Capitulum Primum

Derivatives are English words that come from
Latin words
In order for a word to be a derivative, it must
LOOK something like the Latin word
It must also have something to do with the
MEANING of the Latin word
Let’s look at the derivatives from this lesson.
Canine: of or like a dog;
Canine teeth are the pointed teeth
resembling those of a dog.
Canary: a finch native to the group of islands
found in the Atlantic
Family: relatives
Familiar: commonly
known; well-acquainted
Familial: characteristic
of a family
Feline: pertaining to the cat family
Fraternity: brotherhood; a group with
common interests
Fraternal: brotherly
Fraternize: associate in a friendly way
Maternal: having qualities related to a mother
Maternity: motherhood (as a noun); relating
to pregnancy (as an adjective)
Matrimony: state of being married
Matriarch: female head of a family
Materfamilias: matriarch
Matrix: the starting point from which
something else originates
Paternal: having qualities of a father.
Paternity: fatherhood (as a noun); relating to
fatherhood (as an adjective.)
Patrimony: estate inherited from a father or
Patriarch: male head of a family or
Paterfamilias: patriarch
Sorority: sisterhood
Sororal: like a sister
Villa: a large house
Village: a group of houses
Import: to bring in
Inhabit: to live in
Imprison: to put into prison
Enslave: to make into a slave
loco parentis: in the place of a parent
Memoriam: to the memory of
toto: on the whole
vino veritas: in wine (there is) truth
Habitat: natural environment of an
Habitation: a place of residence
Habitable: suitable for living on.
Inhabit: to live or dwell in a place.
Inhabitant: person or animal that
lives in a place.