2015 annual report - The Santa Barbara Botanic Garden

R. Wright
2016 Annual Report 1
Pritzlaff Conservation Center phases of construction
2015 was a year
focused on building –
our internal capacity,
our gardens, and a
new structure. The
Pritzlaff Conservation
Center (PCC) was under
construction all year
long, moving from
nothing but a hole in
the ground, to a truly
recognizable structure.
As the PCC took shape,
it was a wonderful metaphor for all the
other work going on at the Garden behind
the scenes.
Our Education Department added more
classes and workshops to reach a diverse
audience, while also attracting significant
grant support. Frédérique Lavoipierre
was promoted to Director of Education in
recognition of successes, and the department
continued to grow to 2.5 staff. This increased
capacity allows us to broaden our curriculum
which includes horticulture, botany, and
family programming.
We saw similar success in our Conservation
and Research Program, with the addition
of a Research Technician early in the year,
and the selection of our new Rare Plant
Botanist in December (though she will not
start with us until April 2016). This will bring
the number of full time conservation staff
2 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
to four, in addition to the many fantastic
research associates who will move into the
new Conservation Center in May 2016.
Our gardens grew as well, as we installed
both the Maze and the Wooded Dell (both
projects funded by the Garden Club of
Santa Barbara) as well as the hardscape and
initial planting for the redevelopment of
our Water Wise Home Garden. All three of
these gardens will be ready for their grand
opening May 1, 2016. And to keep up with
our growing garden, we added additional
part time staff in accounting, the Garden
shop, and our visitor services department.
Most importantly, all the change and growth
this year at the Garden had one goal – to
safeguard the future of California’s native
plants. We are grateful to all the generous
supporters of our mission who make
this possible.
Steve Windhager, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Flora of Catalina Island Draft Completed
The Garden's Plant Systematist, Matt Guilliams, completed a draft version of the book A Flora of Santa Catalina
Island. The draft was submitted to the Catalina Island
Conservancy at the end of 2015, and has an anticipated
publication date of late 2016. This book will serve as the
authoritative reference for all plant species of the island,
providing island visitors and biologists alike with detailed
information on the island and its incredible flora.
Nearly 3,000 Channel Islands Plant Specimens Processed
The Garden's Herbarium was a bustle of activity in 2015.
With a National Park Service contract to process over two
thousand specimens from the Channel Islands into the collection as well as an impending move to expanded space
in the new Pritzlaff Conservation Center, Matt Guilliams
and new Conservation Technician Chris Garoutte worked
with a greatly expanded volunteer group to meet our
deadlines. We accessioned nearly three thousand plant
specimens into the collection over this last year, many of
which came from the long career of former Garden taxonomist, Steve Junak.
Building capacity to conserve the central coast’s
rarest plants
Director of Conservation Denise Knapp worked hard to
bolster our rare plants program in 2015. Begun two decades ago by Dr. Dieter Wilken, this important program
has never had the luxury of a full-time position. This year,
we were able to hire a new full-time Rare Plant Biologist,
Dr. Heather Schneider, who will start in early 2016. We
also continued population and pollinator monitoring for
three locally rare species, focused on rare plant conservation at our annual Pritzlaff Conservation Symposium, and
brought six new plant species into our long-term seed
bank, which can be used for future restoration, research,
or just as an insurance policy against extinction. This last
effort was part of a new state-wide collaborative, the California Plant Rescue, which aims to safeguard all of the
state’s rarest plant species through seed banking. Native plant hedgerows on 3 local farms
We made great progress on our native plant hedgerows
project this year, which harnesses the power of natives
to support on-farm pollinator and pest control biodiversity, making them more sustainable. After networking to
find progressive farms willing to try this practice and con-
The red color in this San Nicolas Island landscape is from invasion of
crystalline iceplant.
ducting pilot pollinator monitoring in 2013 and 2014, we
worked to remove legal barriers to the practice in 2015,
and got deeper into planning the outreach components
of the project. By year’s end, Chris Garoutte and Denise
Knapp (along with dedicated volunteers and one high
school intern) installed hedgerows on three local farms,
which we will maintain and monitor in 2016 and beyond.
New restoration project on San Nicolas Island
Crystalline iceplant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
invades California coastal habitats, displacing native
plants and making soils more saline -- and likely altering insect communities as well. In 2015, Denise and Chris
began a project on San Nicolas Island that will see how
these impacts change as the iceplant becomes more dominant. Then we will use experimental techniques aiming to
restore native biodiversity, including not only the plants
and insects, but also biological soil crust organisms like
cyanobacteria and algae.
