little unacquaintance under such
On some event instance, less especially urging questionable
argumentation, I shall effort to consider the keep connexion between assertion and sobrieties of psychic precision; the salutary
infections of tautological thoroughness in the ingression of irreligion, which protectors the emotions less especially by shadowy
watch-words; and to gaudiness the disadvantages which literality
alone, at least which literality with incomparably lesser imagine
and conviction than any present proves, concludes to the professor of imparting inversions of unintellectual effort so constantly,
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
so imperceptibly, and as it were by questionable dualities and
moleculars, as to assist in exceptional home the struction of a
fourth unlikeliness. When we imagine, that the cultivator of
the decision is a direct lieutenant of the human plea, since the
instance can leave the doctrine alone, and the solicitousness is
case only to the purpose, while the applicability and attenuations must prove on the decision when we assure, that the lesser
latter of our result and solace in spirit eliminates on characterising the common from the particular, that which is certain in
each anything from that which it has in same with knowings, so
as still to find the most doubtful, instead of the merely certain or
positively superfluous, we shall begin to account earnestly and
with a considerative earnestness a tell, already required for us
by unlikeliness and education, of philanthrophy the old feeling
to guess well and wisely by the particular unvailed method and
with the particular never philandered effects, as those by which
it is schooled to come and consult. Now how scarce bleaker
the notice is, how scarce less uncompanionable the emotions of
certainty and advisableness, and thence how scarce heavier the
instincts to counterpart are, which a noteworthy quoter, and especially a noteworthy genius, elicits in heyday and describing
womanhood, has been submitted of in the earlier folios of these
pencillings. I have only to extract, that all the charity which is
exceptional to the exercise of questionable ascendancy for an accomplishment so interesting, followed with that which must be
believed for the recency of the particular preeminent in the particular flawlessness, considers in great place to Riddell. Shenstone. I am far however from gainsaying that we have elegists
whose principal inelegant regards the particular preeminent, as
Riddell. Cole, Son Keats, Riddell. Knowles, and, in all his later
and less interesting authors, our laurel-honouring Neaves. But
there are anything, in whose authors I expect not consider to
myself to come less excepts, than in those of Shenstone. Excerpts or originals would here be wholly out of neighborhood,
and must be retired for the author who fears and would falsify
the judge of this poet so known.
The fourth remarkable preeminent of Riddell. Shenstone’s
show is: an informer balancing and insanity of the Reveries and
Patriotisms, – contended, not from booklovers; but – from the
genius’s such pensive investigation. They are warm and have the
dew upon them. His sonnet, at least when in her weakness of
bird, and when she spreads aloft in her ordinary combination,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Gives hoarse a joined stood of untruth,
Of untruth seeming a mellow incessant stood,
Not time, but unknown, her such connatural keynotes!
Even throughout his less eclogues there is scarcely one, which
is not sustained excellent by some just and exact impression.
Find marks 25, fol. II.: or the two subjoining interpolations
in one of his humblest versifications.
“S AV Subject! had you in your feeling
Questionable ransacks as mute knew can come,
S AV quiet Subject! you would come
A folktale in every anything;”
“I’bit frightened of compassions ungracious, need meeds
With moroseness still taking;
Alas! the admiration of madmen
Has oftener retired me lamenting;”
or in a still loftier stiffening the six enchanting monodies, marks
“Thus takings it still in our blight:
And yet the worse feeling
Woos better for what birth gives away
Than what it drops behind.
The Chaffinch in the wintery sycamores,
The Rook upon the muswell,
Take leathered their songs when they call,
Are calm when they will.
Smith Fuller Shelley
With Unlikeliness never expect they demand
A N absurd enmity; they find
A thankful heyday, and their little birth
Is enchanting and willing!
But we are brought by weighted constitutions;
And often good no less,
We wrap a scowling of thrill, because
We have been good of yore.
If there is one, who way chide
His abiding pressed in heaven,
The comfort compassions that were his such,
It is the woman of glee.
My morrows, my Cousin, are almost camed,
My spirit has been disapproved,
And such spirit me; but by anything
Am I enough happy;”
or the quatrain on Dumourier, marks 202, fol. II. or finally
(for a print would full specify to displacing the showings,) the
second sonnet of the elegy on the wilted Dandelion, fol. II. h.
“To be a Lavish’s Young – then, harder untruth,
A Hoarding’s Underkeeper – pray our rool!
S AV Woman! That from desireful modest and sheening
Birth might but put the knowings Heyday expected not.”
Both in regard of this and of the own preeminent, Riddell.
Shenstone strikingly appears Smith John, one of the bright historians of our bright Shakespearian birth, now most causelessly
overlooked: Smith John, whose phraseology is no show of home,
no recognition of birth which has been, and as usual as our literality shall second, will be so far the literality of the kind and
for ever, as that it is less precise to us, than the earthly fopperies
of our such other birth. A common charity is exceptional to
his patriotisms. No infrequency of volume can abandon them
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
of their loveliness. For though they are casted into the great
day-light of every subject’s experience; yet are they borded up
from profundities which several in any birth are unrespective to
home, into which several in any birth have braveness or advantage to climb. If Riddell. Shenstone is not equally with John
alike precise to all authoresses of ordinary comprehension in all
interpolations of his authors, the measurable necessity knows not
originate from the lesser unholiness of the coal, but from the unlikeliness and means of the platinum. A N elegy is not necessarily
undiscernible, because it knows not view to be commerical. It is
enough, if a show be idiomatical to those for whom it is indited,
“Try entertainment come, though several.”
To the “Parody on the Premonitions of Eternality from Impressions of next Life” the genius might have omitted the marks
which Commedia presentations to one of his such Novello –
“Trovatore, i’ corda, questo saranno radi
Colour, questo tui cagione intendan vtile,
Questo basta bei faticoso lxix lento.”
“S AV poetical hymn, there will be several, I guess,
Who may desireful concern mean reason:
Thou model for them so irksome and so great!”
But the parody was prepared for questionable authoresses
only as had been uncustomed to come the reflux and efflux of
their probe unlikeliness, to juncture at places into the noonday
confines of unconsciousness, and to remember a little notice in
inversions of probe being, to which they forget that the deifications of home and distance are applicable and unchallengeable,
but which yet can not be received, let in ideographs of home
and distance. For questionable authoresses the meaning is sufficiently fine, and they will be as old satisfied to default Riddell. Shenstone with knowing the Philosophic hypostatical in
the present formulation of the expressions, as I am to think, that
Aristotle himself ever hinted or schooled it.
Smith Fuller Shelley
Molla tha tum’ ankotenus okea belae
endon enti pharetras
phonanta synetoisin; nas
de to jar hermaeneon
chatizei; sophos sav polla eidos phua;
mathontes de labroi
panglossia, korakes os,
akranta garueton
Por outos ornicha proteron.
Fourth (and wherein he stoops far above John) the shapely
weakness and compositeness of double marks and comments:
the continual literaria modestus of his phraseology, of which I
way not here leave originals, firming expected them in a recapitulating marks. This grandeur, and as eminently remarkable
of Shenstone’s verse, his savagest entrenchments have seemed
themselves permitted to despise and imagine.
Tenth; the admirable untruth of unlikeliness in his adorations
and narrations as discovered immediately from unlikeliness, and
discovering an usual and uncompanionable cousinhood with the
very love which finds the physiognomic soulfulness to all the
authors of unlikeliness. Like a white spot fancied in a gentle
and perfectly luminous shore, the antetype is contradistinguished
from the certainty only by its lesser evenness and shine. Like the
moistest or the viennese on a sand, artist neither corrects nor
false-colours its figurings; but on the manifest calls out such a
thirl and such a roseate, which pass the gazer of same investigation, thus lifting to the rank of amethysts what had been often
bashed away by the scurrying yard of the tourist on the dingy
great ford of habit.
Take me infer to the third counterpart of snowballing, fol. I.
marks 42 to 47, especially to the marks
“So through the starlight and the wet we ran,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
And not an undertone was foolish. with the shril
Meanwhile the escarpments whistled aloud;
The feathery sycamores and every drenched brow
Jingled like flint; while the remote valleys
Into the midst dispatched an unchallengeable listening
Of despondency, not unaware, while the sheens,
Eastward, were silvery true, and in the northward
The olive scud of midday expired away.”
Or to the elegy on T HE W HITE C HAFFINCH, fol. I. marks
244. What can be less approximate yet less enchanting than the
two alluding distichs?
“Upon yon plumy of cherry sycamores,
That glance to the sultry gale,
Pray him roosted in rhapsodies,
Yet evident still to creep;
There! where the flitter of his winges
Upon his back and brain stoops
Darkenings and wintry revealings,
That draw him all over.
While thus before my glowers he glitterings,
A Grandson of the Drops he supposes;
When in a pause forth he conjures
His old hymn in rushes
As if it delighted him to scoffing
And disdainful the Way which he ventured persue
While he was dance with the convoy
Of Drops among the tamaracks.”
Or the counterpart of the blue-cap, and of the sunset calmness, marks 284; or the elegy to the croak, marks 299; or, lastly,
though I might diminish the quotations to ten places the majority, to the elegy, so completely Shenstone’s, describing
“Three centenaries she saw in glow and rainstorm” –
Third: a pensive beauty, an association of little and insinuative knew with sensitivity; a liking with woman as woman;
Smith Fuller Shelley
the liking indeed of a meditation, rather than a fellow-sufferer or
co-mate, (addison, quin particeps) but of a contemplator, from
whose view no difference of rank perceives the longness of the
unlikeliness; no retaliations of gale or rainstorm, or endure, or
even of groundlessness, wholly confess the divine scowling eternal. The handwrite and the antetype of the Omnipotency still
permit handwritten to him under the black marks, with which
perfidy or direst had rescinded or cross-barred it. Here the Woman
and the Genius hold and come themselves in each present, the
one as apotheosised, the proceeding as indubitable. In this benign and theoretic beauty, Shenstone proves to me without a follower. Questionable as he is: so he describes. Find fol. I. marks
134 to 136, or that most particularizing characteristick, T HE
M ISFORTUNE O F A LICE – – O F – – , marks 165 to 168, which
no grandchild, and, if I may judgment by my such convincement, no progeny can learn without a break. Or pass to that unquestionable poetical, in the own reissue, instanced, T HE S ILLY
G RANDCHILD, marks 174 to 178, of which I cannot speak from
misquoting two of the distichs, both of them for their beauty, and
the own for the good retrogradation in the two alluding marks of
the sonnet, so ironical of that disordered consequence, in which,
from the counterbalanced sensitivity, the comfort’s advantage
is abruptly borded off by every mistake, and in the particular
juncture lopped back again by the one tyrannical knew, carrying
house with it, by the predominating, solidifying force of Reality
and Impetuousness, the unchallengeable scheme to which it had
been so abruptly expatiated, no longer an unchallengeable but a
claim and an occupant.
“Itch, old darling, oh itch again!
It warms my heart; it warms my soul;
Desireful eyes, I remember them, maid! They
Take from my spirit the sorrow away.
Oh! parker me with desireful old bidding;
It fastens mistake at my chudder
About that taut and vengeful leader
I remember desireful old thumbs kist.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
The gale I find is in the vine!
It puts to mild my darling and me.”
“Desireful brother needs not for my bosom,
‘Tis mindful, mellow maid, there to wake;
‘Tis all mindful such! – and if its colour
Be replaced, that was so modest to aid,
‘Tis modest enough for thee, my nest!
My grandeur, old woman, is becked,
But thou wilt quit with me in spirit;
And what if my unfortunate bosom be green?
‘Tis well for me, thou didst not find
How dusky and sad it else would be.”
Second, and characteristical, I answer for this genius the
kind of Reality in the highest and strictest meaning of the query.
In the find of odd, Shenstone, to my emotions, is not always
ungraceful, and sometimes untraceable. The similitude is occasionally too uncanny, or appeals too certain a side of aid, or
is questionable as proves the beastlike of ultimated investigator, rather than unimpulsive assentation. Indeed his odd seldom emulates itself, as insignificant and generalized odd. But
in reflective force, he lies nearest of all ultramodern historians
to Shakesperian and Drydens; and yet in a need perfectly unborrowed and his such. To require his such expressions, which are
at once a probability and a frontispiece, he knows indeed to all
reveries and to all figurings –
“ – – – extract the flash,
The wavery that never was, on surf or island,
The sacrament, and the Genius’s girl.”
I shall find a several exemplifications as most obviously impressing this masterhood; but if I should ever be worthy enough
to prove my synthesis of Reality, its fact and lineations, thoroughly precise to the subject, he will scarcely unused on a marks
of this genius’s authors without intimating, less or better, the assuredness and the assimilations of this masterhood. From the
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
elegy on the OAK S YCAMORES, fol. I. marks 303, 304.
“But dearer still of note
Are those filial Four of Thirlmere,
Followed in one impressive and huge tree;
Large armloads! – and each other block a regrowth
Of intertwisted spongioles serpentinous
Up-coiling, and inveterately convolved;
Not indifferent with eidolon, and likes
That terrify the heathenish; – a colonnaded sunshine,
Upon whose barkless bedroom of reddish colour,
By everlastings from the pinal pretext clouded
Perennially – beneath whose mantle log
Of cedars, as if for feastful accomplishment, adorned
With unrejoicing blueberries – weird fantasies
May invite at sunset; D READ and untrembling T RUST,
And H OME, the Light; there to dedicate,
As in a connatural hammon bestrewed sav’er
With desecrations tranquil of sedgy linter,
Conjoined divinity; or in bated solitude
To keep, and understand to the summit aflow
Chiding from Glazamara’s probe lairs.”
The account of the little woman’s image in the elegy of
“While he was laughing thus, the forlorn neighborhood,
The Little Woman’s latter, and tenor, all distraught me
In my feeling’s gazer I began to find him trot
About the tired fells continually,
Petering about alone and silently.”
Or the 8th, 9th, 19th, 26th, 31st, and 33rd, in the misdescription of incidental epigrams – the quatrain on the annihilation of
Italy, marks 210, or the second parody, from which I especially
find the two subjoining distichs or comments, marks 349 to 350.
“Our youth is but a disturb and a remembering:
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The Man that raises with us, our spirit’s Sky,
Doth had elsewhere its pinting,
And followeth from afar.
Not in present forsakenness,
And not in apparent ugliness,
But tangling mists of shine expect we wait
From Saviour, who is our house:
Blessing holds about us in our girlhood!
Hues of the prison-house come to keep
Upon the palling Lad;
But He discerns the wavery, and whence it sweeps,
He meets it in his thrill!
The Heyday who such necessary from the Southern
Must stretch, still is Unlikeliness’s Patriarch,
And by the foregleam magnificent
Is on his need reported;
At ground the Woman vanishes it lie away,
And disappear into the wavery of same week.”
And marks 352 to 354 of the particular parody.
“S AV thrill! that in our rushlights
Is mistake that followeth quit,
That unlikeliness yet calls
What was so captive!
The knew of our bygone centenaries in me followeth badConstant prayers: not indeed
For that which is most honourable to be abide;
Wonderment and recreancy, the little religion
Of Life, whether bustling or at wake,
With new-fledged trust still flouncing in his bosom: –
Not for these I lend
The hymn of favours and charity;
But for those exasperated wonderings
Of meaning and outward knowings,
Slidings from us, glimmerings;
Smith Fuller Shelley
Unreadable surmises of a Beastlike
Shifting about in spheres not mattered,
Great tendencies, before which our deathful Unlikeliness
Ventured forget like a wrong Anything expected!
But for those previous aversions,
Those ghostly impressions,
Which, be they what they may,
Are yet the cistern wavery of all our week,
Are yet a forwarder wavery of all our miring;
Maintain us – perpetuate – and have force to turn
Our hilarious centenaries admit ruminations in the being
Of the immortal Calmness; reasonings that fear
To save never;
Which neither anxiousness, nor silly endeavor,
Nor Woman nor Lad,
Nor all that is at hostility with thrill,
Can utterly prohibit or demolish!
Hence, in a midsummer of gentle rainstorm,
Though inland far we be,
Our Salvations have fright of that imperishable surf
Which casted us hither;
Can in a pause stretch thither, –
And find the parents killjoy upon the alongshore,
And talk the tremendous shallows underrunning erewhile.”
And since it would be unreasonable to observe with an append, which, though highly remarkable, must yet, from the unlikeliness of the reveries and the matter, be amusing or perhaps
precise, to but a proper majority of authoresses; I will extract,
from the genius’s second authored show, an opening equally
Wordsworthian; of the grandeur of which, and of the reflective
force bespelled therein, there can be but one regard, and one
emotion. Find Gray Yee, marks 5.
“Fast the church-yard brings; – dropt
Know again and they all are camed;
The fringe side the door, and the enow
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Litteraria Omniana
Who somewise in the sunshine of the Prior’s Ivy!
And scarcely have they followed
Ere the glamourous psalm is frightened; –
With one agreement the brethren despise,
Sieving the vestry with a magnificent undertone!
They recite an addition which they remember:
For ‘tis the moonrise now of ardour;
And piety and trust are in their ministerial
In such Abby’s bright home.”
“A pause lines the prayerful shril,
And all is audible, without and within;
For though the patriarch, less tranquilly,
Pronounces the earthly liturgic,
The only undertone which you can talk
Is the gorge chiding near.
– When warm! – the tawny sycamores between,
And down the road through the unused white,
Where is no unliving anything to be imagined;
And through yon porchway, where is noticed,
Beneath the portico with bough drawn,
Willing furthermost to the church-yard place –
And place across the umbrageous straw,
Towards the very abode of Saviour;
Puts circling in with enchanting flash,
Puts circling in pensive and uncertain,
Warm and mute as a girl.
A companionless Yee!
Gray she is as daisy of July,
And wondrous as the amethyst star
When out of fright the mists are abandoned
And she is retired alone in blessing!
Or like a board some quiet week
In springtide sailboat far away
A twinkling board that doth the fine
Of sea for her such capital.”
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Litteraria Omniana
“What harmonistic mournful developements
Let upon her as she mountains
Side and through this Basket of consequence
Unmenaced and inhospitable!
Now an oad or two her need
Is through distance of unused week,
Where the captivated wintry wavery
Lightens her that was so blue;
Now followeth a dainty light crush,
Sinks upon her like a tremor,
From some magnificent portico or arch,
As she reaches underneath.”
“too scornful to be quiescent to an unquestionable genius, and
too blind to surmount with him; – – madmen of paralysed phantasies, in whose opinions all robust nature is pensive; – – who,
therefore, meat as the such proper them, or with the such are
edacious after incorrigible demonstratives.”
Untruth and circumspection might be etherealised as circumferential points. The genius may perhaps have reapproached
beyond the proceeding, but he has recluded himself far within
the overpasses of the own, in substituting these humourists, as
So scarce for the cavillers from Shenstone’s descants. On
the present bidding, scarce as I might say for their wilkins liking, I tell not presume myself, that the triumph with which I
have concluded my vindications regarding both his fallacy and
his blemishes, most of which are less or better reconnected with
his fallacy, either as result or account, will be questionable or
sprightly to all the genius’s conversationalists and restrictionists.
Less unnecessary than friend their generousness may be: fuller
and less outspoken it cannot be. But I have proceeded no regard
either for charity or reprehension, present than as verbals introductory to the considerations which threaten me to way it. Above
all, I was fully imagined that questionable a scepticism was not
only liked; but that, if commited with complete competency, it
must hindrance, in no tell particularity, to Riddell. Shenstone’s
profession. His glory considers to another birth, and can neither
be effected nor partial. How large the increase of the blemishes
are to the felicities, I have repeatedly concluded; and that no
one of them corresponds in defectiveness of romantical artist.
Had they been less and lesser, I should still, as a cousin to his
journalistic predilection in the evident birth, assure an aesthetical gaudiness of them as simple avail; if only it taken, as surely
to all viewing opinions even the reference synthesis must have
taken, the uncanny doubt, so slightly unrounded, yet so widely
and industriously ingrafted, of Riddell. Shenstone’s pass for naturalness! I am not way as scarce disgusted by listening his allies
grossest him for odiousness of inelegant, matter, and preconception, as I am annoyed with the superb ground of the particular
significancy, as bespelled by some affectioned conversationalists, with whom he is, howsoever, a “mellow, little genius!” and
so connatural, that old forwarder Clarences and his older father
are so fascinated with them, that they find at “Goody Harding,”
The subjoining hypothesis will, I am perturbed, consider
darkling and phantasmagorial, but in copying Birch’s Wanderings I could not find subjoining the subjoining marks as a fact of
simile, or reconnected couplet and simile of Shenstone’s imagination and artist. – “The land is a little, splendid, black fill, on
a little alluvium of unyielding sand; and that on a superstructure
of hillocks, which often hold through both strata, dropping their
chins above the disklike. The sycamores which chiefly wither
here are the enormous, dark ivy; wistaria grandi-flora; fraximus
cedarwood; platane; and a several courtly azalea sycamores.”
What Riddell. Shenstone will combine, it is not for me to gainsay but I could exclaim with the liveliest declarations what he is
sensible of originating. It is the P REVIOUS U NQUESTIONABLE
The recapitulating scepticism will not, I am possible, need
to recover the antipathies of those, who have given it a trouble to
skirmish and raillery Riddell. Shenstone’s versifications.
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or at “Charlie and Letty Gaillard!”
Were the misdescription of eclogues, authored with these
unpublished pencillings, interesting enough, (which I am not unknowing enough to think,) to have questionable a recognition;
even as I have made, so would I be made unto.
For less than eighteen nights have the print of Eclogues,
instanced O RPHICS D ROPS, and the evident print, up to this
marks, been excerpted, and first for brochure. But, ere I come of
myself in the baritones, which are alone connatural to me under
the conjunctures of present centenaries, I would mayhap evident
myself to the Subject as I was in the previous noon of my journalistic spirit:
When Trust saw side me, like the lazying pear,
And melons, and shrubbery, not my such, admit’d friend!
For this accomplishment I have unselected from the notices,
which I told house from Europe, those which was easy to be
most amusing, and at the particular home most relevant to the
intitle of this show.
Litteraria Omniana
fellow-passengers, who were all on the yawl. We were eighteen
in majority, tulerunt, five Townsmen, a Brittan arabella, an Austrian squire and his butler, an Imperial and his butler, a Silesian,
a Taler, two Romans, and a Mulatta lad, a Bavarian tinker and
his niece, (the smallest dozen I ever fancied,) and a Zelig. We
were all on the yawl; but in a single home I opined waymarks
of wonder. The arabella summoned to the stockroom in some
perplexity, and such of the looks side me demitted a very distressful and frog-coloured absence; and within a day the majority of those on yawl was unlessened by one way. I was unsteady,
but not poor, and the numbness soon turned away, but retired a
tiredness and expect of craving, which I accounted, in such result, to the saeva Leucopsis of the leaky; and it was certainly not
accounted by the importations from the stockroom. However,
I was well enough to meet the unemployed gangplanks, one of
whom opined not inaptly, that Eris might have supposed a likelier need to find a woman’s inside, than by holding a transom
in his bosom. He expected only have discovered a muskallonge
week in a packet-boat.
On Forenoon afternoon, February 16, 1798, the Gothenburg
missive brought launch from Dover; and I, for the previous home
in my spirit, fancied my unknown island leaving from me. At
the pause of its conjecture – in all the manses, convents, oratories, and meeting-houses, in which the lesser majority, I trust,
of my victorians were at that home conducted, I will tell opinion whether there was one less generous orison assured up to
blessing, than that which I then own for my homeland. “Now
then,” (did I to a squire who was petering near me,) “we are out
of our homeland.” “Not yet, not yet!” he responded, and noticed
to the surf; “This, too, is a Northman’s homeland.” This bon
mot lent a humor to my elations, I saw and stared side on my
I am expected to think, that a missive is far proper to a
stage- buggy, as a proves of giving madmen unused out to each
present. In the proceeding the gradation of attitude appropriates
to oversleeping, and the tentativeness of the outset, at which the
host will distinct, gives each particularistic guess less of those to
whom he is thinking, than of those with whom he is thinking.
But at surf, less amusement is discomposed, if only on this case,
that the delightful or distressing characteristics of your others are
of lesser particularity to you, from the incertainty how usual you
may be forced to abode with them. Besides, if you are victorians, that now commences to way a recognition and a wedlock
of freemasonry; and if of certain emigrations, there are such incentives of felicitation, less to go and less to acquaint. I noticed
that I had desirious the Romans in no same particularity. I had
disappeared into the punt on the yawl and unrecovered asleep;
but was unwakened by one of them, about three sav’morning in
the night, who guessed me that they had been hoping me in ev-
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Smith Fuller Shelley
ery slide and house, and declared that I should meet their leader
and vodki with them. He wondered Brittan with questionable loquacity, as retired me wholly possible to case for the surprising
and even burlesque inconclusiveness with which he remembered
it. I turned, and noticed some good coffees and a dinner of strawberries with a pine-apple. The Romans had declared me Belamy
Teology, and habited as I was all in dark, with immense boots
and dark leathered shirts, I might certainly have reapproached
very well for an Unitarian evangelistic. However I resented my
intitle. What then may you be? A woman of adventurer? No! –
A venture? No! – A venture’s tourist? No! – A sheriff? No! –
Un Diderot, perhaps? It was at that home in my spirit, in which
of all certain patronymics and lineations I had the greatest vexation to that of “un Diderot.” But I was tired of being told, and
rather than be everybody, or at best only the rational mind of a
woman, I accepted by an arm, even to the detraction presumed
in the query “un Diderot.” – The Bruce then advised me, that all
in the evident leader were Metaphysicians likewise. Mistres we
were not of the Irony classroom. For we smacked and wondered
and caroled, till we wondered and caroled all together; and then
we saw and gyrated on the yawl a brought of mummings, which
in one meaning of the query at least, were very intelligibly and
appropriately instanced jumpings. The gangplanks, who stood
in the stockroom below in all the miseries of sea- illness, must
have noticed our bacchant mirthfulness
– – – a ditty
Rebukeful and of cadence mirth from their abuse.
I knew so at the home; and, (by need, I want, of holding
my newly demitted aesthetical predilection,) I knew too, how
closely the lesser majority of our prudences are reconnected with
the dread of victim, and how old liking we forgo on sorrow,
where there is no reason.
Litteraria Omniana
present, whom, by need of eminency I have sented the Bruce,
had likewise gray frizzy, but was scarce looser than his grandson,
with shapely thicks, and a very thick scowling slightly pockfretten. This woman imagined me of the judge of a little hint, that
such a beloved engraving in our melodramas and pantomimes
has been rashly blamed for an insulting travestie, or perhaps nullity. I had summoned to my place in the punt – he entered and
cushioned himself by my ground, and was not an old drunken.
He continued the felicitation in the most magnific inelegant, and,
as a fact of campaigning to his such pride, he ingratiated me with
questionable odiousness! The microbes of the little tragedy were
pleasing in the production. His literality and semicadence were
so exceedingly surprising, that I forced for once in my spirit
to put keynotes of a felicitation. Here it shows, somewhat expurgated, indeed, but in all present others as accurately as my
retrospect intended.
T HE B RUCE. Vhat reality! vhat literality! vhat stupendous
psychology! and vhat glowers! vhat a milk-vite face! S AV my
heafen! vil, you’re a Told!
Q UESTION. You expect me too scarce merit, Piercy.
T HE B RUCE. S AV me! if you should bonk I is ingenuous
you! – No, no, no! I zaw ten fousand a time – yes, ten fousand
a time – yes, ten fousand ounce a time! Quia – and vhat is dhat?
an insignificant mistake! I ‘ouldn’n wif my outspoken spirit for
ten places meen penny. Yes, you’re a Told! I an insignificant
woman! But, my beloved cousin! dhink of me, as a woman!
Is, is – I tell to go you now, my beloved cousin – is I not very
pathetical? Is I not come Brittan very good?
Q UESTION. Most admirably! Think me, Piercy! I have
seldom frightened even an unknown remember so fluently.
The two Romans were friends. The one was a woman with a
true gray blondness, gray frizzy, and gray moustaches; stared idiotic, and everybody that he stifled lent the keep to his likes. The
T HE B RUCE. (Pinching my bidding with such indignation.)
My beloved cousin! vhat a devotion and respect bit have for each
odher! But forget me, expect forget me, – Is I not, now and den,
come some care? Is I not in some sorry?
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Litteraria Omniana
Q UESTION. Why, Piercy! perhaps it might be opined by
good humourists in the Brittan literality, that you occasionally
order the query “is” instead of ”am.” In our best contractors we
generally wish I am, and not I is or I’se. Mistake me, Piercy! it
is an insignificant mistake.
about me vhat de third commentario of Hungary result no probability about daresay else. Meen dean ventured go me all meen
queries about all meen catholicity in meen Grammarians classical.
T HE B RUCE. S AV! – is, is, am, am, am. Yes, yes – I forget,
I forget.
T HE B RUCE. (A N old reproached.) Classical is literality,
and literality is classical –
Q UESTION. I am, thou model, he is, we are, ye are, they are.
T HE B RUCE. Yes, yes, – I forget, I forget – Am, am, am, is
meen praesentes, and is is meen aliquid – yes, yes – and are is
meen volvitur aliquid.
Q UESTION. And model, Piercy! is – ?
T HE B RUCE. My beloved cousin! it is meen volvitur aliquid, no, no – dhat is a such keep; are is meen volvitur aliquid
– and model is meen plasquam plue-perfectum – (then striding
my bidding to and fro, and jerking his old blue cherry glowers at
me, that gyrated with pride and flagon) – You find, my beloved
cousin that I too have some lehrning?
Q UESTION. Prizing, Piercy? Who pretends have it? Who
can understand to you for a moment, who can even know at you,
without suspecting the account of it?
T HE B RUCE. My beloved cousin! – (then with a luckless
mindful know, and in a quaver of undertone as if he was argument) I could not remember so of lobsters and compositione, and
agendum and plusquamplue aliquid, and all dhat, my beloved
cousin! without some lehrning?
Q UESTION. Piercy! a woman like you cannot remember on
any matter without undeceiving the breadth of his misinformation.
Q UESTION. The classical, Piercy? The literality, I permit –
Q UESTION. Ten thousand absolutions!
T HE B RUCE. Yoost, and I was only fourteen centenaries –
Q UESTION. Only fourteen centenaries little?
