Tehran – IRAN - World Bank Group

Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
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Statement by :
Ms. Paimaneh Hastaie
Advisor to the mayor of Tehran on
environmental affairs
Tehran – IRAN
Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
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In the name of God
Iran with a current population of over 60 millions is located on the upland vast plateau
bounded by southest mountains borders Turkmenistan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan and
Armenia in the north, Turkey and Iraq in the west, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in
the south and Pakistan and Afghanistan in the east.
Iranian plateau bounded by two large mountains, Alborz and Zagros, has an area of some
1,648,195 square kilometer, two thirds of which consist of mountains plateau and or
The climate of Iran varies from region to region because of its topographical complexity.
The climate of most parts of the country belongs to the desert climate or steppe climate
except that of the northern district of the Alborz mountains facing the Caspian Sea
characterized by its mediterranean climate.
Tehran is located at latitude 35o 31?QRW
is characterized by gentle upward slopes from the south to the north and from the west to
the east formed by 3500 – 4000 m high Alborz mountains in the north and east. The
difference of height between the southern area of Tehran central station and the Mehrabad
International Airport (1200m above the sea) and northern part of Tajrish district (1500 m
above the sea) is 300 m.
Tehran is located in the southern part of the Alborz mountains and its climate is the
steppe climate.
Table 1 shows logical element at the meteorological bureau of Mehrabad International
Airport in Tehran.
Table -1: Logical element at the meteorological bureau of
Mehrabad International Airport in Tehran
Annual mean temperature
Annual mean humidity
Annual precipitation
Annual most frequent wind direction
Number of clear and partly cloudy days
Number of days with precipitation more than one mm/day
Annual number of days with snow or sleet
Number of days of thunderstorms
Inversion occurrence
17.5 oC
229.9 mm
317 days/year
41.1 days/year
13.2 days/year
17.5 days/year
More than 250 days
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Tehran with a day time population of some 10 millions and with a metropolitan area of
over 2000 square kilometers is the center of the national government and of commercial,
financial, cultural and educational activities in Iran. Rapid urban expansion over the past
two decades in Tehran resulted from a high population growth rate and increased ruralurban migration combined with a strong tradition of centralization in the capital.
Tehran is geographically similar to Los Angeles and Mexico City, situated at an altitude
of some 1,500 m and is surrounded to the east, north and west by a snow-capped mountain
range. There is little wind so pollution tends to congregate above the city, trapped by the
mountains and the warm air rising from the south.
Tehran’s air pollution problem is severe by world standards, and the government of
the Islamic Republic of Iran as a high priority environmental and health issue has identified
it. An important cause of air pollution is the exhaust from about 1.4 million motor vehicles,
including about 0.5 million motorcycles, operating in an extremely congested road space
(average vehicle speeds below 18 Km/h) and 70,000 industrial units.
It is known that between 65 to 70 percent of total emissions are related to urban transport
operations. Reported average concentrations of pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO),
particulate matter less than 10 micron diameter (PM-10) and sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), in the
city center in 1998, were two to three times above average levels recommended by
WHO/USEPA. The growth in number of vehicles over the last two years has made the
situation even more severe (Table 2).
Table -2: Annual average concentration of air pollutant in city of Tehran
CO (ppm)
(µg/m3 )
Average in 1999
Estimated in 2010
WHO/EPA Standard
The problem is compounded by topographical (mountains to the north and the east) and
climatological factors (sunshine, frequent temperature inversions), which favour
photochemical transformation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides
(NOx ) to produce smo g and tropospheric ozone. There are enough reasons to believe that
the city suffers from high ozone concentration levels.
Urban transport is of considerable concern from a global warming standpoint. Urban
transport operations consume an estimated 2.0 million tons of gasoline/diesel fuel per year,
releasing about 5 million tons of CO2 . Transport system alone generates about twice as
much carbon per capita as the overall average carbon per capita for developing countries.
Partly, this high level of CO2 emissions is due to a weak public transport system, causing an
excessive reliance on the private vehicle which accounts for about 60 percent of all
passenger trips in the city. By way of comparison, in Mexico City, which also suffers from
severe air pollution, the automobile accounts for less than 30 percent of passenger trips.