Conservation Benchmarks
13 Active research & restoration contracts
4 Active research & restoration grants
9 New contracts secured
2 New grants secured
2,997 Specimens curated into the Herbarium
10,588,342 Hits on our herbarium specimens via CCH
6 Rare plants species conserved with longterm seed collections
24,487 Seeds in those collections
10 Public lectures/presentations given
20 Professional presentations given
2 Classes offered (including one quarter-long
University level)
1 Peer-reviewed journal articles published
1,942 Insect specimens collected and curated
Channel Islands
plant specimen
Catalina mariposa lily
(Calochortus catalinae)
on Catalina Island
2016 Annual Report 3
D. Knapp
K. Hehnke
D. Knapp
Education at the Garden continues to offer a broad
range of opportunities to a diverse audience. An
increase in staffing expanded our reach, and we have
increased and improved classes, certificate programs
and public tours, and built on our well-established
School Tour Program. We have greatly improved
public visibility of our education programs, with a
redesign of both the Classes and Events listings on our
website, and the Ironwood Calendar. To maximize our
mission impact, we developed a plan for the Garden to
incorporate contemporary interpretive techniques into
our signage, volunteer and staff training, and digital
and printed media, and developed tools for evaluation
of Garden programs.
Citizen Science Club & California Naturalists
We have established a Citizen Science Club, acting as a
hub for training and dialogue on citizen science in the
community. We’ve added a citizen science page to our
website that features projects that can be conducted
on Garden grounds and at other sites. The UC Certified
California Naturalist Program, launched in 2012, serves
as a foundation for docent training, both at the Garden
and at other regional organizations. We now have over
100 program graduates who have enjoyed lectures, labs
and field trips with regional experts in natural history.
School Programs
A new web page features teacher resources that
facilitate watershed education in the classroom and
includes an extensive annotated list of resources
(with links), with instructions on writing place-based,
environmental curriculum, examples of activities for
both in and out of the classroom, and background
information. In 2015, our school tours served 1,741
students from 25 elementary schools in 10 districts,
including the Santa Barbara, Goleta Union, and Hope
School Districts. In addition, we offered 8 Science Nights
– doubling the number of schools visited in 2014 –
serving another 1,673 students who may not have access
E. Isaacs
to our onsite Garden education. In addition to our
school tours, we launched our summer tour program for
local camps offering five tours to 157 campers.
Docent & Self-guided Tours
Our docent corps is growing, and we offered 215 Docent-guided public tours serving 1,577 participants in
2015, and an additional 10 private scheduled tours for
170 adults. Self-guided group visits, including classes from UCSB, SBCC, Antioch and Westmont colleges
served 2,423 participants over 112 visits.
Public Education
We offer classes, workshops, field trips and lectures that
include horticulture, botany, family programming, arts
& letters, and travel. We offered 41 classes to 484 participants in 2015, and hosted 16 lectures for 583 participants. Our travel to the Channel Islands and on private
domecar train trips reached 295 participants. We host
regular meetings of the California Native Plant Society
Channel Islands Chapter.
4 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
2015 was a year of building at the Garden with several new gardens installed and building of the Pritzlaff
Conservation Center in full swing. The Garden was full
of energy even though our normally quiet and peaceful
atmosphere was regularly broken by the sound of tractors, jack-hammers and saws! A beautiful new redwood
bench, built by our master bench maker Dave Kershaw,
was installed at the entrance in honor of former director
Katherine Muller. In response to the continuing drought
we stopped watering on the Porter Trail and Tunnel Triangle and reduced watering Garden wide. For the most
part the living collections have survived but a wet 2016
would be a welcome event.
Home Demonstration Garden
In late 2015 we completely overhauled the Home
Demonstration Garden installing new paths with
permeable paving, removing some of the hardscape
elements and creating a new entry courtyard, dry creek
bed and rain garden. We removed most of the existing
plantings and revitalized
the soil with compost and
organic fertilizers. The
garden was replanted
with a palette of easy-togrow, beautiful natives
including monkey-flowers
(Diplacus), buckwheats
(Eriogonum), sages
(Salvia), and manzanitas
(Arctostaphylos). New
signage and exhibits
demonstrate how to store
and retain rainwater on
site, and how to use mulch and worm composting to
create a more sustainable, water-wise home garden.
Wooded Dell and Maze
The Garden partnered with the Garden Club of Santa
Barbara to create two new gardens to commemorate
the Club’s one hundredth anniversary. The first installed
was the Maze which is located in the canyon at the
Garden’s old island section. The maze was designed by
artist and Garden Club member Lenore Hughes and
planted in December 2014 using coyote brush (Baccharis
pilulariss).The Maze represents the anchoring element
for the future Backcountry Adventure Garden where
children will experience and learn about nature in an
informal way.
The Wooded Dell surrounds the Lockwood de Forest
designed Campbell Bench, one of the Garden’s historic
landmarked features. This beautiful bench had effectively been hidden for years by the overgrown vegetation
along the Campbell Trail. We took inspiration from the
Trail’s dedication plaque which reads: “A Trail through a
Wooded Dell dedicated to Peace and Meditation” when
designing the garden. A variety of large-leaved, decid-
uous trees and shrubs were planted to give the space a
lush, light-green look that contrasts with the dark green
of the surrounding live oak woodland. The Dell will have
its big, bright moment in early spring when the maples
(Acer macrophyllum), ashes (Fraxinus dipetla and F. velutina), redbuds (Cercis occidentalis), and currants (Ribes)
burst into leaf and flower. An understory of coral-bells
(Heuchera), ferns (Polypodium, Woodwardia and Drypoteris) columbine (Aquilegia), and iris are tied together by
an ingenious ribbon of leafy reed grass (Calamagrostis
foliosa) and California fescue (Festuca californica).