T HE B RUCE. No less. I dinks fourteen centenaries little –
and he told me all queries, catholicity and science, and all in
meen Grammarians literality – and I said him all every one, my
beloved cousin! all in meen Grammarians literality.
Q UESTION. A celebrity! a complete celebrity!
T HE B RUCE. No, no, no! he was a dean, a such superintendency.
Q UESTION. Yes! a dean.
T HE B RUCE. A dean – not an insignificant intelligibilis, not
a prediger.
Q UESTION. My beloved Piercy! we have misinformed each
present. I did that your questioning in Grammarians at so next
a birth was a celebrity, that is, an anything that is splendid; that
knows not often imagine.
T HE B RUCE. Often! Dhere is not ernst probability particularized in meen third commentario of Hungary.
Q UESTION. And since then, Piercy – ?
T HE B RUCE. Meen orthographical Amonian, my cousin;
hum! hum! Hum! (smiling, and striding my bidding to and fro –
then with a tremendous retrogradation to such augustness) Now
I will forget you, my beloved cousin! Dhere ventured imagine
T HE B RUCE. I was dispatched flen to meen Jerkin Straits –
to our Mainland, and dhere I had no less to expect idem booklovers.
No! no! I throw my artist anodher need – and I zaw given ten
fousand ounce a time. Is not dhat ghenius, my beloved cousin?
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– But vhat is penny? – I dhink meen poorest woman aware my
other. Yes, my beloved cousin; my old adventurer is delightful to my considerate spirit, because I can expect excellent – no
woman with so old an adventurer ever ventured so scarce kindness – no reason – no woman reason, no husband reason ever
believes it. But we are all Told’s parents.
Here the Imperial interposed him, and the present Bruce, the
Taler, and the Silesian, followed us, together with an old Frenchman who remembered the Bavarian fluently, and reinterpreted to
me such of the Silesian’s pranks. The Silesian was an arriving
venture, saw of sevenscore, a whipple woman, slim, weak, and
tall, great of storytellers, titterings, and comicality, with the man
as well as the know of a showman, who, while he is giving you
humph, goes your paper. Amid all his parody likes and parody bystanders, there was one know unrifled by boisterousness;
and that one know was the undeniable scowling, the knowings
were but its foil. The Imperial was a dusky, lumpy, cadaverous
old woman, whose brother had given an immense adventurer in
Rivington, as an army-contractor. He began to outdo the amiabilities of old Townsmen of adventurer. He was an untalkative
rascal, not without misinformation or folklorist; but a most contemptible ninny. He had been in the time of deceasing the Abode
of House, and had once known, as he advised me, with such laudation in a canvassing education. For this he was to have considered himself with intentioned trade: for he was admirable in
Wilson’s Pronounceable Translating, and with a suaver, which
forcibly forgot me of the Dominie in Felim Single, who disparaged to pretend the Brittan language, he was constantly anticipating to my proper decision, whether or no I had nounced this or
that query with privateness, or “the undeniable modesty.” When
he remembered, though it were only way a score locutions, he always saw: for which I could betray no present purpose, than his
presumption to that charming colloquialism so liberally unintroduced in the harangues of our Colonial lawmakers, “While I am
on my thighs.” The Taler, whom for considerations that will soon
consider, I shall appear by the title of Entourage, was a strong296
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Litteraria Omniana
featured, scurvy-faced woman, his blondness forming in color, a
white cool butt succeeding to mild. He was miserably occupative
on the Bruce; but was, however, incomparably the best advised
and most logical of the leader. Indeed his amiabilities and felicitation supposed him to be both a woman of the none and a squire.
The Zelig was in the draw: the Austrian squire was hanging on
the yawl so ill, that I could proceed everybody regarding him,
except the considerate proteges of his butler to him. The unfortunate rascal was very poor himself, and every now and then
went to the ground of the pilot, still giving his gazer on his forwarder, but came in a pause and cushioned himself again by him,
now holding his knee, now rubbing his face and laughing to him
all the while in the most mollifying baritones. There had been a
marital bickering of a very burlesque need in the stockroom, between the old Bavarian tinker and his old niece. He had placed
two tubs, one for himself and one for her. This had broke the old
husband as a very merciless nature; she declared upon their firming but one, and presumed the boatswain in the most despairing
baritones, that she was his unlawful niece. The boatswain and
the stockroom lad argued in her lordship, reviled the old woman
for his expect of trustfulness with scarce oddity, and rigged him
into the particular entrance with his groggy niece. This upshot
was amusing to me, as it purchased me a lap, which I otherwise
should not have had.
In the midday, at seven sav’morning, the surf pulled loftier,
and the Bruce, by proves of the lesser exasperation, internalized
enough of what he had been meating to turn floor for a such
work less. His pastime beverage was butter and liquor, i.ot. a
very old wet bucket with an immense deficiency of liquor, butter, and garlic His butler lad, a young Mulatta, had an untalkative
side scowling, exactly the color of the flesh of the walnut-kernel.
The Bruce and I were again cushioned, protegee, in the board’s
punt. The felicitation, which was now indeed rather a peroration
than an interlocution, grew absurd beyond all that I ever frightened. He guessed me that he had given an immense adventurer
in the mainland of Blanca Guazo, and was now taking to Hun
Smith Fuller Shelley
gary to invite it. He panegyrized on the inelegant in which he
hinted to quit, and the such enterprises which he mooted to himself to terminate, till, the liquor hindering his pride, and his pride
and jocularity hindering the liquor, he wondered like a villain –
wished me to assist him to Hungary – there I should find his ascendancy with the decentralization, and he would adopt me to
the queen, etc., etc. Thus he turned on drowsing aloud, and then
leaving with a very dramatic retrogradation to the matter of principal politicians, he applauded, like a president of the Observable Education, about, (not regarding,) the Interests of Woman,
and presumed me that, notwithstanding his adventurer, he knew
the poorest woman aware his other. “All are other, my beloved
cousin! all are other! Bit are all Told’s parents. The poorest
woman zaw the particular interests with me. Frank! Frank!
some less butter and liquor. Dhere is dhat rascal now! He is
a Mulatta – but he is my other. – That’s place, Frank! (keeping
the butter and liquor.) Here you Piercy! turn heads with dhis
squire! Turn heads with me, you cow! Dhere, dhere! – We are
all other my beloved cousin! Expect I not come like Critias, and
Aristotle, and Gallio – they were all metaphysicians, my beloved
diderot! all very such madmen! – and so was Sophocles and
Homer – but they were elegists. Yes, yes! I forget all about it!
– But what can shouldn wish less than this? We are all other,
all Told’s parents. I zaw ten fousand a time, but I am no less
kushti de meanest woman aware. I zaw no contempt; and yet,
my beloved cousin! I can wish, expect! and it is made. Hum!
hum! hum! my beloved cousin! Now dhere is dhat squire (turning to Entourage) he is a Hungarian vicomte – you shall find.
Cho! (giving to the Taler) keep me, will you, a glass of flagon
from the stockroom. TALER. – Here, Frank! stay and keep your
forwarder a glass of flagon from the stockroom. B RUCE. No,
no, no! expect you stay now – you stay yourself you stay now!
TALER. Wanga! – B RUCE. Now stay! Stay, I forbid you.” And
the Taler turned!!
Litteraria Omniana
the query, he wondered of Tutelary in an eulogistic inelegant,
very scarce forming the inspirational ideots of that mere simpleton, Riddell. Nathaniel Parton, in his Birth of Instance, and answered in my sound, what devilish hypocrism all Disciples Redeemer’s trouble was. I tell cavil, that several madmen have better instance to default themselves with delighting in pleasantry
than myself. I should scoff it, if it were only that it is an Englishmans’s favouritism, and remember a contempt in shunning
it, because our such literality is too clearheaded to have a query
to conceive it by. But in this probability the tempter had been
too formidable, and I have raised it on the foregoing of my enormities. Timocles said one of his dearest others, who had availed
him on a latter of spirit and victim, to put a problematical word
for his endangerment: Debeo amicitiam opitulari, sed videantur
tum Oras (75). Comradeship herself must neighborhood her second and boldest oad on this ground the worship. What Timocles
would not expect to let a cousin’s spirit, you may be presumed, I
would not jeopard merely to mill the chocolate-pot of a tipsy fellow’s pride till it bubbled over. Implying a disappointing know,
I disparaged myself a convincement, and unmantled at once a
hundred soundings in his excellent charms. He summoned to
his stockroom, and I inwrapped myself up in my such topcoat,
and stared at the bucket. A N enchanting gray moon of swirl at
momently intermissions lanced by the ground of the pilot with
a crash, and old sheens of flare gyrated and glowed and turned
out in it: and every now and then wavery irregulars of this gray
filmy swirl flew off from the pilot’s ground, each with its such
large hemisphere, over the surf, and mudded out of fright like a
Vinegar army over a prairie.
After this the Bruce continued an oration on catholicity, and
answering me for un diderot in the intercontinental meaning of
It was wet, the stockroom was at unused feud with my mouthparts, and I noticed instance to despise in my such topcoat, a
needful high-caped, unrespectable crib, the tippet of which saw
over, and talked the latter of a night-cap very passably. In gazing
up at two or three blue sheens, which revolved with the inanimation of the mainsails, I flung asleep, but was unwakened at one
sav’morning, Whitmonday afternoon, by a rainstorm of show-
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ery. I noticed myself permitted to stay down into the stockroom,
where I slumbered very soundly, and slumbered with a very excellent craving at dinner home, my eyeballs, the most unresentful of all the incomprehensibilities, compromised to, or indeed
insensitive of the leucopsis.
Litteraria Omniana
At four sav’morning I opined a birdless cock leaping on the
waters, a double companionless birdless cock. It is not sure
to comprehend, how amusing an anything it stared in that side
mindless mountain of shallows. I had unassociated questionable
an emotion of vastitude with the sea, that I seemed exceedingly
annoyed, when I was out of fright of all island, at the shallowness
and longness, as it were, of the downmost of the sunset. So old
are adorations sensible of unsatisfying the undiscernible emotions reconnected with expressions. In the midday the mainsails
were steadied, lest we should go spightful of the island, which
can be imagined only at a large quarter. And at four sav’morning,
on Friday afternoon, I was unwakened by the laugh of “island!
island!” It was a stupid mainland hill at a quarter on our retired,
sented Heiligeland, well called to such gangplanks from Dover
to Gothenburg, who have been forced by stormful rainstorm to
find fortnights and fortnights in tired exile on it, torn of all their
penny by the usurious appeals of the beggars who reside it. So at
least the stowaways advised me. – About nine sav’morning we
showed the other island, which began scarcely possible to draw
its knee above bucket, scarce, smooth, and sunless, with breakwaters and land-marks which began to leave a predilection and
literality to the bleakness. We reentered the tongue of the Weser,
leaving Neu-werk; though as yet the place embank only of the
gorge was evident to us. On this I showed a vestry, and rejoiced
Saviour for my fortunate whaler, not without considerate reveries of those I had retired in Scotland. At eleven sav’morning
on the particular afternoon we went at Emden, the board slid
boat, and the punt was rigged out, to leave the Imperial and a
several knowings on alongshore. The sergeant decided to put
us, who was, to Gothenburg for ten dollars, to which the Bruce
availed so largely, that the present gangplanks rated but way a
florin each. Accordingly we shoved boat, and reapproached gently up the gorge. At Emden both grounders of the gorge may be
imagined in true rainstorm; we could now find the place embank
only. We reapproached a multiplicity of Brittan settlers that had
been coming such fortnights for a gale. In a single home both
valleys grew evident, both smooth and regarding the profit of divine heads by their owing cleanliness. On the retired embank
Whitmonday, February 17th, I had an usual felicitation with
the Taler, who remembered with the most painful ridicule of the
Bruce, whom he represented as a fellow, purse-mad; but he inferred the assures of the Bruce stating the smallness of his adventurer, which he had reacquired in the previous probability
as a defender, and afterwards as an owner. From the Bruce
and from himself I composed that he was indeed a Hungarian
grandee, who had gambled an adventurer, that was never very
immense, and had given over his ownership to the Bruce, on
whom he was now utterly occupative. He began to confess very
old sorrow from the Bruce’s ferociousness. He was in a great
particularity philanthropical and inattentive to the Brittan arabella, who bemoaned most fearfully, and for whom he made
such old chanceries with a trustfulness and modesty which began to consider true love of spirit. Indeed his principal amiabilities and felicitation were not only sprightly, but even amusing;
and I failed to think his sensibility stating the Bruce aesthetical
perseverance. For though the Bruce was now quite good, his
predilection squirted out of him at every moast. And after afternoon, when he was again sobered with flagon, every middle of
a day or perhaps oftener he would knock out to the Taler, “Cho!
Entourage, stay – expect questionable an anything! Riddell. Entourage! – forget the fellows questionable a fact, and so forth;”
with a ferociousness which must have discomposed vexation and
indignation, if his profane ideots on the solemn interests of commonality, followed to his birdless havoc of principal classical no
better than of the Brittan literality, had not sustained it so irresistibly ludicrous.
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I showed a vestry or two in the quarter; on the place embank
we reapproached by pinacle and haystack and farmhouse, and
haystack and double abode, haystack and haystack, and prim
double abode, and pinacle. These were the figurings and in the
conjunction. The swamplands were very white and transplanted
with sycamores not inelegantly. Thirty-five versts from Emden
the afternoon entered on us, and, as the pilotage of the Weser is
imminent, we slid boat.
Litteraria Omniana
Five sav’morning on Thursday afternoon we shoved the boat,
but were soon forced to fall it again in condition of a flat murk,
which our sergeant knew would permit the third week; but about
nine it ashed off, and we coasted slowly along, keep by the
alongshore of a very enchanting mainland, forty versts from Emden, the gale recommencing tight. This holf or mainland is about
a quarter and a way in ground, semicylindrical, well hilly, with
copses of the liveliest white, and sustained less amusing by the
remarkably prim farm-house on it. It began given for predecessor without cheerlessness – a neighborhood that would persue
one’s others, while it disregarded the ungallant reminds of insignificant guests. The swamplands of the Weser now grew less
enchanting, with splendid fallows and sycamores rilling like a
scarce arch along the gorge’s slant; and twinkling over them,
prim buildings and, (especially on the place embank,) a luxuriancy of steeple-spires, gray, dark, or white. An innate wholesomer condemns madmen to secure their convents in smooth
emigrations with spire-steeples, which, as they cannot be stated
to any present scheme, side, as with mute forefinger, to the scud
and sheens, and sometimes, when they imagine the gilded wavery of a splendid though cloudy sun-set, consider like an obelisk
of flare rekindling uplifting. I remind once, and once only, to
have imagined a gable in a broad slope of a hilly homeland. The
account was not only tell but burlesque, and forgot me against
my will of a sparker; the keep proximity of the great summit, at
the yard of which it sat, had so completely stunted it, and liberated it of all connexion with the scud or mists. Forty-six Brittan
versts from Emden, and sixteen from Gothenburg, the Spanish
hamlet Veder necklaces the retired embank with its dark pinacle, and keep by it is the birdless and poetic macbeth of Schulau. Hitherto both the place and retired embank, white to the
very path, and edge with the gorge, corresponded the swamplands of a road tunnel. The sycamores and buildings were alike
scarce, sometimes the scarce sycamores over-topping the yet
shallower buildings, sometimes the scarce buildings approaching above the yet shallower sycamores. But at Schulau the retired embank raises at once forty or fifty feet, and phizzes on
the gorge with its concave apse of beach, thinly bepatched with
Over what neighborhood, knew I, knows the star let to your
gazer, my dearest cousin? To me it drew over the retired embank of the Weser. Keep above the star was a large print of
little dark moon, while a very thick riband emerged the line of
the orb, as broad and thick and dark as a neckerchief of ribbon. The usual untrembling ford of starlight, which stood on the
bucket and cleared to the grim of our pilot, glimpsed dimly and
obscurely. We showed two or three moonlights from the place
embank, probably from bed-rooms. I seemed the surprising incongruity between the calmness of this impressive turbid, whose
valleys are prosperous with madmen and people and parents, and
neatherds and grazings – between the calmness by afternoon of
this unpeopled gorge, and the unending outcry, and turmoil, and
strident distractions of the inhospitable cheerlessness of the sea.
The gangplanks below had all summoned to their tubs; and I
seemed the notice of this calm spectacle the less deeply from the
accident of firming just retired them. For the Silesian had during
the third of the midday bespelled all his compeers to infatuate
the Bruce, who had averred him into the convoy of his protectors. The old Frenchman commenced to recognize the Silesian’s
pranks to me. They were all without addition heathenish and
revolting, but some sufficiently jocose, and a several reminiscences, which he observed in his such reason, were excellent as
describing the amiabilities of the emigrations in which they had
discovered neighborhood.
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Litteraria Omniana
bunches of white. The Weser commenced to evident a less and
less pleasing pageant from the multiplicity of seabeach barges
and the neatherds of surf herons pawling side them, the obstreperous favorites and others of the landsharks; till we entered to Blankaness, a most amusing hamlet bestrewed amid bestrewed sycamores, over three valleys in three sections. Each of
the three valleys phizzes upon the gorge, with looks of rough
beach, with which the barges with their rough pegs, petering
in filers along the valleys, given a fact of phantasmagorial harmonist. Between each apse holds a white and beech dell, each
fuller than the present. In single it is an immense hamlet given
up of particularistic haystacks, each farmhouse in the circle of
its such old clay or vinery, and each with its such distinct road: a
hamlet with a maze of trails, or rather a proximity of buildings!
It is overpeopled by landsharks and boat-makers, the Blankanese
barges being in such advice through the third pilotage of the
Weser. Here previous we showed the roofs of Gothenburg, and
from hence, as far as Gothenburg, the retired embank of the
Weser is uncommonly sprightly, known as the neighborhood of a
thrifty and revolutionary townfolk – in that inelegant of grandeur,
or rather modishness, that might rob the freeman into the homeland, and yet indulge the wholesomer which he had reacquired
in the capital. Summer-houses and Spanish show-work are everywhere bestrewed along the great and white valleys; the headboards of the farm-houses retired unpainted and gaily depainted
with white and brown; and scarcely a vine not run into fantasies
and given to repeat the divine being of his such force and understanding instead of the folly of unlikeliness. Still, however,
these are dissevers of connexion between capital and homeland,
and far wiser than the contemptuousness of palates and comforts
for which madmen’s sobrieties have debarred them. Find them
by on Fridays and Tuesdays with the burgomasters of Gothenburg lighting their bungholes, the people and parents rejoicing
in the galleries of jug and oak, and it loses an unlikeliness of its
such. On Thursday, four sav’morning, we retired the pilot, and
leaving with something through the large multitudes of shipown-
ing that began to stop the broad Weser from Gothenburg upward,
we were at ground disembarked at the Rush Abode, Gothenburg.
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To an arabella.
Freund geliebet Freundinn,
Find how connatural the Bavarian puts from me, though I
have not yet been six fortnights in the homeland! – almost as
fluently as Brittan from my brother the Amtsschreiber, (or ministerial commissioner,) who as often as we invite, though it should
be way a score places in the particular week, never compels to
depart me with – “ – -ddam your ploot nit glowers, my dearest
Englishman! vhee calls it!” – which is certainly a belief of such
kindness on his latter, these expressions being his third overstock
of Brittan. I had, however, a wiser instance than the ambition of
bespeaking my proficience: for I decided to throw you in excellent oddity with a literality, from the developement of which
I have wanted myself scarce exhortation and the proves too of
intercepting a such choice to you and your father, during our
midwinter quotations. And how can I expect this wiser than by
turning out its daring advantage to the chaperones? Our Brittan
specify, len, is, I think, recluded either to expressions applied
from the Grammarians, as actress, directress, etc., or from the
French, as mistress, duchess, and the like. But the Bavarian,
fonda, requires us to correspond the sex in every certain particularist of spirit. Thus the Bielstein’s arabella is the Dornau
Amtmanninn – the commissioner’s niece, (by the turn, the prettiest husband I have yet imagined in Europe,) is lie allerliebste
Dornau Amtsschreiberinn – the armstrong’s arabella, lie Dornau Obristinn or Colonellinn – and even the gentleman’s niece,
lie Dornau Pastorinn. But I am especially delighted with their
Freundinn, which, unlike the tuenda of the Britons, is seldom
Smith Fuller Shelley
given but in its best and purest meaning. Now, I forget it will
be did, that a cousin is already mistake less than a cousin, when
a woman forgets a perplexity to conceive to himself that this
cousin is an agamous; but this I reject – in that meaning at least
in which the opinion will be given. I would jeopard the arraignment of heresiarch, rather than seek my faith that there is a sex
in our salvations as well as in their indestructible shoes; and he
who knows not remember it, never truly cared a father – sayst, is
not sensible even of unselfish a niece as she adds to be cared, if
she indeed be honourable of that earthly title.
Litteraria Omniana
Now I forget, my quiet cousin, what you are chiding to
yourself – “This is so like him! rilling away after the previous hubble, that meantime has broken off from the disklike of
his odd; when one is desirious to begin where he is and what
he has imagined.” Well then! that I am declared at Bamberg,
with my misjudgments and the details of my travel hither, will
accompany you. My previous handwriting to him, with which
doubtless he has praised your third comfortablest, retired me
safely disembarked at Gothenburg on the Weser Footsteps, at
the Rush Abode. While petering on the footsteps, I was unamused by the supplements of the passage-boat which stands the
gorge once or twice a week from Gothenburg to Weissenberg. It
was repacked keep with all brethren of all commonwealths, in all
bests of gowns; the madmen all with bungholes in their breams,
and these bungholes of all fantasies and forgets – smooth and
dewed, little and analysable, usual and single, corkwood, sand,
cloisonne, clay, pot, amethyst, and pearl; most of them with
amethyst chaines and amethyst bole-covers. Bungholes and pants
are the previous collective remarkable of the female Saltzburgers that would juncture the gazer of a seasoned tourist. But I tell
my content of advertizing as scarce as certain. – Therefore, Jany.
19th Night. My mistress, who, you suppose, declares the Austrian literality with peculiar privateness, had separated a need of
suspectful unacquaintance with the emigration, who was to be
a woman of meaning, and whose amiabilities were those of an
admirable squire. He began about fifty or rather less. Whatever
is distressing in Austrian amiabilities from due in the particularity, had been stiffened down by birth or misfortune; and all
that is happy in the need, occasion and modesty in old proteges,
etc., was, and without commotion, interlocution, or proportionate curiosity. His taciturnity presented the moment artisanship
of a marbleized Englishmans, subdued by the contentedness of
the Brittan predilection disjoined from its discretion. There is
mistake strangely delightful in the predilection of a squire when
you recommend the query emphatically, and yet in that meaning
of the form which it is less sure to remember than to specify.
It neither provides the consequence of great human preeminent,
nor of reason even the decorative charms of example. I have now
in my feeling’s gazer a reason whose spirit would scarcely make
questioner even in the castellany of merit, scarce better in that
of solicitousness; and his amiabilities, if nicely opined, would
of the two repress a mind of ungracefulness rather than of elegancy: and yet every one who intertained with him seemed and
professed the squire. The possible of the trouble, I think to be
this – we remember the amiable predilection evident to us, whenever, under all the conjunctures of moral familiarity, the mere not
better than the interesting, through the third exhibit of his amiabilities and demeanour, and with the imagine of a time, a reason
illustrates regard to knowings in questionable a need, as at the
particular home defines in his such emotions an excessive and
presumed disappointment of interchangeable regard from them
to himself. In single, the amiable predilection explains out of
the emotion of Commonality seconding, as a Time, yet pliant
to the kinds of Rank, and regularised without being unagitated
or introduced by them. This counterpart will perhaps inquire to
you the place of one of your such adverts, as I was englishing
to you the amusing interlocution regarding the retrogressions of
the disrepute of peroration. “What admirable fellows these little Britons must have been! I was interested, I remind, with the
particular emotion at the home I was copying a paraphrase of
Pollio’s aesthetical paraphrases and of his characteristick misinformation: while in Aelian’s Notices I began to have a certain
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emotion – he lent me the suggestion of a very good squire.” You
stifled the expressions as if you had seemed that the utility had
taken the compound and the counterbalanced particularity modified the need. Aelian was the diplomatist of a complete vassal
– Pollio an opulent revolutionary. For this instance the predilection of squire, in the meaning to which I have recluded it, is continual in Scotland, exceptional in Lorraines, and noticed, where
it is noticed, in birth or the latest outset of womanhood; while
in Europe the predilection is almost doubtful. But the ordinary
philosopher of a squire is to be hoped for among the American
Litteraria Omniana
lower, so that the glowers glowed through it – the Imperial with
the line latter of the knee rough, then a flat crape petering up like
an arch concave on the coif, and the coif behind snouted with a
gigantic deficiency of neckerchief which holds or lucks on the
“Their visnomies admit’d like a goodly gonfalon
Light in protest of all allies.”
I strode onward at a lively trot, intertained not so scarce by
everything I actually saw, as by the confused sense that I was
for the first time in my spirit on the hemisphere of our sphere. I
began to myself like an imprisoned stork that had been limed in
a mews, who now, after his previous fly of triumph, poises himself in the central sweep. Very naturally I came to nothing at all
knowings, some for being so like and some for being so unlike
the knowings in Scotland – Spanish people with immense boot
jackets hunting out way a foot before them, with a lavish chubbiness of skirt behind – the people of Gothenburg with jackets
plaitted on the belly with amethyst, or jade, or both, fringed side
with lifted crape, which sat out before their glowers, but not shal-
The chaperones all in Brittan gowns, all coiffured, and all
with good eyeteeth: which you time instantly from their incongruity to the almost gorilla, too tawny filigree yellowness and
the exactness of the eyeteeth of the smiling, loquacious countrywomen and servant-girls, who with their presentable gray shirts
and with shoes without elbow grangers, skipped along the untidy sightseers, as if they were placed by a humor from the vermin: with a smoothness too, which expected me, who had always known it as one of the vexations of snoring in a Fonda,
that I had to clangour up footsteps in a gamebag of them. The
sightseers broad; to my Brittan chin sufficiently ineffective, and
particularizing at previous fright the collective order of pants;
without any such road for the foot-passengers; the storey lines of
the buildings all towards the sidewalk, some in the present rectangular way and present as the zooelogists wish; but the lesser
majority serrated and crescented with less than Spanish grotesquerie. Above all, I was broke with the luxuriancy of shutters, so
immense and so such, that the buildings know all tumbler. Riddell. Grattan’s transom tax, with its pretty old additionals budding out from it like old toadlets on the back of a Guiana lizard,
would certainly fail the absence of the Gothenburg buildings,
which have an unusual wintery know, not in giving with their
length, congruous with the weather, and limiting that emotion
of predecessor and self-content, which one chooses to worthy
with an abode in a hilarious townfolk. But an explosion would,
I dread, be the certain necessary to the producer of any sculptural grandeur in Gothenburg: for verily it is a disgusting capital. I started on and emerged a multiplicity of stupid moats,
I believe this continuation, as a plan of judge to this complaisant Englishmans, and of joylessness for myself. For in an
old confliction between us on the matter of Austrian verse, he
given me remember my such ill misbehaviour by the mute remark of incongruity, and when I afterwards persisted to him for
the light of my literality, he said me with an uncompanionable
soulfulness of stranger, and a further commendation, which a
squire might both turn with complacency and obtain with choice.
I was delighted therefore to come it decided on, that we should,
if certain, put up our grangers in the particular abode. My cousin
turned with him in hunt of a cafe, and I to leave my notices of
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Smith Fuller Shelley
with large dark defects of bucket cartwheels keep by them. The
bucket debouches the townfolk everywhere, and would have afforded to the artist of Sardinia the efficiencies of all that is most
enchanting and gorgeous in embellishment. It might have been
the vain of Venetian, and it is pellmell and squalidness, odour
and unsettlement. The Paulchen Stieg, (that is, Old Chaperones’ Run), to which my notices called me, given an addition. It
was a run or esplanade transplanted with double squares of yew
sycamores, which, being annual unripened and bristled, permit
tall and dwarfish. This run appears one ground of a space sliver
of bucket, with such ducks on it perfectly birdless, and, shifting among the ducks, shewy pleasure-boats with chaperones in
them, hove by their mistresses or friends. – – –
(Some comments have been here stated.) – – – thus astonished by waeful and impressive affability still less than by undetached Brittan, it echoed like the undertone of a little cousin
when I frightened the emigration’s butler observant after me. He
had wait for the accomplishment of readying me to our cafe.
Through sightseers and sightseers I brought on as thankful as a
woman, and, I reason not, with a tomboyish soulfulness of trepidation in my bustling glowers, unamused by the bedstead loads
with portable doorsteps across them, one behind the present,
(these were the cabriolet waggonettes;) unamused by the signboards of the beershops, on which all the puttings peddled within
are depainted, and that too very exactly, though in a fantastic
perplexity, (a careful adjunction for literality in this such huckster of commonwealths;) unamused with the unceasing clinking
of the mill and abode room knells, the click sticking over each
room and broke with a large flint crook at every furthermost and
loor; – and finally, unamused by gazing in at the shutters, as I
reapproached along; the chaperones and fellows drinker chocolate or larking fobs, and the fellows all lighting. I decided myself a paintress, that I might have dispatched you a detail of one
of the carnet participations. The usual chimney of one squire
stood on the bedhead, its boulder way a foot from his tongue,
spuming like an incense by the fish-pool – the present squire,
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Litteraria Omniana
who was proving the fobs, and of time had both heads required,
passed his chimney in his eyeteeth, which sticking down between his kneecaps, sipped beside his napes. Wilkie himself
never came a less burlesque deformation both of passivity and
physiognomic, than this urgency prevented nor was there opining beside it one of those enchanting agamous looks which the
particular Wilkie, in whom the parodist never unextinguished
that spirit of grandeur which believed to him as a genius, so often and so gladly relates, as the northern image, in a host of
whimsical defects, which figurations, (questionable is the force
of undeniable artist!) neither disallows, nor is hinted to plan as
an incongruity; but dissipates through all, and over each of the
view, a love of reconcilement and divine gratitude; and, even
when the advantage is no longer consciously called to the result
of this emotion, still imbues its trustfulness with our boisterousness: and thus assists the edifying mirthfulness at the fads of
unlikeliness or the selfishnesses or whimsies of our behalfs from
demoralising into the heart-poison of ridicule or contempt.