There are various factors that complicate the overall environmental situation. These
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factors include:
1- The climatological and geographical conditions of the city which is surrounded from
three sides by mountains, contributing to low winds and low rainfall,
2- Lack of adequate public transportation system,
3- Obsolete transport vehicle technology and high average life of vehicle fleet,
4- The large number of cars, minibuses, buses, vans, trucks, and motorcycles,
5- Low fuel prices subsidized by the government causing little incentive for fuel
6- Low quality of fuels (leaded gasoline and high sulfur content of diesel fuel),
7- Low proportion of trees and green areas,
8- The public excessive use of private cars and heavy traffic due to not observing the traffic
rules by the public which has contributed to congested road space,
9- Lack of efficient urban planning in the city, and finally,
10- The economic and social problems caused in part by the population growth due to the
immigration to the capital, and unsatisfactory levels of public awareness on environmental
In response to the enhanced problems of urban transport and the associated air pollution,
the Municipality of Tehran has undertaken a number of initiatives, including improvement
of physical infrastructures and management of the urban transport operations. The
Municipality’s strategy to reduce carbon dioxide involves several elements listed below
with their relative contribution to the reduction target.
I) Restricted Traffic Zone
In order to manage the ever- increasing traffic in Tehran, the city center has been
designated as a restricted traffic area since 1983. This area, covering about 23 km2 , is the
focus of current and planned traffic management schemes. Presently about 10 percent of the
vehicles (government owned vehicles, physician’s cars, taxis, and other public vehicles)
have been issued stickers allowing them to access this area during restricted hours
to 17:00 hrs). In addition there is a larger area, covering about half the city, where truck
restrictions apply.
Adoption of Alternative Fuels
Transportation energy use in the world is rapidly becoming a critical issue. Recent
projection by the U.S. Department of Energy indicates that the overwhelming majority (80
percent) of growth in world oil consumption by the year 2010 could come from the
developing countries. For the 15 largest developing countries about 50 percent of the
growth in oil consumption in the 1970 to 1984 period has been in transportation. There are
no solid indications that this growth has reversed or even slowed down.
In accordance with the national policy to utilize natural gas as an alternative fuel for oil
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products and in view of the lower pollution levels emitted by gaseous fueled vehicles,
Tehran Municipality is planning to convert 4000 diesel fueled buses from the public
transportation fleet to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Also more than 30000 taxis have
been converted to LPG.
III) Inspection and Maintenance of In-Use Vehicles:
In addition to annual inspection, Municipality of Tehran enforces a mandatory emission
inspection and control program for motor vehicles permitted to pass through the city’s
Restricted Traffic Zone. This program will soon be implemented for all in use vehicles in
the city. The inspection program includes safety checks and evaluation of major auto parts
as well as measurement of CO and HC emissions whose levels are minimized at the A/F
stochiometric value (?=1)
Since the average life of automobiles in Iran is high, inspection and maintenance would
drastically improve their emission levels. A study on about 50 gasoline fueled vehicles of
different ages and different models, both domestic and imported passengers cars, indicated
that the engine tune-up will reduce the air pollutants by as much as 50 percent and an
average reduction of about 15 percent in fuel consumption can be achieved.
At the present time the motorcycles are also inspected, although this does not include
emission level measurement.
Studies show that proper maintenance and tune-up are highly effective in reducing
emissions from motorcycles. These study shows that motorcycle engine tune-up can lower
the average CO and HC emission by 45 percent and 37 percent, respectively, and improve
fuel efficiency by 30 percent.
Measurement of in- use vehicle exhaust emissions is currently carried out in over 90
stations in Tehran. These stations measure concentrations of CO and HC ga ses emitted
from gasoline fueled engines. Also, emission tests of new vehicles by the CVS method
based on ECE 1503 standard is performed at one location for type approval. Another
station performing this test will soon come into operation.
IV) Ambient Air Monitoring
There are 13 ambient air-monitoring facilities in Tehran. CO, NOx , SO 2 , HC, TSP, O3
and Pb are monitored at various locations in the city.
There are a limited number of monitoring stations in other cities as well.
V) Conversion of Heating Systems to Natural Gas
A study was made, based on the data collected by the Ministry of Health, to determine
the trend of certain air pollutants in Tehran for the past decade. It was found that
particulates and lead have increased, whereas the smoke and sulfur dioxide have decreased.
The conversion of the Heating Systems of residential and commercial buildings to natural
gas is expected to be complete by the end of 2005.
Bus Operations
Tehran has about 60km of dedicated bus lanes physically separated from other traffic
lanes. These lanes have greatly increased bus speeds. Urban bus services in Tehran have
increased during the last 8 years, indicating an increase of 100% since last 8 years.
A Park and Ride facility (with the capacity of 2000 cars), served by express bus service
has proved successful.Four other such facilities have so far been established.
