Cruising With Critter

Cruising With Critter
Hey I made it! I’ve done my years probate period and the votes are coming in and I’m now ready to consider myself worthy
to carry on as a full-fledged, card carrying, patch wearing, certified (certifiable), illuminated, enlightened and inspired Riders
Mag Guy!
Being the end of one eventful and unforgettable year and at the cusp of a new one I will take time to reflect on 2013.
I got a full year in with me at the helm of The Riders Mag and we are still afloat! I may have scuffed her hull a bit at first
and made a few navigational errors along the way and I still have lots to learn, but damn it, with much help from my friends
we have arrived none the worse for wear our flag is still flying and we are ready to set off on next year’s adventure. “Full
speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!” “Make it so!” “Cast off!” “Third star to the left and straight on ‘til morning!” “Ye
ever been to sea Billy?” and all those other inspirational things that Captains say to their crew and anyone else who will
listen before they set sail on another adventure when what they are really thinking is; “So far so good!”.
A fine crew it is too! We still have Captain Emeritus JR still doing his feature stuff, covering select events and doing some
advertising sales along with 1st mate and Editor in Chief Emeritus JB, who adds style and good looks and to make sures JR
does it right and we have got Beau looking out for us in the Ottawa area and points in the Eastern Ontario region and into
Quebec, Tim and Guardrail are riding the Southwest part of the Province, Dani, Sherri O’Irish, Jonathan, Manon, Rossaire,
“Burlington Bad Bob” and Durham’s Delightful but Delinquent, “Dangerous Don” and Scary Larry and the irrepressible
Al Kasza who seem to be willing to go anywhere and Magic Mike MacDonald who has come on board to show me what
cartooning is really all about! They are what makes The Riders Mag!
Then there is Alex Senior! He is inspirational to me and was one of the real draws that hooked me into further involvement
with the Mag that just kept escalating. I see now that he was part of Jr.’s master plan for me to take this thing over (He is a
cunning individual that JR. and I fell for “The set him up with the friendly old man and we’ve got him hooked ploy!”) he was
Jr’s secret weapon to drag me in further and further into this thing called the Riders Mag until there was no escape!
All joking aside, working with Sr. at the Shows and events over the years has been a pleasure and an experience that will
last a lifetime! We became the advance guard or early crew at events and shows, showing up early and getting it done until
the others would join in later in the day. His love for the Mag and his enthusiasm was contagious and I found myself taking
on more and more until I caught the bug and he was largely responsible. In that time we have also become friends and that
is worth more than I can imagine!
He has also claimed a large area as his delivery route and takes those deliveries very seriously, but I have others to thank
who make my life a whole lot easier as well but work behind the scenes, guys like Jeff Burgess, Larry Sherk, Greg Duggan and
his wife Jean, and now a friend of perhaps 50 years or maybe more; Paul Scheerle has come on board and all have helped
by doing deliveries.
Thanks to all of you wonderful advertisers who make this all possible and our fantastic readers for sticking with me
through my maiden voyage and for your kind words and encouragement along the way.
There was no one more skeptical or unsure of my ability to make this happen than me and there were times when I felt
that this may have been the worst mistake that I’d made in my entire life but I got through it thanks mostly to the capability,
knowledge and patience of my friend and managing editor Al who got me over the many bumps and hurdles and is largely
responsible for making the Mag look as good as it does and the reason that my sanity is still basically intact.
He has shown that he can work well with our advertisers and in creating ads and solving problems and was instrumental
in the creation of our new website.
I also have to thank my wife Godzilla for her help in bookkeeping and support and then Captain and Morgan the
Wonderdogs who look after office security, are my constant companions and have a calming effect when it gets stressful.
The new Builder/Shop of the Month feature has been well received and has stirred much interest out there as well.
Now if you’ve been reading this column or talking to me you will know that I had wanted to build a trike and had fully
intended to have it built for next year. Well I have veered off a bit several times from the original course that was set with my
buddy Bronson, when we first started talking about this project many years ago, which was doing a ground up build using
a ‘93 to ‘95 decker as a base for the project. Then I changed my mind and was going to use an ’86 decker, then a couple of
other twists happened and I was searching for something else but we were going to use a 96 cu inch Shovelhead Motor and
incorporate a bunch of other stuff but we were certain that we would definitely be using one of the fantastic rear ends from
Cruising With Critter
JD Cycle but then certain things changed and it appeared that I would have to put all those plans on hold.
I was disappointed as was Bronson but shit happens.
