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County Business
At a regular meeting of the King George County Board of Supervisors, held on Tuesday, the 15 th day of
October 2013, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Revercomb Building at 10459 Courthouse Drive,
King George, Virginia:
Dale W. Sisson, Jr., Chairman
John P. LoBuglio, Vice-Chairman
Ruby A. Brabo, Member
Cedell Brooks, Jr., Member
Joseph W. Grzeika, Member
A. Travis Quesenberry, County Administrator
Eric A. Gregory, County Attorney
The Chairman, Mr. Sisson called the meeting to order.
10-07 – Consent Agenda
On a motion by Ms. Brabo, seconded by Mr. LoBuglio, and carried unanimously, each member voting as
follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye, the
King George County Board of Supervisors approved the consent agenda which included the following:
Authorized the issuance of warrants against the FY13-14 General Fund in the total amount of
Authorized the issuance of warrants against the FY13-14 Library Fund in the total amount of $4,930.89
Authorized the issuance of warrants against the FY13-14 Recreation Activity Fund in the total amount of
Verified warrants issued to avoid late charges or disruption of service
Approved Real Estate and Personal Property Tax Refunds
Approved June 25 and July 16, 2013 minutes
County Officials’ Reports:
Constitutional Officers
Sheriff Dempsey provided an update on the effects of the County’s Noise Ordinance in follow up to his
previous report on August 19, 2013. Since that date, there have been eight (8) additional noise
complaints, all related to loud music. Of those reported, five exceeded 70 decibels and two exceeded 65
decibels, but the residents complied with the requests for the officer to lower the music. Details were
provided of the complaints and it was noted that the Noise Ordinance had been helpful in providing
There was some discussion on the amount of complaints received for the month of August. It was noted
that during the time period of 5/25/2013 to 8/19/2013, there were thirty (30) complaints, not just in one
particular area but from a widespread area.
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Mr. Grzeika noted that it stood to reason that a higher amount of complaints would be generated during
the summer months due to outdoor activities. Mr. Sisson expressed his appreciation to the Sheriff and his
deputies and felt no further reports were needed on a regularly scheduled basis, only if additional
problems should persist.
Report of the County Attorney
Mr. Gregory explained the Board of Equalization process to be followed within the next few months. He
stated that names should be considered for the Board of Equalization and submitted to the County
Administrator. Historically, the Board members have nominated by district but it is not required under
State Code. Once the names are determined to be qualified, they are submitted as nominees to the Circuit
Court for appointment. Mr. Gregory noted that once the appointments are made, the Board of
Supervisors, at their next meeting, would need to authorize the advertising of a public hearing to consider
a draft ordinance, which should all take place before the end of the year, so as to able to begin hearings in
January. The recommendations should be adopted at the first meeting in November.
Public Comment
Mr. Ed Veazey inquired as to whether the picture/plaque of the Naval ship, the USS James Madison had
been found, and if not, he felt it needed to be located. Mr. Veazey recently loaned his picture/plaque of
the USS James Madison to the Historical Society in order for them to loan it out to the Belle Grove
Plantation Bed & Breakfast for display.
Mr. Veazey spoke of his concern about some fire hydrants in Cleydael that perhaps do not provide
sufficient fire flow. It was his contention that the 200,000 gallon tank at Cleydael which is located at one
of the highest points in the County could offer an increase in fire flow. Mr. Veazey further mentioned
that Mr. Bob Reed of Fairview Beach had a contract for the County to take over that system, and in
2003/2004, the Master Water Plan for King George showed the Eagle Bay system connected to the
Fairview Beach water system. Mr. Veazey felt the County missed an opportunity to increase fire flow by
not taking over those water tanks (Cleydael and Eagle Bay), and might want to consider doing so for
adequate fire protection.
There being no further public comment, the Chairman closed that portion of the meeting.
Reports of Members of the Board
Mr. Grzeika
On October 4, 2013, Mr. Grzeika participated in the King George Annual Day of Caring and noticed the
great response of the community in making a difference in the County. Mr. Grzeika also attended the
Finance Committee and Board of Directors of the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance meeting on October
7th. He was able to attend the King George Fall Festival on October 12th and thanked all those responsible
for coordinating this great event. Earlier this morning, Mr. Grzeika had attended a Lecture Series at the
University of Mary Washington-Dahlgren, with Mr. Jim Colvard speaking on the history of Dahlgren.
Mr. Grzeika remarked on the passing this past week of Ms. Ruth Herrink, one of the stalwarts of the
County community, who led the weekly Journal newspaper as its editor for three decades. He noted she
would be greatly missed.
BOS Meeting – 10-15-13
Mr. Brooks
This past Sunday, Mr. Brooks was asked to be the inspirational speaker and shared his testimony, at the
Love Thy Neighbor Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry at the King George Citizens Center. Mr. Brooks was
unable to attend the King George Fall Festival on Saturday, October 12th, as he was providing the funeral
for Ms. Clara Johnson, who had the distinct honor of being the oldest resident of King George County.
