Easter Flowers are placed - St. John`s Lutheran Church

The Light of St. John’s
April, 2015
It's happening again. As I drive down the highway I notice wildflowers beginning to bloom.
We who live in central Texas have the privilege of being surrounded by some of the most
beautiful and abundant wildflowers in the state. In fact I believe that central Texas in the
spring is the most beautiful place on the planet to be. And it always happens every year during
April around Easter time. There are few things which excite me more than seeing trees and
flowers which have been dormant for months come back into life. They signal the end of the
depression of winter.
Oh I don't mean depression in the psychological sense; although for some, the darkness and
somberness of winter can produce depression. What I am thinking of is the depression of the
symbols of life that winter suppresses. It is the loss of flowers, leaves and green grass that I
miss so much. But spring - now there is not only the return of all these beauties, there is, at
least for me, the reminder of that great Springtime of God, the resurrection to eternal life
which we celebrate on Easter Sunday and all of the Sundays throughout the season. As sure as
the flower withers in the fall, we know that it returns again in all its glory in April. And because Jesus rose from the dead, the same applies to us. When we take our last breath on earth,
we know we will awake in our eternal home full of life and never to die again.
As we observe the beauty of God’s creation all around us during this time of year, there is
nothing here to compare to what lies before the child of God on that Great Day when we go to
our eternal home. That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, "No eye has seen, no ear
has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." 1 Cor.
As you admire the return of wildflowers all around us, may it remind you of your own
resurrection into eternal life and of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which we celebrate at
Last month St. John’s Lutheran Church lost another faithful member, Mr. Jimmie
Brinkman was called from his labor to his reward. He was a kind and gentle
man who loved his family and friends. We are grateful for the service he
rendered to our Lord and Savior and this church family for over 60 years. He will
be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. Revelation 14:13 And I heard
a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the
Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from
their labors, for their deeds follow them!”
Matt Hicks
Monthly Council Meeting
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Deanville, Texas
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 7:00pm
The meeting was called to order by President Matt Hicks
John Smith, Kelly Pampell, Bonnie Schumacher, Matt Hicks, Justin
Kalisek and Terry Moon
Meeting was opened with a prayer
Kelly Pampell
Reading and approval of the Minutes via e-mail: Motion was made
by John/Joyce to approve the Minutes from January 2015. Motion
Officer Reports:
Treasurer’s report for January 2015 was not presented
Memorial Fund for January 2015 was presented by Kelly Pampell
Pastor’s Report for January 2015 was presented by Terry Moon
Cemetery report for January 2015 was presented by Justin Kalisek
Motion made by Bonnie/Justin to approve reports. Motion carried
12 new chairs for the Fellowship Hall were purchased
Joyce Krenek
A table for the church laptop will be purchased
Motion made for cleaning the tiled floors and carpet by Bonnie/
Justin—motion carried
Justin Kalisek
Motion made to set up online Bill Pay for the General Fund by
Matt/Justin—motion carried
Motion made to purchase Internet service by Matt/Bonnie—motion
Family Night on 2/28/15 has been postponed until further notice
John Smith
Cemetery work day will be planned for a day in March or April
Lent services will be held every Wednesday in March @ 7pm
German Fest will meet 1st Tuesday starting in March @ 6:30pm
Terry will take a vacation day, Sunday, April 19 th—there will be no
communion given at worship service
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Minutes Submitted by:
Bonnie Schumacher, Treasurer
Monthly Council Meeting
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Deanville, Texas
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The meeting opened with a prayer led by Terry and was called to order by President Matt Hicks.
Attendance: Kelly Pampell, Bonnie Schumacher, Matt Hicks, Justin Kalisek, Terry Moon and Joyce Krenek.
Reading and approval of the minutes: Motion and second by Bonnie/Kelly to approve the minutes of the
February meeting. Motion carried.
Officer Reports:
Treasurer’s report for January and February were presented by Bonnie Schumacher.
Memorial Fund report for February was presented by Kelly Pampell.
Pastor’s report for February was presented by Terry Moon.
Cemetery report for February was presented by Justin Kalisek.
Motion and second by Kelly/Bonnie to approve the reports. Motion carried.
A table for the church laptop will be purchased by Matt Hicks and he will take care of the internet connection
for the church.
Carpet and tile cleaning to be completed the week of March 23.
Online bill pay has been activated. Amazon account has been established .Debit card has been activated.
Cemetery work day will be postponed until the ground at the cemetery has had time to dry out.
Matt Hicks reported on the Germanfest meeting held March 3 and stated that preparations for the fundraiser
are going well.