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VII) Green Space Development
The severe air pollution of Tehran has put the development of green space and
establishment of parks on the top of the programs of Tehran Municipality.
In 1993, there were 480 parks with the area of 12,509,759 m2 in Tehran. In addition,
there are 15 forest parks in the suburbs of Tehran with the area of 7000 hectares, which
have recently been further developed by 2,500 hectares.
The green space per person ratio has increased from 2.5 m2 in 1989 to 10 m2 in 1993.
VIII) Relocation of Industries and Urban Jobs
This is another project with the purpose of reducing environmental pollution. The
relocatio n of all factories, workshops and businesses is thoroughly studied and various
recommendations are made to restrict business activities and practices, which are found to
be harmful to the urban environment.
Another example of the municipality’s dedication to the environment is the
transformation of a major slaughterhouse in the south of Tehran into one of the - largest
cultural houses in the city. The old slaughterhouse had posed major pollution problems in
the region and this transformation has drastically improved the environmental conditions of
that area.
IX) Solid Waste Management
Solid waste produced in Tehran is estimated to be 3,280,122 metric tons per year.
Collection, recycling and disposal of this huge volume of solid waste in a large city such
as Tehran calls for very precise planning and huge expenditures.
The solid waste of the whole city can now be collected and carried over to the recycling
and dumping centers in less than seven hours.
X) Other Significant Measures
Besides the practices outlined above, some other significant measures have been taken
by the Municipality of Tehran, which has improved the living environment. Such measures
include intelligent traffic management and control, use of trolley bus system, expansion of
ring roads and motor-ways and few more.
XI) International Cooperation
The Government of Islamic Republic of Iran and the Municipality of Tehran is actively
participating in international effort for the reduction of local and global air pollution.
The Municipality Of Tehran has conducted two international projects reviewing the
current situation and expected future trends in both mobile and stationary sources. It also
analyzed the technical and economic viability of various control technologies and policies
in short (0-5 years), medium (5-10 years), and long-term (10-20 years) perspective, and
addresses both local air quality and greenhouse gas emissions issue.
?Tehran Transport Emissions Reduction Project
Tehran Municipality initiated Tehran Transport Emissions Reduction Project. The
purpose of the project has been to identify a comprehensive strategy for reducing motor
vehicle air pollution and to identify means of reducing GHG (Green House Gases) emission
from the transport sector. The Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and Tehran
Municipality have provided funds for the technical assistance.
The study has been carried out in close cooperation among Swedish Joint venture (JV).
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The study commenced in November 1995 and finished in September 1997.
Objectives of the study
Evaluating present and future contributions of motor vehicles in Tehran to air
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, by analyzing the existing motor vehicle emissions
data and preparing an emission inventory;
Establishing an air pollution monitoring system for collection of data on present
levels of air pollutants, and development of appropriate dispersion models for predicting air
quality levels under various scenarios;
Reviewing existing and proposed standards and policies to control vehicle
emissions and fuels, recommending appropriate standards, tests and certification
procedures, and R&D strategies for each class of motor vehicle and fuel type, and assessing
cost impacts, lead-times, and air quality benefits. Recommendations were to consider
current air pollution levels, future increases, and the timing of emission reductions needed
for a phased program of air quality improvement;
Evaluating the feasibility, costs, and effectiveness of other measures such as fuel
pricing, traffic planning, transport pricing, land use, transportation demand management,
and use of alternative fuels; and
Recommending a set of cost effective intervention to reduce transport emissions in
the short (0-5 years), medium, (5-10 years), and long term (10-20 year) ,and providing
assistance in drafting appropriate regulations, and establishing certification and
enforcement mechanisms for emissions regulation, including transferring this know- how to
Iranian professionals and technicians.
