
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 .................................................................. page 3
 Code of conduct
 Inspections
 Equal opportunity and ADA policy
 Anti-harassment and Drug policy
Chapter 2 .................................................................. page 8
 Employment of relatives
 Rehire policy
 Disciplinary action
Chapter 3 ................................................................ page 12
 Attendance standards
 Uniform and appearance standards
 Safety policy
 Security policy
 Guest service
Chapter 4 ................................................................ page 18
 Management referral program
 Benefits
 Personal assistance time (PAT)
 Payday
 Outside employment
Taco Bueno
Open door policy
Employee Manual
Taco Bueno
Company History
A man named Bill Waugh founded Taco Bueno in Abilene, Texas in 1967. Abilene loved Taco
Bueno from the start. After his initial success in Abilene, Mr. Waugh expanded Taco Bueno to
Tulsa, Oklahoma, where his parents lived. The city of Tulsa quickly embraced Taco Bueno and
the company opened several additional locations in the city. After Tulsa, Taco Bueno developed
in Oklahoma City and then the Dallas and Ft. Worth markets.
Employment Policy
The Company is an “at-will” employer. This means that employment can be canceled at will by
either the Company or the employee at any time, for any reason, with or without notice or cause.
This manual is only a general statement of policy.
Employee Manual
Notes Section
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Open Door Policy
The Company values your feedback. We have an Open Door Policy to encourage you to contact
the Company in a variety of ways.
You are encouraged to speak first to your General Manager. S/he is there for you and usually
has the authority to help. Should you want to contact the district Manager, s/he has a phone
number posted at the store.
If you prefer to contact someone else, you can call the Taco Bueno Open Door line, toll-free at 1
866-479-6711, or email at [email protected]
If you feel that you have been harassed or treated unfairly, please contact the Human Resource
Department at 972-417-4818, or the open Door line. All concerns will be investigated.
Performance Evaluations
It is the policy of the Company to insure that all employees receive a written Performance
Evaluation a minimum of one per year. Management usually receives theirs in the spring, and
corporate employees usually receive them in the summer. Each store may evaluate its
employees throughout the year.
Career Advancement
Taco Bueno believes in promoting from within. We realize the value of having experienced
people who exemplify our Cornerstones. People who came up through the ranks fill a majority
of our leadership positions. If you are looking for a place to begin your career or grow your
career, please see your manager for details.
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Code of Conduct
Taco Bueno’s cycle is a two-week period, starting on Tuesday and ending two weeks later on
Monday. Payday is Wednesday in the week after the pay period ends. If the Wednesday payday
is a holiday, the payday may be moved forward to a non-holiday. Paychecks will be distributed
after 2 pm only. All employees are eligible to sign up for direct deposit. With direct deposit,
your paycheck monies are deposited directly into your checking account, eliminating the need to
come to the restaurant to pick up your paycheck. Under no circumstances will paychecks be
released early. Managers are not allowed to cash paychecks at the restaurant.
The Company expects all of its employees to conduct themselves in accordance with Company
principles and in a manner that is consistent with the safety and rights of all others connected
with the Company’s business. All Company employees are expected to meet acceptable
performance standards and conduct themselves in a professional manner while representing the
Company. To maintain a safe and productive workplace, the Company has developed this Code
of Conduct of incidents, actions or behaviors that are unacceptable and may result in disciplinary
action, including immediate termination.
Hourly employees will be paid at 1 ½ times their regular pay rate for any hours worded over 40
hours in one workweek. Under no circumstances will an employee be allowed to work ‘off the
clock”. All hours worked must be properly recorded and submitted to Payroll. Under no
circumstances will an employee be allowed to trade work hours for food, other product, of
It is against Company policy to advance wages prior to payday.
