Study Guide #1 -

Study Guide #1- Early Colonialism
Roanoke (Identify what Roanoke was and explain what happened to
– 1st English attempt to settle NAm., vanished
Jamestown (Explain the importance of Jamestown/ how was it
different from Roanoke)
– 1st successful Eng. Settlement in NAm. (1607)
• Joint Stock Company (Define a JSC and explain” limited liability”),
analyze what the goal was of a JSC
– Group of investors who put money together to start a business,
“limited liability” means you can only lose what you put into
company, goal is to make a profit and get rich
• Virginia Company pooled money to buy a boat, guns, and
supplies for Jamestown (not English Government that settled
• Tobacco (Explain the importance of Tobacco to
Jamestown and the goal of a JSC)
– Tobacco is a drug that earns $ (no gold in VA.)
• House of Burgesses (define, explain why the HofB was
an important first step towards democracy in America)
– 1st representative Gov. in VA (NAm.), America has always had
democracy (people have a say on creation of laws)
• Act of Toleration (define, what colony, analyze why it was passed,
explain how it was limiting)
– Freedom of religion for all Christians in Maryland (Jews and
Atheists were executed)
– Catholics wanted to protect their freedom of religion for when
Protestants became the majority
• Middle passage (define, explain how African slaves were
different from every other immigrant group that moved to
– Triangular trade movement of goods between Europe, Africa,
and NAm
– Middle Passage- middle part of TriTr moving slaves from
Africa to NAm
• Africans are only immigrant group who did not want to
come to NAm
• Georgia (identify 2 ways GA was different from
other colonies)
– Prison colony for debtors
– No democracy
• Spain Colonization
– first to colonize
– conquered Aztecs in Mexico using horses (movement) and
diseases (killed 90% of Native Americans within 100 yrs)
introduced to the Americas
– define encomienda- enslaving NAm in Mexico and
converting them to Catholicism (reason there are no Af/Am
in Mexico and Catholicism most popular religion)
• Mayflower Compact (define, explain it’s importance
to democracy in US)
– Set of laws drawn up by pilgrims before they landed at
• Establishes democracy as the form of Gov. for Pilgrims
• “City on a Hill” (define, explain how Americans are still influenced by
this idea)
– Idea by Puritans that America should be a model (Christian)
society for the world to copy
• Many American ideas are popular around the world because
they are America
• John Winthrop/Theocracy (identify JW and his belief about the role
of Government, Explain how the US has a different view of
– JW 1st Governor of Massachusetts colony, felt purpose of
government is to enforce God’s laws
• Explain how the US view of religion is different today.
• Anne Hutchinson (define Predestination and explain why she
believed it was an invalid idea)
– Predestination- ideas that God has already decided your
salvation the moment you are born
– Anne H. felt there was no need to follow God’s laws if one was
already predestined to Heaven or Hell
• Evaluate if predestination is a valid idea based on the ideals of the United
States. Explain
• Roger Williams (“Liberty of Conscience” is another name for
his view regarding religion and government, how was he
different from John Winthrop, what colony did he start,
explain how it was similar but different from Maryland)
– Freedom religion for all and religion should have no part
of government
– Why are there gaps in the fence between Church and
state? Explain
– Explain how Maryland and Rhode Island are similar but
• Halfway Covenant (define, explain the reason HC was passed)
– Allowed more people to join church in Mass by offering partial
membership, allowed more people to vote (lead to Salem Witch Trials)
• How might allowing more people to participate in government cause more
problems in society?
• Identify what limits should be set on who can vote? Explain (Think of some
groups that can not vote but should and groups that can vote but should not)
• Would you go to America back then?
