A story about a rabbit

“Something for the Weekend”
TGI Friday!
Every Friday, in order to prepare you for your busy social life, we will send you a piece of social English
will help you to be…
. . . Charming, Funny, Interesting, Sarcastic, Clever and Witty . . .
in conversation with others.
This Week:
A story about a rabbit
The rabbit has a charming face:
Its private life is a disgrace.
I really dare not name to you
The awful things that rabbits do;
Things that your paper never prints You only mention them in hints.
They have such lost, degraded souls
No wonder they inhabit holes;
When such depravity is found
It only can live underground.
ACT Advanced Corporate Training , ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 5, 00-544 Warszawa, tel.: + 48 22 856 74 07,
[email protected] www.act.edu.pl
Level 1
a rabbit (noun) - a small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail - królik
charming (adj.) - very pleasant or attractive - uroczy
a disgrace (noun) - the loss of other people’s respect and approval because of the bad way sb has
behaved - niełaska
dare (verb)- to be brave enough to do sth - ośmielić się
awful (adj.) - very bad or unpleasant - okropny
to print (verb) – to produce words, pictures on paper using a machine which puts ink on the
surface - drukować
to mention (verb) - to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally - wspomnieć
a hint (noun) - a brief or indirect suggestion - wskazówka
lost (adj.) - morally fallen - upadły
degraded (adj.) – immoral – spodlony, zwyrodniały
soul (noun) – the spiritual nature of humans - dusza
to wonder (verb) –to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is
true – zastanawiać się
to inhabit (verb) – to live in - zamieszkiwać
a hole (noun) – an empty place in something - dziura
depravity (noun) – degradation, moral corruption – deprawacja, demoralizacja
underground (adverb) – below the surface of the earth – pod ziemią
ACT Advanced Corporate Training , ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 5, 00-544 Warszawa, tel.: + 48 22 856 74 07,
[email protected] www.act.edu.pl
Level 2
a rabbit (noun) - a small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail
charming (adj.) - very pleasant or attractive
a disgrace (noun) - the loss of other people’s respect and approval because of the bad way sb has
dare (verb)- to be brave enough to do sth
awful (adj.) - very bad or unpleasant
to print (verb) – to produce words, pictures on paper using a machine which puts ink on the
to mention (verb) - to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally
a hint (noun) - a brief or indirect suggestion
lost (adj.) - morally fallen
degraded (adj.) – immoral
soul (noun) – the spiritual nature of humans
to wonder (verb) – to think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what
is true
to inhabit (verb) – to live in
depravity (noun) – degradation, moral corruption
ACT Advanced Corporate Training , ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 5, 00-544 Warszawa, tel.: + 48 22 856 74 07,
[email protected] www.act.edu.pl
Level 3
Match the words with their definitions:
1. charming (adj.)
a) immoral
2. a disgrace (noun)
b) the spiritual nature of humans
3. dare (verb)
c) to produce words, pictures on paper using a machine
which puts ink on the surface
4. awful (adj.)
d) degradation, moral corruption
5. to print (verb)
e) very pleasant or attractive
6. to mention (verb)
7. a hint (noun)
f) to live in
g) to think about something that you are not sure about
and try to guess what is true
8. lost (adj.)
h) to be brave enough to do sth
9. degraded (adj.)
i) the loss of other people’s respect and approval because
of the bad way sb has behaved
10. soul (noun)
j) to refer to or speak about briefly or incidentally
11. to wonder (verb)
k) a brief or indirect suggestion
12. to inhabit (verb)
l) morally fallen
13. depravity (noun)
m) very bad or unpleasant
Key: 1e; 2i; 3h; 4m; 5c; 6j; 7k; 8l; 9a; 10b; 11g; 12f; 13d
ACT Advanced Corporate Training , ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 5, 00-544 Warszawa, tel.: + 48 22 856 74 07,
[email protected] www.act.edu.pl
Level 4
Fill the sentences with appropriate words from the poem (change the forms when
1. We will be talking only about happy moments and I don’t want anybody to even
………………………………………….. something bad.
2. I have been recently taken to one Italian restaurant nearby; it’s very small, with
beautiful paintings on the wall, stylish furniture and delicious food. I think it’s one
of the most ………………………………… places I’ve ever been to.
3. You must be careful as this forest is ………………………………. by many wild animals.
4. I can’t decide what to do. I am still ……………………………….…. if I should accept the
offer or turn it down.
5. In order to save trees from cutting people need to consider
……………………………………. emails they receive.
6. Everybody was shocked by the ……………………………….of her actions. She was
becoming a totally …………………………woman and her life was coming to a stage
where no social rules are obeyed .
7. How ……………………..you! shouted a lady having been verbally insulted by a young
1. mention; 2. charming; 3. inhabited; 4. wondering; 5. printing; 6. depravity, degraded; 7. dare
ACT Advanced Corporate Training , ul. Wilcza 31 lok. 5, 00-544 Warszawa, tel.: + 48 22 856 74 07,
[email protected] www.act.edu.pl