Meadow Revival Project
Renovation of the Meadow display has been underway
for the last three years and is still a work in progress.
Our goal is to return the Meadow to its historic
condition and reestablish the beloved wildflower
shows of years past. We have successfully restored the
original outline of the Meadow and meadow borders,
removed lawns, paths and large shrubs and worked
mightily to reduce the weed load. The spectacular show
of California poppy that graced the Meadow during
the spring of 2015 invoked
memories of decades past.
We are still working to
establish the Meadow’s
base planting of blue grama
grass which will hold the
space and provide visual
interest during the dry
season. About1000 new
plugs were planted in late
summer to replace those
that had not survived from
the initial planting in 2014.
Building Project
We grew a building this year! Slowly, but surely, the
Pritzlaff Conservation Center has emerged from the
ground. Starting as a big hole in the ground in January,
the building was fully formed – though not completed
- by the end of the year. Along the way there was a
tremendous amount of below-ground infrastructure
installed including three 15 thousand gallon water tanks
to collect rainwater off the site. A mountain of soil was
generated by all this work - most of which was used to
create a new, level work yard at the Hansen site. The
former work yard on the ridge above the horticulture
nursery is now a paved 35-space staff parking lot which
will help alleviate crowding in our main visitor lot.
The only impact to the main garden occurred when the
new sewer line was run up the main path in the Arroyo.
All the buildings on the west side of the Garden our now
connected to the sewer. The Horticulture department
has been busy planning and growing plants for the Island View garden which will surround the new building.
The garden will be comprised primarily of plants endemic
to the California and Baja California Channel islands. We
expect to install this garden in April 2016.
2016 Annual Report 5
Horticulture Unit Team
As we looked forward to our 90TH Anniversary in 2016
and the five new planned public garden displays,
we knew this meant growing our volunteer support
team in the Hort Unit that help supply the plants for
the garden grounds. As a result, the volunteer hours
in our Horticulture Nursery increased nearly 45%
in 2015.
Volunteers in our Hort Unit, located on the east side
of Mission Canyon, propagate plants from seeds and
cuttings. Our volunteers collect and clean seeds from
the grounds and from scheduled field trips. Volunteers
staff the Hort Unit four days a week working alongside
our Plant Propagation Manager, Heather Wehnau and
Bonnie Whitney, Plant Propagation Assistant. The volunteers enjoy learning techniques for propagating and
growing native plants.
Research and Conservation Team
In preparation for the move into our new Pritzlaff
Research & Conservation Center new volunteers were
added to our Research & Conservation team helping
to mount & press the dried plant specimen collection
for our Herbarium. As a result, the volunteer hours in
this department increased.
(HOURS X $26)
Top: propagating
plants for the new
display gardens
including Wooded
Dell, Home
Garden, Meadow,
and Maze.
Right: mounting
plant specimens
for our Herbarium
K. Castaneda
Volunteers are key across all departments:
Garden Growers
Citizen Science (LFM, CPP)
Education/Teen Program
Education/Special Projects
Library & Digital Photography
Living Collections/GIS
Garden Gift Shop
Garden Greeters
Garden Guild
Corporate/Group Community Service Days
Special Events
Court Appointed Community Service
6 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
K. Castaneda
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts and contracts receivable, net
Short-term pledges receivable, net
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Total Current Assets
December 2015
December 2014
Non-Current Assets
Long-term pledges receivable, net
Interests in charitable remainder trusts
Interests in perpetual trusts
Property and equipment, net
Total Non-Current Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Deferred revenue
Current portion of long term debt
Total Current Liabilities
Notes Payable
Notes payable
Total Notes Payable
2015 Revenue
K. Casteneda
2015 Expenses by Program
2016 Annual Report 7
Anna Dorinda Blaksley Bliss and her daughter Mildred
were both passionate about establishing the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and ensuring its ongoing success.
The Blaksley Bliss Society honors their legacy by recognizing donors who include the Garden in their estate
plans. In 2015, we were especially saddened by the loss
of Society member Connie Harvie. Her vision and commitment to the Garden will continue through her gift
to our endowment fund. We are honored to have the
listed individuals as Blaksley Bliss Society members.