Project Tasks
The project is defined in the terms of reference, and the main parts of the work have been
identified as follows:
Task l - Problem definition: This task involves a review of available data in order to form a
baseline for the vehicle fleet in Tehran, a comprehensive emission inventory, an assessment
of the quality of emission laboratories, and a summary of health effects;
Task 2 - Assessment of current emissions control strategies: This involves review of
compliance requirements and institutional arrangements, review of vehicles standards and
pricing, assessment of conventional fuels and pricing policies, assessment of inspection and
maintenance programs, and review and assessment of issues related to transpotation
Task 3 - projection of future problems under currently planned controls: On the basis of
projections of economic change, Population, and vehicle population, projection of future
emissions and air quality will be made assuming “Business- as- usual”;
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Task 4-Identification of alternative strategies for emissions control on the basis of the
previous tasks: A set of feasible strategies for emissions control will be identified, including
new vehicle standards, inspection/maintenance improvements, improve ments in
conventional and alternative fuels, and transportation management (traffic and land use);
Task 5 - Development of an evaluation framework :An evaluation of various actions will be
carried out in order to form a ranking of actions based on the amo unt of pollutants reduced,
impact on local pollutants versus greenhouse gas reduction, short term versus long term
impacts, and associated costs (both direct and indirect);
Task 6- Development of institutional arrangements: Based on the result of Task2, technical
assistance and advice will be provided on setting up certification and enforcement
mechanisms to verify manufactures compliance with emissions standards, and mechanisms
for periodic review of emissions standards. Proposals will be prepared for the development
of efficient institutional arrangements and resources needed to implement the strategies
adopted for emissions control.
Task 7- Draft final report
Task 8- Finalization of action plan.
A list of the measures is proposed to reduce air pollution caused by the transportation
system, which is shown in the table-3.
Table-3: Timetable of action plan
Light-duty vehicles (LDV, and LDT)
ECE R-83 B App. For imported
Retrofit of Paykans less than 10
years and improved standard on
new Paykans
Exclusion of petrol in LPG taxis and
introduction catalyst
ECE R-83 B app. for all new LDV
and LDT
Emission regulation according to
proposed EU standard for year 2000
LPG High Quality conversion and
service for LDV and LDT
Motorcycles and mopeds
EU-97 limits for motorcycles and
Catalysts for motorcycles non EU-97
Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
ECE R49 “Euro2” standard for all
locally minibuses
page 9
Particulate traps for all minibuses
ECE R49 “Euro2” standard for all
locally produced minibuses
including particulate traps
ECE R49 ‘Euro3” standard for all
Full-size buses
Installation of particulate traps in all
full-size buses
ECE R49 ‘Euro2’ for imported
Catalysts for CNG converted buses
??? ???
Table-3: Timetable of action plan (ditto)
Catalysts for high quality converted CNG
ECE R49 ‘Euro2” for locally produced buses
ECE R49 ‘Euro3” for all buses plus catalyst
ECE R49 ‘Euro3” for bi-articulated buses for
trunk bus network
ECE R49 ‘Euro2” standard for all imported
ECE R49 ‘Euro2’ standard and particulate
traps in all locally produced trucks
Conversion to DME plus catalyst
??? ???????
??? ???
Inspection and maintenance
Improved I&M for LDV
Introduction of an l&M program for light
duty trucks
I&M, smoke measurements, and sealing of
injection pump in heave duty vehicles
Training of vehicle inspectors
Improvement of fuels
Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
Unleaded petrol
Reformulated Petrol +15% MTBE
Import of low sulfur diesel (S= 0.05%) to be
used minibuses and full-size buses
Production of low sulfur diesel (S=0.05%) in
Introduction of DME as a fuel for diesel
Oil mixing equipment at petrol stations
page 10
Vehicle traffic and parking
Traffic signals
Construction of Park and Ride parking areas
Introduction of parking restrictions and
increased parking fees
Parking policies
Table-3: Timetable of action plan (ditto)
Land use development policies
National spatial and physical planning
Regional planning policies Tehran
Metropolitan Area
Tehran Municipality development policies
Tehran Municipality implementation policies
Establishment of a Co-ordinating unit for
planning and urban planning
Public transport
Introduction of a trunk bus network
Planning period/decision on implementation ?????
Implementation period
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? The study on an Integrated Master Plan for Air Pollution Control in (GTA)
The Municipality of Tehran also initiated the study on an Integrated Master Plan for Air
Pollution Control. The objective of the study is to formulate an integrated master plan for
air pollution control based on the research, survey and analysis on socioeconomic activities
and the situation of air pollution in Greater Tehran Area (GTA) which is the area within the
administrative boundary of Tehran. The study was funded by JICA (Japan International
Cooperation Agency) and carried out in cooperation between Japanese Joint Venture and its
Iranian counterpart. The study started in April 1995 and finished in November 1997.
The studies comprise the following main parts:
Current situation and planned development,
Establishment of a baseline for the mobile and stationary sources in Tehran,
A mobile and stationary source emissions inventory,
Assessment of emissions laboratories,
A summary of health effects,
Monitoring and inspection,
Compliance requirements and institutional arrangements,
Environmental laws and regulations,
Vehicle standards find pricing,
Conventional fuels and pricing policies,
Inspection and Maintenance,
Transportation management,
Public transport,
Land use and air quality simulation
Project Description
The projects were the efforts to study options for future improvement of the air in an
environmentally sustainable manner.
