November 2015 - Cosmopolitan Industries

Cosmopolitan Industries participated
in the awareness campaign of supported employment for people with
disabilities. Excitement began a week
prior to the celebration following personalized invitations addressed to
each of the 80 individuals involved in
the community work program. On
The day of the celebration was held on
October 23rd and began with a catered
lunch from our cafeteria staff. Following the meal, opening tributes were
made by the coordinator and a video
that captured individuals at their placements; a highlight enjoyed by all. The
job coaches who have had an impact
on participants’ success made special
tributes to recognize each individual
and to present certificates of appreciation and a small token of a new monogrammed water bottle. As each individual was recognized, the room burst
with cheers and applause for one another. To end the event, closing comments were made by the Executive
In reflection, it is apparent that the
celebration was an important time for
the day of the event, the cafeteria was
converted into a banquet room that
included linens on tables and beautiful
terrarium centrepieces that were created by our seniors division for the
occasion. Following the celebration,
each terrarium was presented to all
community placements. They were
our gift of appreciation in order to
recognize work place inclusion for all
the individuals in the program.
Contracts Division
Participants have been
involved in blanketmaking and would love
to show off their talents at Christmas
Participants, along with Staff, will be
selling raffle tickets for
Tickets will one of the handmade
blankets from Novembe
1for 50 ¢ ber 16th until the draw
is held at the Christor 3 for mas Dinner on
December 4th.
Leanne Forrester—Job Coach,
Jeanelle Traynor—Pathways to
Jason Ulsifer—Building Maintenance Worker, Facility Division
Tracey Janzen—Volunteer
Coordinator, Program Division
everyone in the program.
The room beamed of pride, at times
there were tears of joy, hugs and
cheers of excitement. This was truly a
day of everyone coming together to
celebrate in each other's success and to
celebrate the value in having a meaningful role in the community!
Fri. Dec. 4—Cosmo Christmas Dinner, Participants
only. Theme: “Silver
Screen Movies” Dance,
Christmas Bingo, crafts,
music and more!
Thurs. Dec 10—Pathways
annual Craft and Bake Sale
Thurs. Dec 24—closed
Fri. Dec. 25—Cosmo
Mon. Dec. 28– Cosmo
Thurs. Dec 31—closed
Fri. Jan. 1, 2016—Cosmo
View our Cosmo Communicator in COLOUR on our updated website—
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Cindy Toews was
instrumental in the
success of a Saskatchewan nonprofit charity this
past summer.
Athlete Saskatchewan
camps presented
32 weekly summer basketball
camps for youth from all across
Saskatchewan and beyond in
Saskatoon and Regina during July
and August. An important way that
YAS makes members of the community aware of opportunities for
children and teens is through volunteer-manned information kiosks
in shopping malls whenever there
is no regular school classes for children and teens.
Without being asked, Cindy came
forward and offered her services to
help YAS as a volunteer mall-kiosk
manager at the Centre at Circle and
8th. She served on her days off
The Cosmo Communicator
from her regular work at Cosmo
Industries and after her work hours
during late afternoons and early
evenings. However, on Sundays
she was actively involved at her
church and was unavailable to
manage the kiosk.
Cindy was completely reliable. She
was never late or absent. She was
always positive with all who came
up to the information kiosk. She
was inspiring to other volunteers.
As a result of Cindy’s excellent
work and her very special communication and people skills, parents
and youths were made aware of
unique opportunities available to
them at YAS summer basketball
camps. In recognition of her valuable contribution to the community
through YAS, Cindy Toews of
Cosmo Industries has been named
as one of the recipients of the
“2015 Young Athlete Saskatchewan Leadership Awards.”
Robert Hall, M.Ed., Ph.D
YAS Summer Camps Director
Rose, as many of us knew her, passed away peacefully in her sleep at her home, Elmwood Manor.
Rose was born in Nipawin, Saskatchewan moving to
Prince Albert for many of her adult years. In the later
years, Rose moved to Saskatoon living in a Kinsmen
group home on Preston Avenue before moving to
Elmwood Manor. Rose began her career with Cosmopolitan Industries
on December 14, 1976. During her career at Cosmo, Rose worked in
various areas of the Contracts Division on jobs such as pots, collating,
packaging, and whatever job she chose for the day. Rose always balanced work with avocational activities in Seniors until she began attending Seniors full time. Rose’s family describes her as a blessing who
shared her laughter, happiness and hugs. This laughter and happiness
was often seen at work. Rose will be remembered for her true friendship,
her love of music and animals and her love of Tim Horton’s Coffee.
Rose, we will miss your smile, stories, friendship and enthusiasm. Your
coworkers and friends at Cosmo will miss you. You may be gone but
will always be remembered.
Lynn Dawson
Life Enrichment Division (Seniors)
Lyle was born
Robert Lyle Brash
and was originally
from Meacham,
SK. Lyle passed
away peacefully in
his home on Sunday, September 13,
2015. Lyle came to
Cosmo on March
28, 1984, and worked in the Waste Reduction Division on the paper trucks collecting paper and cardboard until 2007.
