Habitat for Humanity Newsletter

TELEPHONE: 570-828-1623
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Rev. Niels H. Nielsen
Barbara Donlon
Check us out on Face book: Habitat for Humanity of Pike County, PA
Website: hfhpc.org
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Habitat For Humanity of Pike County, Inc.
Board of Directors
Rev. Niels Nielsen, President
James Lariviere, Vice President and Building Coordinator
Janet McKenna, Secretary
John Waycie, Treasurer
Michael Donlon, Building and Volunteer Coordinator
Jim Teehan, Family Selection
Patricia Lariviere, Family Nurture, Volunteer
Marilyn Siracuse, Food Coordinator
Michael McDonald, Fundraising, Grant Writing, Volunteer
Cynthia McDonald, Volunteer, Family Nurture
Harry Foos, Volunteer
Mary Coyle, Newsletter
Barbara Donlon, Associate Executive Director
Heartfelt thanks to our donors who make a difference….
Heartfelt thanks goes to our donors who made generous financial
contributions to Habitat for Humanity this Summer and Fall
Michael and Dorothy Barth
John Blanchard
Paul and Deborah Brooks
Eugene and Agnes Burkart
Tom and Maureen Burke
Viola Canouse
Richard and Bernadette Caridi
Judyth Casey
Carl and Nancy Cassel
Sandy Christian
Peter and Stephanie Ciavarella
Constance and Raycharlyn Correa
Alice and Douglas Couser
Charles and Debra Croston
The Demuth Family
William and Karen Denny
The Deutsch Family
Myrna Draghi
Gerard and Sheila Drouet
Peter Ferrara
Heidi Finkelberg
Elaine and Philip Fulgieri
Rosario and Phyllis Gambino
Raymond Gosselin
Michael and Karen Goulet
Lorraine Gregory
Inge Grimaldi
The Hahn Family
Daina and Joe Harrison
Elliot Hearst
Toni-Ann and Michael Herman
Marie Hoffman
Jim and Jayne Hopkins
The Juliano Family
John and Phyllis Kirk
John Kraemer
Marty and Alfonsa Langbein
James Love
Shane and Michelle Malone
Sharon Marks
Margaret Marley
Patricia Martell
Mike and Cindy McDonald
Paul and Marguerite Menditto
Ann and Bill Montgomery
The Moran Family
Sheridan and Dorothy Ogden
Matt and Carol Osterberg
Brendan and Cheryl Ann O'Sullivan
Stacy and Sandra Overbey
Annette Petry
Carlo and Christine Pizzicaroli
Ann Poynton
Rev. Msgr. Remigio Rocco
Anne Ryan
Eunice Sampson
Margaret and Charles Scholtes
Jeanne Stockmal
Patricia and Don Swanson
William Taylor
Joyce Trentacosta
Magan and Patrick Wagenen
John Waycie
Ted and Grace Wetzel
Kathleen White
Chris Wood
Peter and Kelly Wulfhorst
Cars for Homes Donations
Susan Ficken
We regret any errors or omissions in this list and ask that you bring them
to our attention by calling 570-828-1623.
Save the Date!
Habitat’s Annual Yard Sale
will take place on
Saturday July 1, 2017.
Location is Route 2001
and Fisher Lane,
We acknowledge with grateful
thanks, the generosity of these
Major Partner Donors
A.B.A.T.E. of Pennsylvania
Car Audio Files
Dingman Township
Knights of Columbus Council #12571
Lowe’s Home Improvement
Luhrs True Value Hardware
Pike County Bar Association
Pike County Commissioners
Affordable Housing Grant
Pike County Real Estate
Pike County Storage
Schields Container Service
United Way of Pike County Grant
Wells Fargo Foundation Grant
Anonymous Donation of $10,000
Meet the
House #24
“Partnering with Habitat for
Humanity has been one of the
best experiences
for our family.”
Habitat Builds Ramps
Habitat volunteers will provide free labor to build a ramp
for anyone needing wheelchair access to their home.
The cost to the ramp owner is for materials only and can
be repaid on a monthly, interest free payment plan.
This program was initially set up through Habitat for Humanity of Pike County in coordination with United Way
of Pike County and the Lords Valley Rotary Club. Building costs are financed by a revolving fund called
“The Fund for Humanity.” As ramp material costs are
repaid, the payments go back into “The Fund for Humanity” and allow Habitat to build more ramps.
