2014 Annual Report - American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri

ACLU of Missouri
Annual Report
October 1, 2013-October 31, 2014
ACLU of Missouri Board of Trustees
Brad Pierce, President
Shontaia Riley, Vice President
Pam Woodard, Vice President
Daron Smith, Secretary
Bob Waugh, Treasurer
Terry Bloomberg
Tricia Bushnell
Susan Carlson
Nimrod Chapel
Sheila Greenbaum
Denise Field
Laurie Hauber
Robert King
David Nelson
Aaron Novack
Bill Raney
Allan Rostron
Annette Slack
Joseph Stimpfl
Steven Streen
Erica Warren
Denise Field
Jeffrey Mittman, Executive Director
Tony Rothert, Legal Director
Sarah Rossi, Director of Advocacy and Policy
Nancy Burchfield, Director of Philanthropy
Diane Balogh, Communications Director
Grant Doty, Staff Attorney
Gillian Wilcox, Staff Attorney
Debbie Read, Executive Assistant
Mustafa Abdullah, Program Associate
Alona Sistrunk, Communications and Development Associate
Michael Hill, Paralegal
Andy McNulty, Jay A. Pritzker Fellow
Crystal Williams
Jay Hardenbrook
Thomas Hayde
John Borgmeyer
Dr. Rob Rymer
Tony Westbrooks
Letter from Our Leadership
The 13 months since the ACLU of Missouri was born on October 1, 2013, have been a whirlwind of activity.
It has been a time of growth
We doubled our geographic area, welcomed board members from the western half of the state, opened an office
in Kansas City and added two staff positions.
A time of sadness
We lost two civil libertarians who were staunch ACLU supporters: Fred Epstein and State Representative Rory
Ellinger. Both men leave legacies of tirelessly working to secure and protect the rights of Missourians.
A time of conflict
When Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American 18-year-old, was fatally shot by a Ferguson police
officer, racial justice advocates took to the streets to express their grief and frustration. The ACLU of Missouri
immediately called for government transparency to obtain incident reports. When the First Amendment rights
of the media and protesters were violated, we went to court.
Brad Pierce
President of the
Board of Trustees
And, a time of joy
We have made great progress in bringing marriage equality to Missouri. Thanks to Barrier v. Vasterling, Missouri
now recognizes the marriages of all same-sex couples who were legally married outside of the state. Our win in
Lawson v. Jackson County Recorder of Deeds allowed same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses in Jackson
County. We will continue to fight for marriage equality.
This report offers a brief glimpse into how we have been protecting First Amendment rights, promoting racial
justice and fighting to abolish the death penalty. If you would like more information about our lawsuits and
programs, go to our website at: www.aclu-mo.org.
We could not do this work without the help of our many supporters. Thank you and here’s to a wonderful 2015!
Jeffrey A. Mittman
Executive Director
The ACLU of Missouri, with support from the
National ACLU, immediately launched a
comprehensive and constructive response to
the fatal shooting of unarmed Michael Brown
in August and the violent and militarized crackdown carried out in the aftermath.
We were on the ground at the protests,
assembling teams of legal observers and
distributing “know your rights” materials.
When the ACLU issued a joint statement with
the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under
Law and the NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund condemning a policeimposed nighttime curfew as unconstitutional,
the curfew was lifted.
When police tried to prohibit the public from
recording police officers on public streets and sidewalks, the ACLU went to court and eventually reached an agreement with local law
enforcement agencies for citizens’ right to record the police. After that agreement was ignored, we obtained a court order.
We were also successful in obtaining a preliminary injunction so the police would not enforce the “5-second rule” where protesters were
forced to keep moving and could not stand still for more than five seconds.
Ferguson showed the world that there are two kinds of policing in America — one that too often heavy-handedly applies militarized
force to communities of color and one designed to serve and protect certain community members above their fellow citizens. This must
Marriage Equality
Days before Valentine’s Day, the ACLU filed a suit asking Missouri to recognize the marriages of 10 same-sex couples who were
married outside the state. On September 25, seven of the 10 plaintiff couples, many of their friends and family members, and a throng
of journalists filled the courtroom in Kansas City for our hearing, where Judge J. Youngs said he would make a decision in Barrier v.
Vasterling as quickly as possible, and he did.
Judge Youngs’ ruling on October 3 was a personal win for our 10 courageous couples. But, even more important, it was a win for the
whole state because it struck down a discriminatory law. Three days later, Attorney General Chris Koster announced he would not
pursue an appeal. Our constitution obligates Missouri to recognize marriages from other states, as Missouri has historically done. To
appeal would have been a waste of money, and unfair to loving families.
We’ve taken a giant step down the aisle with marriage equality. However, there are many areas of the state where LGBT people are
vulnerable to discrimination, so we need to work on passing the
Missouri Nondiscrimination Act.