• Indentured Servant (define, how is an IS different and similar to an African
– Poor white settlers who has his passage to NAm paid for in return for
3-5 years service
• Negative-limited rights, not paid, still poor even after term
• Positive- limited time of enslavement, some rights, white
• Analyze the reasons for Indian Colonist conflicts in Virginia (think what was
the goal of settlers in VA and how would that upset Native Americans)
– Settlers kept moving inland to grow more tobacco where Native
Americans lived
• Bacon’s Rebellion (explain the reason the rebellion occurred? What
did poor settlers want from Governor Berkeley, what was Berkeley’s
response, how did BR impact African-Americans)
– Ex-Indentured Servants upset that government was not
protecting them from Native American raids (rich protecting the
rich, not the poor) 1st Civil War in US
– African slaves replaced indentured servants because they were
less likely to rebel
• Analyze why African slaves might be more docile than white indentured
• 4 major NAm powers (Who were the four major powers in the Future
United States and describe what areas they settled)
– Spain- Latin America, California
– France- Canada, Ohio Valley and Mississippi River
– England- east coast of US
– Netherlands- New York
• Explain what country should end up dominating North America or the future
• Tension over land in NAm lead to wars in Europe over land overseas
• 1st Great Awakening (define)
– Revival in religion (trying to bring more people back to the
church, reasons many people came to America was
religious freedom and more people eventually became
obsessed w making money)
• What are some ways religion can be made more
• Rural America(define rural, explain why there were so few
– Rural- country, farming (America had free/cheap land and
farming allowed a person to support themselves)
• The average family had 7-10 children. Why would having so many
children be popular then (and not today)?
• Motives for England to colonize (Explain how
each of the following push England to want to
settle North America
– Spain- How did Spain push England to establish their
own colonies
• Prestige- England wanted to be a great power too
– Identify 3 Natural Resources in Nam (think VA, NY)
• Tobacco, beaver fur, gold, timber, fish
– Explain how having colonies contributed to national
• The larger the colonies, the richer and more powerful the
– Can you describe several similarities between England expanding in the 1700’s and
the US expansionist foreign policy today?
• If someone asks where you are
from, what do you say?
• What was the motivation for
the founding of each colony
(point out which colonies were
founded for similar reasons)
– Virginia- money (JSC),
– Massachusetts- religious
freedom (escape
persecution by King)
– New York- fur trade ($)
– Pennsylvania- Quaker
– Maryland- Catholic Haven
– South Carolina- grow rice
for West Indies ($)
– Georgia- protect SC from
Sp. Invasion (buffer colony),
sent debtors/prisoners to
settle (penal/prison colony)
• What does an American look like?
• Identify the 4 largest ethnic groups in 1700’s, where did they
live, explain why some immigrant groups lived on the coast
and others farther inland
– English, African, Scottish, German
– English lived on the coast because they arrived first, had money,
other groups arrived later and cheaper land was inland
• Explain the impact that isolated immigrant groups will have on American
• 4 major NAm powers in 1754
(explain what country looks
like it is dominating NAm.
– France, Spain, England,
Russia (France has the
most land and best rivers)
• French colonization (identify
the two rivers that were
central to French settlement
and explain how these 2
rivers allowed the French to
conquer so much land)
– St. Lawrence, Mississippi
• What was the major business of the French in NAm? Explain
how this will impact the French relationship with Native
– Fur trade (Fr. needed N. Americans to capture fur and then trade)
• What could the French trade with Native Americans?
• Ohio Valley- Look at the map and explain how the Ohio Valley
was the cause of the FR/Ind. started by American colonists
– Ohio Valley was the next area to move into from East Coast
(Ohio V controlled by France)
• Albany Congress (What was the purpose of this
congress, explain its importance to the future of the
– To create an alliance with Iroquis Indians (first time colonies
spoke of unity and self rule- not being part of England)
• 7 yrs War (explain how the Fr/Ind was a world war and
identify the countries on each side of the war)
– Fighting took place in Europe with alliances
(Eng/Prussia/Germany vs. Fr/Spain)
• Treaty of Paris 1763 (How did the borders of NAm change after the
FR/Ind War- look at the Eng, Spanish, and French claims)
– France kicked out of NAM
– England – all land E of Miss R.
– Spain- all land W of Miss. R
• Predict what the relationship is now going to be between American
colonists and Englsih rule. (Do you think Americans like being English? DO
you think that Americans feel better now that France is gone? Does
England feel better now that France is gone?)
• Proclamation Line 1763 (identify, explain two reasons
why this line would upset American colonists)
– English settlers could not move west of line
• Fought a war against Fr to move west into Ohio
• 1st time Eng. makes a law limiting American
freedom and movement