harrier`s awards evening special report!

The Harrier
Vol 1 Issue 7 Spring 2007
Official Newsletter of the Maidstone Harriers.
The recent awards night was a good success for the Harriers. A good turn out of members
attended the evening, which was held at our new venue: Maidstone Hockey Club on Armstrong
The awards night saw many members rewarded for there achievements over the past season, and
included a buffet and disco for everyone to dance the night away once the awards were given
Below are the award winners from the 2006 season.
Male runner of the year: David Thompson
Female runner of the year: Julie Wing
Dennis Wilcox Trophy: Grant Woodman
Tom Moore Cup: Michael Murdoch
David Thompson Male Runner of the year >
Club Championships Champions of 2006:
Overall Champion
Half Marathon Champion
10-Mile Champion
10K Champion
Verity Currie
Leanne Ford
Jo-Anne Creed
Sarah Brenton
Newsletter Contents:
Front page –
Headline news.
News (Con) –
Page 2
Editor Intro –
Member Feature –
page 3
Kent Fitness League –
page 4
Paphos Marathon –
page 5
News from Kent –
Back pg
Races to add to your diaries – Back page
Richard Unwin
Dave Clayton
Matthew Fraser
Nick Jordan
Male Vets:
Male Supervets:
Michael White
Ron Carr
David Thompson Grant Woodman
Ian Hoad
David Hattersley
Andrew Burgess David Hutchinson
Maidstone Harriers Web Site:
Editorial Email Address:
[email protected]
Bob Foster has started a new running group on Wednesday club nights. Bobs group is aimed at a shorter
length of run and is often less hilly than the full distance routes used by the main club run.
These runs are typically between 3-4miles in length and is an ideal group to train with if you fancy a
shorter run or are tapering down for an important race, the group is also a great way for new members to
join and run at the club without the daunting prospect of a 7-miler which for people new to running would
seem like a marathon!
This is something which could possibly affect us all here at the Harriers.
On April 1st this year, England Athletics which is part of the governing body of running UKA are bringing in new regulations,
meaning clubs will have to pay a fee of --- for every single member who competes either in road races or on the track.
This will greatly impact the financial situation the Harriers will be in as the club will have to pay UKA the extra fees to
participate in UKA sanctioned races, such as FLORA London Marathon and most current important road races, this includes
race permits being issued, so is related to our very own race the Maidstone Half Marathon.
A new body has been formed, which is separate from UKA and is designed to help keep entry costs down at road races. This
body has sent letters to all road running clubs to encourage the clubs to join them and participate in road races governed by this
new body. Fees clubs would have to pay would be greatly reduced easing the financial pressure, but the downside is UKA will
not sanction or recognise this new body or clubs which form part of it. The Harriers guaranteed places in the Flora London
Marathon for instance would be taken away from the club if we did join the new organisation.
Overall it’s a tricky situation and one which could split the fabric of road running within the UK, the club has important
decisions to make so any feedback asked by the committee from members would be crucial to any decision the club makes,
this will mean the upcoming AGM will be very important to attend to get your views across regarding this matter and help
shape the direction the club takes in the future.
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2007, I’m guessing by now the Christmas indulgence is well and truly out of the system
and everyone is getting down to some serious training and running. With FLM 2007 just a few weeks away, a lot of very
tired legs and for some anticipation of taking part in what must be the world’s largest marathon!!!
This month in the Harrier, the recent awards evening is reviewed, you get to learn about what Bob does with his
Wednesday nights!!! Some important news regarding road running, and how it could possibly impact the Harriers. Season
review from the recently finished Kent Fitness League. Also check out my article on speed work, a response to being
quizzed by members recently whilst out training with them!
Finally, just to say in order for me to keep turning out these newsletters, I do need YOU the members of the club and
readers of this humble newsletter to keep giving me articles and stories which I can use!
Enjoy Running! Enjoy Easter! (Ed)
Introduction to speedwork:
Speed work is a useful form of running which can be
easily added to your training, to help make you run that
little bit faster and bring your PB times down!
Speed work comes in many different forms from track
sessions, Intervals and Fartlek and can also be
undertaken both on the roads, off road and even a
Treadmill in the winter months.
How I schedule my speedwork.
A typical training week for me would
involve around 80-90miles of running,
split into different types of sessions. I’m
not saying everyone has to run that
amount, but the general layout of my
training plan is a very standard one, which
many other runners both elite and fun
would use.