8 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Angus & Jeri Andrews
Annonymous (2)
Mary Lou Ardohain
Michael R. Benedict
Peter & Charis Bratt
John & Ann Brinker
Marne Coggan & Debra Freidenberg
Patrick & Luella Connelly
John Cotton & Anne Cushing
Victoria Dillon
Jim Downing
Gary & Rebecca Eldridge
John & Martha Gabbert
Corinne Gallagher
Tom & Elizabeth Gerig
Constance Harvie
Ed & Carolyn Henderson
John & Shirley Hobson
Nancy Johnke
Anne Jones
Ann Koepfli
Jim & Patricia Lawson
Arthur Lindo & Julien Stuart
Dorothy MacCulloch
Rand & Gloria Molnar
Chapin & Cynthia Nolen
Alfred & Arleen Noreen
Anuja Parikh & Nathan Gale
Joy Ellen Podger
Richard & Beth Rogers
Catherine Rose
Barry & Susan Spector
Robert & Eileen Sweet
David & Karen Telleen-Lawton
Betsy Thies
Peggy K. Thompson
Mary Jean Thomson
Shirley Tucker
Robert & Linda Van Buren
Jill Vander Hoof
Lawrence Wallin
Georgia Young
$500,000 - $999,000
$250,000 - $499,000
Mrs. Constance Harvie
$100,000 - $249,000 The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
$50,000 - $99,000
Mr. and Mrs. John Gabbert
Elizabeth Bixby Janeway Foundation
Ms. Sara Miller McCune
The Mericos Foundation
Mrs. Nancy Poyourow
Dr. Charles J. Rennie and Dr. Teresa K. Nakashima
Dr. Shirley C. Tucker
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Anderson
Mrs. Natalya Y. Antonova
Mrs. Gloria Bryant
The Garden Club of Santa Barbara
The Godric Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hugunin
Hutton Parker Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Chapin Nolen
Santa Barbara Foundation
Alice Tweed Tuohy Foundation
WWW Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. Scott T. Deardorff
Mrs. Lou Greer Frost
Mrs. Marilyn Magid
S & S Seeds
Steinmetz Foundation
The Walter J. and Holly O. Thomson Foundation
Mrs. Louise Tighe
Mr. Dana White
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
Roy E. Crummer Foundation
Frank Schipper Construction
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Gibson
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennett
Dr. Ed Henderson and Mrs. Carolyn Kincaid
Montecito Bank & Trust
Dr. Anuja Parikh and Dr. Nathan Gale
Mr. Edward F. Roach and Ms. Elizabeth O'Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Robinson
Mr. Peter Schuyler and Dr. Lisa Stratton
Mr. Steve Senesac and Ms. Ann Steinmetz
The Chanticleer Foundation
The Raintree Foundation
The Towbes Foundation
Ms. Susan Van Atta and Mr. Kenneth Radtkey
Mr. Steve Windhager and Ms. Pamme Mickelson
$2,500 to $4,999
City of Santa Barbara Water Conservation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cohen
Corbu Construction
Deckers Outdoor Corp
Dr. Bob Haller and Dr. Nancy Vivrette
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hutchinson
Ms. Marian D. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Koopmans
Mrs. Lillian Lovelace
Riviera Insurance Services, LLC
Room & Board
VCA CARE Animal Hospital
Welch-Ryce_Haider Funeral Chapels
Mr. Hall F. Wilkie
2016 Annual Report 9
$1,000 to $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams
Advanced Veterinary Specialists
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Andelman
Ms. Margaret Baker
Mr. Michael R. Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Bernstein
Mrs. Barbara Bonadeo
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brinker
Ms. Shari Chambers
Mr. Thomas Craveiro
Damitz, Brooks, Nightingale, Turner & Morrisset
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Drasdo
Ehlen, Spiess & Haight, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Donnelley Erdman
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gerig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hazard, Jr.
Ms. Valerie Hoffman and Mr. Ronald Noe
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer G. Jackson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Jammalamadaka
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Janssen
Mr. and Mrs. Josiah C. Jenkins
Ms. Nancy Johnke
Mrs. Madge Kelley
Mr. Roger M. Perlmutter and Ms. Joan M. Kreiss
Mr. George Leis and Ms. Laurie Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Logan
Mrs. Ann Lorimer
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McClure
Mr. Hank Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mithun
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mohun
Mr. James O. Moore
Preston & Sterling Morton Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Norberg
Paydirt Pictures LLC
Mr. Marc Soltan and Ms. Carolyn Pidduck
Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree
Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Riesenfeld
Mr. Christian Stepien and Mrs. Melissa Riparetti-Stepien
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrold Rubin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Russell
Santa Barbara County Humane Society
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Scalapino
Ms. Kate Schepanovich
Mrs. Jean K. Schuyler
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Siegel
Ms. Beverly M. Smaniotto
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Spector
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapelmann
Steele Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Stern
Mr. Gebb Turpin
Mr. and Mrs. Hisashi Wakita
Mr. Lawrence Wallin
Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Warshaw
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Wiemann
10 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
The Woodward Fund
Mr. Oran R. Young and Ms. Gail Osherenko
$500 to $999
Mrs. Susan G. Adams
Arcadia Studio
Ms. Tanya Atwater
Mrs. Ruseell Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Tom T. Bolton
Ms. Susan E. Bower
Ms. Wendel M. Bruss
Mr. and Mrs. Roland F. Bryan
California Community Foundation
Carl E.Wynn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carlberg
Mrs. Juanita Carney
Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. George Chelini
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador De La Mora
Mr. M. Christopher Derick and Ms. Dana L. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Downing
Ms. Nina L. Dunbar
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Evans
Flowers and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Corinne Gallagher
Mrs. Virginia L.T. Gardner
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies
Dr. Michael A. Glassow and Dr. Anabel Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gonda