Mr. Brooks expressed his regret at the recent closing of the medical facilities in King George. He also
noted that Ms. Michelle Darnell of Belle Grove Plantation Bed & Breakfast had asked about use of the
County’s Tourism Funds for Belle Grove and Mr. Quesenberry will contact her for further discussion.
Ms. Brabo
Ms. Brabo noted that she was unable to participate in the King George Day of Caring on October 4th as
she had a previous commitment relative to her husband’s final “out processing” at Ft. Belvoir after
serving 26 years in the Army. That evening she participated in a “ride along” with King George Fire and
Rescue. On October 7th, she attended the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting, and on October
12th attended the King George Fall Festival and the Fall Festival Pageant on October 13th. Mr. Brabo
spoke of Ms. Ruth Herrink’s passing, as she left a mark on the community and will be remembered by
Ms. Brabo discussed the issue of fracking and wondered if the County would play any role in that issue.
She provided the Board with two newspaper articles, as well as some shared information received from an
acquaintance in Rockingham County concerning fracking in their county. Mr. Sisson stated that this was
an issue which needed to be researched by the County Attorney as to what was allowable under State and
County Code and provide guidance to the Board. The Board concurred with the direction given to the
County Attorney.
Mr. LoBuglio
On October 2, 2013, Mr. LoBuglio attended the Rappahannock Area Agency on Aging (RAAA) Board
meeting, along with an Executive Meeting that day for annual personnel reviews. Other meetings/events
attended included a non-partisan Committee “meet and greet” at Oak Crest Winery on October 3rd; the
Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee meeting on October 7th with Mr. Ed Jones of the Dahlgren Heritage
Museum in attendance; and on October 12th, the King George County Fall Festival, and Mr. LoBuglio
thanked all those who contributed to the success of the Festival.
Mr. LoBuglio expressed his sympathies to Ms. Ruth Herrink’s family on her passing.
Mr. Sisson
Mr. Sisson extended his thanks to the all-volunteer Fall Festival Committee in providing the coordination
of the Festival and noted that the enthusiasm was not dampened due to the weather. On Sunday, he
attended the Fall Festival Pageant where Ms. Kathryn Strauss won the crown Miss Fall Festival and Ms.
Clara Brabo won as Miss Teen Fall Festival. Mr. Sisson’s daughter was also in the pageant and named
Miss Photogenic. He extended thanks to the Gallimores for coordinating the pageant.
Mr. Sisson also offered his condolences to the family of Ms. Ruth Herrink.
BOS Meeting – 10-15-13
On October 2, 2013, Mr. Sisson attended the YMCA Board of Directors meeting. Mr. Sisson also spoke
of his support of the DECA members noting that you can join as a professional member. He explained
that the students who attend the Board of Supervisors’ meetings are usually DECA students.
10-08 – Presentations and Reports
A. Quarterly Report from Waste Management, Inc. – Mr. Tom Cue, Senior District Manager
Mr. Tom Cue provided the Quarterly Report from Waste Management, Inc. noting several issues
including total tonnage of 312,000 tons last quarter, year to date total 933,000 tons. Mr. Cue stated he
might come before the Board by the end of November to ask for an adjustment to the tonnage limit. The
construction on another cell is complete and will be opened in 2014. Other items discussed included the
process of the treatment of leacheate; overall safety at the landfill was celebrated for the second year in a
row with no accidents or injuries; and community relations were better with no odor complaints and the
“pick-for-pay” program had been a terrific success with many organizations opting to participate – the
program will cease soon due to safety reasons with the weather changes and early darkness and will
resume in March 2014.
Mr. Cue shared with the Board the condition of a house which is owned by Waste Management, Inc.
located at Birchwood and Bloomsbury. The house has been vandalized and is in poor condition and will
be leveled, once appropriate permits are acquired, allowing the corner to be cleaned up and perhaps make
the land available for a community garden plot.
Mr. Sisson shared that the service provided by the team at the Convenience Center was outstanding and
Mr. Brooks gave Mr. Cue accolades on his outstanding spirit as a leader which provides a positive
influence on the Waste Management employees. Ms. Brabo thanked Mr. Cue for initiating the “pick for
pay” program and inquired about the new sign at the front of the landfill, which Mr. Cue stated would be
forthcoming. Also, Mr. Cue asked about dates for the upcoming tour for the Board to inspect the Atlantic
Landfill in Sussex County which is the largest landfill in the area, possibly in December or early 2014.