I went to JD Cycles just to buy the rear end so that when I was ready and able to go on with the build at least that would
be ready and waiting. I when I explained the situation to Josh who knew how much I wanted to get this thing done, to my
complete surprise made some suggestions and we were able to come to an agreement and I drove home the proud owner
of one of his recent builds that will fill my needs and has one of the Mystery Independent Rear Ends in it. It will still require
some special modifications to fit my specific requirements which I hope to have done in time for the upcoming shows and it
will become an intricate part of our booth and The Riders Mag as a whole. It will be unique and I am very excited about it!
The other build will still happen but not right now, for now “Black Bitch 3” is about to be!
Well the Show season is almost upon us and I’m gearing up for The International Supershow at the International Centre
in Mississauga January 3,4, and 5 and hope to see all of you out, so drop by and see us at our booth in Hall 5 and say hi.
I’m due for my new knee in late Feb. and we’ll see how that goes. Another adventure!
I’ve been keeping busy over the Fall and try to get out as much as possible but there is a lot of ground to cover and as
hard as I try I just can’t make it to everything I’d like to.
I missed the ACES AND EIGHTS ANNIVERSARY PARTY as I just couldn’t get it done. I heard it was really well attended and
a CLASS A event so typical of those guys and their supporters! I asked my friend Jaye to get some pictures and she sent me
in some great shots of the fantastic cake and the ice sculpture. Congrats Guys! Happy Anniversary!
The Colonel from the RCR was kind enough to invite me out to their annual Christmas Party out in Guelph again this year
and unfortunately, once again, I wasn’t able to pull it off as the workload of putting the Mag together that same weekend
and the travelling time that would have been involved made it impossible. I will try to get there one of these days. They are
a good bunch and I’m sure that I missed a great party! Merry Christmas to you all!
Toronto AOA – Benefit Party in support of a Brother in need.
I did make it out to The Toronto Outlaws CH for a short visit. It was
a benefit for my long-time friend Vinnie who has been having some
health issues lately and I had to drop in to contribute and to see how
he was doing.
The place was busy when I arrived and they were just setting up for
the party and I tracked down Vinnie and the ever amazing Kim as they
scurried around prepping for the party.
Vinnie was looking great which surprised me after hearing the
reports of his condition and the psa counts that had been through the
roof. However he has been responding well to the treatments thus far
and with the diet supplements that he was taking and Kim’s efforts
to get as much weight on his body to help him once the radiation
treatments began and help him to better weather the storm but he also has
a great spirit and attitude and that goes a long way in the battle against that
insidious disease.
With the love and support
of a good woman and from
his Club Brothers and friends
that was evident that night
and what I know of Vinnie’s
strength and resolve he
should have this thing beat!
No contest.
I wandered around to get
some pictures and talk to a
Cruising With Critter
lot of people that I don’t get to see enough of these days while they laid out an amazing buffet that had my mouth watering
and when we got to dig in it tasted as good as it smelled and looked.
Once again, I could only stay a short time as I had layout to do and an early morning commitment so I made my way
through to say my goodbyes and once again wish Vinnie and Kim all the best in their ongoing battle and in the rough patches
that would still lie ahead.
The Peterborough Motorcycle Swap Meet
It was a wet cruddy kind of morning and it had potential to remain that way or get worse throughout the course of the
I headed over to pick up my buddy Dangerous Doug who had
agreed to come along and the two of us drove across the rain
soaked roads to Peterborough for the 1st Annual Fall Swap meet.
I was looking forward to attending as this area of the Province
needs something like this and could really benefit the local Biker
We rolled up to The Morrow Building which is a great choice
to serve as a venue for this event as it is large with plenty of free parking easily accessible from major transportation routes.
Inside, the place was abuzz with activity as vendors were still setting up their booths and I managed to track down Lenny
the organizer of the Swap meet and talk awhile. While certainly a little disappointed that they didn’t get more vendors out
who had said that they were coming but were now “no shows” and attributed
it to the absolutely crappy weather that many areas of the Province had been
blessed today that might well have influenced last minute decisions on whether
to come or not, but was satisfied with the fact that they got the first one done and
had thereby established themselves as serious participants in the “Bike show/
Swap meet” arena.
He knows that until you actually get the
first one done….you are just talk!
It is a lot of work organizing something
like this and you have to prove that you can
do it and there is no doubt in my mind that they can make it happen and that this will
become a mainstay event and booth space will be a much sought after commodity at
future shows as word gets out and they have the luxury of more time to promote it.
I wandered through, running into many friends and even a couple of our
contributors/friends like Scary Larry and Pastor Dave Neals both of whom had set
up booths at the Show along the way.