In November 2014, U.S. District Judge Ortrie Smith
declared Missouri’s ban on marriage for same-sex
couples unconstitutional with his decision in our
marriage license lawsuit, Lawson v. Jackson County. So
far, Jackson County, St. Louis City and St. Louis County
are now issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian
couples. We will work until the remaining 112 counties
follow suit, hopefully before our next annual report.
Death Penalty
Secrecy continues to shroud the way Missouri metes out the ultimate punishment in our name. The ACLU of Missouri filed six lawsuits
against the Missouri Department of Corrections (MODOC) seeking transparency regarding the state’s execution protocol and policies.
The lawsuits included an effort to determine the source of the lethal drugs to be used in executions, gain information about the state’s
execution protocol in general, and the process used to select witnesses for executions. Investigative journalists, who poured over the
documents we received, revealed that the state was taking large amounts of cash across state borders to purchase drugs for the
First Amendment Rights
We had several important wins for First Amendment freedoms. A Southeast Missouri Police Officer wrote an apology letter and agreed
to pay damages, court costs and attorneys’ fees after improperly getting a court order forcing our client to remove social media postings
that were critical of the officer.
In October 2013, we ensured that organizations are able to distribute leaflets in Desloge. Government cannot decide to treat some
groups differently.
After representing a Cape Girardeau man since 2010 in a volley of lawsuits and appeals, the ACLU won. The United States Court of
Appeals affirmed the district court’s judgment holding that the plaintiff’s expressive actions were fully protected by the United States
Constitution, the Cape Girardeau police officer was not entitled to qualified immunity, and the Missouri statute was facially
A permanent injunction in April by U.S. District Judge Henry Edward Autrey means Ellisville drivers need not worry about getting
ticketed if they use their headlights to send a message to other drivers to slow down and proceed with caution.
Sunshine Law Wins
A St. Louis Circuit Court judge ruled that the St. Louis City Police must release documents pertaining to internal affairs department
investigations of the 2006 World Series ticket scalping scandal and we finally received the documents we had been seeking since 2007.
In February, we released copies of three anonymous letters from a police officer that detail allegations of racial profiling by a former
police lieutenant. We obtained the records in a Sunshine Law suit against St. Louis County.
Disability Rights
In May, we secured the right for a Mountain View man, who has a disability that impacts his ability to travel, to obtain a marriage
license. He had been unable to comply with Missouri’s
arbitrary statutory requirement that marriage license
applicants appear in person before a Recorder of Deeds.
The Howell County Recorder of Deeds was ordered by
a United States District Court judge to meet the man at
his home and issue him a marriage license. He is now a
Voters’ Rights
We filed a petition on behalf of Civil Rights Leader
Norman Seay, challenging the deceptive summary statement for a sham early voting constitutional amendment
on the November 4 ballot. After a Cole County judge
rejected our challenge in August, the Missouri Court of
Appeals ruled that the language is deceptive and ordered
it to be rewritten. This amendment was handily defeated.
Abuse of Power
In September 2013 a homeless couple was
threatened with arrest by City of Miner police
officers for nothing more than peaceably
holding a sign that read “Traveling. Anything
helps. God bless.”
They respectfully asked if they were breaking any laws. The officer left and returned
with highlighted copies of three purported
ordinances against vagrancy, begging and
loitering. He was later joined by another
policeman who told the couple they would
be arrested for violating the ordinances if
they didn’t leave town in five minutes, so
they complied and haven’t returned.
We learned that the southeast Missouri
city has no such ordinances. In December
2013 we filed suit and in October 2014, U.S.
District Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh, Jr.
entered a consent judgment against the City
of Miner’s unconstitutional ordinances that
banned loitering, vagrancy and begging.
Edward Gillespie and Brandalyn Orchard
contacted the ACLU, when the City of
Miner violated their rights.
Mobile Justice
Long before Ferguson, the ACLU began developing a mobile app to help people who are routinely stopped, searched, humiliated and
bullied into compliance by law enforcement officers. In November 2014, we released an empowerment tool, called Mobile Justice, that
allows users to record police and automatically send files directly to the ACLU, before anyone can delete the files.
The app, which has been downloaded more than 1,200 times, allows users to complete a report
and to alert others if they are stopped. It also has Know Your Rights information.
St. Louis University School of Law Assistant Professor Justin Hansford, at the podium,
helped us announce the launch of Mobile Justice in November 2014. He shared how he
was arrested at a demonstration on October 22, 2014, while wearing a day-glo green
National Lawyers Guild cap indicating he was a legal observer.
Legislative Efforts
This past legislative session, the ACLU and
coalition partners worked hard on many issues.
We were successful in getting Governor Jay Nixon
to veto a harmful bill that required a 72-hour wait
for women seeking abortions. But, despite a great
fight, the legislature overrode his veto and Missouri
became one of three states with a 72-hour wait.
We were successful in getting Missouri Constitutional Amendment 9 passed on August 5. A warrant
is required before government can rummage
through our electronic communications and data.
In September, Tony Rothert spoke before the
U.S. Congress on behalf of U.S. Senator Ben
Cardin’s End Racial Profiling Act.