B. Financial Discussion & Presentation by Davenport & Company, LLC
Mr. David Rose of Davenport & Company, LLC discussed the overall debt of the County and the role
that Davenport plays to help determine the most cost effective and flexible method of financing based on
market conditions and what the impact of the borrowing on the County would be. He explained the
credit rating history and the impact of refinancing, and discussed some of the major capital improvement
projects done by the County over the last decade. He explained that King George established and utilizes
a separate Capital Fund that provides for all debt service payments on the County’s tax supported debt. In
2012, the Capital Fund produced nearly $6.8 million from landfill operations with the total FY2012
Government Debt Service being $6.6 million. He also noted that future annual capital funding monies are
expected to cover the County’s outstanding debt service for approximately the next 15 years. As of the
current fiscal year (FY2014) all debt service tied to the Service Authority is paid from user and
connection fees. As such, the County would no longer need to subsidize the Service Authority which
further enhances the County’s General Fund credit standing. In FY2013, the County used cash funding of
approximately $5.5 million, of which $4.3 million was used toward multi-year economic development
improvements. In spite of the recession, Mr. Rose noted the County tax base has continued to grow with
a tax base up about 150 percent over a ten year period.
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Mr. Rose further discussed the County’s emergency reserves stating that the County had increased its
reserves by nearly 100% over the past 10 years and that this was a key factor that the National Credit
Rating Agencies consider when looking at the financial health of local governments. He reiterated the
County’s policy of having 15% of the total operating budget reserved and recorded for accounting
purposes as Unassigned Fund Balance. He then discussed the County’s tax rate trends since 1993 when
the tax rate was $0.86 compared to the 2013 tax rate of $0.53 and compared that with the neighboring
counties’ tax rates.
Mr. Grzeika commented that some 20 years ago, striving to make payroll was a reality issue, but the
County has made a turnaround with courage and conviction, and projects were being done at a reasonable
rate. He extended his thanks to Mr. David Rose and his staff at Davenport for their support and efforts in
putting the County in a much better situation, with Mr. Brooks agreeing with those comments, recalling
how far the County has come in those 20 years.
Mr. Sisson appreciated Mr. Rose’s explanation of the “rainy day” fund and the importance of having that
fund available to the County and appreciated Mr. Rose’s presentation and the opportunity to provide this
financial education to the Board and to the County.
Ms. Brabo stated that she appreciated the level of detail presented by Mr. Rose, but noted that Caroline
County was not included on the map, and Mr. Rose stated he would correct that information. Ms. Brabo
noted that as a customer of the Service Authority, she felt the structure was not fair as all County residents
benefited from the Service Authority, from the ISO ratings, yet it was the Service Authority customers
who were being burdened with the Authority’s entire debt.
Mr. Brooks appreciated the discussion of the Service Authority debt, stated he had his own well and
septic which he must pay for needed repairs, and felt that since he was not a customer of the Service
Authority, he shouldn’t have to pay the Authority’s debt.
Ms. Brabo wished to clarify that she did not ask for everyone to pay for the Service Authority debt, nor
did she ask for anyone to pay additional money. Her suggestion was that since the County already
collects a meals tax from the restaurants which are customers of the Service Authority, consideration
could be given to applying 50% of that revenue to the Service Authority debt.
Action Items:
10-09 – Authorize Expenditures against the FY 2013-14 Capital Improvements Fund
On a motion by Ms. Brabo, seconded by Mr. LoBuglio, and carried unanimously, each member voting as
follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye, the
King George County Board of Supervisors authorized the issuance of warrants against the FY2013-14
Capital Improvements Fund in the total amount of $236,964.82, as presented.
10-10 – Award of Construction Contract for the Shiloh Park Recreational Access Road
Mr. Smith, Parks & Recreation Director, informed the Board that on June 4, 2013 the Board of
Supervisors authorized the County Administrator to execute a Virginia Department of Transportation
Project Administration Agreement for the construction of the Shiloh Park Recreational Access Road. On
July 16, 2013 the Board of Supervisors approved the appropriation of $195,000 from State Recreational
Road Access Fund for the project.
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On October 3, 2013 bids were received and publicly opened and a total of six (6) bids were received.
This project will provide for the construction of the access road and associated work for Shiloh Park. A
summary of the bids was provided to the Board from a letter sent by A. Morton Thomas and Associates
(AMT). Ms. Rebeccah Ward, P.E., Project Manager of AMT has completed a review of the W.C. Spratt,
Inc.s’. bid and qualifications and has determined that W.C. Spratt, Inc. is a qualified, responsible and
responsive contractor.
On a motion by Ms. Brabo, seconded by Mr. Brooks, and carried unanimously, each member voting as
follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye, the
King George County Board of Supervisors authorized the County Administrator to issue a Notice of
Award to W. C. Spratt, Inc. for the Shiloh Park Recreational Access Road Project in the amount of
$129,361.00, and authorized the County Administrator to execute a construction agreement with W. C.
Spratt, Inc. subject to approval of the agreement as to form by the County Attorney.