From 2007 until 2012 Lyle went on to
work in the Paper Sort Division until it
became “Pathways to Opportunity” in
2012. Lyle took pride in his job and was
recently given the job of recycle pick up
in offices within the building. He was so
dedicated to his job and would never miss
a day. If for some reason he was not going to be here, Lyle always made sure to
tell his supervisors that he would need
someone to cover his job.
Lyle loved playing cards especially crib
and kings in the corner. He also enjoyed
playing bingo twice a week and took pride
in calling the numbers. He would often
say “this way I get 2 chances of winning
prizes!” Lyle liked telling stories and
talking about cars. His knowledge of cars
and trucks was amazing. Lyle also liked
to collect books that he thought staff
would enjoy. Many times if there was a
book on your desk, it was Lyle leaving
them there for you to read; sometimes
even ones you didn't want to read. He
kept us informed on sales at the grocery
stores and deals on oil changes! Lyle was
a very independent man who loved helping his coworkers in any way he could.
He would take them to the door at home
time, assist them in putting on their jackets, and take his friend Garry to the cafeteria at lunch times.
At his funeral, his niece made a fitting
statement: “Lyle you were for sure our
gentle and kind giant.”
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Just a reminder to ensure participants are dressed
warmly for the winter weather and all of their belongings are labelled. Also, please keep our drivers safe
by cleaning and de-icing your walkways. Drivers
may withhold transportation if participants are not
dressed warmly or if the walkway is unsafe.
Thank you.
Helen Topola
Transportation Co-ordinator
The Cosmo Communicator
Cosmo’s annual Christmas Party will
be held on December 4th, for participants only. The theme is ‘Silver
Screen Movies’ and all areas will be
decorated in the theme of a certain Christmas movie!
There will be a traditional Christmas dinner with turkey
and all of the fixings, followed by a fun-filled afternoon of
activities. DJ Kush will be rockin’ the tunes in the gym
with a dance, Christmas bingo in the cafeteria, a craft in
Pathways, musical entertainment in LSTD, and a movie in
seniors. Please watch for upcoming pickup times for the
day. Participants will be welcomed in the morning with
lovely piano playing in the front entrance and it’s sure to
be a great day!
Kathleen Jungwirth,
Rec Coordinator
Artist’s Corner
With winter on its way, it’s important to remember
some simple steps to be ready for the cold, snow
and ice!
 Dress in layers to prevent frostbite
 Wear proper winter footwear such as boots
or shoes with rubber tread
 Keep all walkways cleared of ice and snow
 Be careful of slippery surfaces inside
 Practice safe walking on slippery surfaces
by taking slow, small steps
 Take extra caution
when entering and
exiting vehicles
 Assist those in need
while walking outside
 When driving, plan
your journey, stick to
major routes where
possible, and allow
extra time for travel.
Over the summer, Doug Calder, along with several of his
staff, have taken up creating art outside. Doug’s day at
Cosmo is mostly community based and he enjoys places
like the forestry farm, so we brought paint and canvases
and had some fun. Doug picked out his colors and with
staff assistance, diluted the paint , put the canvases on the
ground and then created his own unique “drip paintings”
by pouring the paint on the canvases and letting them drip
dry in his van. Doug’s artwork was displayed in the front
display case at Cosmo. He
also took home a painting
that he created that hangs in
the dining area of his house.
We also have an example of
his artwork in the CES area.
Doug Calder
Adrienne Pelchat
Programs Division
Nicole Hollingshead
Programs Division
Painting by Doug Calder
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The Cosmo Communicator
A huge thank
you to Galon Insurance for putting on a
haunted house!
Kevin L., Lorraine M., Joanne S., Michelle K., and Gary
H. are just a few of our participants who were very happy
and excited to have fun wearing their Halloween special
accessories made by Personal Supports staffs.
Larry Glow and Lisa Chavaday from Service and Hospitality Safety Association (SHSA) were here as part of our safety
focused professional development day in October. They did four presentations:
1. Slips, trips and falls-They reviewed the importance of good housekeeping, cleaning up spills as soon as you see
them, the importance of wearing proper footwear and reporting concerns to your managers.
2. WHMIS and GHS (Workplace Hazardous Material Information System and Global Harmonized System)-This was a
review of symbols that are found on cleaning chemical bottles and products that we may use on a regular basis. We reviewed the importance of knowing the products we are using and the hazards that are associated with each product. As
we move closer to a global system, some of our labels and symbols will change.
3. Power Mobile Equipment-The importance of having the proper training to operate
each piece of equipment and ensuring we are following the regulations set out for this
type of training. If you don’t have training, don’t operate equipment.
4. Ladder safety-The importance of checking the ladder before each use, ensuring you
are using the correct ladder for the task and if the ladder is unsafe to use, others must be
notified and the ladder cannot be used until fixed or replaced.
Would you consider setting aside
It was a great morning filled with many questions that the SHSA reps were able to anyour Plastic Milk Jugs for Cosmo
swer. Thanks to everyone for their help in making the morning a success.
to recycle? Simply remove the
Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
lids, give them a rinse, flatten
Special thanks to McDonalds for the donation of coffee, juice, cookies and muffins.
them, and bring them to our
Heather Cone
Safety Advisor
OH&S co-chair
facility, put them loose in your
Cosmo Blue Bin or drop them in
a City Recycling Depot. Thanks!