Many of our advertisers were there as well like Fred Hale and his wonderful
daughter Amy from Strictly V Twin and Martins Custom Motorcycles and Larry
Pooler had set up a table
with parts and several
motorcycles and they are
all, always a pleasure to
talk to.
Bob and Melissa from
Full Throttle were there
with a large display of parts
and accessories but after a
busy day of concerts the previous day an early morning followed by
late night partying an early morning set up like this isn’t as easy now
Cruising With Critter
as it was in younger years and actually said those famous words “I’m never doing that
again!” but I think he knew as he said them that he wasn’t fooling me or himself into
thinking that he was really sure his resolve would stand up to the temptation when
the next time came around again.
Good luck with that Bob but will you will recognize the next time before or after it
comes around again!
Anyhow we wandered for quite a while bringing in bundle after bundle of Mags as
they were moving really well leading me to think that I may just set up a booth here
next year.
I may have done it this year but I just had way too much other stuff going on and
didn’t have sufficient time to better set up for it but next year I should be able to make it happen as by that time I should
have things better in hand.
I know it will be a show that vendors and attendees will have marked on their calendars, because with Christmas just
around the corner what better time to pick up something for that special biker as a present and with bikes coming off the
road and winter projects getting started, parts to make it happen could well be found at an event such as this.
Lenny is also aware of this fact and knows that if you want to set something in motion you have to take the first step. I
feel as he does that it was an important step in the right direction and that he is on the right track. Hell I’ll put my money
where my mouth is and commit to a booth at next year’s event.
See you there!
Paradice Riders Christmas Party
Being layout weekend the day after Friday the 13th in Port Dover and knowing the workload that was hovering over our
heads like the sword of Damocles this is a party that I may not have gotten to and sitting here now hurting slightly and
working like mad, perhaps shouldn’t have attended but when Puss from the Brothers of the Blade told me that they were
all going down and had hired a bus and there was room for me…………well!!!!
So I sit here now typing madly, downloading pictures and trying to make up time so that we can get this baby delivered
to the printer, I have to think……Fuck it! It was a great time and I’m glad I went! I will pay the price today but it was worth it!
The weather was beyond shitty! Bitter cold, windy and snowing to beat the band and weather forecasts that were
foreboding to say the absolute least! Not a pretty night at all. In fact if I was to have to drive myself I may have come to
the conclusion that the workload was far too great for me to take time out for a party and spent the evening in front of my
But the Blades had a bus and I’d already told Bronson that I was coming and this party was important to The Paradice
Riders MC as they have been without a CH since Summer and were anxious to once again host a party and damn it I wanted
to be there so I cleaned up and headed out into the Winter Wonderland for a night of festivity.
I had expected to be heading down there in a school bus but should have known that the boys from the BOTB are a far
classier Club than that and I rolled into their property to see a full
sized Coach from Trevi Limousine and Coach Service sitting idling in
the driveway. Wow!
I went into the clubhouse to find a whole crowd of friends already
in full party mode and ready for the night ahead.
After a drink we headed out to board the Magic Bus and got
another great surprise. This was a fully decked out party bus and
designed for comfort and fun. Fantastic seating, Classy lighting,
hardwood floors, great sound system, a washroom and a bar!
This was going to be a good ride down. Sing it Dino! “Let it snow!
Let it snow! Let it snow!” Slowly down the driveway James!
It was one of the most relaxing trips that I have ever taken down
Cruising With Critter
to the city and it seemed to take no time at all and we were getting out in front
of the Legion for more partying and lots more fun! The Coach rode like a dream
and everybody was thrilled with the whole thing! Great idea for future stuff!
The large hall was filling up fast and there were lots of familiar faces there, all
with huge smiles and the night had just begun.
As is usual at a Paradice Riders MC party
there was plenty of great food and there was
a constant crowd of hungry attendees milling
around the enormous buffet all evening. There
was a heavy run on the bar which may have
been a tad small for this thirsty bunch but
the bartenders were obviously well experienced and never seemed to panic and handled
everything like it was just another day at the office and all was well.
My request for a 50 was met with not the usual “Are you kidding?” And other such
sarcastic talk that when translated amounted to “We don’t have that shit what else do you
want to drink old guy?” but instead a courteous and friendly; “We have some downstairs I’ll run down and get some for
you.” I smiled and said something like “I Love you, you sweet talker” then thankfully and respectfully moved back to the
back of the line to await its arrival.
Aw, good food, good beer, good
friends, what could make this evening
even better? Good music! The Dice
had that well in hand too! My buddy
Fogger from Zed head took the stage.