Measures for air pollution reduction in the GTA will be classified into three categories,
Establishment of environmental management systems in Tehran city,
Management of vehicular sources and
Management of stationary sources.
Establishment of environmental management systems in Tehran City in the central
government and municipal level. Three key environmental activity are needed such as an
emission inventory, monitoring and inspection, and environmental laws/regulations
including environmental audit systems for reduction of air pollution in GTA. It is therefore
recommended to implement following activities :
1) Organization of environmental management.
2) Plan of environmental laws and regulations.
3) Analysis of present air pollution caused by vehicles and stationary sources
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facilitating policy making.
Study of environmental management systems in foreign countries.
Establishment of environmental management systems.
Regional & wide area monitoring system including meteorological observation.
Establishment of systems for monitoring and inspection for emission sources.
Establishment of inventory systems.
Improvement and research of ana1ytical technologies for analyzing air polluting
Preparation of emission reduction guideline.
Research in health impacts and economic loss due to air pollution.
Support of the private sector in reduction of air pollution.
Research and development in energy conservation.
Manpower development for environmental protection.
Promotion of technical cooperation with foreign countries.
Management of vehicular sources
As the management system for vehicle emission reduction needs a wide range activities
to be conducted by the central government and Municipality, therefore roles of the parties
of these activities is required to be defined. It is recommended for future development of
vehicular sources to implement following activities:
1) Monitoring of transportation and traffic volume in the GTA,
2) Improvement of traffic regulations and monitoring of traffic conditions,
3) Execution of vehicle inspection,
4) Determination of traveling modes and operation of chassie dynamo tests.
5) Expansion of vehicle maintenance capacity,
6) Improvement of vehicle manufacturing technology,
7) Research and development in vehicle emission reduction technology targeting in- use
8) Research and development in urban planning,
9) National programs for vehicle fuel renovation,
10) Research and development in the energy economy,
11) Promotion and coordination of introduction of foreign technology for emission
(3) Management of stationary sources
At this moment in GTA, relocation of factories is being promoted on the basis of the
Clean City 80 Program. Though only a few polluting emission sources have been found in
GTA, in view of future economic development, light industries such as agrobased food
processing, plastic and packaging as well as mechatronic industries are predicted to expand.
It is therefore recommended for future development of stationary emission sources to
implement following activities:
1) Improvement of emission inventory systems,
2) Improvement of monitoring and inspection systems,
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3) Preparation of air pollution reduction guidelines through a manufacturing sector study
as well as promotion of development of industrial technology,
4) Promotion of activities for dissemination of technology and information among
manufacturing sub-sectors on saving of energy including cleaner production technologies
which are being used worldwide,
5) Improvement of combustion technology and promotion of import of technology and
related equipment,
6) Development of manpower relating to the key technologies described above and
management of pollution control,
7) Dissemination and demonstration of model facilities for air pollution technology,
8) Rehabilitation of regional inspection laboratories in GTA,
9) Enforcement of emission standard regulations for flue gas,
10) Promotion of technical cooperation with overseas organization.
Table- 4: Summary of countermeasure for air pollution control
for GTA
Air pollution control management
Establishment of inventory system
Ambient air monitoring system
Municipal environment research and
promotion center (establishment)
Expansion of monitoring stations
Vehicular sources
Enhancement of public transport
Strengthening of I/M program
Enforcement of emission standard
Establishment of I/M training course
Establishment of vehicle engineering
Improvement of main parts of car
Introduction of catalytic converter
Desulfurization of diesel oil
Construction of MTBE plant
Implementation of scrappage
Promotion of public awareness
Stationary sources
Improvement of regional inspection
Investigation and preparation of
master plan on manufacturing subsector in GTA
Period 1/
(US $
Expected amount of pollutants to be
reduced (ton)
(US $/ton)
Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
1) sub-sectoral study
2) Measure for saving of energy
3) Introduction of cleaner
production technology
4) No x reduction measure
Construction of de-sulfur plant
Fuel conversion to natural gas
page 14
1/ Operation start-up
2/ Per ton of targeted pollutants
Current Countermeasures Taken Against air Pollution in Tehran
Presently the results obtained from the implemented projects are combined and given
in order to be executed. In this junction, the section of results gained from projects which is
related to the mobile sources are extracted, for their share in polluting the air is
approximately 70% and in planning priority is given to them.