Ms. Margie Grace
Lenny Gumport and Wendy Munger
Mr. and Ms. Steven Hill
Mrs. and Mr. Joseph Jannotta
Ms. Mary Ann Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. David Kershaw
Mr. and Mrs. William Kincaid
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King
Ms. Gayle Kopitzke
Ms. Sheila Lodge
Mr. A. Michael Marzolla and Ms. Rose Wills
Mrs. Colleen Mathews
Mr. and Mrs. Jim M. McClure
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mendelsohn
Mr. Peter L. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Mulroy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman
Peaceful Pets Aquamation
Mr. Fred Perner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Peteler
Mrs. Susan B. Plumer
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Power
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Power
Mr. Jim Rivera
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Robeck
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Robison
Mr. Rudy Rodriguez and Ms. Carolyn Horsman
Ms. Catherine Rose
Ms. Diane Ross
Mr. Ray Sawhill and Ms. Polly A. Frost
Mr. Robert Schowe and Ms. Christina A. Schowe
Urban Eco Design
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Varney
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Weber
Mr. Jerome Weingartner and Dr. Carol Weingartner
Mr. Jules M. Zimmer
Dr. Joan Ariel and Dr. Ellen Broidy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Aronson
Mr. Michael Avenali and Ms. Panter
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Bachar, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bacharach
Ms. Jill K. Barnitz
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Barrymore
$100 to $499
7 Day Nursery
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Abela
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ablitt
Dr. Paul Abramson and Ms. Tania Bjornlie
Mr. Henry P. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. John Ahlman
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Alexander
Ms. Lesley J. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Allard
Mr. Dennis Allen and Mrs. Jenny Cushnie
Mrs. Julia Allen
Miss Gloria Almeida
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Altschul
Amaya's Pupcakes
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. Corey Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Anderson
Mrs. Linda Anderson
Mrs. Ken Ando
Mr. and Mrs. John Andren
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Anfinsen
Money Arenz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Baxter
Dr. Christy L. Beaudin and Ms. Judy Ann Dutcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Beaver
Mr. Jack C. Bechtel
Ms. Mary Bergen
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bergstrom
Mr. Mark Bessey and Ms. Yvette Keller
Mr. George W. Smith and Dr. Victoria Bessinger
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bettles
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bianchi
Mrs. Sheila Block
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Boehm
Bonsai Club of Santa Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Book
Ms. Carol J. Bornstein
Mr. Charlie Boss and Ms. Judy Wong Boss
Mr. and Dr. Richard R. Boulette
Ms. Melissa Bower
Mrs. Stephen R. Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Boyle
Maggie & Gary Bradley
Ms. Hannah G. Bradley
Mr. Steve Schaefer and Ms. Debra Brandon
Mr. Raymond Bransfield and Ms. Connie Rutherford
Mrs. Elinor Brelsford
2016 Annual Report 11
Ms. Jody Brkich and Ms. Michele Isomura
Mrs. Patricia P. Broome
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Brown
Ms. Tara Brown
Ms. Hope Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Buchanan
Mr. Richard Buchen
Dr. Harry Burger and Ms. Dawn Bridgeman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Burgess
Mr. Rick Burgess and Mrs. Tricia Munro
Mrs. Susan Burian
Mrs. Deborah A. Burns
Ms. Jessica Burrows
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burstain
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calkins
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Camiel
Ms. Robin Carbaugh
Mr. and Dr. Bob Carlson
Ms. Dorinda M. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Case
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Casey
Dr. and Mrs. Stebbins B. Chandor
Mr. Daniel Richards and Ms. Sarah Chaney
Dr. and Ms. Charu Chaubal
Ms. Darlene Chirman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Christeson
Mr. Marc Chytilo and Mrs. Nancy Weiss
Ms. and Mr. Jean Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clouse
Mrs. Susan Cochrane Levitsky
Mr. Marne Coggan and Ms. Debra Friedenberg
Ms. Kathleen Conlon
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Connell
Ms. Kathy Cook
Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cooper
John and Patricia Coppejans
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Coppin
Mr. Corwin Corpuz and Dr. Donna Kell
Ms. Sophie Craighead
Mrs. Barbara Crane
Ms. Kathleen Crean
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Crotty
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cupples
Mr. Oswald J. Da Ros and Ms. Christine Neuhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dallett
Ms. Laurie Dalton and Ms. Brooke Kennedy
Ms. Carolyn Danforth
Mr. John D'Angona
Mr. Tom Dudley and Dr. Carla D'Antonio
Mr. Christopher Davies and Ms. Nancy Whittaker
Mrs. Eileen Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Dawson
Mr. Michael Day and Ms. Kelly Knight
12 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Mr. Paul Deal and Ms. Laurie Eusey
Ms. Jean Debettignies
Mr. Neill DeClercq and Ms. Deborah Moritz
Mr. Edward S. DeLoreto
Mr. and Mrs. James DeVenne
Ms. Joan K. Domingue
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Donahue
Mrs. Allena Donati
Mr. Jeff Hartlove and Ms. Alexsana Donne
Ms. and Ms. Terese Ann Doordan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dougherty
Dr. Peter Hasler and Dr. Elizabeth Downing
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Dvorak
Mr. William Klansek and Ms. Sheri Eckmann
Mr. Albert Hirschmann and Ms. Dorothy Edminster
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Edwards, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron J. Ehmsen
Ms. Della Jean Elden and Ms. Margaret J. Dawes
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eldridge
Mr. Robert F. Else and Ms. Ann Dundon
Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Emerson, Jr.
