4/7/16 Meeting Minutes - Mount Greenwood Colts

Mount Greenwood Colts
Youth Organization, NFP
Board Meeting
April 7, 2016
Meeting Minutes
MGCYO Board Members Present: Jessica Powpow, Lisa Haggerty,
Stacy Dugger, Val McKee, Amy Worley, Al Crema
MGCYO Members Present: Mo Haleem, Janeen Haleem, Ed Maloney,
Tabbatha Weydeman, Katie Hall, Jeff Dugger, James Hall, Hank Hamadeh,
Stacey Cotter, Tony Cotter, Nicole Richko, Tony Richko, Amanda Keenan,
Katie O’Connor, Heather Townsend & Larry Alcantar
Recording Secretary, Val McKee
• Reading of past month’s minutes
Director of Football, Al Crema
• Al reported and shared a new copy of the shed inventory
Treasurer, Lisa Haggerty
• Budget Review, the checking account balance is currently at
• Mailed off IRS paperwork and attorney general
• We paid metro league for coaches
• bank fees were paid
• IRCA check was written for $200
• Metro league check will be deposited tomorrow by Lisa, this was
partial payment to help pay for Super Bowl 2015 trophies
• Lisa still seeking the Yankee Candle about $100 check, they will reissue check
• Picking up 2015 taxes on Monday, 2013 are done and 2014 is still in
Corresponding Secretary, Stacy Dugger
• Drafted a handbook for the Colts, we reviewed it. It includes Metro
league rules. All agreed, no one opposed accepting handbook.
Dan-Food Vendor, Lisa Haggerty
• We will get him agreement once we have game dates on contract.
Lisa will meet with him prior to his deployment to get contract signed.
He agreed to do Party in the Park again this year as well.
• Katie Hall has agreed to be coordinator
• She brought a report with a variety of fundraising ideas and shared
them with all
• We discussed a possible Casino or Poker night. It was suggested
that we can do a family fundraiser and one parent fundraiser.
Jessica Powpow stated that she and Katie Hall will be putting
together a fundraiser team so anyone that would like to help please
come or contact them. Unfortunately, being on this team will not
count towards volunteer hours.
• Anthony Richko suggested autographed jerseys. They can get any
Chicago sports teams jersey and raffle them off at the games.
• Candlelight bowl was also suggested, 3 games, shoes and dinner
$18 per person at Mickadoons in Orland.
• Sponsorships were also suggested, everyone ask a business.
• Stacy Dugger suggested an annual t-shirt that would include the
sponsors on the back of the shirts and sell them.
• Colts Yearbook can be made and have sponsors logos in there for a
price to sponsors.
• Homecoming Weekend - Program or Book was suggested with
children’s names and what school they attend. We can add sponsors
to the program.
• Lisa Haggerty suggested Friday Night Lights after practice on
Fridays. Order pizza or food and have everyone hang.
• Women’s Football game on one day of its own was suggested, not
in-between games, maybe at Party in the Park.
• Also maybe a coach kids scrimmage game.
• Amy Worley suggested inviting vendors for about $15/table-tent to
come to Party in the Park.
• Al Crema talked about the importance of fundraising because we
really need to update a lot of equipment.
• For those interested in helping Jessica and Katie on the Fundraising
Team, please reach out to us.
• Another suggestion was holding a cheer competition. Amy Worely
has looked into it in the past and a venue is difficult to find. Some
mentioned that it is a lot of work. Amy stated she would need every
parent to help out to make it successful. Anthony Richko said he
knows a guy at Marist he can ask.
Colts Wear, Nichole Richko
• Nicole Richko is prepared to head Colts Wear again this year. She
believes we have about $1500 of clothing in stock right now. Jessica
Powpow asked that she come to our first registration. Nicole says
she can be here for it. We would prefer to sell what is left in
inventory without discounting it.
• Amy will let Erin know that the board would like to meet with her and
Nicole Richko. We can invite her to next board meeting. Stacy
brought up that Erin’s invoices were inconsistent with same items.
Lisa said it was difficult to get invoices and information from Erin.
Jessica mentioned that we have to have three quotes for our
vendors prior to accepting Erin’s services.
• The board also discussed new designs or artwork for Colts Wear.
Amanda Keenan suggested having a contest to design a t-shirt for
the kids.
• Lisa and Jeff suggested having a contest where the children create
the design and the winning design goes on front of a t-shirt,
sponsors on back. We suggested voting on Facebook, most likes
wins the design.
2016 Registration
• Al will call John tomorrow to ensure we can have the large room or
possibly the gym for registration.
• We’re trying to push for online registration completely, but we are
still having registration on Sunday, April 10th from 12:00-4:00PM at
MTG Park.
• The board put out post cards to all neighborhood schools this
morning. We are asking that all head coaches come. Anyone else
who wants to come is welcome to come.
• Jessica noted that parent and child will need to come to one inperson registration so children can be fitted for uniforms (June &
July) and turn in deposit checks.
Raffle Ticket Update & Approval
• Stacy Dugger shared 3 quotes for prices of raffle tickets.
• Tylka printing was the cheapest at $155 for 7,000 tickets.
• Integraphics quote was $245 for 7,000 tickets.
• The third quote was from the company Lisa Brown works for
and she stated their company could not beat Tylka
• Jessica Powpow made a motion that we use Tylka printing for
raffle tickets. All were in favor, none were opposed. Raffle
tickets will be given out when we pass out uniforms. Winner will
be announced at Homecoming. Flag and Little Steps will not get
raffle tickets, nor do they need to do volunteer time.
This year children will not get equipment/uniform until all checks are
turned in.
Game Day Coordinator Position
• Katie O’Conner has agreed to take the position.
Home Field and Practice Field
• All home games will be at Brother Rice. There will be a cost, but we do
not have a number at this point.
• To practice/play at Mt.Greenwood Park it costs $50/team. If we want to
play a scrimmage game that will cost $100.
• The park district is fine with our sheds staying as long as we clean/paint
them. Al Crema said that when the weather breaks we’ll try to get
volunteers to paint the sheds, put our logo and website on them.
Equipment Manager
• Hank Hamadeh has agreed to take this position.
Jessica thanked all our officers for stepping up and working so hard.
Larry Alcantar suggested his brother come to our games, sell popcorn,
snow cones, and give us half the profit. The board agreed to discuss this
further with Larry’s brother.
Next board meeting is Thursday, May 5th at 6:00PM
Adjourned by Jessica Powpow at 7:16PM