The Sign of the Beaver - Prestonwood Christian Academy

Name ____________________
STUDY QUESTIONS – Tuck Everlasting
Required Summer Reading for Incoming Sixth Grade Students
Due on the first day of school - August 17, 2016
Answer the questions below with complete sentences on this sheet. You may refer to your book
to help you answer the questions. Bring your book and assignment on the first day of school.
Prologue and Chapters 1-8
Recall and Interpret
1. Briefly describe the Fosters’ house and yard. How do they reflect the Fosters’ personality?
2. What does Mr. Tuck dream? What does the dream suggest about Mr. Tuck’s attitude toward
his life?
3. What draws Winnie to the woods? What is Jesse Tuck doing when Winnie first sees him?
What does she think of Jesse?
Evaluate and Connect
4. Who overhears the Tucks’ secret? How do the actions of this character create suspense, or
tension, in the plot?
Chapters 9-20
Recall and Interpret
1. Compare and contrast the Tucks’ house and way of life with the Fosters’. Which does
Winnie seem to prefer? Why?
2. When Mr. Tuck takes Winnie rowing, what does he talk about? How does he feel about
living forever? How does Winne respond to what he says?
3. At the Tucks’ house, what plan does the man in the yellow suit announce? Why, do you
think, does Mae Tuck hit him? How does this scene mark a turning point for Winnie?
Evaluate and Connect
4. How does Winnie’s talk with Miles when they go fishing relate to her earlier talk with Angus?
Chapters 21-26 and Epilogue
Recall and Interpret
1. What plan does Miles have to free Mae from jail?
2. What does Winnie do with the bottle of springwater Jesse gave her? What does this action
suggest about what she believes? What does it hint about her future?
Evaluate and Connect
3. In the epilogue, what parts of the description suggest the passage of time? Why does Tuck
say “Good girl” when he sees Winnie’s gravestone?
4. Tuck moves a toad out of harm’s way as he and Mae leave Treegap. What do you make of
this incident?
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Before You Read – Focus Question:
Recall a time when you felt restless, in a hurry to be older, or unhappy with an aspect of life.
Why might it be important to appreciate each moment and each stage of your life?
This selection for the Bible gives you an understanding about the delicate balance of human life
on earth.
Responding to the reading:
1. According to verse 1, for wat are there proper seasons, or time?
2. What are two pairs of “times” mentioned in verses 2-8?
Making Connections:
3. In Tuck Everlasting, the Tuck family goes to great lengths to keep people from finding the
spring that gives eternal life on earth. In what way are their concerns about the spring
supported or explained by these Bible verses?