Community Engagement
We were especially proud this year of our marriage equality work so we made sure the ACLU of Missouri participated in PRIDE events
across the state. There were two marches--one in Springfield and one in St. Louis, as well as festivals in Joplin, Kansas City,
Springfield, St. Louis and Columbia.
Staff members also presented workshops for students and continuing legal education
classes on a variety of topics, including Know Your Rights, the death penality, marijuana
reform, voting rights, and DOMA and LGBT issues. Contact our office if you would like to
schedule a civil liberty speaker.
Surveillance Report
In October 2014, after a two-year investigation, we released our surveillance report,
Caught in the Web of Mass Surveillance. It reveals that a number of St. Louis entities
maintain a hodgepodge of surveillance cameras that are
governed by a variety of internal policies or, in many cases,
no policies at all. And, what’s even more frightening is that
St. Louis is looking to expand its surveillance capacity with
a Real-Time Intelligence Center.
Although the study was done in St. Louis, the principles
can be applied to other cities throughout Missouri.
We’ve shared the report with key Senators and
Representatives who are interested in protecting
privacy. We’ve also created a list of
recommendations. You can find a copy of the report
on our website: www.aclu-mo.org/mass-surveillance.
By the numbers
News releases distributed
Amicus briefs filed
New cases opened
Website users
(21,797 on Aug. 20 alone)
Facebook likes
Complaints processed
Twitter followers
ACLU of Missouri offices
(Kansas City and St. Louis)
Testimonies on 74 bills
(during 2014 legislative session)
Thank you to our many supporters who contribute to the ACLU of Missouri. Because of their generosity and
commitment, the Bill of Rights’ values continue to be more than a promise on paper. Their membership in the ACLU and
tax-deductible contributions to the Foundation support our litigation, public education programs and advocacy.
Justice Circle
Joyce Project
President’s Circle
Terry Bloomberg and
Gordon R. Bloomberg, MD
Drake Bettner Foundation
Fred* and Sara Epstein
Sheila Greenbaum and Gary Wasserman
Joseph and Yvonne Logan
Ruth and Alvin Siteman
Liberty Circle
Scott Cozad
Denise Field
William A. Kerr Foundation
Bill and Suzanne Raney
Daron Smith and Chris Finley
Mary Steeb and Glenn Littleton
Trio Foundation of St. Louis
Pam and Mark Woodard
Constitution Circle
Joanne and Scot Boulton
Susan Carlson and Gerald Greiman
William Foege
Linda Headrick and David Setzer
Caroline and George Helmkamp
Sima and Philip Needleman
James Nutter
Sharalyn and Ronald Saks
Robert and Linda Waugh
Freedom Circle
Anonymous (1)
Charles Arthur
Tom and Michelle Blumenthal
Nancy and Bill Burchfield
Daniel and Susan Carlson
Judith and Ronald Carter
Russell Chong
Dario and Marybel Cova
David Diener
Robert Elgin
Robert and Susan Ellis
Leonard and Julie Frankel
Scott Freeman
John and Dora Gianoulakis
Susan and Norman Gilbert
Barbara Gile
Roger L. Goldman and Stephanie Riven
Michael Gross
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Hanson
Don Huddleston
Frances Hyman
Peter Joy
Robert and Elena King
Tim Lewis
Gary Long
Robert K. Martin and Carol Thrane
Jeffrey Mittman
Aaron and Nancy Novack
William F. Pickard, Ph.D.
Bradley Pierce and Laurie Vincent
David and Patricia Raffel
Shontaia Riley
Allen K. Rostron
Nancy R. Sachs
Catherine Soete and Amy Fister
Freedom Circle (continued)
Spencer, Fane, Britt & Browne
Staenberg Family Foundation
Kendall and Johann Stallings
James D. Truesdale
Mike Tucker and Frank J. Siano
Mark Utterback
John Wandless
Patricia Ann Wolkowitz
Hollis Wright
William Ziegler
Steven Zweig and Susan Even
Mary Atkin
Brooke Atkinson
Daniel L. Babcock
Robert and Coke Leigh Blake
Susan Block
Elizabeth and Benjamin Bozicevic
Jean Cody
Donald and Janet Beets Charitable Fund
Brendan Donelon
Gene and Rose Doty
Kay and Leo Drey
David Durham
Linda and Joel Eissenberg
Christopher Elliott and Tom Saggio
Carl Eschbacher
David and Susan Everson
Hannah Fenley
Linda Fried
Alison Gee and Mary Sue Rosenthal
Barbara Geller
Mondi Ghasedi
Laura Griesedieck
Tom Hansen
Robert Harding
Matthew Harris
Jo Hoffman
Thomas Hungerford
C. J. Janovy
Robert Lewis
James and Judith McKelvey
Mary Kay McPhee and Bill Pfeiffer
Julie Nelson Meers and Sam Meers
Bradley Minton
Thomas Moran
Jana and Robert Norton
Gyo Obata
Byron Pelt and Sean Elliott
Patricia and James Perry
Mark Rachel
Mark Rodabaugh
Scott Rosenblum
Erick Rudiak
Nancy Russell
Diane and Raymond Rymph
John Schiffman
Steven Schmitt
Salvador Sedita
Kip and Barbara Seely
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shepard
Stephen Skrainka
Judith Stallmann
Yale Stewart
Steven and Nan Streen
John H.K. Sweet and John Forti
Pearl Walker
Thomas Wendel
Phillip Zinser and Robert Frausto
Ian Aberbach and Beth Shoyer
Joan Adam
Azra Ahmad and Asif Habib
Fazeel Ahmed
Alan Akerson
Logan Alexander
Robert Alexander
Douglas Allen
James Allen
Dr. and Mrs. William Allen
Robert Alter
D. Anderson
Wayne Anderson
Robert Anesi and Jose Garza
Randy S. Anglen, P.C.
