e.Book Syndica on

e.Book Syndica.on by Drew Innes h,p://www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 1 e.Book Syndica9on ①  Define your niche / target market and determine the message / content you want to convey. ②  Take a selec9on of your Ar9cles and create an eBook (I.e. re-­‐purpose exis9ng content) or alterna9vely write a new eBook. Your op9ons here are to outsource someone to write the new e.Book or purchase a ‘private label rights’ e.Book and have it re-­‐wri,en. 5-­‐15 pages maximum is required. www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 2 e.Book Syndica9on ③  Save e.Book as a PDF file. Go to h,p://www.pdfonline.com or h,p://www.youconver9t.com to create your file. ④  Create an e.Book cover. Do it yourself or outsource this to your Graphics Designer or Go to h,p://www.fiverr.com and get one done for $5usd. ⑤  Submit your new e.Book to 3x different e.Book Directories h,p://www.free-­‐ebooks.net and h,p://www.geVreeebooks.com and h,p://www.e-­‐library.net www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 3 e.Book Syndica9on ⑥  Ensure you have Author details and a clickable link back to your Blog / ‘money site’ directly under the e.Book 9tle and in the footer of each page. ⑦  Also, you should create a promo9onal Ad on the last page of the e.Book with a call to ac9on so the reader is directed to your Opt-­‐In form page. ⑧  Note: This whole strategy can be outsourced using PLR content if your contractor follows along with these steps. www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 4 e.Book Syndica9on ⑨  Best PLR sites to use; h,p://www.theplrstore.com h,p://www.exclusiveniche.com h,p://www.shop.plrminimart.com h,p://www.mostlysaneplr.com h,p://www.specialreportclub.com h,p://www.easyplr.com h,p://www.allprivatelabelcontent.com www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 5 e.Book Syndica9on ⑩  List of e.Book Directories •  h,p://
www.memoware.com •  h,p://www.changethis.com •  h,p://www.ebook88.com •  h,p://www.free-­‐ebooks.net •  h,p://
www.sharewareebooks.com •  h,p://
www.geVreeebooks.com •  h,p://www.ebookee.com •  h,p://www.thefreesite.com •  h,p://www.feedbooks.com •  h,p://
•  h,p://www.e-­‐
www.ebookjungle.com booksdirectory.com •  h,p://www.e-­‐library.net •  h,p://www.ebooktags.com •  h,p://
www.ebookdirectory.com www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 6 e.Book Syndica9on 11)  Adver9sing Op9ons. Go to h,p://www.free-­‐ebooks.net and select an adver9sing op9on that works for your budget to increase your exposure and traffic to your website. 12)  Affiliate Syndica9on for viral distribu9on. If you have an Affiliate program you could allow your Affiliates to re-­‐brand the e.Book with their Affiliate link to increase the viral nature of this strategy. www.DrewInnes.com/ebook-­‐syndica9on 7