An Introduction To PowerPoint

CLASS presents:
An Introduction To PowerPoint
Workshop by Tal Moscovici
File Menu
New – Open new blank document
Open – Open existing PowerPoint document
Close – Close document
Save/Save As – Save document
Edit Menu
Undo – Take back last action (you’ll use this a lot)
Copy – Copy an item
Paste – Paste that very same item
Delete Slide – Self explanatory
View Menu
Normal – Normal view for editing slides
Slide sorter – View for arranging slides
Slide show – View as slide show
Color/Grayscale – Displays color options
Toolbars – Displays option for toolbars necessary
for each aspect of a slide. If a toolbar is missing,
this is where you find it.
Insert Menu(s)
New Slide – Add blank slide
Inserting objects can be done through the Insert Menu
or through the Insert Toolbar at the bottom of the
line color
word clip
oval art
font color
Format Menu
Font – Allows access to all aspects of font including
size, style, and extras.
Alignment – Includes choices for font alignment.
Slide Design – Houses options for slide themed designs.
Slide Layout – Houses options for preset slide layout.
Background – Houses options for slide background
style, fill, and color.
Tools Menu
Spelling – Spell Check
Research – Provides search capabilities to
key words.
Thesaurus – Database for synonyms and
Slide Show Menu
View Show – Plays presentation as a
PowerPoint Show.
Set Up Show – PowerPoint Show
Rehearse Timings – Timing utility
useful in timing a presentation.
Animation Schemes – Provides animated
intros for certain objects.
Custom Animation – Provides custom
options for all animated schemes.
Slide Transition – Provides animated
transitions in between slides
Help Menu (when all hope is lost)
F1 – All you need to know
Office Assistant – Allows for help as you work
OK, now what? You know the menus, but that hasn’t
created your presentation for you.
Let’s build a sample slide that incorporates many of the design elements
displayed in those menus discussed in Part 1.
We’ll use the title slide of this presentation as the
sample. Remember this…?
CLASS presents:
An Introduction To PowerPoint
Workshop by Tal Moscovici
First thing we need to do is to create a new slide.
For that we can click here.
Notice a Slide Layout window pops up.
Many options, but for now we’ll choose this blank
OK, so now we have
a blank slide.
To create a title using
word art click
The Word Art window pops
up. Choose a style and
click “OK”.
Now a text
window for word
art appears.
Type what you’d
like it to say and
make sure it’s
the font and size
you like. Then
click “OK”
Cool, so we have our title now.
Click on the image to
manipulate it as you see fit.
Now we need an image of some
kind and since I don’t have one
myself, we’ll use clip art.
Notice the clip art
window that
Type what you want
under “Search for”
and hit “Go”. Then
choose an image
of your choosing.
Now for some basic
text. For that we click
Type as you wish
and manipulate
the text to your
One final thing: we
need to animate
some text. For that
we can “right click”
on the text we wish
to animate and hit
Notice the “custom
animation” window
on the right side of
the screen. Click
“add effect” to choose
from a list of effects.
Once an effect has been
chosen, choose the effect’s
start method and speed. A “0”
beside your animated text
means “0 seconds in
between your previous and
next items.”
And there you have
it! A completed title
If you wish to change
the background or
designs of the
template you may
refer back to the
Format Menu.
So we’ve completed a title page using many tools. These tools and
others mentioned can be used to create you own PowerPoint Presentation.
Suppose you have created all the slides for your presentation…What
Well, assuming you’ve completed your presentation, your next step would
be a final save as a PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt) and, in our case,
a creation of a PowerPoint Show (.pps).
OK, after the final save (.ppt), go to the File Menu and
click “Save As”. The “Save As” window pops up.
Make sure
you know
where it’s
being saved.
In the box
“Save as
type” choose
Show” (.pps)
and hit save.
…And there you have it; a completed PowerPoint Show!
Do note that this presentation was created using
PowerPoint 2003 for the PC.
If using another version of PowerPoint or a Mac platform, some
options will be different from the ones discussed in this
Once you
increase your
understanding of
…The End.