Applicants must fall under the same financial guidelines
used to determine housing for Habitat families. For details on our ramp program, please call (570)828-1623 or
e-mail: [email protected].
Wells Fargo Volunteers
After my husband, Derick, fell ill and was confined to a
wheelchair, life in our current home became difficult. There was not
enough room to maneuver around the home, let alone get upstairs to
our own bedroom. I made a phone call to Habitat to ask them to build
a ramp into our rental home so that Derick could be more independent. Due to the style of the home there was not much that could be
done and we were asked if we ever thought about applying to be a
habitat homeowner. Honestly, the thought never crossed my mind! I
knew about the organization through my church and Pastor Nielsen
but never thought we would be eligible. We took a chance and submitted our application. We cried tears of joy and disbelief when we
heard we would own our own home, one that would be completely
handicap accessible for Derick to let him become more independent
So here we are, just a few weeks away from closing on our
own home! It has been such an amazing journey with an amazing
group of people! Habitat people are not just there helping you build
your home, they truly become like family. As a Habitat homeowner,
you also develop a special bond with the other homeowners. They
have been helping with our house as well, and we can all relate to one
another in some way. We appreciate the behind the scenes people
that put in countless labor hours, and the people and organizations
that have donated their time and/or contributed financially to our
home. You all have been more than generous and we are extremely
This has given my children the amazing experience of seeing
our new home built from the ground up, as well as the experience of
seeing humanity at its finest. It has shown them what it means to do
for others, and we all plan on helping with future homes as so many
have done for us.
It has been an amazing journey from start to finish, and we
couldn’t be more thankful to Habitat for the opportunity they have
afforded us! We are proud to finally have a home we can call our
own and where we can create lifelong memories! Habitat will forever
be family to us and we look forward to working with them for many
years to come!
Lori and Derick Stark
On July 19,2016 Wells Fargo volunteers teamed up with Habitat for Humanity of Pike County to assist with the construction of the Stark’s house in Milford. In addition to donating volunteer hours, Wells Fargo also made a $10,000 Team member Volunteer Program (TMVP) grant contribution, which is the second time in two years that the Wells Fargo Foundation provided a grant
to Habitat of Pike County. The grant will help reduce mortgage costs for the family.
“It is rewarding for us to help a family in need achieve their dream of homeownership,” said Greg Collins, Community
Bank area president for Wells Fargo’s Northeast Pennsylvania market. “We are proud to play our part in helping our local communities thrive—one family at a time. But all of this would not be possible without the leadership of community partners like Habitat
for Humanity of Pike County. Thanks to the [Habitat] team, another Pike County family will have a safe and decent place to call
FALL 2016
Newsletter of Habitat for Humanity of Pike County
“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity
brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.”
“I will always show you where to go.
I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—
firm muscles, strong bones.
You’ll be like a well-watered garden,
a gurgling spring that never runs dry.
You’ll use the old rubble of past lives to build anew,
rebuild the foundations from out of your past.
You’ll be known as those who can fix anything,
restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate,
make the community livable again.”
Isaiah 58:12 MSG
It is very important to keep in sight that the mission of
Habitat for Humanity has its roots in Biblical Theology.
From the heart and soul of Biblical mission comes the
call to be compassionate, to care, to sacrifice, to give
and to focus more on others than ourselves.
As I am blessed to work with Habitat volunteers of all
kinds, I am more and more convinced that they are
driven by a force deep within them to “fix anything,
restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate” but mostly to
“make the community livable again”, one family at a
We have adopted an idea at Habitat for Humanity of
Pike County that says, “Building Homes, Changing
Lives’. While it may appear that what we do is building
houses, our mission is to create homes and that offers
the opportunity for lives to be changed. I am thankful
to all who join us in this mission.
Pastor Niels Nielsen,
President of Board of Directors,
Habitat for Humanity of Pike County
3rd Annual
Habitat For Humanity
Winter BBQ and Tricky Tray
Door Priz
ous B
Saturday, February 11, 2017
12 PM with calling at 3 PM
Snow Date:
Saturday, February 18, 2017
12 PM with calling at 3 PM
Delaware Valley High School (DVHS)
256 US-6, Milford, PA 18337
Same great baskets but a new location!
Contact Person:
570-828-1623 Barb
[email protected]
Facebook: Habitat for Humanity of Pike County, PA