When Leadership Goes Unnoticed: The

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When Leadership Goes Unnoticed: The
Moderating Role of Follower Self-Esteem on the
Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and
Follower Behavior
James B. Avey
Michael E. Palanski
Fred O. Walumbwa
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Avey, James B.; Palanski, Michael E.; and Walumbwa, Fred O., "When Leadership Goes Unnoticed: The Moderating Role of Follower
Self-Esteem on the Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Follower Behavior" (2010). Accessed from
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Journal of Business Ethics
DQI 1O.1007/s10551-01O-0610-2
© Springer 2010
When Leadership Goes Unnoticed:
The Moderating Role of Follower
Self-Esteem on the Relationship Between
Ethical Leadership and Follower Behavior
ABSTRACT. The authors examined the effects of ethical leadership on follower organizational citizenship
behavior (OCB) and deviant behavior. Drawing upon
research related to the behavioral plasticity hypothesis, the
aurhors examined a moderating role of follower selfesteem in these relationships. Results from a field study
revealed that ethical leadership is positively related to
follower OCB and negatively related to deviance. We
found that these relationships are moderated by followers'
self-esteem, such that the relationships between ethical
leadership and OCB as well as between ethical leadership
and deviant behavior are weaker when followers' selfesteem is high than low. Implications of these findings tor
research and practice are discussed.
KEY WORDS: behavioral plasticity, ethical leadership,
organizational citizenship behavior, self-esteem, workplace
One of the primary questions arISing from the
seemingly endless parade of ethical lapses is: where
have all of the leaders gone? Within organizations,
leaders at multiple levels play an important role in
developing and sustaining ethical cultures and ethical
conduct (Grojean et aI., 2004). Thus, it is no surprise
that scholarly research concerning ethical leadership
is on the rise. Indeed, a great deal has been written
about ethical leadership from a prescriptive point of
view,· often in the form of a philosophical discussion
about what leaders ought to do. In addition, virtually
all of the so-called "new wave" leadership theories
discuss the ethical implications of leader behaviors,
often at length. Specifically, transformational leadership (Bass, 1985), charismatic leadership (Conger
Published online: 20 August 2010
James B. Avey
Michael E. Palanski
Fred O. Walumbwa
and Kanungo, 1998), authentic leadership (Avolio
and Gardner, 2005), and spiritual leadership (FlY,
2003) all include aspects of the importance of ethical
Despite the inclusion of ethical aspects in these and
other approaches, the scholarly work about ethical
leadership remains largely fi:agmented and often
confusing. For example, Palanski and Ya111111.arino
(2007) describe the confusion in meaning about one of
the most popular aspects of ethical leadership, integrity. They note that this single concept is used in a
variety of ways to mean a variety of things, including
consistency, wholeness, courage in adversity, and
general moral behavior. In response to this fi:agmentation and confusion, Brown et a1. (2005) developed a
nonnative, social scientific approach construct of
ethical leadership, defined as "the demonstration of
normatively appropriate conduct through personal
actions and interpersonal relationships, and the
promotion of such conduct to followers through
two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making" (Brown et aI., 2005, p. 120). This
definition includes both traits and behaviors of the
leader, dubbed the moral person aspect, and proactive
behaviors that encourage follower ethical behavior,
dubbed the moral manager aspect by Brown and
Trevino (2006), and is a more holistic, descriptive
approach to studying ethical leadership.
Although the construct and its accon"lpanying scale
(Brown et aI., 20(5) are relatively new, emerging
research (e.g., De Hoogh and Den Hartog, 2008;
Detert et aI., 2007; Mayer et aI., 2009; Neubert et aI.,
2009; Walumbwa and Schaubroeck, 2(09) is beginning to demonstrate the usefulness of the ethical
leadership construct for research and application.
Session Details - Monday, 10:00 AM -12:00 PM
New Institutional Theory and Formal Voluntary Environmental
Standardization' Shady Kan'l, McGill U.
,,+ ...I:#.Does certification really matter? Stakeholder
influences and the moderation of business perfomance I
Vera Ferron-Vilchez, U. de Granada; Nicole Darnall, George
Mason U.; J. Alberto Aragon-Correa, U. of Granada (Spain)
.l:#.Coming Clean: The Role of Visibility in Voluntary
Environmental Disclosure Strategies' Cedric Dawkins,
California State Polytechnic U. - Pomona; John Fraas, Ashland
+.I:#.Environmental Reporting and Media Coverage of
Environmental Issues: An Agenda Setting Perspective'
Irene Pollach, Aarhus U.