Distributing confidential personnel or Company information
Removing Company property from Company premises without permission
Representing false personal or Company facts
Reporting for work under the influence of alcohol or mind-altering drugs as well as the
sale of any illegal substances
Threatening or otherwise harassing employees or customers
Using vulgar or inappropriate language
Fighting, horseplay, or any other actions which may compromise the safety of others
Negligent or intentional damaging of company property
Falsifying time cards or work records
Dishonest recording of food and beverage items served
Missing work or arriving late excessively
The company mails W2s out at the end of January to the address listed on your paycheck stub. It
is your responsibility to update your address after a move in order to receive your W2 in a timely
manner. Failure to update your address may cause your W2 to be delayed. Should you leave the
company you may update your current address by writing to: Payroll, Taco Bueno Restaurants,
3033 Kellway Suite 122 Carrollton, TX 75006. Include your Social Security number and
Outside Employment
Taco Bueno does not prohibit hourly workers from working at other companies. However, we
expect that you are able to work your scheduled shifts and your entire shifts. Should a conflict
arise, you may be asked to modify your work schedule at your other employment. Managers are
not allowed to hold another position while employed in management position with Taco Bueno.
Taco Bueno
Committing a criminal act on or off the job
Failing to cooperate during an inspection
Possessing firearms or other dangerous weapons on Company premises
Misusing Company, employee, or customer funds or property
Violating of any Company policies
Employee Manual
Company may terminate your health care. You must verify your eligibility for FMLA prior to
taking leave. You must notify your supervisor as soon as you know that the leave may be
Work Injury/ Worker’s Compensation
The Company encourages the maintenance of a safe work place: however, accidents do happen.
If you are injured on the job, notify your supervisor immediately. S/he will instruct you about
where to go for treatment and how to file any paperwork arising from the injury. It is Taco
Buenos’ policy to work with an injured employee to get the employee back to work as soon as
medically possible.
In the event of suspected theft or other violation of standards of conduct, Management reserves
the right to inspect and search employees and their personal property at the worksite. This
includes clothing, purses, bags, backpacks, and vehicles. Management must request permission
to perform the search. If an employee fails to provide access to Management, the employee may
be subject to disciplinary action including termination.
Meal period and extra allowances
Equal Opportunity Policy
Date of hire to 1-year
After 1 year
The Company provides equal opportunities to all employees and applicant regardless of race,
religion, sex, preference, origin, age, military status, or disability.
Anti-Harassment Policy
It is the policy of the company to maintain a work environment in which all individuals get
treated with respect and dignity. Everyone has the right to work in a professional business that
prohibits discriminatory practices or harassment of any kind whatsoever.
All hourly employees receive a discount on one meal per day either during a scheduled break or
immediately before or after their shifts. The amount of discount is determined by the employee’s
continuous tenure with the company.
50% discount
100% discount
The discount is given to employees to encourage them to try our food and to become familiar
with the proper taste, appearance and texture of our food. If you experience a problem with your
food, please notify your manager immediately. Items ordered must be standard menu items only.
All employee meals must be properly documented, rung up and eaten on the premises.
Smoking policy
Smoking is only allowed on scheduled breaks and only outside of the building.
Telephone calls
Drug and Alcohol policy
The telephone is for the purpose of conducting the restaurant’s business. Should you need to
make a call, wait until your scheduled break and get permission from the manager on duty. Any
calls made must be kept as short as possible. Cell phones should be turned to silent mode or off
while on duty.
Taco Bueno
Full time shift managers with 1-5 years of unbroken employment become eligible for vacation
time after achieving full time status by working a minimum of 1,770 hours from January 1st until
December 31st. Vacation time will be awarded January 1st after meeting the hours-worked
criteria during the previous year. Shift managers who have five full years of employment will
become eligible after working 1,700 hours in the previous year.
Full time crewmembers become eligible for vacation time after achieving full time status by
working a required amount of hours in the previous calendar year. Vacation is awarded on
January 1st. The required amount of hours worked to earn vacation goes down with tenure.
Personal Assistance Time (PAT)
Personal assistance time is paid time off to use in the case of illness or other emergencies. You
must request PAT in advance. Please make PAT requests to the supervisor. They must verify
available PAT prior to approval. The Company does not pay unused PAT time upon termination.
PAT Accrual
Corporate employees and all unit managers will accrue 4 hours of PAT per month, after thirty
days of employment, to a maximum of 40 hours per year. Thereafter, we award PAT every
January 1 to eligible employees. Employees may accumulate up to a balance of 80 hours of
PAT. Employees who have accrued in excess of 80 hours of PAT as of December 31, 2004, may
keep and use those hours until they drop to a balance of 80 hours, at which time 120 hours
becomes the new accrual balance maximum.