Matt Hicks will present an update to the congregation regarding the building/renovation project. He will also
provide information on the Building Fund which has been established at Citizens State Bank in Deanville.
A revision to the usher’s schedule sheet was discussed. The sheet will be revised to indicate which council
member will be serving communion each month.
New offering envelopes will be provided which will include all contributions to the church. It will be
necessary to indicate the classification of each contribution.. This is very important in order to provide yearend receipts to members for ALL the contributions made during the year. In order for us to maintain correct
records and provide an accurate receipt at the end of the year, the envelopes must be used. If the envelopes are
not used, no receipt will be provided.
7 AM – Sunrise service at the pavilion weather permitting
8AM – Breakfast
9:30 AM – Easter Egg Hunt
10:00 AM – Worship service
The meeting was adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Minutes submitted by:
Joyce Krenek, Secretary
Serving In April
Kitchen: Barbara Smith &Robbye Morisko
Lynda Leo
Ushers: Matt Hicks and Larry & Shannon
5th Easter Lilies
12th Shannon & Larry Maresh
19th Ester Wolz
26th Beverly Blinka (Memory of Mary Maresh)
Please pray for the our soldiers, shut-in,
the lonely, and those in need of healing;
Katherine Korth, JoAnn Schultz,
Brandon Balcar, Glenn Seibert, Jill
Seibert, Amy Maloney, Arthur
Kluge, Fontaine Wilhelm, Aubrey
Melson, MaeDel Cowan, Sharon Beseda,
Ricky Mantey, Ricky Mantey, Jr., Zach
Mantey, Lisa Kieke, Frank and Mary
Roberts, Vivian and Walter Schumacher,
Jeanette Peed and the families of Jimmie
Brinkmann, Bertie Mae Davis, Rudell Poehl
and Geraldine "Gerry" Drgac Siptak .
In Memory of Mary Maresh
On the anniversary of her 106th Birthday
April 28th
A beautiful garden now stands alone,
missing the one who nurtured it.
Now that she is gone,
Her flowers still bloom, and the sun it still shines,
But the rain is like tear drops, for the ones left
The weeds lay waiting to take the gardens beauty away,
But the beautiful memories of its keeper are in our hearts to
She loved every flower even some that were weeds,
So much love she would plant with each little seed,
But just like her flowers she was part of Gods plan,
So when it was her time he reached down his hand,
He look through the Garden searching for the best,
That's when he found her, it was her time to rest,
It was hard for those who loved her, to just let her go,
But God had a spot in his garden, that needed a gentle soul,
So when you start missing her remember if you just wait,
When God has a spot in his garden, She'll meet you at the
Easter Flowers
are placed
in Memory Of:
Vince & Mary Maresh
By Donnie & Beverly Blinka
Our Loved Ones
By L.W. & Carol Brinkman
Jimmie Brinkman
By Betty Brinkman
Dan Wendland
By the Hicks Family
Edwin & Dorothy Becker
Gerald & Eva May Love
Luella Virnig
By Lynne & Johnnie Love
Maresh & Kubiak Families
By Len & Lynda Kubiak
Our Parents, Brothers and Sisters
By Marvin & Loretta Laffere
William Suehs
By Mavis Suehs
Leroy Schwartz
By Vinelda Schwartz
Joe (Paul) Jurek
By James & Debby
Our Loved Ones
By R.J. and Barbara Smith
Lyle Wolz
By Esther Wolz
Honor of:
My family, Children &
Grandchildren & sister Lisa Kieke
By Carol Hamilton
Allen, Charlotte & Delayna Hold
By Winston & Darlene Hold
Our Children & Grandchildren
By Roy & Donna Havemann
Those we Love – Family & Friends
By Jim & Jeanette Peed
Our Children, Grandchildren &
By Walter & Vivian Schumacher
Our heartfelt
sympathy is
extended to the family
Jimmie Brinkman
( May 25, 1932 - February 24, 2015)
Jimmie Franklin Brinkman of Deanville, Texas
was called from this life to the glory of the Lord the
afternoon of February 24, 2015. The youngest of
nine, he was born to Gus and Emma Brinkman in
Deanville, Texas on May 25th, 1932 and baptized
Francis Vincent Brinkmann at St. Mary’s Catholic
Church in Caldwell by Rev. J.A. Hanek, Frank and
Alvina Fojtik, Sponsors, on June 22nd, 1932. He later
changed his name to Jimmie Franklin Brinkman to
match the name his family called him. He grew up in
Deanville, attending elementary school there and high
school in Caldwell, Texas where he played football
with his older brother, Buster. He met the love of his
life, Betty Loucille Burttschell of Dime Box, at a
dance at the Deanville Hall. They married on June
9th, 1951 at Martin Luther Church in Giddings. They
lived their entire life in Deanville, where he operated
the cotton gin and a house moving-leveling business.