(Example of a typical training week for me)
Monday: two runs both steady pace am + pm
Tuesday: easier am run, then speedwork pm
Wednesday: easy am run, steady pm run
Thursday: easier am run then speedwork pm
Friday: easier am run then steady pm
Saturday: am steady run then pm speedwork
Sunday: am Long run pm Rest or easy pace
In this article I will describe the various different forms
of speed work and suggest a few simple training
sessions which can be followed for everyone to try at
there leisure.
The Types of Speedwork Explained:
This is the simplest form of speedwork and one
which runners new to the sport would try, it’s also
fun for more experienced runners to do as a means
of varying the training they undertake.
To do Fartlek, all you need to do is to randomly
change pace at frequent intervals, jog for a bit, run
normally for a bit, maybe run very fast to the next
lamp post for example, then sprint up or down a hill,
do not time any of the efforts or recoveries, just run
at whatever pace you feel like at any given time, but
always adjust the pace at frequent intervals.
This is more structured training; you would go to a
local track such as Julie Rose Ashford then run a
certain distance before a strict rest period. Then
repeat until the desired number of efforts has been
Many runners train within groups at tracks and often
have coaches who set the sessions and supervise
them. Saying that, it’s perfectly ok to train at the
track yourself, but remember to phone the track
before attending to ensure the track is free for your
These can be performed pretty much anywhere, both
on the roads and off road maybe in a local park for
Examples of Speedwork:
Track sessions:
10x400m with 60sec recovery
(Short and faster type work)
6x1000m off 2min or 200m recovery
(Longer endurance based work)
Road Intervals:
10x2mins off 90sec jog recovery
15x1min off 1min jog recovery.
Similar to track sessions, you run for a set period of
time then have a set recovery time, which you then
repeat for the desired number of efforts, road
intervals are often used if a local running track is not
available, they can be also used as a good means of
marathon training or to add variety to your running
(Shorter intervals for speed endurance)
4x5mins off 2mins jog recovery
(Longer rep for endurance)
If you’re
interested in finding out more speed work type
sessions, then please discuss this with me down the club on
Wednesday nights!
2006-07 Fixtures and Dates
15/10/2006 Blean Woods, Canterbury.
12/11/2006 Swanley Park, Swanley.
Race 3 26/11/2006 Nurstead Court, Meopham.
Race 4 17/12/2006 Knole Park, Sevenoaks.
Race 5 14/01/2007 Minnis Bay, Birchington.
Race 6 18/02/2007 Oxleas Wood, Eltham.
Race 7 25/02/2007 Capstone Park, Chatham.
Relays 18/03/2007 Swanley Park, Swanley.
Race 1
Race 2
Top Male Harrier Positions.
Top Female Harrier Positions
22nd Julie Stoppani
34th Karena Norton
35th Kay Risby
Dave Thompson
Dave Clayton
David Law
Lyndon Gurr
Michael White
Russel Morling
Paul Holland
Matt Fraser
Dave Hattersley
Ian Dawson
John Brown
The Kent fitness league kicked off its 2006/07 season at Blean woods on a very warm October’s
morning, most runners finding road race shoes being the thing to have due to how dry the course was.
We then moved onto the 2-lap undulating Swanley course which is always popular amongst Harrier
members. Team captain Dave Law had injury problems, so leading the Harriers was the ever impressive
Dave Thompson with Julie Stoppani doing likewise for the females.
The next round was Nurstead court, a very tricky and tough race held on a very hilly route including
roadland trails, ploughed fields and a water splash!!! The day was very windy also, but once again the
sun shining.
Knole Park in Sevenoaks finished off the 2006 events, with a two lapper around the park which runners
share with the local wildlife, which are deer. Dave Thompson ended 2006 as the highest place male with
Julie Stoppani maintaining her position as the female to beat come 2007!
2007 and Minnis bay was the first location of the year, windy and cold plus the longest race of the year,
Thanet Roadrunners adding there famous dykes just for everyone’s enjoyment. One dyke was especially
deep and muddy, and footage was caught on video of the field attempting to get through this slight
obstacle, the footage is very amusing in parts!
The next venue was Oxleas woods, very hilly and apart from Nurstead court, the toughest venue on the
calendar. Some of the course was very slippery, causing a few mishaps, Dave Thompson had his best
showing of the year, finishing well inside the top 20 overall, Dave Clayton also had a good run.
The season finished at a very wet and muddy Capstone park, this race had mixed reactions from the
Harrier’s that took part, some enjoyed the course while others found it a little boring and a bit too long.
Paphos Marathon and 10k, Cyprus
Swanley Park then hosted the end of season relays and presentation for the season afterwards.
Paphos Marathon and 10k, Cyprus
(KM Report)
David Thornby and Bill Murphy of Maidstone Harriers joined Sportsresort’s training and racing trip to
Cyprus and returned with trophies from the Paphos Marathon, writes Alan Newman.