Discussion Items:
10-11 – Dahlgren Transmission Main Project and Ralph Bunche School Site
Mr. Smith, Parks and Recreation Director, and representing the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee
explained to the Board that Dominion Power had proposed a plan to mitigate the view of one of the new
transmission main poles near the historic Ralph Bunche School by placing trees to block those
transmission lines. The Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee and Ralph Bunche Alumni were concerned
that the additional trees would block the view of the School completely and would like to continue to
work with Dominion Power to further discuss other mitigation officers. Mr. Smith has spoken with
Dominion Power and they are willing to discuss other mitigations but did state that such mitigation would
have to address the history of the facility. The Committee would like to ask the Board to send a letter to
Dominion Power to respectfully decline the offer of planting additional trees.
Mr. Grzeika stated that alternate plans should be explored, with Mr. Brooks and Mr. LoBuglio stating that
they were in favor of declining the request for the trees. The Board inquired as to what range of
alternatives or opportunities might be available. It was decided that the issue would be brought back to
the Board’s November 6th meeting with Mr. Smith presenting, at that time, proposed correspondence for
the Chairman’s signature declining the offer of the trees and information on mitigation alternatives
offered by Dominion.
10-12 – County Administrator’s Report
Mr. Quesenberry provided the Board with an e-mail from Mr. Mike Broaddus, Extension Service, relative
to hosting a meal for the Board of Supervisors on November 6, 2013 in cooperation with the Tri-County
Soil and Water Conservation District and agricultural producers in King George County. He explained
that the program was called the “50 Mile Meal” and had been done in Caroline County. A recent
newspaper article relative to the Caroline County’s event was also provided to the Board. The meal
should begin at 4:30 p.m. prior to the Board Meeting on the November 6th.
Mr. Quesenberry recommended that the Board take action to appoint Mr. Linwood Thomas, Economic
Development Director, to the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee as well as the Northern Neck Tourism
BOS Meeting – 10-15-13
On a motion by Mr. LoBuglio, seconded by Mr. Grzeika, and carried unanimously, each member voting
as follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye,
the King George County Board of Supervisors appointed Mr. Linwood Thomas, Economic Development
Director to the Ralph Bunche Advisory Committee and the Northern Neck Tourism Commission,
respectively, as presented.
Change Order – Shiloh Park Project:
Mr. Quesenberry explained that a negotiated price of $36,285 had been arranged with W. C. Spratt for the
trail at Shiloh Park, and asked the Board to authorize Change Order #1 in the amount of $36,285 for the
On a motion by Mr. Brooks, seconded by Mr. LoBuglio, and carried unanimously, each member voting as
follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye, the
King George County Board of Supervisors authorized Change Order #1 with W. C. Spratt for $36,285 for
the trail at Shiloh Park, as presented.
Other Items:
Mr. Quesenberry received an e-mail from Mr. Rob Gates of the Dahlgren Heritage Foundation concerning
their 95th Anniversary Celebration of the Dahlgren Navy Base and a reception to be held on October 16,
2013 at the University of Mary Washington-Dahlgren Campus. He stated he would forward that e-mail
on to the Board.
A joint meeting with the School Board and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee had been discussed
previously by the Board and the County Administrator. Mr. Quesenberry inquired about possible dates.
The consensus of the Board was to discuss after the November 6th Board meeting as two seats on this
Board were up for election and possibly plan the joint meeting for early in 2014.
Closed Session
On a motion by Mr. LoBuglio, seconded by Mr. Grzeika, and carried unanimously, each member voting
as follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye,
the King George County Board of Supervisors went into Closed Session pursuant to State Code Section
2.2-3711(A)3 for discussion or consideration of the disposition of publicly held real property, where
discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of
the public body; Section 2.2-3711(A)5 for the purpose of discussing the expansion of an existing business
or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business’ or industry’s interest in
expanding its facilities in the community; and State Code Section 2.2-3711(A)7 for the purpose of
consulting with legal counsel for the Board regarding actual litigation and specific legal matters requiring
the provision of legal advice by such counsel concerning two matters: (1) the Project FAITH HELP
Center project and (2) the King George Industrial Park, and invited the County Administrator, County
Attorney, and Economic Development Director.
On a motion by Mr. LoBuglio, seconded by Mr. Grzeika, and carried unanimously, each member voting
as follows: Mr. Sisson Aye; Mr. LoBuglio Aye; Ms. Brabo Aye; Mr. Brooks Aye; and Mr. Grzeika Aye,
the King George County Board of Supervisors returned to public session and certified that only public
business matters lawfully exempt from open meeting requirements by Virginia law, and only such public
business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or
BOS Meeting – 10-15-13
There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman adjourned the meeting on a
motion by Ms. Brabo, seconded by Mr. LoBuglio and carried unanimously.