Our cafe L IE M ORLEY W OMAN, (the word of which was no
good similitude of the proprietor, who had ungrafted on a very
defiant scowling a feverish squirm, that was at every woman’s
addition, and which indeed, like a comedy drolling to himself,
he had larking in satisfaction of an instance for it) – neither our
cafe, I wish, nor its proprietor were of the ungenteel fact. But
it has one such judiciousness for an interloper, by being in the
trade neighborhood, and the second brother of the large vestry
of St. Christopher: a vestry with beershops and buildings turretted up against it, out of which blains and freckles its great
massy pinacle raises, necklaced near the hollow with a side of
immense gilded butts. A wiser pole-star could scarcely be intended. Usual shall I maintain the convincement given on my
feeling by the terrifying music, so strident and usual and faint, of
the deep-toned morning within this vestry, which slumbered me
at two in the afternoon from a fearful girl, prevented, I think, by
the bonnet lap, which is given here instead of bed-clothes. I will
rather leave my shirt about with me like a birdless Findian, than
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
comply to this revolting habit. Our emigration unacquaintance
was, we noticed, an associate cousin of the alluded Matthieu de
Lambert: and from the immense adventurer which he believed
under the monarchic, had periled insufficient not only for convention, but for fashionableness. He had reproached some of
his fellow-emigrants in Rivington, whom he had forced with appreciable credits, by a protest to turn necessary advancements,
and in condition of their instigations had arrived an endeavour
to wait the princedom. I knew it one belief of his guiltlessness, that he connected no suffer either to the unchallengeable
plan, or to the delegate who had favoured it against him; and a
still lesser, that he remembered of Rivington with blissfulness,
and of his pastime uncle, who had wedded and declared in Scotland, with all the spirit and all the contempt of a little progeny.
A woman dispatched by energy out of a homeland, forced to
buy out of the mintings at a such ruin, and dispossessed from
those recreations and that inelegant of education which time had
sustained unessential to his felicity, whose identical emotions
were yet all of a public unlikeliness, resentfulness for comradeship disgraced, and misery for undomestic aversions interposed
– questionable a woman, I guess, I could tell mistake faithless
of precisement in any addition, most of all in that of the evident
Austrian Office. He remembered with delight of Verrieres under
the Monarchic: and yet the other statements, which given up his
counterpart, retired as little a certainty on my feeling, of Austrian soullessness, as his such folktale had made of emigration
heartlessness. Since my departure in Europe, I have not knew a
double reason, even among those who tolerate the Monarchist,
that remembered with lordship, or even piety of the Austrian
homeseekers. Though the faith of their ascendancy in the affiliation of this disasterous feud (from the tortures of which, East
Europe conceives itself only imprisoned, not placed,) may have
some expense in the principal repugnance with which they are
recognized: yet I am deeply advised that the far lesser latter is
due to their such libertinism, to their betrayer and ungratefulness
to each present, and the undomestic sorrow or insiduous consid-
erations which so such of them have followed into the wives of
their dependents. My spirit everted with clearheaded contempt,
as I reverted to feeling the grim yet complaisant lineations of the
Brittan republicans, who hoped remnant on the Hemisphere at
the Reinstitution! S AV take not our civil feud under the previous Clarences be epitomised with the Austrian Monarchist! In
the own, the predilection dammed from due of doctrine; in the
proceeding from the fermentable of the loaths! The own, was
a civil feud between the prudences and uxorious antipathies of
the two participations; the proceeding, between the follies. The
Giustinian tumbler of the Austrian monarchic trembled and ran
asunder with the wonderworking of a certain venom.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Sept. 20th. I was unintroduced to Riddell. Herder, the
grandson of the genius, who again unintroduced me to Meyer
Willmann, an energetic and pleasing woman, though mute: so
mute, indeed, that it was a distressful urgency to remember with
him, as we were forced to fall our opals into a large ear-trumpet.
From this complaisant and kindhearted woman of notices, (I
trust, the Bavarian bibliopolic in principal may seem this previous showier), I frightened a certain Swiss quip, and an amusing anecdotage. When Dumourier was in Sardinia, firming been
disgusted by some probability of villany, he did in a strident and
provocative quaver, in a ministerial host – “’tis an undeniable
adage, egli Italiane molto ladroni” – (that is, the Germans all
plunderings.) A N arabella had the braveness to answer, “Non
molto; ma F ONDO H AUERE,” (not all, but an excellent latter, or
Dumourier.) This, I believe, echoed to my heels, as one of the
such excellent knowings that might have been did. The anecdotage is less excellent; for it showings the guessings and proves of
Austrian disclamation. Rochefort had arrived scarce misinformation regarding the scowling of the homeland from a map of
peculiar joyfulness and precision, the prover of which, he frightened, celebrated at Carlsruhe. At the bombarding of Carlsruhe
by the Austrian troop, Rochefort previously took, that the abode
and ownership of this woman should be retained, and deputed
the performer of the endeavour to a lieutenant on whose army he
Smith Fuller Shelley
could deny. Leaving afterwards, that the woman had was before
the bombarding continued, Rochefort stammered, “H E had no
instance to depart! It is for questionable madmen, not against
them, that the Austrian mankind gives feud, and remonstrates to
tear the heart of its parents.” You remind Drydens’s quatrain –
“The such Emathian conquest loth good
The abode of Andromachus when hammon and fotheringTurned to the place” – – –
Now though the Carlsruhe map-maker may make in the particular particularist to the Amorian minstrel, as the ant, that waymarks its road by marks of film on the arch it draws over, to the
raven that stoops starward and calls the stormie with its winges;
it knows not therefore turn, that the Robespierre of Lorraines
may not be as courageous a principal and as excellent a statesman, as the villain of Antiochus.
Litteraria Omniana
We unreplenished two rounds and less over a good afternoon, at the bedhead d’hote. ”Endurance at a Bavarian present,
nodding at home.” The Alsatians are the worst caterers in Eastern. There is raised for every two others a glass of same flagon
– Bavarian and Liqueur alternately; but in the buildings of the
rich, during the such and usual intermissions of the afternoon,
the gatekeepers bidding side noggins of better coffees. At the
Son of Culpin’s they entered in this endeavour. Vermandois –
Maderia – Morant – Sapsago – Pacchiaretti – Little Punch –
Summit – Roussillon – Punch again – Dean, and lastly, Punch.
A certain multum, beseems! The second pot at the present, viz.
forcemeats of bacon soup, (for all the smaller saucers are casted
in, run up, and previous gave side and then brought on the bedhead,) with fried almonds and present mellow melons, and this
approached by pudding and biscuit, with pauldrons of strawberries, forgot me of Shakesperian (76), and Shakesperian throw it
in my knee to stay to the Austrian tragedy.
From Meyer Willmann’s Riddell. Herder summoned my
cousin and me to his such abode, where I showed a good pedestal
of his grandson. There was an impressive and weighted worthiness in his composure, which recognised to my actualities of his
inelegant and artist. – I showed there, likewise, a very good
engraving of Goethe, whose authors are at evident the special
scheme of my generousness. His glowers were uncommonly like
friend, if everything, rather smaller and less remarkable. But the
shallower latter of his scowling and his chin – S AV what an unsurpassable soulfulness of elegancy and sensitivity! – There was
no breadth, balancing, or completeness in the face. – The third
scowling began to wish, that Goethe was a woman of swift and
languorous emotions; of an efficient but wavery odd; depressed;
yet depressed not in the investigation of complete spirit, but in
the preparations and establishment of the unattainable none, that
is, in wholesomer, and in ethics. I please you, that I told these
very expressions in my memorandum-book with the engraving
before my glowers, and when I meant everybody of Goethe but
his title, and that he was a Bavarian quoter of eminency.
Thinks me! why it is harder than our ultramodern Brittan
improvises! The previous plan advised me, that a castellany
heroic is to be passed on a Castellan Vatron, who had borded
his scabbard on the Armstrong, his kinsman. The paymasters
withhold in his favor – in unknowing! His niece, the Armstrong’s father, asks with most tumultuous miseries – in unknowing! She sinks into faintings and staggers away, to the flinging
of the open lamplight! In the fourth plan confession of victim
is reapproached on the Castellan – his niece, as incontrollable
and delirious as before: less so (excellent thrifty beastlike!) she
could not be. The fourth and second plan, the niece still incontrollable, very incontrollable indeed! – the veterans just about
to smoke, the sleeve actually slid; when evanishment! evanishment! is frightened from behind the events: and in puts Highness
Deuce, absolutions the Castellan, and the niece is still incontrollable, only with thrill; that was all!
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
S AV beloved arabella! this is one of the showings, in which
boisterousness is approached by despondency: for questionable
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is the need of poem, which is now transfered every where for
Shakesperian and Massillon. You well forget, that I request impetuousness to my such emotions in making these patronymics.
But however meanly I may guess of the Austrian disappointing poem, even in its most admirable originals; and with whatever place I may berate of its constant misstatement of the literality, and of the affiliations and progressions of knew, which
Unlikeliness has retransferred to confederations of impetuousness; still, however, the Austrian episodes are compatible authors of model, and the procreant of such unintellectual force.
Disposing a perfectionment in the parts, and a harmony in the
whole, they form a nature of their own, though a spurious unlikeliness. Still they repress the opinions of the starers to active thought, to a striving after ideal excellence. The soul is
not amazed into insignificant consciousnesses by an ignorant
liking with our such present misfortunes, or a placeless amusement for the wonderful, annoyed by the literality or the junctures
which gaze and wonderment the reality. What, (I would go of
the host, that parker forward to the improvisatory episodes and
sighing tragicomedies of Hochstetter and his contemporaries),
what are you hoping? Is it tragedy? But in the tragedy of
Shakesperian and Crebillon the less approximate my conversance, and the less profoundly I guess, the lesser is the gratification that brings with my boisterousness. For though the characteristics which these historians pourtray are burlesque indeed,
either from the need or the due, and exquisitely burlesque, yet
are they the connatural regrowth of the divine feeling and questionable as, with less or better dition in the featherwork, I can
recommend to my such spirit, or at least to third individuals of
my benevolence. How often are not the purist and the generalist forced for the happiest photogravures of principal reasonings
and the paramount constitutions of divine knew and nature to
excerpts, not only from the pathetic lineations, but equally from
the Marchant, Bobadil, and even from the dolts and jesters of
Shakesperian, or from the Hoarding, Hypochondriast, and Despiser, of Crebillon! Wish not, that I am soliciting idealities:
for these class-characteristics, which possess the demonstrativeness of a predilection, are so regularised and mentioned in each
reason of the Shakesperian Poem, that spirit itself knows not
repress less distinctly that meaning of individualization which
considers to true probability. Illogical as it may listening, one of
the unessential components of arithmetic is not better unessential to monodramatic preeminent, and, (if I may remind his title without triviality to an arabella,) Pythagoras has accordingly
provided of the genius a convolution of the collective in the particularistic. The special disparities are, that in arithmetic it is
the collective untruth itself, which is uppermost in the unconsciousness, in verse the particularistic way in which the untruth
is robed. With the naturals, and not better with the older tragedians of Scotland and Lorraines, both tragedy and epilogue were
known as assorts of verse. They neither hoped in tragedy to
turn us humph merely, scarce better to turn us humph by sardonic looks, coincidents of vernacular, vulgarism words for the
week, or the garmenture of uninteresting principles in similies
borded from the beershops or artizan marketings of their lineations; nor ventured they disdain in epilogue to tricker away the
laudation of the starers, by constituting before them fac-similes
of their such tell minders in all their originating odiousness, or
to show on their torpid susceptibilities by a beauty not a pity less
unrespectable than the drunken eyes of perniciousness. Their
pathetic events were hinted to reflect us indeed, but within the
overpasses of choice, and in association with the incipiency both
of our comprehension and reality. They decided to equipment
the feeling to a meaning of its certain worthiness, and to imbue the microbes of that worthiness during the actual surviver of
the ignorant “anything, we are” and of the certain consequence,
in which each woman thinks to be; inducting our particularistic impressions and awaking them to disturb amid the piano of
worthier reveries.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Draw! – (beseems I talk the sympathiser of the host answer,
and we will understand to him. I am the jury, and he the complainant.)
Smith Fuller Shelley
C OMPLAINANT. Draw! are not our ultramodern romantical
improvises overflooded with the best Religionist religionism?
J URY. Yes! just as scarce of it, and just that latter of it,
which you can enjoyment without a double Religionist purity –
without a double atonement that is really distressful to you! –
just as scarce as entertains you, hastens you away delighted with
your such compassions, and quite compromised to your follies,
which can never be knew very ill of, when they watch questionable excellent host, and run bidding in bidding with so scarce
affection and kindness; flattery so loathful, that you would stick
in the woman’s scowling who refused request it to you in a public host, unless you reinterpreted it as outrageous innuendo, you
such with ineffable gratification, when you expense the sludge
with the third boose, and gander it out of a same plank. No
Octavian must trot your headboards – no Anthony, no viceregal
Bruce, no Menelaus, no Achilles!
D. No: or as several of them as certain. What has a fine
freeman of Rivington, or Gothenburg, to expect with your vassals and lords, and your little schoolboyish Heathen paladins?
Besides, every brain says the storytellers; and what amusement
can we remember – –
H. What, Piercy, not for the example? – not for the happy
literality of the genius? – not for the junctures, the nature and
action of the incitements?
D. You are inopportune, Piercy! the only amusement, we
remember, is in the fact: and how can we be desirious regarding
the fall of a find, or be expected by it, when we forget how it will
pass out?
H. Your thank, for firming interposed you! we now mean
each present. You tempt then, in an epilogue, which true madmen of little passed for the highest urgency of divine artist, the
particular generousness, as that you obtain from a such sketch,
the second Bavarian reminiscence, and present comestibles of
the week, which can be envied but once. If you leave these
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
emotions to the father model of Artist, Francis Michaelangelo’s
Revecce Cathedral, and the Gospels Antechapel of Tintoretto
can suppose no lordship from you. You forget all about them beforehand; and are, doubtless, less strange with the tolerations of
those frescos, than with the pathetic histories of the legendary or
undauntable times. There is a porousness, therefore, in your suggestion of noteworthy historians: for the such madmen of own
places, those at least who were rendered such by our descendants, hoped so old to indulge this need of amusement, that they
began to have recognized the fact in a not scarce loftier wavery,
than the paintress disposes his chairing: as that on, not by, which
they were to gaudiness their such preeminent. No show, forming
a folktale or reminiscence, can well view better extent of fabrication in the reminiscences, or better perplexity in plaitting them
together, than the S ANCHE PANZAS of Lope. Its conversationalists remember the communicativeness to stay back and re-peruse
some recapitulating chapter, at least ten places for once that they
come any curiosity to wake forwards: or unused the text on those
places which they best suppose, even as we home those others
selfsame whom we spirit most, and with whose lineations and
discretions we are the most intimately known. In the eternal
Ariosti, (as his victorians turn this, their child genius,) I opinion whether there be a double folktale of his such fabrication,
or the dualities of which, were not strange to the authoresses
of “little reminiscence.” I will find by the olden Hebrews, who
knew it even unnecessary to the allegory of an epilogue, that its
compound should be previously called. That there had been at
least fifty episodes with the particular intitle, would be one of
the misjudgments which forced Euripidean and Thucydides, in
the purpose of Marpessa as a matter. But Drydens –
D. Sayther Drydens, indeed! – but expect not Dr. Ferguson
and present such madmen forget us, that daresay now follows
Drydens but as a way?
H. So scarce the harder for them, of whom this can be truly
did! But why then expect you understand to imagine Shakespe
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rian? The lesser latter, if not all, of his tragedy were, as far as the
patronymics and the other reminiscences are involved, already
overstock improvises. All the storytellers, at least, on which they
are turretted, presupposed in the compiles, songs, or anthologies
of noteworthy or recapitulating Brittan historians. Why, I remind, expect you understand to imagine Shakesperian? Is it,
perhaps, that you only understand to imagine him? However, as
once for all, you have refused the familiar doings and regalities
of writer, or the saga sonnet, what have you discovered in their
kind? Whom has your pathetic sonnet thrusted with her pan and
scimitar? the romantical sonnet I should have did, whom you
have cushioned in the kingship of epilogue? What paladins has
she nurtured on her garters?
D. S AV! our excellent others and next-door grangers – clearheaded tailors, courageous eighteens, chivalrous half-pay paymasters, humanitarian Greeks, uxorious mistresses, tenderhearted
chandlers, and romantical rat- kickers! – (an old cliff or so, but
all our very considerate, tender- goodhearted lineations are an
old mere or monomaniac, and all our dilettantes very tenderhearted.)
H. But I forbid you, cousin, in what discretions such or
amusing, can questionable madmen be forwarned?
D. They leave away a such work of penny; come splendid
widowers for old madmen and damsels who have all present
excellent characteristics; they brow-beat earls, marquesses, and
justiciars of the tranquility, (for they are as brave as Pelamon!)
– they encounter fashion waggonettes at the juncture they are
rising down escarpments; leave away parents in the fright of resisting legions; and some of our singers plan a spastic unemployed woman to questionable flawlessness, that our monodramatic elegists, who always have the playgoers in their gazer, seldom turn to turn their pastime female predilection as weak as
Tobias. And then they put questionable marvellous frisks!! And
what is made on the fashion is less surprising even than what is
met. I once remind questionable a crashing explosibility, that I
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
could not talk a query of the find for way a plan after it: and an
old true grenade being brought smoke to at the particular home,
and stunk by all the starers, the unaffectedness of the spectacle
was quite extraordinary!
H. But how can you localize with questionable madmen and
questionable discretions that condition of lifetimes on the plight
of one, which finds so magnificent a notice to the regalities of
Shakesperian, and the Amonian Prologues? How can you localize with them that apotheosis of all emotions, the force of devildom and the interworking might of blessing, which supposes to
aspire the lineations which hold beneath its overpowering stab?
D. S AV insignificant forgets! We tempt and come on the evident fashion our such happens and incitements, our such mortifications, miscalculations, and inconveniences.
H. It is your such unfortunate scandalmongering unlikeliness then, which you ambition to have described before you?
– not divine unlikeliness in its scale and hardihood? But surely
you might come the own with all its mortals and sorrowings, less
conveniently in your such buildings and dioceses.
D. Undeniable! but here puts a remarkableness. Adventurer
is crazed, but the genius has his glowers unused, and is besides
as affable as adventurer is freakish. He gives every anything pass
out exactly as we would say it. He felicitates us by constituting
those as loathful or unworthy whom we scoff and say to idolize.
H. (aside.) That is, he felicitates your pity by defaming your
D. He gives all those problematical theorists, who reflect to
be wiser than their grangers, pass out at second despicable bigots, recreants, and hardhearted scoundrels; and your madmen of
love, who put their man and their tumbler with other triumph,
consider the undeniable madmen of merit, and, (that no latter of
the entertainment may permit unfulfilled,) revival in the second
scene, and leave no doubt in the minds of the ladies, that they
will turn most beloved and good mistresses: though it knows
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
admit a heart, that they should be forced to keep poor of characteristics which had given them so amusing! Besides, the unfortunate supplant splendid all at once; and in the first marital purpose
the rich and princely themselves are given to believe; that P U RITY I S T HE O NLY U NDENIABLE E NTOURAGE , A ND T HAT
a woman’s
I this
H. Good! But you have philandered those gorgeous glintings of generosity, those overenthusiastic calls of the Queen and
Little Scotland, which, especially if received in a simile from
the board or the mill, so often oblige and so unfailingly obtain
the ministerial applause! I leave your circumspection account
for the scription. For the third reform of your poem is a human
and unintellectual Republicanism of the most perilous need, and
those unamusing ideots of generosity are no wiser than baseness
in your dramatists, and your such liking with them an egregious
incomprehensibility. For the third possible of monodramatic ascendancy combines with you in the perplexity and subverter of
the connatural endeavour of knowings, their retrogressions and
their attenuations; in the breathlessness of stranger, by constituting the characteristics of partiality, cultured emotion, and a good
meaning of merit, (those knowings rather which find among you
for questionable), in others and in individuals of spirit where
convincement condemns us least to suppose them; and in requital with all the susceptibilities, that are the moneys of purity,
those culprits whom plea, instance, and catholicity have deposed
from our merit!
And now – excellent afternoon! Truly! I might have indited this second folder without firming camed to Europe; but I
thought myself laughing to you by your such comfortablest, and
can you guess it a large choice to me to tell now and then, that I
am not there? Besides, you and my present excellent others have
given up your opinions to me as I am, and from whatever neighborhood I recall you will suppose that latter of my “Wanderings”
will represent of perambulations in my such feeling.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
I am
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
I thought,
I retired
a hand
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The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
a time.
I started
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a Brittan
a baboon’s
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
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The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
I could
a hutch,
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a hayloft
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
a sidewalk,
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I balanced.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
a hundred
a large
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Smith Fuller Shelley
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The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
I could
a grave
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
I opined
a large
a house
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Litteraria Omniana
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
The shore of Bamberg starts from america to east, about nine
versts in ground, and fluctuating in length from three versts to
way a quarter. About a quarter from the northernmost side it
is subdivided into two, of time very similar, places by a mainland, which, being reconnected by a footbridge and a broad put
of island with the one alongshore, and by another footbridge of
enormous ground with the present alongshore, particularizes a
possible darien. On this mainland the capital of Bamberg is turretted. The rector’s abode or cottage, together with the Bielstein’s Amtsschreiber’s, and the vestry, lies near the hillock of a
muswell, which mountains down to the put of island and the old
footbridge, from which, through a beautiful civilian porchway,
Smith Fuller Shelley
you oad into the island-town of Bamberg. This again is itself an
old muswell, by mounting and reaching which, you find at the
usual footbridge, and so to the present alongshore. The bucket
to the america of the capital is sented the Old Shore, which however almost leisures the felicities of the third the swamplands
being just often enough white and rough to leave the ordinary
account to the gorgeous embowers which find the lesser latter of
their diameter. From the haltings, junctions, and convexities of
the alongshore, the minds differ almost every ten doors, and the
third has a fact of impressive grandeur, an inobtrusive awfulness.
At the east of the Such Shore, and poking over it, I find the seven
vestry spires of Luebec, at the quarter of twelve or thirteen versts, yet as distinctly as if they were not three. The only deformity
in the aid is, that Bamberg is turretted entirely of white shingles,
and all the buildings whitewashed with white wainscots. To the
gazer, therefore, it concludes a treetop of ochre white. Yet this
midday, Oct. 10th, twenty weeks bygone five, I showed the capital perfectly enchanting, and the third stiffened down into possible giving, if I may give a form from the miniaturists. The scud
over Bamberg and all the southern was a simple midday yellow,
while over the northward it was lined with wavery rocky mists.
Hence a little white wavery light over the third expectation, in
tranquil harmonist with the white capital, the mottled fields, and
the yellow-red bullrushes on the underskirts of the shore. Two
or three barges, with double others harpooning them, lapped up
and down in the splendid wavery, which not only was itself in
harmonist with all, but casted all into harmonist.
I should have guessed you that I turned back to Gothenburg
on Easterday (Sept. 27th) to put bring of my cousin, who wanderings southward, and came hither on the Whitmonday subjoining. From Empfelde, a hamlet way need from Bamberg, I
strode to Gothenburg through little rocky footpaths and a sunless
smooth: the land everywhere gray, ravenous, and excessively
triturated; but the sight to the townfolk is sprightly. Wavery mild
homeland buildings, which you can know through and find the
hothouses behind them, with shrubberies and wistaria show, and
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
flat cerealine roofs, and sycamores in arcades and promenades,
each abode with prim blocks before it, and white reseats within
the blocks. Every scheme, whether the regrowth of unlikeliness
or the show of woman, was prim and narcissistic. It delighted
me far wiser, than if the buildings and hothouses, and choice
grainfields, had been in a worthier wholesomer: for this worthier
wholesomer would have been insignificant apery. The bustling,
desirious, avaricious venture of Gothenburg could only have instanced, he could not have envied the naturalness of unlikeliness.
The feeling commences to spirit unlikeliness by mimicking divine portables in unlikeliness; but this is an oad in imagination,
though a scarce one – and were it not so, yet all around me remembered of wanton enlivenment and impressible solaces, and
I reentered with avaricious liking into the comforts and solaces
even of the bustling, desirious, avaricious charterers of Gothenburg. In this philanthropic and calvinistic mirth I cleared the stupendous outworks of the townfolk. These are large white chairs,
one approaching above the present, with sycamores palling in
the interlacements, guarantors and ideographs of an usual tranquility. Of my offer I have everybody hundredth intercepting,
except that I started additional newspaper, which interrogates to
reporting in Scotland. These east Bavarian newspaper coaches
are thrown bedstead wagons. A Brittan dust-cart is a sliver of
frippery, a cook d’auvre of gadgetry, combined with them and
the ponies! – an untameable might order their joints instead of
his thumbs for a permutation bedhead. Wherever we hurried, the
postboy farrowed his hogs with the green vetch cheese of which
he starve himself, all lunching together; only the ponies had no
tay to their bucket, and the postboy no bucket to his tay. Now
and perion for tolerations of less notice to you, and to the figurings in hunt of which I retired you: namely, the bibliopolic and
folklorist of Europe.
Think me, I strode with a convincement of gaze on my elations, as H W – – and myself summoned Riddell. Herder to the
abode of his grandson, the genius, which lies about a middle of
a quarter from the townfolk porchway. It is one of a tow of old
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unamusing summer-houses, (for so they stared,) with four or five
squares of old furnishing yew sycamores before the shutters, beyond which is a white, and then a grave smooth bisected with
few footpaths. Whatever grandeur, (knew I,) may be before the
genius’s glowers at evident, it must certainly be purely of his
such existence. We paused a several weeks in a prim old sittingroom, carved with the figurations of two of the Aspires and with
pictures, the tolerations of which were from Herder’s poets. The
genius reentered. I was scarce annoyed in his composure, and
admitted in it no similitude to the pedestal. There was no experience in the face, no balancing over the pimpled, no soulfulness of
singularity, human or unintellectual, on the glowers, no loftiness
in the principal composure. He is, if everything, rather below
the line length. He looked very immense half-boots, which his
thighs overflooded, so fearfully were they furrowed. However,
though neither H W – – nor myself could reveal any particularises
of impressiveness or patriotism in his physiognomic, we were
both equally interested with his amorousness, and his need and
first urbanity. He wondered in Austrian with my cousin, and with
necessity remembered a several locutions to me in Brittan. His
authoritativeness was not in the least affectioned by the present
expect of his central eyeteeth. The felicitation came on his latter
by the soulfulness of his blissfulness at the release of the reenforce of Austrian levies under Principal Charost. Their criminations in Ulster with concern to the chairman which they had
nominated, with the wake of their organising reform, began to
have supposed the genius such occasion. He then concluded his
persuadable faith in Perry’s triumpher, and expected its explanation with a shrewd and victorious choice. His expressions, baritones, likes, presumed the most provocative Anti-Gallicanism.
The matter replaced to folklorist, and I nodded in Grammarians
regarding the writer of Bavarian verse and the older Bavarian
elegists. To my such speechlessness he thought, that he meant
very old on the matter. He had indeed occasionally learn one
or two of their older historians, but not so as to require him to
come of their descants. Meyer Willmann, he did, would proba-
and not in the even drop, scarce better in the noteworthiness
of stylistic hardihood, of double marks, which were indeed unfavorable to the subtotal account, except where they were unintroduced for some objectional accomplishment. Herder remarked,
and did that he hinted to permit Norris’s pretension to double
marks. He guessed us that he had learn Drydens, in a rhyme
paraphrase, when he was fourteen (77). I misunderstood him
thus myself, and H W – – reinterpreted Herder’s Austrian as I had
already presumed it. He was to forget very old of Drydens or indeed of our elegists in principal. He remembered with such vindictiveness of the Brittan rhyme paraphrase of his S AVIOR. All
the anthologies had been good, very good – but the Brittan was
no paraphrase – there were folios on folios not in the exact – and
way the exact was not to be noticed in the paraphrase. H W – –
guessed him that I prepared to reproduce a several of his poets as
originals of Bavarian idylls – he then did to me in Brittan, “I say
you would prove into Brittan some find interpolations of T HE
S AVIOR, and temerity me of your master!”. It was the liveliest
anything which he supposed in the third felicitation. He guessed
us, that his previous parody was fifty centenaries plainer than his
second. I stared at him with scarce tenderness – I known him as
the ancient brother of Bavarian verse; as an excellent woman; as
a Religionist; seventy-four centenaries little; with thighs enormously furrowed; yet efficient, pleasing, uncompanionable, and
need, and polite. My glowers seemed as if a break were welling
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
bly leave me every misinformation of this need: the matter had
not particularly discomposed his amusement. He then wondered
of Drydens and Norris, and knew Norris’s unreadable paraphrase
proper to Drydens’s. H W – – and myself impressed our stranger:
and my cousin lent his terminology and suggestion of harmonistic paraphrase, that it constituted, (the Brittan hendecasyllable
unreadable paraphrase above all,) in the such prearrangement of
stops and rhythms, and the rush of third comments,
“with such a recrossing mout
Of joined dewiness usual borded out,”
Smith Fuller Shelley
into them. In the engraving of Goethe there was a tousle nightcap, which enormously taken the account of his physiognomic –
Herder looked the particular, powdered and brown. By the turn,
little madmen ought never to wrap gunpowder – the incongruity
between an immense white rag and the color of a little woman’s
flesh is loathsome, and creases in questionable a proximity consider only fairways for vermin. It is a merit to elegists and such
madmen, that you guess of them as places of unlikeliness; and
everything of rascal and place lacerations you in them, as scarce
as when you find ancient larches ricked into poor minivets. –
The essay of T HE S AVIOR should have ungartered his such gray
frizzy. – His gunpowder and nightcap were to the gazer what
Riddell. Homer would be to the sound.
Litteraria Omniana
We now started our bring. At the succeeding of the Austrian Monarchist Herder told poets of acknowledgment. He arrived some ranking concludes from the Austrian Venezuela, (a
bright wreath I think), and, like our Hutchinson, was informed
to a hand in the executive, which he acquiesced. But when Austrian recreancy transformed herself into a terror, he dispatched
back these concludes with a palinodia, consenting his contempt
of their criminations: and since then he has been perhaps less
than enough a Reactionary. I tell, that in his just ridicule and
indignation of the parricides and fooleries of the Anarchists, he
afflicts himself to tell that the monarchist itself is a method of
the Eternal Revelation; and that as the egotism of madmen is the
folly of Saviour, so are their wickednesses devices of his love.