Ms. Julia Emerson
Mr. Brendan Barnwell and Dr. Patty L. Erbe
Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson
Mrs. Adrian Erler
Mr. David Escamilla and Ms. Sarah Haile
Mr. George Eskin and Ms. Hannah-Beth Jackson
Ms. Betty Jane Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Lendon Everson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Evert
Mr. and Mrs. Garold Faber
Mr. John A. Faulkner
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. Walt Fidler
Ms. and Mrs. Alison Flewell
FLIR Commercial Systems Division
Mrs. Barbara Ford and Mrs. Holly Ford Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fordam
Mrs. Brigitte Forssell
Ms. Wendy Foster and Mr. Pierre Lafond
Mr. Randall Fox and Ms. Terry A. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Frampton
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Francis
Ms. Barbara C. Franz and Ms. Kristen Franz
Ms. and Ms. Maureen Freeman
Mrs. Joan Fried
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Friederich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Funsten
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Furuike
Mr. Peter Gajewski and Ms. Suzanne Siskel
Ms. Peter Gallway
Mr. Larry Disharoon and Ms. Diane Galvan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gaspar
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Getto
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillett
Ms. Sally Giloth
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Ginder
Mr. Jeb Gist and Ms. Jane Mertens
Mr. Paul F. Glenn and Mrs. Nancy M. Lessner
Mr. Robert Goda and Mrs. Kim Seward-Goda
Mr. Joel Goldberg
Mrs. and Mr. Eunice Goodan
Mr. Tom Gordon and Ms. Joanne Ng
Graham Holdings
Mrs. Alma Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Greene
Ms. Elisabeth Greenwald and Mrs. Ethel King
Dr. and Mrs. David Grether
Ms. Dorothy J. Griffin
Growing Solutions
Ms. Donna Grubisic
Mr. Bruce Grussing
Mr. Steve Gully and Ms. Michelle Taylor
Mr. Ara Guzelimian and Ms. Janet Clough
Ms. Susan Gwynne
Mrs. Gloria Hall and Mr. F. D. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Handelman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hanrahan
Ms. Karen Harding
Ms. Pat Hardy and Ms. JoAnn Bell
Mrs. and Mr. Letitia Harper
Mr. Douglas Harris
Mr. Andreas Hauke and Ms. Claire Monaghan
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hawkins
Mr. Robert Hecht
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Heck
Mrs. Lorna S. Hedges
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Henderson
Ms. Catherine Henley
Ms. Alice Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hester
Mr. Charles Hill
Dr. and Mrs. David Hill
Mr. Kenneth R. Himes
Ms. Denise Hinkle and Mr. Don Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hogg
Mr. and Mrs. David Holt
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Holzman
Mrs. Alice Homan
Mr. Michael A. Honer and Ms. Katherine Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Honikman
Mr. Himmel and Ms. Jennifer J. Horinek
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hromadka
Mr. and Mr. Richard W. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. David Hybert
Mr. and Ms. Ray Ilgunas
Mr. John Illgen and Ms. Kandace Illgen
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Irwin
Mr. and Ms. Don Jack
Day campers enjoy the
shade of a sycamore tree
K. Hehnke
2016 Annual Report 13
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jackson
Mr. Randolph N. Jaffe and Ms. Dana Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson
Ms. Sally Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Jordano
Ms. Marilynn Jorgensen
Ms. Susan Jorgensen and Ms. Alice Gillaroo
K Nine Solutions
Ms. Karen M. Kahn
Mr. Rudy R. Machuca and Mrs. Chihiro Kaiho
Mrs. June S. Kambach and Ms. Roseanne Chambers
Mr. and Ms. Len Kamlet
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karl
Ms. Susan M. Keats
Mrs. Jean Keely
Mr. Hugh Kelly and Ms. Katya Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Van R. Kelsey
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John Kinnear III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kirschbaum
Mrs. Mara Schiff Kohn
Dr. and Ms. Charles D. Kolstad
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kravetz
Mr. Allan Kroeker and Ms. Iverson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Kummel
Ms. Suzi Kuromiya
La Paloma Ranch
Ms. Liana Landru and Mr. David M. Dwelley
Mr. and Mrs. James Langer
Mr. Lee McCarthy and Ms. Shana Lauer-McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Launie
Mrs. Blair Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson
Mr. David Lebell and Mrs. Vicki Blum
Ms. Shirley Lehrer
Ms. Alexis Lettington and Ms. Vicki Klassen
Ms. Nancy Levin
Mrs. Margaret Levine
Mr. Aaron J. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Lewis
Dr. and Mrs. James Lilligren
Mr. and Mrs. George Lilly
