Soliloquies in Macbeth

Soliloquies in Macbeth
Mr. Eble, CP1 British Literature
For this assignment, you’ll memorize a soliloquy that you’ll present orally to class. You’ll also
develop discussion questions about your soliloquy for class that day.
Your Goal:
 To memorize a soliloquy from Macbeth and present it orally to class. Memorization aids in full understanding of
a text.
Your responsibilities in the Soliloquy worksheet (see page two)—35-point informal writing grade.
1. To demonstrate the context (situation, plot, setting) surrounding the soliloquy
2. To provide a brief summary of what the character says in this soliloquy
3. To demonstrate this soliloquy’s importance to the plot, themes, and character development, as well as to the prereading research
4. To provide close reading of the soliloquy—show figurative language, tone, themes, connections to other
characters’ words / plot points throughout the play
5. To provide open-ended questions related to the soliloquy for class discussion
Your responsibilities as a speaker:
 You should recite the soliloquy from memory without needing a visual guide. Mr. Eble will help you once if you
get stuck.
 You should recite these lines seriously
Soliloquies / Segments of the text for Analysis
1. Lady Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act I Scene v after receiving Macbeth’s letter
2. Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act I, Scene vii
3. Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act II, Scene I in seeing the dagger
4. Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act III, Scene i after he becomes king
5. Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act V, Scene v upon hearing of Lady Macbeth’s death
Rubric: Memorizing Your Soliloquy
 Reciting all of your soliloquy perfectly (no errors; every line, every word): 105 %
 Reciting all of your soliloquy with errors: 100 %
 Reciting ten consecutive lines of your soliloquy perfectly: 90 %
 Reciting ten consecutive lines of your soliloquy with errors: 85%
 Reciting eight lines of your soliloquy perfectly: 80%
 Reciting eight lines of your soliloquy with errors: 75%
 Reciting 6-7 lines of your soliloquy perfectly: 74%
 Reciting 6-7 lines of your soliloquy with errors: 70%
 Reciting 5 or fewer lines of your soliloquy: 69%
 Reciting none of your soliloquy: 0%
This assignment is worth a 100-point reading quiz grade.
Soliloquy Worksheet
Mr. Eble, CP1 British Literature
Please bring this sheet printed to class along with a printed copy of your soliloquy.
Context: Explain the
situation in which the
soliloquy is said (plot,
Summary: Summarize
the soliloquy in five
Use bullet points…
Write a 4-5 sentence
paragraph in which
you demonstrate the
importance to the
plot, themes,
characters , as well as
to the pre-reading
Explain the figurative
language, tone, themes
in the soliloquy, as
well as connections to
other characters’
words / plot points
throughout the play
Write three-four
discussion questions
for class discussion