Use of PAT
You may take PAT in increments of 4 or 8 hours for AMs and Corporate Hourly employees, and
full days only for GMs and Corporate salaried employees. The Company pays PAT at regular
time (no OT) only, and will not be considered toward the calculation of overtime.
Employees who work at least 1250 hours in twelve consecutive months may apply to take
Family or Medical Leave in the case of the birth or adoption of a child, severe illness, or to care
for a sick family member. Family Leave is unpaid leave: you will be required to use any
accumulated vacation and PAT time before going to unpaid level. You may take up to twelve
weeks of unpaid leave and return to the same or a similar position. While on any type of leave,
you will be responsible for any health care premiums and must arrange to pay premiums or the
Employee Manual
To help ensure a safe, healthy and productive work environment for employees of the Company,
to protect Company property and to assure efficient operations, the Company has adopted a
safety policy on drugs and alcohol. This policy prohibits you and other employees working on
Company premises from reporting to work or from working with detectable levels of drugs,
alcohol, and/or other substances that affect your ability to perform work safely.
We allow prescription and over-the-counter drugs if
 The drugs are prescribed by an authorized medical practitioner
 The drugs are limited to a one day supply at work, or are in the original container
 If the drugs produce hazardous effects that may impair an employee’s ability to perform
work, the Company may consult a medical doctor for recommendations on work status.
The Company may from time to time administer tests to ensure your cooperation:
 We might request urine and/or blood screening tests of any employee on Company
property, if probable cause is established by the supervisor on duty and his/her supervisor
the Human Resources Department.
 We might request urine and/or blood screening tests of Company personnel and others on
the Company properties who are involved in an on-the-job accident that requires medical
treatment or that involves damage to company property.
ADA Policy
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires an employer to provide reasonable
accommodations for otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities, unless it would cause
undue hardship. A reasonable accommodation is any change in the work environment or in the
way someone performs a job that would enable a person with a disability to enjoy equal
employment opportunities.
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Management Referral Program
People enjoy working with friends and people whom they know. Refer a manager to Taco Bueno
and if the candidate is hired, you can earn cash bonuses! See your District Manager or call HR at
972-417-4808 for details.
Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Supplemental Insurance
Taco Bueno offers its managers the opportunity to participate in the company Health Insurance
plans. All managers are eligible upon hire or promotion. See your manager or call Human
Resources at 972-417-4837 for information.
All employees of the Company are eligible to participate in the 401K savings plan. See your
manager or call Human resources at 972-417-4837 for information.
Tuition Reimbursement
Taco Bueno offers reimbursement to all full-time employees who take courses from an
accredited college or university. The maximum amount of reimbursement is $300 per semester,
to a maximum of $1000 per calendar year. You must submit a copy of your transcript at the end
of the semester and have passed the classes for which you are seeking reimbursement.
Vacation policy
The Company awards vacation time based on the length of time the employee has worked for the
Company. Vacation time is awarded annually beginning on January 1st, and must be used by
Dec. 31st.
Newly hired Management or Corporate employees must be employed for six consecutive months
before taking paid vacation days. The direct supervisor must approve all time-off requests in
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Taco Bueno
Employment of Relatives
Taco Bueno encourages employees to refer new employees, including family members, to the
Company. The existing employee is responsible for disclosing any relationship with a potential
employee to the existing employee’s supervisor.
We prohibit family members from working in a restaurant where another family member is a
member of Management. This policy applies to all restaurant managers. The Company prohibits
relatives of a district Manager from working in that district Managers district. We also prohibit
relatives of a Vice President of Operations or Director of Operations from working in those
respective regions.
The Company prohibits relatives of any Directors or VPs from working at the corporate offices
in any position.
Work Relations
Taco Bueno recognizes that employees may develop personal relationships during employment.
However, in an effort to prevent favoritism, moral problems, disputes or misunderstandings, and
potential harassment claims, we discourage managers from dating or maintaining personal
relationships with subordinate employees. This includes living together as roommates,
socializing outside of work in casual events where people are serving alcohol. If such a
relationship currently exists or begins, it is the responsibility of the manager to bring the
relationship to the attention of his/her District Manager and/or Human Resources so that they can
make proper arrangements.
Employee Manual
All Managers and employees are never to be in the store alone. Opening and closing
employees should enter and exit the building together. Any employee failing to
adhere to this policy will be subject to immediate termination.