Donald Annen
Susan Frelich Appleton and Robert Appleton
Janet Archer
William Atkinson
Jack Bader
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Baernstein
Sonya Bahar
Keith Bakeman
Joseph Balmer
Doug and Laurel Baltz
David and Dee Ban
Gail Bank
Sasha Banks
Sally Barhydt
Val Barlow
Harper Barnes and Roseann Weiss
Elaine and Roger Barnhill
Rickey Bass
Bahar Bastani
Sandra Basu
Jack Batten
Marilyn and Cornelia Beabout
Michael Beatty
Melvin Becraft
David and Anne-Elizabeth Beebe
Thomas Beekman-Durphy
Yusaf and Zarin Beg
James Bell
Irvin Belzer and Sue McCord-Belzer
David Berland
Claude Bernard
Ed Berry
Mary Bischoff and John Kaiser
Robert and Paulette Bliss
Fred Blumenthal and Patricia Powers
Audrey Bockelman
Christopher Bocklage
Diane Booth and Jeanne Sebaugh
Steven Bott and Tim Stanfield
John Bower
James Bowers
Anne Brackett
Marsha Brady
David Braun and Paula McSteen
W. Brazelton
Michael Breen
Rachel Brekhus
Noah Briles
Tom Brooks
Bart Brown
David Brown and Cheryl Green
Janet P. Brown
Jeffrey Brown
Jerry Brown
R. Brumley
David and Kathy Brunts
Jerard Buback and Elliot Davis
Robert Bubb
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Bukstein
Daniel and Genie Burke
Diane Burkholder
Cathleen Burnett
Carla Burris
Aaron Bush
Jim Butler and Nancy Hamilton
Brad Cameron
Gary Campbell
Sara Campbell
Ann Canale
Eugene Caples
Virginia Carter
Alan Charlson
Chun-cheng Chen
Robert Cimasi
Anne Clare
David Clark
Linda Cleveland
Paul and Peggy Cochran
Pamela Coffin
John Coffman and Kathryn Nelson
Violet Cogswell
Bernard Colton
Marion Commerford
Community Acupuncture of St. Louis
Elizabeth Concannon
Jeanne Cooper
Timothy Cooper
Corley and Christiansen, LLC
Rita Counts
Covene, LLC
Mike Cowan
Kelley Cramm
Lois Crouse and Bob Moss
Michael Cuipa and Anthony Jones
JoAnna Dale
Mary Dale-Banister and Brian Banister
John David
Susan Davis
Richard and Eleanor Dawson
Patrick Dawson
Rita Days
Liz and Victor De Simone
Carol Deakyne
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Dechazal
Margaret Decker
Thomas Dee
Ubeydullah Deligonul
Sue Dellbringge
David Dempsher
Diana Devore and H. C. Hogue
Elisabeth and Marc Diamond
John Dill
Michael Diringer
Dennis and Deborah Doerfler
William Alan Donius and Jay Perez
Tom Doran
Amos Doston
Grant Doty and Pamela Owens
Ralph Doty
David Doyle
Ruth Doyle
Brian Dozier*
Jill and Harold Draper
Katherine W. Drescher
Eileen Dreyer
James Lee Dunlap
Matthew Van Dyke
Alan Easton
Bill Echols
Anthony Eckert
Rebecca Ehrich and Robert Kemper
Nancy Eisenschiml and
Michael Taterka
Edward Eisenstein
Charles and Karen Elbert
Victor Ellman
Elliot Elson
William Emery
John Englemeyer
Noel English
R. Thomas Epps
Steven Epstein
Jon and Avis Erickson
Jesse Estes
Joset Etzel and John Smith
Alex Fak
Laurie and William Falk
Friends (continued)
Justin Fay
James and Cynthia Felts
Kristin Ferrer
Joseph Fessler
Mary Ellen Finch
Howard Finley
Scott and Miranda Finnerty
Emily Firebaugh