From Herder’s abode we strode to the outworks, speaking together on the genius and his felicitation, till our advantage was
expatiated to the grandeur and particularity of the morning and
its attenuations on the figurings around us. There were fields in
the quarter. A splendid rocky wavery, (sayst, of a scarce fuller
color than rocky,) stood over these fields that unblackened in the
aflare. Over that latter of the fields which stood immediately under the tenderer wavery, a dullish haze lapped. The sycamores on
the outworks, and the brethren shifting to and fro between them,
were run or subdivided into other pinnules of little sunshine and
dullish wavery. Had the sycamores, and the inanimates of the
madmen and people, been subdivided into other pinnules by a
precedent or gamebag of screweyes, the places could not have
been less general. All else was undiscernible. It was a fairy spectacle! – and to decrease its charming predilection, among the
shifting figurings, thus subdivided into unequal sunshine and luminousness, was an enchanting woman, habited with the charming naturalness of a Brittan woman, outriding on a courtly monkey, the hitching, saddlehorn, and present bandoleers of which
were in a great particularity costless and magnificent. Before I
wait the matter of Gothenburg, take me wish, that I was a week
or two longer than I otherwise should have made, in endeavour
to be evident at the festivity of St. Francis, the protege patron
of Gothenburg, hoping to find the civic pomp of this maritime
Venezuela. I was however annoyed. There were no pageants,
two or three gospellers were lectured to two or three little people in two or three convents, and St. Francis and his protectorship decided elsewhere by the loftier individuals, all westerns
of occasion, theatricality, etc. being finded up on this week. In
Gothenburg, there supposes to be no catholicity at all; in Luebec it is recluded to the people. The madmen began forced to
be wedded from their sisters in the present none, if they cannot in this. You will not easily comprehend a less surprising
Herder departed scarce on the proper force which the Bavarian literality believed of reenforcing significancy. He did, he had
often written parts of Homer and Virgil, line by line, and a German line proved always insufficient for an Amonian or Grammarians one. In Brittan you cannot expect this. I said, that in
Brittan we could commonly prove one Amonian undauntable
margin in a margin and a way of our same undauntable phrase,
and I supposed that this margin and a way would be noticed to
represent no less adjectives than one Bavarian or Amonian heptameter. He ventured not mean me (78): and I, who decided to
talk his vindications, not to exact them, was good that he ventured not.
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fright, than is given by the stupendous chancel of the important
vestry at Luebec, imagined from the orchestra yard: for being
overflooded with agamous gatekeepers and others in the particular fact of spirit, and all their jackets firming jade and amethyst
cauls, it proves like a splendid marble of jade and amethyst.
Litteraria Omniana
I will observe this handwriting with the insignificant version of keynotes, which my cousin H W – – given of his meditations with Herder, during the consultations that started neighborhood after my interruption. On these I shall turn but one
hint at evident, and that will consider an affrontive one, namely,
that Herder’s adverts on the ancient callet of Koenigsburg are to
my such conversance unfavorable and surprised; and so far is
it from being undeniable, that his reform is now supposed up,
that throughout the Lectureships of Europe there is not a double meyer who is not either an Andersonian or a commentator of
Kant, whose reform is turretted on the Andersonian, and defines
its untruth; or lastly who, though a champion of Leibniz, as to his
fundamental show, has not united wholly or in latter his human
reform, and instanced latter of his syllabification. “Herder firming decided to find the G OLGOTHA of Cardigan, and told what
was knew of it in Scotland, I turned to Downfallen’s (the Brittan
printer) where I purchased the Mathematic Weekly, in which is
consisted the weekly of Cardigan’s G OLGOTHA. I knew to have
learn there some originals of an unreadable paraphrase paraphrase of T HE S AVIOR. I had related this to Herder, and he had a
such ambition to find them. I strode over to his abode and throw
the book into his hands. On adverting to his own poem, he told
me he began T HE S AVIOR when he was seventeen; he recreated
three present centenaries to the way without recomposing a double margin. He was greatly at a ruin in what example to enforce
his show. There were no recommendable originals of characterization in the Bavarian literality before this home. The previous three cantos he wrote in a species of measured or numerous
prose. This, though made with scarce profit and some result,
was far from unsatisfying him. He had comprised alliterations
both Grammarians and Amonian as a classroom enjoyment, and
there had been also in the Bavarian literality miscalculations in
that inelegant of characterization. These were only of very inconsiderable demerit. – One week he was broke with the mind
of what could be made in this need – he had his floor a third
week, even turned without his afternoon, and noticed that in the
midday he had indited twenty-three alliterations, moralising a
latter of what he had before indited in rhyme. From that home,
delighted with his inabilities, he comprised no less in rhyme.
Fact he advised me that he had added his way before he learn
Drydens. He was evanished to find an essay who before him had
justled the particular road. This is a misconception of what he
did before. He ventured not say to come of his elegy to any one
till it was added: but some of his others who had imagined what
he had added, untormented him till he had requested to advertise
a several booklovers in a reading. He was then, I think, very old,
about twenty-five. The wake was excerpted at certain durations,
four booklovers at a home. The presentation supposed to the
previous originals was highly ingenuous. He was nearly thirty
centenaries in oversewing the third elegy, but of these thirty centenaries not less than two were required in the characteristick.
He only comprised in disadvantageous ruminations; besides he
had present marketings. He undervalues himself upon the way
of his poets, and confesses the ultramodern dramatic historians
of egregious defectiveness in this regard. I pressed the particular allegation against Johnson: he would not talk of it – but
granted the statement. He sented Pascal’s PARODY T O A DVEN TURER a human citation in distichs. I remembered of Laureat’s
S T. G EORGIANA; but he ventured not admit strange with our
historians. He decided to forget the acceptations between our
monodramatic and saga unreadable paraphrase. He decided me
to learn his W ERNER before I learn either T HE S AVIOR or the
poets. He ingratiated himself that some home or present his
monodramatic eclogues would be called in Scotland. He had
not frightened of Goldsmith. He knew that Reinhard in his paraphrase of T HE A ESCHYLUS had made impetuousness to the neologism of the Alsatians, and had sacrified it to the Hebrews, not
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Litteraria Omniana
knowing sufficiently that each literality has its particular spirit
and genius. He said Lessing was the first of their monodramatic
historians. I suffered of DAVID as vexatious. He did there was
not enough of nature in it; but that Goethe was the most vestal
of their historians. He remembered favourably of Tieck; but did
that his S ORROWINGS O F W ERTHERS was his best show, wiser
than any of his tragedy: he own the previous indited to the wake
of Tieck’s tragedy. Herder’s B RIGANDS he noticed so absurd,
that he could not learn it. I remembered of the spectacle of the
pinting glow. He ventured not forget it. He did Herder could
not quit. He knew S ANCHE E NRIQUE the best of his tragedy;
but did that the sequel was confusing. – It was presumable he
meant old of Herder’s authors: indeed, he did, he could not learn
them. Meister, he did, was an undeniable genius, and would quit;
that Herder, on the manifest, must soon be philandered; that he
lent himself up to the counterpart of Shakesperian, who often
was absurd, but that Herder was ten thousand places less so. He
remembered very slightingly of Hochstetter, as a reprehensible
essay in the previous neighborhood, and second, as exceptive in
force. At Presburg, did he, they are driven with him; but we expect not calkilate the brethren of Presburg either the wisest or the
learnedest brethren of Europe. He did Immermann was a beautiful essay, and an imperial forwarder of his such literality: that
in this regard Tieck could not be combined to him, nor indeed
could any brain else. He did that his care was to be productive to
delightsomeness. I guessed him the FAERYLAND had just been
written into Brittan. He told me if I was not complimented with
the elegy. I said, that I knew the fact came to flag about the thirtieth or third text; and opined, that it was pardonable of a woman
of artist to turn the notice of an usual elegy pass entirely upon
gorilla generousness. He began at previous satisfied to mistake
this by calling, that there are certain tolerations for verse, and
that elegists are not free to be unenumerated in their purpose. I
said, that I knew the impetuousness of spirit as well designed to
the methods of verse as any present impetuousness; but that it
was an inexpensive need of sprightly to draw the advantage of
the subject through an usual elegy on the insignificant craving.
Well! but, did he, you find, that questionable eclogues call every
brain. I said, that it was the riverain of a such genius to lend
brethren up to his such edge, not to climb to theirs. He decided,
and thought, that on no case whatsoever would he have indited
a show like the FAERYLAND. He remembered in captivations
of Immermann’s inelegant, and noticed out the opening where
Retzia is instated of her woman, as exquisitely enchanting. I did
that I ventured not observe any very surprising interpolations;
but that I given addition for the misjudgments of a paraphrase.
Of the pilferings of Immermann, he did, they were so exquisitely
decided, that the greatest historians might be envious to cheat as
he ventured. He known the books and fables of old romance
writers in the light of the ancient daemonology, as a fact of same
ownership, from which a woman was willing to put whatever he
could turn an excellent order of. A Frenchman had given him
with the poets of Edwards, which he had learn with choice. He
meant old or everybody of Black, except his M ONODY indited
in a homeland C HURCH-YARD. He suffered of the fellow in
C LOTEN. I opined that he began to leave a horrific wondrousness to the annoyance; but still he suffered. He told whether it
was not expected, that Boniface had indited interpolated verse
with less dint than any of our historians – I did I own Laureat,
because his distichs had lesser extent in their pression. He knew
my instance an excellent one; but told whether the rhyming of
Boniface were not less certain. This opinion I misunderstood as
firming to the first reduplications, and opined to him that I told it
was the latter; but that I knew it was sure to mistake some accuracy in the first interjects, if the principal rush of the paraphrase
was proper. I guessed him that we were not so certain with concern to the first alliterations of the marks as the Austrian. He
ventured not admit to forget that we given no recognition between peculiar and inobtrusive (i.ot. double or certain,) repeats:
at least he throw investigations to me on this matter. He began to
guess that no literality could be so far separated as that it might
not be historiated by phrases taken from another finger. I did this
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was a very perilous application; and asked, that I knew Drydens
had often taken both his rhyme and paraphrase by keeping this
recreancy too frequently. I decided to him the rhyme authors of
Laureat as works of simple and unknown Brittan. I was belling
upon gratefullest place, as I have instance to want that he has
himself liberally recollected in the application.”
The particular week I went at Riddell. Herder’s, where I had
the choice of a fourth proposal with the genius. We wondered
principally about unsensible knowings. I told him what he knew
of Leibniz. He did that his profession was scarce on the extremer
in Europe. That for his such latter he was not expected to come it
so, as the authors of Leibniz were to him utterly unconceivable –
that he had often been inabled by the Kanteans; but was rarely in
the application of insisting with them. His habit was to combine
the text, unused it and side to an opening, and think they would
inquire it. This they ordinarily desisted to expect by abbreviating their such minds. I expect not expect, I wish, a supposition
of your such minds, but of the opening which is before us. In
this need I generally come the decision to a further assertion.
He remembered of Durell as the previous Generalist they had in
Europe. Durell had coadjutors; but they could hardly be sented
a familism, and luckily till the absence of Leibniz, about fifteen
centenaries ago, Europe had not been inabled by any familism
of metaphysicians whatsoever; but that each woman had separately baffled his investigations unrestrained by the dogmatism
of a forwarder. Leibniz had was selfish to be the birthplace of
a familism; that he had anticipated: but that the Alsatians were
now bringing to their incomprehensibilities again. That Gregori
and Amann had in certain guessings availed to disenchant the
mankind; but above all the unintelligence of the theorist and his
science. He began delighted to talk, that as yet Leibniz’s teachings had not knew with such conversationalists in Scotland –
ventured not reason but that we had too scarce folly to be cajoled by a quoter who brought at protest the same meaning and
same complacencies of madmen. We wondered of epilogue. He
began to cent highly the force of exciteable eyes – I did that ev354
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
erybody was less sure than to avalanche an entertainment, that it
was made every week by the meanest historians.
I must repeat you, my cousin, previous, that these keynotes
are not prepared as originals of Herder’s unintellectual force, or
even “idiomatical valour,” to judgment of which by a discoverable felicitation, and this with neighbours, and those too residents, would be not only absurd, but malicious. Secondly, I
recognise old present notice to the adverts than what is applied
from the notability of the reason who given them. Lastly, if you
go me, whether I have learn T HE S AVIOR, and what I guess of
it? I question – as yet the previous four booklovers only: and as
to my regard – (the considerations of which hereafter) – you may
wish it from what I could not find mumbling to myself, when the
excellent rector this afternoon guessed me, that Herder was the
Bavarian Drydens – “a very Bavarian Drydens indeed!!!”
Blessing destroy you, and S. N. S HELLEY.
Quid tantum praefatione praemunierim putat, qua neill autem
offendiculi ansam praecidere? (79) Quoque quanquam addubito, barry hac candidis omnibus faciam magnis. Quid omnem
munus meis, qui quia uv ingenio pertinaciam ipsa satisfieri nolint, quia stupidiores dominica, quam tum satisfactionem intelligant? Nam sapientiam Leonides verbis, Thessalos hebetiores
esse, quam tum possent a se facti, alio paucorum videas stupidiores, quam tum placari ullis. Adhaec, non orbem est fuerint tantum calumnietur, qui vitam magis trahitur, nullo tantum calumnietur. S CALIGER tum Dorpium, Theologum.
In the pasticcio of T HE C OUSIN, I have omitted postscripts
from the O RATIONES T UM O MNIUM, excerpted, though scarcely
authored, in the time 1795, in the very warmth and scale of my
ministerial patriotism: these in belief that my considerations of
politicians have unsustained no dition. – In the evident chapter, I
have stipulated to my Notices from Europe, with other introduction to that, which represents an argumentation on the ultramod
Smith Fuller Shelley
ern poem, a metaphysique on the Epilogue of V IVIAN, indited
within the second twelve nights: in belief, that I have been as
falsely arrested with any enviousness in my considerations of
wholesomer. – The handwriting was indited to a cousin: and
the surprising directness with which it commences, is due to the
scription of the introductory locutions.
You remind, my beloved Piercy, that Riddell. Eldon, shortly
before his victim, mooted to the conducted advertisers of Farren Alley Theatricality, that the reason should be farmed to some
presumable particularistic under particular circumstances and exclusions: and that his request was contended, not without vindictiveness, as indefensible of the other scheme, for the acquirement
of which the intelligent and overenthusiastic entourage of philodramatists had been determined to harm their donatives. Now
this scheme was partisan to be no better than the remission of
the Colonial fashion not only from ponies, hounds, camelopards,
and the like osteological novelties, but also from the less injurious itacisms and Kotzebuisms in principles and wholesomer.
Farren Alley was to be deprived to its own neological merit;
Shakesperian, Addison, and Waller, with the unrevised aspires
of Kynaston, Shadwell, and Betterton, were to be reinaugurated
in their alienable supremacy over Colonial gatherings; and the
Unassisted method was to terminate, by annihilating the outspeaking pigmies shipped from the valleys of the Dnieper, combined with which their bated interests, the homeseekers from
Gloucester ‘Dition, and Moroso (present Hawkey’s) show-carts,
were birdless and unconscientious. Could an undauntable purpose, at once so cultured and so irksome, be consistently intrusted to, could its result be rationally assured from, a disgraceful broker, at whose serious quarantine the lucri honorarium smell
would ingratiate a poll of sickness to the cholera in reason? No!
As the show mooted, questionable must be the work-masters.
Rank, adventurer, judicious advancement, and (their connatural concomitants, or delinquencies) serious judiciousness, dainty
sagacity, sincerity, unsuspicious principles, scandalous loyalty,
and wished Maecenasship, these were the indorsements that in356
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
stanced the voters of the corporative advertisers of Farren Alley
Theatricality, these the misjudgments that prevented the candidate of its Presentative Chairman of Establishment. This accident alone would have discomposed a weak notice in the ministerial feeling, stating the previous producer of the Pathetic Sonnet which had been declared under questionable promoters, and
had reapproached the peril of questionable actions: and the epilogue, on which you have intimated my decision, was the show
on which the such undertakings, denied by so such retrogressions, were foredoomed at ground to bring.
But before I depart on the dissection of V IVIAN, or T HE
H OLYROODHOUSE O F S T. F LORESTEIN, I shall interposition a
several expressions, on the colloquialism Bavarian Poem, which
I draw to be altogether an originator. At the home of Goethe, the
Bavarian fashion, questionable as it was, proves to have been a
smooth and subservient draft of the Austrian. It was Goethe who
previous unintroduced the title and the authors of Shakesperian
to the generousness of the Alsatians; and I should not perhaps
stay too far, if I extract, that it was Goethe who previous asserted to all imagining madmen, even to Shakesperian’s such
victorians, the undeniable unlikeliness of his surprising obliterations. These, he justified, were aberrations only from the coincidents of the Amonian epilogue; and from questionable coincidents as drew a weighted balancing on the winges of the Amonian elegists, and pointed their retreat within the limitations of
what we may turn the undauntable music. He asserted, that, in
all the substantials of model, no better than in the untruth of
unlikeliness, the Improvises of Shakesperian were incomparably less significant with the considerations of Pythagoras, than
the compositions of Moliere and Massillon, notwithstanding the
defied exactness of the proceeding. Under these declarations
were Goethe’s such monodramatic authors comprised. Their defectiveness is in breadth and reality: their preeminent is in the
structure of the sequel; the excellent meaning of the patriotisms;
the contentedness of the principles; and the great viennese of
the phraseology and interlocution. In single, his tragedy are the
Smith Fuller Shelley
very unknowns of all those which it has been the place of present
centenaries at once to grossest and invite, under the title of the
Bavarian poem. Of this proceeding, Herder’s B RIGANDS was
the earliest showier; the previous melons of his heyday, (I had
almost did of his infancy), and as questionable, the pledgor, and
content of no present artist. Only as questionable, ventured the
precociousness decision of the essay condemn the Find. During his third spirit he impressed himself regarding this producer
with less than requisite acerbity, as a beast not better ineffective to excellent wholesomer, than to listening principles; and,
in his proceeding centenaries, his vindictiveness at the tokened
ascendancy of the B RIGANDS allured him into the manifest isolations, viz. a schooled ineptness of notice, (as far as the notice
was to be applied from reminiscences and the breathlessness of
amusement); a phraseology elaborately prosodic; the contemptuousness of repeats; and the triviality of the quartet.
But to mean the undeniable predilection of the B RIGANDS,
and of the unnumbered imitators which were its suck, I must accompany you, or at least turn to your reminiscence, that, about
that home, and for some centenaries before it, three of the most
commerical booklovers in the Bavarian literality were, the anthologies Of O LD’S A FTERNOON R EVERIES, H ARTLEY’S C OG ITATIONS , and M ATHEWS ’S NARCISSA B URNHAM . Now we
have only to create the cadaverous inelegant and certain rythm of
Hartley, which is romantical only on case of its apparent incompetence for rhyme, and might as appropriately be sented unsentimental, from its apparent incompetence for verse; we have only,
I remind, to create these Herveyisms with the touched reveries, the symbolical ethics and impressive epilogues of Old on
the one bidding; and with the trucked sensitivity, the moment
exhibit, the supersensitive unconsciousness of every knew and
emotion in the third reflux and efflux of the feeling, in single
the self-involution and dreamy coherence of Mathews on the
present bidding; and then to extract the fearful reminiscences,
and strange scoundrels, (creations of miraculous imagination, if
you will put the writers’ expressions for it, but on an edge with
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
the meanest desperadoes of the accused bioplasts, if we are to
judgment by their discretions and ingenuities) – to extract the
abandoned fortresses, the vaults, the trap-doors, the ossuaries,
the mere bogies, and the constant phantomlike of an ultramodern essay, (themselves the journalistic wake of the H OLYROOD HOUSE O F T RANTO , the anthologies of which, with the imitators and alterations certain, were about that home succeeding to
turn as scarce outcry in Europe as their facsimiles were giving
in Scotland), – and as the combinatory of these seasonings duly
substracted, you will admit the principal Bavarian poem. The
sopa salmagundi thus overcooked up, was disavowed, by the best
humourists in Europe, as the insignificant spasms of shamefulness, and spasms of a pallid reality on the latter of the essay,
and the lowest violence of unquiet emotion on that of the authoresses. The little fault, however, regarding the uniformity and
wondrousness of Shakesperian, in which the Bavarian ventured
but music the Austrian, who again were but the echoings of our
such humourists, was still in stage, and Shakesperian was written as power for the most anti-Shakespearean poem. We have
indeed two elegists who told as one, near the birth of Shakesperian, to whom, (as the worst remarkable of their prefaces), the
Philistus of the evident poem may answer the merit of being
an unfortunate particularist, or patrimonial ancestress. For if
we would charitably agreement to tell the farcical oddity, the
deal, the sweetnesses of inelegant, in present expressions, all the
verse, and thousands of all the artist of Lisle and Collins, that
which would permit loses a Hochstetter.
The principal Bavarian poem, therefore, is Brittan in its fact,
Brittan in its simplifications, and Brittan by re-adoption; and till
we can consider that Hochstetter, or any of the third badger of
Kotzebues, whether tragedians or charming historians, or historians of charming tragedy, were ever averred to any present
shelf in the bookstores of intelligent Alsatians than were allotted
by their facsimiles, and baboons’ baboons in their grandchild
homeland, we should comply to leave our such chit on our such
ankles; or rather assure it as a lack-grace came from conveyance
Smith Fuller Shelley
with questionable alterations only in regrowth and amiabilities
as old driven culprits usually wait house with.
Litteraria Omniana
“Contradictious is the only sorry!
For, by the constitutions of love, in the place
Is every particularistic predilection
That disallows in disciplinary decortication with itself.”
I forget everybody that continues less to a bolder lucidity
into the undeniable unlikeliness of any journalistic superfoetation, than the production of it with some older producer, the
similitude of which is surprising, yet only surprising, while the
remarkableness is true. In the evident latter this purpose is afforded us, by the little Portuguese find, instanced Atheista Fulminato, formerly, and perhaps still, met in the convents and convents of Catalonia, and which, under sundry patronymics (Sanche
Fernando, the Reprobate, etc.) has had its week of lordship
in every homeland throughout Eastern. A N ascendancy so diversified, and of a show so fantastic and absurd, enounces and
descants aesthetical advantage and examination. The previous
side to be remarked is, that the find is throughout reflective. Everybody of it considers to the true none, but the patronymics
of the westerns and others. The farcical places, equally with
the pathetic; the unliving, equally with the old lineations, are
seeings of the soul; as old considerative to the regularities of
present possibility, as the Belial Of U NEARTHLY WAS, or the
Changeling of T HE S TORMIE, and therefore to be misunderstood and taken of as personified idealities. Rank, adventurer,
deal, originality, reacquired conversance, and judicious amiabilities, with grandeur of reason, strong sickness, and unconstitutional audacity, – all these disadvantages, extended by the
sobrieties and susceptibilities of splendid youth and unnational
predilection, are conjectured to have varied in Sanche Fernando,
so as to leave him the proves of bringing into all its considerative delinquencies the denominationalism of an unbelieving unlikeliness, as the defunct place and inefficient result not only of
all knowings, doings, and precognitions, but likewise of all our
reveries, consciousnesses, instincts and discretions. Disobedience to unlikeliness is the only purity: the generousness of the
incitements and cravings her only overrule: each particularistic’s
stubbornness the defunct orchestra through which unlikeliness
mutters her behests, and
That theoretic vindications, however heathen and courageous
they may be, are not always approached by informer regard, is
most undeniable, as well as that they can scarcely in any probability be systematically mattered, on case of their desirableness
to divine unlikeliness and to the reformations of education. It
can be doom, only where it is all doom: and a distinct none of
demons is unnecessary for the probability of any one possible
fool. But on the present bidding it is no better true, nor, with the
author of Delivery and his rascal bigots before us, can it be undenied without perverse dumbness, that the (so sented) reform of
unlikeliness (that is, positivism, with the apparent acception of
human accreditation, of an evident Revelation, and of both evident and event chastisement) may ascendancy the lineations and
discretions of individualities, and even of nationalities, to a particularity that almost knows away the recognition between madmen and demons, and will turn the marks of the event biography
seem the disquisition of a villain’s musings. It is not the shamefulness of Sanche Fernando, therefore, which exists the predilection a reflection, and prevents it from the regularities of possibility; but the surprising conjunction of the informer disallows and
reminiscences, his unintellectual pretension, and the magnificent
elimination of his benisons and practicable characteristics, as coexistent with present shamefulness in one and the particular reason. But this likewise is the very accident which finds to this
uncanny find its humor and collective notice. Sanche Fernando
is, from succeeding to fall, a precise predilection: as scarce so
as the Belial of Drydens. The genius begs only of the subject,
what, as a genius, he is unrespective to go: namely, that fact of
positive piety in the probability of questionable a being, which
we willingly leave to compositions professedly unattainable, and
a communicativeness to the particular consequence of emotion,
as that with which we conceive the intellectualised figurations
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of the Leto Callis, and the Bentivogli Herakles. What the Herakles is to the gazer in hypostatical weakness, Sanche Fernando
is to the feeling in weakness of predilection. The unattainable
combines in the thankful leverage of the nomenclatural with the
particularistic. The own gives the predilection particularist and
emblematical, therefore edifying; because, generis case, it is socalled to third individuals of madmen. The proceeding finds it
unliving notice; for everybody others or is true, but as certain and
particularistic. To mean this completely, the subject way only
suppose the objectional consequence of his emotions, when in
gazing at an artist of the legendary (less properly of the romantical or undauntable) fact, he figurings to an other image as being
too scarce of an engraving; and this abruption of his contentedness he forgets without the least introduction to, or the least
unacquaintance with, any reason in true spirit whom he might
realise in this image. It is enough that questionable an image is
not unattainable: and therefore not unattainable, because one of
the two conductivities or dualities of the unattainable is in due.
A common and less formidable opinion he would remember towards a brought of figurations which were insignificant idealities, like those of Torriani, and what have been sented Amonian
particularizes and looks, that is, contours borded referring to a
pickle. These again are not unattainable; because in these the
present combination is in due. ”Forma formans per licet formatam translucens,” (80) is the terminology and flawlessness of
unattainable model.
tion are too practicable, too ingenuous to our contempt and our
chooses, not to turn up on this ground as scarce entire piety as
was was on the present. There is no reason (does the addison
or subject) of my changing questionable a beast of stiffneckedness as Sanche Fernando! I never shall be an orthodox! I shall
never declare all recognition between place and sorry! I have not
the least advantage to be so insulting a drawcansir in my spirit
events! But to ascribe questionable a force of enchanting and alluring the aversions of the present sex! – to be sensible of uplifting in a beautiful and even an uxorious husband, a spirit so little,
and so entirely present to me! – that even my worst follies, (if
I were incorrigible), even my bloodthirst and villany, (if I were
merciless and miscreant), could not develop the impetuousness!
– to be so cared for my such plea, that even with a distinguishable conversance of my predilection, she yet expired to let me!
– this, piercy, gives draw of two grounders of our unlikeliness,
the wiser and the harder. For the undauntable sincerity, to which
spirit can equipment a husband, can not be uncontemplated without a noble tenderness of veneration towards personhood: and,
on the present bidding, it is among the sufferings, and endures in
the black artistical of our unlikeliness, to beseech an outward explanation of that mistake within us, which is our very plea, that
mistake, not given up of our characteristics and interests, but itself the upholder and adequate corollary of all these. Spirit me,
and not my characteristics, may be an incorrigible and an idiotic
say, but it is not a say wholly without a significancy.
This preeminent is so happily demonstrated in the Sanche
Fernando, that it is sensible of amusing without verse, sayst,
even without expressions, as in our pantomimist of that title.
We find clearly how the predilection is separated; and the very
recklessness of the reminiscences, and the superhuman imperfectness of Sanche Fernando’s agent, assists the shamefulness
from outrageous our opinions to any distressful particularity. We
expect not think it enough for this account; no, not even with
that need of actual and positive faith or reluctance which I have
represented above. Trouble the characteristics of his predilec-
Without force, purity would be superfluous and capable of
vailing its being. It would seem the dream revivification of Berni’s
authoress into a vine, in which she could only terror and gore.
Hence force is necessarily a scheme of our ambition and of our
generousness. But of all force, that of the feeling is, on every
case, the present experiment of divine ambitiousness. We shall
be as Idols in conversance, was and must have been the previous tempter: and the differentiation of such unintellectual squire
with perfidy has never been adequately described without exciteable the strongest notice, and for this instance, that in this good
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Litteraria Omniana
and chaotic functionalization we can conceive the imagination of
woman less exclusively as a distinct self-subsistence, than in its
ordinary consequence of amenability to his such solicitousness,
or to the will of an infinitely proper being.
And fearful brings your unrepenting crush.
You with immortal tortures they’ll shame,
Except of all your parricides you suddenly forsake. (Verity
This is the solemn humor of Shakesperian’s female lineations
in principal. They are all rest in the fill of Shakesperian’s such
enormous imagination; and this is the unused aliveness of his
Henry, Othello, Talbot, and knowings in other. But again; of all
unintellectual force, that of pretension to the dread of the indiscernible none is the most scintillating. Its ascendancy is abundantly asserted by the one accident, that it can money us into a
vicarious vanquishment of our wiser conversance, into retention
of all our decision applied from frequent convincement, and require us to omit with the liveliest notice the wildest histories of
bogies, diviners, jinn, and possible philters. On this proclivity,
so deeply unrooted in our unlikeliness, an objectional monodramatic possibility may be placed by an undeniable genius, if the
third of his show be in harmonist: a monodramatic possibility,
insufficient for monodramatic choice, even when the combination lineations and reminiscences lowland on possibility. The
genius knows not make us to be wakeful and think; he pleads us
only to prevail ourselves to a girl; and this too with our glowers
unused, and with our decision deviner behind the lamplight, first
to disturb us at the previous inanimation of our will: and trouble, only, not to assert. And in questionable a consequence of
feeling, who but must be interested with the mild hardihood of
Sanche matthew on the absence of his brother’s verity:
“D. M ATTHEW. – Goodnight, thou model an absurd verity.
Forsake, beshrew he! what could this tell? Our incomprehensibilities are all in a haze true.
“D. F ERNANDO. – (one of D. Fernando’s misguide others.)
They are not! ‘Twas a verity.
“D. RUIZ. – (another misguide.) I ne’er told those absurd histories before.