Fantastic! Hold on! Who’s that guy
with the bent up straw cowboy hat
strapping on a guitar? That’s not Neil
Chapman? Wow it is too! To quote
the guy in the radio spots for a Casino;
“This is going to be good!” Good it
was! Actually good doesn’t even begin
to cover it! It was fantastic!
There was great attendance from
many clubs as well and I was surprised
but not shocked to see a large
contingency of The Red Devils roll in
from Hamilton which from all accounts
was being hammered far worse than
we were by this snow storm, but
these guys are tough, resilient and
resourceful and it will take more than
a major fucking snow storm to keep them from a good party and to show their respect for a great Motorcycle Club.
The evening flew by with so many good people to see and talk to and it was time to board the Party bus for the ride back.
It was a fantastic time and well worth the pain I feeling as I write this. Thanks to all! Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Port Dover - Friday - Dec. 2013
It was early morning, on a cold snowy, blustery, miserable, Friday 13th as I went out to my garage and walked up to
Cruising With Critter
Petoonia as she sat quite comfortable and happy in the warmth and patted her lovingly on the tank and ran my hand slowly
down to her plush seat and gave her an affectionate pat and she shuddered slightly at my touch then I said “See ‘ya later
Darl’n I’m taking the Black Bitch 2 and heading to Port Dover.” She didn’t even
flinch as I made my way outside to sweep the snow off my new F150 and
loaded my camera and other essentials for the trip.
I first headed out to Burlington to pick up Burlington Bad Bob who has
become a regular sidekick for both myself and senior and is turning into a real
asset for us and is now covering events too.
We made decent time getting to Dover and headed right to the Dairy for
Breakfast. Senior would be joining us later as would JR and Janie.
After the usual great meal that the Dairy has become well known for, we
headed out to stock up the bars and other stops with Mags.
Being early risers usually helps get
us a good jump on most situations, most of the time, but not this time and while we
were able to get Mags into On the Fringe the bars on Main St. were still closed and
we couldn’t get in.
Not to be thwarted in our mission we drove down to Clare’s HD Port Dover and
stocked them up with Mags and then visited with Gale and Richard at their amazing
store for a while and gabbed with them and some of their customers who had
started to come in at a steady pace and it certainly looked like it was shaping up
to be a busy day for them, it wouldn’t be the usual mad house busy that a warm
weather Friday13th crowd brings but it would be busy just the same. It was my first
opportunity to really check out the store as on other occasions I and the Store were both too busy for me to look around.
I was very happy to have the time as Gale and Richard are two of the nicest people you could meet and their store is
amazing. We got to slowly look around and take advantage of some their great prices. This actually set the tone for the day
and we just sort of cruised rather than rushed around.
We came back up to the Park and parked the Black Bitch I armed myself
with my camera, cane and some Mags, then took a walk up to Main Street
where we ran into Shawn McCooey from The World Famous Fort Erie Swap
Meet up there with a Metric Bike that was to be his tear down bike for the
upcoming Swap Meet (Details to follow….Watch your Riders Mag!) strapped to
the back of his Pick-up truck promoting the Hell out of his event and attracting
lots of attention.
There were perhaps around a dozen bikes out on the street; many of them
had side-cars on them.
We strolled along putting Mags into Captain Billy’s, The Norfolk and Angelo’s
then wandered down to where the Kinsmen had set up shop selling off old stock
of shirts and right near them The 81 Store was doing a “brisk” (Pun intended)
business with their shirts and
other support merchandise.
We stopped back at the truck
to grab a supply of t shirts
before heading to Angelo’s for
a much needed beer where
we found Santa and his crew
of attractive Santa-ettes at
the bar soaking up some
Cruising With Critter
festive cheer and making the place
look merry and bright.
We figured that this was as good a
place to meet up with Senior, JR and
JB as any and settled in along with
everybody else who figured this was
better than out in the cold.
It was a good decision because
the place soon filled up with all
kinds of Folks and some of our
crew members like Greg and Jean,
Jonathan and our new cartoonist
Mike came in and sat with us followed by Sr. with JR and JB appearing and soon
we had a full table of Riders Mag Crew for a while at least.
It got to be a fun spot with Jim Hipkin from
Hips, Vern from BRO Erie Shores, Gator and
company, Doc and his lovely lady, the always
cheerful Jenn Ephgrave and so many other
stopping by to say hello and I even got one boob
shot just to round out the trip to Port Dover.
Gradually the crowd thinned out and our
crew started making their way to the exits and
we decided that we too had better call it a day.
All in all it was a pretty good day despite the
shitty weather. We had a great time but it felt
good to settle
into the warm interior of The Black Bitch and
head for home.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas to all and
a happy New Year.
See you out there!