Suzanne Fischer
Alan Fleischer
Fred Fowler
Rhonda Francis and Dwight Frizzell
Bruce Frank
Gail and Ted Frapolli
Bradley Fratello and Douglas Moore
Frankie M. Freeman
Sharon Frey
Carl Frieden
M. W. and Jessica Friedlander
Marilyn Friedman
Simon Friedman
Maureen Fuller
Ted Funkhouser
Kathleen Garcia
Joseph Geist
Randall Gelarden
Sherman and Catherine George
Deborah J. Gersell and
Keith H. Fulling
David Gervais
Donald Giffin
Robert Gifford
John Gilgun
Michael Gillgannon
Susan Gilmore
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilmour
Janice Gitt
Andrew Glassberg
Joel Glassman
Merle Goehring
Paul Gold
Steven Goldberg
Margaret Golden
Rebecca Goldstein
Wayne and Jane Goode
David and Patricia Goodwin
Michael Gordon
John Gradwohl
Charlene Graham
Kenneth Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Granberry
Ralleigh Grandberry
Ruth Grant
Marty Grantham
John Greaves
Donald Green
Julie Greenspoon-Kelly
Reva and John Griffith
Grossman Law Firm
Steven Groves
Werner and Inge Grunbaum
William Guerri
Carl Gum
Nila Gupta
Brittany Hagedorn
Kenneth Hahn
Jeffress Hailand
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Hakan
Kathleen Hall
Claire Halpern and Michael
Robert Hamilton
Shirley Hamra
Karen Handelman
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Handler
Nathan Handler
John Handly
William Hankins and Marcia Johnson
Hollis Hanover
Wayne Hardwick
Clarence and Janet Harmon
Rodney Harrington
Harold and Mary Harris
Lona and Neil Harris
Paul and Martha Harris
Rita Harris
L. D. and Marilyn Harsin
R. Hartley
Arthur and Ellen Hartz
Jeff Hartz
Neal Harwood
Aiman Hawasli
Pamela Hays
Jordan and Connie Heiman
James Henderson
Bob and Kathryn Herman
Robert Herman
Rita Hertenstein
Richard Heuermann
Dorothy Hiatt
Joe and Cathy Hiersteiner
Lynn Higgins
Edward Hill
Harry Hinchey
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hirsch
Marian Parks Hjelmfelt
Carl Hoagland and Joan Bray
Mark Hoagland
Arthur and Gayla Hoffman
Sharon and John Hoffman
Thomas Hohn
Will Holcomb
Mark and Margaret Holly
Alfred and Marilyn Holtzer
Edwin Hood
Robert Hooper
Channing and Louise Horner
Raymond Howard
David Hughes
James and Doreen Hulsey
Gayle Hurst
Anne Hutcherson
Corwin Hutchison
Caleb Hyde
Ted Isaac
Andrea Jackson
James Jackson
Sue Ward Jackson
Deborah Jacobs and Michael
Joe Jacobson
Raj Jain
Norman and Wilma Jamieson
Thomas Johns
David Jones
Jack and Susan Jones
Maureen Jordan
Ursula Jostedt
Thomas Joyce
Emma Kafalenos
Mark Kalk and Mark Lammert
Jim Karll
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Karsh
Margean Kastner
Margaret Katranides
Joe Katrosh
Lilli Kautsky
Philip Keegan
Dr. Chad Keller
Joan Kersting and Jeff Gauch
Billy Kiefer
James Kimmey
Deedee King
James Kingery
Constance Kingsley
John Kissel
Hilary and Samuel Klein
Nancy and Robert Klepper
Daniel and Seena Kohl
Margaret Kolm
Kimberly Kopff and Sherrill Wayland
Sandor Korein
Stuart Kornfeld
William Kountz, Jr.