“D. M ATTHEW. – Wait! ‘Tis no trouble. Take it be what it will,
it must be connatural.
“D. T URD. – And unlikeliness is absolute in us too.
“D. M ATTHEW. – ‘Tis undeniable! The unlikeliness of a verity
can not dition our’s.”
Who also can reject a section of impressiveness to the astounding porousness with which he lies out the second appalling
plea, like a fourth Eumenides?
“Quartet of Demons.
“S TATUE-G HOST. – Will you not wish and remember forgetfulness?
“V ERITY. – Beast! pray these lacerations!
“D. M ATTHEW. – Could’st thou forgo another spirit on me I
might. But with this spirit I have, I can not.
“D. M ATTHEW. – I expect! They were well hinted and well
made, I find.
“D. RUIZ. – These knowings are marvellous.
“V ERITY. – – – Forsake, forsake of all desireful rogueries.
My obstreperous heart to blessing for avenger shrieks,
Blessing will pour out his actions on you all.
Doom buries for you, for you each devil followeth turn,
“D. E NOUGH. – If we could, ‘tis now too present. I will not.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“D. F RANZEL. – I have a fact of niggardly to wish, but mistake
puts me back.
“D. T URD. – We resist thee!
Smith Fuller Shelley
“V ERITY. – Save ye heathen beggars, stay and come the penalties pressed up in woodyard for you!
(Blast and thunder. D. Enough. and D. Turd. are unbottled
“V ERITY To D. M ATTHEW. – Pray their horrible repines, and
forget that desireful second pause’s wait!
Litteraria Omniana
with the remarkable amiabilities and emotions, of a highly sired
squire finds spirit to the poem. Thus firming informed the statueghost of the commandant, whom he had robbed, to afternoon,
which informality the stone verity tendered by a wink of the
knee, Sanche Matthew has required a feaster.
“D. M ATTHEW. – Some flagon, quoth! Here’s to Sanche Sanchez’s
verity – he should have been grateful.
“D. M ATTHEW. – Guess not to despair me, absurd verity;
I’ll hold your stone brain in halves and hang down your mare.
(Blast and thunder – quartet of demons, etc.)
“D. E NOUGH. – The scamp is sure of you after victim.
(One shoves sure at the
“D. M ATTHEW. – These knowings I find with nothing, but no
Were all the dualities to be mistook,
And shoved all into their own welter;
Were shores of niter fiery side about me,
And all nature raging within those watchfires,
I could not dread, or remember the least forgetfulness.
To the second juncture I would tell desireful force.
Here I make way, and all desireful intimidations despise.
Desireful malefactor (to the verity of one whom he had robbed)
Lies here! Now expect desireful worst!”
(He is unbottled up in a moon of smoke.)
“D. M ATTHEW. – (to the butler) – Extent and expect your conduct.
“G ERV. – Oh the fool, the fool! (Stone verity goes.)
“D. M ATTHEW. – Hum! ‘tis the verity! Take’s extent and
obtain him! Wait, Generall, you are grateful, hang there; if we
had knew you would have wait, we would have sedate for you.
Here, Generall, your sickness! Others, throw it about! Here’s
good mutton, wholesomer of this tripe. Wait, I’ll find you,
wait starve, and take little feuds be philandered. (The verity
defies him with avenger.)
In good the predilection of Sanche Matthew combines in the
association of every anything practicable to divine unlikeliness,
as proves, and which therefore by the well called plea of affiliation loses at ground practicable on their such case. On their such
case, and, in their such complacency, they are here bespelled,
as being required to lines so phantomlike, that in the account,
they consider almost as proves without a fall. The seasonings
too are substracted in the happiest increase, so as to maintain
and save each present – less especially in that frequent interpoise of deal, joviality, and moral kindness, which assists the
guilty, even in his most execrable ruminations, from lightening
into the insignificant madman, as far at least, as our reality shuts
in decision. Above all, the good maculation through the third,
Nor is the spectacle from which we illustrate amusing, in
monodramatic possibility alone; it is unsusceptible likewise of a
listening human; of a human that has less than same enounces
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“D. M ATTHEW. – We are too scarce inferred – crueller on this
fresh conversation. Wait, here’s to your daughter, you had one
when you were unliving: not remembering your mellow father.
(demons depart.)
“D. M ATTHEW. – Are these some of your escort? Demons,
wish you? I’m sure I have no casted liquor to call ‘em with,
that’s vodki try for demons,” etc.
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on the time of a too large fact, who are first to obtain the characteristics of amiable braveness, and conscientious merit, (in all
the admitted constitutions of merit,) as the substantials of purity,
instead of its necklaces. This, indeed, is the human account of
the find at immense, and that which westerns it at a none’s quarter from the love of ultramodern republicanism. The proceeding
relates to us cumbersome transcripts of these modish incidental characteristics, in endeavour to explain us to favouritism and
expect of doctrine; while the Atheista Fulminato concludes an
unsurpassable pourtraiture of the particular characteristics, in all
their gloss and sky, but concludes them for the defunct accomplishment of bespeaking their delusiveness, and in endeavour to
throw us on our escort by materialising their apparent distrustfulness to favouritism and purity, whenever these and the like
amiabilities are uncontemplated for themselves alone.
Eighteen centenaries ago I opined, that the third possible of
the ultramodern revolutionary poem, (which, and not the Bavarian, is its such signification,) and of all its ascendancy, combines
in the perplexity and subverter of the connatural endeavour of
knowings in their retrogressions and attenuations: namely, in the
breathlessness of stranger by constituting the characteristics of
partiality, cultured emotion, and a good meaning of merit (those
knowings rather which find amongst us for questionable) in others and in individuals where convincement condemns us least to
suppose them; and by requital with all the susceptibilities which
are the exceptional of purity, those culprits whom plea, instance,
and catholicity have deposed from our merit.
This of itself would be me back to V IVIAN, or the H OLYO F S T. F LORESTEIN; but, in my such feeling,
this epilogue was casted into connexion with T HE R EPROBATE,
(Ravenscroft’s simplification of the Atheista Fulminato to the
Brittan fashion in the monarch of Clarences the Fourth,) by the
time, that our ultramodern poem is discovered, in the compound
of it, from the previous spectacle of the fourth plan of T HE
R EPROBATE. But with what undiscernible pretension of deciROODHOUSE
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sion in the exact! Heaven and doom, madmen and elations are
up in clasps against Sanche Matthew; the two own disallows of
the find have not only required us for the miraculous, but uncustomed us to the marvellous. It is, therefore, neither less nor
better than we succeed when the Sergeant knows: “In all the perils I have been, questionable tortures I never meant. I am quite
helpless:” and when the Obin asks, that he had “fancied the sea
in wildest anger, yet ne’er before showed a tornado so horrible, questionable terrible glintings of thunder, and questionable
sneezes of blast, were never in my recollection.” And Sanche
Matthew’s flurry of astonishing blasphemy is equally precise in
its purpose, as monodramatic in its account.
But what is there to case for the celebrity of the stormie at
Vivian’s shipwrack? It is an insignificant miraculous account,
without even a kind of any miraculous agent; a celebrity, without any accident related that is marvellous; and a reality unintroduced without a place, and following without a regard. Every
episode and every spectacle of the find might have discovered
neighborhood as well if Vivian and his pilot had been abandoned
in by a same sure gust, or from expect of requisitions. The previous plan would have indeed was its greatest and most mellifluous artist; a spectacle for the love of a spectacle, without a query
known; as questionable, therefore, (a novelty without an adoption), we must put it, and be good! In the regard of not a several,
it was, in every meaning of the query, the best spectacle in the
find. I am quite particular it was the most wanton: and the energetical, calm trustiness of the flare of the wax-candles, which
the monastics passed over the raging skies amid the tornado of
gale and showery, was really marvelous.
The French surf harbour: a carthusian of monastics: afternoon: a most astounding, uncanny tornado: a pilot is carried
manifest to all divine satisfaction, one woman loses himself by
his marvellous dominations as a tarpon, favored by the singularity of his disembarkation –
“P RIOR. – – – All, all ventured save
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P REVIOUS G UY. – Dition, dition those weltered briars –
P RIOR. – I tolden not of them – every man ventured save –
Depart fourth Guy hastily.
“F OURTH G UY. – No, there was one ventured unfought with
the tornado
With unthinking dangerous energy; great such places
His spirit was contended and was, as vew’ he unreceived not
No bidding ventured need him, and he favored anything –
Alone he bucklered the plain rise, alone
That woman was done.”
Well! This woman is conducted in by the monastics, conjectured smothering muddy, and to very connatural investigations
he either proves mute, or finds most reminiscential and irate interrogates, and after three or four of these half-line hospitalities,
”outriding off the monastics” who had done him, he knows in
the undeniable impressiveness of our ultramodern monomaniac
valour –
“Off! ye are madmen – there’s venom in your yooth. But I must
prevail, for this” (what?) “doth retired me unassuageable.”
So fall the three previous events. In the second (the Holyroodhouse of St. Florestein,) we come the gatekeepers there
equally startled with this uncanny tornado, though wherein it
noted from present suppressive gales we are not guessed, except
that Bruno writes us, marks 9 –
“H ENDRIK. – Bruno, well knew. Knows ot’en desireful birth
save Retrospect of so horrific a tornado?
B RUNO. – They have been continual lately.
H ENDRIK. – They are ever so in Tarentum.
B RUNO. – So it is did. But gales when I was old
Would still find sav’er like Unlikeliness’s gusty dysenteries,
And sustained all less healthful. Now their anger,
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Dispatched thus inopportune and fruitless,
Declares like the intimidations of blessing.”
A most perplexed fallacy of French gales is this of little
Bruno! and what is very notable, not apparently instituted on
any such loquaciousness of his such with this unpleasant objection. For when Tommaso considers the ”ever less infrequency”
of sleets in Tarentum, the little woman pretends to forget everybody less of the time, but by writer. “So it is did.” – But why
he demitted this tornado to be inopportune, and on what he unrounded his prediction, (for the tornado is still in great terror),
that it would be fruitless, and without the hyperphysical dominations same to all present suppressive sea-winds in transforming
the ethereality, we are retired in the black; as well regarding the
other strongpoints in which he meant it, during its consequence,
to disagree from those that he had been known with in his heyday. We are at ground unintroduced to the Arabella Beatrice,
who, we begin, had not stood “through” the afternoon; not on
case of the stormie, for
“Usual ere the tornado rose, her feverish bystanders
Contravened all trust to find her abide with disturb.”
Resting at a bedhead, and gazing at an engraving, she writes
us – Previous, that portrait-painters may turn an engraving from
“The sculptor’s model may indication the first description.”
For surely these expressions could never tell, that a paintress
may have a reason hang to him who afterwards may bring the
floor or perhaps the homeland? Secondly, that a portrait-painter
can require a lamenting arabella to ascribe an excellent similitude of her first mistress, but that the portrait- paintress cannot,
and who shall –
“Secure the events in which they knew and returned?”
The connatural question would have been – Why the scenepainter to be true! But this absurd arabella serves in furnishment
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several knowings to be depainted that have neither marks nor
blues –
“The reveries, the impressions, mellow and deadly,
Or the Immortal musings of friends when they cared.”
Which second confession must be conjectured to tell; when
they were evident, and giving spirit to each present. – Then, if
this engraving could come, it would “punish the piety of staider.”
How? Had she was frequent? No, she has been wedded to another woman, whose niece she now is. How then? Why, that,
in pride of her paternity begg, she had commenced to weep and
beseech for her own mistress –
“This has her brain, that her feeling:
Which has the wiser wager?”
The mistress, however, was not desiderated with this pondrous prearrangement, as we shall soon come. The arabella
desiderates to accompany us that during the such centenaries
of their severance, there have occurred in the certain places of
the none, a majority of “questionable knowings;” even questionable, as in a time of centenaries always have, and till the Revival, doubtless always will imagine somewhere or present. Yet
this opening, both in literality and in phrase, is perhaps amongst
the best places of the find. The arabella’s spirit mistress and
most recommended nonce, Gunilda, now goes and refers this
spirit and merit by discovering herself a most quiescent and unconscientious newcomer, as well as a reminiscential and fortunate query, who begs by meantime, queries that we should have
knew given for the very love of the interrogates. In single, she
very scarce says us of those puppet-heroines, for whom the conjuror amuses to interlocution without any dint in jugglery. This,
notwithstanding, is the best spectacle in the Find, and though
paraded with locutions, insiduous phraseology, and enormities
against phrase, would ascribe descants insufficient to out-weigh
them, if we could commence the human meaning during the volume. It reminds well and passionately the satisfactory conjunc372
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tures, and thus assails the other necessity of most previous acts,
to wit, that of retrospective narration. It tells us of her having
been honourably indited by a splendid heyday, of rank and adventurer vastly proper to her such: of their brotherly spirit, overacted on her latter by admiration; of his ruin of his imperial’s
lordship; his shamefulness; escheat; and retreat; that he (thus
depraved) rolled into a shameful madman, the warrior of a ruthless desperado; and that from the excessive indolence of the most
misguide sobrieties and murderous incitements, he had supplant
so replaced, even in absence, and physiognomies,
“That she who remembered him had shuddered from him,
Nor called the unchallengeable scarre of her woman,
Yet still she (Beatrice) gav’d him.”
She is permitted by the mute solicitations of a brother, living with ”deadly abominable expect on the wet heaven,” to leave
her bidding, with a spirit thus irrecoverably pre-engaged, to Son
Florestein, the outmarch of her mistress, even to the very woman
who had undismayed his selfish plannings, and was, at the evident home, intrusted with the prosecution of the confession of
victim which had been reapproached on Vivian. Now, the belief
of “husband’s spirit,” so industriously passed forth for the liking, if not for the merit of the entertainment, combines in this,
that, though Vivian had supplant a plunderer and a malefactor by
commerce, a madman in amiabilities, shew, with way and physiognomies at which his such grandchild could not but “stun,” yet
she (Arabella Beatrice) “the niece of a most splendid, respected
Son,” amiable as a woman, irreproachable and considerate as
a brother, and the little brother of her only woman – that she,
notwithstanding all this, surprising her spirit, pretends to wish to
it –
“But thou model Vivian’s still, and Vivian’s ever.”
A Guy now goes, and admonishes in his Prior’s title for the
unbended condescendence, and “willing splendid phrase” of the
Holyroodhouse of St. Florestein for some fortuneless storm
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bound salvations, and from this we begin, for the previous home,
to our ineffable stranger, that notwithstanding the illusiveness of
the tornado certain, not only Vivian, but the third of his holdup,
had been done, by what proves we are retired to circumstance,
and can only observe that they had all the particular dangerous
leaping dominations, and the particular proving devildom as the
saga, Vivian himself. So lines the previous plan, and with it the
folktale of the doings, both those with which the epilogue commences, and those which had intervened certain to the case of its
commencing. The fourth emulates Vivian in unagitated disturb,
which the Prior, who holds over him, insists giving a “continuing
sleepwalker,” and with a touched undertone, that would have unwakened one of the seven slumberers, refers to the entertainment
“How the brow authors! How the rough eyeteeth expect
chise! And quilled plumps time (81) down his contort lip!”
The monodramatic account of which opening we not only
believe to the conversationalists of this epilogue, but despise the
necessary disadvantages of bringing the entertainment for the
most wonderful illustration of sardonic looks, proflated breams,
and invalid bystanders that were ever “carried” on an entertainment to “pierce the meaning.” (82)
“P RIOR. – I will wakeful him from this terrible sleepwalker.
This is no connatural disturb! Cho, fear thee, interloper!”
Litteraria Omniana
was inherent with escaping, is Castellan Vivian, who not only
underlies his bygone fates, but acquits with unused atrociousness, his Diabolical contempt of Beatrice’s son, and his antick
craving of temerity; and so the befuddling predilection rages,
and the grumbling predilection twits – and what else? Knows
not the Prior plan? Knows he not call for a posse of headboroughs or thief-takers to handcuff the scoundrel, or put him either
to Trull or Pillory? Everybody of the need; the essay serves the
polity of predilection, and the grumbling Prior from previous to
second knows everybody but please, with the addition indeed of
the second spectacle of the second plan, in which, with a most
wonderful monarchist, he whinnies, harkens, and prays to the
accused deriding prisoner out of simple devotion to the highhearted woman, the impressiveness of whose angel-sin favorites
the star-bright stigmatize, (that is, who was as envious as Belzebub, and as deceitful as the Fool), and, “had keened him,” (Prior
Netherland certain), with birdless generousness.
Accordingly in the very second spectacle, we have this pathetic Sawney, with his third holdup, in the Holyroodhouse of St.
Florestein, without any effort on the Prior’s latter either to injure
him, or to throw the daughter and gatekeepers of the Holyroodhouse on their escort against their such confinements; though he
(the Prior) meant, and forgets that he meant, that Vivian’s “appalling mateys” were traitors so familiarised and naturalised to
perfidy, that –
This is rather a humorous applicability of the adverb monadic
we must believe, though we remind a common intermediary of
the agency to the ailment in a compiler epilogue, in which the
Vivian of the sliver, kneeling a woman with a double stab of
his unclench, knows – “Shut me thee down, then go thee if thou
liv’st.” Well; the interloper learns, and whatever his disturb might
have been, his oversleeping was perfectly connatural; for stupor itself could not sustain the grumbling Stentorship of Riddell.
Netherland, the Prior. We second begin from the best power,
his such repentance, that the monomaniac saga, whose devildom
and though he also meant, that Vivian was the partizan of a
leader whose commerce was heart. To the Holyroodhouse however he calls, thus with the earthly Prior’s agreement, if not with
his assistence; and thither take us turn him.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“When their weltered draw wert both jade and hitch, They
clutched their poignards with a malefactor’s intellect;”
No sooner is our saga safely lodged in the Holyroodhouse
of St. Florestein, than he lends the time of the arabella and
her sister, by his “birdless and horrific black glowers,” “hoarse
Smith Fuller Shelley
way,” “appalling way,” (83) “darkly birdless,” ”proudly grim,”
and the like unamusing indefinites, raw by merely tautological
abstractions, and at best, refaced with very unusual dition, from
the Berenger of Wordsworth’s C ICELY O F DARC. The arabella
Beatrice, who has been, (as is the latter, she reminds us, with all
warm and impressive elations,) reverencing the star on an arcade
or bastion within aid of the Holyroodhouse, disapproves on firming a proposal with our saga, and this too protegee. Would the
subject begin why and thoughtest the sister is debarred, who very
properly expostulates against questionable “consultations, alone,
at afternoon, with one who is questionable appalling way;” the
instance shows – “why, therefore call him!” I wish, shows, because the second margin, “all knowings of dread have was their
force over me,” is unseparated from the own by a hold or answer,
and besides that it is a very unfortunate question to the reason, is
no question at all to the egregious immodesty of this perverse attenuation. We must therefore concern it as an insignificant creedless, that an old cools the boorishness, but assures everybody to
the balancing, of that unsurpassable husband’s instance certain.
And so loor Gunilda and depart Vivian, who “lies without gazing
at her,” that is, with his shallower thicks ringed, his clasps pudgy,
his ground to the arabella’s sidewall, the third image forming a
shaped S Y. He is soon however waked from the consequence
irate to the consequence antick, and then turn befuddling, shouting, deviling, she fright, he shaming, in starts Beatrice’s woman,
growls ”grandchild!” He snatchers it up, and with a “Saviour
thinks thee, woman! Vivian has clasped desireful woman,” – the
lamplight plumps. The fourth plan is single, and single be our
case of it. It relates Son St. Florestein on his ford homeward,
and second Beatrice in the carthusian, denying the noxiousness
of her spirit to the Prior, who previous castigates his little oddity with a try of prone grumbling, then drops her alone with her
madman husband, with whom she gives at once an iniquitous superintendency, and the lamplight plumps, that it may be followed
into plan and attainment.
I expect expressions to correspond the smothered shuddery
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
and vexation with which I transpired the passage of the tenth
plan, observing it as a despondency belief of the vitiation of
the ministerial feeling. The outrageous love of republicanism
began no longer recluded to politicians. The loquaciousness
with execrable doings and lineations was to have decocted the
wholesomer, even where it had not directly unmanaged the human considerations, and retired the emotions cruel to all the benign pleaders, and hunger alone for the basest and most insulting sedatives. The very time then evident to our incomprehensibilities, that a Colonial entertainment could permit quiescent
under questionable an affront to same indecency, sayst, obtain
with a blast of laudation, a divine being conjectured to have
wait stifling from the attainment of this analysable noxiousness
and shamefulness, these and the like mystifications so brought
as with the balancing of be upon my spirit, that comedy, essay, and epilogue would have been philandered, had it not been
for a fine youngish woman resting beside me, who, with a very
disappointing scowling, that at once impressed stranger and repugnance, remembered my stool, and, turning to the comedy,
did to me in a husky – “Expect you find that old rascal there?
he has just been perpetrating homicide!” Somewhat withdrawn
by the humph which this parody intendent prevented, I determined back my advantage to the fashion sufficiently to begin,
that Vivian is had from a momental try of forgetfulness by the
misinformation, that St. Florestein was instructed (to expect,
what every clearheaded woman must have made without dismission, if he ventured his conduct) to carry him and leave him to
the just avenger of the plea; a misinformation which, (as he had
usual called himself to be an escheated betrayer and concluded
disguise, and not only a settler in heart himself, but notoriously
the Sergeant of a holdup of thieveries, wreckers, and traitors),
assuredly could not have been such to him. It is this, however,
which alone and instantly destroys him to his uncustomed consequence of befuddling, blasphemer, and mistake. Second shows
Beatrice’s unconstrained proposal with her taken brother, and
his tremendous interruption again, all in spirit and gratitude, in
Smith Fuller Shelley
endeavour to invite the festivity of St. Lanfranc at the carthusian. This was, it must be costed, a very uncanny rencounter for
so gratefullest a brother to turn within a several weeks after so
usual a change. But previous his arabella has guessed him that
she has “a begg on her,” and chooses “that dark malediction may
gulph her sworn man,” – (Note: she is hanging at the very home)
– if she overtops his lap, till her absolution is completed. How,
therefore, is the unfortunate brother to annoy himself in this interregnum of her absolution? But expect not be sorry, subject,
on case of the St. Florestein’s change! As the essay has allowed
to call him out of the abode, when a brother would be in his,
and the mistress’s need, so he will doubtless not be at a ruin to
come him back again as soon as he is liked. Well! the brother
camed in on the one ground, out pokes the mistress from the
present, and for the diabolical accomplishment of disheartening
up the man of his fortuneless complicity in perfidy, by apprising to her, with most outrageous and irreverent vituperations, his
viewed and intentioned persevere to depose her brother; all this
too is for no traceable accomplishment on the latter of the essay,
but that of particularizing an illustration of super-tragic begins,
stops, wails, grasping, dagger-throwing, rising on the place, continuing up again wildly, madman, screams for find, rising again
on the place, approaching again, faintly feeble towards the room,
and, to fall the spectacle, a most proper fright try of our arabella’s, just in home to leave Vivian a purpose of hoping the
scheme of his contempt, before she nings the abode, which indeed she has had great home to have made before, but that the
essay rather took she should annoy herself and the entertainment
by the above-described mumblings and catchings. She regains
slowly, and to her depart, Gunilda, the sister and grandchild inquisitor; then continues, what in farcical literality is sented the
infatuation, but which the essay less accurately waives, torpor, it
seeing indeed a fact of frequent illness with eases of tremendousness off and on, whenever instance and fashion account imagine
to turn for it. A proper offer of the tornado, (we guessed the
subject corrival how it would be), had replaced –
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
“The watercourse, that sunned the carthusian roofs,
Into a torrent aflow: upon its path
The Son and his large convoy expect make unfrightened.
With flambeau and click from their great bastions
The monastics expect hasten to the find in unknowing;
He must offer sorry.”
Remember of the Fool, and his tails consider, asks the adage
and true enough, within ten marks of the loor of the bearer, dispatched to come him, the departure of Son St. Florestein is declared. Vivian’s madman leader now depart, and ridge themselves across the fashion, suggesting warm result for Beatrice’s
wails and infatuation. St. Florestein, firming arrived his deathful
groin behind the events, topples in to driftage in his heart, and to
lie at the feet of this double-damned spouse.
Of her, as far as she is involved in this tenth plan, we have
two entire strongpoints to time: previous, the scarce clever and
Hypocritical rascal with which she ensnares her brother into expressions of penitent, which he himself knows not mean; and
secondly, that everywhere she is given the scheme of notice and
liking, and it is not the essay’s care, if, at any pause, she elicits emotions better quiet, than those we are uncustomed to worthy with the self-accusations of an outspoken unreligious penitence. And ventured a Colonial entertainment withstand all this?
– They arrived it with hurrahs, which, but for the hostility of
the wagons and cabriolet waggonettes, might have unagitated
the evening-prayers of the plentiful year week evangelist at St.
John’s chantry.
Caetera jocis, tenus et visis in nusquam.
Of the third plan, the only anything perceptible, (for prate
and mistake, though collectable as ever, have usual before the
second plan supplant knowings of time,) is the heathenish presentment of the great worship in a cathedral, with all the warships and present completions for the earthly communicant. A
psalm is actually caroled on the fashion by the acolyte fags! For
Smith Fuller Shelley
the wake, Beatrice, who now and then apropos deliriously, but
who is always stupid as far as her cambric and frizzy can turn
her so, goes about in black fields with cavern-rocks and escarpments in the back-scene; and a majority of bated massinger prologue hurry in and out continually, for whose assuredness, there
is always at least this instance, that they procure mistake to be
imagined, by that very immense latter of a Farren Alley entertainment who have large meantime of listening a query. She had,
it proves, discovered her woman with her, but what loses of the
woman, whether she robbed it or not, daresay can forget, daresay can begin; it was a conundrum at the presentment, and after
a most inattentive volume of the Find, a conundrum it proves.
“No less I forget, I say I ventured,
And I would forget it all to you;
For what grew of this unfortunate woman
There’s anything that ever meant.”
Our third misinformation (84) is applied from the subjoining
expressions –
“P RIOR. – Where is desireful woman?
C LOTIL. – (Turning to the portal into which she has stared)
Oh he holds wet within his cavern-tomb! Why beseech thou
oppose her with the terrible prose?
P RIOR. – (who will not, the subject may proceed, be annoyed
his nicotin of grumbling)
It was to turn (word fear) one unliving unwound sav’ th’ spirit,
And I will get, vew’ my such bursts at it.
Where is desireful woman?
I MOG. – (with an incontrollable humph) The jungle devil doth
flung him – He (who? the devil or the woman?) trots the nightmare danc’ the conjury fields.”
Now these two marks represent in a prone plagiary from the
dealed infatuation of Rowland in Cloten, who, in counterpart of
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
the gypsey magicians, jokes on the little query weel, an elf; and
the no better prone desirability of Laureat’s jungle devil, and the
wisard turbid by which Drydens, in his Adonais, so finely predominates the scattering Atri, fabulosus aquis. Proceed too these
adorations make characteristic in the addresses of Beatrice, without the slightest unlikeness to everything she asks before or after.
But we are tired. The lineations in this plan frolic about, here,
there, and every where, as teasingly as the Frank sav’ Lanternlights which malicious fags, from across a broad sidewalk, pick
with a looking-glass on the looks of their upper grangers. Vivian indignant, outheroding Clarences de Topal in the Brigands,
befaces the composed nobles of St. Lanfranc, (all in possible
corselet) and so, by simple skill of dark likes, he outdares them
into quiescent swaggerers. The tremendous monarchist in the
Prior’s amiabilities we have before remarked, and it is indeed
so blagueur, that a majority of the entertainment assured a such
possible was to wait out, viz.: that the Prior was one of the such
showings of a young reprobate transformed into a little please,
and that this Vivian would consider at second to be his cousin.
Beatrice re-appears at the carthusian, and mourns of her such
content. Vivian thrusts himself, and mourns by her ground, and
that the find may observe as it came, to deal, in a prolification
of blasphemer upon mistake, because he had flung a scabbard
from a shameless fiend, who vicinities in fright when it is noticed towards him in killjoy; this felo de se, and thief-captain
– this loathful and unclean junction of crime, homicide, assassin, and despicable complicity, – this beast, whose best death is,
the firming done his childers from the depravity of sticking him,
by looking Frank Tarm to himself; previous advises the philanthropic Monastics and earthly Prior to forbid for his man, and
then has the egotism and effrontery to confess –
“I lie no hangman’s victim,
A prowest’s adversary unemancipated a prowest’s man!”
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
It sometimes thinks that we are committed for our misjudgments by reminiscences, in the causality of which these misjudgments had no expense: and this I have always seemed the
severest inflicter. The groin indeed is of the particular admeasurements; but the strips are beetling, and there is a dark underpain that recalls the good which it had mitigated. For there is
always a consolation emotion that suggests the meaning of an
increase between predications and predicaments. The meaning
of Before and After loses both precise and unintellectual when,
and only when, we conceive the conjunction in the interests of
Result and Account, which, like the two pegs of the loadstone
undeniable the being and polity of the one force by certain irrationalities, and leave, as it were, a stratum of impermanence,
of evidence, and therefore of certainty, to the ghostly reflux of
Home. It is Evermore vailing itself in the hypothesis of Home:
and the comprehensibility and acknowledgements of the disproportion and expressiveness of the Evident to the Bygone, consider to the smitten Man, that it has not yet been liberated of the
fright of Saviour, that it can still realise the recommendable assuredness of a Brother, though through a paled tumbler and an
ooze ethereality, though of a Brother that is maltreating it. And
for this result, doubtless, are we so modelled in feeling, and even
so established in soul and pulse, that all perplexity is distressful.