789 Q: (Paper Session) - (RM) Assessing agreement and
+.I:#.SHCS: (ONE, SIM, CMS) Cultivating Exclusion:
Complexities of Sustainability Certification in the Food
9:45am -11:15am The Queen Elizabeth: Matapedia
Organizers: Maarten van der Kamp, Lancaster U.; Stephanie
Welcomer, U. of Maine
Identity Construction, Political Activity and Market Structure:
The Case of Organic Farming I Kate Sikavica, U. of Munich
Reproducing standards in organic agriculture: An exploration
of how standards come alive' Maarten van der Kamp,
Lancaster U.
Fair Trade: Does it Live Up to Its Promise? A Case Study of
Coffee Producers in Chiapas Mexico' Sarah A. Bigney,
Independent; Mark Haggerty, U. of Maine at Orono; Stephanie
Welcomer, U. of Maine
Certification of Sustainabilily Criteria in Food Production:
Implications for the Developing World' Linda MSarna, SI.
John's U.
7l!7 ~+..Q: (DRP Session) - (PNP) COllaboration and
9:45am - 11: 15am The Queen Elizabeth: Chaudlere
Facilitator: Deneen M. Hatmaker, U. of Connecticut
QStakeholder Influence Strategies: Mobilizing for
Collaboration I David Graham Hyatt, Case Western Reserve
U.; Jonathan H. Coleman, Case Western Reserve U.; Jeffrey
Longhofer, Rutgers U.
~+ Q,Contracl Choice and Prices of Water Distribution in
Spain I Hugo Zarco Jasso, U. of Navarra
iO>+"QGoverning Development: Partnership-Level
Characteristics and the Adoption of Governance Form I
Annekathrin Ellersiek, Tilburg U.; Patrick Kenis, Tilburg U.
Collaborative Preference: The Role of Homophily, Multiplexity
and Advantageous Network Position I Troy A. Voelker, U. of
Houston, Clear Lake; William Cordell McDowell, East Carolina
+Qlmplementing National Policy at the Local Level:
Assessing the Effectiveness of Local Networks' Esther
KJaster, U. of Twente; Dennis Muntslag, U. ofTwente; Michel
Ehrenhard, U. of Twente; Jeffrey N. Hicks, U. of Twente
788 . ..I:#.:
(Paper Session) - (PNP) The Multiple Layers of
9:45am - 11:15801 The Queen E1izabelh: Peribonea
Facilitator: Leisha DeHart-Davis, U. of Kansas
fJ) Teaching-oriented I iO>Prdcticc·oriented
QNonprofit Organizational and Work Unit Identification and
the Occupational Stress Process I Cameron John Newton,
Queensland U. of Technology; Stephen T.T. Teo, Curtin U. of
RJ..QPublic Service Motivation and Job Satisfaction: The
Role of Fit and Mission Valence' Edmund C. Stazyk,
American U.
QNegotialing Organizational Identity: A Case Study on How
a University Responds to Identity Threats I Bing Ran,
Pennsylvania State U., Harrisburg; Timothy John Golden,
Pennsylvania State U_, Harrisburg
9:45am - 11:15am Della Centre-Ville: St-Laurenl
Chair: Jodi S. Goodman, U. of Connecticut
QAscertaining observed and unobserved measurement
equivalence with MM-IRT-C 'louis Tay, U. of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign; Daniel A. Newman, U. of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign; Jeroen KVermunt, Tilburg U.
RJ.I:#.rWG is not enough: Detecting subgroup disagreement,
Noah Eisenkraft, U. of Pennsylvania
Q The Practical Consequences of Null Distribution Choice on
rwg I Rustin D. Meyer. Georgia Institute ofTechnology; Troy
Victor Mumford, Colorado State U.; Michael A. Campion,
Purdue U.
790 Q.:
(Paper Session) • (SIM) Philosophical Ethics and
9:45am -11:'15am TheOJJeen Elizabeth: Hocnelaga 5
Chair: Patricia Werhane, DePaul U.
Discussant: Elizabeth D. Scott, Eastern Connecticut State U.
..QRethinking Organizational Conslructs Of Friendship in
the Workplace I Ryan L Raffaelli, Boston College
QCalculation and compassion: economics and the problem
of transplant organs I Philip Roscoe, U. of St Andrews
RJQBusiness, Ethics, and Psychological Realism I Miguel
Angel Alzola, Fordham U.
.l:#.Corporations as Political Actors: A Liberal Response to a
Republican Point of View I Glen Whelan, Notlingham U.
791 . . Q: (ORP Session) - (SIM) The Role of Ethical
Leadership in Creating Caring Organizations Roundtable
9:45am- 11:15am The Queen Elizabeth: St-Laurenl
Chair: Scott J. Reynolds, U. of Washington
QEthical Leadership and Followers' Citizenship Behavior:
The Role of Responsibility and Autonomy' Karianne
Kalshoven, U. van Amsterdam; Annebel H.B. De Hoogh, U. of
Q~ts;of·ethicalleadershipandself'e'steemon follower'
qiUzenshipbehaviors and-deviance' James B. Avey, Central
Washington U.; Michael Palanski, Rochester Institute of
Technology; Fred O. Walumbwa, Arizona Stale U.
