Verbal Master III Unit I9
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. installation
2. incandescent _____________________________________________________________
3. infirmary _________________________________________________________________
4. initiate
5. insufferable ______________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit I9
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
installation the of incandescent the lighting in the saved military infirmary many
operate longer doctors no had to by candlelight _______________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit I9
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ Doctors no longer had to wait until daylight to initiate surgery for those patients in insufferable
_____ The installation of the incandescent lighting in the military infirmary during the turn of the
century saved many lives.
_____ Doctors no longer had to operate by candlelight.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit I9
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The discovery of the incandescent light dramatically changed the way people lived.
The man hated the thought of spending his summer vacation in the camp infirmary.
The apartment’s insufferable heat caused the fight.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit I9
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 20
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. irked ____________________________________________________________________
2. immature
3. impersonal
4. impertinent
5. illustrious ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 20
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
irked the fan was by the way was she treated by immature the rock star ________
his manner impersonal hurt her _____________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 20
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ He acted as if it was impertinent for a fan to ask for his illustrious autograph.
_____ The fan was irked by the immature way she was treated by the rock star.
_____ His impersonal manner hurt her.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 20
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The boy was irked by the way his parents talked to him.
The boss thought any employee who started to scream and cry was just an immature
The mother said she would not accept her daughter’s impertinent behavior.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 20
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 2I
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. magnitude
2. municipal ________________________________________________________________
3. materialize _______________________________________________________________
4. mediate
5. mutual __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 2I
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
amazed the mayor was at the of the new municipal project magnitude _________
materialize she knew that the would not project ______________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 2I
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ The project would not materialize without a mutual agreement.
_____ The mayor was amazed at the magnitude of the new municipal project.
_____ She knew she had to mediate a quick contract between the mutual parties on the town’s staff.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 2I
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The priest tried to mediate between the two gangs.
The rival players had mutual respect for each other.
The boy laid on his couch all day waiting for a job to materialize.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 2I
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 22
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. overture _________________________________________________________________
2. obstruct
3. ordinance
4. outcast
5. ordeal ___________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 22
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
client the lawyer said justice his did not try to obstruct _______________________
outcast the lawyer said client his feels like an ________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 22
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ The lawyer’s overture to the judge was a last-minute attempt to stop his client’s arrest.
_____ The lawyer said his client did not try to obstruct justice by breaking the anti-smoking ordinance.
_____ The lawyer said his client feels like an outcast because of the incident and wants this
embarrassing ordeal to be over.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 22
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The girl refused to accept the boy’s overture to make up.
The boy said not being able to read made him feel like an outcast.
The teenagers hated the city’s new curfew ordinance.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 22
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 23
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. predominant
2. panorama ________________________________________________________________
3. phenomenal ______________________________________________________________
4. pigment
5. portray __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 23
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
feature the predominant of the artist’s work was city a panorama of the _______
phenomenal critics said it was how the was artist able to the city portray _______
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 23
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ The artist presented his new work to the city.
_____ The predominant feature of the artist’s work was a panorama of the city.
_____ Critics said it was phenomenal how the artist’s use of different colored pigment was able to
portray the real look of the city.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 23
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Kindness should be a friend’s predominant feature.
People should not be judged by the pigment of their skin.
The underwater rescue was phenomenal.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 23
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 24
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Write a sentence using each of our five new Verbal Master words. Remember to use
proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question marks and exclamation marks) at the
beginning and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
1. proclaimed _______________________________________________________________
2. propulsion
3. preliminary
4. projection
5. pulverize ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 24
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Directions: Please unscramble the words and write the words in complete sentences. Remember to
use proper capitals and proper punctuation (periods, question and exclamation marks) at the beginning
and end of each sentence. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
propulsion the rocket’s lifted it had space quickly into ________________________
preliminary the results good looked _________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 24
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Correct Order
Directions: Put a ‘B’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the beginning of the story. Put
an ‘M’ in the space next to the sentence that belongs in the middle of the story. Put an ‘E’ in the space
next to the sentence that belongs in the end of the story.
_____ The preliminary resulted looked good.
_____ The scientist proclaimed that the rocket’s propulsion had lifted it quickly into space.
_____ Its current projection would allow the rocket to pulverize the oncoming meteorite well
before it reached earth.
Creative Writing
Directions: Write a three sentence paragraph using any three of the five new Verbal Master words
listed below. Use one new word in each sentence. Include one new word in the beginning sentence, one
new word in the middle sentence, and one new word in the ending sentence. Make sure that all three
sentences (beginning, middle, and ending) make sense together. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 24
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Choosing a Topic
Directions: Read the three sentences below. Choose any one of the three topic sentences you read.
The sentence you choose will be the main idea of a new story you are about to write. Write that topic
sentence under the space that says main idea. Be sure to use your best handwriting.
The coach told his team to pulverize their opponents.
The preliminary results said the baby would survive.
The rocket’s propulsion sent it into space.
Main Idea
Staying on Topic
Directions: You will write your story in stages or steps. The first step was choosing the topic
sentence or the main idea. The next step will involve expanding this story. Please write three new
sentences describing three different thoughts about the main idea. Put one sentence in each space. Be
sure to use your best handwriting.
Sentence #1__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2__________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 __________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities
Verbal Master III Unit 24
Name: _______________________________________
Date: _____________
Using Detail
Directions: Write the main idea or topic sentence in the top space. Then, write the three sentences
you just finished in the three paragraph spaces below. Remember, put one sentence in each paragraph
space. We will now expand on what your wrote by writing two or three new sentences describing the
first sentence in each paragraph space. Use your best handwriting.
Main Idea _________________________________________________________________
Sentence #1 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #2 ________________________________________________________________
Sentence #3 ________________________________________________________________
Verbal Master 3 Writing Activities