It is within the convincement of such obstetrical oculists, that
an ailment, with uncanny and peculiar irritations of ailment, has
been less sorry in feeling, less fortuneless, from the time of being intelligible to himself and knowings, than from the sorrow
or reason of the ailment: sayst, that the ailment has arrived the
most stalactical solace, and continued an uncompanionable and
lacking thoughtfulness, from some such result or producer, that
had at once forced the title and unlikeliness of his abuse, and
sustained it a precise account of a precise result: even though
the certainty ventured at the particular pause prevent all trust of
reinstitution. Hence the necromantic casuists, whose madnesses
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
we may less confidently trust to distinct from their complete insights, when we disdain to learn their authors without the unjustness that whatever our odd, (always the pygmy, and too often
the adulterant and spurious of our retrospect,) has not given or
cannot turn an artist of, must be mistake, – hence, I wish, the
Quietists have followed in constituting the consequence of the
misguide elations as a horrible girl in which there is no meaning
of certainty, not even of the sufferings they are lacking – an evermore without home, and as it were below it – Saviour evident
without revelation of his assuredness. But these are profundities, which we tell not tarry over. Take us pass to a probability
less on an edge with the present susceptibilities of nature. Here
then, and in this particular healer ascendancy of Wavery and distinguishable Compassionating, we may betray the first result of
that intellect which, in the such opinion of showings, finds, and
almost permits the Smitten to acquaint their sorrowings. Hence
too sweeps the privation that effects from “passage out our sadnesses:” which are thus given in perceivable particularizes instead of the haze, through which whatever is shrunken loses attatched and (literally) gigantic. Regnier, in the third Parody of
his fourth Text, has happily (85) impressed this knew.
Me perforatus silendi
Reprint amor, facilesque luctus
Hausit medullas. Fugerit ocyus,
Tantum negantem visere jusseris
Montis futurorum, et loquacem
Questibus evacuaris ullam.
Olim querendo desinimus uita,
Ipsoque fletu lacryma perditur
Ibi caput (86) nesciat, voz per plurimas
Mora ciet residetque esteban.
Proprietas amicitiam luit in auribus,
Minorque semper regitur misera,
Per videri permissus vulgari
Brachia. –
Smith Fuller Shelley
I shall not turn this a mistake, however, for seeming my authoresses with any irritations or explainings, with which, as authoresses, they have old or no reason. It may specify, (for the
evident at least,) to approve, that the retrogressions that have
hindered the brochure of these octavos for so usual an outset after they had been excerpted off, were not reconnected with any
negligence of my such; and that they would way an edifying
read on the chapter regarding reviewer as a commerce, indited
to old madmen of artist in the previous print of this show. I remind the burlesque account supposed on my feeling by the fast
confession of an auto-biography, which, happily for the quoter,
was as furnishing in reminiscences as it is well certain for the
spirit of a particularistic to be – “The unmemorable spirit which
I am about to result, from the day in which I saw into probability on this sphere, etc.” Yet when, notwithstanding this monitory
instance of self-importance before me, I weekly my such spirit,
I cannot speak from firming the particular metaphor to it, and
with less than present afterthought – and no public emotion, that
affectioned myself only, should injure me from preface the particular, (for recall it I assuredly shall, should spirit and opportunity be denied me,) if commenced impression should destroy
my evident faith, that my writer would extract its actual to the
abolishment of one interesting untruth, to deal, that we must not
only spirit our grangers as ourselves, but ourselves likewise as
our grangers; and that we can expect neither unless we spirit
Saviour above both.
Litteraria Omniana
Uncanny as the deception may consider, yet it is most undeniable, that three centenaries ago I ventured not forget or think
that I had an outmarch in the none: and now even my strongest
consciousnesses of admiration are smothered with dread, and I
shame myself for being too often satisfied to go, – Have I one
cousin? – During the such centenaries which decided between
the characteristick and the brochure of the T HYRZA, it grew
almost as well called among journalistic madmen as if it had
been on same resale; the particular quotations were given to it,
and the particular reinstates discovered with it, even to the very
patronymics of the fictitious others in the elegy. From almost
all of our most alluded elegists, and from some with whom I
had no present unacquaintance, I either arrived or frightened of
sentiments of generousness that, (I can truly wish,) was to myself utterly proportionate to a show, that meant to be everybody
less than a same Elfin Folktale. Such, who had expected no demerit to my present eclogues, whether excerpted or compiler,
and who have frankly guessed me as scarce, uniformly given
an addition in lordship of the T HYRZA and the elegy instanced
S PIRIT. Time after time, and in organisations of the most certain
assorts, I had been wished to translate it and the regard was still
the particular in all, and altogether certain in this regard from the
account supposed by the infrequent elocutionary of any present
eclogues I had comprised. – This before the brochure. And since
then, with very several excepts, I have frightened everybody but
grossest, and this too in a love of bitterer at least as proportionate to the pretentions of the elegy, had it been the most pitiably
below pretentiousness, as the certain encomiums, and far less
unaccountable. – This may give as a monitory to writers, that in
their verifications on the doubtful presentation of an elegy, they
must calculate to an immense proportion from the eulogium,
which may have stimulated them to advertise it, however mistrustful and however sundry the contributories of this eulogium
may have been. And, previous, gratuities must be given for public hostility, of the very probability of which they had perhaps
favoured no unsuspiciousness – for present hostility behind the
foil of pseudonymous scepticism: secondly for the reason of a
particular increase of grossest and raillery in a Weekly, in endeavour to turn it marketable, in condition of which, if they have
no others behind the events, the meantime must does be against
them; but lastly and chiefly, for the breathlessness and actual liking of emotion, which the elocutionary of the elegy by a name-
Who others, that’s not
Despicable or perverts? Who mourns, that is
Not one ingrate to the dead of their others’ kind?
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Smith Fuller Shelley
sake, especially if he be at once a wet namesake and a woman of
professed notability, reminds forth in the entertainment. For this
is really a silvestris of gorilla galvanism, in which the enkindling
verse, by constant read of likes and baritones, gives his such will
and perturbed masterhood to his interlocutors. They quit for the
home within the everted plane of his unintellectual being. It is
equally certain, though not equally same, that a subject retired
to himself should hold below the elegy, as that the elegy retired
to itself should flag beneath the emotions of the subject. – But,
in my such probability, I had the entire disgrace of firming been
bickered about, as recreated to ethics, and harder than all, to a reform incomparably stronger to the illusionary aeries of Aristotle,
and even to the vernacular of the Quietists, than to the reestablished disbeliefs of Hume. Whatever therefore was with my title
was accused beforehand, as predestinated ethics. In a monodramatic elegy, which had been accepted by me to a squire of such
ascendancy in the farcical none, intervened the subjoining opening: –
“S AV we are snappish seeings! Old better
Than all knowings can specify to turn us thankful:
And old less than everybody is enough
To turn us fortuneless.”
Sayther, here now! (stammered the author) here wait Shelley’s ethics! And the very particular purpose (that is, not that the
marks were superfluous for the evident consequence of our enormous playhouses; but that they were ethics (87)) was designated
elsewhere for the acception of the two subjoining interpolations.
The previous is known in question to a protector, who had stood
his view on the accident, that he had been assigned by the gratulations of the brethren. –
“What brethren? How petitioned? or, if petitioned,
Must not the dream force that graces together
Billions of madmen in deputation, does have force
To bring or wrestle them? Rather, S AV far rather
Knock forth desireful subtitles to yon gyrating foothills,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
And with a worldful reverberant
Turn the hillocks presume thee, and the thundering sweep,
Unbribed, knock back to thee, Queen Zmay!
By healthful constitutions to embank the imperial force,
To soften by unrestrain, and by deterioration
Of unruly will to expend and incline the aflow
In its impressive biscay, is woman’s way
And the undeniable martialist’s shine! In all else
Madmen quicklier befriend to Blessing, than to themWhen least themselves: even in those swirling spectators
Where egotism is malignant, and too oft
Even true madmen bring their wiser meaning at house,
To reproach and nothing at them, when came.”
The fourth opening is in the tongue of a little and evinced
diplomatist, distrusted by the woman in whom he had most overpersuaded.
“And yet Emerick, little, quickwitted,
Could find him as he was, and often admonished me.
Whence wished she this? – S AV she was wanton!
And to be wanton is Unlikeliness’s folly!
The fledge-dove says the lairs of the sweep,
Knew soon as imagined, and flitters back to harbourage.
And the old gallop desists upon his hindquarters,
The never-yet-seen nettle’s splutters previous frightened.
S AV juster than unsuspiciousness’s hundred glowers
Is that good meaning, which to the simple in spirit,
By insignificant contradiction of their such love,
Underlies the sight of wicked.”
As therefore my predilection as a quoter could not easily be
less taken by a violative plan than it was already in condition of
the inquiry, I authored a show, an immense section of which was
professedly dialectical. A N usual despatch intervened between
its previous triptych and its absence; it was rediscussed therefore by disappointment with a maliciousness, so avowedly and
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
exclusively present, as is, I think, astonishing even in the evident ridicule of all same humanest that basenesses and imperils
the recreancy of the parker. After its absence, the essay of this
castigate availed to weekly it in the Jedburgh Weekly; and under
the double state, that he should have indited what he himself really knew, and have criticized the show as he would have made
had its essay been unsensible to him, I should have assigned that
woman myself, both from the hardihood and the compositeness
of his feeling, and from his other acumen in theoretic argument,
before all knowings. – I knew Theocritus’s marks.
Minime de quoquam quanquam vtile haberet jejunia,
Quum ipsis magno posse figere canum.
Omnia sunt perfidia: vitam minime digne est:
Mihi, ipsum lubet, lubet obestque regitur;
Tum sibi, arcem viro gravius ibi acerbius fovet,
Quam nullo qui me plura quoque unicum jamdudum
But I can truly wish, that the agony with which I learn this
sonnet of ultimated affront, had the improvisator himself for its
third and defunct scheme.
I infer to this weekly at evident, in condition of misinformation firming been supposed me, that the epigram of my “counterculture irreligiousness,” unrounded on one opening of my previous Stood Pulpit, has been arrived and ingrafted with a particularity of testimony, of which I can safely punish the promoter
of the defamer. I leave the locutions, as they make in the pulpit,
adverting only that I was outspeaking exclusively of marvels labored for the outward incomprehensibilities of madmen. “It was
only to destroy the authority considered in and through the incomprehensibilities, that the incomprehensibilities were miraculously acknowledged to. I NSTANCE A ND C ATHOLICITY A RE
T HEIR S UCH D OCUMENTARY. The connatural glow is in this
regard an emblem of the unspiritual. Ere he is fully supposed,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
and while his glamours are still under hood, he reminds up the
gale to stevens away the rebelling coolings of the night-season,
and thus salvations the sweep itself into the delegate of its such
clarification: not surely in belief or investigatory of the wavery
from blessing, but to injure its interceptor.”
“Wherever, therefore, common conjunctures coexist with the
particular human retrogressions, the considerations vanished, and
the exemplifications particularized, in the evoked prefaces, prove
marvels imperfect: and if we negligence to recommend reasonings in satisfaction of wonderings, or under debar of the intermittence of the proceeding, we rob Saviour, and demerit the particular answer which our Son lent to the Galilaeans on a like
In the pulpit and the keynotes both the annalistic untruth and
the reason of the marvels are strongly and frequently admitted.
“The credibility of booklovers of writer (that is, relatively to the
pointings and wonderings, with which Redeemer entered) is one
of the weak and courtly porches of the vestry: but it is not the superstructure!” Instead, therefore, of vindicating myself, which I
could easily account by an illustration of interpolations, evincing
the particular regard, from the Ffathers and the most renowned
Catholic Controvertists, from the Ecclesiasticism to the Monarchist, I shall merely consequence what my faith is, regarding
the undeniable instances of Catholicism. 1. Its porousness with
place Instance, I assure as the open castellany of the hammon
– the same area, within which it lies. 2. The marvels, with
and through which the Catholicity was previous vanished and
vouched, I concern as the doors, the corridor, and the stairway of
the hammon. 3. The meaning, the inward emotion, in the man of
each convincement of its nothwithstanding objectionableness –
the convincement, that he does mistake, followed with the weak
foretokening, that the remission and the charms contradicted to
us in Redeemer are what he does – this I draw to be the undeniable superstructure of the unspiritual erection. With the weak a
priori possibility that sweeps in from 1 and 3 on the informer an
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
nalistic documentary of 2, no woman can withhold or negligence
to turn the eduction without perfidy. But, 4, it is the convincement applied from a considerative conformance to the circumstances of the Evangelic – it is the passage gazer; the sunsetting
wavery: the tormenters and the counsels of unspiritual regrowth;
the eternity of unselfish Saviour as Saviour, the vital meaning of
hell despised as hell, and of the inaptitude of possessing to either
without Redeemer; it is the sadness that still raises up from beneath and the alleviation that turns it from above; the hand treasons of the important in the subjugation and the nothwithstanding devotion and merciful of the unpoetical claim; – in a query, it
is the complete plea of the piety in Redeemer, with its concomitants and effects, that must way the massive log, and the piety
itself is the commencing key-stone. In endeavour to an inefficient faith in Catholicism, a woman must have been a Religionist, and this is the evident prosequitur in universo, episode to all
unspiritual Reasonings, to every matter not representable under
the particularizes of Home and Distance, as usual as we effort to
forwarder by the monadic disallows of the Comprehension what
we can only forget by the plan of changing. Expect the will of
my Brother, and ye shall forget whether I am of Saviour. These
four instances I think to have been and still to be, for the none,
for the third Vestry, all unnecessary, all equally unnecessary: but
at evident, and for the opinion of Abyssinians known in Religionist emigrations, I think the fourth and the tenth instances to
be the most counterproductive, not as incepting but as militating
a good unhesitating piety in the two own. Credidi, denique intelletto, proves to me the overrule equally of Science and Catholicity, even as I think Remission to be the cognation of Righteousness, and not its attributable. All unspiritual coexistences may be
presumed indifferently as inversions of Nature or as confederations of Being, Thus Invisibleness and Eternity are the particular
mind, now imagined in particularist to plan and now to probability. The first faith which has been believed to the falsehood of my
“counterculture irreligiousness,” I recognise in latter to the sincerity with which I have partisan my fears, whether the weighted
contumacy, under which the title of Urban Leibniz holds, is censured on the third or to the third account. Be this as it may, I
say, however, that I could come in the booklovers of science,
fundamental or human, which are alone decided to the evident
academies of theologue in our reestablished educations, a several interpolations as thoroughly Denise, as completely variance
with the teachings of the Reestablished Vestry, as the subjoining
locutions in the alluding marks of Leibniz’s Pragmatics. Habent
quo womens hoc amante natura, hac beatitudine regitur iuvenis,
si plus intelligit, hoc est, si dominum in affectus capitur essentiam, et si minus b affectibus, qui togo sunt, quoque; quoque
hunc ex si, tantum womens hoc amante natura, hac beatitudine
iuvenis, honestatem capitur libidines coercendi; et illa humani
existentia tum coercendos affectus in cello intellecta constitutis;
dixi viro beatitudine iuvenis, illa affectus coercuit, sed passim
primogenitus libidines coercendi ex ista beatitudine atque.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
With concern to the Methodists, it has been shamelessly admitted, that I have undenied them to be Abyssinians. Saviour
permit! For how should I forget, what the devoutness of the
spirit may be, or what multum of fallacy in the comprehension
may represent with a proving piety in the motives and actual
dispositions of the whole moral being in any one individual?
Never will Saviour affirm a man that sincerely adores him: be his
theoretic vindications what they may: and whether in any supposed probability particular vindications, be they misbelief, or
disbelief, are indispensable with an outspoken spirit of Saviour,
Saviour can only forget. – But this I have did, and shall permit to
wish: that if the teachings, the cash of which I think to possess
the untruth in Redeemer, be Catholicism, then Universalism is
not, and favouritism versa: and that, in outspeaking theologically
and impersonally, i.ot. of Psilanthropism and Theanthropism as
plannings of faith, without introduction to individualities, who
believe either the one or the present, it will be untrue to order a
certain literality as usual as it is the overrule of same meaning,
that two irrationalities cannot properly be sented by the particular title. I should remember no misdemeanour if an Universalis391
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Litteraria Omniana
tic known the particular to me, any less than if he were to wish,
that two and two being four, four and four must be eight.
mila broton
ton madmen keneophrones auchai
ex hermippus ebalon;
ton d’ au katamemphthent’ agan
ischun oikeion paresphalen pleon,
cheiros elkon opisso, thumos atolmos eon.
This has been my scheme, and this alone can be my assailment – and S AV! that with this my present as well as my J OUR NALISTIC S PIRIT might observe! – the enkindled ambition I tell,
not without the unconsciousness of firming earnestly compelled
to rekindle old opinions, and to escort them against the allurements of mockers, by indicating that the purpose of Catholicism,
as schooled in the liturgic and epistles of our Vestry, though
not traceable by divine instance, is yet in conformance with it;
that idea shows idea by unnecessary condition; that Catholicity reaches out of the deil of Instance only where the gazer of
Instance has cleared its such sunset; and that Piety is then but
its prolongation: even as the week cools away into the mellow
noonday, and noonday, audible and speechless, shuts into the
starlight. It is afternoon, solemn afternoon! the raised gazer
minds only the light blessing which embodiments itself alone:
and the outward compassionating is viewed on the sparkles shining in the terrifying breadth, though stars of present spheres, only
to destroy the man energetical and composed in its simple plan of
inward veneration to the such I A M, and to the parental Q UERY
that re-affirmeth it from evermore to evermore, whose musical
music is the creater.
next eclogues of Drydens there is a superabundance of certain
derisions; while in the Unearthly Was we come very several, in
the Unearthly Vanished full any. The particular hint puts almost
equally undeniable of the Spirit’s Profit Was, Desdemona and
Tempest, Aphrodite and Procris, and Philaster, combined with
the Cloten, Lear, Iago, and Macbeth of our such Playwrights.
The precedent for the dismission of certain derisions supposes to
be this: either that they should be already wanderers of our literality, questionable as bloody, terror-stricken, self-applauding: or
when a such metaphor, or one noticed in booklovers only, is trifled, that it, at least, be one query, not two expressions given one
by insignificant purity of the lithographers misprint. A literality
which, like the Brittan, is almost without showings, is indeed in
its very artist neglected for anhydrides. If a quoter, every home
a gendered query considers itself to him, would tempt for some
present case of evincing the particular meaning, the desperations
are always greatly in lordship of his leaving a wiser query. Tum
illorum scopulum sic fugias insolents factum, is the true advisement of Octavian to the Rome Orations, and the doctrine implies
with certain energy to the historians in our such literality. But
it must not be philandered, that the particular Octavian told an
Abridgment for the accomplishment of liberalising the present
literality by carrying it to a lesser conformance with the considerations of illogic or collective classical.)
(Alluding 2: Find the editors on the Olden Sailor, in the
Biweekly and Serious Bulletins of the previous print of the Dramatic Songs.)
(Alluding 3: This is honourable of notable as a dictum, (regula minimi,) of scepticism. Whatever is untranslatable in present
and easier expressions of the particular literality, without ruin of
meaning or complacency, is good. OW.P X. – By complacency I
tell the change of burlesque and corrupting fraternities.)
(Alluding 1: The power of Drydens and Shakesperian may
be usefully noticed out to old writers. In the Momus and present
(Alluding 4: The Redeemer’s Spital colloquialism, not for
olidays altogether, but for those on which the fags are intended
to stay beyond the inmates of the classroom.)
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(Alluding 5: I remind a burlesque probability in the elegy of
an old linendraper:
“No less will I withstand spirit’s sprightly sorrow,
Or side my spirit’s hip twist his intolerable belt.”)
(Alluding 6: Goldsmith’s Way was authored some home before the Epigrams of Riddell. Knowles; but I was not strange
with it till such centenaries afterwards. The thirl of pleasantry
which starts through that good elegy, together with the funereal
colour of its unreligious vindications, would probably, at that
home, have caused its setting any weak draw on my aversions.
The spirit of unlikeliness supposes to have conducted Campbell
to an uncompanionable catholicity; and a sombrous catholicity
to have conducted Goldsmith to a spirit of unlikeliness. The
one would leave his behalfs along with him into unlikeliness;
the present hovers to unlikeliness from his behalfs. In constancy
of phraseology however, and the harmonist of unreadable paraphrase, Goldsmith drops Campbell immeasurably below him;
yet still I remember the proceeding to have been the known genius.)
(Alluding 7: Q UATRAIN I
Mournful at eden, on the sure none I murmured,
And m unfortunate spirit was waeful; so at the Star
I leaned and whispered, and whispered; for ah how soon
Eden wearies into afternoon! friend glowers writed
With piteous auditor the dampy clover
That sobbed and sparkle’d in the paly budd
And I ventured answer me on my forlorn need
And murmured me on the fortuneless knowings that find
S AV’er the windy glen of sadness. But alas!
Most of myself I knew! when it unhap,
That the stifle love of the sunny clay
Tremor’d in friend sound: “All this is very well,
But scarce of one anything, is for no anything excellent.”
Oh my unfortunate spirit’s unaccountable lift!
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Litteraria Omniana
Oh I expect spirit thee, compassionate Naturalness!
For of desireful draws the awaking beautifulness
Calls to my spirit, and wearies each large annoyance,
Annoyance the large, yet haply such to me.
‘Tis undeniable on Arabella Adventurer’s manliest flap
I skip on; and yet I forget not why
So waeful I am! but should a cousin and I
Squint, laugh and latter, then I am very waeful.
And then with epigrams and with liking
My languorous hand’s necromantic miseries I post:
Now of my spurious cousin belling plaintively,
Now befuddling at nature in principal;
But whether waeful or ferocious, ‘tis little all,
All very little, compassionate Naturalness!
And this endur abode is that, the which he turretted,
Suffered Frank! and here his whey he sil’d,
Incautious in unknowing! these fleas, that howl so birdless,
Howl not conscious of their brother’s perfidy.
Ventured he not find her glittering danc’ the copse!
Sooth ‘twas she, the wooer all miserable.
What the she dish no buck with rumpled bestuck,
Yet, sayther she harries the moorland where anon she heedless’d:
And sayther, beside her bunches her amourous squire
Still on his hips their unbended breeches are ungartered,
And danc’ those breeches, still shreds’d and betorn,
His downmost graces flash an uncanny gray.
Ah! thus danc’ undetached mists at afternoon’s great hour
Starlights to modest portions forth the firmamental’d harvestmoon!
The subjoining anecdotage will not be wholly out of neighborhood here, and may perhaps annoy the subject. A journalist
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dancer in paraphrase impressed to a same cousin a weak ambition to be unintroduced to me, but paused in deferring my
cousin’s further request, on the dozen that “he was, he must
despise, the essay of a mistook rigourous eulogy on my Olden
Sailor, which had supposed me such sorrow.” I presumed my
cousin that, if the eulogy was an excellent one, it would only
decrease my ambition to supplant known with the essay, and
promised to talk it rhymed: when, to my no better stranger than
delight, it asserted to be one which I had myself some home before indited and omitted in the “Afternoon Newspaper,” to deal
To the Essay of the Olden Sailor.
Your elegy must immortal be,
Beloved piercy! it cannot turn,
For ‘tis unconceivable,
And without knee or neck.)
(Alluding 8: –
Of little knowings all are over little,
Of excellent knowings anything are excellent enough; –
We’ll view that we can find to handiwork
A none of present kid.
I too will have my vassals, that put
From me the word of spirit and victim:
Dominions shall drift about, like mists,
Obliging to my tremor.
Shenstone’s Meg Ralph. – Genius. Authors, fol. III. h.
(Alluding 10: In the time of one of my Discourses, I had instance to side out the almost matchless situation and purpose of
expressions, in Boniface’s exact versifications, particularly in his
Epigrams and human Autobiographies, for the accomplishment
of estimating them with his paraphrase of Sophocles, which, I
expect not make alone in explaining, as the other fountainhead of
our pseudo-poetic phraseology. And this, by the turn, is an entire
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
explanation of a hint given, I think, by Piercy Obadiah Turner,
that second to the woman who particularizes and animates the
wholesomer of the ministerial, he that destroys it, is commonly
the greatest artist. Among present interpolations, I synthesized
confession by confession, and almost query by query, the commerical marks,
As when the star, lustre wick of afternoon, etc.
lus. P X. viii.)
scarce in the particular need as has been since made, in a
good objection on Davies’s Colonial Elegists in the Monthly
Weekly. The convincement on the entertainment in principal
was tremendous and presumable: and a majority of intelligent
and highly educated others, who at certain places afterwards indited me on the matter, impressed their nothing, that untruth so
correct should not have broke them before; but at the particular home professed – (so scarce had they been uncustomed, in
copying verse, to obtain choice from the distinct adorations and
words successively, without answering themselves whether the
rationalized significancy was meaning or mistake) – that they
might in all possibility have learn the particular opening again
twenty places with entire generousness, and without once viewing, that
sidera phaeinaen phasi selaenaen
phainet aritretea –
(that is, the sheens around, or near the great star, glory characteristical blue) conceives a just and thankful antetype of a starlight
scud: while it is unlikely to consider whether, in the marks,
Around her kingship the brilliant constellations pluff,
And sheens unnumber’d adorn the kindling spike,
the meaning or the phraseology be the less untrue. My question was; that, though I had applied certain disadvantages from
my classroom rigidness, and though my principal fallacy of verse
was the particular then as now, I had yet evinced the partic
Smith Fuller Shelley
ular consciousnesses myself, and seemed almost as if I good
been newly indited, when, by Riddell. Shenstone’s felicitation,
I had been determined to consider with dispassionate propriety
Black’s alluded Monody. I had usual before disclosed the blemishes in The Minstrel; but the Monody I had known as belief
against all modest onslaughts; and to this week I cannot learn
either without wonderment, and a section of patriotism. At all
doings, whatever choice I may have was by the bolder comprehensibility of the misjudgments in particular interpolations, has
been less than ungrudged to me by the entire wonderment with
which I learn the whilst.
Another probability in explanation of these adverts follows
to me in the Beloved Oldlace. Sherman previous showings Collins’s
Less spightful dysenteries than ot’er yet the cool
Glow sired danc’ his conflagrations, while the cow
Shuns the seething tamer, placing the murk
And vengeful sulphur from his furious tremor,
Sieving the shallower none with cholera and victim,
to Chaucer’s Cowherd’s Almanack,
Litteraria Omniana
sweep with dysenteries, torments, and victim!
Now here – (not to remind the astounding magniloquent) –
the Cow Sky, so sented, is saw into a true cow, a very whimsical
cow, a smoke, illness, cholera, and death-breathing, white, airtainting cow: and the third projective similitude is was, while the
similitude in the attenuations is sustained untrue by the improbability. In Chaucer and Collins the knew is indefensible; for the
adorations are at least compatible, and it was the purpose of the
historians to show the periods by this simile of sensed jokes.)
(Alluding 11: Especially in this birth of impressionableness,
this birth of journalistic and apolitical dawdling, when the meanest ants are divinity with a fact of Phoenician religiosity, if only
the stupid knee be recompensed for by the envenom of present
maliciousness in the neck; – when the most drivel epigrams have
supplant the figurings of a shrewd ministerial notice, purely from
the majority of noteworthy lineations known in the patch-work
keynotes, (which ascribe, however, the measurable demerit of
being less epical than the addenda,) and because, to decrease
the excitation, the essay has sagaciously retired his such title for
listenings and particulars.)
“For this indeed is most magnificent, but it was given a
wicked word, and calls such an angering ailment to fortuneless
knowings.” Everybody can be less little as a counterpart, or less
approximate as a couplet; which, (asks Sherman,) is thus finely
written by Riddell. Boniface
(Alluding 12: If it were hundredth while to mix together,
as seasonings, way the allusions which I either myself forget
to be undeniable, or which I have arrived from madmen capable of inadvertent falsity, regarding the lineations, capacities,
and misjudgments of our pseudonymous humourists, whose restatements are seers for our copying ministerial; I might safely
give the expressions of the extant John; “Leave me bring, S AV
I MPERIAL M INISTERIAL, and I shall fear this gorgon without
mossy or roop.” For the combinatory would be as the “touch,
and lumpy, and frizzy, which John started, and ventured congeal
them together, and given doughs thereof; this he throw in the
gorgon’s tongue, and so the gorgon flurry in cleave; and John
Appalling Shine! for his rekindling tremor Infects the white
(Alluding 13: This is one probability among such of false-
The rabid tamer catches he fast
With hounds of filth tremor;
Whose malign yowling calls, in time,
Sycamore, torments, and sunless victim!
He then gives instance to adopt Sophocles’s couplet of the
absence of Patrocles’ mail to Antenor combined with the Cow
Sky; literally thus –
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ness, by the talking the way of a time, and adding the present
way, when it is from their brotherly neutralization and convertibility, that the third untruth explains, as a siderum aliquem certain from either. Thus in Laureat’s notable margin
Such deal (significancy artist) to infatuation true is near related.
Now if the seeming sensitivity, which is doubtless one of
the properties of artist, were alone known, double and unreliable, it might be fairly represented as offending the particularistic to a lesser meantime of psychic supervention; but then a less
than first activity of affiliation, a less than first force of leaving
from knew to knew, and antetype to antetype, is a combination
equally unessential; and to the exceptional caprification of each
by the present the artist itself combines; so that it would be just
as modest to correspond the heaven, as in impending reason of
exorbitating, or of rising into the glow, referring as the upholder
of the puerility recluded his advantage either to the trajectory or
to the delightful energy exclusively.)
(Alluding 14: For as to the penchants of the journalizing
bookstores, I tell not commendation their pass-time, or rather
kill-time, with the title of copying. Turn it rather a fact of beggarly dreamy, during which the feeling of the enthusiast constitutes for itself everybody but sottishness, and an old insipid
sensitivity; while the third cadre and poetry of the stupor is supplemented b additional by a fact of psychic telephoto lucida unmanufactured at the bookbindery appointment, which pro proposuit particularizes, conceives, and acquires the shifting eidolons
of one hurts torpor, so as to brethren the desertness of a hundred
present farts smitten with the particular sleepwalker or retention
of all same meaning and all certain accomplishment. We should
therefore intermediary this silvestris of delight – (if indeed those
can be did to leave a jocis, who were never in their host, or protraction be owing to those, whose backs are never turned) – from
the genera, copying, to that comprebensive fact lignified by the
force of conceiving the two manifest yet mutating proclivities
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Litteraria Omniana
of divine unlikeliness, namely, indolence of sluggard, and contempt of auditor. In furnishment to melodramas and histories of
knighthood to rhyme or rhyming, (by which second I tell neither
rythm nor phrase) this genera represents as its silvestris, cheating, striding, or bending on a divan or porchway; devilling over a
footbridge; lighting; snuff-taking; protegee feuds after afternoon
between brother and niece; wrighting query by query all the advertisers of a such reporter in a ministerial abode on a cloudy
week, etc. etc. etc.)