Dr. Grace Lin
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Lindemann
Mr. George A. Lindsay
Mr. William R. Livingstone
Mr. Michael Loftis and Mr. Erik Nickel
Mr. Bill Lombardi
Dr. Tremper Longman and Mrs. Alice Longman
Mrs. Penelope P. Luce
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLeod
Caroline and John Macomber
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mahan
Ms. Sharyn F. Main and Mr. James Hodgson
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Manasse
Mrs. Margaret D. Marble
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Margolis
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Markham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marshall
Reverend and Mrs. John Martin
14 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
2012 photo
Ms. Elizabeth Matthews and Mr. James Merrick
entry by
Mr. and Mrs. John Matuszeski
L. WilMs. Katherine McColm
Mr. Paul Connelly and Ms. Anne McInerney
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Melekian
Dr. and Mrs. Duncan Mellichamp
Mr. Gerardo Menchara and Mrs. Iesha Tannis
Mr. Matt Mildenberger and Ms. Leah Stoker
Mrs. Janet Millar
Ms. and Ms. Judy Miller
Ms. Marilyn Miller and Ms. Patty Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Millman
Mr. Anthony F. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Minter
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mitchell
Dr. Marianne Mithun and Dr. Wallace Chafe
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mobraaten
Mr. Craig Mohan and Ms. Dawn Kirchner
Mrs. Katherine Molony
Dr. Stephanie Moret and Dr. Derek Booth
Mr. Michael Morgan and Mr. Michael Seabaugh
Dr. and Dr. Morhardt
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Morse IV
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell P. Morse
Mrs. Katherine J. Muckle
Mr. Michael Musson and Ms. Amy E. Kovarick
Mr. Daniel Nash and Ms. Maia Kikerpill
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nassi
Ms. Kim Natzel
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Neel
Ms. Monica Nelsen and Ms. Christie MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nespor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nett
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Neumeier
Mr. and Mrs. Don Newmark
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noreen
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Oakley
Mr. Mark Brzezinski and Ms. Margaret O'Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Donald O'Dowd
Mr. and Mrs. Donley Olson
Mr. Hal Onserud and Ms. Lynn K. Jones
Mr. Robert Ornstein and Ms. Barbara Savage
Mr. Carl Palmer and Dr. Carrie Kappel
Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Palonen
Mr. Greg Pantages and Dr. Rea Goumas
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Payatt
Dr. David Payne and Dr. J. E. Fowell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Perry
Dr. Michael Perry and Dr. Carolyn Butcher
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Phillips
Mr. Joseph Phillips
Mr. Nick Pierce
Ms. Arlene Pinkerton
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Plana
Mr. and Dr. Martin Plummer
Ms. Joy Ellen Podger
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Posch D.V.M.
Ms. Pam Price
Ms. Ruth Priest
Ms. Virginia Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. F. Brian Rapp
Ms. Nancy Rapp
Mrs. Jaqueline Reed
Ms. Lisa S. Reed and Ms. Diane Francis
Ms. Jean M. Reiche
Mrs. Nancy Renshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Rexon
Mr. Gage Ricard and Mr. George Azelickis
Ms. Biana Rice and Ms. Mary Ellen McLoughlin
Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Richardson
Mrs. Jane C. Rieffel
Ms. Regina Rivera and Dr. Tim Sasseen
Mrs. Karen C. Robinson
Mr. Christopher V. Roderick and Mrs. Carole E. Rollins
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rodrigue
Ms. Jean Rogers
Ms. Elizabeth Ross
Mr. Bruce Russell and Mr. Andrew Oakley
Mr. David Rzepinski and Ms. Mona Miyasato
Mrs. Jeanette Sainz
Ms. Erica L. Salda
Sam's Doggie Dude Ranch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. William Sandlin
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Sanov
Mrs. Judy Sanregret
Santa Barbara County Horticulture Society
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Satterthwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Saxon
Ms. Mary Scaran
Mr. and Mrs. John Scheuermann
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schiffmacher
Mrs. Nancy Schlosser
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick U. Schroeder
Ms. Erlaine H. Seeger
Mrs. Teresa Seiler
Mr. and Mrs. Hisaji Sekichi
Ms. Jessica Self
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Semegen
Mrs. Arthur Shafer
Dr. Frances Sharpe
Ms. Kathleen D. Shea
Ms. Anitra P. Sheen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shobe
Mr. and Mrs. George Shortle, Jr.