Opening the Black Box: Linking Ethical Leadership to
Employee Performance I Fred O. Walumbwa, Arizona State
U.; David Mayer, U, of Michigan; Peng Wang, Miami U. Ohio;
Hui Wang, Peking U,; Kristina Marie Workman, U. of Michigan
.l:#.Good Citizenship and Ethical Leadership: Interactive
Effects of Gender and Organizational Politics' KMichele
I + InternatiOf1a~-orientedI4ltTheme-()(lented I·QResearch-()riented I fbBest Paper Proceedings
Sect.lon 0
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.33676831262 [email protected] 890
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[email protected] 1767
Padetford, Wallon (Union U_) 731·668-1818
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al>[email protected] 931
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Section E
Page, linda J (Adler-OISE U. of Toronlo) 416400 5871
[email protected] 750
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Palnter.Morland, Mollie (De Paul U.) (773)325-4927
[email protected] 1719
e.PAlimlldlMlqM..1(Rochesler Instilute of Tethnology)
607-206-2990 mpalanski@gmaiLcom 363, 791
Pal~zzo. Guido (U.. 01 Lausanne) 0041 (21) 682 3373
[email protected] 1366
Paletz, Susannah (U. of Piftsburgh) 412-624-2679
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Palmer, David It (U. of Nebraska at Kearney) (308)
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8566 [email protected] 38
Palmer, Ian (RMIT U.) 61-3-9925 5560
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Palmleri, Patrick Albort (U. San tgnacio de Loyola)
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979 7400 [email protected] 6S0
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Pan, Wei (Massachusells Institute of TechnolOllY)
6173243842 [email protected]<iu 1048
Panaccla, Alexandra (U. of Illinois, Chicago) 1-514288-9938 [email protected] 1335
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Pandey, SanJay K. (Rutgers U.) 973-353-3678
sl;>[email protected] 895
Pandey, Sheola (Rutge/s U., Newark) 732 372 7473
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Panoho, Joy (Massey U.) 6463533514
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Pap~dakIs, Vanills (Athens U. of Economics and
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Paquette, Marie-Andree (U. of Montreal) marie··
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Paquin, Anthony R. (Western Kentucky U.l 270-7454423 tony.paquin@W':u.edu 937
Paquin, Raymond L. {Concordia U.) 514.848.2424
x.2911 [email protected] 94. 441,
Parada, Pedro (ESAOE) 34932806162
[email protected] 1018
Parameshwar, Sangeela (V. of Illinois, Springfield)
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284, 1297
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607-624-5649 [email protected] 1727
Parayilam, Satyanarayana (McNeesa Stale U.) (405)
744-7156 [email protected] 650
Parboteeah, It Pravoon {U. ofWisconsin, Whitewater)
{252) 472-3971 [email protected] 1413,
Par., Sylvie (ESG-UQAM) pare.syf'lie@uqam_ca
Pareek, A.hlsh (OMS, MOS U.) e4142-79066
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Parente, Diane H. (Pennsy~",nia Slate U., Erie) (814)
898-6436 [email protected] 330
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/[email protected] 1525
Park. Daewoo (Xavief U.) {513) 7>\5-2028
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Park, Eunkyung (Seoul National U.) july@snu_ac.kr
Park, Guihyun [Michigan Slate U.} (517) 355-2171
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[email protected] 951. 1062. 1171
Park, Heet.. (Seoul National U.) 010·5075-8247
[email protected] 874, 978
Park, Hun..Joon (Yonsei U..) 822-2123-2521
hjJar1<@yonsei.ac.kl 975. 1187
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[email protected] 100
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[email protected] 894, 1004
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[email protected] 695
Park, Jln Kyu (Kyungpook National U.) 82-10-50210951 [email protected] 1136
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[email protected] 1553
Park, Kathleen Marshall (Massachusells Institule of
TechnoloJY) (617) 834-5697 [email protected]
1277, 1433
Parll. Kyung Min (l'anse; U.) 82-2-2123-5488
[email protected] 1700
Park, Namgyoo Kenny {Seoul National U.) 82-2-880·
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Park, Sang Cheol (Sagarlg U.) 82·2-705-4718
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Park, Seong Hoon (l'anse; U.) 82 2 2123 2521
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Palk, Soung Ho "Sam" (SKOlKOVO Institute for
Emerging Market Sludies) 86-10·6498-1634, ex1.oo1
[email protected] 551
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[email protected] 778
Park, Tae-Youn (U. of Minnesota) 612-625-3451
[email protected] 630. 1279, 1655