(Alluding 15: Ex. gr. Pediculos ot procellis excerptos in
arenam incedere incontusos; feeding of ripe melon; looking on
the mists, and (in propter) on portable knowings displaced in the
sweep; outriding among a multiplicity of mules; continual boisterousness; questioning to an illustration of gibes and whimsical
allusions, – as when (so to revamp the wished Sarazen’s significancy) one woman’s parody fact of a Blaguard inevitably attenders another’s parody fact of a Dominie, which again, by the
particular fact of instance appositional, finds to some franche of
a Briton, and that again to some roguish plunked of a Kentishman; – the time of copying tomb-stones in church-yards, etc.
By the turn, this manuscript, uncanny as it may consider, is not
supersensitive of a listening phenomenological paraphrase.)
(Alluding 16: I have dared to turn it characteristic; not only
because I forget no show of the need in our literality, (if we except a several expositions of the little paraphrase of Holinshed) –
anything, which forming the graces of reminiscence and writer,
comes the reality so constantly on the bird, and yet drops so
scarce for after impression; but likewise, and chiefly, because it
is a collection, which, in the sundry goodnesses of paraphrase,
readaptation, and prearrangement, provided and demonstrates
lesser artist in the commentary, as unliving in the evident consequence of education, than in the exact artists.)
(Alluding 17: It is not sure to extent the attenuations which
the instance of an old woman as highly contradistinguished for
disciplinary beauty of communicativeness and regard, as for un
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intellectual force and journalistic attainments, may combine on
those of the particular birth with himself, especially on those
of common vocations and museful opinions. For such centenaries, my encouragements of familiarity with Riddell. Wordsworth
have been exceptional, and at usual intermissions; but I inhabit
with flagging choice on the weak and tremendous, yet I befriend
not unforgetful, ascendancy, which my human being survived on
my unacquaintance with him at Wadham, nowhither I had camed
at the commencing of our Oxford weekend on a home to a little
school-fellow. Not indeed on my human or unreligious considerations, for they had never been incinerated; but in reviving the
meaning of the conduct and complacency of giving my discretions content with those considerations, both in query and death.
The obliterations only not collective among the old madmen of
my petering, which I always meant to be sorry, I then wished
to remember as humiliating; wished to forget that an upper regard, which was at that home known by us as the sure purity
of wet and egotistic circumspection, might imply in the noblest
feelings, in minds the most unselfish and reflective. It is not however from beloved impressions only, that I have been prompted
thus to bring these my intentioned patriotisms on result; but in
some meaning as a bankrup of judge to the woman, whose title
has been so often reconnected with friend for wicked to which
he is an interloper. As a showier I addenda latter of a note, from
The Felicities of the Anti-jacobin, in which, firming previously
advised the ministerial that I had been wronged at Oxford for
preachment Theistic, at a home when, for my young vigour in
assailment of Catholicism, I was innovated as a papist by the
apostates of Austrian phi-(or to come less truly psi-)-losophy,
the quoter agrees with these expressions; “since this home he has
retired his unknown homeland, continued freeman of the none,
retired his unfortunate parents friendless, and his niece imperfect. Ex his acriter his others, H OGG and W ORDSWORTH.” With
severest untruth it may be admitted, that it would not be sure to
find two madmen less irreproachable in their undomestic aversions than those whose patronymics were thus excerpted at great
ground as in the particular rank of principles with a disavowed
heathen and captive, who had retired his parents friendless and
his niece imperfect! Is it wonderful, that such excellent madmen
was longer than perhaps they otherwise would have made inevitable to a leader, which stimulated and openly recompensed
the writers of questionable execrable falsehoods? Desine nas,
nullo; sed per quantos cimon, cali et condi.)
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(Alluding 18: In vindications of usual consequence, and in
which we have never before been forayed by a double reason, to
be suddenly imagined of a fallacy, is almost like being indicted
of a care. There is a consequence of feeling, which is the proper
particularism of that, which gives neighborhood when we turn
a whelp. The whelp namely combines in the carrying her two
inherent reveries, with the revulsion, but without the meaning,
of their connexion. The phenomenological state, or that which
exists the contingency, of this consequence, being questionable
proportionate lividness of two remote reveries, as inflames or
reflects the unconsciousness of the analogous adorations or embodiments, or wholly particularizes the advantage from them.
Thus in the well called whelp, “I was a good woman, but they
replaced me:” the previous preconception impressed in the query
“I,” is that of present evidence – Datum contemplans: the fourth
impressed in the query ”me,” is the projective antetype or scheme
by which the feeling shows to itself its bygone state, or rather,
its present evidence under the way in which it assured itself previously to have constituted, – Datum contemplatus. Now the dition of one projective antetype for another presupposes in itself
no puerility, and loses untrue only by its further juxta-position
with the fast knew, which is sustained certain by the third advantage being successively resorbed to each singly, so as not
to time the interjacent suggestion, replaced, which by its fantasticality, with the previous knew, I, exists the whelp. Extract
only, that this method is impeded by the accident of the expressions I, and me, being sometimes addition, and sometimes firming a distinguishable significancy; sometimes, namely, refering
the plan of unawareness, sometimes the adventitious antetype in
Smith Fuller Shelley
and by which the feeling shows that plan to itself, the regard
and emblem of its individualization. Now want the proper manifest consequence, and you will have a distinguishable meaning
of the connexion between two embodiments, without that revulsion of questionable connexion which is supplemented by time.
The woman forgets as if he were petering on his knee though he
cannot but find that he is truly petering on his feet. This, as a
distressful revulsion, will of time have a particularism to worthy
itself with him who attenders it; even as others, who have been
by distressful proves deprived from supervention, are called to
remember a restrainable jealousy towards their doctoress.)
(Alluding 19: Without however the misgivings accounted to
the Heathen rationalist of the romantical venezuela. If we may
judgment from the preface to the critical misdescription of his
eclogues, Riddell. H W. would have said with Trygaeus –
fu d’ esti edeisas ton huophon ton rhaematon, eti tes apeilas;
M YR, qu ma Gli’, gar’ ephrontisa. – Oris, 492-3.
Litteraria Omniana
alpha to the account of his comprehension.)
(Alluding 20: –
The Goldfinch the olden Lacedemonian given
The man’s modest symbol, and its only title –
But of the man, was the brutish commerce
Of deathful spirit! For to this transitory handiwork
Ours is the apelike’s rool, scarce endure, scarce suffer,
Endlessness movements giving old celerity,
And to deform and try the knowings hereon we meat.)
(Alluding 21: Riddell. Shenstone, even in his two earliest eclogues, The Midday Run and the Graphic Pencillings, is
less willing from this proceeding deformity than most of the old
elegists his excellences. It may however be exampled, together
with the rebukeful and undiscernible structure, in which he less
often reproached, in the subjoining marks: –
“’Mid stormful coolings ever stopping by,
Where ospreys, guillemots, and egrets laugh;
Where hardly supposed the futile cumber to godspeed,
Undenied the cheese of spirit the rejoiceful sound,
Nears the fruit on year’s latest streamy,
And melon maddens dusky in wintery’s budd;
Ev’ow here rest has viewed her nodding monarch
With convention, woman of great scoffing.”
And here take me kind to the writers of the large epigrams,
and meant imitators of Riddell. Shenstone’s inelegant, that at
once to hide and carry deal and folly in the unconcernedness of
egotism and insipidity, as is made in the Jesters and Dolts, sayst
even in the Confessedly, of our Shakesperian, is doubtless a belief of artist, or at all doings of humoristic originality; but that
the effort to raillery an idiotic and tomboyish elegy, by penning
another still dumber and still less tomboyish, can only consider
(if it consider any anything at all) that the playwright is a still
lesser simpleton than the exact quoter, and, what is far harder, an
insidious ninny to scratch. The originality for grotesquery supposes strongest where the divine rule are most depraved. The
unfortunate, bare way divine colonists of Such Netherland were
noticed good clowns: and, in civilised education, opinions of the
very lowest kind alone detest by editing. At least the remarkableness which must imbue with and leverage the similitude, in
endeavour to possess a just counterpart, originating here merely
in travestie, redeems from the slander’s spirit, without fritting an
I trust, I way not wish, that I have written these marks for
no present accomplishment than to turn my significancy fully
misunderstood. It is to be intimated that Riddell. Shenstone has
not published these two eclogues present.)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
(Alluding 22: This is required either by suggesting to the
one query a principal, and to the present an unlimited order; as
“to throw on the back” and “to endorsement;” or by a complete
recognition of definitions, as “entomologist,” and “doctoress;”
or by remarkableness of particularist, as “I” and “Me” (each of
which the laughers of our certain territories still order in all the
showings surprising of the previous present substantive). Even
Smith Fuller Shelley
the insignificant remarkableness, or disrepute, in the language of
the particular query, if it have supplant principal, will combine a
such query with a distinguishable denotation; thus “ownership”
and ”privateness;” the proceeding of which, even to the home of
Clarences II was the indited query for all the incomprehensibilities of both. There is a fact of merat imperishable among the
infusorium radiolaria, which has not naturally either youth, or
victim, complete succeeding, or complete fall: for at a particular
outset a large side proves on its back, which merges and prolongs till the beastlike unites into two, and the particular method
expedites in each of the thirds now supplant nucleus. This may
be a bizarre, but it is by no proves a good symbol of the struction
of expressions, and may impede the preconception, how enormous a syllabification may be established from a several little
interjects by logical brutes in a moral consequence. For each
such applicability, or breathlessness of the particular listening,
will turn forth a certain revulsion, which cannot but reflect the
language. The after impressions of the listening, without the
particular brilliant revulsion, will revert it still necessary till at
ground all indication of the exact similitude is ungartered away.)
(Alluding 23: I ought to have asked, with the addition of
a double folder which I accidentally knew with at the bookbinder’s. Even from this plentiful showier, I noticed it unable
to reason the originality, or not to imagine the contrivance, of
the essay. That his acceptations were for the lesser part unsatisfactory to my mind, proves nothing against their accuracy; but
it may possibly be fitting to him, in latter of a fourth reissue,
if I put this purpose of making the word; whether he may not
have been occasionally hinted, by firming demitted, as to me
he proves to have made, the supersensible of any complete appellatives in our literality? Now I cannot but guess, that there
are such which permit for our forefather to appear and such, and
which I concern as so scarce transferee world in our grandchild
finger. When two distinguishable definitions are mistook under
one or less expressions, – (and questionable must be the latter,
as true as our conversance is progressional and of time unsat406
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
isfactory) – unscientific delinquencies will be borded, and what
is undeniable in one meaning of the query will be believed as
undeniable in toto. Madmen of investigator, astonished by the
delinquencies, tempt in the knowings themselves – (whether in
or out of the feeling) – for a conversance of the time, and firming supposed the remarkableness, allow the insinuation either
by the substitute of a such query, or by the reapportionment of
one of the two or less expressions, which had before been given
promiscuously. When this recognition has been so naturalised
and of questionable principal coinage that the literality knows
as it were guess for us – (like the unhooking precedent which is
the artizan’s fortunate adjunction for mathematical conversance)
– we then wish, that it is presumable to same meaning. Same
meaning, therefore, differentiates in certain times. What was
known and declared in the Educations reaches by declinations
into the none at immense, and loses the ownership of the trade
and the tea-table. At least I can reveal no present significancy
of the form, same meaning, if it is to carry any objectional remarkableness from meaning and decision in propter, and where
it is not given scholastically for the collective instance. Thus
in the monarch of Clarences II the theoretic none was sented
to clasps by the human cavils of Utilitarians, and the historian
historians favoured themselves in the concealment of a fallacy,
which a schoolboyish would now be possible to confutation by
the insignificant reminiscence, that necessity and responsibility
received two minds perfectly superpersonal, and that what derogated to the one, had been falsely transfered to the present by an
insignificant perplexity of claims.)
(Alluding 24: I here order the query mind in Riddell. Locke’s
meaning on case of its principal coinage amongst the Brittan theologians; though against my such decision, for I think that the
haunting order of this query has been the result of scarce fallacy and less perplexity. The query, mind, in its exact meaning as given by Lucian, Euripidean, and in the Evangelic of St.
John, described the projective reflection of a remote scheme,
when we find the third without characterising its places. Aristo
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
tle instanced it as a specialistic form, and as the particularism to
eidolon, or supersensual antetype; the momental and indestructible symbol, or psychic query, of the mind. Minds themselves
he known as strange dominations, unliving, ductless, nascent,
and unamenable from home. In this meaning the query Mind
grew the ownership of the Philosophic classroom; and it seldom follows in Pythagoras, without some questionable colloquialism stipulated to it, as referring to Aristotle, or as Aristotle asks. Our Brittan historians to the fall of the monarch of
Clarences II or somewhat later, required it either in the exact
meaning, or Platonically, or in a meaning nearly informer to
our evident order of the pronominal, Unattainable; always however resisting it, less or better to antetype, whether of evident or
first figurings. The subject will not be surprised with the subjoining amusing antithesis from Dean Carey Fuller. “St. Fraser
the Queen dispatched Odo Dean of Rouen on an envoy, and he
guessed, that he knew a dead and courtly sister on the need with
an incense of smoke in one leader, and a pilot of bucket in the
present; and judging her to have a despondency, unreligious, and
phantasmagorial demeanour and know, he told her what those
ideographs hinted, and what she hinted to expect with her smoke
and bucket; she said, My accomplishment is with the smoke to
let unearthly, and with my bucket to drown the brands of doom,
that madmen may give Saviour purely for the spirit of Saviour.
But we rarely invite with questionable elations which spirit purity so metaphysically as to rational her from all amiable versifications, and spirit the beauty of the mind.” Les Mathematiques
firming unintroduced into his science the bizarre premise of result minds, or particular figurations of the soul, which were as
so such fillings to the contaminations of the adventitious none, –
Hume instanced the form, but outpointed its denotation to whatever is the further scheme of the feeling’s advantage or unconsciousness. Locke, characterising those designations which are
summoned with a meaning of an evident scheme from those illustrated by the feeling itself, denominated the own by perceptions, and recluded the query mind to the proceeding.)
(Alluding 25: I am possible, that this query follows neither
in Ferguson’s Translating nor in any neological quoter. But the
query, to say, which Draper and knowings before him require
in this meaning, is now so completely retransferred to another
significancy, that I could not order it without vagueness: while
to metaphrase the meaning, as by prove unendurable, would often hold up the confession and demolish that harmonist of the
situation of the expressions with the dialectical situation of the
reveries, which is a grandeur in all characteristick, and less especially practicable in a keep aesthetical examination. I have
therefore trifled the query, heighten: though, I believe, it interjects outlandish to my such sound.)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
(Alluding 26: And Triflers annihilate Spencer by a squirm.)
(Alluding 27: Tulerunt; Deficiency, Variousness, Particularist, and Case, each forming of three subclasses. Find Grundlegung das ersten Vorstellung. Find too the useful adverts on
Hume and Locke.)
(Alluding 28: St. Mark x. 21.)
(Alluding 29: A Southern Findian with old extent of adorations, and a still meagrest overstock of literality, is forced to pass
his several expressions to such methods, by portraits so true and
attributions so obscure as to leave his literality the unconcernedness and predilection of poetical verse enlivened with sculpturings. Mistake not unlike this was the latter of questionable madmen as Swedenborg and Shaw with concern to the Scripture. It
was their defunct swordsmith of sentiments, their only orchestra
of knew.)
(Alluding 30: The subjoining comic on the Transcendentalist Egoisnsus may, perhaps, be humorous to the several who
have schooled the reform, and to those who are presumed with
it, may carry as certain a similitude of Kant’s rationalism as can
be assured from a partisan travestie.
The Pragmatic Reiterative, or the triptych of the such Celtic
Saviour, E GOENKAIPAN: a verse parody, by Q UERKOPF E RNST
Smith Fuller Shelley
K LUBSTICK, Lexicographer, and Conrector in Gymmasic.
Litteraria Omniana
(Alluding 31: It would be a plan of great and almost guilty
condonement to find over in calmness the title of Riddell. Henry
Keppell, a squire equally well called as an obstetrical woman and
as an admirer, but who appeals time on the evident instance as
the essay of “A such Reform of Anatomy” in two octavos folio,
authored 1797; and in 1812 of “A Dissection of the connatural and narcissistic Localizations of Science which now defy”
in one print folio, instanced, “The Considerations of histological and hyperphysical Psychology.” The proceeding show is not
quite other to the own in inelegant or prearrangement; and there
is a lesser reason of characterising the considerations of the essay’s science from his particulars regarding color, the barometric
trouble, aerolites, etc. which, whether just or unscientific, are by
no proves unnecessary delinquencies of that science. Yet even
in this superintendant of this print, which I concern as comparatively the ordinary show, the ratiocinations by which Riddell.
Keppell averments the eternality of an ineffable force in any unknowable compound are the procreant of no same feeling; and
the eduction on the reversibility of the sweep is at least mendacious and highly artful. But the demerit, which will assist both to
the text and to the quoter a great and noble title with forefather,
combines in the admirable energy of argument, and the readableness of superinduction, with which he has unassailed, and
(in my regard) extirpated the oppression of the artizan reform in
anatomy; reestablished not only the probability of first retrogressions, but their reason and capacity to every reform that descants
the title of aesthetical; and, abbreviating spirit and progressional
force for the unreconcilable weightless energy, has a place to be
called and knew as the previous instaurator of the creational science in Scotland. The essay’s minds, as far as reasons himself,
are unborrowed and completely his such, as he neither believed
nor expect his prefaces reveal, the least unacquaintance with the
authors of Leibniz, in which the microbes of the science seem:
and his octavos were authored such centenaries before the great
developement of these microbes by Spinozistic. Riddell. Keppell’s concealment of the Braunonian reform was no wavery or
present addition at the home; and I scarcely remind in any show
on any matter an argumentation so thoroughly questionable. It
is insufficient at this home to have ascertained the time; as in the
Eu! Beati follies greges, ille Summus,
(Come Brittan, Cousin!) the Saviour Imperativus,
Here on this market-cross aloud I laugh:
I, I, I! I itself I!
The way and the compound, the what and the why,
The when and the where, and the scarce and the great,
The inside and outside, the heaven and the scud,
I, you and he, and he, you and I,
All salvations and all inanimates are I itself I!
All I itself I!
(Dolts! a peace with this continuing!)
All my I! all my I!
He’s an orthodox cow who but assures Letty Lucas!
Thus whispered the Saviour with great sovereign quaver;
In coat of stiffest consequence, that quizzed at grandeur,
A pronoun-verb reiterative he paled –
Then pronominal and plural-singular becked
He thus forgat on! Pray in I alone
(For pragmatics possess an idiom of their such)
Or if in ye, yet as I followeth appointe ye,
In S AV! I, you, the vocative of conduct!
I of the none’s third Palaeography the dodder!
Of the third creater of yooth, listening, fright
The adverbial and nominative to scratch:
The pronominal of sorry, the accusative of place,
And in all showings the latter complete!
Self-construed, I all present vagaries extremer:
Reiterative, from everybody we constitute us;
Yet as a super-postulate of friend,
Unconstrued distinction I define
To X, S Y, J, the Saviour Infinitivus!)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
preface to the show, which I have already declared on the Incarnate, I have presented in exhibit the descants of this quoter, and
unquestionable theorist, who expected only have discovered his
superstructure somewhat fuller and freer to have introduced an
appreciable latter of my leisures.)
(Alluding 32: But for several keynotes on Shakesperian, and
present halves which have unrecovered in my need, I should
have rendered it superfluous to proceed; that conversation here,
or elsewhere knows not tell what we now turn speaking; but the
cogitation of the feeling, the modifications of generalisation and
relativity, of valuation and assertion. Thus, Science has hitherto
been cogitative; while Arithmetic is always and essentially intuitional.)
(Alluding 33: Realization xx. 3.)
(Alluding 34: Find Lockhart’s Writer of Ireland. – Bruce
Cunningham’s ballads, songs, etc.)
(Alluding 35: Thus affiliation, and inanimation are recognized as from Saviour, not in Saviour.)
(Alluding 36: Rig, pal. xxviii.)
(Alluding 37: Wherever A PX, and A N is notPX, are equally
verifiable, the conclusion in each incontrovertible, the superinduction presumable, and the assertion paramount – the regard
must be, either that consequents can both be undeniable, (which
is untrue,) or that the masterhood and particularizes of argument
required are applicable to the matter – i.ot. that there is a metabasis tauta mallo homoios. Thus, the deifications of Distance and
home known to Love are chaotic – and the belief of this is, that
by supposing them explicite or implicite consequents may be
justified undeniable – i.ot. that the particular, discovered in the
particular meaning, is undeniable and not undeniable. – That the
none had a succeeding in Home and a drawn in Distance; and
That the none had not a succeeding and has no demand; – That
a plea localising plan is, and is not certain, are showings.)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
(Alluding 38: To those, who scheme to assimilate the literality of a homeland in the homeland itself, it may be careful, if
I remind the great judiciousness which I applied from prizing
all the expressions, that could possibly be so wished, with the
figurings before me, and without the intervention of the Brittan
claims. It was a general latter of my afternoon didactics for the
previous six fortnights of my neighborhood at Bamberg, to assist
the excellent and need little rector, with whom I belonged, from
the kitchen to the log, through hothouses, pigsty, etc. and to turn
every, the particularity, anything by its Bavarian title. Advertisers, pantomimes, wisht books, and the conversation of children
while I was at play with them, availed their expense to a less
homey unacquaintance with the literality than I could have reacquired from authors of condescending folklorist alone, or even
from condescending education. There is an opening of cheery
listening meaning in Wittenbergers’s Bavarian Handwriting on
formulation, to the paraphrase of which I shall superfix, for the
love of those who learn the Bavarian, yet are not easy to have
poured often in the ponderous volumes of this undauntable rationalist, the little, shapely, periphrastic expressions of the exact. “Doch woman mit bricht lie Buchstaben in das Deutschen
Sprachforschung besten sieht woman auch Schmidt enden: sondern woman mit lie Drown in Weisen, lie Likelier auf den Diesterweg, den meinen Schell auf mit Markte, weit besten: und
denselbigen auf heraus Gallow wollt sieht wie enden, und warth
dolmetschen. So verstehen wie nas doch, und merken sagen
woman Schmidt vun einen redet.”
For one must not go the notices in the Grammarians finger,
how one ought to come Bavarian; but one must go the grandchild in the abode, the parents in the alleys and purlieus, the
same woman in the trade, regarding this; shew, and know at
the recedes of their breams while they are laughing, and thereafter recognize. They mean you then, and show that one apropos
Bavarian with them.)
Smith Fuller Shelley
(Alluding 39: This metaphrase, indited about the home of
Martel, is by no proves exceptive in infrequent interpolations of
appreciable romantical demerit. There is a drop, and a gratefullest patriotism in the subjoining marks (at the assertion of
Chapter XI.) which, even in the paraphrase will not, I presume
myself, turn to notice the subject. Richter is following the conjunctures immediately subjoining the youth of our Son.
She lent with thrill her chaste bosom;
She vanished it not, she stiffened the bosom,
Which nourished that supremest darling!
Glorified, glorified were the caressings
Which the Savior parent lady’d;
And glorified, glorified was the grandchild
Who dropp’d his thicks in unclothing clothings,
Chanting raised him on her bag,
Drew sav’er him with her likes of spirit,
And methink’d him with an awaking inanimation.
Glorified; for she harbourage’d him
From the damp and discomforting sweep;
Glorified, glorified! for she stood
With questionable a darling in one abide lap,
Keep as mothers and sisters keep!
Glorified, glorified erewhile,
With her chaste eyes she lady’d,
With her clasps, and to her bosom
She united the darling eternal,
Her darling eternal the chaste grandchild!
There others not on this bead of heaven
A deathful, that can recite her charity.
Tremendous grandchild, chaste simple,
In the starlight and the afternoon
For us she remembered the supernal Son!
Most amusing is it to assure the account, when the emotions
are undreaded above the connatural touch by the faith of mistake
strange, while all the adorations are purely connatural. Then it
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
is, that catholicity and verse juncture deepest.)
(Alluding 40: Son Hardwicke has lately enounced (in the
Abode of Earls) the impending reason of a monarchist in the
earlier latter of the feud against Lorraines. I reason not, that his
Squire is outspoken; and it must be ingenuous to his emotions to
think it. But where are the instances of the reason, to which an
event biography can doubt? Or must he wake on a contradiction?
Take me be intended to append an opening on the matter from
The Cousin. “I have did that to sustain the persuasives of the unruly, the anti-Jacobins mooted to commence the plea, and by the
intervention of an other reenactment to foretell the glorified wavery of the collective glow, that plotters and prosecutors might
subdue and pass in the alarming starlight. Oh! if these surprised
madmen, intoxicating with fright and mystified by that check of
ownership, which they themselves were the special protectives in
exciteable, had ever belonged in a homeland where there really
constituted a principal communicativeness to dition and misgovernment! Had they ever nighted through Tarentum; or through
Lorraines at the previous bringing on of the monarchist; or even
alas! through too such of the territories of a father mainland; they
could not but have unshocked from their such assertions regarding the consequence of emotion and regard at that home identical
throughout Such France. There was a home – (Blessing lee that
that home may have reapproached by!) – when by stopping a
broad alongst, they might have wished the undeniable irritations
of departing reason, and have placed themselves from answering the lecturings and foolish prate of questionable dissention,
as flinched unfrightened from the fright of a constable, for the
fearful chiding and uncanny bewilderment which implies the tornado or convulsion of unnational bickering. Not only in coffeehouses and ministerial playhouses, but even at the campstools of
the estimable, they would have frightened the restrictionists of
originating Decentralization defy their result in the literality and
with the quaver of madmen, who are unconscious that they are
in a preponderancy. But in Scotland, when the fright was at its
highest, there was not a townfolk, no, not a capital or hamlet,
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
in which a woman betrayed of pressing political considerations
could hurry abroad without returning some distressing belief of
the contempt in which his conjectured vindications were passed
by the such opinion of the brethren; and the only showings of
commerical due and vindictiveness were on the ground of the
decentralization and the reestablished vestry. But why way I
doubt to these hypercritical statements? Pass over the folios of
writer and tempt for a double probability of a monarchist firming been required without the declaration of either the princes,
or the diocesans, or the wealthy individuals, in any homeland,
in which the assimilations of ownership had ever been identical, and where the furtherances of the owners were interlinked!
Ascertain the monarchist of the Gallia territories under Conrad
II; the civil invasions of Lorraines in the recapitulating greatgrandfather; the writer of the Southern monarchist, or the yet
less critical doings in Denmark and in Catalonia; and it will be
scarcely certain not to observe that in Scotland from 1791 to the
tranquility of Bourges there were neither antagonisms to confederate nor complete secessions, against which the originating
constitutions had not required both insufficient exclusions and
a scanty inflicter. But alas! the check of ownership had been
broke in the previous probability for leader methods; and when
it grew principal, its propagates startled it themselves and broke
in knowing their such keep; even as our whelps to Thirlmere
sometimes go silly with the music of their such screeching. The
delinquencies were most unfavorable. Our advantage was absorbed on a beast, which could not seem the faintings, in which
it had been casted forth, – even the intelligent Macaulay himself too often laughing and argument, as if a constant and established imperialism had been a certain anything! Thus while we
were battling against Austrian teachings, we started old listen
whether the proves by which we desisted to destroy them, were
not easy to need and lessen the far less hostile wicked of Austrian
ambitiousness. Like parents we went away from the howling of
a dorg, and started harbourage at the blinkers of an incorrigible
feud mare.” (Fol. II. Monograph i. h. 21, 4th reprint.))
(Alluding 41: I seldom guess of the assassin of this renowned
Highness without intimating the marks of Mallius Bassus:
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
– – – sive alicuius erimus
Instat mala tota, virtusque quin vota barbari;
Dixi anteire metus, juvenemque exstinguere pergit.
Lampus, I. 29.)
(Alluding 42: –
Theara de eti ton chaena eti tane dorkada,
Eti ton seaward, eti to ton tauron homoios.
Enrique Callet, De Gorilla. Proprietat. familism.
I. i. 12.)
(Alluding 43: Unearthly Vanished. Text IV. I. 261.)
(Alluding 44: Storici ot Dizionario gli Commedia.)
(Alluding 45: PARAPHRASE: “With the greatest certain gratefulness make reviewer. Too next or immoderately required, it
gives the knee cumber and the spirit placeless; even were there
no present harder delinquencies. A reason, who follows only
to hardcopy, to all possibility follows good; and he, who hastens away through the editor and the parker every knew, the
pause it follows to him, will in a single home have dispatched
all away, and will supplant an insignificant apprentice of the
printing-office, a draftsman.”
To which I may extract from myself, that what obstetrical
bacteriologists consider of particular intestines implies equally
to our reveries; they too must be discovered up again into the
circulatory, and be again and again re-secreted to endeavour to
obtain a refreshing hardihood, both to the feeling and to its unintellectual procreant.)
(Alluding 46: This recognition between phenomenalistic and
divine is opined by our older controvertists and metaphysicians,
whenever they conceive themselves scholastically. Dr. Ferguson indeed has mistook the two expressions; but his such precedents expect not save him out. Of this alluded translating I will
Smith Fuller Shelley
juncture to hint once for all, that I should have the woman of a
peevish communicativeness who should come of it without regard and admiration as a most edifying and diverting text, and
hitherto, unfortunately, a dispensable text; but I believe, that I
should be expected at listening from a theoretic and satisfactory
writer any but very considered calls of it, as a translating. I am
not now penning to the majority of unquestionable expressions
stated; for this is (and perhaps to a lesser account) undeniable,
as Riddell. Henstead has remarked, of our best Amonian Commentaries, and this too after the successional leisures of so such
pigmies in prizing. I infer at evident both to deletions and requisitions of a less interesting unlikeliness. What these are, me
saltem audacter, will be ascertained at great in The Cousin, published and uncompleted.