Later, he worked at the Keller Chair Plant in Caldwell
and then for the Texas Department of Transportation,
from which he retired. For most of his life, he also
farmed and ranched at his properties in Deanville and
Old Dime Box.
A member of St. John’s Lutheran Church, he was
confirmed in his faith on July 19, 1953 and served in
all manner of church activities, including Sunday
School Superintendent. He was preceded in death by
parents, Gus and Emma (Fojtik) Brinkman, brothers
and sisters-in-law Jake and Gladys, Gussie and
Sheila, Ernest and He was preceded in death by parents, Gus and Emma (Fojtik) Brinkman, brothers and
sisters-in-law Jake and Gladys, Gussie and Sheila,
Ernest and Helen, and Stonewall (Buster) and Rose,
Helen, and Stonewall (Buster) and Rose, and sisters
brothers-in-law Annie and Eldie Dworsky, Alma and
Burney Mayer, and Rosalie Wier, plus parents in-law
Elder and Mamie Klagman Burttschell, sisters-in-law
Millie Burttschell and June Leite, and
brother-in-law Raymond Markert.
Jimmie Brinkman is survived by his wife of
63 years, Betty L. Brinkman and daughters,
Michelle Brinkman Stevens and husband
Shaye Stevens of Austin and Dime Box, and
Kelly Jean Pampell and husband Ronnie
Pampell of Deanville. He is also survived by
his two grandsons and a granddaughter-inlaw, of whom he was very proud, Stephen
Michael Pampell and Jonathan David
Pampell and his wife Brion, all of College
Station. “Namps” loved and doted on his
seven great-grandchildren, Trenton Boone,
Michael Cade, Gabriel Lee, Abigail Marie,
Kaleigh Grace, Caleb James, and Lily
He is survived by his sister, Mildred
Weiderhold and husband Doyle, in-laws
John Burttschell, Robert (Bob) and Patsy
Burttschell, Joe David and Donna
Burttschell, Valmore Leite, Bernell Markert,
Jean Bay, and Kerry and Henry Ondrasek,
plus nephews and nieces too numerous to list
but all loved dearly as an important and integral part of his life as “Uncle Jimmie.”
Pallbearers are Rudy Mayer, Keith
Brinkman, David Burttschell, Brian Markert,
and Lamar Ondrasek. Honorary pallbearers
are Stephen Pampell, Jonathan Pampell,
Brion Pampell, Trenton Pampell, Michael
Pampell, Gabriel Pampell, Kaleigh Pampell,
Caleb Pampell, and Lily Pampell.
The family wishes to thank all who supported us during these last months: family
members, friends and work colleagues, and
especially the caregivers of Compassionate
Care Hospice who made these final months
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that
memorial donations be made to St. John’s
Lutheran Church of Deanville, Texas.
Given To
R. J. & Barbara Smith
Robert & Pat Burttschell
Ron & Vcki Greeley
Scott & Valorie Carson
Sharon & Mike Lewis
The Ondrasek Family
Tom & Joyce Krenek
Travis County District Clerk’s Office
Val Leite
Jimmie Brinkmann
Given By:
Katherine Korth
Albert & Laverne Piwonka
Allen, Charlotte, & Delayna Hold
Bernell Markert
Bobby & Bonnie Schumacher
Bonnie & Karl Duddlesten
Brigitte & Frank Payne
Camille Perry
Charles & Julie Eubanks
Chris & Bernadette Dworsky Johnson family
& Larry Dworsky
David Burttschell
Dennis & Estelle Hejtmancik
Donnie & Beverly Blinka
Garnett & Mary Gerdes
James & Dawn Freeman
Janice Ripple
Jim & Jeanette Peed
Jodie & DeAnn Keilberg
Jodie, Barbara, & Charles Matus
John H. Burttschell
Kenneth Moore
LW & Carol Brinkman
Larry & Shannon Maresh
Lisa & Larry Blum
Marvin & Loretta Laffere
Marvin & Sophie Pampell
Mildred & Doyle Wiederhold
Mildred Miman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brinkman
Norman & Laverne Boehme
Paul & Rachel Meinke, Stephanie & Stacy
Gladys Brinkmann
Given By:
Bonnie & Bobby Schumacher
Janet Phillips
Jodie & Dean Keilberg
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
Mildred Miman
Robert & Marilyn Rubuach
Carol Ann Kuehn Luhrs
Given By:
Norman & Laverne Boehme
Rob & Loretta Supercinski
Justin, Danielle, & Jase Kalisek
Albert & Laverne Piwonka
Camille Perry
Velma Bage
Katherine Korth
Our heartfelt sympathy
is extended
to the family of
Carol Ann Kuehn Luhrs
(September 17, 1963-February 19, 2015)
Carol Ann Kuehn Luhrs passed away on Thursday,
February 19, 2015 in Houston, Texas.