Kovar Law Firm, LLC
David Krausch
Aaron and Natalie Krawitz
Jim Kreider
Mary F. Kriegshauser
Michael Kriz
Ronald and Ann Krone
Charlotte Kullman
John and Aline Kultgen
John Kurtz
Steven Kymes
Don Lake
Laurie Lakebrink
Thomas Lamb
Jim and Kathy Lamprecht
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Langsam
Constance Larson
Allen Lavoie
Lawyers for Equality
Ruth and Frederic Lee
Alan and Alan Lemley
Julie Lenhausen
Dan Lestourgeon
James Lestrud
Hans Levi
Diane Gershman Levine and Jimmy Jenkins
J. David Levy
Robert Lewis
Marc Linit
Marilyn Lipman
William Lipscomb
Joseph Loewenstein and Lynne Tatlock
Thomas Logsdon
Keith Long
William Long
Barry Loughrige
Phoebe Love
Bruce and Lia Lowrie
Karen Lucas and Robert Barrett
Catherine Luh
David Lutz
James Lyon and Florence Reaves
Linda and Mike Lyon
William Lyon
Silvia and Laurence Madeo
Norman and Kate Madsen
Daniel Mandell and Barbara Smith-Mandell
Joseph Marcus and Margaret Olsen
Jeffrey Markway
John Martin and Kris Zapalac
Robert and Suzanne Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marx
James Mason
Audrey Mathews
Patricia Mayhew
James McVeigh
William McAllister
David G. McBride
Michael McCamley
Stanley and Sharon McCaslin
Kenneth McClain
Robert McClelland
Jerry McClure
Ted McCluskey
Layton McCoy
Barbara McDonald
John McDonald
Kerry McGrath
James McGuire
Rita McGuire
Barnet Mckee
Rus McMahan
John Meal
John Meyer
Ralph Michel
Barry and Michelle Milder
Andrea Miller
Dale Miller
Glenn Miller
Hal Miller
James Miller
Kathy Miller
Melvin Miller
Paul and Laura Miller
Robert Miller
Jared Minkoff
Missouri State Employee Charitable
Austin Mitchell
Simon Moeller and John Paul Redd
Frederic Mohr
Phil Monroe
Sharon Moore
Marjory Mordy
James and Barbara Morgan
Payton Morris
Thomas and Michi Muchisky
James Murphy
Rose-Marie Muzika
Jeanette Myers
Jennifer Nahlik
Melody Nashan
Mary Naumann
Tom Nelson
Charles Nester
Andrea Neubauer
Mark Nevelow
David and Elsa Toby Newburger
Frederick Newman and Sharon
Hugh Nichols
Carl Helge Nielsen
Elizabeth Nolan and Debi Purvis
Richard and Jeanne Norberg
Gilbert Nussbaum
Barbara Nyden
Friends (continued)
Jeannette Nyrop
Maureen O’Day and George Everding
Gerald O’Gorman
Lawrence Ollis
Sean Olson and Tim Metz
Mitchel Oltman
Henry and Ilene Ordower
Sam Orlando, Jr.
Jimie Orton
Karl Otto
Phillip and Nicole Overeem
Jeanette Mott Oxford
Paul Palone
Allen Parelman
Stephen Parker
William Parks and Sheila Greenberg
Lynn Pasley
Mike Patterson
John Patty
Robert Pauly and Roger Mountain
Pat Payton
Douglas Peden
Pedro’s Planet, Inc.
Joel Pelofsky
Gayle and Scott Peper
Robert Peterson
Gordon and Susie Philpott
Mary-Louise Pick
William Piston
Larry J. Pitts, Esq.
Patricia Plummer
George Poe
Patrick Powell
John Prange
David Prelutsky
Joseph and Elisabeth Price
Fred Prior and Linda Larson-Prior
Margaret Probert and Carol Hexem
Tyson Pruitt
Emily Rauh Pulitzer
Edward Pultz
Usman and Saima Qayyum
Humayun Quadir, M.D.
Riaz Rabbani
Mark Radmacher
Donald Ranly
John and Susan Rava
Peter Raven
Deborah Read
Lawrence Reagan
James Reed
Jim Reese
John Regnier and Sharon Schroeder
Dale A. Reichel
Kathleen Reid
Les Reid
Jeanne Reiss
Gail Reissen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Renner
Eric and Lynnette Ressner
Noah Rhee
Richard T. Bryant and Associates
Donald Richardson
David Richart
Dennis and Vivian Lee Riche
Heather Richmond
Diana Rigden
John and Linda Rimmer
Toni RinconGallardo
Ruth Rinne
James Rittenbaum
Rita Roberson
Saul and Zarah Robinson
Matlock Rogers and Nathan Randall
Charlie and Janet Rose
Jack and Renee Rosen
Marian Rosen
Joseph Rosenbloom
Jean Rosenthal
C. L. Ross
Linda and Richard Rostenberg
Hannah Rae Roth
Phil Rothermich and Mike Hayes
Sandy Rothschild
Richard Rothstein
Susan Rotroff
Jessica Royer
Sebastian and Jane Rueckert
James Rutledge
Mark and Lynn Sableman
Marc Salle
Jane Salyards
Henry Sanders
Jennifer Santee
Larry and Sandra Schaffer
Jan Schamis
Kenneth Schechtman
Jackie Schirn
Jerome Schlichter
Susie and Charles Schmelzer
Walter D. and Marie L. Schmitz
Charles Schneider
Lynn Schneider
Timothy Schoof
Mary and Steven Schoolman
Chris Schraw and Dee Werner
Andrew Schuerman and James MacDonald
Anna Marie Schumacher
Benjamin and Susan Schwartz
Howard Schwartz
Arthur Schweich
Donald Scott
Cheryl Seeger
Robert Semon and Jill Smith
Andrew Shanfeld
Mary Shapiro
John Shaw
Mary Shaw
Richard Shaw
Sydell and Lawrence Shayer
Mrs. William Sheffield
Daniel M. Shelton
Mildred Shelton
Nancy Shepherd
Diane Sher
Steven Shields
Elizabeth Shouse
Lois Shufeldt