Thornby stormed through the field in the later stages to finish seventh overall and first M55 master in
3hrs 19mins 7sec. Murphy slowed with a blister after holding a top six position at the halfway stage to
finish ninth and first M50 in 3:22:14, as victory went to Salameh Al Aqra in an excellent 2:41:07.
The supporting 10k race attracted 140 athletes, including seven from Kent. Gareth Robb of Paddock
Wood worked hard in the heat for second place in 36:17 behind Tim Tschumperlin from Germany and
ahead of former German marathon champion, Herbert Steffny.
Alan Newman (Medway and Maidstone) finished sixth in 37:54 and was second M50 master to Steffny
who ran in the IAAF World Championships marathon in 1987. Paddock Wood chairman, Des White,
was tenth in 40:12 and Sue James of Paddock Wood won the W55 trophy in second overall with 46:48.
June Johnson of Sevenoaks AC was first W60 and fourth woman in 50:15 and Alison White (Paddock
Wood) collected the W50 trophy and sixth overall with 51:24. Better known as a sprinter, Gill Tree of
Paddock Wood surprised herself to win the W40 category with 55:19 in tenth overall.
Sportsresort clients trained twice daily in the warm sunshine with motivation provided by UK Athletics
coach, Alan Newman. Training included track sessions, endurance road runs plus mobility and core
stability exercises. Activities included a seven mile hike in the mountains and a predictor race over
three miles that was won by Alison White with an estimate that was one second less than her actual
finishing time.
The top four athletes in the predictor challenge with their times and margins were Alison White in
23:37 (plus 1 second); Gareth Robb (17:15, minus 15 sec); Bill Murphy (19:50, minus 55 sec) and Carl
Sheldon of Paddock Wood (28:33, minus 58 sec).
Further results
7 Des White 18:07 (-1:28), 9 Sue James 21:00 (-1:55), 10 June Johnson 22:30 (-2:00), 12 Andrew
Johnson 21:30 (-2:15), 14 David Thornby 17:35
(-2:45), 16 Jill Sheldon 34:07 (-3:23), 17 Gill Tree 22:38 (-3:37).
Alan Newman
Dave Thornby
Bill Murphy
Three rounds have so far taken place in this years Kent Grandprix, once again the series is currently led by last years champion Clayton Barrett,
who is dominating the leaderboard so far and looking in good shape to retain his title. The Paddock Wood Half Marathon will see round four of
the championship and all of the leading contenders will be out in force.
Clayton Barrett’s closest challenger could be Vet 40 runner Andy Green from Dartford Road runners who is having a very good season so far.
Others to look out for include Steve Smythe and the Harriers' very own duo of Steve Chalklen and Dave Thompson.
Blackheath & Bromley AC and Kent athlete Mike Skinner, recently had the race of his life. He represented Great Britain in the World Cross
country championships which were held in Mombassa Kenya. In heat wave like conditions Mike was second finisher home for Team GB out of
nine. Mo Farah was the leading Brit in 10th overall, with Mike Skinner finishing a very respectable 62nd overall. This helped Team GB to 8th
overall in the team event and first non African nation across the line.
The Maidstone Harrier AGM is due to take place the week after the Flora London Marathon.
As is tradition for the club, the AGM takes place the following Wednesday after the Marathon, meaning there
will be no running on this night.
The date for the Clubs AGM is: April 25th 2007.
Venue: Clubroom on Armstrong Road
Please try and attend the AGM if possible, as this is your club and your chance to share your views about the
clubs future direction.
A buffet will be provided once the meeting has finished and the bar will be open for drinks.
Upcoming Road Races in Kent.
April 22nd
May 7th
May 7th
May 13th
May 13th
May 20th
May 20th
May 27th
May 27th
June 2nd
June 3rd
FLORA London Marathon
Hildenborough 5-miles
Whitstable 10k
Maidstone Race for Life 5k
Sevenoaks 7-miles
Darent Valley 10k
Stelling Minnis 10k
Canterbury Half Marathon
Fowlmead Park Opening 10k
Harvel Hash 5
Beckenham 10k
Action from the Flora London
Latest news
Flora London Marathon
Club AGM
Member features
With the longer daylight hours now setting in, Dave Hattersley
will be hard at work designing some new routes for our summer
running season, no doubt lots of hills and his very own favourite
BRIDGES will be included! (Had to get that one in ED!)
As is club tradition, daylight allowing, these runs will begin the
Wednesday after the Clubs AGM. Distance is usually between 68miles in length and gets us out by the river and into the country