Bibliografia tematica Galileo

Bibliografia tematica
ADLER, C. G. & COULTER, B. L. 1978. Galileo and tower of pisa experiment. American Journal of Physics,
46, 199-201.
ANDRADE, E. N. D. C. 1964. Galileo. Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 19, 120-130.
ASHKENAZI, V. 2000. The challenges facing Galileo. Space Policy, 16, 185-188.
BOLTZ, C. L. 1983. And yet it moves - the most famous trial in the history of science was held in April
1633 - Galilei,Galileo was charged with heresy by the Papal Inquisition. New Scientist, 98, 25-29.
BROWN, H. I. 1985. Galileo on the Telescope and the Eye. Journal of the History of Ideas, 46, 487-501.
BURNS, J. A. 2010. The four hundred years of planetary science since Galileo and Kepler. Nature, 466,
CHALMERS, A. 1985. Galileo telescopic-observations of Venus and Mars. British Journal for the
Philosophy of Science, 36, 175-184.
COHEN, I. B. 1942. The Heritage of Galileo. The Scientific Monthly, 54, 283-287.
COYNE, G. V. 2013. Science meets biblical exegesis in the Galileo affair. Zygon, 48, 221-229.
DRAKE, S. 1976. Galileo's first telescopic observations. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 7, 153-68.
GENDLER, T. S. 1998. Galileo and the indispensability of scientific thought experiment. British Journal for
the Philosophy of Science, 49, 397-424.
GIANNETTO, E. 2012. Galileo, modern science and the principle of inertia. Galilaeana-Journal of Galilean
Studies, 9, 137-151.
GRANEY, C. M. & SIPES, H. 2009. Regarding the potential impact of double star observations on
conceptions of the universe of stars in the early 17th century. Baltic Astronomy, 18, 93-108.
HALD, A. 1986. Galileo's Statistical Analysis of Astronomical Observations. International Statistical
Review / Revue Internationale de Statistique, 54, 211-220.
KOWAL, C. T. & DRAKE, S. 1980. Galileo observations of Neptune. Nature, 287, 311-313.
KVASZ, L. 2012. Galileo, Descartes, and Newton - founders of the language of physics. Acta Physica
Slovaca, 62, 519-614.
LESCHIUTTA, S. 2002. Galileo's novel instruments. Giornale di Fisica, 65-94.
NORTON, J. D. & ROBERTS, B. W. 2012a. Galileo's Refutation of the Speed-Distance Law of Fall
Rehabilitated. Centaurus, 54, 148-164.
NORTON, J. D. & ROBERTS, B. W. 2012b. The Scaling of Speeds and Distances in Galileo's Two New
Sciences: A Reply to Palmerino and Laird. Centaurus, 54, 182-191.
PALMIERI, P. 2005. 'Spuntar lo scoglio piu duro': did Galileo ever think the most beautiful thought
experiment in the history of science? Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 36A, 223-240.
PALMIERI, P. 2009. A phenomenology of Galileo's experiments with pendulums. British Journal for the
History of Science, 42, 479-513.
PICCOLINO, M. & WADE, N. J. 2008. Galileo's eye: A new vision of the senses in the work of Galileo
Galilei. Perception, 37, 1312-1340.
PORTO, C. M. & PORTO, M. B. D. S. M. 2009. Galileo, Descartes and the elaboration of the principle of
inertia. Revista Brasileira De Ensino De Fisica, 31.
POSTL, A. 1977. Correspondence between Kepler and Galileo. Vistas in Astronomy, 21, 325-30.
RAPHAEL, R. J. 2012. Printing Galileo's Discorsi: A Collaborative Affair. Annals of Science, 69, 483-513.
REEVES, E. 2009. Kingdoms of Heaven: Galileo and Sarpi on the Celestial. Representations, 105, 61-84.
RON, C. 1997. Galileo Explores the Galilean Moons. Science News, 152, 90-91.
RON, N. 2007. Galileo’s Tidal Theory. Isis, 98, 1-22.
SLICHTER, C. S. 1943. Galileo. American Scientist, 31, 168-176.
SPILLER, E. A. 2000. Reading through Galileo's Telescope: Margaret Cavendish and the Experience of
Reading. Renaissance Quarterly, 53, 192-221.
STAVIS, B. 1990. Lamp at Midnight: A Play about Galileo. Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature, 2, viii.
STRANO, G. 2009. Galileo's telescope: history, scientific analysis, and replicated observations.
Experimental Astronomy, 25, 17-31.
WHITAKER, E. A. 1978. Galileo's lunar observations and the dating of the composition of `Sidereus
nuncius'. Journal for the History of Astronomy, 9, 155-69.
WILSON, D. B. 2011. William Whewell, Galileo, And reconceptualizing the History of Science and
Religion. Notes and Records of the Royal Society, 65, 343-358.
WINKLER, M. G. & HELDEN, A. V. 1992. Representing the Heavens: Galileo and Visual Astronomy. Isis, 83,