Gary and Debby Siegel
Donald Sievert
Mark Silver
Casey and Sloane Simmons
Jerry Sims
Mary Sims
Morton Singer
Miriam Sisson
Thomas Skolak
L. Slaten
Ted and Beth Slegesky
Brian and Jane Smith
Carl Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
Marilyn and Louis Smith
Wayne and Debra Smith
Burton and Barbara Smoliar
Shelley Snyder
Myron Souris
Katie and Sid Sowder
Steven Spaner
Susan Spiegel and Stewart Halperin
Dana Spitzer
Richard and Julie Stahlhut
Jane Starling
Carol and George Stephenson
James V. and Susan S. Stepleton
Rita Stepp
John Sterrett
Douglas Stevick and Lisa D’Souza
Forest Stewart
Joseph R. Stimpfl
Judith Stix
Margaret and David Stockdale
Alan Stolfus
Daniel Stotlemeyer
Robert Strobing
Ken Stroker
Karl Stroud and David Luckes
Robert Swanger
Sharon Parker and Robert Swarm
Chandrakant and Aruna Tailor
Susan Talve
John-Stephen Taylor
Ivan Tchervenakov and Stefan Panov
Elizabeth Tegart
Jason Telford and Sonya Franklin
Audrey Telle
Mrs. W. T. Terry
Judith Lee Tharp
The Goldson Law Firm
Raphael Thomadsen
Benjamin Thomas and Troy Guzman
Victor Thomas
Colin Thornsberry
Adam Thornton
Jerome E. Thurman
Greg Tlapek
Malcolm Tobias
Nancy Tongren
Ben and Joanna Trachtenberg
Carl Train
Jodie M. Treeman
Mary Beth Tripp
Jill Truitt
R. M. Turner
Benjamin and Susan Uchitelle
Emil and Marianne Unanue
Nancy Van Dillen
Sarah Vasse
Edward Vastola
Geraldine Vernick
Beth and Eric Vernon
Steffen Vojta
James Vokac
Patty Wade
John Walbran
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Wald
George Waller
Greg Walters
James and Patricia Wamhoff
Susan Warshaw
Hank Waters
Ellen Watkins
Sandra Wattenbarger
Margaret Wayne
Marguerite Weathers
Mark Weaver
W. John Weaver
Louise and Bart Wechsler
Michael and Richelle Weisbrod
David Weiss and Bobby Sanderson
Michael Welker
Bruce Wessler
Rita and Theodore West
Edna White and Ronald Dattero
Donald White
Mr. and Mrs. James White
Walton Whittaker and Sally Whitaker
Anne and Keith Wiedenkeller
Gillian Wilcox
Robert H. and Agnes Wilcox
Sid Willens
Mark Williams
Joseph Williamson
Charles Wilson
Mary Wimp
Lee Winter
Patricia Wolff
Tink and Janet Woolsey
Stephen Wynn
Kenneth Yager
John Yanos and Julie Peterson
Eric Youngberg and Gary Krogh
James Yount
Arlene Zarembka and Zuleyma Tang-Martinez
Nick Zotos
In Memory of Mike Dodson
Judi Smith
In Memory of Rory Ellinger
In honor of Nancy Burchfield
In honor of Carol Dempsey
Ellen Rapkin
In honor of Grant Doty
Ralph R. Doty
In honor of Roger Goldman
Di Levine and Jimmy Jenkins
Mary Schoolman
In honor of Tayla Stagg
Bad Robot
In honor of the marriage of
Doug Clemens and Stephanie Harris
Arlene Zarembka & Zuleyma Tang-Martinez
In Memoriam
In Memory of Michael Brown
Hannah Blier
Beth Brookshier
Stehpanie Burchard
Laura Cayen
Sharon Forscher
Cheryl A. Mason
Leigh Murnane
Nathan Teske
Lois Crouse
Tyler Schario and Joselyn Howell
In Memory of Fred Epstein
Mary Bannister
Virginia Benson
Benjamin and Radine Borowsky
Jutta Buder
Dr. Lewis and Jean Chase
JIll and Richard Claybour
Laura Cohen
Judie Courtney
Kay and Leo Drey
Susan and Stanley Edelstein
Merle and Teresa Fischlowitz
Leonard and Judy Frankel
David Friedlander and Sheryl
M.W Friedlander and Jessica Friedlander
George and Janet Gardiner
Susan and Norman Gilbert
Margaret Gilleo and Charles Guenther
Leon and Elaine Goldberg
Gerald Greiman and Susan Carlson
Frank Hamsher and Peggy Guest
David Harris
Myrna and Arnold Hershman
Anne Hetlage
Arthur and Gayla Hoffman
Deborah Jacobs and Michael McPhears
Karen Kalish
Cheryl and Larry Katzenstein
Donald and Ann Kornblet
Joy and Denise Lieberman
Robert Loewenstein
Joseph and Carolyn Losos
Margaret Malcolm
Jerome Mandelstamm
Claire and Richard Marx
Judith Milton
Lisa Mooney
Timothy and Kara O’Leary
The Opera Theatre Family
Emily Rauh Pulitzer
John and Susan Rava
Linda Riekes and Robert Koff
Mark and Lynn Sableman
Alice Senturia
Walter and Jenny Shifrin
Ralph and Sarah Sonnenschein
Henry and Suzanne Stolar
Steven and Marilyn Teitelbaum
Benjamin and Susan Uchitelle
Marilyn Werner
Julia Ziercher
In Memory of Dorothy Miller
Sheila Greenbaum
In Memory of Rick Newhouse
Audrey and Sherry Hollander
In Memory of Brad Pierce’s father
Sheila Greenbaum and Gary Wasserman
Fred Epstein
The ACLU of Missouri mourns the loss of our former board president, national board member and dear friend, Fred Epstein, who died
September 10. A second-generation ACLU member and a long-time supporter, Fred ushered in one of the most productive periods in
our affiliate’s history when he was named board president in 1970.