The outcome to this junction is comprehensive plan to reduce air pollution. It contains 7
major areas, which are:
New vehicles,
Old vehicles,
Public transportation,
Inspection and Maintenance,
Traffic management and
1) New vehicles
Implementing project is time-consuming, since there is a need for the proper fuel and the
observation of standards by motor vehicle manufacturers. For every one million dollars
being invested in this way, there will be a reduction of 1235 tons in air pollution. The high
level of pollutant reduction is achieved by this means. The implementation of this task is
the responsibility of the Ministry of industries, and vehicle manufacturing factories.
2) Old vehicles
The second project of the Comprehensive plan is the changing of old vehicles for newer
ones. In this way, for every one million dollars being spent, there will he a reduction of 391
tons in air pollution. The Ministry of industries and the Municipality of Tehran are
responsible for the implementation of this project.
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3) Public Transportation
For every one million dollars being spent on public transportation, there will be as much as
186 tons reduction in pollutants. The Municipality of Tehran and the Ministry of Interior
are responsible for the implementation of this project.
4) Fuel
Fuel optimization is the fourth project of the comprehensive plan. In this project, for every
one million dollars spent, there will be a reduction of 233 tons in air pollution. Fuel
optimization is essential as a basic measure in the observation of environmental standards.
Moreover, using catalysts in private cars to reduce pollutants, particularly NOx , requires
permanent consumption of unleaded gasoline. Otherwise the catalyst used will have no
effect once ordinary gasoline is used. The Ministry of Oil is responsible for the
implementation of this project.
5) Inspection and Maintenance
Implementation of this task is the most effective method, since for every one million dollars
being spent, there will be a redaction of 257575 tons in air pollution. If this project is fully
implemented, in addition to saving a 15% (438 million liters of gasoline per year) in fuel
consumption in the city of Tehran, there will be a 50% reduction in pollutant emissions
from motor vehicles. The Municipality of Tehran and the Traffic Department of the Greater
Tehran Area are responsible for the implementation of this project.
6) Traffic Management
By implementing the programs of this project, for every one million dollars being spent,
there will be 18621 tons reduction in air pollution. Only two programs have been seen in
the Comprehensive plan: Parking policies (parkingmeters) and intelligent traffic lights. The
Municipality of Tehran is responsible for the execution of this project.
7) Training
Promotion of the public awareness has important effects on the reduction of air pollutants.
Experiences in other countries testify to this. We can probably say that the effect of
educational programs on the reduction of air pollution is at least as much as 20%. The
Municipality of Tehran, Traffic Department of (GTA), Department of Environment,
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, and the mass
media are responsible for the implementation of this project.
The required period of time to implement these programs is considered to be 10 years,
which is according to implementation abilities of each action.
In each area the sum of activities which must take place are designated, and for each action
that will take place a necessary time is assigned the effectiveness in reducing air pollution
and required investment due to its responsible executing body are all determined.
Following motor vehicles (mobile sources), industries are the most important sources of
air pollution in Tehran, they cause 25% of pollution. In implementing a set of measures to
secure a safe environment, the Municipality of Tehran has put the management of pollutant
industries and workshops on its agenda Since 1990, about 7900 workplaces of different
sizes have been moved out of Tehran by the Municipality. Among the most important
factors for achieving this goal is the participation of people designing and projecting proper
spaces for complexes, and designing suitable working places for productive units. Also,
construction of 5 industrial complexes with and area of 711 hectares is underway.
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It should be mentioned that it is necessary to use control strategies in general, and proper
hardware technologies and to implement environmental management systems such ad ISO
14000 as a basic solution in the case of stationary sources of air pollution.
Figure 1a shows the current condition, regarding CO ambient air concentration. Utilizing
computer modeling it is predicted that if nothing is done (see figure 1b) the simulated CO
concentration will cover a large area, and if the measures proposed in action plan are
implemented, the simulated CO concentration will be greatly reduced (see figure 1c).
Figure 2a, 2b, and 2c depicts same conditions for PM-10 ambient air concentrations.
CO ambient air concentration, 1998
The red color indicates in WHO guideline are exceeded
Air pollution countermeasures in Tehran
Simulated CO concentration in year 2015 (Do nothing)
Simulated CO concentration in year 2015
(If measured proposed in action plan are implemented)
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PM-10 ambient air concentration, 1998
The red color indicates in WHO guideline are exceeded
Simulated PM -10 concentration in year 2015 (Do nothing)
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Simulated PM -10 concentration in year 2015
(If measured proposed in action plan are implemented)
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