Workplace Safety Policy
It is the intent of the Company to provide a safe workplace for employees and to provide a
comfortable and secure atmosphere for employees, customers and others with whom we do
business. The company will not tolerate any form of violent act or threat of violence.
Possession of weapons and concealed weapons by non-law enforcement personnel is
unacceptable on the premises of all Taco Bueno properties.
Employees within the Company share the responsibility in the identification and alleviation of
threatening or violent behaviors. Any employee who is subjected to or threatened with violence,
or who is aware of another individual who has be subjected to or threatened with violence,
should immediately report the information to their supervisor, a member of management of
Human Resources.
Guest Service
All employees of Taco Bueno are here to serve our guest, whether directly or indirectly.
Satisfying our guests is the main goal of all of our restaurants. As an employee of Taco Bueno,
you must treat all guests professionally, courteously and with respect. We want you to give the
guest 100% of your attention while you are working. Occasionally, a guest may have a
complaint. Always treat a guest complaint seriously and respectfully and notify a manager
immediately. Some guests may become upset and it is very important that you remain calm and
sincerely assist the guests in getting any errors corrected.
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Security Policy
Because we value our employees, we will strictly enforce these policies. If an employee
knowingly violates these policies or allows any other employee to violate these policies, s/he
is putting everyone’s safety at risk. The following policies are to protect everyone’s safety:
The back door is to be locked from outside opening at all times
All employees and vendors are required to enter and exit through the front door.
The back door may open during daylight hours only to remove trash, accept deliveries
or provide access to the building for recognized vendors. Under no circumstances is
the door to open when the safe is unlocked and the manager is preparing the deposit.
Only authorized personnel include managers, scheduled employees and recognized
vendors present for official business reason. We do not allow unauthorized persons
on the premise before opening or after closing. Unauthorized personnel include
former employees, unscheduled employees, employees’’ friends, relatives, or
associates and employees from other stores.
The back door is never to be propped open. During deliveries, if the back door is
open, an employee must guard it.
All excess cash is to be regularly removed from the cash registers by them manager
on duty and put immediately into the safe.
The cashier is to immediately notify the manager when s/he receives a bill larger that
a $20 so it may be deposited into the safe.
All employees should move their vehicles to the front of the restaurant immediately
after the dinner rush, so that they are close to the front doors.
Employment of Minors
All persons employed by Taco Bueno must be at least 16 years of age. The minimum age for
shift leaders is 18.
Additionally, in each restaurant there may be equipment that may not be used and/or duties that
may not be performed by employees who are under 18 years of age.
State and local laws may vary. Each restaurant must comply with all applicable regulations.
Regarding any questions, please contact Human resources.
Rehire Policy
The Company may consider former employees who left Taco Bueno while in good standing for
Restaurant hourly employees, including former Shift Managers, must have the approval of the
District Manager before the employee is eligible for rehire. The GM considering the rehire must
contact his/her DM prior to approving the rehire. The DM must contact HR to get the details of
the previous separation reviewed. Any employee considered for rehire must complete a new
Taco Bueno
application, and provide updated information. Including any positions held with other employers.
Failure to get DM approval will mean dismissal for the employee.
Former managers must have the approval of the Operations VP for rehire. The Ops VP should
contact HR to have the contents of the manager’s employment file reviewed. All management
candidates will complete an application and a background check prior to rehire. A returning
manager may also have his/her employment references verified prior to rehire.
Anyone returning to a position requiring a criminal and/or DMV check must have the check
performed as a condition of rehire.
Employee Manual
Taco Bueno encourages the maintenance of a safe work environment by offering a
comprehensive safety program, including incentives for maintaining a safe work place.
While common sense and caution will prevent most accidents, each restaurant is responsible
for having a safety Coordination. The Safety Coordinator will schedule monthly safety
meetings to review conditions in the restaurant and to recommend repairs or changes in
procedures to help insure a safe workplace. Restaurants that remain accident free are eligible
to receive quarterly awards for the GM, the Safety Coordinators, and some crewmembers.
