Keystage 1-2 Trail PDF

My Favourite Dinosaur
School Visit Trail
rite dinosaur
f your favou
w a picture o
Write some information about your favourite dinosaur here
My favourite dinosaur is . . . .
Draw a picture of yourself at
Dinosaur Adventure!
Skull Detectives!
Look at the skulls below. They all belong to dinosaurs on the
Dinosaur Trail. Can you work out which skull belongs to which
dinosaur and fill in the details below?
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n the
s you see o
ame of any
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Write dow
DInosaur T
This skull belongs to a
It would have eaten
This skull belongs to a
It lived .........................
millions of years ago
This skull belongs to a
It would have eaten
Hunting He
Write down th
e name of any
herbivores you
see on
the Dinosaur Tr
Neanderthal Walk
Look out for the information signs and answer the questions as
you walk along Neanderthal Walk.
True or False?
Q1. What does the word ‘Smilodon’ mean?
Phorusrachos was a flightless bird
b. Why do you think they are called this?
Phorusrachos lived 150 million years ago
Write T or F
Phorusrachos means ‘ugly bird’
Phorusrachos was a carnivore
Q2. Did mammoths eat meat or plants?
b. Does this make them carnivores or herbivores?
Q3. Were Neanderthals found in America, Australia or Europe?
b. When did they become extinct?
Q4. What other animals can you spot on Neanderthal Walk?
b. Are these animals dinosaurs or mammals?
What adjectives (describing words) can you
think of to describe phorusrachos?
Secret Animal Garden
Look out for the information signs and answer the questions as
you walk through the Animal Garden and Barn.
True or False?
Q1. Where are Kune Kune pigs from?
Stegosaurus means ‘roof lizard’
Q2. What do pygmy goats eat?
Write T or F
Stegosaurus lived 155 - 144 million years ago
Stegosaurus was 20 metres long
Stegosaurus was a carnivore
Q3. What is a baby wallaby called?
Q4. Are iguanas carnivores or herbivores?
Q5. Are pine snakes found in America, Australia or Europe?
Q6. How many snakes can you see?
Q7. What types of birds can you see in the Secret Animal
Q8. Are rabbits classed as mammals, birds or reptiles?
Scientists are still not sure exactly why
Stegosaurus had plates on its back.
What do you think they were used for?