Carol was born on September 17, 1963 at Memorial
Baptist Hospital in Houston the only child of Henry
John Kuehn and Vernell Luedke Kuehn. She attended school in Northbrook ISD in Houston, and
graduated in 1982 from Northbrook High School.
She attended the University of Houston and graduated in 1986 with a degree in psychology. In 1991,
she graduated from Memorial City Nursing School
as a registered nurse. She worked for Richmond
General Hospital in the postpartum department.
On September 25, 2009, she married Richard Luhrs.
She was a member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church
in Houston.
She was preceded in death by her husband, her
grandparents, Emil and Annie Kuehn and John and
Ella Luedke, and her father, Henry John Kuehn.
Carol is survived by her mother, Vernell Luedke
Kuehn of Caldwell.
St. John’s (Church Women Organization)
Thanks you all so much for your Gracious Hospitality for the Service for Carol Luhrs. It was greatly
Please accept the gift to your group in our behalf.
May the Lord continue to Bless you for the good
work that you do.
Vernell Kuehn and the Luedke Family
The family of Jimmie F Brinkman
wishes to thank relatives, friends and
colleagues who showed such kind and
loving support at the passing of Jim.
Special thanks to our extended family,
members of our church St Johns
Lutheran in Deanville.
The expressions of sympathy,
memorials, floral tributes, food
for our family and at the fellowship
following services were gratefully
received. Your prayers and
thoughtfulness have helped to sustain
us through this very difficult time.
Sincere thanks to everyone.
God Bless You All.
Betty Brinkman
To Members of St. John’s Lutheran
The Caldwell Christian Care Board of
Directors wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to you for
your generous donation in the amount
of $450. This gift makes it possible for
us to assist more families who come in
to our store for help with food, clothing, and other needs.
Thank you for you generous assortment of food which you brought to our
store. We appreciated this so much,
and will be able to assist many families
who need help.
Your donation and your thoughtfulness are gratefully acknowledged.
Board of Directors
Caldwell Christian Care
to Dwayne
“Bubba” and
Lenae Beran on
the birth of their
daughter, Addilynn Louise Beran born
on March 24th at 8:02 a.m. She
weighed 6lb 14 oz and was 20.25
inches long. She is also welcomed
into the family by her sister Katelynn
Beran. Addilynn is the granddaughter
of Dwayne and Vicky Beran.
Thank you so much for the
prayers for my surgery.
They really helped me to be
strong! I am feeling and
breathing much better now
that my "pencils" are out.
Mom and Dad are happy
too because they said I don't snore anymore! I sure
am enjoying all the ice cream I get to eat though!
Thank you so very much for the Prayer Shawl. I
love it! Anna and Elsa are my favorite Princesses.
They are helping me to keep warm and feel better
when I snuggle on the couch and watch Frozen.
Thank you for thinking of me and the many prayers
as I continue to recover from my surgery!
Love, Aubrey Melson
May 17th
"I am in charge of the Germanfest raffle again this year. If anyone would like to
donate money towards raffle items, please see me or sign up on the sign up sheet
located in the back of the church. Thanks for being a wonderful and giving
congregation. Y'all give so generously, and it is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Danielle Hicks
Frank and Mary Roberts
Joel Pertl
Bertie Davis Family 3/16/2015
Fontaine Wilhelm
Kim and David Harden 11/3/2013
Donnie Blinka 3/24/2014
Sharon Beseda 3/20/2014
Katherine Korth 1/12/2015
Glen Seibert and daughter in law 1/26/2015
Branson Balcar 1/16/2015
Kenneth Jehling 2/28/2015
When a family is put on the prayer list because
of a death in that family the name will be kept
on for 10 days, all other names will be on for 2
months unless they are still in need of prayers
and I have been told to keep them on.
The prayer list will be updated about every 2
The dates by the names are when the names
were put on. If there is no date there then they
will stay on till I am told to take them off.
God Bless you all for all your prayers for these
Lynda Phone# 535-4819
Email- [email protected]
New Church Email Addresss:
[email protected]
[email protected]
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