Most accidents are caused by unsafe acts or unsafe conditions. The Company expects that its
employees will exercise care while working, including practicing safe lifting techniques and
keeping floors dry and clean. If you have a concern of are unsure how to perform certain
duties, please see your general Manager. In the case of an accident, notify your manager
Operating Restaurant Equipment
Bridge of Service
Should an employee or manager leave the Company in good standing and choose to return to
Taco Bueno, and the length of absence from the Company is 60 days or less, the returning
person’s tenure is restorable, including vacation award amounts and benefits eligibility.
PAT balances are forfeit upon departure and will not be restored.
Bar From Employment
An applicant or employee who was terminated for violating policy or who resigned in lieu of
termination will be ineligible for rehire.
In addition, the Company reserves the right not to rehire any persons with previous history of
below standard performance, attendance or cooperation problems, and any other documented
employment problem.
Disciplinary Action
Minors (16-17 year old) are not allowed to operate or clan, under any circumstances, the
heavy equipment that is in the restaurant including the fryer and the hand mixer.
Employees aged 18 and over shall be fully trained and certified on proper operating,
maintenance, cleaning and sanitizing procedures and safety precautions of any piece of heavy
Taco Bueno
Thin chain necklaces and simple post earrings no larger than a quarter. Males are limited
to one small earring, one ear only. Tongue or facial piercings are unacceptable while on
the clock.
Short, neat hair. Hair collar length or longer must be restrained. Multi-colored hair
designs cut into the hair are unacceptable. Hair color must be a natural shade.
Clean-shaven face, side burns kept above the ear lobe. Mustache kept trimmed with hair
kept above the upper lip.
Clean nails and hands without any nail polish. Nail length kept less than one inch.
Uniform Provisions
We will provide all employees an initial uniform shirt. The employee must purchase any
additional shirts. Upon the termination of employment, employees will be required to return
the uniforms or be subject to having the uniform costs deducted from the employee’s
paycheck. Employees will be required to sign the uniform agreement upon receipt of
uniform shirts.
Personal Hygiene
In the restaurant business, our most important obligation is to protect the health and welfare
of our guest. One of the ways to do this is for all employees to practice good personal
hygiene habits. These habits include keeping hair restrained at all times, frequent hand
washing, and the proper and thorough covering of all puncture wounds.
Additionally, you must clean all work clothes between shifts and remove all food particles.
You must also keep your hair and skin clean and eliminate bodily odor through frequent
You must wash your hands throughout the shift, especially after smoking, handling money,
using the restroom, eating of drinking.
Safety Policy
Employee Manual
The Company and its managers use several forms of disciplinary action, including verbal
warnings, written warnings, suspensions and termination. The disciplinary action taken depends
on the severity of the infraction, the previous history of the person receiving the discipline, and
the affect on the restaurant, the guest and employees. In most situations, the Company
recommends a 24-hour review period prior to the termination of any employee.
Taco Bueno
Employee Manual
Attendance Standards
We expect all employees to make every effort to work their scheduled shift. If you cannot work
your shift, it is your responsibility to find a suitable replacement. If unable to find a replacement,
you must notify your manager at least 2 hours in advance of the start of your shift. If you do not
call in and you do not report to work, you will receive disciplinary action, up to and including
termination. Failure to report or call in for three consecutive shifts (or days) will be considered
voluntary job abandonment. Leaving your shift without permission is also grounds for
Uniform and Appearance Standards
Because we have selected you to serve our guests, we expect and insist that you adhere to our
uniform and appearance standards. While under the employment of Taco Bueno, please do not
radically alter your appearance in the form of excessive, large or visible tattoos, unnatural hair
colors, or visible body piercing that you cannot remove or cover up during working hours. You
must cover all tattoos while working.
Taco Bueno Uniform Standards
The Company will provide restaurant managers and employees with uniform shirts. Restaurant
Managers may wear their choice of black, navy or khaki slacks. Everyone must wear the proper
uniform at all times when on the job and meet the following criteria
 Clean, pressed uniform shirt with no holes and tucked in.
 Clean black slacks, pressed with no holes, and not faded. Cargo pants, painters’ pants,
and jeans are unacceptable. Pants must fit on the natural waist or hip, and not be worn
excessively low beneath the hip. Women may wear black mid-calf length skirts when
appropriate (no denim).
 Black shoes with rubber sole. They must have a closed heel and toe, polished and in
good condition. You should wear them with dark colored socks.
 Clean, untarnished nametag.