Mrs. Delia A. Smith and Ms. Joanie Thompson
Mr. David Heidelberger and Ms. Shari L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Sokol
Ms. Elizabeth Solano and Ms. Marciala Solano
Mrs. Mary Somerville
Mr. John Sonquist
Susan and Kirsten Soria
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Spann
Ms. Suzanne Spillman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Spivak
Mr. and Mrs. Middleton Squier
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stancer
Mrs. Ruth Stark
Mr. Charles S. Stauffer
Ms. Sherry Stearns
Dr. Michael L. Steinfeld and Dr. Beverly Steinfeld
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stevens, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Martin Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stirling
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Storr
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stoutenborough
Ms. Elizabeth Stretton
Ms. Janet Sullivan
Mrs. Susan G. Sweetland
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd S. Telleen
Mrs. Ann H. Terrell
The Pets Pal
Ms. Betsy Thies
2016 Annual Report 15
K. Hehnke
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thorpe
Ms. Katherine Thrash
Mrs. Carolyn D. Thresher
Mr. Brian Tichenor and Ms. Raun Thorp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tiffany
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Tiffney
Mr. Brian Tighe
Mr. Timothy Tillman and Ms. Lamara Heartwell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tobey
Mr. Michael Torres
Ms. Judy Trejos
Ms. and Ms. Lupe Trithara
Ms. Suzanne M. Tucker and Mr. Tim F. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. George Turpin, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ulrich
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Van Buren
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Dyke
Ms. Patricia J. Van Every
Ms. Margaret Van Sicklen and Mr. Sven Nebelung
Mr. James R. Vincent and Ms. Janet L. Wingate
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Visser
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Voss
Mr. Stuart Walker
Mrs. Mary H. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wang
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Weeks
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Weisenburger
16 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weller
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wendel
Mr. and Mrs. David Wexler
Whimsical Digital
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan White
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin White
Mr. John Fox and Ms. Wini White
Mrs. Mary F. Wilk
Dr. Dieter Wilken and Dr. Elizabeth Painter
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Willis-Conger
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson
Wilson Environmental Contracting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wilson
Mrs. Nancy Winn
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Winthrop
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wiscomb
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wise
Ms. Helen S. Wong
Ms. Laurel Woodley and Dr. Shirley Schwanzara
Mr. and Ms. Richard Wormshecher
Mrs. Gordon Wright
Mr. and Mrs. E. David Yossem
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Zappala
Mr. Scott Zengel
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ziegler
List includes staff who worked any part of the 2015 calendar year.
Rebecca Mordini
Manuel Gonzalez
Marketing Coordinator
Paula Schaefer
David Kershaw
Multimedia Coordinator
Head Gardener
Tricia Wardlaw
Riley Kriebel
Interpretation Coordinator
Garden Shop
& Visitor Services
Adam Kuster
Director’s Executive Assistant and
Coordinator of HR and Special Projects
Michaela Ackerman
Kathryn Betsy Lape
Visitor Services Representative
Living Collections Coordinator
Gayle Kopitzke
Barbara Backlund
James Lechuga
Steve Windhager, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Kathy Castaneda
Manager of Volunteer Programs
Joan Evans
Education Coordinator
Jill Freeland
Marquita Macomber
Accounting Assistant
Edward Marini
Manager, Design and Construction
Conservation & Research
Denise Knapp, Ph.D.
Director of Conservation & Research
C. Matthew Guilliams, Ph.D.
Ken and Shirley Tucker Plant Systematist
Christopher Garoutte
Conservation Technician
Frédérique Lavoipierre
Director of Education
Katelin Davis
Education Assistant
Michelle Gee
Education Office Assistant
Karin Hodin
Education Horticulture Assistant
Kelsey Wakefield
Education Assistant
& Communications
Nina Dunbar
Director of Development & Communications
Brittney Burrows
Development Associate for Events
Michele Lingiardi
Data Management Assistant
Laura Muasher
Development Associate for Membership
Visitor Services Representative Manager
Facilities Manager
Stacy Bloodworth
Antony Lee
Garden Shop Assistant Manager
Susan Burke
Paige Minney
Garden Shop Assistant
Nursery Technician
Patricia Cox
Jason Nelson
Garden Shop Assistant
Dana Crampton
Gerald Ostroff
Visitor Services Representative
Mary Flood
Stephanie Ranes
Visitor Services Representative
Lynda Kreutzkampf
Bruce Reed
Garden Shop Assistant
Gail Milliken
Aimee Ross
Garden Shop Manager
Pam Norris
Bonnie Whitney
Visitor Services Representative
Plant Propagation Assistant
Thomas Rhodes
Drew Wolter
Visitor Services Representative
Horticulture &
Facilities Management
Randy Wright
Library Collections Coordinator
Elizabeth Collins
Director of Horticulture
Jason Bemis
Robert Carrillo
John Cornejo
Maintenance Technician
Heather Federlein
Plant Propagation Manager
Hannah Garcia
Nursery Technician
2016 Annual Report 17
James O. Koopmans, CPA
Peter Schuyler
Vice Chair
Edward Roach
Carolyn Kincaid
Sue Adams
Margaret Baker
John A. Brinker
Patrick Connelly
Tom Craveiro
Marc Fisher
Lou Greer Frost
John Gabbert
Elaine Gibson
Elizabeth Keate
John Parke
Charles J. Rennie, III, MD
Susan Spector
Susan Van Atta
R. Wright
18 Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
The Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
fosters the conservation of California’s
native plants through our gardens,
research and education, and serves as a
role model of sustainable practices.
Learn more at sbbg.org