During his tenure, he secured our first full-time executive director, Joyce Armstrong,
and oversaw the expansion of our legal work, which grew to include litigation with
local and national impact. He continued to shepherd the organization through its
many years of continued growth until 2006, when he retired from the board, though
not from his position as elder statesman and resource for the affiliate.
In 1978, Fred was awarded the Civil Liberties Award in recognition of his
outstanding contributions to the ACLU of Eastern Missouri.
The ACLU Board of Directors commemorated Fred’s life as a true civil libertarian
with a board resolution at their October meeting in New York City.
We miss Fred dearly, but his wise counsel, generous support and his dogged
“snap into action” philosophy will shape the work of the ACLU of Missouri for
years to come.
Fred Epstein is pictured with ACLU of
Missouri Board Member Susan Carlson,
who is the affiliate representative on the
National ACLU Board of Directors and was
present when they recognized Fred.
ACLU of Missouri Supporters
We could not do our work without many partners. They include volunteers, like board and committee members, the many legal observers coordinated with the National Lawyers Guild to attend protests and rallys throughout the region and protect First Amendment rights.
Throughout the year, interns share their time doing legal research, fielding complaint calls, tracking legislative bills, and writing content
for our website. If you are interested in volunteering, visit www.aclu-mo.org/volunteer.
Additional support has come from attorneys who have volunteered their time to work on matters with our legal staff. In the past year,
we have benefitted from the legal counsel of attorneys from Munger, Tolles & Olson, LLP; Capes, Sokol, Goodman & Sarachan, P.C.;
Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLP; Armstrong Teasdale LLP; and Chackes Carlson, LLP.
Since we do not receive government funding, we depend heavily on the generousity of our donors. You can make a tax-deductible gift
on our website at: https://www.aclu.org/secure/support-aclu-missouri. For more information about donating, call 314-652-3114.
Maggie Ellinger-Locke, with
the National Lawyers Guild,
coordinated legal observers
for protesters in Ferguson.
Pictured on the right, are
some of our 2014 summer
interns, who did legal research
and reviewed complaints.
DeSilver Society Members
Thank you to the DeSilver Society members for including the ACLU of
Missouri in their estate plans.
Anonymous (9)
Lennie and Jerry Berkowitz Family Fund
Terry Bloomberg
Tom and Michelle Blumenthal
Jeanne L. Calkins
Drs. Robert L. & Sarah C. R. Elgin
Hedy Epstein
Barbara Frommer
Mary Elizabeth Gordon
Thomas Hansen
L.D. and Marilyn Harsin
George & Caroline Helmkamp
Margaret A. Hogan
Tom Isbell
Deborah Jacobs
Norman C. and Wilma D. Jamieson
Cynthia Jenks
Shannon Lopata Kastor and Peter Kastor
Lawrence P. Katzenstein
Brent Lambi
Hans L. Levi
Joseph and Yvonne Logan
Richard McDow
Qhyrrae Michaelieu
Jeffrey A. Mittman
Louis Myers
Toya M. Nelson
Burton Newman
Aaron and Nancy Novack
Lucinda Perry and Matthew Jones
Brad Pierce and Laurie Vincent
Laurence Poisner
William and Suzanne Raney
Richard and Linda Rostenberg
Steven Schmitt
Ruth Schwartz
Joe B. Silsby, Ph.D.
Mary Steeb and Glenn Littleton
Steven and Nan Streen
William and Ann Louise Sunderland
Kaleen Tiber
Julia Ann Trotter
Robert W. Waugh and Linda Kamp Waugh
Arlene Zarembka
Become a
DeSilver Society
By including the ACLU in your will, you
can leave a legacy of liberty for generations to come. Thousands of passionate
civil libertarians have stepped forward
and expressed their most cherished
values by making a deeply meaningful
gift to the ACLU in their estate plans.
We invite you to join this special group of
ACLU supporters who have made
freedom, justice and equality their
personal legacy; please remember the
ACLU in your estate plans.
To learn more, or to take advantage of
our estate planning resources, visit
www.aclu.org/legacy or call toll-free (877)
816-470-9933 Kansas City
314-652-3114 St. Louis
454 Whittier Street
St. Louis, MO 63108