Heading One - Gisborne District Council

Application for Remission of Rates on Fragmented or Uneconomic
Rural Land
Prepared by:
Fiona Scragg (Senior Rates Officer)
Meeting Date:
6 December 2012
Report to FINANCE & MONITORING Committee for decision
Attached are renewal rate remission applications for councils Fragmented or Uneconomic Rural
Land Remission Policy. Council may of its own volition investigate and grant remission of rates on
any coastal rural land in the district which may qualify for remission of rates. These applications
have been reviewed by staff for compliance with policy guidelines for approval. The term of the
rate remission requested is to 30 June 2015 as the values reassessed by Landmass Technology
remain in place to the end of the current Rating Revaluation cycle.
That the Committee
1. receives the report
2. remit General and Targeted road rates for Mr Cottles properties on valuation reference 08170
41100A, 08170 41101A, 08170 411 03, 08170 41106, 08170 41105, 08170 44000,08170 43900,
08170 42000A, 08170 44102, 08170 411 04A for the revaluation period 1 July 2012 to 30 June
2015 based on the attached revised rating valuations supplied by Landmass Technology.
3. remit General and Targeted road rates for Mr Manning’s properties on valuation reference
08200 03701, 08200 03711, 0.8200 03714 for the revaluation period 1 July 2012 to 30 June
2015 based on the attached revised rating valuations supplied by Landmass Technology.
4. remit General and Targeted road rates for Mr Cooks Farm on valuation reference 08230 500,
08230 46500, 08230 46800, 08230 46835, 08230 46901A for the revaluation period 1 July 2012
to 30 June 2015 based on the attached revised rating valuations supplied by Landmass
Fiona Scragg
Senior rates officer
Mike Drummond
Group Manager Corporate Services
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Where rural land has a valuation in excess of its economic use (i.e. where it is valued based on its
coastal value, but used for grazing purposes) application can be made for a remission of rates.
Alternatively, where multiple rating assessments which can each support a housing site are used
for grazing purposes, application can be made to have all subject assessments valued as if they
were one contiguous farm property. For example, a fragmented farm of five 20 hectare
properties will, for rating purposes, be treated as if it is a single 100 hectare pastoral block. (The
mechanism will be that the value of the first block will be left intact, because it needs to support
a housing site, but the remaining four blocks will receive a remission of that part of their value
which pertains to potential housing sites).
Mr R Cattle - Tolaga Bay
1. Mr Cottle has 10 properties at Tolaga Bay that are farmed together and have a high Capital
Value due to their coastal location. Land Mass Technology has revised the rating valuations as
per council policy and these details are in the attached spreadsheet. The remission would
provide rates relief of approximately $1,239 per annum.
Mr Manning - Wainui
Mr Manning has a farm at Wainui. The properties are farmed together and have a high Capital
Value due to their coastal location. Land Mass Technology has revised the rating valuations as
per council policy and these details are in the attached spreadsheet. The remission would
provide rates relief of approximately $1,918 per annum.
Mr Cook - Wainui
Mr Cook has a farm at Wainui. The properties are farmed together and have a high Capital
Value due to their coastal location. Land Mass Technology has revised the rating valuations as
per council policy and these details are in the attached spreadsheet. The remission would
provide rates relief of approximately $1,918 per annum.
The decision comes under the Local Government Act 2002, and is covered by Policies
formulated by Council under that Act and is not significant under the terms of Council’s
Significance Policy.
The decision is not expected to directly affect any of the community outcomes.
The decision is not expected to directly influence any of the Council’s strategic challenges.
The recommendation proposed is not affected by the Gisborne District Council’s Consultation Policy.
Not applicable.
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The decision will not affect the Council’s overall financial budget, as provision for such remissions
are included in Councils financial budget.
Remission of Rates – Fragmented or Uneconomic Rural Land Policy
Where rural land has a valuation in excess of its economic use (ie, where it is valued based on its
coastal value, but used for grazing purposes) application can be made for a remission of rates.
Alternatively, where multiple coastal rating assessments which can each support a housing site
are used for grazing purposes, application can be made to have all assessments valued as if
they were one contiguous farm property. For example, a fragmented farm of five 20 hectare
properties will, for rating purposes, be treated as if it is a single 100 hectare pastoral block. (The
rationale is that the value of the first block will be left intact, because it needs to support a
housing site, however the remaining four blocks will receive a remission of that part of their value
which pertains to potential housing sites). This policy applies to General or to Māori Title land.
Whether rates are remitted in any individual case will depend on the circumstances of each
application. In general, a remission of rates will be considered, unless there is a reasonable
likelihood that the subject land will be used or developed in the immediate future.
The objectives of this policy are:
to recognise special circumstances pertaining to coastal rural land used for grazing
the primary use of the property must be pastoral farming, and its economic value must be
significantly less than the value assessed by the rating valuation
to recognise special circumstances pertaining to situations where multiple coastal rural
properties are effectively used as one farm property.
Conditions and Criteria
Application for this remission should be made prior to commencement of the rating year.
Applications made after the commencement of the rating year may be accepted at the
discretion of Council.
Owners or trustees making application should include in their applications:
details of the rating unit or units involved
the objectives that will be achieved by providing a remission
Documentation which shows that the land which is the subject of the application is
rural land.
details of tenure, whether a formal or informal lease, and whether owned by
a signed statement by the applicant that the land is used for pastoral purposes
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Council may of its own volition investigate and grant remission of rates on any coastal rural
land in the district, which may qualify for remission of rates.
Relief and the extent thereof, is at the sole discretion of Council and may be cancelled or
reduced at any time for any reason.
Council may give a remission of General and/or Targeted Rates on the difference in Land
Value and/or Capital Value between the best potential value of the land arising from its
location directly on a beachfront, and the economic value it has arising from its actual use.
Where possible, Council will apply this remission on its own volition.
Where a farm is made up of several individual titles, which may or may not be adjacent,
and the value of each title is higher due to the suitability of that title to sustain a building site,
Council may give a remission of General and/or Targeted Rates on the difference in Land
Value and/or Capital Value between the actual accumulated values of the individual land
blocks, and the value of a single block of land with the same land area in that locality.
Council may delegate authority to consider and approve applications to Council officers.
This decision does not require special consultation approval under the Consultation Policy.
There are no other matters/considerations that impact on this decision.
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