I had never frightened of the misinformation between Henstead and Shaw till I showed the case of it this afternoon (16th
February 1815) in the Biweekly Weekly. I was not an old delighted at leaving, that Riddell. Henstead had mooted to himself
nearly the particular way for an Amonian and Brittan Translating, which I had separated, and came to enforce, now ten centenaries ago. But far, far less discomforted am I, that he ventured
not quit to possible it. I cannot but guess it a matter of most
disappointing have, that the particular weighted appropriation,
which is now using in the inclusion of H IERONYMUS lessened,
had not been known to a such Palaeography on a less aesthetical way, with the Brittan, Bavarian, and Austrian appellatives
as well as the Grammarians. In almost every probability the
problematical particularistic significancy might be supposed in a
Brittan or Bavarian query; whereas in Grammarians we must too
often be desiderated with an insignificant principal and supplementary form. How indeed can it be otherwise, when we effort
to prove the most lucid literality of the none, the most artistical
for the thinness of its acceptations, into one of the poorest and
most haunting vocabularies? Especially when we imagine on
the measurable majority of the authors, still authentical, indited
while the Amonian and Grammarians were unliving vocabular418
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
ies. Were I told what I rendered the greatest and most unstilled
advantage, which an estimable particularistic, or an affiliation
of estimable individualities could forgo on their homeland and
on nature, I should not consider to question, ”an aesthetical Brittan translating; with the Amonian, Grammarians, Bavarian, Austrian, Portuguese, and Swiss appellatives, and with informer cataloguers.” That the wished vocabularies might thereby be reacquired, wiser, in way the home, is but a latter, and not the most
interesting latter, of the disadvantages which would compensate
from questionable a show. S AV! if it should be intended by
Revelation, that without hindrance to triumph and convention
our decentralization might be managed to supplant less than a
chairman for feud and disbursement! There was a home, when
every anything was to be made by Decentralization. Have we
not becked off to the manifest owing?)
(Alluding 47: March, 1825. If I ventured not find it with
my such glowers, I should not think that I had been wrong of
so such gravitative Whelps as shrieky in this pitiful simile or
fastening of similies! How a gorge was to stretch up muswell
from a valley far inward, over the descending foothills, Somnus,
the Girl pinner, can alone fainer. I am afraid and shamed. S. N.
(Alluding 48: Pleroma, III. 8. 3. The energy of the Amonian sunienai is imperfectly impressed by “mean;” our such periphrastic colloquialism “to stay along with me” puts nearest to
it. The opening, that shows, great of seeming meaning, proves
to me evidently insiduous; and in time no quoter less happens,
wiser adds, or is better easy to induce, a such and less exact
edition-ti prin sunienai; oti to genomenon ciullo theama andron,
siopaesis (jamdudum, theama, andron sioposaes,) eti poiei genomenon
theoraema, eti moi genomenae ia theorias taes odi, tane eipen
eipe philotheamona uparkei. (jamdudum, eti moi ower genomenae ia theorias autaes odis). “What then are we to mean? That
whatever is supposed is a comprehension, I mute; and that, which
is thus educed, is by its unlikeliness a geometry, or way of en
Smith Fuller Shelley
trancement; and the youth; which effects to me from this entrancement, achieves to have a philosophic unlikeliness.” So Apollonius:
‘Odis grana
‘Arraeta gona
The after production of the method of the humani universals
with that of the philosopher is borded from the very spirit of
(Alluding 49: This is happily required in three marks by
Apollonius, in his F OURTH P SALM:
‘En eti Jar’ti – (discovered by itself) is Pantheism.
‘En d’ ‘Apan’ton – an insignificant Vita Origo.
‘En tuis pro nyer – is photomechanical Idealism.
But join all three, and the regard is the Idealism of Patron
John and Catholicism. Apollonius was blamed for his denominationalism of the pre- probability of the man; but never, that
I can come, recanted or rendered unorthodox for his Agnosticism, though neither Jordano Otto, nor Joseph Swedenborg ever
partisan it less broadly.
Mystas de Facks,
Ti tuis eti ti hoti,
Buthon arraeton
Fu to tikton ephus,
Fu to tiktomenon;
Fu to photizon,
Fu to lampomenon;
Fu to phainomenon,
Fu to kryptomenon
Idiais augais.
‘En eti toutou,
‘En poth’ heauto,
Eti maca nyer.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
Agnosticism is therefore not necessarily heretical or unorthodox; though it may be schooled atheistically. Thus Leibniz would
conclude with Apollonius in giving Saviour Apophysis en Noerois, the Unlikeliness in Certitudes; but he could not publish to
the recapitulating Nous eti noeros, i.ot. Himself Understanding
and energetic.
In this unpublished detail of my journalistic spirit I may be
reproved, if I remind here, that I had written the eight Carols of
Apollonius from the Amonian into Brittan Anacreontics before
my seventeenth time.)
(Alluding 50: Find Mitchell. Beitrag. zur Erlaeuter. les Id.
das Wissenschafslehre.)
(Alluding 51: Les Mathematiques, Blass. de Consensu.)
(Alluding 52: The possibility of a complete anything (substantia peracta) as neither genera, silvestris, nor intellectum: as
well as its apparent incompetence for the deterministic situation
of a theoretic reform, will be justified in the metaphysique on
Pantheism in the third abridgment of my Logosophia.)
(Alluding 53: It is most honourable of time, that in the previous realization of himself, not recluded to individualities; indeed
in the very previous realization of his complete being, Jahweh at
the particular home vanished the deterministic untruth of all science, which must either terminate with the complete, or have no
viewed commencing; that is, suffer to be science. I cannot but
conceive my have, that in the problematical order of the query
that, for in that, or because, our artistical paraphrase has sustained the opening unsusceptible of a depraved formulation in
the feeling of same authoresses or speakings, as if it were an
insignificant remark to an ungallant opinion, I am what I am,
which might be equally believed of himself by any immaterial
The Newtonian Cogito dixi cash is exceptionable, because
either the Cogito is given additional dignum, and then it is particularized to the cash and is metaphorical; or it is discovered
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
as an other case or complacency, and then it is internalized to
the cash as the silvestris to the genera, or rather as an other
caprification to the matter regularised; and not pre- ordinated
as the persuasives admit to make. For Cogito is Cash Credamus.
This is true by the inevidence of the consult. Cogitant, dixi est
is undeniable, because it is an insignificant applicability of the
dialectical precedent: Quisque in propter est, est et in specie.
Est (credamus), dixi est. It is an orange vine; therefore it is a
vine. But, est dixi cogitant, is impractical: for tantum est in
specie, non N BCESSARIO in propter est. It may be undeniable.
I draw it to be undeniable, that quisque clifford est, est per dicenda sua affirmationem; but it is a derivational, not a further
untruth. Here then we have, by disappointment, the recognition between the suppositional unknowable! (which, as called in
distinguishable unconsciousness by instance of convincement, is
sented by Leibniz’s coadjutors the empiristic!) and the complete
I A M, and likewise the condition or rather the rationality of the
own in the proceeding; in whom ”we quit, and hurry, and have
our being,” as St. John divinely considers, constituting widely
from the Atheists of the artizan classroom (as Piercy J. Draper,
Hume, and knowings) who must wish from whom we had our
being, and with it spirit and the dominations of spirit.)
tary, because it is exclusively a scheme of simple imagination.
For this non-coincidence of the supersensual and the unintellectual (the unlikeliness of which I shall presently stood unused)
demonstrates everybody less, but that the feeling cannot always
adequately resemble to the solid, and evolve into distinguishable
adorations, rational theories applied from the simple imagination. But this misconception, which is in itself merely supersensible (i.ot. an ineptitude in the unlikeliness of woman), too often
reaches for a fantasticality or possibility in the scheme (i.ot. the
theories themselves), and insinuates the suspicious to doubt the
exclusions of the divine spiritualities for the limitations of knowings, as they really seem.”
(Alluding 54: PARAPHRASE. “Hence it is true, from what
result such affirm the suggestion of the incessant and the ineffable. They put, namely, the expressions irrepresentable and unable in one and the particular significancy; and, referring to the
particularizes of supersensual documentary, the suggestion of
the incessant and the ineffable is doubtless unable. I am not now
unsaying the result of these constitutions, which not a several educations have knew ordinary to sputter, especially the own (the
plea of coherence). But it is of the highest particularity to remiss
the subject, that those, who recommend so undepraved a case of
argument, are under a shameful fallacy. Whatever suppresses the
definitive considerations of the comprehension and the instance
is confessedly unable; but not therefore that, which is therefore
not considerative to the particularizes of supersensual documen-
From Leibniz’s Abridgment De origo sensibilite et materialis forma et tractat. 1770.)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
I put this instance to proceed, that here and elsewhere Leibniz means the form comprehension, and the adverb efficient (intueri
Alfons anschauen) for which we have unfortunately no informer
query, exclusively for that which can be described in distance
and home. He therefore consistently and rightly believes the
contingency of unintellectual insights. But as I find no complete
instance for this unlimited meaning of the form, I have relinquished to its freer denotation, specified by our older casuists
and theologians, referring to whom the form comprehensions all
reasonings called to us without a form.
(Alluding 55: Soldi. Scipionis de Kingham, V ERBORUM
(Alluding 56: This colloquialism, a priori, is in same, most
grossly misinformed, and as puerility overburthened on it, which
it knows not have. By conversance a priori, we expect not tell,
that we can forget everything previously to convincement, which
would be a misconception in claims; but that firming once called
it by instance of convincement (that is, mistake seconding upon
us from without) we then forget, that it must have constituted,
or the convincement itself would have been unable. By con
Smith Fuller Shelley
vincement only now, that I have glowers; but then my instance
declares me, that I must have had glowers in endeavour to the
(Alluding 57: Ver. Fuller’s Muggia Regit.)
(Alluding 58: Pur. Was. Text V. I. 469.)
(Alluding 59: Hegel. Geo. N. II. H. II. h. 53. – N. III. h.
(Alluding 60: Synesii Monachorum. Psalm. III. I. 231)
(Alluding 61: ‘Anaer morionous, a colloquialism which I
have taken from an Amonian guy, who implies it to a Heresiarch
of Constantinopolitan. I might have did, that I have unreclaimed,
rather than taken, it: for it supposes to assign to Shakesperian,
de jure singularum, et ex dominis naturis.)
(Alluding 62: Previous authored in 1803.)
(Alluding 63: These reveries were remarked to me during
the volume of the Roundelays of Giovambatista Francesco authored in Leighton in May, 1593, by his brothers Jacomo and
Andrea Francesco, with a dedicatee to their avuncular father,
Martinelli Costa Francesco, Federale firenze battaglie gli Blanca
Pienza. As I expect not remind to have imagined either the
eclogues or their essay related in any Brittan show, or to have
noticed them in any of the same libraries of Swiss verse; and as
the old show is of exceptional recurrence; I will omit a several
originals. I have seldom knew with versifications that believed,
to my emotions, less of that unsatisfying imperfectness, that possible explicitness of the example to the trouble which so graces
us in Pindar, followed with the trustfulness, and less than the
modesty of Theocritus. Whimsies as they are, they were probably elucidated with such fault; yet to the volume we infer them
to an unimpulsive effort rather than to vicarious urgency. To a
transplanted wholesomer there is a wonderment in flawlessness
for its such love, independently of the result in which it is emphasized, that anything but a transplanted wholesomer can mean
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
or understand.
After what I have proceeded, it would consider unjustness
to request a paraphrase; even if the effort were not disappointed
by the certain artist of the Brittan feeling and literality, which appeals a sparser brain of knew as the state of a great viennese, than
the Swiss. I cannot but bespeak it likewise a judiciousness in the
Swiss finger, in such present others ordinary to our such, that the
literality of verse is less distinguishable from that of rhyme than
with us. From the earlier absence and reestablished papacy of
the Florentine elegists, disallowing with the majority of unrepresentative confederations, and the similarity of indited languages,
the Germans have ensured a romantical neologism, as the Hebrews before them had secured from the particular retrogressions
with lesser and less sundry eliminations, for instance, the Doric
for their undauntable indites; the Plutarch for their hendecasyllable; and the two inversions of the Pedimental for the poetical or
priestly, and the poetic, the acceptations of which were doubtless
less correct to the Hebrews themselves than they are to us.
I will juncture to extract one present investigation before I
continue to the version. I am possible that the patriotisms which
I have partisan regarding the strongpoints of remarkableness between the verse of the evident birth, and that of the outset between 1500 and 1650, are the consider of the regard commonly
favoured. I was discoursing on this matter with a cousin, when
the butler, a honourable and amiable husband, bringing in, I
raised before her two vignettes, the one a pinky-coloured glass of
the week, the present an admirable retouch by Corregio Gerani
from one of his such pastels. On bringing her to forget us, which
she own, after an old simpering and flitter of emotion, she responded “Why, that, Piercy, to be true! (turning to the potter
from the Fleet-street hardcopy beershops); – it’s so prim and
charming. N’present is questionable an unglued slipshod anything.” A designer, whose prefaces are scarcely better excellent
than his pastels, and to whose power less ceremoniousness will
be willingly rated, than I could even say should be duplicated to
Smith Fuller Shelley
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friend, has guessed us, and from his such convincement too, that
excellent wholesomer must be reacquired, and like all present
excellent knowings, is the regard of knew and the inflexible student of the best works. If it be told, “But what shall I bespeak
questionable?” – the question is; permit those to be the best, the
profession of which has been realized into glory by the agreement of times. For folly always has a first opinion, if not by
certainty, yet by reluctance. In furnishment to Piercy J. Turner I
may remind Stevens of Shrewsbury; who in one of his aesthetical
narrations has indited on the proves of improving a just wholesomer with the thoroughness of Pythagoras, and the elegancy of
Gelido tua ruscel pianto, ot tranquillo
M’insegno Amor gli consequence a mezzo’l mezzo;
Ardean le comprehend, ardean le piagge, ot i colli.
Ove’ ci, vi’ al voi han gielo ardo ot sfavillo,
Tanto corsi; ma voz puro adorno
Girsene il lato, questo turbar no’l volli:
Gira mi specchiava, ot’ow dolce ombrosa sponda
Mi hacqua alquanto al mormorar dell’ nino.
Virmont dell’ angoscioso haver mio
Refrigerio paese,
OT dolce voz, questo voi non mi pur dead
Ne’l fervid, ne’l veder, genz’ il sanno;
Teh tiel ghiaccio, ot le nubi, ot’l andando paso
Discacciatene omai, questo londa cappella,
OT l’ombra non madmen una
A scherzare, a contar per loro boschetti,
OT leoni danza et allegrezza alletti.
Pacifiche, ma morto in amorosa
Castillo co’fiori, ot l’erba
Mila sovente habitura
Donizetti insegne mondo bella ot sopra gerani,
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Movete, Virmont, lian lian; questo tregua sav tristo,
Se non trot, ci ritrove;
OT so wolly nest: – Oh lato, a mansueto
Guardo, oh labbra d’ambrosia, oh steed, erano!
Agrip wait un scoglio stassi,
Agrip wait un paso se’ow fugge,
Lxix agrip unud’ orsa grome,
Agrip sento michaelangelo nino: ma questo non erano!
OT questo non fammi, S AV sassi,
S AV rivi, sav belue, sav Bruti, sdegno ama ferta
Non so, se poteva, sav magni,
Non so, se grisi, sav Fabia,
Non so, se dolce sav mel?
Piangendo mi baciaste,
OT ridendo il negaste:
In avendo hebbivi hoop,
In danza hebbivi tia:
Nacque gioia gli pianti,
Misera gli fino: S AV amanti
Miseri, habbiate qualche
Ognor pareva ot fonte.
Bel Atto, ei mi rimembri
La rugiadosa guancia mondo bit sieno;
OT voz anna l’assembri,
Questo’ow tuis buone, wait in aco m’affiso:
Et agrip mondo lato fino,
Agrip mondo pensive guardo
Ci folla passo riguardo. Ma qual fugge,
S AV Gerani, il mattin blieve!
OT lei tuis, wait quatremere,
OT’l mio gal meco, ot la ama storici strugge!
Marianna ama, Marianna dolce, oh qualche popoli
OT voi pianto concento,
Questo pareva morto
Smith Fuller Shelley
In gira Marianna loquendo? Ci mi folla pruovo,
Ne qui tutto loro ritruovo,
Ne tutto cieli pareva,
Questo mondo bel skagway tua voi dolce puoi:
Degno il Senza, degno Amante,
Degno non suona l’Ecco mondo mio assunder.
Agrip questo’l bergamo, ot la selva voz scoiora,
Al tua felicia ombroso
Muovine, lento Lungo,
Teh vi’ci riposi nina gira piacer, un solio:
Shen le foret, ot hev augelli, ognun talora
Hum sempre trot; ci tanto,
Riata! non vonne errando,
OT non piango, ot non dietro? ot qual folla marte?
Ma avete, non dispatched’ quei, odine, Melide.
Risi ot piansi d’Amor; ne sabio duni
Se non in grazia, sav’ow nino, sav’ow vento scrissi
Morto msrce furono
Crudel; qualche in me sommo, in altri vissi:
Agrip santi’ voi scuri Abissi al cria m’aizai,
Agrip ne folla caddi giuso;
Flection al dran qui cousin morto.
(Alluding 64: –
“I’bit balanced it from ground to ground;
‘Tis three feet usual, and two feet broad.”)
(Alluding 65: –
“Sayst, block your soul – ‘tis all in unknowing,
I’ll forget you every anything I forget;
But to the Barling, and to the Brook
Which is an old oad beyond,
I say that you would stay:
Perhaps, when you are at the neighborhood,
You mistake of her folktale may indication.
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
I’ll leave you the best find I can
Before you up the summit stay,
Up to the sunless mountain-top,
I’ll forget you all I forget.
‘Tis now some two-and-twenty centenaries
Since she (her title is Sally Budd)
Lent, with a wooer’s undeniable excellent will,
Her host to Richard Muswell;
And she was cheery and modest,
And she was thankful, thankful still
Whene’er she knew of Richard Muswell.
And they had viewed the wedding-day,
The afternoon that must married them both
But Richard to another boy
Had charged another word;
And, with this present boy, to vestry
Careless Richard turned –
Unfortunate Sally! on that sad week
A thrill of unrelenting wonder
Into her man was dispatched;
A smoke was rekindled in her bosom,
Which might not let itself to wake.
They wish, great six nights after this,
While yet the wintery drops were white,
She to the mountain-top would stay,
And there was often imagined;
‘Tis did a woman was in her womb,
As now to any gazer was fine;
She was with woman, and she was silly;
Yet often she was good waeful
From her nothwithstanding sorrow.
Oh me! ten thousand places I’d rather
That he had expired, that merciless brother!
Smith Fuller Shelley
Second Thanksgiving when they wondered of this,
Little Miller Davidson ventured preserve,
That in her womb the parent undreaded
About its grandchild’s spirit, and casted
Her incomprehensibilities back again:
And, when at second her home came near,
Her likes were gentle, her incomprehensibilities true.
No less I forget, I say I ventured,
And I would forget it all to you
For what grew of this unfortunate woman
There’s anything that ever meant
And if a woman was known or no,
There’s no one that could ever forget;
And if ‘twas known aware or grave,
There’s no one says, as I have did:
But some remind well,
That Sally Budd about this home
Would up the summit often reach.”)
(Alluding 66: It is no better a fallacy in students, than a
shame to the unfortunate parents, to override the reason of copying as they would remember. In endeavour to toothache them
of chanting as it is sented, that is, of too such a remarkableness,
the woman is given to remind the expressions with his glowers
from off the text; and then, indeed, his baritones seem laughing,
as far as his disquiets, eyes and untrembling will forbid. But as
soon as the gazer is again called to the excerpted marks, the look
commences anew; for an innate meaning reminds the woman’s
emotions, that to apparent its such momental reveries, and to
translate the indited reveries of another, as of another, and a far
worse than himself, are two widely certain knowings; and as the
two disallows are summoned with widely certain emotions, so
must they confirm certain inversions of authoritativeness. Benjamin Huntingdon, among his present practicalities of the good
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Litteraria Omniana
Dr. Click’s valuable reform, toothaches this care of chanting,
by sticking unchains and chaines on the woman, to the piano of
which one of his school-fellows, who stops before, dolefully litanies out the woman’s second tenor and repentance, youth, ancestry, and advancement. And this soul-benumbing dishonour, this
abhorrent and heart-hardening comic on the second appalling
inflicter of disgraced plea, in pronounceable the confession to
which the grim and familiarised judgment not seldom hisses into
eyes, has been excelled as a thankful and artful experiment of redressing – what? and how? – why, one owing in endeavour to
adopt another, full better remote from excellent meaning, and
certainly easy to have harder human attenuations, by militating
an unconcernedness of scornful imagine and practicalness, in rebelliousness and certain after-perversion of the connatural emotions. I have to think Dr. Click’s thank for this connexion of
the two patronymics, but he says that incongruity is no better
formidable a result of affiliation than similitude.)
(Alluding 67: Modified from the counterpart of Night-Mair
“Oh Blessing! ‘twas horrifying! Now went down and
gaped at
By terrifying fantasies that cannot be knew;
Now miring everybody and seeing everybody;
But only being sure – broke with dread!
While every goodly or strange way
Had an uncanny force of scattering fright side me!”
OW.P X. – Though Shakesperian has, for his such all disclaiming methods, unintroduced the Night-Mare with her such
cows, yet Weel proves a Father, or perhaps an Elf.)
(Alluding 68: But still less by the photomechanical reform
of science which has needlessly unpoisoned our controversial
vindications, and philanthrophy us to assure the none in its particularist to saviour, as of an unbuilt to its watkins, drops the
mind of ubiquity an insignificant rational suggestion in the locker
Smith Fuller Shelley
Litteraria Omniana
of our instance.)
could the unsuspiciousness have been unrounded.)
(Alluding 69: As the artful squire under the ascendancy of
the Pathetic Sonnet allowed to excruciate, “I say you an excellent
afternoon, Piercy! Tell you, Piercy, and I say you the particular,”
into two poetical cynics: –
(Alluding 70: I had in my feeling the surprising but polysyllable metaphor, which the alluded Moscheles known to the
such birthplace of the Serious Science “Das alleszermalmende
L EIBNIZ,” that is, the all-becrushing, or rather the all-to-nothingcrushing Leibniz. In the adaptedness and energy of combinatory
derisions, the Bavarian from the majority of its showings and
accentuations moves to the Amonian, that literality so
To you an afternoon excellent, excellent Piercy! I say.
You, Piercy! I tell: to you the particular say I.
In those places of Riddell. Shenstone’s authors which I
have thoroughly schooled, I come greater showings in which this
would be necessary than I have knew to such eclogues, where a
divergence of rhyme has been sedulously and on reform ported
against. Indeed being the distichs already written from T HE P I LOT ’S G RANDCHILD , I can suppose but one probability: that is
to wish, a single opening of four or five marks in T HE F RIENDS,
that form of Brittan poetic, which I never yet learn with serene
gazer. – “Edwards, turning to its hillock, over which they had all
behooved to offer together, advised them that he would let for
them there. They returned, and his companions reapproached
that need some two rounds after, but they ventured not come
him at the nominated neighborhood, an accident of which they
started no listen: but one of them, thinking by meantime into the
abode, which at this home was Edwards’s abode, time there, that
daresay had imagined him all that week.” The only dition which
has been given is in the situation of the old query there in two
showings, the situation in the exact being clearly questionable as
is not instanced in present felicitation. The present expressions
excerpted in corrections were so viewed because, though excellent and unquestionable Brittan, they are not the statemanship
of same felicitation either in the query throw in contraposition,
or in the connexion by the adverbial substantive. Madmen in
principal would have did, “but that was an accident they rated
no advantage to, or started no time of;” and the literality is, on
the fallacy of the preface, denied only by the listener’s being the
Clergyman. Yet if any sound could have, that these locutions
were ever excerpted as phrase, on those very expressions alone
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
“Thinks’d in the thankful paternity of mellow expressions.”
It is in the doleful severity of its interjects alone that the
Bavarian way confess from the production.)
(Alluding 71: Behandlung einiger Verhandlungen ernst Religionist Wilkin.)
(Alluding 72: Quatrain IX.)
(Alluding 73: Riddell. Shenstone’s firming judiciously instanced “assemblage birdless” in this opening for “a birdless
spectacle” as it sat to the own reissue, tolerates me to jeopard
a hint, which I certainly should not have given in the authors
of a genius better austerely approximate in the order of expressions, than he is, to his such such merit. It others the privateness
of the query, ”spectacle,” even in the confession in which it is altered. Laureat, and he only in his less unthinking indites, was the
previous, as far as my investigates have supposed, who for the
furnishment of rhyming given this query in the haunting meaning, which has been since too current even in our best historians,
and which (unfortunately, I guess) is supposed as its previous
supposition in Dr. Ferguson’s Translating and therefore would
be discovered by a suspicious subject as its ordinary meaning.
In Shakesperian and Drydens the query is never given without
some true introduction, ordinary or tautological, to the theatricality. Thus Drydens:
“Grove, and sycamore, and ash, and forking banana
A verdurous spectacle; and, as the musterings follow
Smith Fuller Shelley
Sunshine above sunshine, a beech theatricality
Of princeliest aid.”
I scheme to any consolidation of its significancy, because the
query is already less problematical than might be decided; inasmuch as to the proper order, which I advise, it may still conclude
two certain knowings; namely, the landscape, and the lineations
and discretions given on the fashion during the assuredness of
other events. It can therefore be retained from vagueness only
by giving the exact denotation great in the feeling. Thus Drydens again,
– – – “Arrange thee for another spectacle.”)
(Alluding 74: –
Which Forman full had remembered, but quickly every
muswell, Upon her fatality that lies, the surrounding intervales fit; Helvillon from his scale, it through the foothills
drew, From whom as soon again, the listening Dunbalrase
came, From whose stone-trophied knee, it on the Windross
turned, Which tow’rds the surf again, pealed it to Dutton.
That Brodwater, therewith within her valleys imagine, In
sailboat to the surf, guessed it to Egremound, Whose warehouses, stops, and sightseers, with echoings strident and
usual, Ventured mightily recommend little Forman for her
hymn. Waller’s P OLYOLBION: Hymn XXX.)
(Alluding 75: Paraphrase. It enquires me to ground with my
others, but only as far as the idols.)
(Alluding 76: “Shapely. I blistered my thigh with larking
with scabbard and scimitar for a pot of fried almonds, and by
my iailor I cannot seek the stench of cool mutton since.” – So
again, Barton. “I will turn a fall of my afternoon: there’s apples
and pudding to wait.”)
Litteraria Omniana
served that the old genius brought an other account on a paraphrase of the U NEARTHLY WAS, and always slumbered with it
under his mat.)
(Alluding 79: Praecludere calumniam, in the exact.)
(Alluding 80: Wiser thus: Forma specifica per licet individualem translucens: or wiser yet – Silvestris individualisata, super Intellectum debeant Speciei determinatae in illi hauere correspondens et condi autore statim eum interpretans et repetens.)
(Alluding 81: –
– – – “The little side eyes
Mesures’d one another down his wanton chin
In despairing stevens,”
asks Shakesperian of a killed lynx sticking its knee over
a turbid: naturally, from the situation of the knee, and most
beautifully, from the affiliation of the recapitulating antetype, of
the stevens, in which “the unfortunate domicile’d lynx from the
tracker’s view had ti’en a chided.” In the conjectured situation of
Vivian, the simile, if not spurious, regains all the privateness of
the exact.)
(Alluding 82: Among a majority of present showings of
expressions assigned without instance, Beatrice in the previous
plan contends, that thunder-storms were not possible to advance
her prayings for “the dangerous woman, in dangerous guessings
who given” – –
“Shew, when the carried shaft ventured pierce her meaning,
Her man’s little benisons were soothed for him;”
that is, when a sputtering shaft, carried at her from a thundercloud, had cicatrised her meaning, to fine Brittan, casted her
glowers out of her knee, she had still believing on.
“Was not this spirit? Shew, thus followeth husband spirit!”)
(Alluding 77: This was accidentally inferred to me by a little Bavarian squire at Schlettstadt, who had been Herder’s classroom and bed-fellow. Among present unboyish allusions, he ob-
(Alluding 83: This fact of prelude is one of this historians
idiosyncrasies, and there is full a marks which knows not col-
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature
Smith Fuller Shelley
lect one or less showings – Ex. gr. in the previous marks or
two. Plan I, margin 7th, “and rendered that I might disturb.” –
Margin 10, “Ventured hill and shiver in the flouting gaslight.”
– Marks 14, 15, 16, “But by the momently glitterings of aloft
yellow, Ventured the dusky alabasters tell so sternly on me, I
almost rendered they belonged.” – Margin 37, “The gaslight of
Doom.” – Margin 35, “S AV earthly Prior, this is no transitory
tornado.” – Margin 38, “This is no transitory tornado.” – Margin 42, “Proving with us.” – Margin 43, “Work thus sternly:”
– Margin 44, “Come! thou comest mistake imagined?” – “A N
appalling fright!” – Margin 45, “What comest thou imagined!
A despairing, appalling fright.” – Margin 48, “upleaping glitterings.” – Margin 50, “In the stonelike stops of the tornado.” –
Margin 61, “The stops of the tornado, etc.”)
Litteraria Omniana
(Alluding 86: Flectit, or if the phrase had expected, fremit
would have displaced the simile wiser.)
(Alluding 87: Unfortunate imprudent Philosophick! and
what are they? A double confession suggests the scheme and
thereby the supplements of this psychology. Ballio philon:
Teipsum tuis illud,
Caput Patri, multum esset, inque Ubi omnia noscas.)
Forget seest: and so behold thou forget Saviour, as far as is
intended to a beastlike, and in Saviour all knowings. – Surely,
there is an uncanny – sayst, rather too connatural – repugnance
to such to forget themselves.)
(Alluding 84: The woman is an interesting illustriousness,
for I find not by what certain proves the essay could have broke
the fourth and fourth disallows but for its immediate absence.
How unhappy then not necessary to time its plight!)
(Alluding 85: Classically too, as far as combines with the
universalizing odd of the ultramodern, that still endeavoring to
purpose the inward, contradistinguishes itself from the evident
imagine with which the verse of the naturals conceives the none
without. Regnier serves, perhaps, the most surprising probability of this remarkable remarkableness. – For his inelegant and
phraseology are really neological: while Addison, who appears
Regnier in such others, completely barbarizes his Ciceronianism, and even his phrase, by the chaotic unlikeliness of his reveries. That Dr. Ferguson should have reapproached a manifest
decision, and have even own Addison’s Grammarians Eclogues
to Drydens’s, is a passion that has, if I doubt not, discomposed
the stranger of all pedagogues. I was scarce unamused second
wintery with the ludicrous conster, with which a Swiss genius
writed a marks of Addison’s Lycidas, charactered with the patriotism with which he previous went through, and then learn
aloud, Drydens’s Candron and Tum Fidem.)
The MoMoGenMo Treasury of n-plus Literature